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As per Literotica’s guidelines, all sexually active characters are over the age of eighteen.


Ch. 02 : The Source

When I awoke it was in a brightly lit room. As my eyes adjusted to the glaring light, I realized that I was in a bright spot in an otherwise dark room. It took me a moment to recognize my parent’s bedroom. My head pounded and I instinctively moved to stroke my forehead. Or tried to. This was when I realized that my hands were tied to the upper bedposts. As my bleary eyes took in more of my surroundings I saw that my feet were also tied to the lower bedposts. I was tied spread eagle and naked on my Mom’s bed!

I wondered if the lockdown isolation had driven my mother crazy? What the hell did she intend with me? I feared that the answer was apparent. I started shouting for someone to get me the fuck out of there. No one came to my rescue.

After a few moments, the door to the room opened, and inside stepped a dark female figure who I assumed was my mother.

“Mom, what the hell….” However as the figure moved into my light, it turned out to be my Grandmother, rather than my Mother.

“Grandma, thank God! Mom has gone crazy and tied me to the bed. I guess grief and the lockdown has made her nuts or she misses dad too much!”

“Actually it was your mother, Ellie, and I who tied you to the bed. Ellie and your Mom didn’t want to but I insisted.” Grandma said with a slight smile as she moved closer to the bed.

Panic surged through me. What the fuck was going on in my house. Had all the women gone insane? Had they caused my impotence and my weird wet dreams through some kinds of drugs or hypnotism? I began screaming for help.

Grandma laughed, “No one can hear you, honey, these walls are soundproofed.” She was still dressed in her party dress and I noticed once again must just how fetchingly it clung to her still lush form. To my great shame and embarrassment, my cock twitched. Grandma sat on the side of the bed and faced me. Her sweet perfume enveloped me again and the musky scent I’d smelled earlier was even stronger.

She smiled down at me, her lined face radiating warmth and compassion. “Despite how it may look darling boy, I’m not here to hurt you, I’m here to love you”

Then I noticed that her nipples protruded through the thin lace of her décolletage. Oh my god! A thunderclap revelation boomed across my brain. My grandmother was horny! This knowledge combined with the sight of her hard nipples poking through her dress blouse caused my cock to stiffen slightly.

In the bright light surrounding me, I realized that Grandma had aged more than I originally thought in the six months since my Father’s death. Instead of looking like a well-preserved woman of her early fifties she now looked every bit of seventy years old.

Grandma took hold of my slight erection in her age wrinkled hand and wrapped her warm red-tipped fingers around the shaft. It stiffened immediately. I wondered if I’d also been dosed with some kind of Viagra-like drug. Grandma’s dark black eyes twinkled and her bright red lips spread in a huge smile. “That’s my boy!” As her hand slowly stroked my cock, her other hand splayed out on my chest and she rubbed my chest and stomach. As my cock became fully erect in her hand, she tickled the ridge of my mushroom cap with her nails.

She looked longingly and lovingly at my hard cock. “God, I need a drink from the fount, it’s been over six months!” Turning to me she gave me a slightly embarrassed smile. “I know this is a little weird but it needs to be done.” She let go of my cock with some reluctance, and walked over to the nightstand. Grandma then reached into her mouth with two fingers and popped out some dentures which she placed on the nightstand.

At my look of horror, she grimaced. “Sorry, the synthetic materials interfere with the contact” Her voice was a bit mushy without her teeth. She walked to the foot of the bed and got on her hands and knees before my splayed legs. Looking deeply into my eyes, Grandma started to lick my cock.

I don’t know if it was all the odd erotic dreams I’d been having, or the six months’ lack of any real human contact on my prick but instead of becoming flaccid from the sight of my toothless, wrinkled Grandma licking me my cock swelled seemingly larger than it had ever been. Her tongue felt electric against my cock and tiny sparks of pleasure made me gasp and quiver. Despite being bound and powerless I found myself relaxing and starting to enjoy not simply the physical aspect but also the visual.

Yes, Grandma was an old lady but despite her wrinkles and age softened features she was also quite beautiful. After expertly licking my cock for a few minutes, Grandma’s crimson lips enveloped my cock and she started sucking me. Waves of absolute pleasure thrummed through me. Through a haze of delighted delirium the contrasting images of my Grandma’s bright red lips sliding up and down on my cock, the cloud of white hair bobbing up and down between my legs, and the wrinkled, dusky face of my Grandmother smiling alsancak escort bayan rapturously as she sucked my dick swirled through my brain.

All too soon an ecstatic bomb detonated in my brain as I exploded into my Grandmother’s mouth. My cock spasmed and I jetted several times into Grandma’s welcoming mouth. Although I know it was impossible it seemed like I poured quarts down Grandma’s throat. I felt her throat constricting and heard her gulp several times. She sucked me until I went flaccid again. When she lifted her mouth from my cock a few droplets of cum beaded her saggy chin and withered lips. These droplets were quickly disposed of by a sweep of her tongue.

Grandma smiled at me with delight. “Oh baby, I needed that so badly! Your cum is delicious! Your Dad’s was always a bit too sweet for me, but what can you do?”

What the hell? I thought. Now that my almost overwhelming passion had abated my mind was now becoming a bit clearer. Although I had just been blown by my Grandma and was still tied to my mother’s bed, I wasn’t as freaked out about it as I had been earlier. I had to admit that my Grandma had just given me the best blow job of my entire life.

Grandma slipped off the bed and grabbed her teeth from the nightstand and popped them into her mouth. “It’s easier to talk with them in. Sorry, if it’s a bit disconcerting for you. While you recover, it’s now storytime, wherein some mysteries are explained!” With a mischievous grin, Grandma made a dramatic sweeping gesture like a storyteller at a local library, which she had been prior to the lockdown.

“After your father died some drastic changes happened to your body and mind,” Grandma stated this with certainty. I became more convinced that my family had somehow caused my problems. “You discovered that you could only get aroused by the women in your family and you were otherwise impotent, right? ” I nodded yes. “Do you know who Juan Ponce de Leon was?”

“What?” shocked by this non-sequitur answer to my problem. “Yes, he was a Spanish conquistador who discovered Florida.”

“Discovered!” Grandma spat with vehemence. “He “discovered” an already populated land. No, he invaded what is now known as Florida! He left a trail of death in his wake, killing by disease, gun, and by the sword all in the search for the Fountain of Youth.”

“I think that part is a myth.”

Grandma gave me a withering look. “Oh, were you there?”

“Nooo,” I answered but left out the obvious reply of well neither were you.

“Ponce de Leon and his men found the Fountain, which had been created when a falling star had crashed into the earth and hit a small underground stream. The Fountain was guarded by a small First Nations tribe known as the Cratok, an offshoot of those people known as the Chatot. Ponce de Leon and his men killed all of the men and children of the small tribe, raped the women, and drank their fill of the Fountain. Although the Spanish filth had chained the women to keep as concubines and slaves, the women managed to gain their freedom. They attacked the Spaniards en masse and managed to kill most of them although, at grievous cost, only seven of twenty-eight women survived. All of Ponce De Leon’s remaining men were tied together and their throats slit. In their rage the women did not notice the blood pooling together and forming a bloody stream that coursed down to drip into the Fountain, corrupting it.

The Fountain had become corrupted; instead of giving life eternal it now caused death. The women learned this within a day of killing the conquistadors when they discovered a ring of dead animal corpses surrounding the fountain.

Although Ponce de Leon had been saved for special torture, the Priestess of the Fountain realized that he was now the only source of the Fountain and so he was spared. Driven mad by the loss of her tribe’s men and children and by the loss of the fountain, the Priestess of the Fountain laid a curse upon Ponce de Leon. The curse was that he would become the new Fountain, the new source of eternal life and the new source of life for her tribe. Curses however are terrible things and often have unintended consequences and effects, especially when they are cast in unthinking rage.

Over the next few weeks, Ponce de Leon was repeatedly raped by all seven women until they all begot children. He was then driven forth from the tribe to fend for himself. Ponce de Leon discovered to his chagrin that no other woman could get a rise out of him. Naturally, this account never made it into any of his memoirs. All of Cratok women gave birth to female children, save one, the Priestess of the Fountain, who had a male child, named Son of Panther.

When their children were old enough to travel the remnants of the Cratok left behind their corrupted fountain and traveled northwards. The women eventually took husbands from other tribes and formed a new Cratok tribe. However, without the source of the fountain the remaining Cratok, including the Priestess of the Fountain, began to alsancak escort bayan age. That is until nineteen years after the destruction of the fountain when suddenly the Priestess and three of the other women started aging backward.

A suspicious warrior gleaned out the answer. He believed that his wife was having sex with someone else and discovered that she was meeting with Panther, the son of the Priestess. He discovered that Panther was also having sex with two other women and with the Priestess herself. Although incest warranted immediate death, because of the status of the Priestess she and her son were offered exile from the tribe. The Priestess, her son, and two other Crotak women left the tribe.

They traveled north and eventually found an English colony dying of famine. There were only a few people left alive by the time that they arrived in Roanoke. Most of these were children. The three surviving adults believed that the Cratok were part of a nearby tribe known as the Croatoan. The Cratok believed that this place of great death should be left and so departed from Roanoke with the surviving children and adults. Eventually, the English girl named Virginia Dare became the bride of Panther and they were the founders of your family.”

I must admit while I found the fairytale that my Grandmother spun to be very entertaining I didn’t buy it for a second.

“You see, the Priestess’s curse not only affected Ponce de Leon, it also affected the curse-giver since she bore Ponce de Leon’s son. When Ponce de Leon died his son became the Fountain and inherited his part of the curse. He could only become a man with the women of his tribe, that is the remaining Cratok women. Her curse had somehow bound his fertility with the other aspect of the Fountain, that is giving of youth and vitality. Mother and son were bound together through the curse, as the Priestess of the Fountain could not resist the pull of its power, even though it now coursed through her son’s body. The Fountain needed the Priestess, the Source so their incest was inevitable.” She gave me a pointed look and grinned, “As is ours.”

As Grandma had related her story to me, she had sat next to me and also tenderly stroked my cock. By now it was once again a raging one-eyed monster. Grandma stood up and unzipped her dress and let it drop, exposing her top. Deprived of their support her huge, full breasts hung low on her ribcage, bobbling and rolling with her movements. Her tits were the size of small coconuts and stretched down from her chest. Dark brown nipples the size of Hershey’s kisses danced before my eyes. As she stepped back the dress fell to the floor.

She was dressed in black stockings with garters and a garter belt, sheer black panties, and her jewelry. Grandma gave me a sultry look as she slowly took her panties off. She twirled them on one finger as she stepped closer to me. She dangled them off her finger as she brushed them against my nose and lips. A heavy musk exuded from the moist cloth. This smell made my stiff cock twitch. My eyes unconsciously sought out the source of this intoxicating aroma.

Grandma had a full bush that reminded me of porn images from the seventies. Her lower groin and pubes were covered with a thick mat of snow-white hair. Out of the bush protruded large dark brown lips their pinkish insides glistening moistly.

At the foot of the bed, Grandma popped my cock into her mouth and gave it a few sloppy sucks until my cock was thoroughly coated in her saliva. Once again just the touch of her tongue on my cock was electric and shot sparks of pleasure through me.

She crawled a little further up the bed and splayed her legs on either side of me. I couldn’t take my eyes off of the profusion of white hair. Grandma noticed where I was staring. She gave me a look of amusement. “I guess you’ve never seen an actual bush before, hmm? Your little girlfriend probably waxed and was naked down here.” Her mouth quirked in an expression of disgust. “I never understood the attraction. A naked pussy looks so prepubescent, a bush is a woman’s special adornment.” With a smile, she took hold of my cock and held it upright. It throbbed in her warm, aged hand.

I made one last attempt to reason with her. “Stop, Grandma you can’t do this. This is rape and incest!”

Her face twisted into one of rage and she thundered at me, “Little Man, you don’t realize the gift that’s about to be bestowed upon you!” For a second she seemed like a haughty queen barking out an imperious command. She squeezed my hard cock firmly and grinned “Besides, part of you can’t wait!”

It was true. Six months ago the very idea of a naked seventy-year-old woman would have made me recoil in horror. My balls would have tried to crawl inside me and my cock would not have been remotely hard. If that seventy-year-old woman had been my grandmother I would’ve also been vomiting in revulsion. However, today was the total opposite of that so far as my physical reactions went. Grandma’s mature body aroused me escort alsancak much more than I had ever been aroused. Instead of a limp noodle, my cock was a red hot bar of iron that clamored to be quenched between the dark pink folds of that white shrouded pussy!

My heart hammered with the desire that sang through my veins. My hips unconsciously lifted seeking to impale my thick meat inside Grandma’s gash. Hormones flooded me, affecting my mind. The horror of incest faded to a small squeaky voice as a deep guttural voice thundered inside my mind FUCK FUCK FUCK HER!

Grandma lowered her pussy to my cock and her fat lips kissed my cockhead. It felt like an actual kiss upon my helmet as her lips made a wet, sucking sensation as they touched me. My cock slipped inside Grandma and immediately I realized I was in the tightest, warmest, most welcoming pussy I had ever been inside. Her slick hot folds throbbed and rippled against my cock as they conformed around it. It felt as though I was entering an undulating chamber that had been custom-designed for my specific penis. As her pussy molded to my every contour, it also flowed and pulsed against every millimeter of my penis. My hands and feet jerked in their restraints as the pleasure from Grandma’s perfect pussy made me shudder.

She leaned over and rested her hands on my chest, her red nailed fingers starred against my skin as her pussy entirely swallowed my cock. The simile is not inaccurate for at times her pussy felt like a throat convulsing around my rampant penis. She sat there, not moving just gazing at me. Even as she sat still her pussy was in constant movement. It squeezed, caressed, and rippled up and down and all around my cock, stimulating every single nerve ending with tingles of pleasure.

I looked at her and was immediately struck how this close, she looked quite old. Every wrinkle, sag, and wattle swam were imprinted on my mind. Her full but elongated breasts swung down to brush against my chest and her splayed fingers. I avoided her eyes and instead looked to where my cock was embedded inside her fissure. This white clouded fissure was the source of the exquisite pleasure suffusing my body.

My heart thudded and I shuddered with the absolute beauty of her. How could I have ever thought that her mature body was disgusting? It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. My cock ached to plow her depths. My hips thrashed upwards fucking her. Each thrust into her tailor-made channel was answered in kind by a wave of ecstasy.

“Yes, Henry fuck me… Fuck me! Come to me! Give me what I need! Come for me! Embrace love and Life!” Grandma muttered as my cock slid through her tight, wonderful folds. My slow thrusts gradually became faster and harder until I was fucking her as hard as could within my restraints. Grandma leaned back and grasped her breasts in her hands. She kneaded and played with them as I slammed my cock upwards into her pussy. However, Grandma never moved her hips at all. Not that she really needed to. The more effort I put into fucking her, the more intense my pleasure became.

As my sexual ecstasy grew the more I realized just how right it was for me to be intimately bound with my Grandmother. I wished I could kiss her withered lips, mash and knead her droopy breasts, crush her wrinkled body against mine as I drove my cock deep into her snowy snatch.

I drank in her beauty as her pussy spasmed hard about my cock and she shook in orgasm. An intense erotic thrill shot through me as I saw all the folds of her face writhe as her face twisted in orgasmic pleasure.

A crescendo was building up in my balls and penis, yet unlike with Kaci, it wasn’t to be a hot fast clench of muscle and quick jetting of ejaculate. This was slowly building up to something massive. This sense of something huge developing wasn’t just located in my thrusting cock but also my mind.

The constant pleasure I felt from fucking Grandma was like a static charge, it kept compiling and I knew my brain was becoming overwhelmed by the sensory input. My vision became strange as Grandma and my other surroundings became surrounded by a bluish corona.

When Grandma orgasmed yet another time, her pussy squeezed my cock even harder and I moaned with delight.

Even as absolute euphoria enveloped me, my eyes remained riveted on the site of the seventy-year-old woman straddling me, her ancient vagina locked around my young, vigorous cock. I drove in and out of unrelentingly inside her aged pussy, each stroke sending a charge of pure bliss through my body and mind. Watching the juxtaposition of pink shaft sinking into white hair gave me a perverse thrill that only added to my overwhelming arousal. My shaft seemingly swelled, its pulsing veins becoming ever more engorged with every thrust into Grandma’s incomparable pussy!

Yes, the pressure was building deep in my balls, deep in my blood, deep in my soul. An explosion was coming; a volcano was going to erupt! It was as if the wet dreams and Grandma’s blow job had only relieved part of the pressure inside me. A loud cry burst forth from my lips as my cock erupted forth inside Grandma. Bliss coursed through every one of my nerve endings, my body was suffused with rapture so intense that I felt as though I dematerialized. Yet at the same time, I was all too aware of the physical sensation of my cock quivering as I exploded inside Grandma’s tight throbbing pussy.

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