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This view was shitty.

I couldn’t really expect too much, considering I was waiting in my car in a parking garage of all places. I mean, you’re only really suppose to be there for mere minutes; there’s no point in trying to make the view interesting or pleasing to the eye.

But I would really like something else to look at than a crumbling old building.

Sure there were other spots I could have picked so I could look out at the city, but I was in a rush, and didn’t think about the potential view I could have during lunch time. Normally I was in the break room cracking jokes with my work buddies, and bullshitting about whatever project we were working on. But today I was having a special treat, and it wasn’t the delicious chocolate covered pretzel I was currently munching.

Amber in a happy coincidence worked just close enough to my building that she would be able to meet up during her lunch time, which in another lucky happenstance managed to be the same amount of time as mine. I could literally text her about five minutes before my lunch started, and five minutes on the dot she would meet me in my car, face beaming and hands on her hips expectantly waiting. I wondered how far exactly did she work that she was able to get to me so quickly?

This time was a little different though. I texted her ahead of time, knowing that I was going to have a stressful day and a wank in the basement wasn’t going to do it for me. These peculiar French clients were very particular about some nonsense program, and were up our asses about it the minute their Gaulish mugs sneered into our faces. We wanted to slap them right back to Toulon where they came from. It was really jarring too, because the meanest one was some tall blonde in glasses, who made even my boss shrink back, and this was a guy who’s been in the business for some 20 odd years.

I fantasized about slapping her across the face during one of her little tirades, and pushing her over a desk flipping up her black skirt and ripping off her underwear. I was getting hard thinking about how I’d push deep into her neatly shaved pussy, screaming and babbling in French as I held her head down against a keyboard, the screen showing nonsense as her head slammed into the keys. I’d finish in her mouth forcing her to swallow my load, smacking my hard length against her face. I’d clean up my cock with her blonde hair, her eyes glaring at me as I zipped up and walked away whistling Dixie. But it was a just a fantasy.

I sighed impatiently, looking at my cell phone for the fourth time. No texts yet. I took a quick gulp of some sparking water before thinking back to the messages I sent her. I gave her the floor I’d be on, and my tinted red Tundra stuck out like a sore thumb among the sedans and family cars. She laughed when she saw my truck during our first lunchtime session.

“It’s so big and red just like you,” she jabbed at me with humor in her eyes.

I chuckled out loud at the memory. I fucked her good and hard in the backseat, the cabin barely containing her unabated cries of ecstasy. I just meant to get a blow job, but when I saw her in her tight medical scrubs I just got so hot I pulled her pants down and started to eat her out. She had tried to push me off, saying something about how she would smell around her work and the patients. But eventually she gave in to to the pleasure, hands gripping my head tightly as I got her off.

If it’s one thing I learned about Amber you make her cum once, you got to get her off another time before she can calm down. On went the condom, and we rutted like bunnies as I slammed her against my seat to another screaming orgasm. Of course she was right about the smell, because I just pulled my dick through my front zipper as I fucked her, her juices splattering everywhere. I sheepishly walked past some of my co workers, a suspicious wet spot on the front of my khakis.

I still remember my cubicle mate Toby’s looks of confusion as he pondered why it smelled like sex in the office that day.

I checked my cell phone again, a slightly frustrated sigh leaving my mouth. She still wasn’t here yet. Truth be told, it was only a few minutes past our meeting time, and I got to my car earlier than expected. Perhaps she was hung up with whatever she was doing at her job, or perhaps traffic was being testy today. I’ve been spoiled by our last few car sessions with her timeliness, and in fact I was often late to meeting up with her. It wouldn’t hurt to wait a little long before texting her.

A knocking at my window shook me from my thoughts. I looked over to see my beautiful goddess, smiling wildly and just a little out of breath. She’s finally here. I laughed, leaning against the head rest as I relaxed. I always startled easily with loud noises and whatnot. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a problem if I didn’t day dream so much. She rapped against the window again, an impatient look on her face. Damn it I did it again. I unlocked the door with an apologetic look, and she climbed in brushing her loose hair alsancak escort bayan behind her ears.

“Hey baby,” she said, leaning over and giving me a light peck on the cheeks. We decided in the first car session that we would keep it mildly cordial until we handled payment before really going at it. It was hard though, to keep ourselves back from attacking each other the minute we were in the same space.

“What’s good homie,” I replied back. She shook her head and shot me a stern look. I liked to talk like a teenager, and despite some of the very obscene things that Amber said when we fucked she was very much a grammar Nazi. She was even worse than the headmistress at my school, chiding me when I said something incorrectly or used improper sentence structure.

“I am doing fine today Malcolm,” her irritated look slightly fading away. She knew by now I talked like that to mess with her, but I guess she wasn’t in the mood today to school me. I was mildly disappointed, I really had fun bickering with her.

“How about you,” she softly asked. She had caught her breath back, and seemed to have settled down from her frenzied journey.

“I’m okay. Well shitty really.” I said with a frown, thinking back to the French fuckers.

“Difficult clients I guess?”

“You know me so well Am-bar,” I replied. Most of the time work was pretty swell and I made sure to get along with most of my co-workers. It wasn’t the actual work that got me really stressed out, but dealing with picky buyers who half the time happened to be scummy people. And I’m talking the bottom of the barrel sort of people.

“Just these particular foreign clients,” I continued. “They just want so much done in a short time span and for a lower price point.”I quietly seethed, the anger boiling in my stomach. “I’m gonna go insane.” I went on a rant for a good couple minutes, venting about their dis respectfulness and how they treated one of the techs like garbage for messing up the font of all things. I hated when my co-workers got chewed out for something that could be fixed in mere seconds.

She clucked her tongue, her hand shooting out to stroke my head as I finished talking. I melted into her hand, my eyes closing as her delicate touch calmed me down.

“It’s okay baby,” she said catching my eyes with a reassuring smile. I felt the anger completely disappear and I smiled back. “You’re almost done work today anyway.”

“That is true,” I said nodding my head.

“How is your day going, I noticed I actually beat you here.” I said with a grin.

She let out an exasperated sigh, as if my question had brought her back to whatever was causing her stress.

“It was smooth right until the last patient,” she said her right eye twitching. That was one of her tell tale ticks, in particular the one when she was angry and trying to contain herself. “Unlike your foreigner, this one was American,” she said distastefully.

I chuckled and then I listened to her speak cryptically about the patient. I knew she was some sort of medical assistant, but I didn’t know if it she was either a dentist or private doctor’s office. I had revealed much of my private life to her, and I felt like I could completely trust her with the knowledge. Hell, we were sitting in my job’s parking garage this very minute.

On the other hand I found she was very reticent in revealing herself to me, details of her life and such. I didn’t hold it against her though, I mean we were very comfortable with each other, and intimate in many other ways. I mean, even with my group of friends there were some things I didn’t know about them even after practically a decade. I didn’t expect much more out of Amber, nor would I ever ask her to.

But still I was curious about her life, how she was growing up and if she had any family left. I never went back to her apartment after our first session, either meeting in my car or at my loft. Thinking back now I don’t remember seeing any pictures, even of her. Maybe she took them down when she had guys over. Or maybe she didn’t have any she wanted to look at.

A touch on my thigh brought me back to the present. She was smiling seductively, and her fingers were running from my knee up to my groin. She had gotten closer to me, her breasts brushing against my arm as she leaned over to my ear.

“How about we just forget about our stressful day for right now Malcolm,” she said with a lusty undertone.

I shuddered as she took my earlobe in, sucking softly.

“I mean that’s what we’re both here for right, to forget about our problems and just enjoy each other?” her hand was over my crotch, and she squeezed the growing bulge.

“Y-yeah definitely.” I could never talk right when she did that.

I reached into my pocket, pulling out my money clip. I always wanted to handle billing first before we did anything, whereas Amber wanted to jump right in and handle the money later. I don’t know if it was to keep the mood going or something alsancak escort like that, but personally I liked to just get it done. It was easier, I could forget about the fact that I was paying her for this and just go on my merry way.

“Here we g-ohhh shit.” I said shocked.

“What’s wrong,” she said pulling back from my ear, her eyes darting around. Although we didn’t have a problem with our car sessions, we both had a distinct desire to not be caught by the police for public sex charges in the middle of our work day. I’m pretty sure we’d both be put out by our employers, and plus it’d be even worse it the cops discerned that I was paying for the sex.

That wasn’t the problem in this case though, it was actually a monetary issue.

I had forgotten my debit card at home like a dummy, still sitting on my computer desk. I brought it out to buy some stuff online and I absentmindedly left it there, reminding myself that I would put it back later. Of course, I had forgotten my lunch at home today as well, so I had to use the cash that I had on hand to buy it. My friend Michael also forgot his lunch, so I bummed him a couple bucks too. All of this led to me being short on my payment for Amber, the only reason I was carrying cash in the first place.

I sigh, and look back to her anxious face. I sadly smiled at her.

“Damn it, I don’t have enough for the session,” I said down trodden. After the first time in the car, we settled on an all inclusive $100 rate for lunch time, whether it took 10 minutes or 45. Often we ended up fucking around closer to the hour mark when we met up, and after quick smooches we rushed back to work.

I’m so pissed at myself. How could I forget about such a simple thing? I mean I literally passed my bank on my way to work every day, it wouldn’t have been an issue to get some extra cash after I realized I left my lunch on the counter. Hell if I had my debit card in the first place too I wouldn’t be stuck in this pickle. Now I have to go back to work, bitterly angry and balls undrained. I was not going to be a happy camper the rest of the shift.

To my utter surprise, she laughed, holding her chest in relief.

“I thought it was something like the cops or security,” she said with a carefree smile.

“No, none of that thank God,” I said taking a look around to reassure myself.

“I just fucked up and don’t have enough cash on me for the session,” I said despondently.

“Well, we have some time, can’t you just use an ATM or something?”

“That’s the rub babycakes,” pausing to listen to her giggle. I adored her laugh. She laughed so hard the first time I called her that.

“I left my debit card at home. And the nearest bank is too far for me to go and pull cash out.” I continued to explain. I have thousands of dollars in my bank accounts, but they mean shit when I can’t use them when I want to. It was beyond frustrating, hell it was fucking embarrassing.

“Oh,” she merely said back. Her eyebrows were scrunched up as if understanding why I was so stressed.

I wasn’t going to ask her to do the session for the cash I had on hand, a mere $63. It was chump change, street whores I picked up in my early days would take that. I still shudder thinking about the risk I put myself through in dealing with those girls. You never realize the danger you’re in sometimes until it passes and you really think about it.

“Listen, I know you went through a lot just to get here,” I said to her. Her eyes quirked up questioningly.

I handed her the money and smiled again.

“Just take this and you can go back to work if you want.” I scratch my head hard in irritation. I felt bad that she took the time to come here, even rush through her work so she could make it. I didn’t want her to leave empty handed.

She tried to immediately hand the money back, but I kept my hands closed and refused to look at it.

“Why would I take your money,” she spat out with annoyance, “We didn’t even do anything.”

You gotta love integrity like that. I want her to take the money even more now.

“I know, but we agreed on $100 for the session, and I don’t have it all and I can’t get it all in time.” I explained. “I mean I can’t expect you to do the session for way less than we normally do it.”

She opened her mouth as if to protest, but I cut her off.

“Listen just don’t worry about it. I’ll just catch you another time. With the full amount of course.” I said forcing another smile on my face. I feel so low right now, first dealing with these shitty people and the crummy workload, and now I couldn’t even enjoy my time with Amber. I wanna punch myself in the face for being so stupid and careless.

But she still didn’t move though, in fact she was staring at me with a hard look. I didn’t know what she was thinking at the moment. Maybe she thought I was testing her or some bizarre shit like that. Or perhaps I was playing a practical joke on her, and I’d pull out some more cash. Perhaps escort alsancak she was just wondering if I was really serious in just giving her the money.

“Are you really serious,” she said unbelieving.

I chuckled ruefully, letting out a strained sigh.

“Yup, you can take it, I mean it was meant for you. Most of it that is.” I run my hand through my hair, trying to smooth away the frustration I feel in my head.

She looks at me strangely, and then nods her head, putting it away in her handbag. I expected her to say her goodbyes then and leave me alone to my mournful thoughts, but she put her handbag on the floor, and climbed into the backseat, a beckoning smile on her face. Now I’m confused.

“Uh, I thought you were gonna go,” I said questioningly.

“Did I say I was going to leave?” she said, stretching her arms out, cracking the bones in her arms. She patted the empty seat next to her.

I was baffled at what was happening, but mindlessly I followed her command, and carefully climbed into the back, making sure not to step on her or anything like that. As I sat, I noticed doting eyes focused on the front of my slacks. For a moment, they even appeared to be filled with hunger.

“Tell you what,” she said, reaching over and rubbing against my cock. I gasped as she groped me over my slacks, quickly creating a bulge. “Since you’ve been having such a horrible day, I will do a one time fee of $63 for a hand job.”

She scoots closer to me, and unzips my slacks, pulling out my hard cock, stroking it lightly between her soft fingers. I moan loudly, grinding my teeth together. Damn everything she does feels nice.

“How does that sound to you baby,” she says, her lips brushing against my ear again.

“It sounds good,” I whisper, lost in her hands. She giggles and takes a lick of my ear before pulling back to look at my cock as she works it.

“Excellent. I knew you’d go for it.” She gives me a saucy wink and a smile. She drives me crazy.

She was stroking my cock at first with a loose grip, but then she let go and started to run her fingers around me in a spiral from my base to my very tip. It was slow and deliberate and it made me hard as a fucking rock. I started to thrust with hips, trying to get her to stroke me again, but she made that goddamn tsking noise and pulled away.

“Don’t rush me baby,” she said scolding me with that devious smile on her face. “You’ll come all in due time.” God she knows how to get to me.

Her hand reaches into my front pocket again, and she’s pulled out my hefty balls. Her other hand goes to lightly run her fingernails on them, dragging the sharp edges slowly. My legs tense up at the amazing sensation, and I groan out in anticipation. I’m so aroused right now, and my skin is breaking out in goosebumps.

I can’t wait until she actually starts to beat me off, I think I’ll cum in seconds. Hopefully I don’t shoot off onto her scrubs, I don’t know if she carries a spare uniform. I get turned on imagining her trying to get to a bathroom and wash my cum off her clothes before she goes back to work, the dry white streaks all across her chest.

She’s stopped spiraling around my cock at this point, focusing just on grazing my balls with her nails. Her free hand rises up and cups my chin to face her, and her smile captivates me. She leans in and takes my lips, kissing me deeply. I wrap one hand around the back of her head, pulling her closer as I invade her mouth with my tongue. I reach down and pull her into my lap, so I can get a better grip on her ass. She purrs as I squeeze with my usual forcefulness, and I moan back as she starts to stroke me off again with her hand.

It feels great, even better that I thought it would. I normally crack jokes about hand jobs, and how one might as well just do it themselves. I mean if someone’s going to have sex I would banter, might as well go out all. But that puts sex into too much of a black and white quandary. The truth was, when you were with someone you liked, something as simple as an old fashion felt amazing. And I’d rather have a mind blowing hand job than a lousy fuck.

“I’m a little sad we can’t do anything else baby,” she said, with wishful lust in her eyes.

“Me too, but I can’t complain too much.” I sneak a little kiss from her.

“It still feels fucking amazing. God you’re just amazing.” I babbled out.

She blushed at my compliment, and then leaned in to kiss me deeply.

And that was the case with her, my mousy goddess sitting in my lap. She could make this hand job the most incredible thing in the world. She was still consuming my lips as she stroked my long hard cock with both hands. They barely fit around me, and I stopped kissing her for a second so I could get a good look at her work. Her hands were squeezing me just right so it wasn’t too tight, but loose enough that she could glide over easily and quickly. I moaned into her neck as one hand shifted down to massage my balls again.

“Oh babe, this is just what I needed,” I moaned nuzzling her neck, my hands reaching down to grope her ass as she continued to stroke me off. She groaned back and rested her chin on my shoulder as she slowed down a bit, resting her wrists. Good thing she did that, if she kept that pace going I’ve would’ve unloaded all over us.

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