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Mistis’ Adventures Part101Patti and Rick went up the stairs, Patti giggling about something she had failed to share, SO FAR. Rick figured, rightly, that she would tell him sooner or later. The main thing they all shared was that besides all being beautiful girls, they were all chatterboxes. They could hardly go a minute, unless their mouths were otherwise occupied, without saying something. They all, he noticed, loved sharing their most intimate stories of each other, regardless of whether it might be embarrassing to the person spoken about. It seemed, also, that the more embarrassing the story, the more they enjoyed relating it. He recalled that Sue had told him that Patti enjoyed anal as much, or more, than getting her pussy fucked, and she thoroughly enjoyed having her partner eat her pussy until she actually fainted from her orgasms. He had, the other day, gone and bought a jar of petroleum jelly for the time it would be needed. Sue had hinted, more than once, that SHE enjoyed taking it up her ass on occasion.They went into Rick’s bedroom and began undressing. Patti had been wearing blue jeans, a long-sleeved, western shirt, tied off at the bottom, leaving her tummy uncovered, riding boots, and a stetson hat, with a bandana around her neck. When she removed her boots, coming in the house, it was seen that she was swearing sweat socks as well. She and June had been riding the horses just before they got home. They had helped the dog to herd the cattle out into the pasture. He had done his duty, until the cattle had spread out to graze, then had returned to be petted by his 2 mistresses. He missed them more than they would ever know, and, in spite of his advancing years, played and frolicked like he was a puppy, again. When they sat down he took position between them to be petted.As Rick undressed her, he noted the difference between the three sisters. Annie and Sue were buxom built, but NOT an ounce of fat on them. They were what most referred to as “thick.” Both had well-rounded curves everywhere you could see. Both looked like they had spent time in a tanning booth, with what most referred to as an “early summer tan.” They both had light, almost honey blond, brown hair, that Sue wore long enough to over her nipples when it hung all the way down, but, Annie had cut hers to a “pixie cut” style. Both had hazel eyes, and small “cupid bow” lips, that looked as if they were begging to be kissed. They both glowed when they smiled, becoming even more beautiful than at other times. Both were affectionate to a fault, and VERY demonstrative. They both loved kissing and hugging anyone who got near enough, or lucky enough.Patti was much taller that the 2 sisters. She stood at a full head taller than her shorter sisters. Her hair was dark brown, like her Father’s hair. Her skin was a much paler tone. This explained why she covered more. It would be VERY easy for her to get a sunburn. He breasts were as full as the other sisters, but her nipples and areola were just a slight bit pink, and her nipples were much more pronounced. They protruded at least a half inch, and possibly even a bit more. He had never seen hair on the other 2 girls, but Patti had a full, but trimmed shorter, bush, that was as brown as the hair in her head. She had the same prominent Mons pubis that her sisters had, and MUCH longer, and slenderer legs. She had the legs of a swim wear model. Her hips were more slender than her sisters, too. All of the 3 sisters were enough to be the cause of many a wet dream, as their Mother was. He could easily see what Pete had described as one of the most, if not THE most, beautiful woman he had ever seen, in Doris. Patti, as she was undressing HIM, was making her OWN assessment of HIM. He was very tall, easily over 6 feet, and slender bodied, he was an EXTREMELY well-built man. She had been told of the huge scar on his leg, and how it had come to be, sarıyer escort and agreed that it was VERY lucky that he hadn’t lost it. She could still see a bit of the pallor from being in the hospital that was quickly, according to Sue and their Mom, fading. He spent much time outdoors, and WITHOUT a shirt, if the weather permitted. She openly admired his wide shoulders, his deep chest, and his bulging muscles. She thought, that it would be a BIG mistake to make him mad enough to hit someone. Her Dad had mentioned that he was unloading some rolls of barbed wire, and Rick had picked up 2 at a time, one in each hand, and carried them into the shed, as if they were nothing. THEY were HEAVY. Probably 70 or 80 pounds each. His hair was reddish brown, almost auburn, and his eyes were green. He LOOKED military, especially when he walked. He looked like he was marching. Patti looked at him over all. It was easy to see why Sue had fallen for him so hard.Once finished with undressing each other, Rick took her into his arms and held her close to him. Just holding her. No feeling her up, no kissing, no exploration. Just, apparently, enjoying the feel of her in his arms, and their closeness. She felt herself melting into him, and returning the embrace, but soon, kissing him. Her tongue parted his lips to explore his soul, and reveal her willingness for what she now HOPED would happen. She could easily imagine how it would feel to have him on top of her, plunging inside of her, and possessing her as a woman. It would be nearly indescribable. Sue, Annie, AND her MOM, had described to her, what a wonderful, kind, considerate, and thoughtful lover he was. They had all swooned at the thought of making love with him, in the future. Rick finally released his hold, and stepped back, giving her a kiss on her forehead, and taking her hand to lead her to the shower. He reached in to turn the water on and adjust it. The steam soon made the glass door cover in mist, making it translucent. He took her hand and held the door for her to enter, with him following close behind. He took a sponge from a hook on the wall, and filled it with soap. He put the soap back on the shelf, and took a shower cap down to put over her hair. She smiled at this move, and thanked him. He adjusted the nozzle so it wouldn’t hit her face and began to scrub her body from her neck down to her toes. He directed the spray to rinse her, wiping her with his empty hand until all the soap was gone. He told her to turn around and he would finish in the front of her. she turned to face him and he went from her chest to her tummy, around her groin, telling her to lift her legs so he could wash he more intimate parts of her, and her legs to the soles of her feet, even washing between her toes. Her whole body was tingling from the touch of him.She refilled the sponge and began to scrub him in the same way he had done her. The only difference was, that, as she finished, he took a bottle of shampoo down and pouring it on his head, began to scrub vigorously. Then stepped over and took the spray onto his head, rinsing the soap from his head and face. He turned the water off and put one towel around her and took the other to wipe his face and head. He took her towel and wiped all the water from her until she was completely dry, and gave the towel back to her, helping her wind it around her from the top of her breasts, to just at her knees. He wiped himself off and opened the door for them to exit. Rick looked at her. “Do you want to wear the towel to the bed, Sweetie?” She unwound it and handed it to him, and he hung them both on the rod outside of the shower. He took her hand and pulled her to him to kiss and hold her. She turned her face up to be kissed, returning his kiss with her grasping his sides.They went back in the bedroom, esenyurt escort and he turned the covers down and asked if she wanted the lights on or off. She silently hoped that Jeff would have as much fun with Annie, as she was having with Rick. Annie lived with her and Jeff, and, on many nights, they made a sandwich with him in the middle of the 2 sisters. Annie and Jeff were busy all day, and she worked in the evenings. She usually got home around 10:00 at night to see them watching the TV, Annie laying with her head in Jeff’s lap. It was easy to see that he loved her sister, and enjoyed her living with them. Annie always cleaned the house after Patti left for work, and before Jeff got home from HIS work. If Annie didn’t have a class, she did the marketing, and a lot of the cooking. Jeff was Manager in a store, and sometimes, if there was a problem, he would be there till closing time. Those nights he and her would get home at about the same time. They went to his parents to visit about twice a month, but had to settle for visiting her parents about once a month. They called at least once a week to talk to her parents though. Jeff was crazy about both sets of parents, and couldn’t get enough of them. The one Jeff missed the most, though was Milt. He and Milt would spend nearly all their waking hours out hunting or fishing, or helping Pete care for the stock. He had been the one to tell Annie to call her Dad and get HIS opinion on the car she had bought.She told Rick to leave the lights on, AND the door open. She like to have others watch HER making love, ALSO. Rick came over and lay beside her in the bed, taking her into his arms, once more. He kissed her face and neck, then her ears, her head on his arm, while he stroked her from her shoulder blades to her thighs. She shifted her leg across his waist and used her calf to rub across him, pulling him nearer to her. She felt him responding to her touch, as his penis swelled and poked against her Mons. MY GOD!!! she thought. It feels like a steel rod poking me! She reached down to feel with her hand. There was enough room for her hand to go, easily, between them. It was hard as a ROCK! As she felt of him, she could feel her juices start to seep from her body. She had NEVER responded this way, especially this FAST. It usually took several minutes for her to get THIS juicy.Rick, sensing her arousal, rolled her to her back and began sucking her nipples, and giving her breasts light kisses, and tiny love bites, around her soft flesh. He raised back up to kiss her on the lips several times, inserting his tongue into her mouth, feeling her tongue and teeth. She began squirming in response to him. While he was kissing her, his hand went down and spread her labia, seeking, and finding, the little man in the boat. He stuck one finger into her to get her juice, and lubricate it, and began massaging her clitoris, giving her her first orgasm. She gasped out loud as the tremors took her. He had, after kissing her until she was dizzy, started sucking her nipples, again. He went to her tummy, kissing it in much the same way as he had kissed her breasts, then kissed at the creases of her legs making her spread them wider. She had several more orgasms, making her cry out from the tiny explosions inside of her. It was as if a monster had climbed inside of her. Over and over, each time she came, it was even stronger than the one proceeding it. He head was back, her fingers entwined in his hair, pulling him to her. He caressed the crease in her Mons, spreading it with his tongue, and licking from her anal opening to her clit, until, FINALLY she felt his tongue slip inside if her vaginal opening. “OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!! OHMY GGOOODDDD!!!” she screamed. “EAT ME!!! EAT ME UP!!! I LOVE HOW YOU EAT MY CUNT!!! EAT ME SOME MORE!!! STUFF YOUR TONGUE INSIDE MY PUSSY!!! I’M GONNA avrupa yakası escort FAINT, IT FEELS SO GOOOOODDD!!! NEVER STOP EATING ME!!! PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE!!! EAT ME MORE!!!Rick was more than happy to oblige her. She had one of the sweetest tasting pussies he had EVER eaten. She was almost as sweet as Misti. He licked her juice from her legs and went back to sucking it out of her pussy. It was fantastic. He, for once, wished he had a tongue like those anteaters he saw in the zoo. It must have been over a foot long. He relayed between her pussy and her clit. She was thrashing about like she was possessed, and rolling her head back and forth, and pitching her pelvis up until his nose was hurting. She was screaming, crying, moaning and sobbing all at the same time. She suddenly went limp. He raised up to look at her. She opened her eyes in a minute, breathing through her mouth, making a whistling sound. Determining that she had just fainted for just a second, he picked up the pace, and started eating her, again. Her legs, which had been spread wide, crossed his back and clung to him, where he was locked down to her. He licked her from her anus to her clit several more times, and each time she jumped at the sensation. She was humping his face. She screamed one more time, and went limp, again.This time he pulled a pillow down and placed it under her behind. He spread her legs and locked her knees behind his elbows, and placed his dick to the tiny opening of her vagina. Her eyes fluttered, and he started pushing gently until he was fully inside of her. It was as if she was filled with baby oil. He slid easily inside of her and stopped as her eyes opened. “YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! MY LOVE!!! FUCK ME LIKE YOU ATE ME!!! I WANT YOU NOW, MORE THAN EVER!!! FUCK ME AS HARD AND AS LONG AS YOU CAN!!! FILL ME WITH YOUR CUM!!! OVER AND OVER AND OVER!!! MAKE ME YOUR WILLING SLAVE!!! I WANT TO FEEL YOU INSIDE ME FOR AS LONG AS YOU CAN STAY THERE!!! LOVE ME LIKE I’VE NEVER BEEN LOVED BEFORE!!! I WANT YOU SO MUCH!!! FUCK ME!!! FUCK ME!!! FUCK ME!!!”Rick began to slowly thrust into her, and she humped up to meet him. As she thrust up to meet him and withdraw from him, her hips did a slow, hula like sway, causing him to touch everything inside of her. Her eyes were wide but unseeing, her mouth gulping air as if she were choking. When she exhaled it came out in a wavering moan. Almost every thrust made her cum anew. If he hadn’t laid his whole weight on her and took her ass in his hands to thrust harder and deeper, she would have bounced out from under him. Her knees were over his shoulders as he thrust into her with all the force he could muster. Her head rolled back as she went up from him, as near helpless as he had ever seen a woman get.He felt himself getting ready to ejaculate inside of her and sped up his thrust. Her thighs were squeezing his face as she screamed, “YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! GIMME THAT CUM!!! SHOOT ME FULL!!! I WANT IT!!! GIVE IT TO ME!!!”Rick felt himself go over the edge. It felt in some ways like he was urinating, but much, MUCH, MUCH BETTER. He felt almost as if he were melting to go inside of her. She let go with a long, drawn out, scream. He felt himself drained, and try as he might, he couldn’t move to get off of her. He felt strong hands, and soft, gentle hands. One set pulling and the other set pushing him. He managed to focus his eyes long enough to see Cathy on the bed on her knees, and Billy standing on the other side, next to the bed, rolling him over. Robbi and Bruce were getting towels. None of them were wearing a stitch of anything. His hand flopped over and went between Robbi’s open legs. She was still leaking cum. He glanced over, and saw that Cathy’s breasts were bright red. He glanced then to the clock over the door. 3 hours had passed since they had come upstairs. He saw Bruce put his head down between Patti’s legs and start bobbing. Then he felt something. He looked down. Robbi was sucking him clean. He smiled at her and she gave him her sweetest, most loving smile in return. He felt a kiss in his cheek. That was Billy, telling him “Good Night.” Another set of lips descended to kiss his lips. He saw it was Cathy. Her beautiful face was glowing. He was dead to the world.

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