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Just a quick note to say thanks for all the nice comments I have received on part one. For those of you that are wondering I have quite a few more chapters in mind for this story. So hang in there. All constructive comments were welcome.

When Becky finally managed to roll out of bed at 9 o’clock in the morning, her father had already left for work. She was kind of surprised to find herself naked. She always wore pajamas to bed, and then she remembered what had happen just before she fell asleep. She was masturbating thinking about when she had given Brian that blowjob, then some how for some reason Brian turned into her dad, that really weirded her out. Becky had never had any sexual thoughts about her father. She loved him very much and thought he was very handsome, but then again didn’t every daughter think that about her father?

Becky had fallen right to sleep after she had her orgasm last night. It had hit her with so hard it knocked her right out. Her thighs pelvic area and hands were covered with her own dried juices.

“Well, I’m sure a mess. I better hit the shower,” Becky said to herself.

Becky grabbed a towel and jumped in the shower. She lathered up and thought about the day ahead, she had to do the dishes, clean the house and the pool. Not to bad. I should be able to have that stuff done long before Amber gets here. I wonder why I thought about daddy while I was masturbating last night. I mean he is handsome and kinda sexy in a way I guess. But he’s my dad for heaven’s sake! Oh well it must have been a fluke or something, but I sure came hard. Oh well.

Becky continued to think about the previous night as she showered and could feel herself getting horny all over again. As her hands wandered over her body lathering it her nipples began to grow hard and her pussy was becoming wet from more than just the water. As she rinsed the soap from her body Becky started playing with her nipples making them grow even harder. Her nipples were very sensitive and she loved to pinch and twist them to the point of pain. “Ohhhh,” she moaned has she twisted both nipples severely. The feeling was so intense it made her knees weak. And she had to lean against the wall with one hand so she didn’t fall. Her pussy was leaking the juices of her arousal down her thighs where it washed away by the water from the shower. Becky was so horny now that she felt like if she didn’t give herself some release she would explode. She reached up and took down the hand held showerhead. She adjusted the flow so it was narrower and had a little more pressure. Then she put it between her legs and aimed the stream of water at her clit. “Ohhhh,” she moaned again as the hot water beat against her engorged clit. The constant stream of the water hitting her clit was rocketing her towards her much needed release. “Ohhhh, mmmm, yes,” she cried as her orgasm finally came. As her orgasm subsided her body was left so weak she could barely stand she let the showerhead drop from her grip and it swung wildly with no one controlling it. Becky leaned against the shower wall and slid slowly to the floor where she rested for a few moments and until she regained enough strength to stand again. Once she had recovered enough, Becky stood up and turned off the water. She got out, dried off and decided to get some breakfast.

Becky went downstairs to the kitchen where she made herself some food and then did the dishes and tidied up around the house. The place was pretty clean already, so there wasn’t much to do. Before she knew it, it was lunchtime. She made herself some lunch and thought about what she’d do over the next 2 weeks while she was on suspension. Other than the work sent home from school, there wasn’t much to do. It was going to be a boring two weeks. Oh well, it’ll be over soon.

Time to clean the pool. Becky went up to her room so she could change into her swimsuit. Becky took her normal blue one-piece swimsuit out of her dresser and was about to put it on when she stopped and thought about it, No one else is hear, I can be a little bit naughty. Maybe I’ll wear my thong bikini. Daddy would freak if he even knew I had it, but I’ll probably never get another chance to wear it. What the hell. She put her boring old one-piece suit back in the drawer and dug way in the back to find her sexy suit. It took a couple of minutes to find it where she had hid it, but finally she had it. Becky held it out in front of her and looked at it for a few seconds. It’s smaller than I remember. Oh well, who cares, she thought with a chuckle. Becky slid the bottom of the barely there swimsuit up her legs and wiggled it into place, then she put on the top and stood in front of the full length mirror on her closet door.

Becky looked at herself in the mirror and thought, Daddy would definitely flip if he ever saw wearing this. Her nipples were barely covered by the bikini. It’s called a chip bikini. And they weren’t kidding. All it was was a small piece of fabric that barely covered her nipples. You could get it with a matching bottom, but Becky wasn’t that daring so she bought it with a matching şişli escort thong bottom. Because of her size, the front triangle was pulled up more over her lower belly than over her pussy where it was supposed to be. So now, the thin strip of fabric that would normally run between her legs was all that covered her pussy and it did a bad job. The suit only covered her slit. Her pussy lips hung over the sides of the thong almost making it disappear.

The back of the thong was more or less a string that met the waist strap in a small “V” of fabric. It was perfectly indecent. Becky smiled at how naughty she was being and how slutty she looked. As she looked at herself in the mirror, Becky wished for the millionth time that she had a better body. Becky got a beach towel out of the closet and went down to the pool. She always loved being around their pool and patio area. Her father had it designed so it looked like a tropical grotto with lots of palm trees and a little cabana style hut with a wet bar in it. They had an automatic pool vacuum, but it wasn’t perfect and would miss a spot here and there it. It was Becky’s job to vacuum those spots. It normally took her about 15 minutes.

Becky got right to it and was done before she knew it. She had almost two hours until Amber got out of school so she decided to swim a bit and then get on a raft and work on her tan. Becky was lying on the raft with her eyes closed letting the heat of the sun warm her body. As she lay on the raft thinking about nothing in particular, her mind drifted to thoughts of sex. Becky had wondered about what sex would be like for years. Thoughts of sex and her body being gently warmed by the sun and the slight bobbing of the water were starting to have an effect on her. Becky was getting horny, she could feel the tingly feeling growing between her legs and the urge to touch herself was growing uncontrollable. Without even realizing it her right hand drifted down to her pussy where she started rubbing it through what was there of her thong. Her left hand unconsciously went to her right breast and slipped under the miniscule covering her bikini provided. As her right hand rubbed her pussy and clit her left pinched, pulled and tweaked her nipple. Becky was really getting into the sensuous feelings her hands were causing in her body.

As she rubbed her clit and pussy, the fabric of her thong was being pushed further and further into her pussy and the piece of fabric covering her right breast was now totally pushed to the side. “Uhhh, ngghh, ohhhh,” Becky moaned as her orgasm grew closer and closer. Her right hand was pressing harder and harder on her clit and her left hand was pinching, pulling and twisting her nipple almost cruelly as she raced towards her orgasm. Before she new it her body tensed as her orgasm crashed into her with the force of a runaway truck. “Oooohhh, Oh God!,” she moaned. She thrashed around on the raft almost flipping herself until her orgasm subsided and Becky lay there exhausted her orgasm having drained her body of energy.

Unknown to Becky, Amber had gotten off early from school when the air conditioner broke down. Amber decided to just go straight to Becky’s house and hang out. When she got there she rang the doorbell and knocked on the door. There was no answer so she decided to walk around back and see if Becky was out by the pool. Amber let herself through the fence and into the backyard and over to the patio. What she saw made her freeze in her tracks. Becky was in the pool all right. Amber saw her best friend lounging on a raft, but what took her by surprise was the fact that Becky had one hand between her legs playing with her pussy through the bottom of her very skimpy swimsuit, and her other hand had pushed part of her top off her tit and she was playing quite vigorously with her nipple. Amber stood there and watched almost transfixed as her best friend pleasured herself. She knew that Becky didn’t consider herself to be pretty or very sexy, but Amber had always though Becky was very pretty. She continued to watch as Becky’s actions became more and more deliberate.

Becky had worked the fabric of her swimsuit bottom almost entirely into her pussy, and she was twisting and pulling on her nipple with a vengeance. Amber was almost afraid she was going to rip it off. Before long Becky’s body tensed Amber thought Becky was going to fall off the raft and into the water thrashed about on the raft in the midst of her orgasm. What away to come out of good cum falling into a pool Amber laughed to herself. As Becky’s orgasm subsided and she settled back down on the raft, Amber said,
“Nice show.”

Becky was so startled that she sprang up and before she knew it she was underwater. As she swam back up to the surface, she saw her best friend Amber standing on the patio with a cat that at the canary look on her face.

“Oh my God! How long have you been standing there?” Becky demanded.

“Not long, but long enough,” Amber answered sarcastically.

“Oh my God! I’m so embarrassed. Please don’t tell anybody. Everyone already thinks mecidiyeköy escort I’m a slut.”

Amber laughed, “Becky why would I tell anyone? You’re my best friend.”


“I promise. By the way, nice swimsuit you’re not wearing.”

“Oh God, I have to get out of this suit before my dad gets home or he’ll flip.” Becky said as she swam to the ladder and climbed out of the pool.

Amber laughed and followed Becky as she raced up to her room to change out of her swimsuit before her father came home. Becky’s father wasn’t a prude, but no father wanted his daughter to dress in that revealing of a swimsuit. Amber followed Becky into her room and sat on the bed and watched as her friend changed into a more presentable swimsuit. Becky tore of her thong swimsuit and tossed it into the hamper, then she slipped on her regular one-piece suit followed by a pair of matching shorts that covered her legs down to mid-thigh. Amber hated that swimsuit, but they didn’t have very many suits to choose from for women Becky’s size. Amber was made up her mind; she was going to get Becky a sexier swimsuit that even her father wouldn’t object to.

“Beck, you’re birthday’s next month right?”

“Yeah, July 17th. Why?”

“No reason. I was just making sure, I don’t want to forget.” Amber replied with a smile.

Amber looked at Becky’s naked body. She hadn’t ever really had the chance to see Becky totally naked before. Usually they only got down to their underwear in front of each other when they were changing. Amber was surprised to find herself becoming turned on as she watched Becky change. She and Becky were friends with Becky ever since they were small children and had never thought of her in a sexual way, but after seeing Becky getting herself off in the pool something changed. Amber never told Becky or anyone else for that matter that she liked girls as much if not more than she liked guys. Should I Tell Becky I’m bi? Would she understand? Would it end our friendship? I don’t know. She wondered idly while she waited as Becky changed.

Becky turned to face her as she pulled on her swimsuit and Amber noticed Becky had a full bush of pubic hair that was only mildly trimmed so it wouldn’t show past the bottom of her one-piece swimsuit. I’m going to have to get her to shave that shit off or at least trim it down, Amber thought to herself.

“Why don’t you put on you suit and we’ll go swimming for a little while.” Becky suggested.

“Okay, sounds good to me. I’m boiling the a/c at school broke today and we were roasting until they let us go.”

Amber went to the drawer Becky had set aside for her to keep her clothes in. they spend so much time together that they each kept clothes at the other’s house. Amber put on her Bikini and for the first time she did it right in front of Becky. Amber could feel her pussy start to moisten as she changed into her swimsuit. It was kind of a turn on to her to expose herself in front of her friend like this.

Becky watched Amber as she took off her clothes and got into her swimsuit. Amber had a modest little string bikini. As she watched Amber change Becky was surprised to see that she didn’t have any pubic hair what so ever. She looked like a little girl. Becky thought it looked kind of sexy in a way. This was the first time either girl had seen the other naked and Becky enjoyed seeing Amber naked as much as she liked exposing herself to Amber. As soon as they were both in their swimsuits, the girls went down and jumped in the pool. They swam and horsed around together until they were as pruned and wrinkly as a pair of old ladies. Finally, they got out of the pool and sat on some of the loungers to relax and soak in the sun. As they worked on their tans Amber asked Becky, “ So when and where did you get that other swimsuit, and why didn’t you tell me about it?”

“I saw it online a few months ago and I ordered it on a whim.”

“Okay, so why didn’t you tell me about it?”

“Once I actually saw it and tried it on I never figured I’d wear it. So I didn’t think it mattered.”

“Okay, I guess. So why were you wearing it when I got here?”

“Well, I figured no one would be around to see me in it and I was feeling like being a little naughty. So, I put it on. I didn’t think you would be here so early. So, what do you think about it?”

“I thought it looked hot on you, you should wear it more often.”

“Oh yeah right. Could you imagine what my dad would say if he ever saw me in that suit? He’d freak.”

“Yeah that’s true. I don’t think he’d mind a bikini like mine, but not like the one you had on before. Hey! Why don’t we go shopping and get you a new suit as soon as you are off grounding.”

“Okay, I guess. But I’m not promising that we’ll actually get anything.”

“That’s okay. I want to get a new suit for myself to while we’re at it. Getting back to feeling naughty, what was it like sucking Brian’s dick?”

“Wow, Amber I never thought I’d do that. Let alone in a bathroom at school. It was pretty wild. At first I wasn’t sure if I’d like şişli escort bayan it, but then once I started doing it I liked it a lot. It felt really neat having his dick in my mouth the way it rubbed the roof of my mouth and the back of my throat. I really liked how that felt.”

“Did you taste his cum?”

“Well, sort of. He pulled out of my mouth just as he started cumming and shot his cum all over my face. Some of it ran down into my mouth. That’s when Mr. Shanks walked in and caught us.”

“Oh man! How embarrassing!”

“Tell me about it, he walked in just after Brian shot his load on my face. It was bad enough being caught in the boy’s bathroom. But I thought I’d die when I looked up and saw Mr. Shanks standing there staring at me on my knees on the bathroom floor with Brain’s cum all over my face. If I could have died at that moment I would have.”

“Well at least it was Mr. Shanks. He’s pretty cool if it was one of the other teachers like old Mr. Johnson you probably would have been expelled.”

“Yeah, he’d have been off the wall. Mr. Shanks was bad enough. Oh, by the way, thanks for bringing over my school stuff. At least it will give me something to do.”

“No prob.”

“Hey do you wanna see if my dad will let you stay over tonight?”


“Okay when he gets home, I’ll ask him. So, do you have a date for prom yet?”

“Not really, Jordan Larkin asked me but I’m not sure if I want to go with him or not.”

“Why the hell not? He’s hot as hell!”

“I just don’t think he’s my type that’s all”

“He’s the Captain of the soccer team. He’s build like fucking Adonis for heaven’s sake”

“He’s just a dumb jock.”

“Have you ever even talked to him before?”


“Then how do you know he’s a dumb jock?”

“I dunno he just seems like one that’s all.”

“Well I’ve got news for you Amber, he’s in my 4th period Advanced Bio class. He’s not dumb. He’s getting a full academic scholarship to go to U.M. next year.”

“Hmm, I didn’t know that. Maybe I’ll call him and see if he still wants to go.”

“Go for it girl!” Becky said and they both laughed.

“Let’s go get into some dry clothes Beck.”


The girls grabbed their towels and went back up to Becky’s room where they both changed into t-shirts and sweat pants. They were watching TV when Becky’s father came home.

Jim Bradford came home and saw his daughter and her best friend Amber lounging on the couch and watching TV.

“Hey girls, I’m home.”

“Hi daddy.”

“Hi Mr. B”

“Huh, I must be in the wrong house guess I better leave.”


“Mr. B!”

The girls jumped up off the couch and ran over the Jim where they both gave him a big hug and they each kissed a one of his cheeks.

“Now that’s more like it. How were your days girls?”

“Mine was ok Mr. B. We got out of school early because the a/c broke down again.”

“Mine was ok to daddy. I got everything done that you asked me to. Amber and I are just hanging out until its time for dinner.”

“Okay, I take it that Amber’s staying over for dinner.”


“Only if it’s ok with you Mr. B”

“When has it ever not been ok Amber? Are you spending the night?”

“I’d like to if its ok with you.”

“Yeah, its fine, just call your mom and let her know I’ll drop you off at school in the morning.”

“Cool, I’ll call her in a few minutes Mr. B. Thanks.”

“No problem Amber. I was thinking of ordering some italian from Mario’s. What do you guys think?”

Both girls loved the idea since it was one of their favorite places to eat from. The rest of the night passed pretty normally and before they knew it was time to go to bed. The girls wished Jim a goodnight and headed up to Becky’s room.

“I’m gonna hit the shower before bed.” Becky told Amber as they walked down the hall to her bedroom.

“Okay, I wanna take one to so don’t take to long.”


Becky got herself a towel and went into the bathroom where she started her shower. She just finished washing her hair when she was started by Amber opening the shower curtain.

“God Amber, you scared the shit out of me. What’s the matter? Do you need something?”

“Sorry, but I got tired of waiting for you to finish, so I decided I would just have to come in and join you.”

That’s when Becky noticed that Amber was standing there totally naked. Becky didn’t know what to say as Amber stepped into the shower with her.

“Wha…what are you doing?”

“I told you, I got tired of waiting so I decided to join you.”

“Ugh, okay I guess.”

“Hand me the soap and I’ll wash your back for you.”

Becky handed Amber the bar of soap and then just stood there still in a state of shock.

“If you want me to wash your back you’re going to have to turn around, otherwise I’ll have to start with your front.” Amber said with a chuckle. Becky turned around slowly still not sure what to make of the situation. When Becky turned around Amber started washing her back. What the hell is going on here? What’s Amber doing? We haven’t taken a shower or bath together since we were six years old. She must have lost her mind! But why the fuck didn’t kick her out already. Mmmm, her hands feel so good.

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