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433 life at Mallow Manor 1433 [cc 58] life at Mallow ManorA story of life in a Wiltshire countryside manor house, during the pre ww2 period, [a continuation of the story; Taking Monty`s cherry].We take up the story a few months after Fathers departure to America, Hodges, the butler, having plucked up enough courage to ask Bessy, the cook to become his regular sleeping partner, Maycroft, having retired, to the gate cottage while still acting as advisor to the young and rather inexperienced, master Monty, who now runs the estate, his mother Muriel running the big old rambling house with the help of Hodges and a maid named Mary, who is very backward, as well as a part time gardener from the village named Mike. The two gay brothers running the business in London, keeping in touch by ringing once a week on the new telephone and not having much to do with the Manor or its folk which was mutually most acceptable.Christmas was fast approaching, life in the manor house had settled to a dull roar, Monty now had moved from the loneliness of the east wing, to Fathers old room adjoining his mothers, at the front of the house, accessing her bed via a shared bathroom, more often than not sleeping with his mother, Muriel. The once great house at its height had been staffed by a compliment of eight or more full time staff, footmen, maids and the like. Bessy, Mary and Hodges, still occupied their old rooms up in the servants area on the top floor but now most of the guests rooms were closed up, and unused only two guest bedrooms even having furniture nowadays. Thus, some semblance of ‘normal’ Manor life was presented to any visitors, not that nowadays there were many. Mary, the less than bright maid, just about managing to cope with the cleaning and the laundry, Bessy the cook on her own managing the big old kitchen. Two women from the village boosting the staff as cleaners and scullery maids, very much on a part time basis on weekdays. there being little work in the village`s, there are always plenty of eager hands to supplement their meagre family incomes.The demands of just living rather had overtaken the place, oh the son was sleeping with his mother that was no secret, though it had become very vanilla of late. the Butler and the Cook were now sleeping together, most happily, though it was early days yet and this too had been very vanilla from the start. Bessy the cook though she was enjoying Hodges as a partner, still had an itch that needed scratching, and she knew in her heart that if she pushed her man, he would `run a mile!` She confided as much to Muriel, over afternoon tea at their weekly ‘get togethers’ now on Tuesdays and also Thursday afternoons, the two mutual moment`s each week when the women chatted as women, not as employer and her cook. Muriel, said, “she would give it thought,” she had recently stopped using Hodges herself, confining herself to her son and leaving him to Bessy, so she knew his ways and sexual joys, from the period when he had `filled the gap’ for her, so to speak after her husband had announced he was gay! She knew Bessy was in need of some bondage and spanking games, it was her thing, but she knew as Bessy herself instinctively knew, bartın escort that the little butler was not the man to use any lady so brutally. She had said that she too one day would try bondage, and perhaps more, perhaps now was the time… she needed to think.It was after tea when her son was sat with her in front of the drawing room fire, that she raised the subject with him of bondage. Asking if he enjoyed securing and strapping the cook, a big lady, and if he wanted to continue with the play occasionally? His answer that “he indeed had found it most stimulating and a turn on, but had not mentioned it as he felt Bessy was happy with Hodges, now,” explaining it was not fair on him, and that, “I had also waited for you mother, to raise the subject in respect of yourself, as I didn’t wish to be pushy in that regard”.She in turn said that, “Hodges, may be a good stud, but he`s not the sort to inflict pain on anyone, and Bessy doesn’t wish to frighten him off, in fact she has said, as a couple, its early days yet, though she`s hopeful he will ask for her hand soon!” he smiled, then said, “yes well I have been thinking about that, it`s obvious they are in love, and my old rooms over in the east wing would make better accommodation for them as a couple, in fact if we moved Mary into one of the lower rooms too it would allow us to save coal heating upstairs in those rather Spartan old staff rooms, that would save us a fortune, as well as giving the staff the bonus of much better rooms.”Muriel, thought this a wonderful idea, and agreed to check it out and then tell the staff next day. Then having allowed the fire to die a little, hand in hand they wandered off to bed together.Next day, after the young estate manager had wandered off to his office at home farm, she sent for Hodges knowing the next conversation may need some careful handling. She had him fetch coffee and sat him down with a cup in the drawing room to chat. It was obvious he was a little ill at ease so she reassured him then said, “how are things with Bessy, she`s my friend as well as my cook, and as my ex-lover I feel I need to put you a little more in the picture.”At the very mention of the cooks name he brightened. He said rather humbly, “she was lovely,” explained that he “really cared for her more than he had for any woman, but there was something, something he couldn’t put his finger on, that was holding her back. He sensed it when they were sharing a bed and he would love to iron out any problems between them.” Her reply, that she knew! Threw him a little, but he said nothing and waited for her to find the words. “look,” Muriel, always started with look if it was important, “look, I will tell you and I will present you with a solution but it will mean a sacrifice on your part and some radical changes, for both you and I especially. In deference to Bessy. We haven’t shared a bed since you and Bessy were together, and my son either, he has not laid with her, though he enjoyed doing so. You see Bessy has a problem, Bessy`s husband taught her to enjoy pain and bondage.” She paused letting her words permeate, his jaw had dropped open, she began again, “she, now and then, would love a lover escort bartın to… well, dominate her, to secure her and give her some pain, within reason, but she didn’t want to raise the subject with you, as she felt, you being a man of sensibilities, you may hate her for it and you may not ask for her hand in marriage which by the way is her greatest wish…” His jaw shut and opened like a fish out of water, then almost tearfully he said , “but madam, I`ve spent my whole life avoiding bringing upset to ladies, I couldn’t bring myself to giving the one I love most any pain or suffering… whatever shall I do, all my hopes are rather dashed with that revelation.” He looked sad, sitting there with cup in hand and near to tears. She leant forward, took the fine bone china coffee cup gently from his hand, his grip threatening to crush the fine piece, and said, “I do have a solution, as it happens, but first, did you enjoy sex with me, not as your duty, but as a lover?” bemused he said that, “it had started as a duty, that’s true, but you were soon one of the highlights of my world, until I had Bessy, who I now adore.” She explained that her son too loved Bessy but in a different way, Bessy had introduced him to bondage and domination, and he loved that,” adding as an aside, “but so far I haven’t had the strength of character to allow him to use me that way, and I may never do so I have to say, I should need to be in a state of massive sexual excitement for that.” There was a silence that said a lot, then she said, “How about this then, perhaps if you can bring yourself to swap, Bessy could give herself to my son… say perhaps once a month, for the night, and you share my bed that same night, that’s of course if you could bear to allow her to be used like that, and to swap her charms for mine.” She smiled then added, “and you still want me as well of course… oh I know, its unconventional, but we are isolated out here and what we do between us here, is well… our business and no one else`s.”She rose to her feet, told him to come with her, and together they mounted the stairs, and went round to the East wing, here she led him to what was at one time Monty`s room, saying, “when Bessy agrees to marry you, which I have no doubt she will, you can move into this suit, it is a well-appointed room, complete with four poster, and nice furnishings as you can see, it has adjoining bathroom, which is shared with the second guest bedroom which you may also use as your own sitting room, how does that sound? “ she paused, then added, “Much as I would like too, I can`t afford to give my staff a raise, so this is the best I can offer you.” he was speechless, then collecting his wits he said, to her surprise, “Mary, what about Mary, she`s nervous of the dark now, but up there on her own…”Touched at his thought for the rather backwards maid, she said, “well perhaps you can pick her a room on this floor too, she`s a good hard-working girl and deserves some luxury, lord knows she has little enough enjoyment in life.” They picked a room, as it happened a slightly smaller one, next to their ‘sitting room to be’. She told Hodges to use Mike the gardener and to move around any of bartın escort bayan the furnishings from the redundant rooms to ready your new accommodation and to have another room sorted for any guests we may have, but not till you have Bettys hand mind.” She asked if that was acceptable for them, both in accommodation and the other matter and he gushed profusely his thanks and his agreement. Then leaving him to tell Mary and Bessy… and no doubt pop the question, off she went with a smile.Within 24 hours the engagement was announced!The wedding was a quiet affair in the village church, it being mid-December it was a bright spot in the long grey winter days.They honey-mooned in Brighton, their wedding present a long weekend at the estates expense, one of the women from the village, doing the cooking in Bessy`s absence, and very basic fare it was too, so much so, the cooks return was a point of rejoicing. They had a lovely Christmas too, Things then settled, to what passes for normality in Wiltshire, January being grey and miserable. Sex had not reared its head for a while, oh Monty was tupping his mother still and the newly weds too, enjoying themselves immensely but nothing untowards had happened so far.It was in the drawing room in front of a good log fire that the two women, sat for their afternoon tea one dreary Tuesday, Bessy had baked some particularly succulent apple turnovers and they being Muriel`s favourites the afternoon was brightened considerably.The conversation wandered as women`s chat does, Bessy passing on odd snippets she had heard from the part time village ladies. One juicy bit being that the gardener, Mike, now his mother had passed on, had been drunk on the Saturday night at ‘the rising sun’ and had let slip that he had a thing about our Mary! By Bessy`s reckoning it was a perfect opportunity for the lass, and she could well make the lonely chap a good faithful, if a little slow, wife. They each indulged themselves with another of the tasty turnovers, then Muriel, asked how things where with her and Hodges, the report was good, they had settled into the new quarters well and there had been little to upset the situation between them, oh a few minor squabbles that we all have from time to time, but nothing that a kiss and a cuddle wouldn’t put right. Bessy however seemed to be holding back a little, so Muriel, said, “how are things otherwise my dear, Monty I think wants to enjoy your ‘rather specialist’ charms, though he is just too polite to mention it to you now your married, and doesn’t want to upset me, not that it would!” Bessy hesitated a second then said, “yes well Barry, told me of your offer, he needs reminding, I know he wants to watch sometime, and he wants to have you again too, so, tonight, I shall have to ask him, when… On the Thursday, again in the afternoon tea period, Bessy said “Could they have a ‘swap’ on Saturday evening next, after supper if that was acceptable.” It was most acceptable, and a time was set for 8 pm. The cook then added that “Barry”, (for this you will note she used Hodges first name,) “Barry would deem it an honour if he and madam could be at least spectators, if madam would so wish.” That was received with a smile and a nod, the mistress then suggesting that on these nights only they each used Christian names, as it might remove any last barriers between them. The scene was set. Whatever would happen, well perhaps we shall see in part 2.

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