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Jagdeep was drunk, and indeed, my own head reeled with the effects of the wine. The empty bottles stood in mute testimony to our over-indulgence. I sat rather numbly in the armchair facing the settee, watching Jagdeep let him fondle her generous bosom, his hand moving beneath her loose fitting blouse. Her cheeks were flushed and her large dark eyes glazed with a heady mixture of lust and alcohol.

“You really shouldn’t be doing this…” she slurred. Then giggled, her head falling forward to study the rhythmic motions beneath the front of her blouse.

“Look – robo tits!” and she dissolved into another fit of the giggles. As they subsided, she let her head fall back against the sofa, and gazed up at the ceiling. A dreamy expression slackened her features, and she “Hmm’d” pleasurably.

She gave no sign of noticing or caring, when he unbuttoned her blouse completely. He was clearly captivated by the delights thus revealed, seeming to pause, drinking in the sight of her. Her peach coloured bra had been unsnapped, and then pushed up off her breasts. Jagdeep possessed the breasts I lusted after. Full, firm and creamy. Her nipples looked bigger than mine, paler coloured with larger aureole. I think that if I had been able to swap breasts, I would have opted to keep my own smaller, darker nipples. When he leaned over to press his mouth to her, I felt my own tummy clench, my nipple hardening in sympathy. Jagdeep murmured more sleepy noises of contentment.

We had invited him over twice now. He was far from the usual kind of bloke who graced our flat. Jagdeep had a preference for large black men with matching tackle, who would shag her senseless, treat her rough and leave without a backward glance. I on the other hand considered myself slightly more selective, having a thing for the blond surfer types, into their bodies and the gym. They did tend to be rather short-lived affairs. The self-infatuation they tended to exhibit would finally piss me off. I guess, to be horribly honest, that the pair of us had a rather a shallow taste in sexual partners. Maybe that was why we both enjoyed David’s company so much. I knew him from the office I worked in. One of the quite types that both of us would overlook without a second thought. A standard Mister Average, not helped by him wearing glasses instead of ubiquitous contact lenses. It was a surprise to me when I found myself not only spending more and more time in his company, but actively seeking it. Still can’t quite work out what the attraction was. He clearly found me attractive… and I had often caught his eyes on me. Nothing unusual there, but there was still something… he didn’t expect anything maybe. Most of the men at the office tried it on, some more arrogantly than others. All seemed affronted when they got the brush off, angry at my refusal to be awed by their offers. I am sure half the time they could not believe that the little Indian girl had refused the chance to shag a nice white boy! David never tried it on, not once, despite his approving eyes. Maybe that was the root of the attraction. I also found myself favourably comparing him to my first love… he had the same kind of manner about him. I found him easy to talk to, non-threatening. I was surprised to find out that he was a little older than the average office worker, then found that it made a kind of sense. He seemed to be past the game playing stage. He was a good listener and had wide ranging interests that helped him stand apart from the unusual office crowd. I found myself very comfortable in his presence, as if I could let my guard down. Don’t get me wrong, he was clearly attracted to me, but he never let it get the better of him. There was one other reason to value his friendship. One I found harder to face, or acknowledge. The two Indian engineers in the office made my life miserable, snide remarks and boorish insinuations – but he got on well with them. That friendship with them seemed to moderate their behaviour towards me. Maybe it was as simple as that.

Last week, following an after work drinking session in a pub, I heard myself invite him back for a coffee. He seemed surprised, and for a moment I actually thought that he would refuse. I worried all the way home in the taxi, what was I doing? What would he be thinking? Nothing! Inviting a friend home for a coffee, nothing else, don’t be stupid! Jagdeep answered the door wearing little more than a kind of lacy string vest, that left little to the imagination. She also sported her slightly glazed, well-shagged look. It turned out that Lord, the latest black stallion had only just left. Jagdeep reeked of sex. She ignored David, grumbling to me about what a bastard Lord was.

“Wham bam thank you m’am!” was the phrase she used. “Mind you,” she couldn’t help adding lewdly, “A big black dick that big doesn’t need many manners!”

She may have ignored him, but David would have to have been brain dead not to be effected by the blatant sexuality oozing from her. She looked, smelled, and no doubt tasted, of raw sex. I hurried David through to the living room, tersely canlı bahis instructed Jag to make herself decent and stop acting like a slut – half hoping that she would vanish into the room for a sulk. No chance of that.

It had turned into an oddly pleasant evening. To my surprise, he and Jagdeep got on well, but I couldn’t help noticing that he took real pains to stop her monopolising the conversation. The regard I held him in only increased, and more and more he reminded me of my school days lover. There and then, watching Jagdeep flirting cheerfully with him, I knew I wanted to sleep with him. Shit, why so coy. I wanted to shag him. Watching Jag preen before him, actually enjoying a conversation for change, instead of lying on her back with her legs open, also proved to be a revelation. She fancied him too! And I shocked myself by feeling my tummy heat up at the thought – not only did that fact not seem to bother me, it positively turned me on. Jag and I were good and intimate friends, true enough. But defiantly not that intimate. We had never even had a lover in common, never mind shared one at the same time! But now that the seed had been planted… I couldn’t seem to shake the idea.

David left in the early hours, overflowing with coffee. He had received nothing more than a peck on the cheek and seemed perfectly content. He was an enigma to me. He made no attempt to outstay his welcome, dropped no ham fisted hints but clearly enjoyed my, indeed our, company immensely. It was a very strange sensation, suddenly wanting somebody and then seeing them meekly out of the door. Jagdeep gave me a very meaningful look before slipping off to her room. “He’s nice. If you don’t give him one dear, I will. You should invite him round again.” It turned out to be a very warm and restless night, my imagination worked overtime long into the early hours.

Invite him round again. Which is exactly what I did. This time we laid on a light supper, and several bottles of wine. Greeting him at the door, I made a point of kissing him on the mouth, my tongue brushing over his lips. I enjoyed the way his eyes widened, the sudden tightening of his arms around me. It was a simple hug, which suddenly possessed a wealth of meaning. The dinner went well, the wine was consumed with gusto. Jagdeep flirted outrageously, but it never turned into anything heavy. David laughed, clearly enjoying the evening, and frequently he seemed to catch my eye as if to try and gauge my reaction to his occasional teasing and innuendo. I did my level best to reassure him, at one point suggested flippantly that that way Jagdeep kept up her flirting, she was asking for a good shagging. The joking tone was not reflected in the look he and I exchanged. As non-verbal communications went, I do not know how I could have made my desires more obvious. The subtle nod at Jagdeep, combined with the serious, level gaze. When his eyes opened in surprised query, I licked my lips and smiled at him. I couldn’t see any outward sign, but I know his cock hardened right there and then.

Which brings me back to my sitting watching him feast on Jagdeep’s breasts, aware that the pilot light between my thighs had turned up to a medium burn. He dropped a hand to her knees, and her legs parted under the most gentle of pressures. His hand slipped between them, rucking her skirt up, sliding inexorably up to her fork. His hand revealed, then covered the front of her knickers, and her legs parted even further, increasing his access to her. He abandoned her breasts for a moment, gazing down at her crotch, clearly enjoying what he was seeing. He glanced up at me, reclining deep in my armchair, and I must have seemed half asleep to him. I didn’t know how to respond to his enquiring look, then boldly settled on something as unambiguous as possible. My own short skirt had ridden high on my thighs, and it took but a tiny movement to drop my hand into my lap, expose the damp crotch of my knickers before cupping my own hot sex, mimicking the way he now held Jagdeeps.

He seemed more conscious of his audience now, and positioned his hand to allow me to see between her thighs better. My hand lay quietly outside my own pants, cupping the mound of my sex, no more than a gentle pressure over my clit. I could feel my moisture seeping from my furrow, the heat in me leaking out. Indistinct as it was, I saw him push the gusset of Jag’s knickers aside. When Jagdeep tossed her head, and muttered “Oooooh… yes!” I assumed that she had been penetrated by at least one finger. Taking that as my cue I copied the action, surprised at the heat and wetness in my own sticky honey pot. He fingered her for a couple of minuets, and I could see her fluids glisten between her thighs and over his hand. He seemed content to finger fuck her endlessly, until she surprised us both by lifting her head, and enunciating quite clearly. “I really think you ought to shag me”, before lapsing back into her slurred, happy mumbles.

I thought he would take her there, kneeling between her wide spread thighs. But he clearly had other plans, and coaxed bahis siteleri Jagdeep off the settee and down onto her knees. Despite her earlier lewd words she went through the motions of half-hearted protest. The hand between her thighs and his insistent kisses ignored her half-hearted attempts to resist. “Shouldn’t be doing this.” She muttered as he eased her onto all fours, parallel to settee. He hushed her gently, and raised the back of her skirt, smoothing it up around her waist. Her peach coloured knickers stretched over the smooth swell of her buttocks, until with a smooth economy, he slipped them off her hips, and half way down her thighs. The only sign that she noticed was a soft sigh, then the wiggle of her tail. Her behind was the creamy, pale coffee colour of her breasts, and he paused to admire the view for a moment. Then he leaned forward and brushed his lips over the satin skin. Her vague mutters turned in an “aaah” of pleasure at the feathery contact. I could see his hand, moving between the top of her legs, but could not see quite what… I quietly eased my body slightly sideways, giving me a better angle to view the shadowy juncture of her thighs. Ah, the pouting bulge of her nether lips had been parted, and penetrated by two of his fingers. She was feeling a bit more than the brush of his lips. His fingers worked steadily, and I watched his kisses turn more forceful, leaving trails of saliva, and the odd light bite mark. Jagdeep’s muted protests had been replaced by the occasional contented sounding sigh, and she lowered herself to her elbows, and shuffled a cushion under her cheek. Her eyes were closed and she almost looked as if she could fall asleep!

I looked on, mesmerised as his right hand continued the gentle fingering, and his left was occupied with his belt and flies. His cock was a pleasant surprise. No monster, but an upward curving six inches or so. But fat. Nothing to beat a nice fat cock.

I was giving myself a rather vigorous finger fuck of my own by now, and they both seemed to have forgotten my presence entirely. I could feel the heat building up inside myself, and was starting to wish he would hurry things up – I felt as if my own release was linked to his progress with Jagdeep. He was still fingering her, but now was rubbing his erection over the smooth expanse of her buttocks, sliding it up the crease, and clearly enjoying the silken contact. Oh, bugger! With a couple of fingers jammed up my pussy and my palm grinding against my throbbing clit, I came. Nothing explosive, just a sudden surge of pleasure from my centre, making me tremble and jerk. It was as if he knew, because just as I peaked, he withdrew his wet fingers, spread the cheeks of Jag’s ass and pressed the bulbous tip of his cock to her pouting lips. Trying desperately to stop my eyes rolling up, I saw him bury his glans into her hole. Jag gave a happy sounding grunt, then she was forcing herself back onto him, slowly, as if savouring every impaling millimetre – and wide eyed I watched the stretched mouth of her cunt swallow the pale, veined length of his fat shaft.

It was my first experience of watching someone else fucking. I had watched, wide eyed with pleasure, as various varieties of hard cock slid in an out of my own smooth lipped pussy. I had always enjoyed the visual stimulation to match the internal sensation of hard cock inside me. This was different, equally intense, but more subtle kind of pleasure. I lacked the physical sensation of a hard cock, but only seemed to intensify the visual. Everything seemed magnified, intensified. The dark whorl of her anus seemed to flex each time she filled herself with him, his oiled cock shaft, veins gleaming with her pussy juices. I could even see the back and forth motion of her pussy mouth, clinging hungrily to his thickness, sliding back and forth as if reluctant release its tight embrace.

Hand in knickers, fingers in pussy, I watched them fuck in a warm, dreamy haze. She fucked him for a while, clearly enjoying herself in an odd, spaced out way, and actually yawned occasionally, but gradually the whole dynamic changed. He began to fuck her, gradually his tempo increased as he held her hips and began to thrust deeper and harder into her. Jag had always said that she liked it hard and fast, and it seemed that she was getting her wish. The yawning stopped and she started to take a more conscious roll in the activity. She was soon mouthing the litany of a good shag, ‘uh, uh, uh’ each time he rocked her forward, his fat cock hilt deep in her.

He kept pounding away at her, and my gaze was torn three ways. I was trying to watch is cock, pistoning in and out of her swollen lipped pussy, fascinated by the clinging grip of her wet, pink vaginal mouth. I was also trying to watch her face, open mouthed and contorting in a pleasurable kind of agony. Lastly I was watching the progress of his approaching peak. His face was taunt, creased with concentration, and as the frown deepened and I knew he was fighting to stave of his climax. Jag managed to beat him to it, gasping a heartfelt “Oh Yes!” bahis şirketleri then grunting and jerking around his impaling spike. She was still writhing around when it was his turn to grunt. He pulled his slippery cock out of her body. It sprang almost vertical, a great gleaming curve of engorged manhood. I waited for the spurt of seed… then froze, puzzled, as he wrapped a hand round himself, squeezing and then leapt to his feet. He moved fast, turning to my confused face and grabbed a handful of my hair, pulling my face towards the suddenly all-to-close tumescent organ. My mouth opened automatically, and then I inhaled the heady scent of… Jagdeep’s hot pussy. I balked, and tried to jerk away. I wasn’t prepared for this. I wasn’t ready for this… ulp. My mouth snapped shut just as his burning tip pressed against my pursed lips. Hot, slick and fat, it rubbed across my tightly closed lips, pressing forward, demanding entry. I gazed up at him in silent appeal and into his agonized, pre climactic expression. Then firm grip he had in my hair was forcing me forward, instant and irresistible. I didn’t resist, and relaxed my lips, opening my mouth to him. I found myself holding my breath as several fat inches of fragrant, slippery cock filled my mouth. Ah, pussy flavoured cock. An acquired taste, which I must confess, I acquired almost instantly. Without thinking, I reached between his thighs and found myself cupping the sticky pouch of his balls. Ug – more Jagdeep. Then I glanced up, intending to give him one of my best dirty looks and saw his eyes close tightly, just as his cock throbbed insistently in my mouth. The sight of a man gazing down, about to fill my mouth with his seed had always seemed so intensely erotic. His agonised expression and the intense gaze, trying to burn the memory into his subconscious. Then he came, the jet of semen had me gagging as the aromatic, slightly salty fluid filled my mouth. I swallowed hungrily after each subsequent ejaculation, fighting not to choke on his still thrusting cock. I spluttered and snorted through my nose and was rather relieved when he drew back, the overflowing semen leaking from my mouth and running down my chin.

I expected him to pull away, sit down or something. He gave me just enough time to swallow the dregs, catch my breath, before his cock forced its way back into my mouth. He had shrunk a little, the vertical rigidity had dropped to the horizontal, but he remained a breathtaking mouthful. I felt a tiny flash of resentment, Jag had just had good shagging, and all I was getting was to do a blowjob on his pussy-flavoured dick! I shrugged the ill feeling away, quickly recognising that if I wanted a ride on this fat cock, it made sense to keep as hard as possible. I liked the way he ran his fingers through my hair, and over the back of my neck. I had goosebumps all over. I was starting to pant again, and my jaw began to ache. I pulled off him, and started a spot of lollipop licking. He was impressively fat, my fingers barely met around hairy base, and I tried a gentle wanking motion. Looking up past his bulk, I found Jagdeep sitting on the floor leaning back against the settee. She had taken her knickers off, and sat, knees up and thighs open playing with her recently fucked pussy. She had a neat vertical strip of pubic hair, and fat shiny pussy lips. Her darker, inner lips peeked out of her furrow like an exotic orchid. She gave me a strange, amused smile, and then licked her lips meaningfully. I must have still been in a daze, because it suddenly hit me like a hammer blow! No wonder she was amused. She was watching me sucking the dick, which only moments before, she had been orgasming on!

I couldn’t help grimacing, then relinquishing his once more fully erect organ, I smiled waspishly at her.

“You should be doing this”.

“You seem to be doing fine” she smile sweetly.

David laughed, pissing me off a little more. Then he asked Jagdeep to come over to us. She looked a bit uncertain, but then rose and walked the short distance on her knees. I felt a bit weird, still holding his wet dick, but I didn’t quite know how to let him go. Once she was close enough, his free hand went to the back of her neck. I could see the muscles tighten in her neck and shoulders as she resisted the pressure for a moment. He pressed her right down until her face came near mine. It was my turn to give her a sweet smile, then I angled his cock towards her. This time her look was more challenging, as with an almost audible gulp, she swallowed an astonishing amount of this thick shaft. He let out a happy groan, and muttered a quick, “Bitch” at her. Unable to offer any response around his cock, she winked at me!

I sat there, watching Jag sucking on his dick, when the reached down and grasped my wrist. Hell, I still had two fingers deep in pussy. The pulled my hand away, pulling my fingers out of my liquid filled hole and lifted them up towards his face. Why should my own soiled fingers make my cringe, only moments after sucking his dick, fresh from another girl’s cunt? He lowered his face, and I could feel my tummy lurch as he closed his mouth over the two digits. He sucked my fingers, caressing each with his tongue – God, it felt so erotic. When he finally released them, the kissed each tip and looked down at me.

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