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375 filling up at a Truck stop375 filling up at a Truck stopIt was a dark winters night of overcast clouds and threatening rain, Helen, glanced at Dave sat concentrating behind the wheel of the old estate car, driving as usual with that consummate ease of someone who had held a licence forever. A smile flickering round his face, as he drove, he knew where and what was their purpose once more, and of her need for sex of the basest kind, sex with strangers, men at the most basic sexual level, who would just use her body, ravage her and after… probably never see her ever again, married men, single men, rough men, gentle caring men, fat men, thin men, clean men , and those that are a long way from home and a bathroom. To her they were all a dick on the hoof, and with the few exceptions, those unlucky ones who couldn’t get it up, they each used her just as they wished, it was her service to the male population, about twice a week now for months they had trodden this path, Dave, driving finding some sort of sexual thrill about taking his wife of some years now, to one of her favourite places to allow her this outlet, this debasement, this exactly opposed whoreing, that was as far from the “normal” lives they were both known for. She worked in the finance world, and not as a clerk, but as a manager, he as a tradesman, a skilled worker at his trade, a hands on tried and tested, time served artisan.They had found they needed to have an outlet, far removed from the hum-drum lives that they led on a 9 to 5 basis, week in week out, here on the Scottish border`s.I am not going to tell you how it all started, that I hope is to be a story of another time, lets just say she is middle aged woman and perhaps not the most beautiful though in no way ugly, she is still nicely shaped, tall, and a little underweight, her strawberry blond to red-hair enhancing the features of a fortunately barren lady, fed up of making her way past groping men of power, who took a woman trying to get on up the ladder of promotion as “fair game,” and “a perk of the job” rather than as a talented woman in her own right! So, let`s just say she had found an outlet that suited her, (and as it happened her husband luckily,) a release from the day to day grind, the high-flying tensions of the day job, and it suited them both, he loving the cuckold effect of her night-time “hobby” and the games afterwards.Gone were the tweed suits, the watching your P`s and Q`s, the board room “yes sir” and “no sir” of the day job, she was simply a whore on the prowl, here to service men, real men, not the collar and tie briefcase sops of banking, but working men, drivers far away from home, workmen, even homeless beggars, all grateful men who`s chances of a woman that night, or in fact in some cases any night, were slim to non-existent until they met her! Men, who knew what was expected, and usually delivered hard, without ties, hugs and the usual lovey -dovey crap of a lover or a suitor, she wanted her body used, she knew it and usually made sure that they knew it, she needed to be taken and taken hard and no strings, no “when can we meet again,” or “can I write or call” crap, just thanks and goodbye! And usually, not just one a night, just men, and more men, until filled with their slime in quantity, and feeling well used and full, she could return to her man, her Dave, her one true lover, to their home and the marital bed to share the nights rewards. It`s not to say that she had never met men again, some drivers on regular runs had had her more than once, but it was a case of them knowing she was here to shag, screw, fuck, and enjoy… mutual use, with no strings and no pack drill. They all knew wham bang thank you ma-am was invented for this canlı bahis girl.They passed through a village, street-light`s picking out her features as they passed, a face full of expectation, even joy, Dave had walked this path before he knew the signs and he never tired of it. Darkness and the threat of rain meant they were heading for a truck stop near the motorway, tonight a warm lorry cab being a much better alternative to the doorways and alleys which she had come to know in this quest for a body full of other men`s seed. She had dressed as usual, Dave having picked it all for her, a black leather skirt, tight and body hugging, a matching waistcoat, a platform bra, booted leather heels that added to her height, and accentuated her tight arse, bold lipstick, that screamed hooker, tart, whore! She was ready for action, Dave as always had seen to that, her smooth and manicured commando fanny itching for action, her knickers and tissues tucked in her waistcoat pocket to keep the leaking fill from seeping away on her return journey, they knew the game perfectly.The parking place, quite near the motorway soon came into view. Dave parking near the exit but with a commanding view of the big sloping yard, he tended to act as her bouncer , occasionally, very occasionally a suitor may have been perhaps a bit rougher than she may have wished, though usually she liked it a little rough, in some moods after a long day, she wanted to just be ravaged by the cave man approach, others she wanted just gentle lust, but a few times a year, on nights when she had a few days to recover, she would have welcomed a hard night with a sadist, a really hard lover who would not take no for an answer and would do just that little bit more than leave a handprint on her arse.Tonight though, she was tired, a conference in Morecombe for a few days had left her tired, irritable, and rampant and in need of sex therapy. Oh her MD, had pinched her arse a few times it was true, and that area manager had kissed her hopefully but neither had got her to bed… playing them like fish on a line she had avoided that skilfully, though teasingly, so she had kept her options open, dangling herself as bait, but it had all left her needing a hard but rampant seeing too, a fuck that only a manual worker could really provide, both she and Dave knew that for sure!She soundlessly kissed him, perhaps to reassure him, then slid from the car, it was time to become a whore once more, sell herself to these rampant men. The night struck cool, the wind rattling the litter about and clattering a loose hording, as her heels clip-clopped towards the trucks, cabs here and there lit by tiny televisions behind thin curtains, as tired truckers tried to relax.She tapped on the door of the nearest unit, the curtain moved, a driver looked down, she said nothing, his eyes undressed her, she knew the score, so did he, he told her to “bugger off!” the curtain fell back. The second unit was in darkness, she could hear snoring, she passed by. The third unit in the row was a low loader, the load a big dumper truck, towered over the trailer, it was tidy, reasonably clean and her knock this time was answered by the withdrawn curtain, and a pair of eager and not un- friendly eyes peering down, appraising her. The window dropped, “how much?” he obviously knew the score…She smiled and grunted “£20”.( she always charged a little though she would happily done the business for free, it made the men feel she was really a professional, a hooker) In answer the door opened, and a grubby hand was proffered to help her up into his cab, a gentleman, the skirt having to be hitched up to allow her legs freedom to mount the steps, she was soon up. the door closed, bahis siteleri he leant forward from his perch on the engine cover, to wind the window up once again, the cab a warm haven from the chill of the yard, the big old cab had two bunks across the back, the upper one stowed, folded against the cab back, a tartan blanket and a clean white pillow, everything neatly stowed, showed this driver had at least a little self-respect, the warm engine said he had only recently arrived, the cab heater as yet not blowing its noisy warmth. By now she had been in enough cabs to know the signs. A towel d****d over the driving seat, along with a wash bag and his clean hands, said he had washed recently, probably in the café toilets, his day`s work over. A faint whiff of soap and deodorant, most welcome as he climbed onto the bunk, laying out, his hand outstretched inviting her to him. She grinned, kicking her shoes off into the footwell, and clambering over the awkward seat into his arms. She kissed him lightly, pulling up her skirt as she straddled him in the narrow single bunk, Big, capable, rough working hands ran over her back, checking out her shape, resting on the leather clad backside. Sitting back on her heals she shed the waistcoat as his eager hands unbuttoned her shirt, she could feel his stiffness even through the heavy trousers, he was a fair size and rampant. She whispered, “how long since…?” he grinned, “its a week since I was home, they are full to busting, and I was just in the mood, its another two days before I get home again!” She laughed, that silvery laugh Dave knew so well, “we had best do something about that then!” she chuckled, then added I want a full belly before I go home tonight, and your full balls might just do the business…!” She undid his fly leaving him to deal with her blouse and bra, as most men find that stimulating, he was a fair size, not huge but thick and circumsized, his big mushroom head already oozing pre-cum one hand gently caressing her breast as the other probed at her pubic hair, that neat well-manicured little clump Dave spent so much time trimming the piece he referred to as `his lawn!’ A stubby finger slid into her slot, wet now from excitement. Suddenly it was all clear, concentrated, precise… gone the conference, gone the slimy MD, even her job, her real life, even her Dave, everything, all that mattered now, was, getting this strangers lovely hard and stubby tool deep up into her guts and that warm grey cum spewing up into her receptive belly. She shuffled forward, raised herself held her lips open and in one thrust jammed herself down onto his cock. They both felt the penetration, a minor pain as her channel slid open to accommodate him.So much so that for a moment they lay deeply conjoined, unable to move, waiting the sublime sensation to pass. Then by a mutual but unspoken message they began this deep and urgent dance, hips gyrating body`s banging together hands spasming on her soft if a little undersize breasts, kneading, pinching and squeezing her like some demented baker with his dough, the pain she hardly noticed, she was gone on the waves of fantasy, riding him automatically, hammering her hips on his in an urgent desperate way that spoke of wanting him deeper ever deeper, she began to climax, then he, urged on began spewing his jizz into her, in a way that had her believing she could feel his fill washing her diaphragm with hot slippery cum like an ocean wave on a rock.They lay together for a long moment, his tool blocking off the escape of his deposit, enjoying the sensations and coming down gently. She climbed off, he grinning now as she began dressing sat in the passenger seat, “want more trade?” he asked passing her a bahis şirketleri blue note as if paying for a loaf! She said she did, he reached for his CB radio, called blue-jay, giving his name as `Titan ‘ saying “did ‘Blue-jay’ want his tank emptying as he had a sump-sucker on call at the right price if he did!” not keen on the reference to a sump-sucker, the deal was confirmed and she was directed to a second low loader parked 3 wagons away, ‘Titan’ settling himself back on his bed a smile on his face as she slipped on the steps and half fell from the high cab, he didn’t move to help, to him she was used goods and now not his problem, the Sir Galahad of her arrival had gone with the orgasm.Within ten minutes she had collected another sample, this time from a long streak of misery in coveralls, in a filthy and untidy cab, who smelt but did the business with a very average sort of dick and a lack-lustre performance adding just another splash of cum in a matter of fact way, in turn he passed her to a happy go lucky Cornishman with a red articulated freezer box and the CB handle of ‘ice pop’! He was an old boy who did not seem to have it in him, but he was to surprise her, inviting her up into his cab as the threatened rain arrived. She found herself in the passenger seat, ‘ice pop’ in his bunk laughing at her shaking raindrop`s, from her hair and as she did, in doing so shaking her now unfettered tits, her bra being in her jacket pocket since it was removed by ‘Blue-jay’ who she had been happy to leave fairly rapidly. “you’re a lovely little thing, do you want a brew?” without waiting he poured her a mug, she took it happily, the tea strong and restoring. He too unhurriedly finished his mug, and bade her pull the curtains, this she did and then without being asked, she removed her upper clothes.The old lads eyes near popped out, saying that “he had not seen such a lovely real pair of tits in a number of years now,” he looked wistfull, then explained his wife was ill, had been for a few years now so no sex for him. He shrugged then he wriggled from his jeans, dumping them and then his shirt onto the driving seat, motioning her to join him on his bunk. He kissed her, his eyes looking distant, as he muttered “sorry Ethel old girl, but I need this!” then they were off, he had her skirt off in a trice, that old lad regardless of the used nature of her sex using his fingers then tongue, in a most efficient way, fetching her to a climax almost instantly! she in turn slid down his underpants, then after the initial surprise at his amazing uncut size, gave him a little head before slipping him into her body, now well slackened and lubricated by the first two men.It didn’t take long, his hot jizz filling her from a tool embedded deeper inside her body than the others had dreamed of, after a moment she went to get off of him, but he stopped her, “again” he croaked, she realised that he was still as stiff as a man in his 20`s, so she smiled, grinned nodded her head then rested back onto him in a way that said…too bloody right?He grinned, then began again! Three times that old lad did what most men would have been proud to do once! finally they lay together both exhausted, her belly feeling full and swollen now as she took a tissue from her pocket, and her knickers too, stuffed herself then dressed, he offered her the £60, but she smiled just took £20, and said “save it for Ethel buy her a present” then kissed him goodnight and rapidly returned to the car, slipping in beside her husband with a grin that said it all.Dave as usual was listening to the radio and waiting, dozing a little and watching the rain drizzling down the windscreen. She silently fitted her seat belt and they drove off homeward. After a few moments he asked “You ok?” she said she was, saying “she was full and ”had taken 5 loads for him,” he grinned, knowing when they got home how busy he would be, life was good, and tomorrow would be another day.

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