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Please don’t reproduce this copyrighted work without my written permission.


Of course all the actors in this script are of legal age.


Note 1: Characters introduced in ‘The Seduction of Bobby’s Mom’ appear in this Chapter, but reading that story is not a prerequisite.


Note 2: Kelley, my soulmate, helped me once again. Thanks baby.


“You wanna tell me what’s goin’ on, Cat?”

I took a sip of water and braced myself for the inquisition.

“What do you mean? There’s nothing going on.”

She stared at me for a couple of minutes and then sighed. “Cat, look – I’m not mad or upset, I just . . .”

There was an awkward silence for a minute or two, but I could tell something was bothering her and we definitely needed to talk it through.

“What Mom, what is it? We’ve always been able to talk to each other about anything.”

She picked up the bottle of nail polish and played with it for a moment and then put it back on the table and then she picked it up again. I reached over and grabbed the bottle from her hand and that immediately caused her to look up at me.

“What is it Mom, c’mon . . . talk to me.”

She looked at me for a long moment and then looked away. “Cat, I saw you and Sara making love in the kitchen last night. I wasn’t trying to spy on you, but I went to the bathroom and I was going to tell you one last thing before I went to bed and when I got to the doorway Sara was . . .”

I thought I heard her door open last night. Well, now the other cat is definitely out of the bag and I couldn’t help but wonder how terribly awkward things would now become between us. I suddenly felt like I might become very ill.

I said the first thing that came to mind. “Did that upset or offend you, Mom?”

My mother swallowed hard and took a deep breath. “Upset me? My God, no; I was never so turned on in my entire life.”

I considered what my mother said for a moment and then I shot her a half-smile. “In that case Mom, what exactly is the problem?”

She exhaled and the woman I was staring at now looked far different than the mother I knew.

“Cat, you’ve just got to let me watch you two make love again.”

My mom’s words continued to resonate with me as I mindlessly went through the motions at school the next day. I hadn’t been this distracted since Erin ended our monogamous relationship and I had almost forgotten how terribly unpleasant feeling like this could be.

I thought about our conversation at least a dozen times throughout the day and I had no clue what my mother really wanted from me by her unorthodox request. Even worse, I blamed myself for creating this rather unpleasant situation. I knew that it was entirely my fault for putting on such a hedonistic show in the kitchen, of all places.

Then, there was the information overload. It was one thing to come out of the closet and finally disclose my sexual orientation to my mother thirty minutes earlier that night. It was quite another thing to know that she was actually standing there watching as my lover was licking and fingering my pussy and — no doubt — also watching as my eyes rolled back into my head. I guess it’s a damn good thing I’m a well-adjusted teen.

And if all that baggage wasn’t enough to effect my entire day, and to some degree maybe even my life, I knew all too well that with the single exception of what Sara and I did in front of Erin and Cheryl at Erin’s house, I had never knowingly had an audience before when I was intimate with a woman. So now, forevermore, I have to deal with knowing that the only parent I have, and probably my best friend in the world, was watching me have sex with my lover. No matter what spin I put on the entire situation, I didn’t think I would ever get used to it and I’d probably need Sara’s help to get past it.

It was much the same way at cheering practice later that afternoon. I knew that I was flat for most of the time. Not surprisingly, so did a couple of my close friends, but they were kind enough not to draw any unnecessary attention to it in front of everyone else. At least, not until after practice when I became the victim of some very good-natured kidding and a lot of questions.

After I showered I sat outside waiting for Ariana and my ride home. I turned on my cell phone for the first time that day and saw that I had missed 15 calls. That was just slightly higher than usual, but I was not unduly surprised, as I panned through the list of numbers before calling my voice mail.

The first message was from Erin and I think for the first time that day my smile wasn’t forced. Even now while I was involved with Sara, Erin’s voice still seemed to have a kind of magical effect on me. Maybe it’s because she was actually the first real love of my life and you know what they always say about the first one.

In her usual up-beat and highly energized voice she said they had a great time with us last afyon escort night and hoped we’d do something together again very soon. Erin always ends her calls to me with an affectionate “love you – later,” and for the first time hearing those words didn’t cause my heart to skip a beat. But the ‘L’ word made me think of Sara and I was really glad that hers was the next message on my voice-mail.

“Hey baby,” she affectionately began, and all at once she had my undivided attention.

“It’s nearly ten and I’m heading over to Cheryl’s office to do some new-hire paperwork and of course that made me think of the one person who made this all possible — my favorite person in the whole world. I’m sure you’re in class right now, but I wanted you to know that you’re in all my thoughts and . . . and . . . well, I want you to know that I love you, baby. I just can’t wait until I see ‘ya tonight. Oh, and by the way, I finally have water and electricity in the house, so I’ll be cooking dinner for us tonight, though I should probably warn you that you may not consider that a real treat after you’ve tasted my cooking.”

Hearing that sexy Katie Scarlet O’Hara accent in my voice mail gave me goose bumps that I felt all the way down to my sexual center. I immediately felt myself mouth the words “I love you too sweetie,” in response to Sara’s message and then I had to smile at her closing comment about her absence of culinary skills. Good thing I don’t mind cooking.

I thought about Sara leaving me such a wonderful message and of course that made me smile. I automatically pressed the number two button on my key pad. I just knew I was gonna save that message.

“Wow girl, you definitely have it bad. Now, just tell me – who is the target of that dreamy-eyed expression all over your face?”

I looked up and saw Ariana walking towards me, brandishing the most devilish smile across her face.

Sometimes friendships in high school can be fleeting at best and trendy at worst, but I can tell you without hesitation that Ariana is probably my dearest friend in the world who’s close to my age, so I think I should probably tell you a little something about her.

Ariana moved to Houston many years ago from New York City and she has that rather interesting dialect, which to me almost sounds like it’s from another country. It took me a long time to get used to hearing it without feeling like I was on some sitcom, not that I’m actually used to it now, but I guess after more than a dozen years I’ve finally learned to live with it.

Her father was a highly placed executive with a Fortune 50 company that eventually saw the wisdom of relocating their corporate offices to a more reasonable cost of living area, so they wound up in our little corner of the world.

Ariana and her family lives in a rather affluent subdivision, located about three miles from where mom and I live. I’ve been over more times than I can count for all kinds of activities, including swimming, parties and countless sleepovers — which are really terrific because every bedroom has its own bathroom, a luxury that still amazes me. I absolutely love their house.

Ariana is an outstanding representative of her Mediterranean heritage. She has medium brown curly hair that comes to about the middle of her back. She has dark eyes and a medium complexion and I personally think she looks like a cover girl for Seventeen Magazine, yet amazingly she never wears any makeup — not even lip gloss. She’s about two inches taller than me, but she’s not quite as tall as Erin. In case you’re wondering, she is very straight and she also knows that I’m not and that has only caused one really awkward moment between us and maybe I’ll share that with you another time.

I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t consider Ariana to be a natural beauty. The guys always use the term “drop-dead gorgeous” to describe her and most of the girls would just kill to have her hair or her well developed hour-glass figure. I guess that just about sums up high school life in a nutshell — envy and lust; talk about your basic instincts.

There are two reasons I love having Ariana as my best friend. It’s probably a sad commentary on my generation, but she’s the first girl I’ve ever known who doesn’t judge anyone. For example, she has always known that I’m attracted to females and she’s totally fine with it. But even more importantly for me, I see her as a friend first, so I have no physical attraction towards her. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely agree with everyone else that she is absolutely gorgeous, but really good friends are just too hard to find to run the risk of losing them.

I also went through a rather bad time after Erin ended our relationship and if it wasn’t for Ariana being there for me I’m pretty sure I would not have come through that period without more collateral damage. Okay, now I hope you have a better idea about who Ariana is and the role she has had in my life.

As afyon escort bayan we drove away from the school I started to tell her about meeting Sara only two days earlier. I was only about five minutes into the story, when she pulled the car over on a residential street and parked under a huge cypress tree. Then she turned in her seat to face me.

“What?” I asked with a half smile, trying to determine exactly what she was up to.

She smiled back at me. “What? You’ve got to be kidding. I can already tell that this is going to be a really great story and I don’t want to be distracted one single bit by driving or anything else.”

I guess I should have expected that sort of a reaction from my best friend. Ariana has heard all my tales of woe and heartache and if she doesn’t know me by now, I guess no one does.

I smiled and turned in my seat to face her, as I started once again from the beginning and about forty minutes later she was fully up to speed on Sara and my love-life once again.

During my little recitation she had smiled and laughed a lot, grew serious a time or two, got teary-eyed a whole lot, became a little embarrassed several times and then she sat straight up in her seat and started to stare out the front windshield at nothing particular. I finished talking about me and Sara and then I watched her for a minute or two. She seemed to have a distant expression on her face and she was now eerily quiet.

“Ariana, is anything wrong sweetie?” I asked, in a rather demure tone.

She slowly turned back around in her seat once again and I could see a teardrop making its way down her cheek. She took a deep breath and met my confused gaze.

“Cat, you know I love ya dearly and I’m so happy for you — I promise I really am. It’s amazing, but despite the age difference it does seem as if you and Sara might have really found something special, maybe even a genuine love connection. And I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but I wish just once I could know what it’s like to feel that way about someone and have that person actually return those feelings.”

I was totally unprepared for that kind of disclosure. I had no idea that Ariana hadn’t experienced similar feelings for at least one of the many guys she had dated over the years and it never even occurred to me that reciprocation might be an issue. I realized that I had been doing a rather bad job of holding up my end of our friendship.

I took a deep breath and tried to be the friend I was supposed to be. “What about Brad, you’ve been seeing him for two or three months now, is there no mutual love or tenderness there at all between you guys?”

The look in her eyes turned from sadness to one that was almost menacing. “Love, tenderness – huh! It’s always about sex with him — fucking, blowjobs, handjobs — sex, sex, sex. Hell, it’s been that way with every guy I’ve dated since Middle School. I’m really tired of it, but I just don’t know what to do about it. Got any ideas, girlfriend?”

This was indeed a first for us. I had never asked Ariana for advice with a girl before and she had never asked me for any help with a guy. And in our parallel universe I think that seemed to be the natural order of things between us and it certainly made perfect sense. Now that seemed to be changing and I knew this could possibly be a real challenge for me. As I thought about her question I wondered whether our friendship might actually hang in the balance.

This time it was my turn to sit there and stare out the front windshield, as I considered her situation for several minutes. When I looked back into her eyes I saw something there I had not been prepared to see. It looked like hope, but then again, maybe desperation was probably a better description. Well anyway, here goes.

“Regardless of whether you’re attracted to males or females or whether you’re gay or straight, I think the challenges always seem to be the same. Keep the relationship growing, while also keeping it fresh and exciting, all within a climate of mutual respect.”

Well, that was my long-awaited opening statement. I paused for an instant to see whether she’d roll her eyes or maybe even laugh at me, but she did neither one. She considered my comments for a moment and nodded thoughtfully. Then she looked up and waited patiently for me to continue, so I did.

When I finished nearly an hour later I think we both felt better. I don’t think I told her anything she hadn’t really thought about before, but she seemed to actually consider the advice I offered.

When Ariana finally dropped me off in front of my house it was nearly 6:30 p.m. and I was fairly certain I would probably face another uncomfortable interrogation at home. Except for two graduate classes my mother had in the afternoon, I knew that she had been home most of the day. With all that time on her hands I was sure she was probably busy thinking of some more questions to ask me that I probably escort afyon wouldn’t want to answer. I looked over at Sara’s house and knew this decision was a no-brainer.

I headed up the walkway to the door, knocked twice and then just let myself in. I didn’t give the matter a whole lot of thought until I was inside and realized that despite having her power on, the blinds were drawn shut and the house was relatively dark. Then I noticed that two candles were lit on the cocktail table in the living room and I walked towards them, calling Sara’s name as I went.

“Hey baby, have a seat on the sofa, I’ll be right out,” Sara called from the direction of her bedroom.

Hearing Sara’s voice immediately put a smile on my face, as I realized how much I had missed her all day. I headed to the sofa and dropped my backpack on the floor, kicked off my flip-flops, sat back into the over-sized cushions and then I put my bare –feet up on the cocktail table.

I started to get a chill with the air conditioner blowing down on me, which served as a casual reminder that I hadn’t put any panties on after showering, so I crossed my legs, leaned my head back on the cushion and closed my eyes for an instant to decompress after the mentally-exhausting day I had.

I must have been more tired than I first thought, because moments later I drifted off. I didn’t hear Sara enter the room, but then I seemed to realize that she was behind me massaging my neck and it felt incredibly relaxing.

I opened my eyes and smiled and then reached behind me without moving. She stopped massaging my neck and took my hand in hers and gently kissed it. Then I felt her take my index finger into her mouth and she slowly began to fellate it. I could feel the sensual slickness of her lipstick on my finger and I was suddenly wide awake. I felt goose bumps immediately invading my arms and legs.

As Sara slowly worked my finger in and out of her mouth, my breathing began to accelerate. I closed my eyes and felt her apply suctioning pressure to my finger. She’d gently release it and then she’d repeat that motion once again, gradually increasing the pressure of her suction each time. No one had ever done anything like that to me before, but I knew right away that I would make this a big part of my love-making repertoire in the future.

I instinctively took my left hand and found my happy place and I began to gently touch myself. I wasn’t surprised to find that my lubrication was way ahead of me. I slowly inserted my wet finger inside my pussy and simulated the same motion down below that Sara was performing on my finger. A moment later we were in perfect sync and I knew I was already getting close.

Sometimes two people can be together forever and they’re unable to anticipate each other’s sexual needs, while other times such anticipation is second nature for even the newest couple. Thank God the latter applied to us. When I was close to cumming, though not quite there yet, Sara reached over my shoulder with her free hand and went straight under my shirt and found one of my erect nipples. She cradled it between her thumb and index finger and then began to squeeze it — gently at first and then with increasing intensity.

Between Sara sucking on my finger, squeezing my nipple and me fingering myself, my orgasm suddenly arrived with a vengeance and ripped though my tired body with a near savage intensity that I hadn’t experienced since Erin and I stopped our intimacy nearly a year ago. God – how I missed that wonderful feeling. During all the excitement I heard myself yell out, but I didn’t even recognize the sound of my own voice.

“Oh my God, ahhh, my . . . God, Sara . . . I’m cumming!”

The sucking and the pinching suddenly became more passionate and I realized that I was matching Sara’s intensity with my own. That realization seemed to trigger the second orgasm that was now washing through my body. I felt myself momentarily lose consciousness.

When I briefly opened my eyes sometime later the upper half of my body was now horizontal and my head was positioned on Sara’s lap and she was gently running her fingers through my hair and humming. It suddenly occurred to me that if my life would never get any better than this I was totally fine with that. Then I seemed to drop off once again, reveling in a euphoric post-orgasmic bliss.

When I regained consciousness a second time I opened my eyes and I could see Sara’s loving gaze and warm smile looking down at me. I instinctively returned her smile, but then I realized a fear that I had never experienced before. I felt that I actually may have been lucky enough to find my true soulmate and now I wondered whether I could hold onto her, or whether I would lose her like I did Erin. The thought sent a cold shiver through my body and I could immediately tell that Sara could actually feel it too.

“Are you okay baby, do you want a blanket?”

I’m usually not weepy, but I just couldn’t help myself. I was about to respond and then the only audible sound I heard was crying and I realized that it was coming from me. It not only took me by surprise, I could tell it also surprised Sara. She moved off of the sofa and kneeled on the floor between my legs. I could tell she was both puzzled, as well as concerned.

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