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I shook my head in amusement as I watched Tahlia bob her head to the music in her headphones, her off-key voice echoing in the kitchen as she frosted the last of the cupcakes she’d baked. I leaned against the doorway with my arms folded across my chest and watched her curvy body bounce across the tiles. As wrong as it was, I couldn’t stop watching the way her ass jiggled in those tiny shorts.

Wrong because I was supposed to be watching over her, not lusting after her. Wrong because she was pure and innocent, and I had seen too much darkness in this world to enjoy life like she did. Wrong because I was 15 years her senior. Wrong because she was my stepdaughter.

And yet, all the ways it was wrong didn’t stop me from watching her, burning for her, and when I was at my weakest, stroking my cock to the thoughts of what she’d sound and look like if I had her pinned under my body, fucking her until she came so hard she saw stars.

Today was her 19th birthday, and even though I’d wanted to take her out for her birthday, she’d insisted on staying home with me and having our own celebration. I’d given in as soon as her caramel eyes had widened, pleading for me to let her have her way.

How was I supposed to resist when her pouty lips trembled and she put her hands together like a prayer, bouncing up and down, her generous tits mesmerizing me as they swayed under her low-cut top?

I’d gone out to get her gift after giving in, and now I was drinking in the sight of Tahlia in the kitchen, completely unaware of my gaze until she turned in a dramatic dance move and saw me there.

“Eek!” Her singing cut off mid-lyric and the knife covered in frosting she’d been using as a microphone dropped to the floor when she jumped in surprise.

She yanked her headphones out of her ears and set her music down on the counter. “You scared me Lucas! Now look, you made me get the floor all dirty.”

She whirled around and ripped a paper towel of the nearby roll, wetting it and then getting to her hands and knees to wipe up the frosting. I stood there, watching with wide eyes and already half-hard cock as she wiped at the floor. Her shirt had gaped open, revealing a baby pink lace bra that held her full tits, the color so light and soft it almost blended in.

I tore my gaze away from her as she stood back up, turning to the fridge and opening it for something to do. Jesus, she had no idea the kind of affect she had on me. And if I had anything to say about it, she never would. I might be a perverted old man, but I would never drag her into my world and dirty her purity.

I stared blankly into the fridge, hoping the cool air would help me calm down. I was standing there for several minutes, not moving, before Tahlia came up beside me. I could see her looking at me out of the corner of her eye, but I refused to look over.

“Are you okay, Lucas?”

“Yeah baby girl, I just can’t remember what I was looking for in here. I was hoping I’d remember if I kept looking.” It was as good of a cover story as any, and she seemed to buy it.

“You’re so funny,” she laughed as she walked away. “Dinner and dessert are both ready, whenever you are.”

I looked over at her, finally shutting the door to the fridge. When I saw she was licking frosting off her fingers however, my cock went right back to hard. I bit back a groan and called out over my shoulder that I just wanted to change as I turned and headed to my room. I was going to have to stroke one out before doing anything else, or she would know exactly what dessert I had on my mind- and it wasn’t the sweet treat she’d made.


I watched as Lucas walked away from me, hurrying out of the kitchen like his ass was on fire. I nearly let the giggle I’d been biting back escape, but I managed to swallow it down before I gave myself away.

See, I knew exactly what he was off to do, and I figured it wasn’t to change his clothes. He thought I had no idea what was on his mind when he watched me, but just because I was barely 19, it didn’t mean I was naive.

I’d seen the outline of his hard cock many times, and they way his eyes burned into my skin like he wanted to eat me alive. He tried so hard to hide it, but I wasn’t as innocent as he thought.

Sure, I was still a virgin, but I had a slight obsession with trashy romance books, and I’d learned a lot while devouring each and every one I could get my hands on. So yeah, I knew what he was thinking when I caught him staring at my ass or tits, and what he wanted when he unconsciously licked his lips while staring at mine.

It helped that I’d accidentally caught him masturbating once, when I was supposed to be out at a friend’s but had come home early. I’d walked to his door to let him know I was home, but had decided to wait to let him know when I’d heard the shower running.

A weird sound had made me pause at his doorway on my way out, and when I heard it again heat flooded through me. I knew that sound; I’d seen enough porn to know when a guy was groaning in pleasure. My feet had taken control, escort ataşehir and before I knew it was was peeking around his open bathroom doorway. His glass doors were foggy, and I could barely see anything, but from the way his arm moved near his hips, I was absolutely sure he was stroking his dick.

My nipples had puckered at the sight, my panties going instantly wet as I watched, listening to him let out small groans as he worked himself. I knew what I was doing was bad, but I just couldn’t help myself. Then, words left his mouth that sealed both our fates.

“That’s it Tahlia, take Daddy’s cock like a good little girl. Fuck, yes baby girl.”

My hand flew to my mouth to mute my gasp, and I backed away as quickly and quietly out of his room so he wouldn’t catch me watching him. I ran out of the house and back to my car, peeling out of the driveway as I tried to comprehend what I’d witnessed. I drove around the neighborhood for a good hour before heading home, my pussy soaking wet and pulsing the entire time.

I’d had a crush on Lucas as soon as my mother had introduced him to me at 14, and over the years that I grew into being an adult the crush turned into full-blown attraction. I’d felt completely wrong for it, knowing he was my stepdad, but that wrongness only seemed to amplify my attraction.

Ever since that moment six months ago I’d been surreptitiously teasing Lucas, wearing shorter, tighter, more revealing clothes around him and practically inviting him in between my legs.

The one thing I’d wanted to try was calling him Daddy, but I just couldn’t make myself do it. I’d always called him Lucas since that’s what he’d told me to do when we first met. Suddenly switching to “daddy” was sure to raise his suspicions. Then again, I’d made up my mind that this was the day I was going to get him to act on all those dirty thoughts I knew were buried in his head, so maybe that was exactly what I needed to do.

After all, that’s what he’d called himself when I’d caught him masturbating to thoughts of me. And when I’d heard it, my insides had gone molten. I’d tried it out in my head dozens of times, and it never failed to get me going.

After my mom had died of cancer barely a year after marrying Lucas, he was the one that had been there for me. He was the only family I’d had, and all my so-called friends had abandoned me when I became too depressed to hang out. He was my rock, my support, the only comfort I had left. He’d been there for me when no one else was, and I’d fallen for him hard before I even realized it.

I had never seen my mother and Lucas be affectionate towards each other, but they were always civil and got along well. I’d wondered about their relationship, but as long as she was happy it didn’t matter to me. My mother had a good last year of her life, and her final words to me were just that she wanted me to be happy, no matter how it was.

I knew that Lucas would make me happy, I just had to get him to realize that. I also knew that I could make him happy if he just gave us a chance.

I heard him coming back down the stairs, and I hurried to finish setting the table for dinner. I surveyed my handiwork, proud of myself for the lasagna, salad, and garlic bread I’d made all by myself. I heard Lucas’s foot hit the last step and I turned to smile at him just as he turned the corner.

“Wow Tahlia, this looks amazing. You put in a lot of work for your own birthday dinner, baby girl.”

I flushed at his compliments and the nickname, my smile widening in pleasure as I hugged him tightly. “Thank you. I know it’s my birthday, but I wanted to thank you for taking care of me.”

“You don’t have to do that, it’s my pleasure.” He hugged me back, and I slowly breathed in the scent that was his, all man and pine.

“I know. I want to.” I finally let go of him, and we sat down to eat. He served me my food and then his, and we talked like usual about our days. I’d never felt uncomfortable around him, and our conversations and always flowed nicely until they lapsed into comfortable silence.

Lucas finished his food, placing his napkin on his empty plate and stretching. I greedily drank in the sight of his trim stomach that showed from under his lifted shirt, following the smattering of hair that trailed from his navel to below his jeans.

“That was delicious.” His words jerked me back to the present, and I hastily looked away before he caught me.

“I’m glad you liked it. Dessert?” I stood, taking our plates to the sink and rinsing them off.

“I’d love some,” Lucas replied from right behind me. His nearness made me jump, and I accidentally sprayed some water on both of us. I squealed in shock, and felt him reach over me to shut off the water.

I slowly turned to look at him, and it was all I could do not to laugh at him, his face dripping water and a surly look on his face.

“I’m so s-sorry,” I said just before breaking out into a fit of giggles.

I clapped my hands over my mouth in an effort to stop them, but it wasn’t working. Soon I was leaning back kadıköy escort bayan over the sink, clutching my stomach and laughing so hard I thought I was going to die.

“Y-your face! I’m sorry, it’s just,” I paused to try and breathe, “so funny!!”

He didn’t say anything, just looked at me for a second before leaning over, swiping a few fingers through the frosting of a nearby cupcake, and then wiping them off on my face. My mouth dropped open just as his split into a wide smile.

“Now who’s face is funny looking?”


God, she was adorable. Her laugh made me want to laugh, and I’d had to bite the inside of my cheek in order to keep the scowl on my face.

Now, I had to concentrate on not getting hard as she stared at me with mouth open wide like an invitation, her t-shirt nearly see-through from the water she’d sprayed herself with. One glance had confirmed that her bra was nothing more than a scrap of lace that hid nothing when it was wet. If I had looked any longer, I probably could have determined the exact shape and size of her areola and nipple.

I watched as Tahlia picked up the cupcake I’d stolen half the frosting from, a devastated look on her face. She looked up at me, and I suddenly felt bad for ruining it.

“You made a mess of a perfectly good cupcake,” she said in a shaky voice.

I stepped closer, getting ready to apologize to her when suddenly that very cupcake was being shoved onto my own face.

“Gotcha!” Her laugh surrounded me, and while I wiped as much cake and frosting off my face as I could in one swipe, I saw her dart away and run towards the stairs. Something primal inside me clicked, and I began to chase after her.

“That’s it, little one! I’m about to get started on your birthday spankings early!” I yelled the words to her, and relished in the little squeal she let out as I charged up the stairs after her.

I watched her hair fly behind her as she bolted towards her room, my long legs working double time to catch up before she could get to her door. She looked back just as I got within a couple feet of her, her eyes wide and sparkling, another shriek escaping her when she saw how close I was.

My blood was running hot, and I couldn’t believe how hard I was just from this little challenge. I scooped her up in my arms just as she flew through the door of her room, then tackled her onto her bed. Pillows flew as I tried to pin her down, tickling her sides in punishment when she tried to escape.

“No, please don’t! I’m sorry Daddy, I’m sorry!”

I froze just as I got her wrists gripped in one hand above her head, my other clamped down on her thigh as I loomed above her. I watched as her eyes widened, almost in shock, and I realized that she hadn’t meant to let that slip out.

“Tahlia…” My voice was tight, but she interrupted me before I could continue.

“I’m sorry,” she blurted out, face fire engine red. “I didn’t mean to, it was an accident.”

I contemplated which direction to go with my next words, but to be honest, I knew exactly where I wanted to go. I’d fantasied about her calling me Daddy for almost two years, and as soon as the word had left her mouth, my control had basically disintegrated. Dropping my eyes to her lips that were wet from her tongue swiping them nervously, I knew I was about to lose this battle. Spying how hard her nipples were through her clothes, every thought of keeping my distance any longer fled.

“An accident? Just like showing me your tits earlier was an accident? An accident, like how you’ve been teasing me and torturing me with glimpses of your body for months?”

I watched her eyes darken, and felt the way her hips subtly tilted up to mine. I watched the pulse in her neck flutter, and I held back a groan as I waited for her response.

“I… yes, an accident like that.”

“Hmm. Maybe you need a daddy to keep you from being a bad girl.”

Her eyes dilated with those words, and a soft noise escaped her lips. It was in that moment that I knew- she wanted this too. Suddenly, all of the looks, all the revealing clothes she’d been wearing, all of it clicked into place.

“That’s what you want, baby girl? You want me to be your daddy?”

“Yes,” she breathed out.

“Yes, what?” I leaned forward, our lips so close that I felt her next words caress me.

“Yes, Daddy.”

I closed the distance between us, kissing her with all the pent up need I’d been holding onto. She didn’t hesitate for even a moment to return the kiss with fervor, her mouth opening instantly under mine. I slid my tongue into her mouth to taste her for the first time and swallowed her moans.

God this was wrong. So wrong how much I loved hearing her call me that. So wrong how hard I was for her, how wet she was for me. I found out just how wet when I slipped my fingers under those ridiculous excuse for shorts she was wearing and rubbed my fingers against the soaking panties that clung to her lips.

And yet, with every press of our lips, every caress of my tongue against hers, every escort bostancı whimper that left her throat to land in my mouth told me just how fucking right it was to hold her against me. Fuck what everyone else thought or said; I was claiming Tahlia for my own.


Oh god oh god oh god. I had dreamed and fantasized about this moment right here, but I hadn’t even come close to the reality. My every nerve was on fire, my skin tingling with sensations I’d never felt before. I was making all sorts of noises that I could hardly believe were coming from me, but Lucas didn’t seem to mind.

In fact, with every little moan I let out, he seemed to kiss and touch me with more fervor than before. I was melting into a puddle in this man’s hands, and it felt like a dream.

“Fuck, you’re so wet already,” Lucas groaned out as he pulled away from my lips. I could feel my cheeks heat with a blush and his fingers tightened on me when he noticed.

“Don’t be embarrassed little one, it just means I’m doing this right.”

“I…” I trailed off, nervous to say the words.

“What Tahlia? What do you want from Daddy?” His fingers worked their way under my tiny panties to pet my pussy, and I arched up against him, his hardness pressing against my hip.

“I want to feel your cock,” I blurted out hastily, hoping that if I said the words fast enough he wouldn’t be able to tell how nervous I was.

He groaned, placing his forehead against mine gently, never ceasing the movements of his fingers in my panties. He wasn’t penetrating, just rubbing my juices around and making me even hornier than the second before.

“Baby, I want you to touch my cock more than anything,” he said in a hoarse voice, “but I’m afraid that if you do I’m going to come before we even get to the good stuff.”

He lifted his head to look at me, desire burning in his eyes, and I smiled at him.

“This is good, Daddy.”

He cursed under his breath, and it made me proud to know that I was testing his control. Me, a nineteen year old virgin, was causing this experienced, gorgeous, 34 year old man to lose it slowly.

“This is barely the beginning baby.” He began to pull away, and I let out a protest as his hands left my body. “Don’t worry love, I’m not going anywhere.”

I hummed in happiness as he ripped his shirt off, giving me a view of his big, muscled chest. I knew he worked out, but holy fuck… His muscles taunted me, telling me to trace them with my fingers and follow them with my tongue.

“Dammit Lia,” he groaned using the nickname only he ever called me, “don’t look at me like that.”

“Like what, daddy?” I moved my eyes up his torso to meet his own stormy gray ones. I tried to keep my face blank with innocence, but I had a pretty good idea what he was talking about. If even a fraction on my thoughts, had shown on my face, I’m sure I looked at him like he was a feast for a starving woman.

“You know exactly what I mean, naughty girl.”

I grinned at him wickedly, and he just shook his head at me. “Are you going to punish me for being a bad girl?”

“It’s not much of a punishment if you like it, Lia.” His voice was stern but I saw the smile in his eyes.

“I guess you should try it and see what happens.” I rolled onto my stomach and peeked at him over my shoulder, loving the groan he let out at the sight of my bottom peeking out from my shorts.

Immediately, his hand came down and spanked me, most of the smack muted by the cloth of my shorts. the bottom of his palm did connect with a bit of skin, and that little sting made my clit pulse. My eyes widened with a little surprise, not realizing just how much I was going to like that. I realized after a split second that it wasn’t enough though.

A wicked though crossed into my mind, and I hid my evil smile against the blanket in front of me.

“That didn’t even hurt.”

“What did you say?” Daddy’s hands squeezed both of my ass cheeks, and I barely held back a moan. my goal now was to provoke him just a little; just enough for him to let go and stop worrying about this.

I turned my head so that he would be able to hear me clearly this time. “I said that didn’t hurt.”

A low laugh escaped him, and the sound had goosebumps popping up on my skin. “You asked for it little girl.”

Suddenly, my shorts were yanked down over my hips, my bare ass exposed to the air. I heard him suck in a sharp breath.

“I’ve never seen a thong look so good before baby. Fuck, your ass is perfect.”

I glowed at the praise, glad he liked what he saw. I knew the dusky pink color looked good on me, hence why I’d worn it.

“Now, if you’re going to get a spanking, we’re going to do it right.” Before I could ask what he meant, the bed dipped as he sat on the edge, and suddenly he was pulling me over his lap. The tips of my toes were barely touching the ground as I was splayed across his legs, his hard cock pressed into my tummy. My hands were grasping his leg, helping me to balance.

One of his hands pressed into the middle of my back, securely anchoring me to his lap. Before the sigh of content could finish leaving my lips, a crack sounded through the room. The burn registered a moment later, and my mouth popped open with a small cry. Daddy ignored it, smacking my other cheek with just as much force.

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