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Disclaimers: The characters are my own creation. This is part 2 of “Two Halves, One Soul”. This story picks up where the last one ended. Constructive criticism/feedback is much appreciated.

A heartfelt thanks goes out to my beta reader. I couldn’t have done this without your input, support, and corrections.


The sleek black Harley hugs the turns on the busy streets. The figure clad in black leather with a black helmet and darkened visor is determined upon reaching her destination. Grateful for leaving work early, a sinister smile covers her face as she remembers calling the strawberry blonde informing her to be ready. A few more miles and she eases the bike into the driveway. Parking it, she takes long strides to the front door. Once inside, the helmet and jacket are thrown onto the couch. She takes the stairs to the second floor two at a time and enters the bedroom.

“Did you touch yourself?” she asks the prone figure on the bed.

“No,” is the response from the young blonde.

The dark figure kicks off her boots. She grabs the young woman’s wrists and binds them together with the strip of cloth she pulls out of her pocket and brings them over her head. Forcing the woman’s legs apart, she kneels between them and shoves two fingers into the exposed cunt.

The strawberry blonde jerks her hips off the bed at the intrusion.

“Hmm, you’re nice and wet. What were you thinking about?”

“You,” she whispers through clenched teeth. She is so ready for this blue-eyed goddess to take her into the unknown. The long fingers move in and out in a rhythm that matches her undulating hips. “Gods Jesse…please…take me. I…can’t wait…any longer.”

“Anything you want my dearest.” She removes her fingers to unbuckle her pants. “Roll over and get on all fours.”

Dani obeys immediately. She leans on her forearms awaiting the ecstasy her lover will give her.

Jesse pulls out the cyberskin dildo from her pants and dons the cock with a condom. Inching her way forward, she touches the opening of Dani’s sex with the tip of it. She snakes a long arm around the blonde’s waist and reaches the wet aching nub with her fingers. At the onslaught of stroking it, Dani impales herself onto the cock. Dani climbs to her climax quickly, and just before she reaches the precipice, Jesse grabs her by the back of the hair with her free hand. The act intensifies Dani’s entire being and shoves her over the edge.

“Oh… fuck… ah… aahh!”

Jesse rides the waves with her until the young woman stops her hip movement. They lay down with Jesse still inside. Jesse wraps her arms around her lover as her breathing calms. The tall woman then pulls out. Dani rolls over to give her a passionate kiss.

“Hmm, I love you Jesse.” She continues her kisses along the distinguished jaw line and down her neck.

Jesse removes the binding from the wrists. She tosses the cloth to the floor. With a loving gentleness she rubs the wrists to make sure the circulation is flowing evenly. She then removes the rest of her clothing including the strap-on. Returning to the bed, she lies next to her lover on her stomach.

Dani straddles the back of the dark woman’s thighs and begins a firm massage of the strong shoulders. Jesse relaxes under the ministrations. After some time, the massage becomes erotic, igniting the fire at her core. The tall woman rolls over and pulls her down for a kiss. Tongues dance slowly. A moan escapes Dani’s throat.

“I need to have you again.” Jesse says in a sultry voice.

“But I want my turn,” Dani responds with a playful pout.

“Then let’s sixty-nine,” she answers in a whisper.

A fire glows in those emerald green eyes. Dani licks her bottom lip and smiles. She turns around quickly to face the damp black curls of her lover.

Jesse spreads her legs for the young woman while she inhales the sweet scent that is Dani. Grasping the buttocks firmly, she pulls the wet blonde cunt to her mouth. Finding Dani’s nub she licks it in long steady strokes.

Dani arches her back while moaning then buries her face in Jesse’s dripping pussy. Locked around each other, hips begin to buck. The room is filled with moans and guttural groans. Jesse reaches the precipice first and before falling over the edge she plunges two fingers in Dani’s sex, rapidly pumping in and out.

Dani momentarily breaks contact on Jesse’s nub and screams. “God… fuck.” She returns to her task and they ride the crashing waves together.


Spent and sated for the moment, they lie in each other’s arms. Jesse begins dozing when suddenly she feels something cold and wet touching her arm. She turns to see a black nose and bright hazel eyes looking at her with that ‘I’m so cute’ face. “Hi Arty. Were you playing outside?” The ten-month-old Shepherd wags her tail and playfully pushes her snout onto the bed to touch Jesse’s arm again. The tall woman reaches over and scratches behind her companion’s ear.

“She canlı bahis sure is growing by leaps and bounds,” interjects Dani.

“Yep. Soon I’ll bring her to the clinic more often. You know, it’s been rather simple in training her. I’m actually surprised. I almost wonder…” She looks into Arty’s eyes.

“You wonder what?” Dani looks from the Shepherd to her lover. “You think she has a human quality about her.” It wasn’t a question but more of a confirmation for Jesse’s thoughts.

“Yeah, or that… it’s… Tommy’s spirit inside her.” Jesse looks at her mate. “I know my thoughts are crazy.”

“Well…” She rolls her eyes playfully. “I agree that there is something about Arty. Sometimes I get the feeling she understands what we’re saying.” She lays her head on Jesse’s chest. “See? Now my thoughts are sounding crazy.”

“Nah, you’re just crazy, period. Right Arty?” Jesse says sarcastically. Artemis wags her tail furiously.

“Hey,” Dani responds with a swat to the dark woman’s hard stomach.

“What would you like to do tonight?” Jesse asks changing conversation.

“Are you asking me or Artemis?”

“Ha, ha. You of course, unless…you…prefer I go out with her?” She points to the Shepherd. “Well, anything going on at the Exit tonight?”

The Exit. One of the local S & M bars that hosts a wide mix of folks from all over. Not necessarily a private club, just a bar holding weekly “play” events that are usually light in nature. It’s a fun place to go when you want to keep things low maintenance.

“There is a boot licking contest tonight.” Jesse says with an arched eyebrow. Over the past couple of months, she has been amazed with Dani’s sense of adventure and enthusiasm in such “games”. I love that we can engage in such play, and grateful it’s not a desired lifestyle for either of us. Ugh, that would be so draining. I don’t know how others who take their S & M more seriously do it, but good for them. The occasional adventures are enough for me.

Dani looks at her to communicate. I love engaging in those so-called ‘games’ too. You bring out the primal urges in me. Jesse gives her a lopsided grin. “I think that would be fun. How about dinner beforehand at that Italian restaurant you told me about.”

“You mean Club Lucky?” The tall woman asks as she stretches.

“Yeah, it’s not formal wear is it?” Dani asks realizing leather gear isn’t accepted everywhere.

“I think we’ll be fine.”


“Jesse, have you seen my corset?” Dani pilfers through the dresser drawers to no avail before checking the closet. “Never mind, I found it.”

The tall woman walks into the bedroom and leans up against the doorframe with her feet crossed at the ankles. She is wearing blue jeans, black leather chaps, black biker boots, black T-shirt, and a black leather vest. She watches her lover get into the corset. Naked breasts sway each time the young woman moves. Jesse’s mouth goes dry as she gazes at the beautiful young body clad only in thigh high black stockings, and black lace panties with a matching garter belt. “God, you’re gorgeous.”

Dani spins around as she clasps the last hook on the black leather corset. Her breasts are pushed up and held firmly in place. “Have you been watching me?” she asks with a smile.

“Not for long. I can’t help it. I love you, and I love your body.” She wiggles a dark eyebrow.

Dani gives her lover a bright smile. “I love you too, and your tall, strong, handsome…” she saunters over to the dark woman and rakes a finger down an exposed arm, “…and sexy body.” Bringing her hand up behind her lover’s neck, she pulls Jesse down for a kiss.

The tall woman encircles her arms around her, then slides her hands down to firm butt cheeks as she pushes a solid thigh between the smaller woman’s legs.

Dani breaks the kiss. “Now, now…” She moves her hips without thinking, reveling in the wonderful sensation against her sex. “We have…a…date…tonight and I need to finish getting dressed.” With great difficulty, she forces herself to stop. Emerald green eyes glowing with passion lock with her lover’s passion filled cerulean blue eyes. “Later,” she says in a whisper.

Jesse nods. Oh, yes, I have plans for you… later. She thinks, and Dani smiles in response. Jesse let’s her go and decides to lie on the bed while Dani finishes dressing. She watches her under hooded eyes.

Dani dons the short and snug black leather skirt that falls on her thighs just above the edge of her nylons. If she bends over, the succulent naked flesh of her legs is exposed. She sits on the bed to pull on her knee-high black leather heeled boots and zips them up. Checking herself in the full-length mirror to make sure everything is in place, she puts on the last of her make-up then grabs her small black purse. She turns around to face her lover. “Okay, I’m ready.”

Jesse’s eyes travel up and down the small body. “Have I told you how beautiful you are?”

“Yes, but I have not grown tired of it yet.” She says with a bahis siteleri sparkle in her eyes.

“Good, cause I’ll be saying it a lot for the rest of our lives.”

“Come on, my handsome knight. My stomach is beginning to growl.”


At the Exit.

Jesse closes the Pathfinder’s door, crosses over to the passenger side and opens the door for the young woman.

“Will you help me with the collar and cuffs?” Dani asks with a puppy dog look as she steps out.

“Sure,” she responds with a smirk. Taking the collar, the tall woman lovingly straps it around the alabaster neck. She pulls the chain out of her vest pocket and clasps it onto the ring at the front of the collar. She then helps Dani adjust the buckle on the wrist cuffs. Azure eyes lock onto sea green. Jesse takes hold of the strap at the end of the chain and gives it a quick tug while wiggling her eyebrows. “Ready?”

“Yes… Master.” Dani answers scrunching her nose with a smirk as she falls into the role.

The dark woman smiles in return and plants a light kiss on the sensuous lips before her.

As they walk into the club, Dani is being lead by the chain that Jesse had attached to her collar. The place is not overly crowded but crowded enough. The flashing lights keep time with the rhythm of the booming music. Jesse pulls the young woman close. She leans over to her ear. “I’d like a Guinness. Get whatever you want.” She pushes a twenty-dollar bill into the small hand, and unclasps the chain from the metal ring.

Jesse walks over to the stage area to find out more about the contest as Dani heads toward the bar. “Hi, a Guinness and a Midori Sour, please?”

The burly bartender gives her a laughing smile for her politeness.

She returns to Jesse with the drinks. Giving the beer to her lover she says, “I don’t have a place to hold onto the change since I left my purse in the car.” She places it in the outstretched hand.

“I found out about the contest.” Jesse snakes an arm around the blonde’s waist and speaks into her ear. “They’re going to use whip cream. Basically the first submissive to clean the boot wins. But their winning also depends on how good of a show they put on.”

“You mean how much I gyrate my hips and show that I’m loving what I’m doing?”

“Right. That’s the gist of it.” Jesse takes a drink of the beer. “I didn’t sign you up. I wanted to be sure of how you feel about the whole thing. It’s okay if you don’t want to do it.”

“But I want to,” Dani quickly says. “I think it’ll be fun. Plus, how can I resist whip cream?”

A dark eyebrow shoots up. “You always surprise me, you know that?”

“Gotta do something to keep you on your toes,” Dani says teasingly. She then quickly feels the slap on her behind. Ouch! Damn. She tries to shoot her lover a look but before she gets the chance, a soft pair of lips covers her own.

“Be nice, Dani.” Her partner scolds playfully then walks away to the table to sign her up.

Since the contest won’t begin until another hour, they pass the time on the dance floor. Their seductive dance lights a fire at Dani’s core. She can’t help but melt into the strong arms of the tall butch who owns her heart and soul. At the end of a song, they take a break to get another set of drinks.

Jesse watches her lover at the bar. God, I don’t think I could ever get enough of her. She notices a figure approach Dani from behind. The young man looks like he could be a top, but his outfit indicates he could be a switch or just an idiot who doesn’t really understand the s/m scene. Hmm, usually switches dress very neutral or at the least, lean towards one side or the other. He sports jeans, white T-shirt, black vest, wrist cuffs, and a spiked collar. She watches the brief interaction.

Dani walks off shaking her head with almost a laugh on her face. She hands Jesse the Guinness.

“What was that all about?” Jesse asks casually.

“Oh, that guy? He wanted to know if I’d play with him. He wasn’t taking ‘no’ easily. I told him three times I wasn’t interested.”

“You alright?” Jesse asks with some concern not liking what she just heard. When someone you’ve never engaged with says ‘no’, it means ‘no’. Everyone in the scene knows that, or at least should. Hmm, that guy must be a very fresh ‘newbie’. He obviously doesn’t know proper etiquette.

“Of course I’m alright,” Dani says gently. “It’s okay, Jesse, he’s harmless. I’ve met far worse guys in my time.” She puts a hand up to the dark woman’s chest.

Ice blue eyes meet emerald green. “Didn’t mean to get so…”

“Protective?” She smiles.

Jesse returns the smile. “I just don’t like that he didn’t understand the meaning of ‘no’.”

“Ladies and gents, slaves, submissives, and respective masters…” The male voice is heard loudly as the music quickly dies down. “Tonight we have a special treat for you. It is time for our boot licking contest.” The crowd hoots and hollers. “Will all of those signed up to do the licking, bahis şirketleri please line up next to me.”

The crowd roars again as men and women begin filing into line. “Now in the past, the winner is the one who finishes first, but tonight we want to play a little differently. For tonight, the winner is the one who cleans up the best and shows us the best.” Hollers and screams from the audience just about bust Jesse’s eardrums.

The speaker motions with his outstretched arms for the crowd to hush. “Okay, now will all of the those who will be on the receiving end of the licking, please come up to your respective partner. And all the lickers need to be on their knees.”

Jesse saunters over to the young blonde. From Dani’s position, she notices for the first time this night that Jesse is packing, and she finds the bulge in those blue jeans to be enticing. Licking her bottom lip, she doesn’t notice that Jesse picks up where she is staring.

The tall woman thinks for a moment. I figured you knew I’d be packing. Guess this is a surprise.

It sure is a surprise, Stud. Dani communicates in return.

Jesse stands with her feet shoulder width apart and hooks her thumbs behind the leather belt of the chaps. Watching Dani in such a submissive position, resting her firm butt on her heels and her hands on her lap makes the tall woman’s mouth dry. She wishes she had her Guinness with her at that moment.

A muscular ‘gym bunny’ of a man wearing a leather collar and matching leather thong, comes up on stage with two cans of whip cream. He begins spraying a generous amount on one boot of each person standing. The voice of the middle-aged man comes out again from the microphone over the speakers. “Alright lickers, you all know what’s to be done. On your mark, get set, go.”

Dani spreads her legs shoulder width apart. She gently places her hands on the dark woman’s thighs as she locks onto azure eyes. Sliding her hands down, she bends completely over to begin the licking. Her rear partially faces the audience and the snug leather skirt inches its way up her thighs to give the crowd a lovely view of the lace panties between her legs. She rocks her hips back and forth to simulate doggie-style sex and the crowd goes wild. Upon hearing their cheers, she decides to spread her legs as far as they would go, lifts her head, and arches her back as if she was in the midst of ecstasy. She meets her lover’s eyes.

Jesse’s mouth just about drops at the display in front of her. She attempts to keep a straight face but has a hard time. The tall woman watches Dani return to the task of cleaning her boot with long broad strokes of her tongue. After each stroke Dani lifts her face to sensually slide the whip cream into her mouth with her tongue and swallow. Jesse is lost watching this woman on her hands and knees. The cream is now all gone, and Dani begins to slither up her lover’s strong thighs. She stops right at the bulge in the jeans. Opening her mouth seductively, her teeth grab at the dildo under the denim. Jesse feels the pull forward, and just about falls onto the stage to ravish the small woman in front of everyone. The crowd hollers and stomps their feet.

The announcer chimes in. “Well, it looks like everyone has chosen the winner. Jesse and Dani win tonight’s prize.” He hands Jesse an envelope. “Thanks to all of you for participating.” People are then escorted off the stage.

Jesse takes a seat on the edge of the platform and runs her hand through her hair. Whew. That was fucking something.

Dani sidles up next to her. “I take it you were pleased… Master?”

Turning her head to face the blonde, she says, “Very.” She gives her a searing kiss.

The young woman knows her lover’s response is not from them having won. She feels exhilarated at having done a good job. It was her first time engaging in such an activity in public, and they are both very surprised at how well it turned out.

“I guess we should see what our prize is.” She tears open the envelope and reads the contents.

“Well?” Dani asks curiously.

“We…you just won us a paid weekend stay at the Wilderness Resort in Wisconsin Dells.”

“That’s awesome. Kris has told me about the Dells. This’ll be exciting.” She reaches around and cups the bulge in her palm.

Looking down at the small hand fingering her cock, she asks in a sultry voice, “You ready to head home? I have something to give you.”

“Oh, yes,” is Dani’s purr like response.


“Take my clothes off without touching me in any particular places.” Jesse states calmly while standing at the edge of the bed. The back of her knees is barely touching the mattress.

“Yes, Master.” Dani begins with the vest, T-shirt, and sport bra. She then unbuckles the belt of the chaps, unzips the zipper along the sides, and as it falls she places it off to the side where there will soon to be a pile. Resuming her task, Dani undoes the jeans and slides them down. She gently motions for Jesse to sit on the bed. As Dani kneels, she unlaces the boots, pulls them off along with the socks and then removes the jeans completely. With her eyes downcast, she asks, “Do you want your shorts off too Master?”

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