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A new professionI have been a practicing physician for quite a few years, so when I meant with my financial advisor in the spring, he advised me that I had reached my goals, that meant I could retire if I wanted to. The following morning I turned in my two weeks resignation letter, then began to look to see what I needed or wanted to do next. I was so surprised to be contacted by my old university to see if I’d be interested in teaching some classes. Since they had contacted me, I called a real estate agent to list my home, I was again surprised to have her call me back that day and say she had some people who wanted to look at the house. Three offers were made the next morning, all for more then the asking price. I accepted the one that was cash, no financing – then called the movers, arranging to have everything packed and stored until I found a new place. I have two vehicles, a truck and a SUV, both fairly new and low mileage. I rented a tow device so I could drive the truck and pull the SUV to my job interview approximately 5 hours away from where I had lived and practiced. When I had attended here as a student, one of the prime locations was not far from the university, larger homes, in most cases extremely nice. I had arrived in town, checked into a motel for a couple of days, then grabbed a bite to eat, while looking around this area. One well maintained home stood out and was for sale. Bringing it up on my laptop, I realized the market here was much better priced then the one I had been living in, contacting the agent, the following morning we took a tour of the home, I liked it, easy walking distance to the school, if I decided to and the previous owners had moved out, leaving it empty. I made them a cash offer, but lower then they were asking, they jumped at it, calling the moving company, everything was set, except for the interview. A Ms Brown, was the one who had made the offer to me, she was the President of the University, arriving at her office a few minutes early, she had a cute secretary, with a body to die for. As soon as I said who I was, she took me into the president’s office. I was more then a little shocked to see a tall brunette, dressed in a lot of leather, huge breasts, that were barely covered and looked like they were straining to get out. Standing when I came in, holding out her hand, “Thomas Blackburn, it is so good to finally meet you, I am glad you decided to drive over and see what the school has to offer someone like you. Please have a seat, and can I get you something to drink?” She had motioned to two chairs facing each other to the side of her desk, declining the drink I took a seat in one of the chairs. She sat opposite me, her skirt so short, it was easy to see she was wearing a pair of white thong panties, barely covering her sex area. My wife had passed away several years before that, and although I had enjoyed some quality time with a few nurses, this was giving me a hard-on that I had no way of hiding. We discussed the offer, what she was hoping I could teach in their pre-med department and what my salary would be. Everything was perfect, so it did not take me long to accept the offer. Then she asked about where I had planned on staying, until I could get settled. That’s when I told her what had happened and that I had found a place, not far from here. I described the home, she knew exactly where it was, then she paused a moment, as if she wanted to ask me something but not sure she should. “This is so silly of me, but when I checked you out, I saw your wife had passed away several years ago … oh I don’t know how to phrase this, but oh well, did you bring anyone else to live with you?” I smiled, “No nobody came with me and I’m not seeing anyone on a serious basis, so it is just me in the big house. Why do you ask?” “You meant my secretary when you came in, the blonde?” I nodded, “Well she has a duel major in psychology and computer science, a strange combination, but she has a theory that with the help of our current technology, people can be programed to do anything a dominant wants them to do.” Shaking her head, “Sorry I got off track. She has been looking for a place, near the campus so she can come and go easily, her schedule is so hectic and she received a nice grant to pursue some of her ideas, but there just aren’t any places that are vacant. Do you think you’d be up to having a paying tenant for the school year? I promise she is wonderful and I know she’d be no bother” I had not considered it before, but there was a separate entrance by the garage, I had assumed the past owners had rented out the bottom floor. It had a stove, shower and bathroom, nice bedroom and nice living room, and besides this one was hot as hell, who knows maybe she’d like older guys. Nodding, “I had not even given it any thought, but I think the previous owners rented out the basement or bottom floor, so yes, I’d be happy to have her rent from me” This time when she smiled, there was a different look in her eyes, a more predatory look, much like a large cat gets just before the kill. It sent a shiver down my back, but she was standing, this time when I stood, she hugged me, pressing her tits into me, and her body into my hard on, causing me to whimper unexpectedly. Pulling away, “Welcome to the family, now let’s go out and tell Dani the good news” Dani was so excited she also jumped up, hugging me, like her boss, making sure she felt my rock hard cock on the top of her pussy. Arrangements had been made to meet the head of the department, and the past syllabus’ would be emailed to me immediately, also there was a pre-school party planed at Ms Browns home, she hoped I could attend, then just before I left, “Oh and by the way, please call me Vivian, Ms Brown is so formal” By the time I got home, I jumped into the shower, pounding my cock, until I had a massive orgasm, then called the movers to bring my stuff. Dani had called to see if she could move in on Saturday, my things had arrived and I had most of it put away, so Saturday was perfect. I was up early on Saturday, just returned bahis firmaları from a nice bike ride, when a small compact car puled up, Dani and her friend got out. There were several boxes in the back seat and some clothes in the trunk. Opening the basement door, “Is that all you have Dani? Seems like it may be a little light” She didn’t have a car, and her friend only had a small car, so they’d be moving most of the day. “Look this is silly. Leave the car here, I have a pickup truck in the garage, take it, probably one or two trips will do it.” Tears began to form in her eyes, she again hugged me, but this time, she kissed me on the lips. Not a long kiss, but a kiss, then breaking and looking at me, “You are just perfect in every way, I am so lucky, but you won’t regret renting to me” it took two trips, but by mid afternoon she was all in, then came up the stairs to the main room, where I had just started setting up my office. She snuck up behind me, surprising me when she hugged me, “I’m all moved in and your truck has been filled with gas, thank you for helping me” Then she looked at my laptop and printer, “Why don’t I set this up for you, give you some things only a few have, as a repayment for what you have done for me” I readily agreed, “No arguments here, by the way we haven’t talked about the rent, what are you paying now?” She told me, it seemed like some things never change, the land lords make good money off the students, “How abut let’s say $200 a month for this place” She looked at me, tears forming in her eyes again, but this time instead of just a kiss, this was a passionate kiss combined with a lovers hug. Her body was writhing against mine, her tongue exploring the inside of my mouth. I was in such a bad way sexually, there was nothing I could do to stop what she was doing. Finally running my hands down her back, cupping both of her bottom cheeks, pressing her into me, knowing I was hard, but never being as hard as I was at this moment. We moved down the hall to my bedroom, still linked in an ever going kiss, she pushed me back on the bed, then standing before me, she did a slow, extremely erotic strip tease, tossing her top and shorts to the floor, then juggling her massive tits. All I could so was stare at the way her tits and nipples rocked back and forth, she then began to talk, a very low, seductive voice, that I had to strain to hear. “You like looking at my tits, the nipples are so large, you can’t look away. They are moving back and forth, look at the nipples, let them suck you in, you want to touch them, to feel how good they feel, how soft they are, but first you must concentrate on how they move, how they are captivating you, how hard you are becoming. Don’t look away, but reach down, slipping off your shorts, so your cock can stand straight up” Unable to resit what was happening to me, the shorts were on the side of my bed in moments. I knew what was happening, she was hypnotizing me with her tits, but there was nothing I could do to fight it, eventually my eyes became so heavy, I slowly slumped into a restful sleep, letting her give me post hypnotic suggestions, triggers and anything else she needed to control and use me. Suddenly I woke, she was moving to me, straddling me, she eased my cock up inside her. As she began to rock, and pump up and down on me, “Do you like how I danced for you?” There was no memory of her hypnotizing me, I only remembered her dancing, so I nodded my head, then as she rode me, my eyes once again began to get heavy. When I woke this time, I had exploded cum all over her, and it looked like she had also enjoyed the time with me. Setting up, kissing me, “I need to get your office set up, I won’t be long, then we can talk about what just happened” I was so confused, not really knowing what had happened, so I just lay there for sometime, eventually getting up, showering then working on the garage for my tools. As evening approached, she came out, “Everything is set up for you, come in and I’ll show you the additions I did for you” Setting in front of my computer, she had added so many apps that would help me with my classes. What I didn’t know was the subliminal program that had also been added, it was programing me to be the person she had decided I should be. While she was at it, she had installed speakers in my bedroom, assuring the message would be reinforced while I was sleeping. Dani ordered in Chinese for us, while we waited, I spent some time working on the class schedule needed the first day of class, all the time being reinforced with the messages she had implanted in me, while I was under her hypnotic influence. Joining her at the dinning room table, we laughed and joked, not being ashamed of the touching of each other. Way too fast, it was bedtime, looking at her, “I think we are way beyond getting to know each other, so why don’t you move into this bedroom with me, unless you want your own private time?” She smiled, moving to my lap, “I can’t think of anything I’d rather do, thank you” We again kissed, running my hand up between her legs, feeling how soft she is, my own desire pressing against her bottom. This time, she did not hypnotize me or as far as I could tell, did not use any triggers she had planted. Making love to her, was something I could never have dreamed of happening, but she somehow, kept me on the edge of exploding, at least until she was satisfied with the multiple orgasms she experienced, then taking my cock in her hand, saying something, I didn’t actually hear, made me cum and cum and cum. Load after load left me, I’ve never done that before, but for some reason, waves of orgasms after wave kept washing over me. Not sure how this was happening, but every evening and morning, I’d fuck her until she was satisfied, then she’d pump my cock, letting me enjoy multiple orgasms, something, before meeting her, I’d never experienced. The ‘get-to-know you’ gathering was the Saturday a week plus before school started, it was an out door event, feeling like I needed something new, taking Dani with me, we picked out a pink pair kaçak iddaa of shorts, a light weight shirt, that looked very feminine, and some floral slip-ons that my bed mate thought looked just perfect. Before I arrived here, this outfit would never have been looked at, but now it seemed to be just what I needed. Arriving at the party, I was surprised to see, I was the only male on staff. Everyone else was female, and it looked like Vivian had complete control over all of them. Many addressed her as Mistress, but some like me, just called her Vivian. I did notice she seemed to be much more friendly with everyone, touching them, hugging them and kissing them, but even though in the past, I knew this was not proper, today it seemed perfect. When she moved to my side, she hugged me, leaning close to me, kissing me on the neck, “You look wonderful and I understand you and Dani are hitting it off. I am so happy for the two fo you” I was somewhat embarrassed, but at the same time very satisfied at what was happening, “She is a very cute young lady and I’m so lucky” She said for me to stay after everyone had left, she wanted to spend some private time with me. I was more then excited, her outfit was again leather, but in small thin straps, making sure her nipples were covered as well as her pussy, but the rest of her body was all bare and easy to look at. One of the good looking, brunettes came up to me, explaining she worked in my department as well, then complemented me on my outfit. I told her that Dani had helped me pick it out, she smiled, “Oh Dani is so helpful, she began meeting with me when I first hired on, it wasn’t long before she helped me look like I do now” I was not sure what she was referring to, but when she wrapped her arms around me, pressing her body to mine, kissing me deeply, but when she pressed herself against me, I thought I could feel a hard cock between her legs, it was between her legs, but it felt like a cock for sure. Smiling, “Guess the secret is out, I have something extra between my legs, maybe after school starts, we can close one of our office doors, and enjoy each others bodies” Normally I’d have pushed her away, but instead, running my hand down on her bottom, pressing her to me, “I’m sure we’d have time next week, I’ll come and find you” She giggled again, “Oh I can’t wait” it wasn’t long before everyone eventually left, leaving me and Vivian alone. She walked up to me, “Good, now we’re all alone, so we can spend some off duty enjoyment” Moving up to me, wrapping her arms around my body, kissing me, but like Dani, a kiss that promised so much more. it did not take her long, to slip a hand down my shorts, taking hold of my rising cock. Dropping to her knees, she undid my shorts, slipping them off, then standing, saying something that I didn’t hear, but i immediately I felt a haze come over me. Taking me by the hand, she led me to her bedroom, pushing me back on her bed. Slipping out of her skimpy outfit, she began to play with her huge tits. “You remember when Dani showed you her tits and they made you feel very relaxed. Now look at mine, they are so hypnotizing and the nipples are drawing you in. I taught Dani how to use her breasts and now you’re falling for mine. Looking at them is making you so sleepy, but I don’t want you to sleep yet, so just keep looking at them and how much you want to touch them, maybe even kiss them” She continued to talk to me, giving me instructions on what I needed before school started. Finally she climbed up on my cock, like Dani riding me until she had achieved multiple orgasms, then pulling me out of her, she jacked me off, letting me experience multiple orgasms, leaving me breathless and exhausted. Dani had come to the party, taking the keys to my vehicle, she helped me into the car. On the way home, turning to her, “Do you know of anyone who could give me a nice set of breasts?” Listening to me ask, was a shock, but for some reason it was the only thing I wanted now. She smiled, “Not to worry, I made an appointment for you tomorrow morning. We have a physician on retainer, and at the same time we can have your hair lengthened until yours can grow in” This evening she put me to bed alone, but with headphones on and a final program to accomplish everything the Mistress had planned. Sunday while I was having my breasts enhancements added, two girls worked on my dark brunette hair, then after receiving some pain medication, we went shopping. The high heels took some practice to get used to, but I had all week, when my first class started, I stood in front of a group of soon to be physicians, “Good morning class. My name is Teresa Blackburn and I’ve been a physician for several years, recently retired, now enjoying teaching you. And I should mention that recently I came out of the closet, now I not only have these beauties” Cupping each tit and hefting them up and down, “I also am a gurl with a little extra” My tits weren’t huge, but I made sure everyone in class could easily see how delicious they were. Looking over the class, I noticed on the front row a Mitchell, good looking athletic body and supporting what looked like a luscious looking cock, my mouth began to water, my nipples became instantly hard, I could also feel my own cock straining against the gaff I had on. Looking back at him multiple times, he would rub it when I was looking, causing him to close his eyes. A few rows above him, was a very cute redhead, nice sized tits and a body to die for. Her name was Melissa, that is when I noticed her hand was under her short skirt, watching her eyes, it was obvious she was close to exploding. My one class was a two hour one, taught in the morning. By ten I was on my way to my office, not at all surprised, to see the cute brunette from the party, setting in my chair, completely nude. Standing up, moving slowly towards me, “I talked to Dani this morning and she says you’re still a virgin with your girly hole fucking. Maybe we can take care of that now” Closing the door, locking it, I was out of my pant suit and nude so fast, it even amazed me. kaçak bahis Leaning over my desk, legs wide apart, she had brought some lube, easing it into my ass with her fingers, she began to rub the head up and down between my cheeks, then as she pushed into me, I closed my eyes, pushing back, the feeling was everything that I had imagined it would be. Reaching under me, cupping both of my new breasts, she began to pinch them, all the time pushing that marvelous cock in and out of me. The pain from my nipples, combined with the feeling of her in me, pushed me to an erotic haze, I have never experienced before, but one I was so grateful for. Reaching down between my body, I was able to stroke my own cock, Her pumping sped up, eventually ending up with both of us exploding warm cum every where. Mine was on the floor, hers was deep inside me, making the warm liquid exciting me like never before. She kept in me for sometime, but since she had a class at 11, we kissed, promising to hook up again, so I could repay what she had done for me. As soon as I was dressed and cleaned up a bit, checking my emails, I had two waiting for me. Mitchell had requested a private meeting to go over what was needed to obtain a solid 4.0. I sent a message back that this afternoon at 1 would be perfect. Melissa had also left me a text asking to see me, a personal issue she needed help with. I scheduled her at 3 this afternoon. Grabbing a bite to eat, I received a text from Vivian to come and see her later on today, when I had some free time. I sent back, that around 5 would be good for me. I was back in my office before Mitchell arrived, standing when he came in, I noticed he not only closed the door but he locked it. I asked him what I could help him with? He was smiling as he unhooked his belt, sliding his pants down, a beautiful massive cock, sprung to life. Reaching down to stroke it, “I noticed you had a hard time keeping your eyes off of his beauty, I need to make sure I get a straight 4.0 grade point. I’ll do the work, but if you feel the grade should be less then that, call me, I’ll see if my cock and you can come to an agreement. What do you think?” I heard what he had proposed, but my mouth was watering. Dropping to my knees, reaching out taking hold of this snake, kissing the head, licking the underside, taking as much of him in my mouth as possible, looking up at him, moving up and down on the shaft. Looking up at him, making eye contact, “If I agree to this, will you fuck me each time?” He smiled, easily lifting me up, holding me in one hand, the other one stripping off my pants, then laying me on the desk, his cock that was wet from my sucking, pushed it inside me easily. I have enjoyed fucking women, been given fantastic blow jobs, and now earlier today, experiencing a new sexual encounter, that left me gasping for breath, but nothing I have ever had done to me, was anything like his cock buried deep inside me. He pumped it in me a few times when my cock exploded cum everywhere. He didn’t stop or skip a beat, just kept banging my body. A second orgasm raged through my body, just before he filled me with his warm cum. I was in a heavenly induced sexual high, not able to think clearly, looking at him, “Maybe none of your assignments will be 4.0 worthy. Do you have any problem with that?” He smiled, “I was hoping you would say that, see you in a few days” It took me sometime to head to the staff showers, the warm water was refreshing me, arriving back in my office, just before Mellisa arrived. She closed the door, but did not lock it. She had changed into something sexually arousing me immediately. “I’ll get right to the point Teresa, Dani is one of my best friends. She told me about your arrangement and now she has moved into your bedroom. I wonder if I could move into her old bedroom. I promise when she is away, I can easily take her place, so you’ll never sleep alone” I was considering her joining our family, I assume she was nervous, “I’d be more then happy to let you enjoy my body any time, not just when Dani is out of town. I can’t wait to be fucked by someone who has tits, it just makes me wet between my legs” Thinking of how much fun her body would be, my cock was beginning to get hard, “I think we have plenty of room, so I see no reason for you not to join us. Welcome to the family” A smile spread all over her face, jumping up, now locking the door, she moved up to my chair, lifting the small dress she had on, no underwear visible, a beautiful shaved pussy, straddled me, reaching between us, taking out my now rock hard cock, in one motion I was up inside her. Undoing my blouse, she began to suck on my nipples. It was so hot, I just closed my eyes, enjoying how she was doing all the work while I felt a warm haze wash over me. Because of my earlier days experiences, she was able to ride me through multiple orgasms before I filled her up. Then switching positions, laying her back on my desk, spreading her legs wide, I licked my own cum out of her pussy. Combined with her juices, I loved the taste. Just as she was leaving, I reminded her I had a truck if she needed it to move in. Another shower, I was on my way to meet my new Mistress. Entering her office, I dropped to my knees, head down, ‘Mistress how may I serve you?” Coming over to me, raising me up, pushing me into a chair, then climbing up on my lap, “When Dani was setting up your computer system, she noticed you are not only rich, but many times over a millionaire. I am always looking out for my Dani, who will replace me someday. But her studies will need a few extra dollars to do what she has been working on, hypnotizing a whole crowd of people with her tits. So I have a favor, will you marry her, guaranteeing her a financial future?” Handing me an engagement ring, “You could ask her tonight, I know she loves you, and would be our secret but it will make her so happy” I could not say no, but in truth It made me happy. That evening during our dinner, I was on one knee, proposing to her, and giving her the ring. She was so happy, that night, like before she had multiple orgasms then let me cum deep inside her pussy. The first time I had felt this. That evening, as I closed my eyes, thinking things couldn’t be any better, nice choice to pick a new profession.

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