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Paul bit the cornered portion of his toast after having first dipped it into the runny yoke of the egg. He preferred his eggs ‘sunny-side-up’ as opposed to anything else. He had smiled at the waitress as she freshened his coffee, grinning politely, managing the words “Thank you” as she did.

Penny, his wife of barely a year sat beside him. She preferred pancakes smothered in rich thick syrup, perhaps overdoing it, but she’d explained that it reminded her of the way his cum sometimes slithered down the side of his shaft when he climaxed. Penny was always comparing things like that, finding eroticism in nearly everything. Just as she was doing now as her hand slowly, quietly, secretly continued stroking his hard erect shaft beneath the table.

They hadn’t wanted the honeymoon to end. And as such, went on a monthly retreat, usually within a few hours drive, just someplace to get away for the weekend, be together, and explore their secret little fetish.

Paul as well as Penny were true ‘Masturbationists’, it was how they met, it was how they lived. They would pleasure themselves as well as one another, frequently, usually in settings such as this, where the risk of discovery added to the thrill, enhancing the excitement of their play.

“Would you like some cream?” The waitress had asked them. Paul had nearly choked on his second bite as Penny answered.

“I’m hoping for some anytime now,” she said smiling, causing their waitress to look at her oddly, as though Penny had spoken an insult for some imaginary delay.

“I’ll be right back with it!” she’d responded almost haughtily, turning with a flourish heading back behind the counter.

“You’d best leave her a nice tip,” Penny said almost apologetically. Paul laughed.

“Guess I better!”

With cream now delivered, though not the kind Penny expectantly hoped for, she slowed her ministrations of his throbbing cock, so in tune with his pleasures were they both, that no words needed speaking for her sudden change in technique.

Paul felt the first tingle of orgasms approach though still yet far away. They had done this enough to prolong it, string out the pleasures until nothing short of an earthquake could keep either from coming. Penny turned facing him as though in deep conversation, he in turn doing the same as well as he could.

They loved watching one another orgasm. Shared it as often as they could, regardless of where they were, or what they were doing.

“Feel nice baby?” she whispered softly still stroking his prick up and down, though slowly now, ever so slowly. Paul preferred it that way. His orgasms seemingly more intense, longer lasting as Penny skillfully sat stroking his prick, her hand now barely moving, yet moving with just the right pressure, just the right grip as she sat looking into his eyes.

They were seated well away from anyone else, another irritant to their waitress upon their arrival. Asking specifically for the booth they had chosen. With the high-backed bench seat, no one could see them from where they were sitting. The service counter itself not in direct line of sight, so their only worries their now infrequent returning waitress, and any patrons passing by on their way to the restrooms.

As such, they could speak in low tones without being overheard.

“Oh baby, the head of your dick is so swollen! So hard!” she added squeezing it, feeling a fat thick pearly drop of his lubrication drool from the tip of his prick. Quickly, she gathered it, smearing the enormous head of his penis with it, slicking his fat bulbous head, listening to the subtle sounds of his slipperiness as she stroked. “The next one is mine,” she added wickedly, once again squeezing the head.

They were an average looking couple, in an average little town. Neither one attractive enough to turn heads, and should anyone take note of their passing, would find it hard in remembering what they had even looked like. They enjoyed their little game, sometimes traveling hours just to find the right place, the right town, never returning so as not to run the risk of being remembered. Penny wore her hair short, though still fashionable with very little if any makeup. Though her breasts were on the larger side, she always wore clothing befitting a typical mid-westerner, nothing suggestive, nothing ever revealing.

Likewise, Paul was as average as they came. Five foot eight and exactly one-half inches tall. Hazel eyes to go with a bit of a crooked nose he’d broken in high school. Though a full head of hair, he kept it short without being too neat, neither stocky nor fat, though certainly not muscular either. Being average had its advantages, allowed them to slip into the world of their mutual pleasures, slipping away again quickly if necessary should the need ever arise.

Even the plain ordinary clothes they were wearing had purpose by design.

Paul wore no underwear of course. The outer shorts he did wear, rather than zippered, Velcro in front, for ease of speed and güvenilir canlı bahis siteleri access, one of Penny’s marvelous little inventions.

Penny’s outfit chosen similarly for ease, always wearing a skirt, neither too long nor too short, zippered, though with an expensive nylon zipper that, she’d purposely replaced.

Silent, fast and easy.

“You’re so fucking hard!” she continued softly, “You must be particularly horny today,” tenderly easing the sensitive skin up and over the head of his prick before releasing it, hearing again the ‘squishy’ liquid sounds she created. “Was it our waitress?” she asked rhetorically, continuing without answer.

She had noticed upon seating that the woman’s uniform tended to show a great deal of cleavage, not so much by design, but simply because the woman was obviously well endowed. And not that Paul took notice, or commented, for he had really done neither. It had been Penny’s observation, using words now to stroke his mind with wicked delicious thoughts, just as her hand continued stroking his hot throbbing member.

“Wouldn’t you love to rub your cock between her titties?” she asked. “Fucking those boobs, spilling your hot juicy spunk all over them?”

“How about I shoot my warm sticky fuck-juice all over your tits instead!” he countered. “I’d bet you’d like that, watching me squirting all over you right here in the restaurant!”

“You bastard!” she giggled. “You know I would! I love nothing more than seeing that big red juicy prick of yours swell up just before it shoots, then how your head expands, the white creamy nectar suddenly exploding from the tip of your prick. Oh fuck yes baby…you can come on my tits any time, any where, any place!”

Penny was really enjoying the feel of Paul’s prick. Moving it from side to side, tapping it with her hand, patting it with the other, and then giving him three, four quick hard strokes of her hand before several excruciatingly slow ones.

“Oh I do so love the feel of you in my hand,” she continued. “Make it dance for me Paul, make it throb hot and needfully in my hand!”

Opening her fist now, though still touching without holding, Paul made his cock dance for her as she so delightfully enjoyed. Feeling it as it wiggled, moving side to side as it slapped ever so softly against the palm of her outstretched hand.

He reached for his coffee, turning slightly as he did, Penny readjusting in the blink of an eye, though her hand remained firmly clasped upon his erection, now taking a sip of water from her glass.

“Everything ok?”

“It’s delicious! Thank you!” Penny told her.

“Yes it is!” Paul said in agreement, “Very nice, one of the best we’ve eaten at, and we should know as we travel quite a bit. We prefer these smaller café’s as the people here are always generally warmer, more friendly.”

Her demeanor changed almost immediately. Whatever irritation she’d shown previously melting as though butter on the grill. Going even so far as to smile, offer coffee and a quick promised return.

“I assume that you’re interested in seeing if she’ll play,” Paul ventured, the hand upon his prick stroking firmer, yet slow. “I’m not sure honey,” he added. “She was rather irritated with us when we first came in. Perhaps we should pass on this one,” he suggested, though interested as well.

“We’ll play it by ear,” she agreed. “When it’s time, when you’re closer, we’ll see if we can find out if she might go along with it or not.”

“Show me your breast,” Paul groaned softly as his wife’s hand once again squeezed the rock-hard tip of his cock. Always prepared, always aware, Penny reached down lifting the hem of one side of her shirt, still more than adequately concealed behind the bench seat. Her breast soon came into view, full round and soft as Paul reached out, his arm well below view from any curious eyes. Her nipples were dark, long and hard. He fingered her briefly, enjoying the feel of her flesh. The tightness of her tiny erection, the sudden gasp of expected pleasure as she moaned ever so discretely, his hand now pinching, rolling it between thumb and forefinger. “Are you nice and wet for me as well?” he now asked.

“You know that I am,” she answered, withdrawing her hand momentarily from his pick, watching then, as she placed it briefly between her legs, withdrawing it to show the glistening moisture on the surface of one extended finger.

“Give it to me,” he pleaded, momentarily feigning hurt as she slipped that single digit into her own mouth, tasting her juices.

“When you feed yours to me,” she countered wickedly, once again reaching down between her legs for yet another slick-silky portion.

Paul squeezed his own penis, felt the droplet of rolling precum ooze from it’s tip, gathering, then extending his finger towards her as though feeding her by spoon, his own mouth open as though feeding a child.

“Hmmm’, she moaned happily, cleansing his digit, her hand busily between her legs where güvenilir illegal bahis siteleri as promised, so to did she then reply in kind.

Another squeeze, another pearl, as Paul placed it lovingly upon the surface of her still exposed tit, smearing the face of her nubbin with torturous pleasure as his thumbnail then pressed, not quite scratching against the prick-coated nipple.

“Fuck,” she mewled softly, her fingers busily frigging her clit now, her motions not quite as subtle as had been her own upon him. But she had an advantage, for she could cum quickly and often, doing so in sometimes record-breaking speed, taking minor breathers between before climaxing, cumming almost as quickly, often harder the next.

“Yes baby yes!” he urged her, his fingers again pulling, twisting her sensitive breast, the added stimulation driving her, helping her reach ecstasy as she now opened her eyes, rather than closing them looking deep into his face.

“I’m cumming!” Penny said mouthing the words, but he’d known that, it wasn’t necessary saying it. But they always did anyway. Saying it, hearing it, besides seeing it, sharing with one another their vulnerability, their passion, and their souls. He felt her hand taking his. Felt his fingers quickly replacing hers as he slid into her. The wetness, the unbelievable wetness that was already filling her quim, soaking her lips, as he slipped one, then two fingers inside, hardly moving. Not really needing to as her pussy contracted, tightening about him like a vise holding him in place.

Paul looked deep into her orgasmic eyes. He saw her pupils dilate as though in surprise, straining against the impossible, wanting to close. Even so, her bold, wanton determination in keeping them open for him as she came, took on superhuman effort as she sat staring at him, and he…at her.

Paul looked up just in time to see their waitress heading in their direction. He reached for the coffee cup, though any item on the table would have sufficed as a signal. He began to pull his hand away, surprised when Penny placed her own over his, keeping it there. She managed to lower her shirt again, covering her breast, then leaned forward at an angle, effectively ensuring that there was nothing the waitress could possibly see. It would appear odd though, for her back would be turned awkwardly towards her.

“How is everything?” she asked. Paul noticed she had cast a quick curious look towards Penny, but then smiled even though Penny sat cock-eyed on the seat, her head turned slightly as though in some effort to take note of her presence, but without turning about in order to really do so. Their waitress returned her smile and questions back to Paul, for the moment no longer curious about Penny. “More coffee? Juice?”

“Yes, Juice!” Paul grinned broadly. “I really do love the juice here. It’s delicious, very sweet, and lots of it!”

“Oh…k,” their waitress answered pausing briefly between the two words. “Two juices?”

“No, just the one for now thank you,” Penny finally commented. “I’ll probably have my juice a little later.”

She turned with that, heading back towards the service area.

“Well?” Penny said still holding Paul’s fingers between her legs, her orgasm finally diminishing, the sweet tiny after-shocks she always felt after having one finally dying away. She sat up allowing Paul to retrieve his hand, which he quickly licked clean.

“I don’t know, maybe,” he thought considering.

“Did she seem worried, or curious as to what I might be doing?”

“I doubt it, she might have thought the way you were sitting a little weird perhaps, but I doubt seriously she gave it much thought. Though when she spoke to me again, her smile was different, and unless I’m mistaken, she might have winked!”

“Winked? As in flirting winked?” Penny giggled.

“Well, not really a wink maybe, more like a blink wink…with two eyes when I smiled at her talking to her about the Juice.”

“Not surprised,” Penny laughed once again reaching over to begin fondling her husband’s still very erect aching penis. “She probably thought that you were the odd one, carrying on about ‘juice’ so.”

“Well I really do love your juice, and there was a lot of it too!”

“Still is!” she replied. I’m nearly ready for my second one now. How’d you like it, want to watch? Or do?”

“Why don’t you start while we wait for her to return with my juice,” he said grinning. “But if you manage to reach another one, that will be fine too.”

Penny had already inserted her fingers back inside her pussy, one hand caressing her right breast through the material of her blouse. “Let’s see that cock of yours!” she asked him. “Make it juice for me a little,” she laughed as they waited for their waitress to return.

Only too happy to oblige, Paul kept one eye on the restaurant, the other on his lovely wife as she boldly placed one foot flat upon the bench seat. Having un-zippered her skirt, it parted like the güvenilir bahis şirketleri curtains at an old-fashioned movie, the main feature just then beginning as Penny’s lips, once aroused became all puffy as well as frothy slick with her honeyed nectar.

“Oh fuck baby…pat it for me!” he told her. “Slap your cunt a little, make that sweet little clit of yours tingle!”

As she did, Paul turned to face her, his hard rigid prick near purple. So long now had he hovered on the brink, that the free-flowing lubrication from his cock seemed as thick as the syrup on her pancakes.

“Shit! Here she comes!” Paul warned swinging back beneath the table as Penny slid her foot back down to the floor, her zipper already up long before their waitress arrived.

“Here’s your juice,” she said placing the tall-sized glass down in front of him. “Gave you the large…no extra charge!” she said, and winked!

“Thank you,” Paul stated “That was very nice of you,” he added. She gave Penny a quick look, “Nothing more for you…yet?”

“Not yet! But I’m sure I’ll be wanting something in a little while,” she half-purred. This time the waitress did give her an inquisitive look, opened her mouth to speak, but said nothing.

“Thank you again,” Paul told her, drawing her attention back to him and away from his wife.

“Well…just let me know if you need anything,” she added. “I’ll check back in a while, I’m going on break at the moment.”

“We’ll be sure and do that,” Penny stated, watching their somewhat flustered waitress walk away.

“Now then…where were we?” he asked. “Oh yeah, you were slapping your pussy for me!”

“And you…were jerking yours off for me!” she giggled almost a little too loudly, which Penny quite often became when she was extremely aroused. Which she was now! “What would you like me to do for you? How would you like for me to touch myself?”

Paul loved it when they did this. Another one of their amorous games that never failed to heighten his own pleasures. “I want you to ‘twinkle’ it he told her.”

He saw the smile stretch widely across her face, they had once gotten silly in bed together, doing that often enough as it were. But that particular night he had become so aroused, he’d meant to ask her to ‘twiddle’ her clit for him, but for some reason said ‘twinkle’ instead. She had laughed knowing full-well what he’d really meant, but in a silly, though highly aroused mood herself, she placed the tips of two fingers over the tiny little shaft, stroking it, jerking her mini-penis off, all the while singing,

“Twinkle, twinkle little clit, how I love to play with it. Up above my thigh I sigh, Like a cum drop in my eye, twinkle, twinkle, little clit, won’t you come and suck on it!”

They had rolled in laughter together afterwards, Paul begging her then to sing it again, all the while stroking her tiny clit with the tips of two fingers. Ever since, that particular pleasuring stroke had become the ‘twinkle’.

She began to ‘twinkle’ all the while humming that silly tune, the tips of her fingers pinching, pulling upwards, the flesh of her small clit actually stretching as Paul sat, his hand wrapped firmly around his more than average sized cock. His own strokes remained slow, methodical, as though in slow-motion rather than normal speed.

“Oh fuck yeah baby,” he told her. “Twinkle it! Twinkle it!”

It didn’t take long. Once she had reached and had the first orgasm, the second, third and sometimes a forth came in rather rapid succession, each becoming even more intense, more mind-blowing. And there would not be three, certainly not four in here, though perhaps later out in the car. Penny screamed, always screamed crying out in rapturous pleasure when she came the third time, yelling obscenities, vulgar lewd lusty fuck-words when she came the forth. No…now would not be a good time for that to happen.

“Hmm, it’s going to be a squirter baby,” she told him happily. She didn’t always, sometimes either she, or he would hit the right spot, or have been aroused for such the right time that she did. She could always tell when she was going to, it was “different” feeling, as she’d told him. Though she couldn’t quite explain it, nor even how or why that she knew…or did.

Quickly she went from ‘twinkling’ to fingering her slit. She probed, touching the ‘sweet-spot’ triggering the explosion as well as the jettison of fluid that suddenly erupted in a tiny arch of female cum-cream. Perfectly positioned, Paul glanced up once cautiously ensuring that no one was either looking, nor heading their way. He leaned, just a little and caught the first streamer of her essence as it spewed in a tiny burst, quickly followed by another, and another. So intense was her ecstasy that briefly she cried out, a soft mewling whimper of unbridled joy, causing one other couple two booths away from them to finally look over as to what had caused such an interesting sound. Luckily for them both, Paul sat as though startled by the same sound his self, looking their way as though it had come from over there. He nearly laughed as they readjusted their own search, scanning the room in a differing direction.

“Sorry!” she said shyly, feeling a little embarrassed. “I think I had two and three together,” she told him. “Fuck that was good!”

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