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On Saturday morning Claire awoke late. She and Tess had spent Friday night at a frat party. Dancing, drinking and laughing with new friends. They were inseparable all night, which had come the norm.

They were now into their second semester. Classes were going well and their sex was going fantastic. Whenever Claire thought Tess had shown her all she knew, she would surprise her yet again.

At one point last night Claire was sitting on a counter stool talking to one of the frat boys; he was doing his best to flirt with Claire. Tess was standing to her side taking it all in without showing but mild interest. Claire innocently reached behind her and took Tess’s hand. She pulled it around her waist, letting it rest on her thigh. The frat boy smiled. “Of course. ” He said. “Good for you.” He looked at Tess. “Congratulations.”

Tess just smiled and gave Clair a pat on her hip. Was that little move for my benefit or yours?” Tess asked.

“Ours.” Clair relied.

“Good answer.” Tess said

“Excuse me.” A soft voice interrupted them. Claire turned to look into the bluest eyes she had ever seen. The sparkled and they belonged to a blonde beauty with long legs and small breasts and why was she taking notice of this she wondered?

Could I get a napkin?” She asked

Clare just stood there until Tess nudged her back to earth. The girl pointed to the counter behind Claire. “A napkin?” She said again.

Claire looked. “Oh. I’m so sorry. Here.” Claire said and picked up a couple and handed them to the girl.”

“Sarah.” The girl said,

“No,” Claire replied. “I’m Claire and…….and this is Tess.”

The girl paused then smiled. “No, I’m sorry. I’m Sarah. I was just introducing myself.”

Clare blushed as the young girl took the napkins and proceeded to wipe something from her finger. “I’m sorry.” Claire said, “I don’t know where my head is tonight. Too much beer I guess.”

“Thanks any way.” Sarah said and turned and walked across the room to where she had been the center of attention for a group of frat boys. Claire tried not to watch but the girl’s slender legs looked like they were a block long in 5″ heels and a hip hugging black dress with a hemline at least 10″ above her knees. A slit up the right side ending along her hip didn’t hurt. Blonde curls covered most of a long, lean and tanned bare back.

She leaned against Tess, “Sorry.” She said. “I don’t know why she effected me like that. No offence but she must be the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”

“My feeling exactly. No need to apologize for your feelings.” Tess said. “You can’t control your feelings.” Tess pulled Claire’s head back and kissed her. It was the first time she had done that in public.

When their lips separated Claire said “I don’t think you wear a bra in that dress.”

Tess relied, “I don’t thing you wear anything else when you wear that dress.”

As the evening progressed Claire ‘s eyes would inadvertently land on the girl, Sarah. Each time Sarah would be looking at her or soon after her head would turn to search her out and then both of them would look away.

“I think I should take you home,” Tess said, “before you have an accident right here,”

They were walking across campus getting close to the dorm when Claire spoke. ” I’m really sorry Tess. I’ve never acted like that before. Not over a boy and certainly not over a girl. I don’t know what the hell happened to me. I don’t know what’s going on”

Tess squeezed her hand. ” Its called sex, it’s called arousal, it’s your sexual awakening. Since I’m responsible for getting it started, I don’t think I have a right to object when you act on it.”

“But I wasn’t……acting on anything. She was just a beautiful girl that walked by and I wanted to look at her.” Claire tried to explain.

They were in their dorm room. They had showered, undressed, prepped for bed and pulled on pajamas. They lay together spooning. “Do you understand what I was trying to say….about the girl?” Claire asked

“Maybe.” Said Tess, “But If you’re being honest,” Tess kissed Claire’s shoulder. She kissed over her back and let her hand caress her breast. “How would you act if she was lying over there on you bed right now, nude and waiting for you?”

“I have no idea.” Claire said.

“Then you need to find out.” Tess said

The following Wednesday afternoon, Claire was setting at a table in the outdoor dining area of the campus coffee shop. Tess was away for three days at the Big beylikdüzü escort Ten Track and Field completion being hosted by Michigan State. Tess ran Cross Country and she was very good. When she left earlier that morning they hugged and kissed and Claire already missed her.

She was reading Melville, part of her current ‘Great American Writers’ class. Melville and Hawthorne, they would consume the bulk of her reading time for the next two months

“If I was going to bother to read American writhers I would prefer Fitzgerald.” When Claire looked up she was looking into the same hypnotizing blue eyes once again, the girl from the frat party. She had taken a seat at an adjacent table, setting on the opposite side so they were facing each other. She must love exposing those legs because they were crossed and were only half under her table and half out pointing directly at Claire.

“Uh….Sarah? Right? From the frat Party? Last Friday?” Claire was struggling for an ending.

“Well. Lets see. Yes. Yes and I thing it was Friday, yes.” The girl was toying with her.

‘Right.” Said Claire. “Nice to see you again.” God, that was stupid she thought. Sarah was wearing white shorts and a white Polo shirt. White sandals and her toenails and fingernails were white. She had a white pearl bracelet. And most amazing, Claire thought, She had the whitest most perfect teeth she had ever seen.

There was nothing ‘Wal-Mart’ about this girl. She was upper class all the way. She was from wealth and good breeding and privilege.

“I’m not a fan.” Claire said. “Class assignment.” She waved the book and shrugged.

Sarah leaned back in her chair without responding. She uncrossed her legs and then, looking into Claire’s eyes, she let them open. Wide. She ran a hand from her crotch to the inside of her knee and back.

Claire was clearly becoming unnerved and looked away. Without thinking, she began to gather her books and stand. “I need to get back. I have a lot of studying to do.”

“You’re in the Copeland dorm, right?” Sarah asked.

‘Yea.” Claire said. “You?”

“Oh, no, I have an apartment off campus but it’s the same direction. Can I give you a lift?” Sarah asked. “My car is right there.” She pointed to a newer Mercedes 450 SL convertible. The top was down.

“Sure. Thanks.” Claire said

They walked to her car and Claire slid into the soft leather passenger seat. Claire was wearing a skirt that was trying to climb up her thighs. She had not thought of that when she accepted the offer of a ride so she let her books settle into her lap to cover her exposed legs. When Sarah looked at her, she unhooked her seat belt and reached over the Claire. Give me those. That looks so uncomfortable. She took Claire’s books and tossed them onto the rear seat. Claire was tugging at her skirt as the Mercedes sped away.

“Why don’t we skip studying and take the afternoon off?” Sarah offered. We can hang at my apartment. It’s amazing and I get to have so few people over.”

“I don’t think I have the time. I’m really behind.” Claire was a bit uncomfortable being invited to the apartment when she really knew nothing about this girl.

“Fine then, we can study together. Help each other out.” She was glancing over and smiling at Claire as she drove past the turn to Claire’s dorm.

A couple of minutes later Sarah wheeled the convertible into an upscale 14 story condo building complete with a gate guard who waved as Sarah drove through without acknowledgement.

They parked, entered thru double glass doors that required a pass card, rode the elevator to the top floor and when Claire walked into Sarah’s college apartment she was met with a wall of glass that spanned the entire length of a 30 foot living room. And the view overlooking the entire downtown of Columbia, was fantastic.

Clair walked over to the windows and looked out. She didn’t know how long she had stood there just taking in the view. Sarah’s hands were slipped around her waist and her chest was pressing into her back causing Claire of jump.

“Relax Claire, It’s just me.” She slipped her fingers under Claire’s tee shirt and pushed up her sports bra and fondled her breasts. When her tee was pushed up, Claire was unable to prevent it. Her arms simply rose and her tee and bra disappeared. Sarah moved to Claire’s shorts and undid the top button and pulled down the zipper. She skillfully slid her shorts off and kicked them away. “Lets beyoğlu escort have those panties. I like to feel nothing but soft silky skin against me when a girl is making love to me. Her panties fell to the floor and as Sarah took her hand and led her to the bedroom her panties were left behind.

The two long legged beauties had lay side-by-side kissing and touching each other for half an hour. “I need you to eat me.” Sarah said.

“I don’t know.” Claire replied. “I’ve never done that. I don’t know what to do.”

“I’ll help you. “Sarah whispered. “Now just slide down there and let me guide you,” Sarah pushed her down over her chest and her stomach. And then Claire found herself with her head resting on Sarah’s mound. Sarah spread her legs and Claire settled between them. “Now listen.” Sarah instructed and she took Claire’s head in her hands. Sarah turned Claire’s face and drew it to her cunt. “Good girl. I like to be licked slowly. And deep, I like when they get their tongue in me real deep. Lets start with that for now and see how you do.”

With Sarah holding her head buried in her cunt Claire began to lick along her pussy lips, thrusting her tongue inside of her sex and letting her tongue circle here inner wall. Claire had no idea why she was letting Sarah use her like this but she continued to try and please her. She was making Sarah moan. She was rolling her ass and it pushing against her mouth.

Claire had increased her lapping. Making long strokes from the top to the bottom of Sarah’s sex. When she reached the top of her pussy this time Sarah gripped her head tightly. “Stay there. Suck my clit. Oh god that feels great.” Sarah started to work her hips up and down on Claire’s mouth and pressing harder. “Fuck that’s good. Suck me. God dam it, suck my clit.” Sarah was moaning and thrusting her ass at Claire. She was starting to gasp for air. She was panting and humping and then she froze. Her ass was off of the bed forcing Claire’s head backwards. Fluid was flowing from her cunt now. Sarah was in the throws of orgasm. Her ass would jerk and her arms tugged at Claire’s hair. And as soon as it began, it was over and Sarah lay back on the bed and released her hold on Claire.

‘That was fantastic. You sure you haven’t done that before?” Sarah was whispering to the ceiling.

“Never.” Claire said, not knowing if she was really expecting an answer. Her head was lying on the bed between Sarah’s legs and she was still breathing deeply. She was very aroused at what had taken place and was truly looking forward to what talents Sarah might possess. She finally rose and crawled up beside Sarah and put her arm around here. She started to kiss Sarah on her cheek but Sarah pulled back. “Not yet babe, just give me a minute to recover. That felt so yummy.”

They lay beside each other for quite some time until their breathing was returned to normal. It was Sarah who made the first move. Running her fingernails up and down Claire’s lean back. But when Claire brought her mouth up to kiss Sarah she again pulled away. “Why don’t you run in the bathroom and wash you face babe. You’re a bit sticky.”

Claire did as she was asked and when she had returned to the bed, Sarah was setting up, leaning against the headboard. Sarah patted the bed beside her.

Claire lay on the bed on her back and looked up at Sarah. “So. Do I get a turn now”‘ She asked.

“Honey,” Sarah ran her fingers through Claire’s hair and she leaned over and kissed her freshly washed face. “I’m sorry if I have mislead you but surely you don’t think I would eat some girl’s pussy do you?”

Sarah slid down a ways and hooked a leg over Claire straddling her chest. “But you were so good I’m going to give you another turn. I think I would like to ride you like a cowgirl this time. Would you like that?”

Claire was in shock at what Sarah was saying. “I don’t do this either. I’m only here because you asked me.” Claire protested.

“Well, honey, all of you poor girls learn how to serve us sooner or later. Just consider this my contribution to your education. Trust me Claire, this talent your learning here today is going to take you a lot farther that either Melville or Hawthorne.” Sarah looked down at Claire and giggled. She ran her fingers down her stomach and inched forward bringing her sex to Claire’s waiting mouth. Her fingers rubbed her clit and her cunt lips and then tickled Claire’s nose. “Besides, you get to give head to beautiful girls. bostancı escort bayan How bad can that be?” She smiled again and said. “Here babe, make me proud and lowered herself onto Claire’s tongue. “Fuck me,” she said. “But, lets take our time this time. Make me work for it. You have a very valuable tongue, you shouldn’t just give it away.” With that Sarah started to rock back and forth on Claire’s mouth.

“Started with out us didn’t you, you bitch.” Claire froze. She could not see anything past Sarah’s pussy but she heard a strange voice and there was giggling and laughter in the room. She tried to push Sarah off of her but Sarah pressed a strong hand to her forehead and said. “No…no babe.”

Without turning around or breaking her stroke, Sarah said, “Hi girlfriends, what kept you three?”

“Kept us hell.” one said, “When you called and told us what a sweet babe you had here we came right over. Except Beth Ann here insisted we all wash up first since we all needed to make a good first impression.”

Kathy, the girl who had been talking was kneeling on the bed beside Sarah and kissing her on the mouth. Kathy was a wisp of a girl, tall, willowy with short red hair. The other two now stood at the side of the bed. One, Beth Ann was shorter and just a slightly fuller build, maybe 5′ 6″ and 130 lbs. But she was well groomed and deeply tanned.

Girl number three, Cody, was 5′ 8″ with a very muscular 125 pounds, with short straight black hair. She could have been into weights and bodybuilding.

They were all, no surprise, being Sarah’s closest friends, beautiful, wealthy and spoiled. “So,” Kathy asked. “Are we invited to join or were we lured over here to provide you with a audience.

Sarah was rocking on Claire’s tongue and starting to pay less attention her friends and more to the very talented tongue wedged in her cunt. Sarah just waved the girls off, shaking her head. She was panting. “Not now.” She said. “Undress…..Oh..god….you have ……to ..have ..her!” Sarah leaned forward and put her head against the headboard. She pushed her hands down and locked her fingers together behind Claire’s head. She was bouncing on the bed first rising off of the bed then slamming down so hard she was pushing Claire deep into the mattress. She never lost her grip and wherever her pussy went, Claire’s mouth unwillingly was forced to follow.

Clothes had been tossed here and there and the girls were now kneeling on the bed, Kathy and Beth on the right of Sarah and Cody was on her left. They watched Sarah in the throws of orgasm. Claire was trying to keep from choking on all of the juices flowing from Sarah’s pussy. Claire was lapping and stroking and sucking and swallowing as fast as she could. She wanted this to be over. She wanted to tell all of them to ‘fuck off’. She was going to get dressed and go home, back to her dorm and wait for her Tess to return.

Sarah finally slumped and rolled off of Claire on to her side. She was still breathing hard and had her eyes closed. Claire stared to rise and Sarah reached over and hooked her shoulder lowering her to her back once again. She patted Claire’s forehead. “That was even better than the first time babe. Be a good girl and take care of my girlfriends.”

“I’m leaving, right now. I won’t be mistreated by anyone, especially you.” Claire said

While Claire was looking directly at Sarah, Kathy straddled Claire’s chest from the opposite direction. Sarah rose to her knees and leaned over to Claire. She put her mouth to Claire’s ear. “Be and good girl. Serve my friends and then you can go the fuck home.” She looked into Claire’s eyes. “Do you understand, Claire?”

She waited for an answer. Stared at Claire with a look of domination in here eyes. Finally Claire nodded. Sarah whispered. “Any way, there’s only three of them, how bad could it be for a little queer like you.”

Sarah looked at Kathy. “I think she’s ready.” And with that Kathy started to instruct Claire……”Wait” Kathy said. “Who’s eating my pussy? What’s her name?”

Sarah said. “Girls, Kathy, Beth, Cody, meet little Queer Claire.” Sarah went into the bath to clean herself up. When she was here enjoying one of her little college coed queers by herself she would make them come into the bathroom and they would clean her up. But her little queer was going to busy for quite a while today so she would have to do it herself. But then, Sarah stopped at the doorway and looked back at the bed. “Beth Ann,’ She called and Beth Ann pulled her eyes away from the activities between Kathy’s legs and looked at Sarah. Sarah curled an index finger at Beth in a come hither fashion.

Beth crawled off of the bed and met Sarah at the bedroom door. Sarah kissed her deeply, letting their tongues duel a while. I need you right now but ou won’t loose you turn with ny new little friend, I promise.

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