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Big Tits

Chapter 5


Pudge saw the hot tub as we walked through the front gate. “Who wants to hit the hot tub?” she said as more of an announcement than a question.

I wanted a bed, but that wasn’t going to happen right now. Even if it did, I wasn’t crawling into one alone. I had promised Nadia that I was going to see her sexually satisfied, and I had meant it. I’d blown four loads since we got her but hadn’t even entered her once. I meant to keep that promise for its own sake, but there was now another angle to consider.

If I went off to bed and collapsed, it would probably have been for twelve to 16 hours. After what happened in the car, it was clear to me in that time, Pudge and Nadia would be fucking each other’s brains out. Pudge wasn’t here to take Nadia from me, and I was sure from our earlier conversation Nadia wasn’t planning on being taken. But Nadia was as worked up as I’d ever seen her, and Pudge’s break up, combined with the massive load of intoxicants she’d consumed left her with the moral standing of a stray alley cat in heat. There was also no doubt in my mind that, physically, Pudge could out-fuck me by a mile. A night like that could be enough to change Nadia’s mind about staying with me. If I could stay a part of it, then I could avoid that risk. I might get lapped in this race, but I had to finish.

“You can put your suit on in the guest bungalow. There’s towels and robes there too.” Nadia said to Pudge. Nadia gestured toward the guest quarters. Pudge shrugged and walked that way into the darkness. “Swimsuits?” I thought. It was an odd time to start being bashful, but Nadia was generally a conventional person. Maybe it was just habit.

It turned out it was Nadia’s play to get me alone. As we walked into the main house, Nadia grabbed my wrist and turned me to her. “You can go to bed if you want,” she said to me as we got to the master suite. I started to talk, but Nadia cut me off, “Look, the dance floor, the car – that wasn’t about me and Jules. It was about all three of us. She’s heartbroken and, I think just needs an outlet or escape.” I should have laughed at myself, but I was too tired. “Look at you. You’re a wreck. You can’t physically keep up with us, but it’s not your fault. It’s just the way things are now,” she saw me becoming crestfallen, “I know you are trying your hardest; that’s what matters to me.” Nadia pulled off her dress and underwear, pulled out her blue tankini. The top fit snuggly across her ample tits, and the bottoms rode low over her hips. She kissed me and left for the hot tub.

Damn, I thought. I am not giving up. I reached into my shaving kit, pulled out a fistful of amphetamines, Viagra, ibuprofen, and a couple of the pills purported in improve male sexual function in a bunch of ways from growing the penis to producing loads of spooge. I took them all. I grabbed a new swimsuit, threw it on and was with a surprised and skeptical Nadia at the hot tub when Pudge arrived from the guest bungalow.


Wow, I had underestimated Pudge’s physique back at the club. The muscles in her arms and back were obvious then — it was no surprise when I couldn’t budge her hand gag in the car. Now I could see she’d retained the densely muscular legs and power-packed glutes of the champion vaulter she had been. Her abs put even Nadia’s six pack to shame with defined obliques flanking her chiseled core. Her modest boobs, handfuls at most, were supported on bed of well-formed pectoral muscles. She traded Nadia’s curves for lats that formed a tapered V that rose for her waist to broad, but delightfully rounded shoulders. Her neck was feminine but flanked by traps that hinted at her strength regardless of what she was wearing. Her delts, biceps, and triceps were apparent when relaxed and dramatically impressive when flexed. It wasn’t the striated and dehydrated look of a female bodybuilder or fitness competitor, but the functional muscle of an athlete. Looking her up and down, I thought back to what happened at the club. I realized why my body felt like it had been slammed into a brick wall – it had been.

She moved with the grace and muscular ripple of a jungle cat. Her skin was slightly paler than Nadia’s but smooth and unblemished and shone in the moonlight. It contrasted with deep red string bikini she’d donned in the guest house. At some point she’d traded the dirty blonde ponytail that had been her staple do since middle school for a bleached blond short, spiked look that I thought would fit well in any number of punk-rock bands. Pudge turned to drape towel over a chair. I hadn’t seen the tattoo on her shoulder blade before. It was a red rose whose stem formed a stylized “J”. A petal was shown falling away from the bud. “J” for Jack.

She turned back and tossed a small vial to Nadia who looked at it, opened it and drank the contents. Pudge pulled another vial from her bad, opened it, and downed the contents herself. She produced a third, eryaman rus escort opened it, and drank about two thirds of it. She then held up the vial as if to carefully confirm its level. She sipped just a hair more and put the lid back on giving it and extra tightening twist. She tossed it to me, adding with a laugh, “Here ‘ya go, sissy, one training wheels dose of high quality liquid MDMA”. Nadia made a disapproving face at her as I caught the vial. I wasn’t sure if Nadia was signaling that I shouldn’t have more X or if she didn’t care for Pudge’s teasing. I think it was the latter.

I started to open the vial but couldn’t budge the lid. I tried again, but it wouldn’t loosen. Pudge erupted in laughter. The extra twist she’d applied — this was what she wanted from that. Nadia giggled a little. I played along pretending like I was making a big deal of trying and failing to open the vial and we all laughed. Truth was I was actually still trying, but Pudge and twisted that sucker on but good. I would have needed a wrench to get it off. The role reversal from childhood was obvious. I imagine there were a lot of little sisters getting even with big brothers — or their jerk friends – these days.

Nadia swam across the hot tub — which was huge, by the way, and probably could fit my whole extended family — to me. She took the vial from my hand, pecked me on the lips, and easily opened it. She handed it back to me, leaned in and whispered, “no more after this, I need you in top form when we get out of here”. She swam back to her seat, adding, for Pudge’s benefit and both of their amusement, “Do you need a sippy cup, or would a nipple be better?” I tossed the dose back while they were laughing their pretty heads off.


Pudge eased herself into the hot tub gracefully stretching out her form and lowering herself in with her well-defined arms. The movement showed off her sculpted body and prompted me to say, remarkably casually, “You look great, Pudge”. The discordance between complement on her lithely muscular body and my continued use of her long-outdate nick name hung in the air over the bubbling water and earned me a dirty look and a head shake from my wife.

“Like I said, ‘a child’,” Nadia said adding, “You really do look great, Jules. I gather you’re getting a lot of time to work out these days.” There was obviously something I didn’t know that Nadia did. She’d kept in regular touch with Pudge. It made the distance I’d allowed to grow more apparent and made me feel a little worse for it.”

“It comes with the job,” Pudge replied leaning her head back against the side of the hot tub and luxuriating in the warm bubbly water. “My head of marketing reminds me whenever I skip a workout. ‘We can’t have the face of the company looking like she needs our services more than the customers we’re trying to guilt into memberships.'” Pudge’s voice was a mockery of the female gym teacher in the middle school back in our hometown. From the boy’s gym class, one could often hear her admonishing the girls into the assigned exercises, “No man is going to want you flabby and fat. It’s fit and firm if you want out of this town someday.” The dated implication being that the only path for a girl was to find a man onto whom to latch. Given what I’d seen at school and what was going on in the corporate world, the male gym teachers had best be learning that line.

“‘Head of marketing’; ‘Comes with the job’?” I asked not understanding. “What sort of work are you doing these days?”

“Maybe if you’d call sometime, you’d know.” Pudge putting a barb on our lack of connection. She hated the gulf that had grown between us as much as I did — and was as guilty for its existence — but she wasn’t going to admit that in the here and now. “I own a bunch of gyms. Business has been good. Been growing steadily since starting up two years ago.”

I’d known this to have been a dream of hers for years. She’d left college with a degree in communications, a gymnastics medal, and not a pot into which to piss. She’d worked a lot of “job” jobs, but nothing really stuck. Pudge’s family was no help. Her dad started drinking after Jack died. He’d lost his job at the mill and died a year later. Her mom took work as a secretary at the high school. It was enough to survive but not much else. I don’t know why I asked what I did. Maybe it was my male ego creeping in seeing her success in light of my recent academic demotions. “Where did you get the money to start up something like that?”

My question didn’t seem to bother Pudge. She’d probably been explaining her uncanny success to disbelieving friends back home for a while. It did, however, get me an admonishing glare from my wife. I’d fallen into shark infested waters somehow. Nothing to do but just keep on swimming. “No one like us has that kind of money. I can’t imagine a bank giving a loan with no collateral on such a venture”. In for a penny, I guess.

“Nadia sent me to some venture ankara etimesgut escort bayan capital firm her cousin runs. I brought my proposal and walked out with a check and a line of credit,” she replied almost wistfully. “I was as surprised as anyone that they’d take such a leap, but here we are, two years later and Jacked Jills is the largest chain of women’s gyms in the Northeast. Hoping to take it national in the next year. We have our own branded athletic wear. We’re even branching into our own line of exercise equipment — have to, really, the stuff out there was made for men and can’t take the abuse we’re giving it.” She flexed both of her impressive arms as a point of emphasis. The name was an obvious and touching, if corny, nod to her lost brother and my lost friend, but we all acted like it was just coincidence.

Nadia was looking increasingly uncomfortable. “I sent her to Ryan. He knows how to pick ’em,” she offered in a totally unconvincing fashion. The look she gave me was clear this time, “Shut up and move the fuck on, or I will break you in fucking half,” was the clear nonverbal message.

It was coming together in my head now. Ryan was her idiot cousin on her father’s side. (her family was huge on both sides — I guess that’s what rich Catholics do). After the buyout of her first tech firm at its peak, Nadia had a huge wad of cash sitting around. People from money like hers don’t let their money sit and they don’t blow it on bad bets. Nadia set up “NLS Capital LLC” as a venture capital firm. [“Nadia Loves Simon” for anyone trying to figure it out. My wife is brilliant with computers, a genius at finance, and, apparently, can punch holes in concrete blocks. She’s also a hopeless romantic and complete dork.] She’d placed Ryan as its head, but she provided all the capital and told him where it went. Ryan couldn’t pick a winner in a one-horse race, but the family had to put him somewhere. A sham job as junior associate in some high-dollar investment firm would do but ran the risk of exposing him for the dolt he was and cost the family to do it. Nadia’s little project gave her the ability to play around, maybe anonymously help a friend here and there, and, with Ryan at its head, put an owed favor from her uncle on the books for late use. I hated that her family was so transactional, but Nadia, I guess, didn’t know any other way, and she play that game better than most.

Two years ago made sense too. It was around the time of “the change”. Nadia could feel herself becoming different and was probably aware it wasn’t just her. Pudge was a reasonable bet beforehand — she was smart, motivated, and a hard worker. Nadia must have recognized that women would want now more than ever their own space to explore their newly found bodies’ potential without alerting the men in their lives. (she’d used our move as a convenient excuse to stop working out with me) A women-only gym was the right product at the right time. With the other advantages “the change” brought to women, Pudge would kill it. Nadia could see it before anyone else and backed the play.

It had obviously paid off. These days it would have been a no brainer. Women were absolutely beginning to dominate the corporate world. Their superior intelligence and ability to easily outwork their inferior male contemporaries was coming to bear in that intensely competitive environment even faster than it was in the academic world. I wondered to myself how many male Fortune 500 CEO’s there’d be in ten years.

As it turned out, there were none in just over three.


The water feels great,” I said, briefly congratulating myself for the ham-handed segue and deft side stepping of my wife’s ire.

The water did feel great. I was more than a little sore. My neck hurt from Nadia’s grinding in the shower. My arms and back hurt from my tussle with the girl in the club. My chest and torso hurt from getting crushed in the man-compactor on the dance floor. And the rest of me hurt from tensing in futile efforts to avoid explosive orgasms which also left me, well, drained. I began to notice everything relaxing. Every muscle. Every joint. My skin began to tingle in the warmth of the hot tub. I became acutely aware of each bubble as it shot from every jet and rose to the surface. I could feel each one as it traced a line around my body on its way up. I brought up my feet and started to float on my back to the middle of the large amoeba-shaped cauldron. And erection arose quite out of nowhere.

It was safe to say the latest dose of X was hitting me. I was vaguely aware of Nadia whispering something to Pudge. I turned my head in their direction just as their little plot unfurled.

“Save him! He’s drowning!” Nadia yelled as both of them surged laughingly through the water at me. Before I could react, they were on me. Pudge took hold of my upper body in a mockery of a lifeguard’s rescue hold while Nadia grabbed my legs at the gölbaşı rus escort bayan knees. I could tell from their glassed over eyes and large pupils that their own, ginormous, doses of X were taking hold. They dragged me to the side and heaved me out like I weighed nothing. A vision of Nadia putting up 600lbs on a bench press shot through my head followed by an image of Pudge taking the same bar and curling it. My erection was now in full sail.

We plopped down on a nearby chaise — its upper half collapsing flat with the force of our fall. Pudge underneath and behind me her legs to either side. She my arm.s I started to protest. “He’s delirious!” I heard her say, as she clamped her free hand over my mouth. I struggled against both holds. Our wet bodies sliding in the most pleasant manner along each other’s long axis. It wasn’t much of a struggle. At least not relative to the force that restrained me. “We have to do something,” Pudge said laughing.

“He needs mouth-to-mouth!” Said Nadia smiling. I locked eyes with her as he paused in contemplation. She grabbed the bottom of my swim shorts with both hands and pulled them off in one motion. My erected cock sprung from the motion and pointed skyward. Nadia was on it in a flash. She took my throbbing dick in her left hand and brought her mouth to it.

“That’s not his mouth,” Pudge admonished with a giggle.

Nadia shrugged, “It’ll have to do.” With that she took my whole boner into her mouth and began rapidly bobbing her head while holding the base with hand. It felt amazing.

Pudge took her hand from my mouth – I was beyond protest anyway. I don’t think my brain could have formed any words if I wasn’t. I felt Pudge’s hand run down between our bodies. I realized what she was doing. She was undoing her bikini bottoms. She undid the strings and pulled it off. She brough the wet red fabric up to my face and smashed in over my nose and mouth yelling, “Let’s try smelling salts!” I twisted my head in protest, but her hand held the wet cloth tightly in place. They smell of chlorine and musk. I realized Pudge wasn’t just wet on the outside. She relented and flung the bottoms away. I felt her hand go back down between her legs and she began to thrust herself against it.

Nadia stopped sucking, stood, and yelled an overly dramatic. “It’s not working!” She pulled off her tank top and bikini bottoms. “We’re going to need to do CPR.”

Pudge either was in on it or was improvising on a theme. “You start ‘compressions’; I’ll do mouth to mouth!”

With a leap, Nadia straddled me facing forward and lowered herself onto me.

Now, my wife, for a taller girl had always had an incredibly tight pussy. Out first romps ended almost embarrassingly fast every time. I eventually built some staying power. After “the change” she became noticeably tighter, but somehow different. I would come to learn that she was trying to relax herself. It prolonged the act, but I don’t think it did much to heighten her pleasure. I’d made her promise me, on this trip, she would let herself go — that she wouldn’t “hold back” as she said she’d been doing. I don’t know if it was a conscious effort, the drugs, the alcohol, or some combination of all three, but she was succeeding in her task.

Nadia let out a slight sigh as I entered her. I, on the other hand, clearly remembered gasping audibly. She was warm and wet, and, my god, was she tight. My eyes went wide. It was like nothing I’d ever felt before. Pudge noticed and laughed. There was a knowing look on Pudge’s face. She whispered in my ear, “First time with the safeties off, champ?” I nodded, blinked, or maybe grunted in the affirmative. I know I didn’t say anything. There were no words. We were beyond words. Pudge smiled wryly and whispered, “Whatever you do, don’t forget to breathe.”

Nadia began to pump and thrust. Each stroke seemed to get tighter and wetter. Each thrust was a new experience in sexual pleasure. The world was new. I was in it, but my mind was on another plain.

“He needs more mouth to mouth,” Nadia grunted between thrusts.

Pudge slipped out from behind me and, facing toward Nadia, locked my head between her muscled thighs. She pressed her pussy against my lips. My tongue shot into the cleft almost of its own volition. As if it knew it needed to act to save me again. Pudge also tasted of chlorine and musk, but also of salt and a slight sweetness. She wasn’t hairless like Nadia but kept a trim patch of light brown hair. It was the only cushion my face would get. Pudge started to grind in sync with Nadia’s thrusts. Both of them moaned in pleasure as Pudge’s pussy pressed hard onto my mouth and Nadia’s pussy clenched ever tighter.

I heard Nadia laugh, though it was muffled by my pair of musclebound earmuffs, “THAT’s not your mouth!”

“Well, it’ll have to do,” Pudge giggly replied.

The started to kiss passionately. Their moans now in sync with their twisting tongues. Nadia continued to pick up the pace. She was hammering my pelvis now. It was like she was trying to drive me through the chaise and into the ground. If the waves of pleasure she was transmitting through my cock weren’t so great, I might have registered the pain. As it stood, nothing could overcome the feel of her silken purse drawing tighter around my throbbing member.

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