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345 Fair rent or Claire rent345 Fair rent or Claire rentLet`s start at the beginning, yeh I know its unusual with me but hey ho anything for a change!Now me being 70 plus I find it a big bit of flattery when a lass in her twenties even talks to me on x hamster so this lady, when she did just that took me by surprise, sadly her friends (and there was a lot,) went way above my limit, so before you ask, no she`s not a friend on the rodent. How-ever we regularly chat and I`ve got to know her well in the last year or so.So where to begin, she`s a medical student with a couple of years left to serve on her chosen nursing course, she lives in a shared house with other students in the expensive bit of the London Surrey border, the course she is doing, dictating where she lives, being rather specialist. However, her allowance, pay, call it what you will does not really cover high rent, and expenses, as well as food so to keep the wolf from her door she has had to become a waitress in the evenings. Now, along with studying it’s a hard life, but the light is just visible at the tunnel entrance way in the distance!Anyway, her share of the monthly rent is a quarter of the house rent plus a quarter of the power, water-rate and so on and its not easy to find and it has been known for the month to be longer than the money!Now, the house is owned by a Pakistani gent, and please don’t think I am prejudice, he could have been Irish Buddhist or Cockney, but this one is a fat and greasy article called Ghwoing!A more useless and unwholesome50 year old prat it`s hard to find in this lovely land, and he had inherited the business, of a half-dozen homes in the area, all rented out to students by the room. He inherited the lot from his father, another eastern gentleman named Ranjit Green who passed away a year or two back. Now Ghowing, collect the rent on the last week of the month, usually on a Friday, Claire, always dealing with the rents, being responsible, as she was afternoon off on a Friday. It must be said he is used to students way`s and tended to be a little less than helpful. Thus, in August last, Claire, our heroine was having a bad month, she had had a twisted ankle, the knock -on effect being a day or two off work, thus no pennies and a shortfall in her share of the rent money. Being her, she rang the office, asked for some leniency, and got…nothing for her trouble!So, by Friday she was fairly nervy, Ghowing being due to collect.The clock ticked away the hours, finally at two pm the dreaded knock came.Ghowing stood there, fat smelly and about as attractive as a sandwich in a cow pat.Each of the other students had left with her their payments in envelopes, each one he counted out on the lounge table, signing off the books until he got to hers, holding out his rancid paw, for pennies she didn’t have.Now I need to describe Claire, 5ft`8tall, chest, not huge but tasty nice arse, and legs, nicely proportioned, blond hair, sensible, [usually] and proud enough not to ask her parents for help.“I`m £100 short Mr Green, I have been ill!” he stood looking at her silently, then in a voice that was barely a whisper he hissed “oh and that would never do!”She had an inkling of his next request, a friend in the next block having warned her what he liked. “well Missy you can get packed or you can get onto your knees, a BJ is worth a few pounds, or `a while’ with me as well will cover the whole arrears, it`s your choice Missy.” Sadly, she had dreaded the options, but had expected worse. Ghowing Green being known as a sadistic bastard!Resignedly she fell to her knees, he unzipped and immediately a smell of stale pee and sweat filled her nostrils. Her stomach churned, her brain saying imagine its Eddy at least that old lad smells better, tentatively she opened her mouth, taking the stiffening and stinking tool onto her tongue, eyes tight shut she began her ministrations. Ten minutes passed, then with a grunt he filled her mouth, quantities of his seed, filling every crevice and swelling her cheeks, he grunted “swallow!” it made her heave but swallow she did “your still £70 quid light miss, so it`s up to you…” “I `spose you want to screw me is that it?” he nodded, and laughed, his fat belly rippling as he grunted “you don’t have too you can always pack!”She knew he was not k**ding, she said, “condom?” he replied, “no chance I hate them!” She stood open mouthed, screw this fat slimy git or become homeless, no contest but it was a terrible choice, traffic outside swished past in the August heat, a bluebottle, no doubt attracted through the open window to this awful smelly man, it buzzed lazily around the only sound for a few moments.In silent reply and resignation, she stood, slid her lacy black knickers down her legs and without comment bent forward over the couch back. Her eyes fixed on the television, still churning out a Sherlock Homes film, silently showing the black and white pictures since her wait for this revolting man`s visit.She felt the sweaty hands touch, then slither up her legs, flipping the skirt onto her back, fondling her bare arse, she fortunately being on the pill, mostly to control her wayward periods, at least that was safer, not 100 % but at least 90% safe, though STD`s were a risk it was true. His fingers found her wetness, and güvenilir bahis she shuddered, her body reacting to his touch, automatically as it would with any man, sadly her mind was fixated, dreaming of old Eddy up in far off Stoke who she knew wanted her, desired her, and was a better image in her mind than the fat slug that was busy fingering her clitoris now. Her body began to enjoy his caress, then she felt it, the slug, its uncut tip forcing its way into her, his fat belly on her back sweating and smelly.She felt ****d, violated, had, taken, her body just to him a piece of meat trying to keep a roof over her head. She began to tremble, her bodies automatic reaction to the invasion, automatic and traitorously her whole being grasped at the brown invader, she couldn’t help it, auto pilot had taken over, perhaps better to excite him quickly and it would soon be over. She shook her hips, anything to excite him and get it over, this violation, this intrusion, this ****, ****… ****, it felt degrading like ****, but she knew, deep down it was she who had bent herself over the old sofa, she who had dropped her own knickers, and she had swallowed this greasy bastards semen.She felt him cum, more of that grey scum filling her, him grunting, gasping and sweating. He stepped back pulled up his trousers, which she had not notice fall, signed her rent book and shouted as he departed as he went, “ANY TIME MISSY ANY TIME…” then he was gone.She cried. in a haze she wandered to the bathroom and ran a hot bath, hoping to expunge all traces of the bastard…Her rent book, now behind the clock said paid in full… She cried herself to sleep that night.For the next few days her dreams were of being ****d, it had been a long running fantasy, **** was for some reason exciting, god knew why. Memories of the fat rent collector kept flashing into her brain, flashes of him r****g her, her mind saying to forget it, but the traitorous fingers kept straying to her sex, time and again, like a lump of metal to a magnet, again and again, and yet again. Huge shuddering orgasms overtook her night after night, the image of that bloated body cramming itself into her, adding to the effect…September came and the money was ready this time, 2pm, his nock, still unwashed his whole body reeking he came in, and sat taking the four envelopes, counting each and signing off the relevant rent book, hers last, grunting all correct! Sadly, he rose, blew her a kiss and grunted “Any time Missy,” then he walked out. She was glad he had gone, spraying aerosol to mask the odour, she returned to her room relieved. It was during the first week of October she was put on short time… oh, her boss was apologetic… but it was a problem none the less.She was again short, her guts knotted as she watched the marks on the calendar get nearer to the month end.On that last Monday, in desperation she rang the office asking for “Mr Green, please” her voice trembling, the receptionist passed her over, knowing by his face he was on another student promise, just thanking her god it was not her, desperate on the end of that phone, as she too hated her boss.Ghowing Green, knew his rights, or at least his believed rights, these girls who couldn’t pay, would either pay, or surrender, or go. It was their choice!So, he cut to the chase, cutting off her excuses with a curt “what time will you be ready on Friday?” her whispered “two o`clock sir” her voice only just audible. “Right this time lets be clear, your mine for 1 hour and don’t dream of condoms, you know I don’t use them, got it?” she mumbled her assent, saying she would be ready.The phone clicked off. She knew now he would be as rough as he wanted to be and she would do just exactly as he wanted, part of her wanting to be ****d again, part of her terrified, and the rest just ashamed. On Fridays she did course work in the morning, but finished normally at 12, usually a 25minute ride home by bus would be normal and would have her indoors by one, which would allow her to be changed and ready for him by his appointed time. They say the plans of mice and men never run smoothly and on this of all Friday`s, she had to stay over for a chat with her tutor, he dithered, which lost her a half-hour, and that missed her next bus, the effect was it was just five to two when she got home. by the time she had used the toilet he was on the stairs and she had not changed yet, being still in her student nurse garb.She opened the door to him, her heart beating loud in her ears, he smiled walked in and sat self- assuredly at the table, grunting, “business first…” She fetched the envelopes, each he counted, had her initial the figures, and then he signed the books, hers he left on the table.She apologise for being still in her uniform, but he said not to worry it was “a turn on!” he then pointed to the ground at his feet and unzipped his fly. Again, that dreadful odour filled the room, she cursed as she remembered the window was not opened, she having not had time enough yet. The brown slug flopped in front of her face, he grinned and grunted that she “knew the score” and to “get on with the job!” she closed her eyes and as before it took no time to fetch him to a climax.Gagging a little she looked up into his eyes, and at a raising of his head as if to türkçe bahis say `well then?’ she swallowed it down, feeling degraded and embarrassed.He had her stand running his hands over her ward overall, feeling her shape through the thin materiel, tracing her underclothing in a way that spoke of his needs.Without more adoo he grunted “your room, and your bed…” she led him to her room still a little untidy from the morning scramble to catch the bus. He grinned then began without a word to undress her, pulling the overall up over her head.Smiling the brown fingers threw the workaday bra and knickers in a heap on the floor, his grubby didget`s sliding over her pale skin, finding and tweaking her pert nipples, slithering over her shoulders and up through her hair, she felt tainted, this grubby fat a****l of a man pawing her, touching and mauling at her, though she knew she could snap her fingers and any of her male friends on hamster would come and be happy to have her at a moment`s notice, not one would treat her like this she was sure, they would treat her like a woman, a goddess, but this greasy fat apology, well he just didn’t care, she was a cum bucket, a commodity a whore, just an accommodation paid whore!At that moment she could have screamed and run off, but she needed to finish the course, and he, this unfeeling little man, this slug, was the only landlord she could afford hereaboutsShe made up her mind to grin and bear it…or just bear it, as she doubted, she would enjoy this sexual tryst. She gritted her teeth, he placed her on her own bed he didn’t throw her, dint shove, it was just like placing a compliant doll, on her back legs akimbo, he dropped his trousers, pants and shoes, then without adoo climbed unceremoniously between her legs, spitting at her sex as a lubricant and without any foreplay, he jammed the now stiff tool into her without a hint of any tenderness or care. He began thrusting and grunting, his fat sweaty body laying over her, still in his cream coloured shirt, and his socks. Her body absorbing his rampant thrusts as only a woman`s body can, her arms near her sides fingers gripping her bedding, unable to bring herself to clasp his horrid body as she would a lover.He bent his head forward and he licked her face, not a kiss but a long-tongued lick that told her he was marking her, laying his a****listic slime on her face, saying she was his. His to use… in any way he wanted, possess her, **** her, fill her, use her…Trust, Thrust, Thrust, grunt, grunt, grunt, unfeeling, insensitive, hard, then after forever his grunts and her belly filling, then he collapsed onto her, driving her breath from her, his sandbag of a body laying like a whale on a beach, he rolled to her left onto the bed beside her his sticky tool dragging itself from her body, leaving a wet trail across her hip. Once the weight had moved, she gratefully sucked in great gulps of air.It was over, no orgasm for her today, not even that, not even a consolation prize for having excepted this horrid mans seed!Her dream it was over was quickly shattered, when he grunted, “DOGGY!”She looked at him incredulous, he nodded at her clock, grunted “I, have20 minutes yet, so up on your knees bitch!”Reluctantly she rolled over resignedly scrambling up onto her knees. He, rather nimbler than she expected was quickly at her back door, his tool to his credit, stiff once again. Jamming himself into her already wet channel, taking her shoulders in his grubby paws, and pulling her onto his probe in a hard and viciously deep thrust.So hard was it that she groaned with his intensive thrust banging deep into her, her body began to react, as he thrust and thrust again, her traitorous body beginning to rise to the deep penetration, this dark invader was managing. That feeling of being ****d still permeating her confused brain, Thrust, Thrust, Thrust, grunt, grunt, grunt, her head jerking now as each hard motion took her higher and higher, nearer and nearer the crest of the wave…She began her orgasm, an eye rolling, body twitching, breath gasping, cunt twitching high, during which he filled her once more and collapsed yet again along her back. At least here on her knees she could breathe…He withdrew, dribbles of cum dripped onto her bedspread, as she remained on her bed naked while he dressed, slipping on his shoes last, filling her book as he left the lounge, the door clattering closed as he left, not a word spoken.She returned in tears to the bathroom sitting on the toilet to drain while the hot water ran. She knew she could wash away his seed, but the stain on her heart and brain, that was another thing.She tried to get another job, students hereabouts were two a penny, all after an income, and there was nothing, so her prospect was looking bleak.Three long weeks past, still nothing, her head a mess sleep being hard, her fantasies vivid, her worries on the job front ever present, she resorted to what she called “bateing” to get her to sleep, wanking really, strumming, self-gratification. The memory of her landlord taking his pound of flesh, using her like a lump of available meat, always in her memories, strangely stimulating, her fantasy always alive and very clear.Finally, desperation overtook her she rang again, “Mr Green please…”There was no excuses güvenilir bahis siteleri this time, this time he knew instantly what she wanted, cutting her excuses short, he snapped “1 hour, 2pm, and be in better undies this time, oh and stockings , I love stockings!” the phone died, she felt like a beggar, and a cheap whore, rolled into one, she replaced the phone on its cradle , tears in her eyes as one of her flatmates entered, Joanne always the mothering type “you OK Claire? She wiped her eyes, managed a wan smile and muttered “just some bad news mate, nothing anyone can do.”She went to her room. reduced to acting like a whore, she felt hollow.She wondered what her family back in Nottingham would think, her proud mother, her sister now a nurse in Canada, though she had little to gloat about if what she confessed about her old Saturday job in the newsagents had been true… she cried herself to sleep. Friday came, sharp at 12 she was out and on the bus this time, at ten to one she unlocked the front door, a quick tidy up, make her bed, shower, change into her black set of undies, stockings, black and shear, fling on a dressing gown, open a window in the lounge and her room, keep busy. It was soon two pm.She heard the door below, she let him in, three envelopes, four rent books, he sat, smiled, counted out the cash, normality,Then he said, “look, think this over, every time now your short of some rent… let`s put this on proper basis, I get your body for 1 hour or two each month, to do whatever I want to it, and you don’t pay rent at all it`s simple. No embarrassing phone calls, just a straight and simple business deal” she looked shocked, then ever hopeful of a new job, she said, “I will think about that, it might be an answer, but I hope not as I feel like a whore now!”He laughed, and shrugging. dropping his trousers. She knew her place, and what he wanted, she knelt, and braving the whiff of stale piss, took the soft brown sausage into her mouth once more. He took off his shirt and vest, dropping the things onto a chair, his stiffness rising to the ministrations, and with a gout of seed filling her mouth once again, automatically she looked up at him so he could see her abject humiliation she swallowed it down, this time without even a slight hesitation. He helped her up, indicating she should remove the gown, which she did his face, as she did a quick twirl, a picture of contentment, especially as he removed her knickers, kneeling to allow her to step from the tiny items. Inhaling her scent and kissing her pubes almost as a lover would. Was she breaking through his gruff crust she wondered? He stood, his tool stiff under the overhang of his belly, taking her hand, leading her gently into her room.She lay on her bed, thoughtfully covered this time with a towel, without more adoo he was between her legs, spiting at her fanny, his unwashed body laying on hers, his tool sliding into her now spittle lubricated body regardless of her needs, or comfort. He began his jig once more Thrust and pig-like snuffling grunts, Thrust, again, grunt, that sound would haunt her she knew, thrust, grunt, her fingers gripping that towel, still not wanting to surround that fat slippery body, or pull him to her as a more wholesome lover.Thrust and grunt, thrust and grunt, again that horrible wet tongue under her left ear, snuffling as he wet her neck, her breath shallow but rapid, his weight pressing on her body making life difficult. She was rising to the challenge, pretending he was a more wholesome lover, one from her past perhaps, or one of the older chaps from hamster, none could be as awful as this greasy creep, though of course none could give her what this horrible man could, …accommodation!He filled her, she still nowhere near satisfied, he rolled off just as before, she drew proper breath, after a few moments once more he slapped her leg and grunted “doggy!”, perhaps now she could cum, she moved to her knees, he settling behind her, just as before, dipping his helmet in her discharging pool then removing it and relocating it to her brown star, “god…NO” not there she cried, he laughed, settling the tip into the tight ring, she begged, cried, screamed, begged, again but the slug was pushed deeper, every plea ignored, every sob as the pain of this anal invader got worse, seeming to add to his enthusiasm for this new humiliation, his fingers curling round her shoulders driving the thing inwards, her ring a ring of fire and pain, she felt her opening stretching as the thing forced its way into her bowel, surely she would tear, her mind reeling, her whole being centred on her arse, the pain, the bastard, the pain, fully engaged now he ceased to push letting her savour the felling`s to him joy, to her , well he didn’t care, she was as tight as a mouse`s ear, it was fantastic, He began intoning something in Pakistani, she had no idea what it was, as he began his strokes, tears falling, face buried in the pillow, for fear her neighbour`s would think she was being torn to pieces by some unknown burglar and would send for the police!Luckily for her, he didn’t last long, the pump, pump, pump of his seed, replaced his grunting piston like thrusts. He withdrew, hauling the semi stiff tool from her like a poker from a fire, another red-hot tearing feeling as he went, she was still sobbing quietly into the pillow as the door closed, his voice ringing round the room as he went,” Remember girl, just once a month…think about it…”Sadly, she knew she would have little choice.

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