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*Two weeks later*

Trish, Trina, and I had all become pretty good friends the past couple of weeks. Trina and Trish had their long talk over breakfast while I sat there, almost invisible, to the conversation just listening in and enjoying my pancakes.

Trina admitted that she was bi but that she rarely acted out on it with friends. Just randomly when girls would hit on her first. However, that night a couple of weeks back, was her first time being the one to initiate everything. She didn’t intend on doing that with Trish but when the tequila hit, it hit hard, and thus so did her lust for Trish.

I hadn’t had an Airbnb guest since Justin and his girlfriend. No reason in particular other than that I had rejected the only 2 reservations I had received.

One was a guy who didn’t even have a full profile and no reviews so I ex-nayed on the creeper-nay. The second was a family of 6 and I was not quite comfy with the thought of so many kids running around the apartment and yard just yet.

It was Friday afternoon, mid-May, when my phone made the funny little sound it makes when a new reservation is requested. I was showing a house to the wife of this recently married couple.

They were cute, but I was worried that this house was going to be a little outside their range. I mean the house itself was right in the price range of what they were looking for. But the market had exploded recently and people moving in from California were making UNBELIEVABLE offers on these types of homes. I’m talking like $80k over the asking price, all cash. It was great when you had these intruders as clients, but for the most part, you didn’t and they would fuck your client right out of their dream home.

So, though Mike and Nancy loved this house, their $25k over the asking price was just going to be beaten with ease. Even so, they made their offer of $20k over the asking price and we were now in the waiting game as we went our separate ways. I had about 3 hours before my next showing so I went home to eat and hang out.

As I ate my sandwich, I pulled out my phone and checked out the reservation. It was someone named Bailey. I had a guy friend, well Chris had a friend named Bailey, so I wasn’t quite sure if this was a man or a woman. Their profile had no picture and didn’t identify if they were male or female. But they did have a 5.0 average with 20-something reviews. I mean a perfect record is hard to ignore. So, I decided to accept the reservation.

They said they’d be here around 6 pm and that they’d need to rent out the apartment til early Monday morning. Not bad, I thought to myself. With the cleaning fee, this would be a nice little $200 profit.

I finished my sandwich and went downstairs to see if there was anything that needed tidying up or restocking. I mean, I hadn’t had a guest since Justin so everything was still there, but it never hurts to double-check. I had gotten a new door lock that was passcode protected. It synced with my phone, so I could either let them in directly OR give them a code they could use during their stay and then change it after they left. It was pretty neat and regrettably more expensive than I would like. But in the grand scheme of things, I think it will do exactly what I need it to.

Heading back upstairs, I grabbed my purse and went on to my next showing.

The next hour to an hour and a half was spent going inch by inch over this 6 bed, 4 bath, double story home in uptown. It was one of the bigger and more expensive houses on the market. My client recently had done very well in the market over the last 3 years and he and his wife, coming from Texas, were looking for a big beautiful house with a decent yard that they could grow their family with. I have not met with Paul in person, as of yet, mainly because he was out of town a lot on business and hadn’t moved to Arizona yet. But his wife and their children were here staying with friends who live in the area and we have met many times.

She was gorgeous, and I mean an absolute bombshell. 5 ‘6 or 5’ 7 if she wore heels, perfect sun-kissed skin, blonde long hair, the most soul-piercing blue eyes I have ever seen, and an hourglass-shaped body. She had a very toned ass, from what I could see when she wore tight enough dresses and was fairly busty. I couldn’t make out their size but she was either bigger than me or as big as me.

Mrs. Melissa Kent, or Missy as she preferred, was probably in her late 30’s or early 40’s. They had 4 kids. I think (?) my mind grew a blank there, which is bad business.

The number 2 rule of Real Estate is knowing everything about your clients. How many dogs/cats do they have, what cars do they drive, how many kids do they have, the kids’ names if you can remember them, what they did for fun, what they did for work, etc.

I’m sure you’re interested in knowing rule number 1 so I will tell you, never let your client lose a home when you know they can buy it. Don’t let them be cheap. Push them to their absolute breaking point. Not only does bursa escort this make you more money, it more importantly helps guarantee that they will get their dream house. Being aggressive is the name of the game, if you let them shy away for even 1 second, you’ve lost the home. They ALWAYS back down 2 seconds later.

Missy was exploring every nook and cranny of this beautiful home. We talked about the different uses for each room. How in the upstairs loft, it could be converted into an entertainment room. How the living/entryway had enough room for their Grand Piano. The different kids’ rooms. The master bedroom. The whole 9 yards. We talked about color schemes for the house, yard plans/ideas, the cost of living in a house like this, and potential repairs that may be required in a 10 yr old home like this. I could tell by the end of the tour that she was sold. So much so that she wanted to call her husband and tell him she was going to make an offer.

I don’t know if Paul cared too much about the home itself, he just really wanted Missy to be happy from what I could tell. She bent down to grab her phone out of her purse in front of me and gave me a clear shot down her shirt.

She was wearing a loose, what looked like silk, cream-colored, v-neck business blouse. It had the start of cleavage but was immediately shut down. Her blouse fell forward and I could see her perfect breasts clad in a cream-colored bra. She also wore skin-tight black pants and these adorable cream Kitten Heels that matched her bra.

I hadn’t had any lesbian fantasies or encounters since my last one two weeks ago, but I found women more attractive more often. So when I caught this glimpse it sent a shock that I recognized.

I averted my eyes as she began to stand straight up and make her phone call. She walked around the kitchen talking to Paul about the different amenities, features, and architectural aspects that she loved about the house. She would occasionally bend over to inspect something and I’d get a great view of her very athletically toned butt.

She had to work out, there was no way that this cougar of a woman just naturally looked this way without working out.

Missy walked back towards me with a smile on her face. “We will take it.” She said pridefully. “What is the current asking price?” She asked, holding the phone to her ear.

“Currently this home is listed at $825,900 ” I answered, reading directly from the listing report I had printed out earlier.

“Yes, she said $825,900…” she paused as if Paul was saying something…”6 beds. The master is on the first floor with another of the rooms, maybe this could be your office? 4 baths, a loft, a family room, a living room, a big laundry room, a foyer, a 3-car garage, and a great backyard…mmm hmmm…Exactly!” She went on and on with her husband before asking, “what’s the square footage again?”

I instantly replied, “6,684 sq ft” knowing that question was coming.

“Ok Hunny, I love you..mmhmm..mkay..bye”. She looked over at me as I was now glancing out the kitchen windows at the amazing view over the city. “We are willing to go up to $950,000, but for obvious reasons, we do not want to start there” she informed me.

“Ok, so let’s start at $875k. This would be $50k over the asking price and gives you plenty of wiggle room, sound good?” I asked.

“Sounds perfect! Oh, Lucy I really hope we get this house” she said as she stepped forward and hugged me.

“I do too!” I responded.

We embraced for half a second like we were lifelong friends before she got her keys out of her purse and headed for the door. I grabbed my suitcase and the prints that I brought and followed her out the door, mesmerized by the swaying of her hips and perfect ass. She jumped in her white Audi and drove away.

I was in the moment and started to get excited! “Holy fuck, if they buy this house I’ll profit around $23k… God, if you’re up there, help a sister out, please. I’ll love you forever!” I said out loud as I hopped into my Jeep and drove home.

Lost in my excitement, I lost track of time and didn’t see that it was almost 6 o’clock and I was still 15 minutes from the house. I put my pedal to the metal and started to speed home. I got my phone out at the first stoplight and texted Bailey, “I’m running a bit behind from work but I should be there in 15 minutes.”

No reply.

This made me nervous, but then I realized that I had the new lock on the door and didn’t need to be there to let Bailey in. So, there was no need to panic.

I texted Bailey again at the next stop light, “Bailey, you will want to go around the back of the house, down the steps to the right *they are the only ones there so they are hard to miss* and use the code: 5619# to get into the house. Let me know if you get there before I do, otherwise, I’ll see you soon.”

No reply.

I put my phone down, dropped back down to the speed limit, and got home at 10 past 6. There was no car in the driveway or out front, and bursa escort bayan there were no signs of life in the house. I checked the cameras and saw that Bailey hadn’t shown up yet. “Thank goodness!” I said as if I caught a clean breath of air.

Not that it matters, but this being my 2nd reservation, I’d like to be here when they get here. I started to wonder if Bailey was a girl or a guy. If it was a guy, was I going to have the courage to do what I did with Justin? Did I even want to? Is that what pattern I wanted to start? “Shit, I need to be careful, ” I said to myself. “Who knows what people have these days”.

30 minutes passed and there was still no sign or word from Bailey. I called Trish to ask what she was up to and she said she had just gotten home and that Trina was on her way. “What do you two have planned for this evening? ” I asked candidly.

“Uh..not quite sure. Trina has never played laser tag, so I was thinking maybe Mainevent? Some bowling, some drinking, some arcade games, of course, laser tag, OH and they even have putt-putt” she exclaimed excitingly. “Do you want to come? It’d be fun! We’re not trying to go berserk or anything” she added.

“Ya know I think I’ll stay in. Bailey isn’t here yet and I feel weird not being here when they get here.” I replied, unlocking the front door and stepping inside.

“BOOOOO, but understandable, but still BOOOOOO!” Trish said, almost yelling into the phone.

“Why don’t you and Trina come over here instead? We can order some pizza, drink some wine, play some games, do our nails, watch some trashy movie, it’d be fun!” I offered, sounding innocent enough.

“Actually, hold on she just got here…* Hey girl!! I’m on the phone with Lucy right now, she wants to have a girls’ night at her house*” I heard Trish tell Trina in the background.

“What does she want to do ” she replied in her sexy little accent.

“Pizza, board games, wine, movies, nails, and shit like that. Whataya say?”

Trina paused for like 2 seconds before agreeing to come over.

“Alright bitch, you there?” Trish came back to the phone.

“Ya, I’m here,” I answered.

“We’ll be on our way there now, should we grab anything?” She offered.

“Maybe you could stop and grab some Pizza from Spinelli’s on your way? I’ll put in the order right now so that by the time you get there it should be ready” I asked, but more demand.

“Sounds good, see you there!” Trish hung up abruptly as always, never really giving anyone a chance to say goodbye.

Another 45 mins passed, Bailey still wasn’t here and I hadn’t heard anything. Not long after I realized she hadn’t read my message or had shown up, Trish and Trina were at the door.

They came in each hugging me. Trish walked over to the island and placed the pizzas down. “So where is Bailey?” She asked, opening the pizza box. I shrugged back in reply. “That’s weird, no word or message or anything?” She asked.

“Nope, I sent her a message a little over an hour ago but they haven’t opened it, so I have no idea what’s going on,” I said, almost annoyed.

“Ah, oh well, if they come they come, if not, free moolah in your pocket,” she said taking a piece of the spinach alfredo pizza and taking a bite.

“You are right there,” I said, making my way over to the island to grab myself a slice.

Trina was attached to her phone and looking very concerned throughout this little back and forth.

“Everything ok babe?” Trish asked her friend.

“No, mi madre is not good. She is sick. Mi Hermano is telling me right now. I may need to go home. I’m sorry girls.” She said with a dejected look on her face.

“Girl stop, get out, and go home RIGHT NOW. We’ll send all the prayers her way. Do you need anything from us?” I asked her as I walked over to give her a shoulder hug.

“No, I’m good. Gracias Lucy.”

“Ok, I leave.” She headed towards the door.

“Wait” I shouted, “do you need a ride?” I asked.

Trish answered for her, “Nah we took separate cars, she needed to go home early tonight for one reason or another anyways.” Trina just nodded and waved as she closed the door behind her.

“Poor mama,” Trish said.

I added, “yea…I hope she’s ok. Hispanics are very family-focused, so this is probably tearing her apart.”

“What kind of wine do you have?” Trish asked changing the subject to something less depressing.

“I’ve got a little bit of Noir Rosé: Willamette Valley left, I’ve got some white Boones Farm, and a little bit of a red, though I can’t remember the brand,” I answered back, heading towards the wine cooler near the pantry.

“Grab the Rose'” I heard Trish say from behind me with a mouth full of food.

Right as I closed the cooler with the Willamette Valley in hand, the doorbell rang.

“Think that’s Bailey?” Trish asked.

“I sure hope so, it would ease some anxiety” I replied.

Placing the bottle on the counter, I went over to the door and opened it to find a young, 5′ 2 brunette.

“Lucy?” escort bursa She asked with a smile.

“Yes that’s me…and you are?” I asked in return. “Bailey! I’m your AirBnB reservation. Sorry for running so late. My phone died and I got lost, so I had to stop at a Barnes and Noble to charge my phone enough to use the GPS. I’m a mess” she explained half laughing.

“You’re fine, you’re fine, come on in. Do you need help with your bags or anything?” I asked ushering her inside.

“No, I’m good for now, I just reallllly need to pee,” she said doing a little cute pee dance.

“Oh well, you can go down to your apartment or you can use mine?” I offered.

“I can use the apartment, I don’t want to intrude. Where is this at” she asked with a curt, cute, and innocent smile.

“Right this way” I instructed as I showed her down to her room.

As I came back up, Trish had this shit-eating grin on her face. “What,” I asked annoyed already from the look Trish gave me.

“She’s cute huh..wink wink” She replied.

“Stop, just stop,” I answered, glaring back at her.

“Whatever you say! So, I guess it’s just you and me. I didn’t bring anything to wear mind if I go shuffling through some of your clothes?” She asked heading to my room as if I already gave the green light to do so.

“Yea help yourself” I replied walking over to the cabinets to grab 2 wine glasses.

A few moments later, Trish came back wearing my loose white Arizona Diamondbacks t-shirt, it was technically Chris’s but I always wore it to bed and he left it. So I guess it’s mine? She was very clearly braless as stretched out the shirt. It wasn’t a small shirt but her figure made it fit tightly. She was also wearing some of my ASU sweats. “MUCHHHH Better, ” Trish groaned as she sat back down at the island grabbing her glass of wine I had just poured.

“MmMmM ” she hummed, taking a sip of the wine. “This is some good shit, where did you get it?” She asked, taking the bottle in hand.

“If I remember correctly, I got it at Dante’s Liquor store down the street. Not too expensive either, maybe $30 or so?” I answered back.

“Not bad, not bad…may need to go get me some, it’s very yummy,” she said, taking another swig.

I could hear a door slamming outside and was pretty confident it was Bailey. I opened my phone and went to my app and saw that she was in fact unloading her car.

“What’s that? Oh, you creepin’ on our young friend?” Trish accused me as she snatched my phone away. “I bet she’s in college or is about to be in college and came to check out ASU or to visit her boyfriend,” she said zooming in on the app. “She’s got a nice ass, think she’s a cheerleader or something?”

“Fuck if I know, and fuck if it’s any of our business” I retorted, snatching my phone back.

“BOOOOO!!! You’re no fun, you prude! At least act like a girl with me” she hit my arm lightly.

“Just because I don’t want to sexually judge or talk about people behind their backs doesn’t make me less of a girl, if anything it makes me a better, less perverted person,” I said scowling in her direction.

“You sound boring to me” she winked in return.

“So, what should we do? Games aren’t as fun with just 2 people, so should we find a movie and do our nails and whatnot?” I asked, sitting down across from Trish at the island after grabbing 2 plates from the cabinet. Grabbing a slice of the Spinach Alfredo pie, taking a bite, and putting it down, I rested my hand on my neck slowly rubbing it.

“Headache?” Trish asked, watching me rub my neck. “Nah, just slept on it weirdly or something, it’s been hurting all day,” I replied.

“Want me to rub it for you? If there’s one thing that always helps a crick in the neck or headaches, it’s a neck and shoulder massage” Trish offered as she grabbed another slice of pizza.

“Ya know what, that would be very nice of you. It hurts like a bitch and the Tylenol nor Ibuprofen that I took for it did nothing.” I replied, taking another bite of my slice and grabbing my glass of wine.

“Sounds good, change out of these business clothes and get something comfy on,” she said, pointing her slice up and down my body.

All I did was nod, take a sip of my wine and put it back down on the island then walked back to my room.

A few minutes later, after changing into a spaghetti-strapped black camisole, that came down to my stomach, and some yoga pants, I came out of my room. It took me a moment to realize that Trish was not the only one at the bar, but that Bailey had joined her.

“Oh! Hey! You don’t mind do you?” Bailey asked politely. “Your friend, Trish was it? Said you wouldn’t mind if I joined in on some pizza.”

“Absolutely! Please help yourself. We got enough for 3 but our third had to leave with a family emergency” I replied.

“Do you want some wine…wait are you even old enough to drink?” I offered with bottle in hand before pulling it back.

“HA! Yes, I am 24…though I’m always told I look 17 or 18. Comes with this petite body of mine” she laughed.

I walked over to the cabinet, grabbed another wine glass, and poured Bailey some Rose’. “So where’d ya come from, where’d ya go, where did ya come from CottonEye Joe?” Asked Trish, sounding so stupid.

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