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First hand job

Madhuri, what a nice feeling it was to be with her. My first proper girl friend in college (among the many I had). None came close to this girl. Always lively, had a good sense of humor, never failed to wake me up in the morning with a phone call, sent me flowers (it should have been the other way around), always the one to sternly insist that she pays for our dates until I threatened to leave her unless she allowed me to pay or we go Dutch and always kissed me on the cheek when we met anywhere, college canteen, at tea shops, at our respective homes or anywhere else we met, but we were discreet as well, we knew when to be physical and when not to be).

Madhuri and I met in Graduate College in the first year. It was unusual circumstances and I cannot forget that day 13 years ago when this happened. She was not a beauty by any standards, but she had that charming face and a radiant smile that got me attracted to her. She also had a body which was ripe and for a 19 year old. With curves at just the right places and baby fat made her look ready to munch on.

The day I first met her, I had missed my bus because as usual I woke up late in spite of mum shouting out a million times for me to wake up. I was walking up to college cursing myself for being so bloody undisciplined and promising (for the umpteenth time, which I hardly kept anyways) to myself that I will change for the better as soon as possible.

I remember I was sweating on that hot sunny day as I was walking briskly to reach college and attend the first lecture.

I asked for lifts from so many cars, jeeps, motor cycles, scooters but none of them stopped. All auto rickshaws that passed by carried passengers. The buses that went by did not stop at or near my college. Just when I gave up, a TVS XT passed me by with a girl wearing half helmet. She stopped just a little ahead of me and looked behind?

She called out “Deshraj College?” I said “Yes”, she said, “hop on, I am going there too.” Without hesitating I took the pillion and sat there holding my breath (I am not a big fan of women driving and certainly not on two wheelers, and this? Well this girl was a young girl and I was sitting pillion with a girl for the first time. God save me). I was in a daze; even if she was talking to me I would not have heard anything.

Somehow we reached college on time and I hurried a thanks to her and ran off towards the class, I entered at the bell. I thanked my lucky stars. I didn’t give much thought to the girl who gave me a ride in her moped. The first half of the day went by as usual. Guys checking out girls, talking about girlfriends, movies, new joints to hang out at, playing cricket and food ball, making paper planes and throwing at each other in classes where lecturers didn’t attend.

Lunch time, that fateful day, changed my college life. I was sitting with friends at the college canteen and having fun when I heard a sweet female voice asking me “How are you my pillion rider.” That sounded like such a corny thing that all my friends were shocked and then burst out laughing. I was at first shocked too and looked at the source of the female voice. I instantly stood up from the chair I was sitting (Just a habit I developed growing up being an Army kid). She was standing there with a smile on her face and said “Hi”, I said a stammered “Hi.”

“Can I sit here please?” She asked.

I was speechless, looked at my friends who were looking at both of us amused and clueless. I said “Please do.” I sat only after she did. And I guess that was what made her attracted to me. Usually boys that age (read hardly ever) offer seats to girls, so I am sure it came as a surprise to everyone around.

She kept her lunch box on the table, till then all of us were looking at her (staring at her) doing her stuff. She was so calm and collected. She carried herself very well among the boys. Not once did kocaeli escort she say who she was, her name etc and neither did we ask her.

She then looked at us staring at her. She said “Hey what are you looking at, eat your lunch, the lunch break will end soon.” She continued eating her lunch.

We had our lunch in silence, still not able to understand what brought this girl to us.

The bell rang and she got up, packed her lunch box and left. All of us guys were still shocked and dazed as to what happened. We walked back to our class in silence and then immersed ourselves in the classes and the rest of the day thinking the girl must be crazy.

The day ended, I hitched a ride back home with a friend who dropped me on the main road close to my home. I was walking home when I saw a familiar moped coming my way from the opposite direction. And stopped right in front of me. “Did you eat your lunch properly?” she giggled. Then it struck me, that it was the same girl who gave me a lift in the morning, who had a quite lunch with us and who we were so intrigued about.

She took off her helmet and her shoulder length hair flowed out from her head. She didn’t even bother to make up her hair again.

I said a stammered “Hi.” She asked, “Do you always stammer?”

“No no, I speak normally.” I replied.

“Then why do you stammer when you talk with me?” She asked.

“I am OK, I don’t stammer.” I smiled and replied.

She asked, “Do you live far from here? Do I drop you home?”

“No thank you, i live close by, I will walk up, thanks.”

She wore her Helmet and said “OK, see ya tomorrow in college then. And if I see you walking up to college again I will pick u up. OK?.” She said with a giggle and drove off before I could respond.

The entire evening I had a sly smile on, for the first time in my college tenure I studied without having to be told to do so by my parents.

I got lost in thought that evening and slept with a calm mind. I remember waking up with a terrible hard on which every man has first thing in the morning. Just that I never realized it till that day. I was shocked to see my hard on which set me thinking, what brought that on and the first thing that came into my mind was the girl I met yesterday. ‘good lord’ I said to myself. ‘This girl is not even the kind of girl that I prefer and she brought on this?’ I looked at my hard on and thought. ‘I am going bonkers. Move on man, there are better meat available than that.’

With that thought my hard on subsided and I got ready for college. When I looked at my watch I realized it was just 7 in the morning and I was wide awake and ready for the day. That was a first actually.

The day started out in anticipation of meeting the girl. But she was surprisingly missing. I actually looked around a lot for her. Finally I saw her sitting on a bench under a tree with her friends and giggling away. I sighed in relief and continued looking at her. She must have seen me looking at her, because she walked up to me and said “Hi.”

I replied a shy “Hi.”

“I saw you looking at me, so I thought to say Hi.” She said.

“Yes I was looking at you. Are you OK? Haven’t seen you all day.” I asked.

She replied, “Yes I am OK. There was a surprise class test for us and I got busy with that. What about you, what did you do all day.”

“My day has been a regular day, no surprise tests for us, our lecturer never comes to class, wonder why, ha ha ha ha ha.” I said laughing.

She laughed as well, that broke the tension and we sat there chatting regardless of the world around us. She dropped me near my home and we chatted for a while. She asked me to call her and gave me her number. I had scored a point, definitely, and I was proud of it.

I called her in the evening, her mother picked up. She asked me who I was and I told her about myself. When she realized that kocaeli escort bayan I was her class mate and also a army kid, her tone changed and she called out to Madhuri. After a brief pause of maybe about 2 minutes, Madhuri’s sweet lilting voice said HI and we chatted for almost 15 minutes. We made plans to meet on that Sunday for a movie.

Sunday was the next day and I was so looking forward to it. I also wanted to impress this girl with my charm and attitude and decided to take responsibility of being her man friend that day.

I borrowed my brother’s motorcycle, which he gladly agreed to give me. I dressed in the best of my dresses I had and started out for the theater.

We met at the theater, she was looking like a million dollar. I saw her so beautiful for the first time in the past few months. I remember we were looking at the movie posters and also finding out about the availability of tickets. The film we wanted to see we could not get the tickets for it. We instead got tickets for an English horror film and we decided to see it, reluctantly.

We took our seats and realized that except for 3 odd people in the front rows and 2 odd here and there, the theater was empty. The movie was playing and every scene had some horror or the other. Madhuri was sitting next to me clutching my arm so tight and many a times hiding her face while clutching my arm.

She gave a soft scream once or twice as a really scary scene came up. The first one really jolted me from my seat and I looked around, a couple at the far end looked at us then looked ahead at the screen, probably thinking we were making out (which wasn’t the case at all).

I asked her, “want to leave?”

She clutched my arm harder, and said “no, I am fine.”

I felt her shiver, I looked at her, she was watching the movie half hidden with my arm. It felt strange, really strange that she was scared watching the move and yet she didn’t want to leave.

I had resigned to the fact that well my first date which I was eagerly looking forward to was ruined. I accepted it. Maybe next time I should be more careful and take her out, if she ever meets me after this, that is.

A scene came up which was really really scary, she realized it and just hugged me so tightly and put her head on my shoulders. I said, “Madhuri, let’s leave, come on you are scared shit.”

She said, “No Rajeev, I am absolutely fine, stay here.”

I felt strange. But I stayed put. I was waiting for the interval to get a breather, maybe that would also make Madhuri realize that she was scared and we needed to leave before she gets a heart attack watching such a bloody scary film.

The scene ended and the interval came up, I breathed a sigh of relief. I asked her if she wanted some refreshments, she agreed and we moved out. Maybe now I can convince her to leave, so I asked her, “hey, you are completely white in the face, scared as hell, you sure you want to stay?”

She said “No, I am just fine.” And gave a radiant smile back.

I didn’t say another word, I purchased snacks for us and then we headed back to our seats as the bell rang to warn us that the interval was over. We sat back in our seats.

The horror scenes started again and this time she wasn’t clutching my arm with both her hands, her one hand clutching my arm and the other holding her soft drink. Suddenly an extremely horror scene came up and she jumped in her seat and held me in a hug.

I said, “we should go.” She pinned me down and said, “No let’s finish this, we have paid for it, I am ok.”

I sat back down enjoying her close to me. A few moments later I felt her hand on my upper thighs, I thought it was just a mistake, but she didn’t take it away instead her hand moved up towards my crotch and lay still there. I was speechless as her hands moved to unzip my jeans zip. I looked around, no was there, it was safe. I didn’t izmit escort stop her from doing what she was doing. I wanted this and it was happening. I didn’t know how far it would go so I thought to myself ‘Let’s get on with it’. I relaxed back on the seat and enjoyed her hand caressing my rock hard and fully erect cock on my underwear.

She came up to my face and kissed my cheek and whispered,” take off your underwear, I want to feel your cock”. I whispered back, “there is a pocket on the front of the underwear, take it out from there.”

She found the pocket and took out my cock. She looked at me in astonishment. “Where the fuck did you get that big.” I smiled back, didn’t say anything and just lay back relaxed. While her hand went to work on my cock.

Within a few seconds I could feel the sensations swell up in my body, I tried so hard to control myself, her pace on my cock increased. She seemed skilled at giving a hand job, she was varying her actions between slow and fast, running her fingers on the tip of the cock then making an ‘O’ with her thumb and first finger and running them down to the base of my cock, occasionally caressing my balls and then moving up.

I gave out a slight grunt and looked around again casually to see if anyone was watching us. No one. So I relaxed more.

In no time I felt I was about to come and could hold on no longer, so I whispered to her with heavy breath “Maddy, I am about to come, can’t hold on any longer.”

She increased her pace of the shag and soon enough, I came, she didn’t stop she continued milking my cock till the last drop. When she was finished, she shocked me once more by licking the semen of her hand looking at me. I was too shocked to say a word. She then cleaned me up, wet her handkerchief with the water bottle and wiped the areas on my trouser and on and around my cock where the semen had fallen.

Then she tucked in my now satiated semi erect cock back into my jeans, pulled up the zip and sat back relaxed.

The movie ended in about 10 minutes and without a word we moved out. Then I said, “Maddy, thank you”. And smiled back at her. She looked at me from and said, “I couldn’t resist that cock of yours, my god it’s so big for our age. Have you ever had sex with a girl before?” That came as another shocker and I stammered again, “nope. I mean, not exactly, I mean, Yes. Yes.” She laughed out loud and said “Never Mind.”

It was already 7 in the evening and I took out my bike from the parking lot. She said “Aah so you do drive. And a nice bike this is.” She sat pillion and wrapped her arms around my body from the back. Her body close to mine made me feel so horny, but I had to drive, so I put on the helmet and drove off.

I was careful not to drive too fast. Unlike many my age would have driven fast to impress the girl, I was some how not interested in impressing the girl with fast driving. I drove smooth and at normal speed.

The cool breeze of the evening at the cantonment area was the icing on the cake.

We took an entire round of the cantonment, I wanted to feel her more. I knew there is something that is going to happen in this friendship of ours.

I left her home, she hugged me at the door and said, “see ya at college tomorrow”, and closed the door behind her. I stood there for a moment and then started my bike and left for my home.

That was the start of a beautiful relationship till the end of graduation. Though we restricted ourselves to just shagging and kissing but still the presence of each other lighted up our lives. Madhuri was that stimulus I needed to perform well in studies as well. My grades jumped up tremendously (we helped each other with the studies. I was strong in Business Studies, Economics and English, she was strong with Math, Accounts and Hindi), my whole personality changed. Suddenly I became that likable guy who everyone wanted to befriend and be with.

College ended and we didn’t know where to take our relationship from there on. So we talked it over and decided to continue and see where it went. But in a few months we drifted apart and never met each other again.

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