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“Did you rob a bank or something?” Ellie asked as she looked around Dave’s apartment for the first time. It was too big and luxurious for a guy in his tax bracket.

Dave explained to his younger sister how he got into the place through a friend of his boss. He was getting a deeply reduced rent in exchange for handling any problems from other tenants in the complex. He was the unofficial superintendent, but since the luxury development was brand new, there wasn’t much for him to do. No one’s plumbing or electricity had a chance to break down yet.

He’d been in his unit for six months by this time. He was doing well in his job and could afford a nice apartment, but certainly nothing as big or luxurious as he now had. It was sweet situation for him, though. The biggest problems he’d had to deal with so far were a few tenants who’d lost their keys. In the meantime, he was able to keep working at his regular job and save a lot of extra money.

But Dave wasn’t thinking about his apartment. This was the first time he’d seen his little sister in the three years since he took his current job. It was twelve hundred miles south of their hometown. Ellie had only been seventeen when he first left home. Now she was just on the verge of turning twenty and had transferred here for her last two years of college. She was also moving into her brother’s big, fabulous apartment.

They’d talked about it between themselves before bringing it up with their parents. It had been Dave’s idea, but it made perfect sense. Why shouldn’t Ellie just move in with her brother since he had more than enough room? It was much better than finding her something on her own that wouldn’t have been as nice, and certainly much better than moving in to a dorm.

Dave couldn’t help being impressed by his little sister. Somehow, she’d changed into a seemingly different person even though she hadn’t changed all that much physically. Her dishwater blonde hair was longer than it used to be, now falling all the way to small of her back, drawing her brother’s eyes to her ass, which was every bit as firm and round as ever.

The lightweight shorts she was wearing weren’t especially tight, but short enough that they were constantly teasing fleeting glimpses of the crease separating the top of her thighs and the cheeks of her ass. Her tanned legs would rival those of any dancer. On top she was wearing a black tank that was tastefully cropped just above her navel. It wasn’t that daringly low cut, but it was snug enough to accentuate the firm, barely handful-sized tits that rode high and proud.

Dave was impressed, to say the least. One good look was all he needed to see that his sister had obviously kept up with the dancing and athletic pursuits she’d enjoyed for years. She had a more confident air about her than before, too, making her seem a little taller in the way she carried herself. It also seemed she was more subtle and skilled with her makeup, and Ellie’s naturally gorgeous face was more striking than ever.

Her luggage was still in the living room near the main entrance while Dave gave his sister a quick tour. There were almost as many rooms as the house they both grew up in, even though Ellie was still in middle school when her brother left for college. He was now twenty-six.

The six year gap between them seemed to give them an advantage over a lot of siblings they’d been through school with who were closer in age. They never had the same kinds of adversarial issues so many other brothers and sisters had growing up. Dave was always the handsome, athletic older boy that happened to live in the same house and have the same parents as Ellie. He was the guy all her friends had a crush on, which used to annoy her as much as it made her proud.

Dave had always been aware of the way his baby sister looked up to him. Even as a teenager it made him feel good. He had made himself a promise to always take good care of her and try to never disappoint her. When the time came for him to leave for college, Ellie had been nearly beside herself with grief. But he’d promised her they would text every day and talk at least once a week, a promise they’d kept to each other for the past eight years.

Regardless of the fact that Dave had hundreds of selfies Ellie had sent him, it was different seeing her in person for the first time after the longest period they’d ever been apart. The greater maturity and confidence she had now showed through in a way that selfies and phone calls couldn’t reveal the way seeing her in person could. The way she carried herself made her seem so different, yet she was the same, lovely Ellie in almost every other way.

As he showed his younger sister around the apartment, Dave had a hard time keeping his eyes off Ellie’s face, and whenever she was looking the other way, he kept looking at her legs like he was trying to memorize them. He knew he shouldn’t be looking at her that way, but it was only his surprise at the beautiful creature she’d become. Not so different, but like she was just more of everything she’d always been. uşak escort Besides, it wasn’t bad for a guy to be proud of his sister being beautiful. Most brothers should be so lucky.

Ellie was overjoyed at the room Dave had cleared out for her to have as her bedroom. It had a huge closet, plenty of room to set up her desk for studying, and a large window with a view of the beach. Her brother was hoping to see the amazed look on her pretty face, and she didn’t disappoint him. The only problem was that they’d have to share the bathroom in the hallway, but that would be just like it was when they still lived at home with their parents.

After that, Dave showed his sister the large, outdoor balcony, and she was even more amazed than she was with her bedroom. There was plenty of comfortable furniture, and Dave assured her she could study there and keep up her tan at the same time.

“This is amazing, Dave,” she sighed. “You really know how to take care of your baby sister.”

Dave gave in to a powerful urge to hug her. “Nothing’s too good for my El,” he told her. He was acutely aware of the way his hands were right at the small of her back, just above the pert swell of her ass, while the warmth of her body against him was causing a familiar tingling sensation between his legs. He’d never felt sensations like this for his little sister, and he was afraid it felt much better than it should.

“You’re my champion, Dave,” she told him, hugging him back. “I feel like a princess moving into the prince’s palace.”

Dave laughed. “Okay, that’s a slight exaggeration, but you’re as beautiful as a princess and you deserve the best.”

“Well I sure have the best brother.”

“Baby, you only have one brother.”

“Minor technicality.”

“Welcome home, Ell. I really hope you like it here.”

“I love it already. It’s amazing. Just like you. But I’d be happy living anywhere with you. You have no idea how much I’ve been looking forward to us being together again.”

Dave felt himself blush, not something he ever did for anyone else. “Just like the old days,” he said.

“Yeah. Except better.”

Ellie then angled her pretty face upward and kissed her brother on the lips. It was a brief kiss, but not hurried. Their lips came into warm contact for a few, fleeting seconds. It was a fairly chaste kiss, but not exactly the traditional kind of kiss a brother and sister would share. It was hard for Dave to keep from thinking of pressing his tongue against his sister’s supple lips. He resisted the urge, but any time he kissed a girl as pretty Ellie on the mouth it was always followed by his searching tongue. For that matter, he had a hard time thinking of any girl he’d ever been with being as pretty as his little sister.

It was a simple hug and kiss, but Dave broke out of the hug before his cock started to respond. He couldn’t understand why his sister was suddenly affecting him this way, but he couldn’t afford to let her feel the unchecked growth of his cock against her body.

Once the moment was past, Dave helped her move her luggage into her room. He left her to unpack and get her room set up while he went into the kitchen and started to cook something for dinner.

The next few weeks went well as Ellie settled in and started classes. Dave was surprised at how easy it was to adjust to living with his little sister again after so long. Now that she was a beautiful, almost twenty year old, it seemed like they had even more in common. She was an ideal companion, and Dave never realized how lonely he’d been living on his own until he had Ellie for company. It wasn’t that he had any lack of female companionship, but he’d yet to make the kind of connection with someone that made him want to set up house with them.

Dave’s current girlfriend was no exception. Nicole was a fit, pretty brunette just a couple of years older than Ellie. Dave had told her he needed some time to help his little sister get settled in so he hadn’t seen her in a while. At first, he’d said a week or two, and after a couple of weeks when Nicole started texting and calling, he made an excuse that his sister needed a little more time. Maybe just another week or two. Nicole wasn’t at all happy about it, but she agreed to give Dave a little more space.

The reality of the situation, however, was that Ellie fit into her new life like a hand into a glove. They had dinner together every night, and a few times Dave took her out to various restaurants he knew in the area. Even though it was just a brother and sister out for dinner, they were the best dates Dave could remember going on. Ellie dressed beautifully for all of them, usually wearing one of several sun dresses she had that were daringly short.

Dave couldn’t help the way he loved being treated like a couple when he took his sister out. He never corrected anyone’s assumption, and noticed Ellie didn’t bother to either. A couple of times they just caught each other’s eye and exchanged a knowing smile.

Another thing that started to happen during uşak escort bayan that first month was that Ellie quickly adapted to her brother’s suggestion that she could study on the balcony and work on her tan at the same time. Dave had walked out to find his little sister lying on a lounge chair with a thick textbook in her hands while soaking up the sun in a bikini that left barely anything to the imagination. The first time her brother saw her get up and go inside for a drink he noticed how the back left more of Ellie’s ass exposed than covered.

As the weeks went by, Ellie just seemed to grow more and more casual about hanging around the apartment in nothing but her bikini or the panties and tank tops she usually slept in. Dave wasn’t complaining. The more he saw of his baby sister, the more he wanted to see. But he struggled to keep that to himself. The last thing he ever wanted was to freak the girl out and make her think he was some kind of incestuous peeping Tom. It was bad enough he privately accused himself of being one at least a hundred times.

Dave’s attitude toward his sister only became more complicated when she reverted to snuggling with him on the couch at night after studying as long as she could. They had done this as kids, before he left home. But it was so different now that Ellie was a lusciously beautiful university girl. He started liking her companionship more than he should, and found himself much more eager to cuddle with his sister every night than get together with Nicole who just seemed to fill his life with complications. Their relationship was never meant to be a serious one anyway. This had been by mutual agreement, but Dave was getting the feeling Nicole was starting to think her territory was being threatened. By his sister, of all people.

Ellie was obviously settling in easily. Dave could’ve gotten together with Nicole any time after the first couple of days, but his sister was just much better company. The only drawback was a rapidly growing sexual frustration, which he started dealing with by jerking off more than he had in years. And he’d started imagining things about his baby sister he could never admit to anyone.

But Nicole finally gave Dave an ultimatum. She insisted Ellie had had more than enough time to get adjusted, and if he was planning to keep his relationship with Nicole going any further then it was time to either see each other or cut the cord entirely.

“Okay, you’re right,” Dave told her when they were talking on the phone. He was sitting in the living room while Ellie was just past the big, glass doors on the balcony. She was wearing a lemon colored bikini that was just as skimpy as the black one. The balcony went around two sides of the top floor of the building in a L shape. The side she was on now, the one outside the living room, had complete privacy.

“Besides,” Nicole went on, “don’t you want your sister to meet your girlfriend. I mean, if she’s living there now we’re going to have to coexist, right?”

Dave knew she was right, even if he didn’t feel very excited about the idea. In his mind he kept going back to the idea of cutting the cord. But who in their right mind would break up with a sexy, willing girlfriend just to be able to snuggle with his baby sister on the couch every night? It almost felt like the bubble that only he and Ellie lived in was about to burst. Enter Nicole, who refused to be kept at a distance any longer. On the other hand, Ellie had been causing him to walk around with an unattended hard on more than ever before. Nicole could take care of needs his little sister couldn’t, even if Ellie was the cause.

“Why don’t we all go to Bare Beach this weekend?” Nicole suggested.

“You want to go to a nude beach with my sister and me?” Dave replied, thinking it was a terrible idea.

“Why not? Plenty of families go there, you know that. And it’s the best way to really relax and we can all be ourselves. Or does she have a hang-up about going nude?”

Dave looked at his sister outside on the balcony, once again letting his eyes roam over her sleek body in a bikini that left her almost naked. He doubted Ellie had ever been to a nude beach before, but he didn’t think she would be shy about it, either. For that matter, before she’d moved in, Dave had often gone naked on the private side of the balcony. He and Nicole had sunbathed nude out there plenty of times, and also loved it for when they had an urge for outdoor sex.

“Um, no, I don’t think she’d mind about that,” Dave finally replied. He was sure she wouldn’t, but he couldn’t deny to himself that he was dying to see his little sister naked. On the other hand, knowing Nicole, she just wanted to flaunt her relationship with Dave in front of Ellie in a way that made a statement.

“And,” Nicole added with a playful tone, “it’s been too long, baby. I’m sure we can find a chance to sneak away to that little spot. You know the one I mean.”

There was a small area along the beach where there was a shady stand of palm trees and scattered escort uşak bushes. People who knew the beach accepted it as a discreet spot for those in need of some sexual release. Dave and Nicole had played there a couple of times before, once when there was another couple playing with each other just a few feet away. This way, no one chanced doing anything sexual out on the more public and open part of the beach. Dave wasn’t sure about ditching his baby sister on a nude beach so he could sneak off and fuck his girlfriend, but he knew the relief would be just what he’d been needing.

It seemed a better idea just to bring Nicole back home later on so she could spend the night. Maybe it was time to get on with the life he had going before Ellie moved in.

Dave and Nicole set a plan for Sunday, with Dave promising to call on the off-chance Ellie didn’t want to go. After they disconnected the call, Dave went outside and told his sister about the plan he just talked about with Nicole. Ellie put the notes she was working on aside and sat up straighter, turning to set her feet down as she faced her brother. Dave’s breath caught. His sister’s legs looked amazing in this position, not to mention the thinly stretched bottom of her bikini.

“She wants to meet at a nude beach?” Ellie repeated, raising an amused brow.

“Yeah, she grew up in a nudist family, so…that’s kind of normal for her. We don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. It’s a really nice beach, though.”

“So, uhh, we’d just be having a normal social gathering so your sister and girlfriend can meet. And we’d all just happen to be naked, right?”

Dave chuckled. “Yeah, that’s about right.”

Ellie was thoughtful for a moment. Dave couldn’t help dropping his gaze to her cupcake shaped tits barely covered by her top.

“I just realized I’ve never seen you naked,” she admitted with a wry smirk.

Dave brought his eyes back to his sister’s face the second she spoke. “Why would you? I’m your brother.”

“You’ve seen me naked, though.”

“Yeah, like when you were three.”

Ellie snickered. “I look different now.”

“Umm, very true.” Then he added: “Don’t worry about it. I’ll just call her back and arrange a dinner or something.”

“If you want. It seems a little weird, but maybe fun, too. I guess I’d be okay with it. If you are, I mean.”

“Sure, I’d be okay. As long as you are, too.” Dave tried his best to sound casual.

Ellie fell into another thoughtful silence.

“I can tell you’re thinking about something,” her brother said. “If you’re worried about something you really should say so now.”

Ellie snickered briefly. “I’m just wondering what happens if you, um, get excited out in public with two naked girls.”

Dave frowned at her which only made his sister laugh again.

“I happen to know for a fact that you haven’t had any female companionship for at least a month now because you’ve been constantly doting on your little sister,” she pointed out. “Don’t get me wrong, big brother, I love being spoiled by the greatest guy in the world, but how are you going to deal with hanging out with two naked girls after a whole month without sex? Aren’t you afraid you might have a noticeable reaction?”

His sister cast a playful glance at Dave’s crotch and even winked. Dave blushed, but then he broke out laughing and shook his head.

“First of all, not all nudity is about sex, baby sis,” he said, his tone not even convincing to himself. And he wasn’t about to mention the little secluded area where he and Nicole had snuck off to relieve their tensions more than once in the past. “And second, when one of the girls is going to be my little sister then getting excited that way won’t be a problem.”

His tone was just as unconvincing on the second point, too, and Ellie had a skeptical smirk on her face. He wondered if she was aware of the daily erections he was getting for her. At the same time, her brother sensed that she was nervous about the idea, but obviously not so much as to put a stop to the plan. She seemed lost in thought for a minute while he took a chance to let his eyes travel over her amazing body, which was as close to naked as she could be in the scant bikini she studied and sunbathed in.

“Maybe we could sort of try it first, just to see if we can get used to being naked in front of each other,” she finally suggested. “There’s four days until Sunday. It would give us a chance to really get used to it. But you’ve been there already so maybe you don’t need the practice.”

“I go there a lot, so it’s not weird being naked. It’s just weird being naked with my sister. Who would also be naked.”

Ellie laughed. Dave could never get enough of that beautiful sound.

“I’m sure we can handle it,” she said. “I mean, we’re all grown up now, right?”

Dave noticed a telltale gleam in his sister’s eyes that made her look both nervous and eager to let her big brother see her naked. He just shrugged in response as if it was not big deal, though he couldn’t imagine ever being used to being naked with a girl as perfect as Ellie. And then there was that small detail that she did happen to be his sister. The fact that she seemed just as interested in seeing him naked as he was in seeing her made it both the best and worst idea he’d heard in a long time.

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