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Big Dicks

He is sitting at his desk, up to his neck in the details of a huge contract, when he hears the knock at his door. Without taking his eyes off of what he is doing he answers, “Come in.”

At first, he is too engrossed to realize that the room has remained silent. The part of his brain that was expecting the singsong voice of his pretty, young secretary is becoming more active as it scans the room for any sign of her. As the minutes tick by, more and more of his subconscious brain detaches from the contract and focuses on locating the source of the interruption. Mildly annoyed at his own break in concentration, he gives up his effort to stay focused and prepares for the interruption to hit him full force.

In the moment before his head snaps up to face the unfortunate soul who has disturbed him, he registers something new. A fragrance. “I know that scent,” he thinks to himself. He closes his eyes and inhales deeply, drawing the scent of violets from all the way across his spacious office. A smile is on the verge of overtaking his face when, at the last possible moment, he takes control of his senses and decides to turn the tables on his visitor.

Still not looking up, he grunts, “Yes? What it is? Can’t you see I am busy here?”


She is patient. She did not come all the way up to his office to be scared off by his playful bravado. She can play this game too.

He is smiling now – an impish grin that means he knows the game is on, and that she is ready to play at his level.

He waits.

The tension builds.

She waits

The room seems warmer.

The air is thicker.

The scent of violets is almost overpowering now.

Suddenly, he is on his feet. His large, black chair rolls backwards from the violence of his movement and crashes softly in to the file cabinet behind his desk.

She is startled by his movement, but has enough self-control not to show it.

He is going to make her wait.

He will take his time.

Starting at her painted toes, which peek out from the open ends of her stylish black shoes, his eyes begin the slow journey up her body.

Slender ankles.

Curved, strong calves.

Knees that disappear demurely under the hem of her tight black dress.

Powerful, shapely thighs that seem to strain the clingy material.

Her waist, perfectly sized for his large hands.

Proud breasts, pushing against the fabric. Nipples clearly visible. No bra.

Sculpted arms. A bouquet of violets tucked in one elbow.

Shoulders bare but for the thin black strap of the dress.

Smooth collarbone, with hollows perfect for nibbling.

Neck: long. Neck: inviting. Neck: needing to be kissed.

Lips – full, pouting, barely hiding strong, white teeth and the tip of her playful pink tongue.

Lips – now twisting into a wry smile.

Lips – being moistened by the tongue.

For a moment, before he moves up to her eyes, his gaze runs back down the length of her body to her toes, and then back up – back to those lips.

Lips – the smile is gone. Her mouth is determined.

A simultaneous deep breath.

Breathing in the scent of violets – the compounds in their fragrance tickle the nostrils and freshen the oxygen taken in by his body.

Every cell in his body is now awake, alert … and hungry.

For her.

Another pause.

Finally, his eyes make that imperceptible move skyward … and meet hers.

Her eyes always amaze him. Never the same color twice, they change with her mood, with the weather and, seemingly, at her slightest whim.

Now, they are deep green. Drawing him in. Locking his gaze. Drawing him to her.

Half a second and two long strides later, he is before her. Barely an inch separates them.

He breathes in the violets. He breathes in her breath. He drinks from the green pools that are her eyes.

She speaks first.



“I hope I am not disturbing you.”

“You know very well that you are disturbing me.”



“What are you going to do about it? This disturbance.”

“You know exactly what I am going to do.”

“Tell me.”

“I don’t need to.”

“Tell me.”

“I would rather show you.”

“Tell me or I will walk right out of here.”

“You know that’s a lie.”

“Sue me.”


“Tell me.”

“Tell you what?”

“Tell me what you are going to do to me for interrupting your work.”

“You really want me to tell you?”


“Yes, what?”

“Yes … please. Tell me what you are going to do to me for disturbing you.”

“All right. I’ll tell you.”


“Listen closely. I’m going to say this only once.”

“I’m listening.”



“I am going to … fuck you.”


“I am going to strip you down.”


“I am going to touch you the way that you need to be touched.”


“I am going to make you writhe and wriggle and squeal.”


“I am going to make you escort bayan beg.”

“Oh, God. I am begging already.”


“Yes. I need you to fuck me. I need it so badly.”

“You do?”

“Yes. That’s why I came here.”

“I thought people usually beg … on their knees. You are not on your knees, Elizabeth. How can you be begging me if you are not on your knees?”

Maintaining eye contact, she lowers herself to her knees in front of him. Her knees are spread slightly apart for balance, but this also allows her own scent to mingle with the heady aroma of the violets. The thin material of her dress is pulled taught across her hips and thighs – so tightly that he can confirm what his nose has already told him: she is not wearing panties.

Reaching up, she unbuckles his belt and opens his pants. The pressure of his hard cock makes opening the zipper a little tricky, but she manages without a problem. He kicks off his shoes and places his hands on her shoulders to steady himself as she helps him step out of his pants, boxers and socks.

There he stands – naked from the waist down, feet spread shoulder-width apart, hands resting on her shoulders – playing with her hair, his engorged cock throbbing in time with his accelerated heartbeat, his heavy balls hanging parallel to her chin. One of her hands encircles his cock while the other gently, but firmly, cups his balls. She begins to lightly stroke his cock – never once breaking eye contact. Her other hand continues to manipulate his rapidly swelling testicles, sliding smoothly over the freshly shaved skin. Keeping both hands in place, she opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue.

His cock is not like any other she has ever experienced. As a result of childhood surgery, the head is flared open wider – creating a fatter “mushroom” than she has ever seen (or felt) before. Instead of a small opening in the very tip, the underside of the head is almost completely separated. As a result, he is far more sensitive to being touched there. Armed with this knowledge, she begins.

The stroking and fondling continues unabated while her tongue begins to dart out. Not licking, exactly – more like the slender finger of an inexperienced typist hunting and pecking for letters on a keyboard. The tip. The underside. Halfway down the shaft. Back to the tip. Down to the base. Her attacks increase in speed and intensity. Her lips are now enlisted and alternate with her tongue – she switches between darting tongue strikes and open-mouthed kisses up and down his shaft.

His cock begins to glisten with her saliva. The added lubrication allows her hand to slide back and forth faster and more easily. The hand on his balls has moved further back and her fingers begin to tickle and tease his sensitive perineum. His legs spread slightly further apart to give her easier access to everything. She grins wickedly to herself as he falls further and further under her spell – giving up control and letting himself be pleasured.

Suddenly, without any warning, she engulfs his entire cock. Before he can even register it, he is completely encased in the silky lining of her mouth and throat. Her lips and nose rest against his body as her throat muscles grip and release him. His sharp intake of breath tells her everything that she needs to know. He is hers. His hands run through her hair, winding the strands around his fingers and massaging her scalp. He does not need to hold her head in place – she wants this as much as he does and he knows she is not going anywhere.

Sliding back along his length, she locks eyes with him again – raising one eyebrow and eliciting a goofy grin from his normally unsmiling face. She begins to really work his cock with her mouth and hand now, while never ceasing to play with his balls and ass. She loves the feel of his cock in her mouth and in her hands, but she wants more.

Without looking down, she can tell that her inner thighs are virtually coated in her juices. They have been flowing freely since she walked in to his office and inhaled his clean scent. The attention she has been paying to his cock causes her pussy to drool profusely. He senses the stronger smell of her arousal and knows that it is time to shift to a higher gear. He removes his shirt and stands unashamedly naked in front of her.

No words are spoken. No signals are given. As his shirt hits the floor, she rises to her full height. The act of standing up makes her a bit light-headed for a moment and she steadies herself against him. Knowing that she needs a minute to collect herself, he rubs her shoulders and upper arms. Finding her shoulder straps, he takes a hold of them and begins to pull them down and away from her body. As soon as the straps pass the curve of her shoulders, the dress falls into a puddle at her feet. She deftly kicks it away with the painted toes of her left foot.

Naked, except for her shoes, her body is covered with waves of goosebumps. She is not cold – she is feeling the electricity they are producing on dikmen escort her bare skin. His hands roam across her collarbone and the base of her neck, then around her breasts and to the sides of her torso. They travel around as far as her shoulder blades, then down across the small of her back. Stopping just above her ass, he lifts his fingers enough to allow only the very tips of his fingernails to lightly scrape through the nearly invisible hairs there. Scraping his way up, he smirks as he sees the flush work its way up from her toes to her forehead. The goosebumps are larger and more pronounced now. Her nipples stand out – straining to be touched. He works his hands around to the front, across her belly and the tops of her hips. Back up to just below her breasts … then back around again. He is teasing her – making her wait for the attention that he knows she needs on her breasts.

He splays his fingers around her breasts – still not touching the nipples – and leans in to begin kissing and sucking on her neck. His tongue and lips journey from the hollows of her shoulder blades to the edges of her lower jaw, as well as from delicate earlobe to delicate earlobe. Her neck arches to give him access to as much of her as possible. His breath in her ear causes her to shiver violently. He kisses his way up to her chin, her cheeks, her eyes, the bridge of her nose, her temples.

Pausing suddenly with his forehead against hers, he takes a moment to stare in to her eyes – as if he could actually see in to her brain. Her breathing is labored. Her body is craving his touch. He kisses his way back down her face, her neck, her collarbone, her sternum and her belly; then around to the sides and back up again to the smooth skin between her breasts. His hands have not moved from around her breasts, and he brings them together as he begins to lick the inside edges of her breasts and the cleavage in between. His fingers move closer to her nipples, but with agonizing slowness. As they surround each nipple, they begin to pull the skin back – causing the nipples to pop out even further, holding them captive from a distance.

Without warning, he covers her nipple with his mouth and sucks her in towards his throat. With his fingers still holding the skin taut, the sensations of his tongue and inner cheeks on her nipple is like an electric shock. Her body bucks with its first small orgasm. He grins quickly and doubles his efforts – alternating between sucking, biting and licking, as well as between the two breasts. When his mouth is on one nipple, his fingers are pulling, tugging and rolling the other one. He knows she likes it somewhat rough.

Her legs are spread apart and he places his thigh between them for better balance. She moves forward so that her dripping cunt is pressed up against his muscular thigh. Her hips begin to rock back and forth as she slides herself up and down against him. Almost immediately, his thigh is shining with her juices. She rubs harder and harder, working her throbbing clit against him. After a few seconds of this, combined with his efforts on her breasts, she has her second orgasm.

Ready for more, she takes his face in her hands and brings him up to full height. Looking directly in to his eyes, she growls the words that he has been waiting to hear:

“Eat my pussy.”

His face literally lights up and the smile beams across his lips. He picks her up and deposits her on the edge of his desk, not caring that she is sitting on the final drafts of a multi-million dollar contract. Dropping to his knees in front of her, he places her legs over his shoulders. Doing this forces her thighs wide apart and opens her drooling snatch wide. With a simple swipe of his index finger he collects a dollop of her juices and brings it to his mouth. She loves watching him taste her – seeing how much he enjoys it. With wide eyes and that goofy grin plastered on his face, he lowers himself down and covers her with his mouth.

At moments like these, she recalls how she never really used to enjoy this with other partners. Her friends thought she was crazy, but she was never really into it. Then he came along. It is not just the way that he uses his tongue, fingers, lips and nose to stimulate her. Nor is it his incredible stamina and ability to go down on her for hours. What really turns her on is how much he enjoys doing it. Nothing excites him as much as eating pussy. He loves the taste, the aroma, the silky feel of her most delicate parts against his lips and tongue. He loves being inside her in this way, watching as her muscles contract with every new touch. To be honest, he probably gets more pleasure out of giving than she gets from receiving. The fact that something so physically pleasurable for her can be so emotionally and mentally stimulating for him is the ultimate turn-on. Truly a win-win situation.

He says he has been eating pussy since he was 14, and she believes him. He seems to know just where to touch or lick, how much pressure to apply, when to ankara otele gelen escort stay still and when to move around. She compares him to an artist or a master chef – with the knowledge and patience to create a masterpiece every time. Whether he is plunging his long, thick tongue inside of her or tonguing circles around her clit, it always feels good. Her body, in response, produces copious amounts of fluid and he devours it all – once describing it as “the nectar of the goods.” He even knows how she likes to work her way up from small orgasms to larger and larger ones – preparing her body for the huge soul-wracking orgasms that are yet to come.

There are days when she will let him eat her pussy for hours, but today is not one of them. She has a different, more pressing need. She needs his cock inside of her. She needs it now.

She reaches down and lifts up his chin. One look at her face tells him everything that he needs to know. He stands up and pulls her slightly closer to him. She reaches up and begins to play with his nipples. Shuddering violently, he takes a brief moment to revel in her touch. She is tugging on his nipples roughly, as if to spur him in to action down below. He needs no further encouragement.

Taking a hold of his dripping cock, he begins to rub the head up and down her dripping cunt. He takes a few moments to tease her swollen clit but knows that she is running out of patience. As if to make sure he stays focused, she speaks.

“Stop screwing around. I need you inside of me. I need it now.”

“Do you, now?”

“I mean it. Don’t tease me. I’m gonna fucking explode if you don’t stop rubbing that cock on my pussy and put it inside of me right now!”

“Wow. You sound serious.”

“I NEED you to fuck me.”



“With this cock right here?”

“Yes, with your big cock. The one you are holding in your hands. The one that you are rubbing up and down my slit. That is the only cock I need, but I need it NOW!”

“Well, in that case, I guess I have no choice but to …

… (thrust) SLAM my (thrust) BIG fucking (thrust) COCK into your (thrust) HOT … (thrust) WET … (thrust) CUNT!”

With her legs wrapped around his torso and his hands gripping her ass, his cock pistons in and out of her. She throws her head back and opens her mouth in a silent scream of pleasure. The sweat begins to run down his bodies – he is pounding her pussy with his cock. She is gripping and releasing him – matching him thrust for thrust, stroke for stroke. Now her body glistens with sweat. The scent of violets is now completely replaced with the smells of sex. The room is full of the sounds of wet flesh slapping together, heavy breathing and the sounds of their exertion.

Suddenly, he reaches around behind her and sweeps the papers off of his desk. He pushes her down on to her back and brings her legs from around his body to in front of him, pointing at the ceiling. He is still inside her, still thrusting, but now he is holding her legs tightly together, creating a slippery vise for his cock. She plays with her own nipples, pulling and tugging on them – knowing that he likes seeing that almost as much as she likes feeling it. Now, he spreads her legs open in a large “V” and continues to pound in to her gaping pussy. Her hand shoots down between her legs and she begins to rub her clit. Her fingers fly in circles, just above his cock, as she brings herself to countless orgasms. He is like a machine – fucking with an intensity that she has never felt before. He is not showing any signs of tiring or slowing, and he is clearly in the “zone” where he could fuck like this for hours without coming. She, however, is not about to let that happen.

Without warning, she extricates herself from his cock and turns over – sliding back so that she is standing in front of him and leaning forward across his desk. Her fingers go instantly back to her clit and resume rubbing.

“Take me from behind.”

“Yes, ma’am.”


“Give it to me hard.”


“I always do.”


“I know.”


“You love it like this.”


“I want you to cum. I want to feel you cum inside me.”


“Oh yeah?”


“Yeah.” (thrust) “Cum for me, baby!” (thrust) “Cum for me now!”

(thrust) (thrust) (thrust) (thrust) (thrust)

“Oh, God.” (thrust) “I am almost there.” (thrust)


“Oh, God.” (thrust) “Don’t stop.” (thrust) “Don’t stop.” (thrust) “Come on, baby!”

“Ahhh! I’m coming!”

“Oh, Yes! Oh, Yes! Oh, Yes! Oh, Yes! I’m coming, too! Ahhhh!”

As rope after rope of his searing hot cum fills her, their bodies twist and writhe in a synchronized dance of pleasure. Muscles contracting, pulses racing, sweat dripping. Moaning, gasping, cursing.

As they calm down, their spent bodies slump against each other. She can still feel the strength in his arm as it grips around her waist, his still-hard cock twitching inside of her and his heart beating against her back. He, in turn, feels the slowly decreasing contractions of her pussy and the delicious sloshing of their combined juices as they run down along his cock and drip to the floor.

After a minute or two, they both begin to notice the scent of the violets again – cutting through the steamy and sultry air in the room.

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