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Editor’s note: this story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex.


This story and ‘Abigail’s Party’ are wholly independent, other than sharing characters, so feel free to read them in either order, or indeed to ignore the second if you didn’t enjoy the first.

As ever it seemed, my husband Jack was away working in Dubai when our niece Muriel – his brother’s daughter – got married; so, as I would be alone, it seemed sensible that I drive over to my daughter Jane’s place and travel with she and her husband Jon. Besides being much closer to the venue, there were several other guests from that area, so having driven to the wedding, we’d all return in a shared mini-bus and the following day someone would do a run-around to take everyone back to their cars.

The one flaw in the plan — for me at least – was the timing of that return trip; I’m fifty-two not ninety-two, so being out beyond midnight oughtn’t to be a problem, but I’d failed to consider that the ceremony itself would be at two o’clock in the afternoon. After that there were photos, then on to the reception, which just carried on through into an evening party, even drinking abstemiously I’d had far more than was usual for me and by only eight o’clock I was beginning to flag.

Jon noticed that I was fading and prescribed a couple of caffeine tablets, washed down with Red Bull and vodka; that apparently was he and Jane’s drink of choice when they were out night-clubbing. They seemed to do the trick and in an effort to help the cause, I continued with the vodka but that young crowd were very inclusive and I never once felt side-lined. I was however, beginning to wilt once again, until Jamie — a friend of Jon only one this time, as Jamie assured me that I’d only need ‘a top-up, to keep you buzzing’.

This tablet seemed to take its effect a little quicker and those effects were subtly different: Rather than my gaining a sudden lift in energy level, this one left me feeling somewhat wraith-like, as if I were on the outside, looking on at everyone enjoying the party; I also began to tingle or perhaps it was a hum, maybe even a buzzing? It went through my whole body — even my teeth and eyeballs felt to be vibrating! – but the aches and pains fell away, I no longer felt the slightest bit tired and within minutes I was back on the dance floor with a tall, slim, fair haired, man.

I’d no idea who he was, but he was a very good dancer albeit rather young to be squiring me around the floor, I’d guess at no more than twenty, certainly far younger than even Jon my body was still humming too.

A short while later — it was from about here that time seemed to become rather ‘elastic’ — the music changed to something slower; one minute we were bopping around and a moment later the young man had caught me by the hips, pulled me in close and we were smooching cheek to cheek. I was surprised, but certainly not complaining, he was rather handsome after all. My second surprise arrived in the instant that our bodies pressed together, beyond the all over ‘tingle’, I discovered my body had turned hyper-sensitive, every touch and sensation was enhanced, though in a very nice way; I now seemed to be just one big erogenous zone!

When the man’s hand slid round and clasped my bum, it was like champagne bubbles popping in your nose, the same again when his left hand slid up to my rib-cage, until the heel of it pressed audaciously into the side of my breast. I was contemplating those moves when he began nibbling at my ear lobe and almost simultaneously, the thumb of that cheeky left hand began stroking back and forth across my right nipple; in an instant, those popping-bubbles erupted in an effervescent cascade; Wow!

I turned toward him, I’m sure with the intention of scolding him for taking such liberties, but as our eyes met he promptly leaned forward and kissed me full on the mouth and what a kiss it proved to be; powerful, searching, fervent – I could go on forever! It seemed to last for hours; I don’t think I’d been kissed like that in almost thirty years? By the time we separated I was aflame, thoughts of any reprimand quashed; sinking my fingers into his hair, I pulled him forward once more and instigated the next embrace myself.

I’ve no idea how long we continued — as I’ve said, time had become elastic — but by its end we were deeply entwined. His right hand never stopped groping my buttock, but the other was by then squarely upon and firmly massaging my right breast, my own hands meanwhile were clasped behind his head and my hips rotated suggestively, grinding my pubis lewdly marmaris escort against his thigh. The conclusion proved abrupt: We were roughly jerked apart and I found myself facing my daughter, who was clearly livid at my scandalous and all too public behaviour.

Be it fatigue, alcohol or those pills — even then I wondered if the last one at least hadn’t contained something more than caffeine? – I was by now away with the fairies, smiling inanely and at times even giggling in response to Jane’s reproach. I caught odd words and phrases:…exhibition of yourself… almost young enough to be my son, never mind yours…middle-aged tart… drunk as a skunk… inappropriate… what would dad think… utter disgrace… but for the most part, they simply washed over me.

Decisions were made and action swiftly taken; it seemed that Jamie was staying over at the venue and had a room. Borrowing the key, Jane whisked me out of the ballroom and upstairs to that, from where apparently she would be collecting me when it was time to go home. As Jane stormed out firmly locking the door behind herself — it could be opened from the inside anyway, but it’s the though that counts 🙂 – I was once again overcome by a fit of giggling; this seemed like such a role-reversal, how often had it been I admonishing Jane before sending her to her room as she was growing-up?

I glanced at the mini-bar, but was rational enough to concede that I’d had more than enough already, so after a trip to the bathroom, I kicked off my heels — God, but that was a relief — and lay down on the bed. I don’t think I went to sleep, but instead drifted in and out of lucidity, those tingles were still there and in addition, I realised that the dance floor incident had aroused me sexually. My nipples were swollen and a saucy, repetitive pulse emanated from my pussy; I recall intending to slip a finger or two inside my panties, but then I drifted away once more. When I floated back into the real world it’d turned strangely cooler, until I realised that my satin wrap-dress now lay wide open beneath me; had I done that before drifting-off, perhaps as a precursor to that finger-play I’d been considering?

It took but another moment to grasp that I was no longer alone on the bed and that a man’s hand was stroking my stomach, that certainly explained my state of dishabille and looking to the left, found I was again eye to eye with the young man from the dance floor. His look of alarm suggested he thought that he might have taken one liberty too far, but my grasping him by the hair and pulling his mouth down upon mine in repeat of our earlier kiss, no doubt corrected him?

That roving hand moved immediately to my breasts and, his touch was soon flesh upon flesh as he lifted them free from the meagre constraint of my 1/4-cup bra shelf bra — I’ve long had a weakness for alluring lingerie — when our kiss ended, his mouth dropped to devour my exposed teats. His displaced hand slipped south, across my belly, to slide beneath the waistband of my hose and skimpy briefs; it slowed a little as his fingertips trawled through the coarse hair of my pubis, but there was no stopping until they’d sunk into the centre of my womanhood.

Far from defending my virtue, I’d parted my thighs ahead of his advancing fingers and as they — I think two? – pressed through my vulva, my hips bucked in lewd response, augmenting his immoral penetration. I groaned in acceptance, a cry which together with my lurching pelvis also echoed his second, third and perhaps two more thrusts, before a much needed orgasm fairly ripped through my body, leaving me a slumped and dissipated mess. When my faculties returned, it was to see the young man again wearing that abashed smile; he then falteringly spoke: “C..can… will you- C-Carol cou.. could I fuck you?”

It was so endearing, particular spoken by such an attractive young man and most especially when you’re on the wrong side of fifty! I wanted to know his name, but etiquette dictated that it was far too late in the day to admit that I didn’t already know; instead I granted him a provocative smile and purred: “Well, you’re here and I think it’s high time that someone did”

He leapt from the bed and all but tore his clothes off, then leaned forward and tentatively hooked his fingers into the top of my panties seeing no objection in my expression, he pulled them both down and away. He then hesitated once more, the abashed smile returning, so I simply spread my legs in a most flagrant manner and whispered: “I’m all yours.” which proved to be marmaris escort bayan all the encouragement needed.

He was between my legs in the instant and while I’d noticed that his cock was nowhere near as stout as Jack’s, I discovered on entry that it was also far less pliant; I felt like the wooden shaft of a broom was intruding; though how I’m able to so confidently make that comparison is not for this discussion. Once lodged within he began to fuck me surprisingly sedately though I found that by either good luck or good management, his lack of girth was far from the disappointment I’d envisaged. Each stroke was delivered at a very steep angle, so the whole length of his shaft dragged across the face of my clitoris leaving me gasping with delight and beginning to climb toward another orgasm; then came the interruption…

A voice to my right calmly intoned: “You can’t give it all Tom; surely you have to save a piece for me? You’re in my bed after all.” Turning in response I saw Jamie approach from the shadows, naked from the waist down, with an erect and well proportioned cock swaying before him. I ought surely to have been horrified, but my initial thought was more prosaic: ‘Tom, the guy fucking me is called Tom, that’s nice to know.’

By then Jamie was barely a foot away and be it the drink, those pills or perhaps just the devilish situation, I simply opened my mouth in mute invitation; I may even have beckoned him with my tongue? Like Tom, Jamie needed no second overture and guided his cock between my parted lips; in that moment my mind somersaulted anew: ‘What’s become of me? I haven’t strayed, or even been seriously tempted to during twenty-nine years of marriage and now I’m serving two men at once, like some backstreet whore!’

My stomach fluttered with excitement at this fresh intrusion and I turned my eyes toward Jamie’s face, to gauge his response; I’m bloody good at fellatio as that young buck discovered the moment that I closed my lips tight around his shaft and began roughly laving around the penetrating head with my tongue. Once Jamie reacted to that — eyes like saucers! – I gripped his bum, pulled him slowly toward me, forcing his erection across the coarser texture of my tongue and on into the depths of my throat; no vacillation, just a single, steady, incursion only ending when his his balls met my chin. Jamie was astonished; he’d clearly never had a girl do that for him before, throwing back his head he all but roared, with delight, before growling: “Fucking Hell Carol, you are one dirty bitch.”

Now fully home, I began nodding slowly back and forth, working my magic on his cock, I used all of my tricks: Nibbling and tugging at the foreskin with my teeth, scraping them across the shaft as it slid out and back down, tongue-lashing the mushroom-head and squeezing the whole shaft with my pulled-in cheeks as it passed back and forth. I never faltered or gagged and was well on the way to sucking him dry when the second interruption occurred…

I’d have liked it to have been be my own climax, but sadly it was Tom who came first — to my shame I’d all but forgotten him as I’d pandered to Jamie’s cock with my mouth, so I could hardly complain – he bellowed as his prick sprang clear of my pussy to spray his seed liberally about my thighs and belly; heck, his first shot had even reached as far my breasts! But that was only the beginning, a few seconds later I heard words which, snatched me harshly back from the sensual pool in which I’d been wallowing: “Well if you’ve finished fucking her Tom, I guess it’s my turn?” It wasn’t the words themselves, but the timbre of the voice which spoke them; I recognised it immediately, as belonging to my Son-in-Law Jon.

I would have been unable to respond even had Jamie’s cock not been filling my mouth, I was undone by Jon’s presence and when the bed rocked beneath me as Tom it was he rather then I who called on Jon to ‘ease up pal or she’ll bite my fucking dick off.’ so it was perhaps in gratitude for that salvation that I just closed my eyes and allowed events to play out; could I have stopped them anyway? I re-applied myself to Jamie’s erection and tried to tune-out the thankfully now gentler penetrations to my pussy; they couldn’t be ignored, but with my eyes tightly closed, I could pretend at least that the trespass was by someone other than Jon.

The next few minutes were annotated by Jamie; he became increasingly vocal in his enjoyment of my ministrations, to the extent where Jon chimed in: “Fuck me me mate, Carol must be a bit special escort marmaris at the old blowjob? Her cunt’s pretty sweet too mind; do you fancy changing ends for a while?” When Jamie readily agreed I would have screamed in frustration, had I not already been screaming in response to the orgasm that Jon’s shafting had just brought on; I love the taste of hot spunk and I sensed that Jamie had been getting close; perhaps his decision was intended to delay that climax?

The first flash of blinding-light to sting my eyes came just as Jamie withdrew from my mouth, there were several more before the night was over, but I wasn’t at my sharpest, nor particularly au-fait with smart-phones back then; it was only later that I appreciated what that flash portended. As Jamie climbed onto the mattress he casually flipped me over, grasped me by the hips and pulled me up onto my knees; as he shuffled forward to slip his cock into my now dripping gash I recall thinking: ‘Doggy-style, ooh goody, my favourite :)’. Jamie had barely penetrated before Jon grabbed me by the hair and pulled my bowed head up to face him; I had been staving off that ghastly moment when our eyes would meet. He delivered a lascivious grin as he pressed his cock between my reluctantly parting lips and growled: “I’m looking forward to this; Jane’s none too eager when it comes to cock-sucking, but listening to Jamie, I’m guessing that you could teach her a trick or two?”

Appalled as I was by Jon’s coarse remarks, I’ve never failed to respond to the sensation of a cock entering my mouth and one this large, nicely spiced with both my own secretions and a hint of semen — Tom’s? – wasn’t to be rejected. While Jamie reamed me from behind — as with Jon’s, his prick couldn’t easily be forgotten — Jon used my mouth and throat; it wasn’t me who dictated proceedings this time, my Son-in-Law fucked my face as if it were a second pussy. Tom must’ve still been nearby too: Jamie’s hands were at my hips, Jon had one entwined in my hair while the other pawed at my boob, so it must’ve been Tom’s that groped the other one and finger-teased my exposed clitoris too. I swear to God that Tom even slipped them inside my distended channel alongside Jamie’s thrusting shaft; that was the most outrageously debauched intrusion I’d ever known and I suspect it was the thought of such depravity, rather than the action itself which triggered my next and far stronger orgasm.

That climax had barely passed when Jon unloaded into my mouth and throat, still recovering I was unable to swallow it all and some of the viscous fluid squeezed past Jon’s cock to dribble down my chin. I’ve always loved the taste of come and I hate to waste a drop, so without thought I caught the escaping stream with my fingers and shovelled it into my mouth the moment Jon withdrew. Unsurprisingly that caught Jon’s attention: “You dirty come-slut, you just can’t get enough can you? Get yourself up this end when you’re ready to shoot Jamie, this horny bitch’ll swallow the lot.” I didn’t get a chance to reply, Jon forced his softening cock back between my lips as he added: “You’ll find a splash more if you suck hard enough Carol, go on, drain me dry.” I quickly complied and just wish that I could say that I did so reluctantly. Thirty seconds later I felt Jamie’s withdrawal — he’d obviously heard and heeded Jon’s base advice — and as Jon finally withdrew, Jamie replaced him instantly, sending his load too into my waiting mouth; the moment garnered yet another light-flash, that one obscuring Tom as it fired.

In the moments which followed Jon which begged the question: ‘Who the hell has just climbed onto the bed and slid his cock into my pussy?’ That was one of the few times that night when I showed resistance, but it was promptly quelled by Jon; he caught me by the hair, slapped my face and then painfully twisted my nipple to emphasise his parting words: “You stay there you old slapper, this party’s going to last for a while yet and you’re going to be its highlight; keep the boys entertained and I’ll be back later for sloppy-seconds. You’d better be here waiting unless you want Jane and Jack to know what their adulterous mother and wife have been up to; savvy?” Jon emphasised the last with another slap, before which I bowed my head in mute assent.

The next half hour or so — time remained elastic — proved exhilarating, but exhausting; It was Sharam, one of the two Asian guys whom I’d met earlier that was already fucking me, I’d never heard the other one’s name — Sharam’s brother I think? – but his cock appeared before my eyes perhaps three or four later down the line. The way in which those young men used me was appalling, so why was I enjoying it so much? There was barely a moment when there wasn’t a cock inside me and more often it was two; at one point Tom and a red-headed boy’s cocks — also not overly-endowed thank God! – penetrated my pussy together, that Tom really was a kinky little sod!

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