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Friday Afternoon Part 7Part 7Bobby awoke the next morning to a puzzling sense of unreality.As consciousness came to him he knew something was different, butwasn’t immediately sure of what.Then he began to sort through the events of the previous eveningand was thunderstruck at what he thought had happened. But he stillwasn’t sure; it all seemed like a dream. In fact, it had kind ofhappened in a dream – of sorts.He remembered falling asleep in the car as it sped home only toawaken groggily to the sight of Mrs. Bishop’s bare breast juttingout from her open blouse not an inch from his eyes. The ensuingevents now tumbled into his memory ending with them getting out ofthe car. By that time he was so exhausted he just dropped hisclothes on the floor of his bedroom, hit the bed, and fell into adeep, dreamless sleep.As he now looked around the room this was verified by the pile ofclothes lying on the floor by the bed. Holy shit, he said to himself,I don’t believe this really happened. And mom saw the whole thing!Summoning his courage he headed downstairs and saw his father outfront talking to Brad Bishop from next door. Hoping yet fearingthat his mother was in the kitchen he headed that way, intendingto get some breakfast.And there she was, dressed to kill in a short skirt and beautifulsilk blouse with and apron on, cutting carrots with a big chef’sknife. As he walked by she didn’t look up or say anything so hesaid, “Hi, mom,” but didn’t hear any reply from her. Waiting acouple of seconds he tried again with another, “Hi, mom. Good Morning.””Don’t ‘hi’ me you . . . you . . . you filthy, you perverted sexmaniac,” she hissed, the venom in her voice sharper than the knifeshe was wielding. Before he could utter a word she continued, “Doyou know what you did last night? Do you? Get out of my sight.Right now!” she ordered in a tone of voice that would brook no argument.Holy shit, Bobby said to himself as he quickly exited the kitchenand climbed the stairs back to his bedroom. Once inside he shutthe door and sat on the bed. He felt horrible. This whole businesswas a mess and he didn’t know what to do. As he sat on his bedfeeling helpless he heard a slight knock on the door which thenopened and his mother stepped in.She walked over and stood beside him as he looked up at her witheyes beginning to well tears.”I’m sorry, Bobby. Truly, I am. I didn’t mean to snap at you likethat – honest. I’m not mad at you. It’s just that I don’t thinkthat what happened last night was right. It was horrible whatCaroline did to you. Will you forgive me for speaking to me thatway, huh? It wasn’t your fault,” she said softly, putting her handon the back of his head. Then she leaned down and placed her soft,firm, full lips right on his and gave him a kiss like she’d nevergiven him before.”Forgive me? Please?” she said again, pulling her head away, hereyes pleading with his.Bobby could feel his cock start to swell as he answered, “Sure,mom, I’m sorry . . .” but he was interrupted by the loud voice ofhis father from the foot of the stairs as he shouted, “Hey, what’sgoing on up there? Bobby, are you out of bed yet? Norma, it smellslike somethings burning in the kitchen.””Oh hell,” Norma said, turning and hurrying from the room leavingBobby alone once more.Bobby didn’t see his mother for the rest of the day. She had goneshopping and didn’t return home until late afternoon, just in timeto make dinner. And he had a date that night with Ariel.During the church service the next morning, Norma surprised Bobbyright in the middle of the sermon by gently taking his hand in hergloved one and holding it until they again had to stand to sing.Bobby’s mind was going in all directions. What did it mean, hepondered, first that kiss yesterday and now she’s holding my hand?Maybe she just feels bad about what happened the past couple ofdays and for being so mean to me yesterday morning. It could alsomean that she’s changed her mind and maybe now we’ll get to toucheach other, he hoped beyond all hope as he looked down and her fulllegs beautifully encased in nylons.Norma did indeed feel bad about the way she had treated her son inthe kitchen on Saturday morning and she knew the anger she wasfeeling was misplaced; it should be directed at that bitch Carolinefor seducing her son in her presence. And with her husband rightthere in the car with them, of all things, where she completelyshut off from interfering due to the risk of exposure. Well, shewas going to get back at Caroline for this. She didn’t know how,but she was going to do it.Right after she had shouted at Bobby in the kitchen she felt soguilty that she went upstairs to apologize to him. He seemed sosad and forlorn, sitting there on the bed. It looked like he wasready to cry. He was so young and so naive, but oh so sexy. Shecouldn’t help herself as she stroked his head and tried to reasurehim. And when he looked up at her with tears in his eyes she justcouldn’t help herself. She leaned down meaning to just give him alittle peck on the cheek, but somehow her mouth was drawn to hislips and she just laid one on him. Even though it was a closedmouth kiss, just the feel of his beautiful Roman lips on hers almostmade her forget her resolve and she was on the verge of grabbingright there. The only thing that saved her was Jake calling aboutthe stuff on the stove.It was lucky her husband had intervened or else who knows whatmight have happened. Heading downstairs she knew she had almostcrossed the line and if she remained in the house today she wouldprobably take the first opportunity to do so. Therefore, she decidedto head over to Charleston and do some shopping, have lunch andtake in a movie she had wanted to see. Being by herself would giveher time to sort the whole business out.Norma didn’t remember much about the movie as she drove home becausefor most of the show her mind was occupied with formulating bakırköy escort a planto get even with Caroline. And now she knew what she was going todo. It might take a little time, but she knew her best friend andthe plan would eventually work.Sure enough. Norma and Caroline usually at least talked to eachother on a daily basis, either by phone or across the fence. Andthen there were those intermittent episodes when they were both inthe mood and they would find the time to be alone when they couldbet each other off. It was Monday while she was at work that shegot a call from Caroline, but refused to take it. Then Mondayevening the phone rang. Her husband answered it and she told himthat she wasn’t available. Over the next couple of days Carolinetried with increasing frequency to contact Norma. Norma avoidedit each time with some excuse or other.When Jake announced on Wednesday morning that he would be headingfor the annual week-long convention is Las Vegas on Friday, Norma’splans were finalized. In fact, she was almost ecstatic. First andforemost, she would have a whole week alone with her son. She hadreturned to her old resolve of not touching him or letting himtouch her. But to hell with the once a week rule she had set down.They couldn’t even find the opportunity to manage that! So sheplanned to make up for lost time while Jake was away. If Bobbywanted to get off a hundred times a day with her it would be OK!She was disappointed to learn, however, that Bobby had a date onFriday night which he couldn’t break. Nor did she want him to.There would be plenty of time later on. And that gave her theevening to use to set her plan for Caroline in motion. As a matterof fact, when the evening was done, so might her years long friendshipwith her be over. Time would tell.Jake was right on schedule and took the plane out at 12:52 for LasVegas. Good ridance and hello Bobby, my love! she said to herselfwhen Jake had called from 29,000 feet up on the new airplanetelephone to let her know he had gotten off alright. Heaven at last!As Norma had predicted, Caroline knew Jake’s plans because herhusband Brad and he were such good buddies. Immediately on theheels of Jake’s call from the plane the call came in from Caroline.The office secretary was a little surprised following a week ofnon-too-polite refusals that this time Norma would take the call.”Hello?” Norma said politely.”Hi, Norm. It’s me, Caroline. Can you talk.””Oh, hi, sweetie,” Caroline virtually crooned. “Sure, I’ve got acouple of minutes. What’s up?””Well, I’ve had some time to think things over and I’ve been tryingto get hold of you all week.””Yeah, I’ve been super busy, dear.””Uh huh. Well, as I said. I’ve thought it all over and I reallyneed to apologize for what happened last Friday night. I don’t knowwhat came over me all of a sudden, but it was like I was justpowerless once things got started. I’m really sorry, Norm. Can youever forgive me?””Nothing to worry about, honey. I understand.””Do you really?? You mean you’re not mad at me?”The relief in Caroline’s voice was just what Norma wanted to hear.”Not anymore, I’m not. I was a little miffed for a while there.But I understand what happened. The devil made you do it, huh?”Norma said with just the slightest trace of sarcasm.In her relief, it went completely over Caroline’s head and she saidcoyly, her voice dropping a bit, “I want to make it up to you,love. Really, I do. I know Jake’s gone and mayber Bobby’s got adate tonight? Brad’s going bowling. Do you think we can get togetherfor a while.””Sure, I don’t see why not. And besides, it’s been another dry weekand I’m ready for something.””Yeah, I figured you might be,” Caroline said enthusiastically.”So am I. And to make up for my less than prudent behavior, I’mready and willing to do anything you want. You can do anything youwant to me or I’ll do whatever you want to you. It’ll be your night.How does that sound?”Norma cackled out loud as she said, “Right, slave. You’re all mine,huh?” fearing that maybe she had gone just a bit too far.She needn’t have worried, though. Caroline was so anxious to makeup with Norma that she unwittingly said, “Yesss. I’ll be your loveslave for tonight.” And then she added in her sexiest voice, “Andyou’ll love every minute of it, I guarantee.”More than you know, bitch, Norma thought to herself. She had theslut right where she wanted her. This was going to work out betterthan she had hoped. Not wanting to push her luck she cooed, “Ican’t wait, love, but I’ve got to go, now, and finish up thiscontract. Bobby’ll be gone by seven, but I’ll need some time toget ready so why don’t you come over to my place about eight?””You don’t want to come over to my place like always,” Caroline queried.”No. With Jake gone, it’d be better if you came over to my house,”Norma said, already envisioning what she had in mind for thiscradle-robbing whore.”Ok, I’ll be there at eight. See you then, lover. Bye.” And shehung up. Great, Norma said out loud to herself. It’s all set.Tiddying up her office, Norma bade the staff farewell for theweekend and headed for Charleston. Once there she headed for thenearest adult bookstore she could find. Inside, she browsed aroundlooking for just the right video, but not seeing one she went upto the counter and flumoxed the help with her request. Yes, theydid have a few of that variety, but the keep them under the counter.From these, Norma found what she was looking for, paid for it andheaded for the nearest hardware store where she picked up a numberof items. Then she started back to Southfield to preview her purchaseand make use of the hardware items.When she got home she immediately started watching the video. Shewas looking for just a short portion of it and wouldn’t know whatshe wanted till she saw it. And she wanted to get it done beforeBobby got home from beşiktaş escort basketball practice. As she settled down onthe den couch to view the tape she thought that this kind of stuffwasn’t really her bag, but some of the actors and actresses weregorgeous and the sex mingled in among the other activities wasarousing. She considered masturbating while she watched but thendecided she wanted to hold off until she could cum with her son.Besides, it was getting late and she still had some things to do.Having finally found a section of tape she could use, she rewoundit to the spot she wanted and pulled it from the machine to hideit in the bookshelf until that evening. Then she gathered up thesmall bag from the harware store and headed for the basement. Twentyminutes later found her in the kitchen, whistling to herself whileshe began to make dinner for her and Bobby. Tonight was going tosomething else again, she mused.During the week, Bobby had plenty of time to think about what hadhappened to him and came to the conclusion that he was indeed avery lucky guy. For one, his mother, the most beautiful woman inthe world and who aroused him sexually no end, was allowing him touse her to satisfy his sexual needs. He knew it wasn’t acceptableby so-called community standards, but he was to the point of notcaring. Additionally, it finally occured to him that he had beenfortunate to have the incident with Mrs. Bishop in the car on theway home from the game. That was the first time ever in his lifethat he had ever sucked a woman’s breast – that he remembered, ofcourse – and the first time ever he had had another person makehim cum. That is, if you didn’t count the few circle jerks withhis buddies before they discovered girls. His only regret was thatit hadn’t been his mother that it had happened with. But he wassure that that would eventually happen, sometime.Every time he thought over the marvelous experience of being jackedoff by Mrs. Bishop while he sucked on her nipple he got horny andthis would drive him to masturbation. When he began playing withhimself he would envision back to how it felt to have that lovelypiece of fleshy gristle between his lips while her worried it withhis tongue. He did notice that Mrs. Bishop’s nipple and areola werenothing like his mother’s; her areola appeared to be pink in colorand looked puffy and swollen as it stuck out from her large breast.He wondered if it were possible to get the whole areola into hismouth at once. And her nipple itself was short and stubby, not reallong and thick like his mother’s.Bobby considered also how different it had felt to have the softinsistency of a woman’s hand jacking his cock and wondered howoften Mrs. Bishop had done this in the past. She seemed to be areal expert at it so she must have had a lot of practice. But whenit came right down to it as he thought about the experience hismind would inevitably wander to what his mother’s nipple would feellike between his lips and how her hand would feel jacking him off.God, if only . . .So, each time he had a masturbation session he would start offthinking about Mrs. Bishop but would cum with visions of doingthose things with his mother. And here it was Friday again, herejoiced, as he sat in English class reading Ibsen’s “Doll House.”He wondered if any of Ibsen’s characters did the things he and hismother had done and suspected that just maybe the author wasn’ttelling the whole truth.Bobby considered skipping basketball practice, but it wasn’t withinhim. He went and couldn’t wait for it to be over. When it was hehurried home to find dinner already on the table and his motherdressed to kill and in what seemed to be a jubilant mood. He rushedup to her and started to give her a big kiss, but she ducked andsaid, “Not yet, buster. Sit down and eat your dinner. Don’t youhave to be out of here pretty soon?””Wow, you look great. Got a date tonight or something,” he joked.”Yeah, with your father finally gone for a while, I do.””Who with, mom?” Bobby asked, all of sudden serious to the pointwhere Norma could hear some jealousy in his voice.”With whom, dear, with whom. Don’t they teach you proper grammarin English class these days?””Yeah, OK, with whom, then?” he said impatiently.”Guess! I think you know him.”Norma enjoyed watching the puzzled expression on his face as itslowly came to him that she was referring to himself.”Aw, mom, you know I have a date tonight,” he moaned.”Sure, but you’ll be back later and unless I miss my guess, youwon’t be too worn out, eh?””It’ll be pretty late, though.””Just tell the pretty young lady your mom said you have to be homeby eleven and you won’t be lying,” Norma smiled.”OK. We’ll see what happens.””Tell me, Bobby,” Norma said seriously, “have you managed to fuckAriel yet?””MOM!” Bobby almost shouted.”Well, I guess not, huh. Have you at least got to feel her bare tit?””Come on, mom, you know she isn’t like that,” Bobby weedled.”Not a slut like me, you mean?””Mom, for god’s sake, you’re not a slut.””Oh yes I am. I’m being one right now talking like this and I’menjoying the hell out of it.”When Bobby couldn’t come up with an answer to that she went on,”Well, do tell. Have you gotten your hot hand inside her top yetand managed to feel up her tits? Does she have sexy fucking nippleslike mine?”She could see her son was flustered hearing her talk this way, butshe also knew that underneath the embarrassment his crotch wasprobably starting to feel a little thick.”How about a blow job? Or at least a hand job, eh? Have you gottenher to jack you off yet?””Mom,” Bobby began, exasperated, “she doesn’t let me do thosethings. Yeah, I tried to feel her up a couple of times, but shewouldn’t even let me put my hand on her tit. All we’ve ever doneis kiss, OK.””Poor darling,” Norma mocked. “You must be so frustrated with thelittle tease. Do you beylikdüzü escort get a hard-on thinking about her, huh?”It was clear he had had enough when he answered, “I get a hard-onthinking about you, mother. Wanna see it? Huh?””Not right now dear. Be a good boy and finish your dinner, now.””You’re not making it easy, you know.””I know. I’m sorry. Just trying to lighten things up a little,”Norma lied.”More like trying to heat things up, I think.” And she knew he knewwhat she was up to. But it was all in fun and both of them smiledjust a little tensely.”I’m off,” Bobby said as soon as he finished dinner. “The show’searly tonight and I don’t want to be late. See ya when I get home!””Bye, dear. Be a good boy, hear. And if you can’t, at least savesome for your poor mother, OK?” They both laughed at this.Norma felt wonderful. Bobby would be home late enough so she wouldhave plenty of time to deal with Caroline. Now all she had to dowas change her undergarments and put on the sexy see-through blouseand high heels she knew would get Caroline worked up in no time.Upstairs she changed into the outfit she kept hidden for specialoccasions. It consisted of a fire engine red long line bra withhalf cups and garter straps. To go with that she put on her specialsheer nylons and really high heels. Then the short black skirt thatbarely covered her ass which she had purchased a while back, butnever had the guts to wear in public. On top she put on the shear,see-through white silk blouse that fit her snuggly all over. Asshe donned it she could feel the coolness of the fabric and to herdelight it made her nipples, bare above the bra cups, pucker fromthe chill. Then she carefully brushed her long hair and left itloose. To top everything off she used just a hint of perfume andapplied deep red lipstick in a thick layer to her full wide lips.And finally, the black velvet choker went around her neck.As she stood viewing herself in the full length mirror she feltshe had never looked more stunning and sexy. If this doesn’t getthat lesbian bitch hot, nothing will, she smiled to herself. Shewas actually getting turned on looking at herself.Downstairs in the den she turned off all the lights and lit candlesand then retrieved the bottle of champagne from the fridge. We’llstart upstairs, but I’ll have her down her in a flash – right inmy little web where I want her! And then the fun will start.Meanwhile Bobby had picked up Ariel and they had walked to thelocal theater, but as soon as they got there she began complainingabout menstrual cramps. They were really bad and she wanted to goback home a go to bed. She apologized profusely to Bobby, who atthe same time was not about to argue with her; he couldn’t wait toget home to his mother and this was his way out. Hot damn!He dropped her back home with solicitations for a restful nightand then walked quickly toward his own home. He decided to eventake a couple of shortcuts which would bring him up the dark alleyin back of his house. He normally avoided going this way becauseit was pitch black back there and there were a couple of dogs hewasn’t too sure of, but tonight he was in a hurry and would risk it.Just as he got behind his house he spied Mrs. Bishop come out herback door and go through the gate in the fence into their yard. Hehadn’t seen her all week and knew that his mother was avoiding herso he wondered what was up now. Something made him hesitate therein the dark and he stood and watched Caroline go in the back doorof their house.Sensing something, but not knowing what, he decided to very, veryquietly enter the house. Maybe he could find out what was goingon. Mom was mad at her for last Friday night and he was curioushow this was going to fall out. Ever so gently he opened the backdoor into the kitchen. Luckily, the lights had been turned off assoon as Caroline had gone in so he didn’t have to worry too muchabout being spotted.He didn’t make a sound as he moved through the door and closed itbehind him. He could hear voices in the living room as he moved toa spot between the kitchen door and the refrigerator. There wasjust enough space for him the conceal himself and he could no makeout their voices plainly.The first thing he heard was his mom saying how much nicer it wouldbe for them if they went downstairs to the den. He almost panickedas he saw them enter the hallway toward them, his mother in thelead, but managed to remain stock still. They then turned to thedoor leading down to the basement and proceded downstairs withoutsaying a word.This was even better! Bobby thought to himself. He could getdownstairs and to a sort of closet from which he could hear andsee without being seen – that is, unless somebody came looking fora mop or something. He waited just a second or so and then movedon tip-toe towards the stairs. It was no problem going down becausethe stairs, like the basement den, was heavily carpeted and mufflednoise really well. The only dangerous part was the short spacewhere he would have to cross from the bottom of the stairs to theopen closet and that was going to be risky, but he would be hiddenby the stair paneling to that point. So he would just listen untilhe thought the time was right and then make his move.As he reached the bottom of the stairs, their voice became plainlyaudible again and he heard Mrs. Bishop say, “God, Caroline, you’reabsolutely gorgeous tonight. Did you get all dressed up for littleole me?””Of course, dear. Who else would I go to this trouble for?” ToBobby’s ears there was the slightest sound of insincerity in hervoice, like the tone she used with him during dinner except itlacked the obvious humor. Then he heard a gentle rustling of whatsounded like cloth and his mother saying, “Be careful, darling. Idon’t want to muss my lipstick just yet.”SAY WHAT?! Bobby’s mind shouted at him. What the devil was goingon. Now he was really afraid to move, but was really curious whatwas happening. There was silence again and then he heard the soundof liquid pouring and the clink of bottle on glass.”Here’s to us, Caroline,” Norma said.”And here’s to tonight,” Bobby heard Mrs. Bishop reply. For somereason his heart was now going a mile a minute, but he wasn’t sure why.

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