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Author’s Note:

This is a prequel to the very first story I submitted to the site. I wanted to give some back story to the relationship between ‘Drea and Brad. I’m finishing Chapter 5 now and should post it soon to get this story off an 11-year hiatus. Please vote and comment. Thanks!!


I’d met ‘Drea during my sophomore year of college at a party one night in early November. I’d been sitting with a couple of my weightlifting buddies sipping on a beer, when this beauty with short, dark hair in the prototypical little black dress walked through the door. It was one of those moments that you never forgot. I followed her around the room with my eyes. She was wearing black high heels and some sort of hosiery with seams that ran up the back. She looked absolutely amazing. I saw her walk up to a friend’s girlfriend and started talking.

Great, I thought to myself, someone here that I know is friends with her. I told my buddies I’d catch up with them later. I walked over to where Petra, my buddy’s girlfriend, and this goddess were standing.

“Hey Brad,” replied Petra.

“Hey Petra. How’s it going? Where’s Mark,” I asked.

“He’s working tonight. He’s supposed to be here anytime, though. Brad, this is my friend Andrea. We all call her ‘Drea.”

I looked at her and she smiled. Damn, she was gorgeous. She had these amazing brown eyes and a figure to die for. And that smile. She looked familiar, but I couldn’t place her.

“It’s nice to meet you, ‘Drea,” I said, reaching out my hand.

She placed her soft little hand in mine and said, “Yeah, you too.”

We all chatted for a bit and ‘Drea asked me where she could get a drink. I led her into the kitchen where the alcohol was. The guys hosting the party were from well-off families and they had a complete bar setup with almost everything imaginable.

“What can I get you,” I asked.

“Do you think they have any OJ? I’d love a screwdriver,” she grinned.

“Yeah, knowing these guys, I’m sure they do,” I replied with a smile of my own.

I found the juice and quickly put her a drink together. I used Stolichnaya and intentionally made it a little weak, because I didn’t want her to think I had any unwholesome intentions.

“Mmmm, thanks,” she said taking a sip. “You can put a little more vodka in the next one. I’m a big girl.” She had a very cute smirk on her face.

“Ha, sorry. I’ve seen you somewhere before. But I don’t know where,” I replied.


“Yeah, from the moment you walked in, I have been trying to think of where,” I said.

“Hmm, maybe you’ll remember,” she said with a mischievous smile. “So, who were those guys you were sitting with? Football players or something?”

“No, they’re just guys from my crew,” I replied.

“Your crew? You in the mafia or something,” she asked with a laugh.

“No, my powerlifting crew. We have a group of guys that all train together. We also hang out a lot,” I explained.

“Yeah, I’ve seen you guys in the gym. You’re really strong,” she said.

“Wait. What? You have?”

“I would think as many times as you’ve watched me work out, you would recognize me,” she laughed.

It hit me then. That’s why she looked familiar. I’d seen her in the gym a lot, too.

She turned around and bent over slightly at the waist. She looked over her shoulder at me and said, “Recognize me know?”

Damn, I hadn’t been very subtle. I’d watched her every time I saw her in the gym. She looked different when she wasn’t wearing her incredible spandex gym attire. When my buddies and I saw her, we all admired her. Well, more properly, stared lustily. I was embarrassed that I’d never even paid attention enough attention to her beautiful face to recognize her.

“Shit, I feel bad. I’m sorry,” I stammered.

“I’m really surprised you guys are as strong as you are as much as you all stare at my ass,” she said, giving me that mischievous grin once more.

“Damn, I’m so sorry, I just, well, I…,” I said. I knew I was making an even bigger ass of myself than she probably already thought, so I shut up.

“Oh, no need to be sorry, I wouldn’t be in there if I didn’t want to look good and have people notice,” she smiled.

“I feel even worse that I didn’t recognize you,” I replied lamely.

“Don’t worry about it. Let’s go find a place to sit and talk,” she suggested.

We made our way back out to the living room and found a seat on a couch. She sat down and crossed her legs as we continued to chat about school, what we were studying, our interests. We thought it was funny we both enjoyed exercise and were in the same major as well. She placed her hand on her thigh just below the hem of her dress. The movement caught my eye and I found myself looking at her silky hosiery. She noticed and gave me a smile.

“I hate to ask, but you seem dressed really nice for a college party,” I ventured.

“My friend and I went to an awards banquet tonight and rather than go home and change, we stopped ikitelli escort by,” she said.

“Oh, okay,” I said.

“I don’t really mind. I love dressing up and looking my best,” she said.

“You do look great,” I said with a smile.

“Oh, Mr. Serious finally smiles again. I was afraid it might break your face. You never smile in the gym,” she said.

“Gym time is serious time,” I smiled again.

“I’d say so, except for staring at my ass, that is,” she laughed. “And thank you for the compliment. That always makes the effort worthwhile.”

I enjoyed that she was so easy to talk to. She was smart and undeniably gorgeous. I was hoping I could spend some more time with her in the future.

I found my eyes running over her legs again. She had her legs crossed and one of her high-heeled pumps was dangling from her toes. I noticed that the hose she was wearing also had little squares on the heels that looked darker, like they were reinforced or something. When she walked to the restroom, I’d watched her legs intently. I was really intrigued by those seams on the backs of her legs. I’d never seen a girl in those before.

“Do you like my legs,” she asked off-handily as we continued to talk.

“Uh, what,” I asked as I snapped back to reality.

“I said, do you like my legs?” She had the sexiest half smile on her face.

“Yeah I do. They’re really great. I’ve noticed them a lot at the gym. You do a lot of exercises for them. You have the nicest calves I’ve ever seen on a girl. They’re really well formed and supple,” I gushed. She gave me an appreciative nod. “I also really like the pantyhose you’re wearing. They make your legs look even better. I’ve never seen any with seams like that on the back.”

“You haven’t, huh? These are my favorites, but they’re not really pantyhose,” she smiled.

“They’re not,” I asked.

“No, they’re stockings.”

“Stockings,” I asked, revealing my ignorance.

“Yeah, let me show you,” she said. She looked at the people around us and satisfied no one was watching, she slowly raised the hem of her dress. As it moved up, I saw the sheer material of the black stocking change to a darker, opaque band and then finally I saw a clip that was attached to the stocking. Finally, I saw the bare skin of her creamy white thigh.

“See the difference?”

I took a big drink of my beer because I felt like I had a mouthful of cotton balls.

“Yeah I do. They look great,” I muttered. She was wearing something I’d only seen in a men’s magazine. I couldn’t believe she was sitting there talking to a meathead gorilla like me.

She ran her fingers across the clip where it was fastened to the stocking. I watched her intently. I looked up at her face and saw that same sexy smile again. I couldn’t believe that she was showing me right here in room full of people, but with the alcohol flowing and the music loud we were in our own little world.

“Would you like to touch them,” she asked.

I looked at her, thinking she was joking. The look in her eyes told me she was serious.

“Yeah,” I managed to reply.

I placed my hand on her leg just above her knee. Her thigh was so firm. I was surprised by the way they felt. I’d touched a few pantyhose covered legs in my time, but this was totally different. They felt so soft and silky. There was an almost magical feel to them. I looked at her again and she winked at me.

“See how different they feel,” she asked.

“Yeah, it’s amazing. They’re the softest things I have ever felt,” I replied.

“I know, that’s why I love to wear them,” she said.

I began to feel a little self-conscious as I was openly rubbing her leg in the middle of a crowded party. I looked around, but everybody seemed too wrapped up in their own conversations. I looked at ‘Drea again and she nodded at me. I took that as a sign to continue. My hand rubbed slow circles up and down her thigh. I got up towards the top of the stocking and slowed down, as I didn’t want to go too far. I watched her face for a reaction. When I slowed down, she casually bit her lip and nodded to me, again. I decided I had approval, so I moved my hand up to where the stocking ended.

It felt a tingle that ran up and down my spine as my fingers encountered her bare skin. She felt so soft and wonderful. I continued to look deeply into her sexy brown eyes. About then somebody announced that the cops were outside and that everyone was going to have to go home. Goddamn it, I thought. Of all the fucking moments for the party to get busted up. I saw the look of disappointment on ‘Drea’s pretty face and knew exactly how she felt. She looked at me and said, “What now?”

“I don’t know. We should probably leave. We’re both underage,” I said.

“Okay,” she said, her disappointment evident.

“Is your friend still here,” I asked.

“No, she left a while ago. She needed to get up early tomorrow. I saw her when I went to the restroom. I told her istanbul escort I was talking to you,” she smiled.

I smiled back at her, “Do you need a ride back to campus? One of my buddy’s is our designated driver,” I offered.

“Yeah, probably. It’s a long way to walk by myself. Would he mind,” she asked.

“No, of course not. He has to drop another guy off by the dorms anyway. I was just going to walk. My apartment is just across the street,” I said.

“Oh really,” she asked.


“Do you have a roommate?”

“No just myself,” I replied, wondering where this was going. Surely not, I thought.

“That must be nice. I have a roommate and it can be tough,” she said.

“I know, that’s why I don’t have one anymore,” I smiled.

“Oh damn, I forgot I wasn’t supposed to come home until later,” ‘Drea said.


“Julie, my roommate, is having her boyfriend over tonight. I told her I wouldn’t be home until 2,” she explained.

“Oh,” I replied. It was barely 11:30.

By then, we’d made our way outside and were walking towards my buddy’s Chevy Tahoe. I was afraid to ask the obvious question, but I decided I might as well risk it.

“You can come over to my place for a while. Then I’ll walk you home later…,” I said.

“You wouldn’t mind,” ‘Drea asked.

“No, I wouldn’t mind at all,” I said in complete surprise. “Uh, let me tell the guys.”

I walked over to my friends. “Hey, we’re going to hang out for a while and then I’m going to walk her home,” I explained.

Moose, a senior and the biggest guy in our crew looked over at her and smiled. “You fucker, that’s the little hottie from the gym, isn’t it? What the fuck is she doing hanging around with a gorilla-faced punk like you?”

“I don’t know, man. We’re just hanging out. I didn’t recognize her at first,” I said.

“I wouldn’t either unless she was on that damn thigh machine, where you can see the outline of her coochie through her spandex,” Mike chimed it.

“Mmmm, yeah that’s right. Damn you have got to get her naked and tell us what she looks like out of that spandex man,” Moose replied. He looked at her again. “Damn, you’re one lucky son of a bitch. We all about fell out of our chairs when we saw you and her on the couch together. She looks smoking hot dude. Be careful and don’t break her. She’s just a little thing.”

“Moose, we’re just going to hang out for a while and I’m going to walk her home. Let’s not get too carried away,” I said.

“You need to get your shit straight man,” Mike suggested.

“Yeah, he’s right,” added Steve. “You need to get some pussy, dude. You’ve been fucked up in the head since that cunt Lori dumped you for that frat boy fucker. Damn, I still say we should have went over there and kicked his ass, along with all of his little, faggot buddies as well.” These guys were like brothers to me and that option was discussed at length.

“You tried that lovey dovey shit and she ended up fucking half of that frat house behind your back. You’re in college now. Have fun, try new things. You’ll have plenty of time to be caring and considerate later,” Mike added.

“Yeah, listen to them, dude. Don’t get too caught up in what’s between her legs tonight and forget squat day tomorrow at 10. Don’t be late and don’t be hung over,” Moose slugged me viciously in the shoulder before they got in Mike’s Tahoe.

“Okay, man. See you guys in the morning,” I said.

They pulled out and drove off. There were a few catcalls as they drove by ‘Drea and I as we walked across the street.

“They seem fun,” ‘Drea smirked.

“Yeah, they’re a good bunch of dudes for the most part,” I said.

We got to my apartment building and since she was in heels, I decided to take the elevator up to the 5th floor. I rarely used it because I could usually be on the 5th floor using the stairs, more quickly. When the door closed, she turned to me.

“Thanks for letting me come over for a while. I didn’t want to make Julie mad,” ‘Drea said.

“Hey, it’s ok. I’m glad you’re here. I know this is a little weird, but I really like being around you,” I said.

“Yeah, me too. I’m glad we went to that party tonight. We were going to go dancing but I talked Kate into stopping there, first,” she smiled.

“I’m very glad you did,” I said.

Even with what we had been doing at the party, she surprised me by leaning over and kissing me vigorously.

“I’ve wanted to do that for an hour or so,” she smiled.

“Yeah, me too,” I admitted.

We got to my floor and stepped out of the elevator. She took my hand and I walked her to my door. We entered and she sat her clutch on the bar between the kitchen and living room.

“I have some beer, some gin and a little vodka if you want another drink,” I said.

“Sure, how about a gin and tonic? What kind of gin is it,” she asked.

“Bombay,” I said.

“Good. That’s my favorite,” she replied as she sat on my couch. I kadıköy escort was very impressed. She seemed very worldly for an 18-year old freshman. Not that I was a world traveler by any means. Moose had left the gin at my place one night and I got to look like a high roller in front of ‘Drea. I usually went for the $10 a half-gallon stuff myself.

I made our drinks and walked out to find her sitting on couch. Her legs were crossed again, and her pump was dangling from her toes. I found that sexy as hell.

“Mmm, thank you. Oh, that’s nice,” she said as she took a sip. “You put just the right amount in it.”

“Thanks,” I smiled.

“So, do you go to parties over there a lot,” she asked.

“Yeah, Moose went to school with Bryan, one of the guys that lives there. They grew up together down in Florida. Their dads are real estate developers and have made piles and piles of money. Moose is a good dude, but Bryan’s never worked for anything in his life. Moose’s dad came from humble beginnings and always lets Moose know that hard work is the only way to get anywhere. Moose actually has a job here at school, even though his dad could probably buy most of the school.”

“Hmmm, that’s good though,” she said.

“Yeah, Moose appreciates things unlike Bryan,” I said.

“I can imagine so,” she smiled.

“So, we’re always welcome over there. I think Bryan mostly likes to have us there for crowd control,” I added.

“You are an intimidating bunch. I saw most of the other guys have tattoos. Do you have any?”

“No, that’s not really my thing,” I said.

“Yeah me either,” she smiled.

“So, tell me, what’s your life story, ‘Drea?”

“Well, okay then. We might as well get that all out of the way,” she laughed. Her eyes seemed to sparkle as she did so. “I grew up in Houston. My family has been in the oil business for years. My dad is a geologist and my mom’s a doctor.”

“Wow,” I replied.

“Yeah, they do all right. Granted, neither one of them need to work. My grandpa was what you might call an oil tycoon. When he passed away, he was wealthy beyond most people’s imaginations. My dad was an only child, so he inherited it all,” she said.

“Jeez, that’s impressive,” I said.

“Yeah, I don’t know any of the specifics, but my mom told me that money was one thing I would never worry about. She just told me that I was not going to sit around and be a spoiled, rich bitch. I was going to college and get a job like a normal person,” she said.

“That’s admirable,” I said.

“It’s what grandpa made Daddy do. He made him work for everything. Daddy really appreciates everything he has because of it,” ‘Drea said.

“You want another drink?”

“Sure, I’ll have one more,” she smiled.

As I went to make our drinks, everything was suddenly a lot clearer. She’d grown up around money and knew a lot about the various finer things. It made a lot more sense now why she was used to dressing up and looking her best.

“Here you go,” I said handing her drink to her.

“Thanks,” she said. “I need to apologize to you, Brad.”

“For what?”

“For acting like I did at the party. I acted like a slut, and I’m not really that way. I just really got off on you looking at my legs. I wanted to show them to you and tease you. I always like it when you guys watch me in the gym, too. It makes me feel really sexy,” she said.

“You are really sexy,” I said. I watched her blush. “I don’t think you need to apologize. I feel like I should apologize to you for staring at you in the gym. I don’t think you were slutty at all tonight and if you hadn’t done that, I’d still be having a great time talking to you right now.”

She smiled at me. “Okay, good. I just wanted to tell you that.”

“Besides, you showed me something tonight I never knew existed,” I laughed.

“What, the stockings?”

“Yeah,” I smiled.

“I am a pretty rare girl. Most girls these don’t even wear pantyhose anymore, much less stockings and a garter belt,” she smiled.

“Why do you do it, then?”

“I remember when I was younger, I would go to my grandpa’s office. He had all sorts of old things around there. Old newspapers, magazines and stuff. I used to read through them. There always seemed to be a racy cigarette advertisement with a pin up girl wearing stockings or ads for clothing stores with models in stockings. When I got older, I knew that I didn’t see stuff like that anymore really. So, I asked my mom about it. She said that she used to wear them after high school and during college. She said they were definitely sexy. She said that my grandmother used to wear them as well,” she explained.

“Hmm, interesting,” I said.

“Whatever, I’m boring you and you’re being polite,” she replied.

“Oh no, I don’t mind. It’s fascinating,” I said.

“You think so, do you,” she asked suspiciously.

“Oh, yeah. They look so good on you. I really mean that,” I said.

“Thank you for saying so. Most of my friends act like I’m weird, but I feel sexy and confident in them. When I get guys to stare at me like you were tonight, it makes it all worth it. I saw you watching me walk away to the bathroom. I’m surprised your tongue wasn’t hanging out,” she laughed.

“You missed when it was, I think,” I laughed.

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