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My life had been in chaos.

The only thing I could do was to “man up” and make things right.

So I did.

At 20 years old, I’d stumbled through a trades apprenticeship, killed my weekends drinking and partying and managed to knock up my estranged girlfriend Beth. My parents never shamed me outright, but I could feel their deep concern. Beth’s family on the other hand hated my guts, and the only way to repairing things with her folks was with a ring.

I proposed to her with balloons and a smattering of friends capturing the moment on social media- the wedding itself was a negotiation with her parents, a quick city hall ceremony, but performed by a minister. As a wedding gift, our families had cobbled together a down payment on a house in the burbs, one town over from Beth’s parents.

Best case scenario in a no-win situation for me I guess. Goddamned cock.

Looking at our engagement photos, you’d think we were the happiest kids in town. I was like a teenaged newscaster, gawky, with a big shit eating grin on my face, my blonde hair perfectly styled. In our pictures, Beth smiled wide in the shots often laughing as she climbed up on my back or running from me in a grassy field. I figure, we’d seen enough perfect couples online- we knew how to act.

In reality though, we were two stupid fucking kids way over our heads, who barely knew ourselves, never mind each other. Two idiots stuck in the suburbs with a kid on the way, realizing the time for pretending had come to an end.

I don’t think it took a month until we came to terms with how bad things were. For all the hashtag-couple goals we shared outwardly, we soon came to realize we were unfortunate roommates for the foreseeable future. Beth began going to bed earlier, me staying up later- our sex life non-existent. I started taking walks around the neighbourhood to smoke a joint and get my head right for sleep, and that’s when I came across “the mudroom”.

I was burning late one night when I felt like taking a shortcut through a nearby park. Feeling myself, I climbed up on one of the wooden playground structures and laid beneath the stars, just smoking and contemplating what my life had become. Exhaling into the sky, I closed my eyes and tried to imagine a happier time.

I drifted back to when I first met Beth, to our first fuck. My cock thickened at the memory before thoughts of fatherhood crashed the party. I hated myself for fucking up this bad.

It was then I heard a noise and swung my head around to a neighbouring house. I was dizzy but could just make out the details of someones yard. I saw a dimly lit door on the side of an attached garage, my elevation gave me a clear view of the path through their garden. This house had a gate onto the park, which was left slightly ajar. My eyes narrowed as I tried to find the source of the noise- an animal perhaps? Maybe the wind had swung the gate open.

Instead, I slowly realized that the side door to the garage was being unlocked. I rolled over on the platform I’d been laying on and tried to remain as quiet and still as possible. Everything from this point on seemed to move as a fog. Blame the weed or the horniness, but as the door in yard swung open I swear I could see the body of a naked man inside, pressed to the wall, a hole beside him streaming light into the room as another guy made his exit.

The man who was leaving looked to be in his mid thirties, and seemed to be shrugging on a polo shirt. I scanned his face for any sort of recognition, but my eyes were drawn to the unzipped bulge in the front of his pants. What the fuck was I witnessing here?

I shook my head as I collected my weed addled thoughts. This was a normal suburb right? This was a regular old house. Looked like everything else in the neighbourhood, didn’t have a red light or anything sleazy about it. Had my hormones just imagined some insane scenario, or did I just see a dude leaving a glory hole?

I split my observation between the stranger who had left, and the side door on the garage. Dude just continued walking on the sidewalk until he disappeared from view, while the door remained closed. I was dying of curiosity now. For whatever reason, I was convinced I had stumbled across a real live glory hole. This was the kind of shit my friends and I would tease each other about back in high school- never in my wildest imagination did I ever think I would see one. I lay there on my stomach for five minutes, waiting for any sort of movement. Then ten became fifteen- but I was immoveable. I had to see this guy come out.

Losing attention of the clock, the side door finally jiggled as it unlocked, and an older man crept out into the garden. He was bald and wore a windbreaker and khaki pants. He had slipped out with such ease, I couldn’t even see a sliver inside. My eyes followed him as he peacefully walked to a parked car and drove off.

His departure left me alone with the park, with the yard, with the side door to that mystery garage. All I could do was stare at the door and imagine what was on the other side. Realizing my joint mersin escort had burned about halfway down, I knocked off the ash and licked my fingers before extinguishing it. That was all it took for my body to spur into motion. I slipped off the playground equipment without a second thought, and made my way to the gate. There was no sober second thought, or fear at that point, just a blitzed out loser with a hard-on making his move. I closed the gate behind me, oddly feeling safe by doing so. I hadn’t a clue what was on the other side of the one door, but I may have given myself some security from the rear.

My body felt a jolt of electricity as I touched the doorknob- I was filled with adrenalin believing I was about to bust in on something illicit, not even thinking of what I might be offered. The door swung open before me and the pungent smell of sweat and sex filled my nostrils. I stood there like an idiot staring at everything. The tiny room was painted black with wrist cuffs hanging from the ceiling, and a roll of paper towel place on a stool. A bulk box of condoms had been torn open and placed along a wall stud next to a pump bottle of lube. There were two long ovals cut into plywood on the one wall, both currently covered. I bent over to look at them, noticing the edges had been padded with some dark vinyl. Hearing a little commotion, my eyes darted up to the corner of the ceiling, where I saw a small security camera.

“Shut the fucking door” A voice growled out at me, suddenly breaking my confidence.

I wanted to run, but my brain was somewhere else and my hand was being obedient. I pushed the door closed, noticing the big metal latch and struggling to set it in place. I was young and stupid and high, taking orders had become the norm now- so this wasn’t much different from the rest of my life.

“Well? Are we doing this or not?”

I looked at the hole on the left, where the voice seemed to be coming from. My cock was fully upright and suddenly rather uncomfortable in confinement.

“Uh, yeah-yuh, I’m uh…” words stumbled out of my head as I worked open the zipper on my jeans. Still unable to free my erection, I undid my belt and opened my pants in the dark. As if on cue, a red light flickered on, and I felt emboldened. Delicately thumbing at the waistband of my boxer briefs, I pulled the fabric over the head of my cock and put myself on display inside the mudroom. There was a moment of silence before movement could be heard on the other side of the wall.

“You’re supposed to take everything off, that’s how it goes. Naked or nothing.”

Part of the wall suddenly sprung out towards my feet, and I jumped back in alarm.

“You’re new- put all your shit in here so we can see if you’re a cop before anything happens,”

“Oh, I’m not a cop-” I spat out, trying to be helpful.

“Strip and put everything in the drawer then… or get the fuck out,”

I held my posture for a minute, the only movement on my body being the pulse in my cock, as I weighed my options here. Again though, obedient hands beat a fogged brain, and I found myself pulling my shirt up over my head, and hopping around on one foot as I pulled my jeans off.

Trying to be as helpful as possible, I stupidly pulled out my wallet and splayed it open on top of my clothes. I stood there cold and naked as the drawer was pulled back into the wall. I yanked at my cock as my body drank in the scenario. I was naked and hard, in a tiny room being watched by strangers. I was young and built to fuck, but hadn’t had my needs met in months. The red light and my nudity were the red flag in front of a bull. I was rarin’ to go.

“Alright… Brian. Here’s what I want you to do now,” the panel behind one of the holes slid open abruptly, no light on behind it. “Step right up and put your hands through the wristbands above your head… go on.”

I moved towards the hole gazing up at the leather straps on the wall. I put my arms through the restraints, noticing the hand grips on the other side. The straps were quickly pulled tight around my wrists, and I found myself fastened to the wall. My chest was drawn to the black plywood, and my groin pushed forward into the waiting hole. My heart rate quickened as I felt a hand cup my testicles.

“Good boy Brian, fuck — look at the piece on this kid.” I could feel another hand work my foreskin as my ball sack was gently pulled. I closed my eyes as the tongue work began.

I’ll try to explain the feelings I was having at the time- but it will never replace the actual experience.

Completely naked in a strangers mudroom, observed by a security camera and separated from every stitch of clothing and ID, here I was, tried to a wall, bucking into a hole.

It was completely aggravating, and nothing that I would have ever expected- what from all the glory hole porn I’d watched. I didn’t have any power whatsoever. I wasn’t simply sticking my cock into some whore’s mouth and owning her throat- I had literally thrust myself into a strangers trust.

So there I was, wildly humping mersin escort bayan about, trying to find every lick and nibble of my cock. They were an experienced pair behind the wall, reading how close I was and being delicate and deliberate with their actions. It was like being pulled back from the edge of fucking, cheating the mere idea of an orgasm and arousing me deeper and deeper with every passing second.

There would be a brief period of work on my balls before I’d get deep throated, forcing a guttural moan from my belly. Then a mouth would slurp at my dick, getting me close to cumming, just as a hand would tug at my scrotum – the pain pulling me back to earth. It was an exhausting roller coaster of sensations, so much so that I barely realized when an arm reached out from the hole beside me to grip and pull at my ass.

“Oh god, please let me cum, fuck- I need to cum so bad, please just let me cum,”

“You fucking wanna cum little man, huh? Brian wants his daddy to suck his little cock does he?”

“Mmmm, yes- please. Please just let me cum,”

“Say it! Call me daddy!”

“Fdsfmg, fuuug- please daddy-“

“What does little Brian want?”

“Brian wants daddy to suck his little cock, pleeeeease Daddy, just let me cum”

A flurry of mouths and hands gobbled me up on the other side of the wall, and I pushed hard against the plywood trying to feel every last lick. I clenched my eyes shut and drooled on the wall as I felt my ass pulled open further. I was on my tippy toes as I finally hit my limit, bucking forward as I shot my load into a strangers mouth.

My hands tightened on the grips as I shot 9 successive volleys of cum into the glory hole. I whimpered as my body slackened, pulling at the restraints. Mouths nursed my deflating penis as I drifted back to earth.

The voice behind the wall changed to a quieter, gentler tone- instructing me on how to extricate myself from the restraints as I shifted my weight around. The drawer pushed out of the wall with my clothes and I sat on the floor to get dressed. I could barely stand, I was so light headed.

“So Brian, that was fun – are you good?”

I stifled a laugh as I pulled on my briefs. This was such a weird transaction. “Yuh, yeah- I’m — thanks for that. Thank you, I-“

“Alright, you’ve got a lovely prick on you- we’d love to have you again… but there are rules okay?”

I nodded, before realizing the need to be vocal.

“Sure, of course-“

“We want to enjoy this, but respect everyone’s anonymity, okay?”

I dressed in the red light as I listened to the detailed set of rules for the glory hole. They had a signal outside to let guys know they were open, there were rules about how to approach the hole, how to interact with other men we’d meet in the mudroom, and of course, a promise to never socialize or acknowledge each other if we met on the street. I consented to everything as I pulled my shoes on, with my hosts closing up and saying their goodbyes. They turned off the red light and I could hear them shuffle off into the house as I kneeled forward.

My face got close to the hole and my cock twitched as I momentarily began to imagine how it would be, on the other side of the wall.

* * * * * * *

I found myself able to wake up the next day guilt free, mentally chalking up my visit to the glory hole as another adventure in weed. Its likely my mind would have drifted back to the mudroom the next time I went to rub one out, but as luck would have it- everything took a turn for the worse.

Beth had begun having stomach pains, then severe cramping. A trip to the emergency room one night revealed a mutual fear; she had miscarried.

It was a horrific array of emotions between the two of us within a very short period of time. The engagement and wedding had been a whirlwind, as had the move into the suburbs. I had barely spent any time at my new job when we lost the baby, but I felt the need to be with Beth as we processed things.

At first there was the grief, and the mourning as you would expect with any young married couple starting out. But as the days passed and the tears dried, we slipped into a more contemplative mood. The whole reason why we had married and started a life together was because of the unexpected pregnancy- and now that wasn’t a factor. I didn’t know who I could talk to about it, and waited for Beth to speak up. It was difficult because before the miscarriage, we had begun to dislike one another- but the panic and the turmoil brought us closer together. I felt a protective instinct while we were in the emergency room, and found myself deeply concerned with Beth’s well being. Returning home broken and sorrowful left us moving- almost hourly- between intimacy and repulsion.

I guess the idea of the baby had been an excuse for us to be together, performing as a couple for everyone despite having no real connection. With such an instant change, what the fuck were we even doing? It was like freedom and disappointment at the same time, and I couldn’t handle escort mersin it. In the weeks that followed Beth and I fought and reconciled, some times playing at being husband and wife, other times completely withdrawn from one another. Again, bad roommates. One night in particular we’d had a few beers with dinner one Friday, and she came onto me super strong. She accused me of thinking her ugly and broken as she straddled me on the couch, demanding I fuck her. I was initially horrified and tried to deescalate things, but she started slapping me as she bounced up and down on my lap. My cock was hurting so I pushed her off and walked away. Beth ran up to the bedroom yelling insults about my manhood, and something flipped in me and I raced up after her.

She had removed her pants and laid slovenly on the duvet her mother had bought us, rubbing her mound and sneering at me.

“Can you even get it up anymore to fuck me?”

I unbuckled my belt and pushed my jeans and underwear to the floor, never breaking eye contact. The more she swore at me the harder my cock throbbed, and I crawled on the bed preparing to mount her. As my cock pushed inward, my hand went to her throat and I bore down on her tiny body.

I fucked her as a hole, wantonly ramming her cunt while staring at her dead eyed. I just relentlessly pounded on her until I began to see the alarm in her eyes. The spell broken, I guiltily withdrew my hand and slowed my pace. Never had I been so possessed before.

Caught off guard, and not doing my assigned task, Beth reared up and sent me flying backwards. My dick remained inside her as the power dynamic changed, and I could feel her powerful thighs grip my waist. Now it was Beth who curled her fingers around MY throat as she raised and lowered herself on my erection.

The lack of oxygen and the pain from her ass repeatedly slamming down on my groin made me want the hate fuck more and more. I tried to thrust up into her, but Beth’s eyes were wild, and she took control from me, moving to grind my cock against her g-spot.

“You fucking piece of shit, I fucking hate your tiny, useless cock. You can’t even fuck me right-” her movements intensified as she spat out in anger at me, “Don’t you dare fucking cum right now, don’t you fucking dare!” Her hand moved to furiously mash away at her clit as she rode me, taking the time to swat at my hands as I went to grab her hips.

I was being used, with no desire to change the scenario.

Stifling a groan, I silently shot my load into Beth hoping she wouldn’t notice. When the wetness became obvious, she cursed me under ragged breaths as she fapped away on herself.

“Fucking pathetic loser,” She hissed, before hunching over in orgasmic convulsions. Almost immediately she flopped onto her back, releasing my cock and bringing her knees up to her chest as she cupped her groin. Her face moving from anguish to relief as she lay there with eyes closed, briefly shuddering.

For my part, I lay perfectly still, holding my sensitive cock in hand while feeling my cum drip along my sides.

This would be as close as we’d get in a long time.

* * * * * * *

The next two months left Beth and I resigned to our fates, locked in a silent game of chicken waiting for the other person to crack and walk away first. We had put on the show of happy young married couple for too many people to just call it quits- someone had to be the villain.

Our mutual coping strategy was booze and avoidance. She went to yoga classes with girlfriends, and I doubled down on video games. By the time her erratic sleep schedule settled down, we grew further apart as night and day people.

It was late one night when I found myself in the downstairs powder room, jerking off to a lingerie catalogue, that I said fuck this. I put on my jacket and fished out a joint from the inside pocket. I was headed back to the park for a smoke, and if I was lucky – the mudroom was open.

* * * * * * *

* * * * * * *

At least once a week for the next sixth months, I would visit my glory hole friends. While I had never seen them out in public, neighbourhood chatter informed me that they were an aging gay couple, both named Alan (different spellings). They were described in politely feminine terms and seen as largely harmless old guys. For whatever reason, their successful facade made our activities that much hotter.

Typically, I would take my midnight smoke and stroll while Beth was sleeping- walking to the park and looking to see if the Alans had turned on their garden lamp outside. That was the signal, a dotty old patio light speared in amongst the bushes they could turn on from the house. When it came time for my visits though, I’d selfishly twist the light as I passed, loosening the bulb and extinguishing the signal. I had remembered seeing two men in the mudroom that first night, and was determined to keep my sessions solo and on the down low.

The way I saw it, I wasn’t gay. I was just getting my dick sucked. Wife gave up on sex, so I was getting my rocks off elsewhere. No harm no foul. Whatever bullshit I moaned over in the mudroom, whatever scenarios I ran around in my head in that space- that was all cosmic sex brain doing whatever I needed to get off. Having another dude beside me in the holes, that would not only kill the vibe, but possibly end my suburban house dad life as I knew it.

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