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Subject: Blissful Paradise III: M-Radio Chapter 6: Clouds Blissful Paradise (M-Radio) Clouds by Max Millan Days, months and another year had passed just like that. With two years worth of recorded shows already under their names, the two men prepared to add another episode. “It’s another in paradise,” Carson blurted out to his unseen listeners. “How are you shiny happy people? It’s one fine day to talk about what we love to do when we are alone. Heaven was dropping cats and dogs last night. Stuck at home during my day off was a bummer, so I had one good long session last night. How about you Dom?” “We had the same thing in mind,” Dom replied. “Was it good?” “Yeah, it was.” “Oh, I forgot. We’re in the same room.” Their laughs filled the studio that became the home of their very curious show. “The best way to down some booze.” “I second that.” “So what special trivia you got for us, Dom?” Carson asked his co-host cutting into their regular format of some funny tidbits to start their show and served as a warm up. “Oh, I have something interesting. Signs of depression,” Dom replied. “That’s sounds so depressing,” Carson punned. “So what is the first one?” he asked. “The first one is anti-social. Are you feeling anti-social, Carson? Let’s see what it says.” Dom joked. “Depressed individuals avoid routine activities at work, home or elsewhere or find it difficult to engage with other people,” he continued with the explanation. “So are you feeling anti-social? If you are, you might be suffering from depression.” “No, I’m not,” Carson butted in. “What do you mean you are not? What about last Friday, when you told me you are coming over to hang out at the bar. I waited. You are not even responding to my messages,” Dom said. “Last Friday, I answered your text,” Carson defended himself. “Yeah, like three hours later.” he friend castigated him. Carson replied with a naughty laugh. “That’s different kind of anti-social behavior,” he said. “Tell our listeners what was your response.” “Sorry phone was off. Jerking.” “Yeah folks, he was jacking off the whole time.” “Hey now, everybody needs his alone time. So what’s next in the list?” “Self-loathing, people who are depressed direct their sadness inwards, blaming themselves for everything that does not meet their expectation, and becomes doubt their capability,” Dom continued with his list. Carson cut his friend again, “Oh, I might have a little bit of that.” “How so?” “I’m starting to doubt my capability.” “In what way?” “Having trouble going for seconds. Damn, it wasn’t long ago when I can go for three, one after the other.” “It’s called growing old.” “I know that’s why I’m go for long sessions. C’mon, don’t you miss that time when you could just whip it out then do it again a few minutes later then again?” “Oh, and a boner for no reason at all.” “I know. My dick requires some attention now before it will get hard sometimes. So what’s next? Let’s see if I’m in an onset of depression.” Dom continued. “Sadness. The feeling of sadness that lingers on, a sense of hopelessness and defeat.” “Well, I’m not sad. There are many ways to deal with reduced performance. In fact, I’m enjoying jerking off now than when I was young,” Carson commented. “Who doesn’t enjoy jerking off?” Dom said pointing the obvious. “Well, it’s like, I appreciate it more now as a regular activity from the build up to soaking in the after effect. Lay down for a bit but not too long or else you might stain your sheets when your cum starts dripping.” Dom threw away his list. It was a lost cause to make it sound somewhat serious. “That quickly turned dumb. So what we have installed for our listeners today?” Dom said changing the subject. “Oh, it’s gonna be a treat. Clark West will be in the studio today and also the winner of our contest to be his special assistant like you suggested folks. You told us, and we listened.” Even in a short period of time, they gained some friends in the industry. Aside from your usual adult bookstores, a film studios dropped some money their way for them to plug newly released video. It was a little different today, the studio decided to send out one of its actors. The thought of them having a porn star joining the show for an interview had their fans giddy for the upcoming show, pitching their own ideas. Dom continued on about their special guest. “Yes, Clark West will be here. Star of movies such as Hard Days and Nights and My Next Door Buddy. And as promised we talked to him and he agreed. One of you was chosen to join him and make him comfortable for the duration of the interview.” Carson cut in, “So no hard feelings peeps. Clark chose the winner. He will be dropping by in the next half-hour. He said he is on his way.” “Why don’t we bring in the lucky guy for the meantime? He’s here. He is standing outside.” Dom signaled the young man to join them in the recording room. “How are you doing?” Carson asked the young as he extended his hand. Dom followed greeting their guest. “I’m doing good, a little nervous,” the man replied. “I understand. I’m not sure how this will ourselves. It’s our first time having someone joining us. And what a first time. Oh, this is gonna be a treat,” Carson commented. “Introduce yourself for us,” Dom told the man sitting on the other side of the desk. The young man hesitated for a bit not knowing what to do with his mic. Dom told him that it was on and just speak. “I’m Rick Hardson.” “Real name?” Dom teased the guy when he sensed he was lying. “My future porn name,” the guy replied laughing. “No problem in that. So are you enjoying the weather? It was shitty for the last couple of days.” “It’s even worse where I live. It flooded the road from my apartment going to the school.” “College boy. Be careful revealing too much,” Dom reminded his guest. “Oh shit,” the man fiend his surprise. “Don’t care though, girlfriend knew I am coming.” “Your girlfriend know you are about to suck someone’s dick?” Carson jumped in to his amazement. “Yeah,” their guest answered without missing a beat. “So you go both ways then?” Carson asked. “Yeah.” “And she’s fine with it?” “What can I say, she’s complicated.” “Isn’t that fascinating? What you say, Dom?” Carson asked his friend. “Well,” Dom replied. “What do you mean well?” Carson figured Dom was not so surprised with the revelation. “Girls are sometimes complicated,” he said. “Oh shit, you mean . . ., you mean you’ve been in the same position?” “It’s fun isn’t it?” the other man butted in. “Damn,” Carson just said. “So what are you spending your money for?” Carson continued with his interview. “I’m majoring in Business Administration.” “Everywhere you turn these days, you’re bound to bump into a business major,” Dom said. “I’m starting to think I chose the wrong profession,” he continued. “I tell you, man, business is the way to go.” “But there is a lot of you. Do you think there will be available jobs for you when you’re done?” “Plenty. The economy is booming. The Internet is the future. There’s are so many businesses starting.” “Well, I wish you luck.” “Thank you,” the young man said. “So how does it work?” Carson cut in still wanting to continue his conversation. “What do mean?” their guest replied a little puzzled. “I think he meant, batting for the same team and having a girlfriend,” Dom clarified. “Oh that.” The man laughed before answering, “I don’t know how to explain.” “Well, does she get jealous or something?” Carson asked. “No sure. She’s part of it most of the time.” “Like threesome?” “Yeah, she gets the kick when I start pounding on another man.” “Has she ever walked on you?” Carson prodded some more. “After the fact, yeah. But not during. I normally tell her if something’s like that is about to happen. She knows the guy. I don’t need to go sneaking around.” “Sounds nice. Well, most guys are turned on by girl or girl action. Maybe there are girls who are the same,” Carson surmised. “There are some who don’t mind,” Dom interjected. “True,” the young said. “I think my girlfriend just don’t mind me and my best bud doing it.” “So you had experienced with him before?” “Yeah, we went to same high school. We fooled around some.” “How did that go about?” “When we were in junior high, we stumbled upon his big brother’s porn stash. So one day, we cut class and watched some porn. We started jerking off in the middle of it then we started joking around if one of us ever been blown before. Well, let’s just say one thing lead to another.” “How did you find out about our show?” Dom asked. “Internet is amazing. You can find almost anything. I was looking for some masturbation material one night and learned about your site from one of the posters in the chatroom that I frequent.” “Was it a jack room?” Dom asked. “Not really but adult content.” “Nice. So are you excited meeting Clark West?” Carson butted in. “Yeah. I psyched myself last night if you know what I mean. I’ve seen some of his movies. Good looking dude.” “Yeah, he is and packing a good one. You’re a fan?” “He-he. Let’s just say I will not object.” “So I guess we have nothing to worry about what is going to happen later.” “No problem here.” The three bantered some more trying to kill some time, where to find good food, where college batıkent escort kids go out and party. They were talking about college sports when the Dom’s phone rung. Their special guest just arrived outside and was asking for directions. The studio tucked under the bakery was the last place he expected the studio was located. “Hey, glad you made it,” Dom greeted the new arrival as he let him in the recording room. “That’s doofus there is Carson.” Carson waved at the guy before extending his hand for a handshake. “And that’s the lucky guy,” Dom said pointing at the young man. “Hi. I’m Clark and you are?” the man introduced himself. “I’m Rick Hardson,” the young man replied. “That’s his porn name,” Carson pointed. The man chuckled and said, “This might be a start of a good working relationship with you.” He flashed a wide grin and took the empty seat on the same side as the young man. He examined the man he picked from the list given to him. The man smiled. There sat a man with his round face and deep seated small eyes. Thin lips that revealed small square teeth when he smiled. He had an intentionally messy wavy medium dark hair and a cropped full beard with no clean edges. His slightly small shirt was printed with the name of the band that was currently making headlines. The debauchery of the previous decade’s sound was slowly being replaced by the very conflicting voice of confusion and angst. His shirt hugged his body revealing his roundness. Standing five foot and ten inches, he was a stocky man still carrying some of his childhood fat. “You’re looking so comfy today,” he said as he sat down. The young man examined his shirt and knee-length brown cargo shorts. His strong looking calf balled up when he looked down on the flip-flops we was wearing. An attire that he’d been wearing in and out of classroom and never really put any thought into it. “It’s hot out there,” the man answered. “Yeah, it is.” “It was raining non-stop for days then hot sunny today. Weather can’t make its mind. So how long was the drive?” Carson started his interview with the new arrival. “About an hour and half, not too bad.” “We are really glad that you made it.” “Same here. I listened to some of your shows when I was told you guys were looking for a guest. It got me interested. Your show sounded so similar but different. I can’t explain it.” “It was a shot in the dark. We just posted the idea in our site and apparently someone was listening from studio,” Dom said. “Someone in the marketing do try to make sure we get what we paid for, so they listened to your broadcasts.” “Oh shit, I thought you just go, to hell with it,” Dom commented when he learned that they were being monitored. “Every penny matters. We might be that kind of business, but it is still a business.” “Got yah. So what do you think about your assistant?” “Good lookin’ young man,” he said. “Nah, just average guy here,” the young man replied. “Damn, he actually turned red,” Carson commented. “You’re not that old either,” he said turning to the new arrival. “I probably have a good five years of living ahead of you.” “Early forties?” “Not over the hill yet.” “Why did you choose him?” Dom continued the interview. “He was regular looking, and it’s a plus that he actually sent a normal looking picture.” “You mean that one with him holding a beer in one hand and flashing a peace sign with another.” “Yeah. A lot sent naked pictures and pictures of their junk. They were fine but, in my line of work, I’ve seen a lot.” “Hey folks if you are listening, don’t send a porn star dick pic if you want to get in his pants,” Carson said. “True. Think about it. I do this for a living. Don’t you think I don’t a lot of those already and for real too.” “Tell me about that. You guys seem fit almost unreal sometimes. Do they force you to workout?” “It’s part of the job. You need to take care of yourself. Image is everything. That’s probably why I picked him.” “Looking for something different?” “You can say that. If you haven’t noticed, we kinda all look the same build-wise.” “Tell us about yourself. How tall are you?” Dom cut in. “I’m six-foot-one, about two-twenty, half of it is my ass and thighs,” their guest said. “And between the legs,” Carson commented. “Ha-ha,” the man laughed. “I have no idea but my legs are built like logs.” “I’m the same,” Carson said. “But it came with my job. Do you do a lot of squat?” he asked. “You mean, workout wise?” “Yeah,” Carson replied and grinned sensing the implication. “Not really, they’ve been like that as long as I can remember.” He stood and tried to put his hands around his big thighs. The tight fitting jeans seemed to stretch out when he flexed his muscles. His mound was easily discernible with a view from the side. “What do you think?” Carson asked the young man who was curiously observing the other guest putting on a show of his manliness. He replied, “Looks good. No wonder they spent a lot of time filming your lower bod.” “Well, that’s the part of the body where most of the action happens,” the slightly older man said. “True,” the younger man conceded. “So you’ve seen some of my movies?” “Yeah, last night I did.” “Cool.” “Did you jerk off?” Carson said with his pointed inquiry. “Isn’t that the reason to watch porn?” “We’re on agreement on that one. Had a few sessions myself. What do you think seeing one of your jerk off material in person? Are you getting a boner?” The older man laughed at the exchange. Although he had already bared himself to adult movies viewing world, there was still a little of bit uneasiness being the topic of conversation about sex. Dom signaled the young man to be more adventurous. “Would you mind?” the young man asked permission to put his hand on the man who remained standing during the exchange. “Go ahead,” he replied. The young man felt the man’s thighs and gave them a little squeeze. “Damn, it’s hard. Mine is big too but mostly lard,” he added and gave out a big laugh. Their guest sat back down and put his own hand on the young man’s inner thigh to put him at ease. “Not bad,” he said. He flashed a smile at the man when he slipped his hand deeper up inside the sleeve of his pants stopping short of touching him. Dom made sure to tell their listeners of every detail of what is happening inside the studio. “These are comfy chairs,” the man said when we leaned back and faced the young man making sure to spread his legs. “They’re new. We just got them today,” Dom replied. “If this turned out popular, we are planning on inviting more guests,” he added. “Cool. Big and sturdy enough. So no stain yet on these ones.” “You might be the first.” “Oh, don’t worry about that. I’m not going to disappoint our man here,” the older man joked and patted the younger man on his back. “I’ll do my best to make it happen,” the other man replied. To get things started Carson told Clark, “Would you mind giving our man here a peak of what’s hiding in those tight jeans?” “I don’t mind at all.” He stood up. The clicking of his oversize belt buckle filtered through the microphone. He asked the young man to help him pull his pants down to which the other man agreed and pulled them down to his knees. With lack of undergarment, his ample uncut package dangled in front of his cleanly shaven sac. “Damn, you weren’t kidding when you said your legs are like logs,” Carson said. “And how big is that thing?” he added referring to the tool of his job. “You’ll find out pretty soon,” he chuckled as he sat back down. He untied his boots and with the help from his assistant slipped them off of him. His pants followed. He sat leaning back on his chair half-naked with only his plain black shirt on. His infamous lower torso was now in full view. A tuft of dark brown hair was visible from his navel that gently thinned out and stopped at the base of his manhood. The neatly trimmed body hair was a subtle reminder of his chosen profession. His stubbled square jaw and swept back dark brown hair that was long enough to show the curling end would make you think that he was a hairy man. Rick slipped his hands up inside the man’s shirt feeling his naturally smooth chest before slowly pulling them back down to his legs that told a story of an average hair covered man. His almost hairless inner thighs looked even more massive by the way he hanged his legs on the chair causing them to flattened a little. Without the denim sheet on the way, Rick gently traced them with his hands starting from his waistline slowly moving in to the man’s groin area but went around the jewel. The once feeling of smoothness was only replaced by the familiar coarseness of body hair that had long been stunted by the tightness of any pants he wore once his hands moved to the man’s outer thighs just above the knees. The same fine hair continued on to his shin. The young man rubbed the man’s feet just below the ankles exploring every bit of the man that he had only seen in the movies before. The veins on his wide strong feet with regularly sized toes that curled down popped out while he tip-toed to rock his seat back and forth as if testing its sturdiness. “Damn, clothes flying off quick,” Carson said as he looked at the boots and jeans laying on beşevler escort the studio floor. “A habit, I guess,” the slightly older man replied. “I think he needs a hand. What do you think Rick?” Dom teased the younger man. “Glad to help. I didn’t drive for four hours not to a get hands on this,” Rick said while giving the man’s balls a feel. He stood up after helping the other main guest off his pants and boots. He moved his chair right next to the exposed man then his hand with round fingers found the base of the man’s manhood. He raised the semi-hard cock and pulled the skin back revealing the pinkish skin under. It needed some work before it gets there but there was no reason to rush, so he spent some time just massaging him. “Does it feel weird that someone’s playing with your dick while you are talking to us?” Carson asked. “Rick” “Not anymore. I’m used to it by now. The first time I shot a pro-movie was also my first experience with a fluffer. During break I would sat down on the director’s chair then the director would give me instructions for the next shot. It was a little awkward at first when my fluffer will get me ready for the next sequence while still talking to the director. I mean someone’s blowing me while trying to remember all what was told.” “Ha-ha,” Carson laughed his amazement. “Are they usually good looking?” he asked. “Yeah. They kinda have to be. It helps a lot.” “You were first known as a bi-movie star. Do you have a preference on who assists you?” Dom asked with his own curiosity. “You mean a guy or a girl? It doesn’t matter to me. Although one of the crew from my studio doubles as my personal assistant.” “What do you mean?” “Well, we have this guy who holds the boom mic. We’ve worked together in quite a few films, but he gets a raging hardon every time I’m filming. While we were wrapping a shoot. I came back to set and saw him putting away the equipment. I joked that he could fluff me next time.” “What did he say?” “He said, ‘damn, I would if they’ll let me.’ And that’s how it started.” “Do you take him with you when you’re filming?” “Ha-ha. Nah, just when he is around. I don’t think I could subject someone to be my personal knob polisher.” “So you guys don’t fool around with each other?” Carson asked. “Some do, but honestly not much after I turned pro. During my amateur days, I did party a little after shooting a movie. Damn, I missed those days.” Clark raised his hand and let Rick under it. “That’s nice,” he said when the warm lips enveloped the head of his cock. “Sorry,” he told Carson. “You’re good. I was wondering when he would be tempted,” Carson replied. Rick, raising his head, smiled at Carson and said, “Savoring the moment.” “Enjoy,” Carson said. “Oh, I will,” the young man said. Clark rested his hand on the man’s back. He caressed the exposed skin just below the back of his neck with his thumb then turned back to Carson and Dom. He continued, “Maybe outside some do, but in the studio, not much. It’s interesting that many people asked me that same question. I mean I don’t blame them for assuming that. There are some actions but even those are kept from everyone’s view. But honestly, work is work for most of us.” “You look sleek today. Don’t you normally wear your hair short?” Dom asked. “Probably not as closely cropped as mine, but short,” he added describing the almost wide-side wall haircut that he had grown accustomed to. The man run his left hand through his hair. “You mean this? I just finished shooting a suit and tie movie.” “Is that the one you are going to talk to us today?” “Yeah, lot’s of action. Honestly, it was the first time I’ve ever worn a three piece suit. It’s coming out next week. Check our website or call our studio.” “Or go to your local bookstore. Our friend’s at Nick’s Bookstore got you covered,” Dom plugging one of their regular sponsors. “So were you the sleazy boss?” he added. “Sort of, I broke in a new employee in of the scenes then got it on with the boss man later for a job well done.” “It has an actual plot?” Carson commented feigning a surprised reaction. “Ha-ha, it does have a story. I brought some copies with me. You can check it out yourself and be amazed at the great story writing.” “That’s nice. I think our listeners will be happy to get their hands on one of those copies,” Dom butted in already thinking ahead. A little of movement from their two guests. Clark looked on while the young man moved between his legs. He spread his legs to make some room. Rick cuffed the loose big pair of balls with his hand and wrapped his other hand around the erect penis. The older man gave out a soft moan when he felt fingers teasing his low hanging sac. Rick gave his shaft a few strokes, and like someone enchanted, the young man examined his erection. A good eight or even nine and a girthy one too, he thought. “Beautiful dick,” the young man said. “Thank you,” the receiver of his service replied. His manhood stood in contrast with his somewhat rugged stature and built. Its smooth skin with no discernible trace of veins and the mushroom head still glistened from the natural oral lubrication left on it. “Fat dick you got there,” Carson said. “You think?” the older man feigned ignorance. He looked down when the young man continued on with his mission. Rick’s thin lips stretched out as he took him back in his mouth. “It is,” he said with a grin. “Only real man can handle that.” Carson commented. “Speaking of real man, you know the weirdest job I ever had was when I new to the pro-scene. I never felt so naked before. I had a photo shoot. They waxed every bit of hair from my body. It was like torture when they removed every bit of hair from my arms, body and down to my toes. That’s also when my trademark cropped hair and beard came to be.” “What kind of shoot was it?” “Calendar picture. Oh, don’t you know that there are specially made speedo for guys like us. Damn, it was still tight like hell, and the funniest part was I had the matching fake tan and baby oil rubbed all over my body. Then a beach theme movie came next. So for two weeks, I had no body hair and shiny skin. I felt so pretty,” he joked. “Can I assume the swimming trunks came off later?” “Yeah. On the front-side, we are wearing trunks then the flip-side is the money shot in our full hardness glory. I can’t help but laughed at myself when I see it. . . . I’m shiny . . . and orange,” he recalled. Laughter ensued once again when Carson revealed, “I just turned red like I was roasted or something when I try to get a tan.” “You don’t look like someone who care much about such vanity. Do you like the tan look?” their guest asked. “No. it’s just that I have this embarrassing shirt tan line,” Carson replied showing his biceps with pale white skin just halfway through his biceps and the rest of his arms were slightly darkened by the tan he accumulated through out the years. “He sorta look like he still wears a shirt when he’s naked,” Dom cut in. “I’m not kidding, it looks like someone painted a white shirt on him,” he continued teasing his friend who was now distracted by the tan line on his biceps. “Fake tan and baby oil?” the older man joked. “I’m not vain enough to look orange,” Carson turned down the suggestion. “Do they tell you how should you look?” he added. “Other than taking care of our body, not really. It comes with the job you signed up for. That’s why they still refer to us as adult-film actors. We play the part for your enjoyment,” Clark said. “Can you give me a sec?” he said pointing at the person who was busy between his legs then gave out a muffled grunt. Rick had finally shown his skill. The whole length of his cock disappeared into the young man’s mouth. “Oh shit, that felt so good.” “How is he doing?” Carson asked. With both hands resting at the back of Rick’s head guiding it down his shaft in a regular long strokes, he responded, “Impressive. I’m surprised myself. Honestly, not everyone I worked with can actually take it all in.” “He had some practice. He told us.” “Oh, really?” “And, don’t you know, he has a girl.” “Interesting.” “And she knows he is coming here to take care of you.” “Wow. Your woman doesn’t mind you doing this?” He asked the man servicing him. “Nope,” Rick replied then went back going down on him. When his lips reached the base, he felt some pressure from the man’s hands behind his head telling him to stay there for a moment. Only when he felt the hands loosening up that he resumed pleasuring the man with his mouth. “Oh shit,” he moaned. “Even I’m amazed. Fuck that’s good,” he acknowledged the man’s effort. “Do you wanna enjoy it for a bit? Would be nice to catch some sound to let our listeners we aren’t faking it,” Dom suggested. “We can do that,” Clark agreed. Carson stood up and walked around to where the action was ensuing. “Can we take some pictures?” He had no problem getting the star’s permission, but Rick was hesitant. “Don’t worry, we’re not going to show your face.” “And I thought you wanna be in the business,” Clark teased the young guy. “You can’t be shy, you know,” he continued. “Oh. I don’t know,” Rick said. After convincing him that no one will see his face or at least enough that no one will büyükesat ankara recognize him, he finally agreed. Armed with his flip-phone that took small digital pictures, a gadget that was currently in vogue, Carson circled around the two who were putting on a show. He chose his shots, it didn’t take much to fill up his brand new phone. “Are you doing Ok there, Rick?” Carson asked the man you just gagged when he tried taking Clark all in again. “Yeah. But damn, it’s fat and long,” the young said. “Who was your first?” Carson interrogated the young man who was trying to catch some air. “I remember suckin’ on West. I literally almost threw up my lunch. Those damn porn made it look so easy, so I thought to just go in.” “It was your first time, and you tried throating your best friend?” Carson said. “You can’t blame me I was young and adventurous. I didn’t know any better,” the young man said defending himself. “Once his dick hit the back of my mouth, I was gagging like crazy and almost puke.” “Ha-ha,” Clark laughed. “You’re doing a great job. It must have paid off,” he commented. “You got that right, we would trade blow jobs in my car in the woods after school before going home. Then college came and we also graduated from oral sex if you know what I mean.” “So cherry been popped?” Clark asked. “Let’s just say it’s been on play for quite sometimes.” “Nice.” “Are you trying to start something, Mr. Porn Star?” Carson joked. “Cute guy, you can’t blame me.” “Well, but before that, could I get a picture of you standing up,” Carson requested. Clark stood up and kicked his legs a little. Sitting down with added weight on his thighs interfered with the circulation. Rick looked at Carson for some direction. Carson gave him a signal to continue on, so he knelt in front Clark holding around the man’s round behind. The standing man offered his erection to his waiting mouth, which was accepted gladly. He moved his hands and hold on to Rick’s head guiding him down his manhood. The rhythm was now regular and Clark switched from moaning to encouraging Rick. You could hear him exclaimed his “oh yeahs” when he his cock disappeared into the eager young man’s mouth. Legs slightly wide apart he matched Rick’s bobbing head with his hips. A few minutes later, he declared, “I’m getting close.” “That good, huh?” Dom said. “Yeah, amazing mouth,” Clark agreed. “Just tell me when do you want me to shoot my load,” he said. A permission that he became accustomed to when he worked. “Up to you. We still need to talked about your movie,” Dom replied. A man who had learned to control himself gave Rick some rest and sat back down on his chair. The sound of sex that filled the studio was replaced by Carson, Dom and Clark conversation about the film. Clark once again made some room when Rick resumed his conquest of the man’s cock that he had kept hard by stroking as the show progressed to its close. The main event was only thing remaining. Dom moved one of the microphones closer to get every bit of sound from the two. Rick worked his magic once again, and Clark was gyrating on his seat working for his release. With a signal of his hand, he instructed the man how he wanted to finish. Rick would have no problem finishing him off with his mouth but a little show would not hurt, so he wrapped both of his hands around the erection of the man who was inching closer to his release. Obliviousness took over to let thing go the way it should. The end result was his bodily fluid deposited on his black shirt. “That was hot,” Carson said. “Nice load,” Rick said as he examined the man’s seed on display. “I hope you have a change of clothes,” he added saying the obvious. “Shit, I forgot about that. Not the first time I’ve been in this situation,” Clark said looking at his shirt and smiled on the copious amount of stain he left on it. “So is that a wrap?” he told the two hosts. Clark was already in his pants and putting on his boots when Carson returned with paper towel that he borrowed from upstairs. He handed him a few sheet to wipe stains on this shirts but the paper towel left some white lint on his shirt. Clark shrugged his shoulder and just said, “I’m not going anywhere else anyway.” “Thanks for coming,” Dom said shaking Clark’s hand. “And thank you making things very interesting. Nice job,” he turned to Rick. “Damn, it will be hard to come with something for our next show. How can we top that? A nice sound of sexual gratification on the background, and you are naughtily casual about it too,” Dom told Clark. “Like I said, I play the part.” “Did you have a good time?” “Very much.” “How about you, Rick?” “Well, let’s just say this will be a source of needed motivation,” the young says then grabbed himself. “That’s the spirit,” Carson cut in. “Next show will be tough,” he said echoing Dom’s sentiment. Clark quipped an interesting idea, “I’m sure your listeners would probably love hearing you two getting your own oral assist. What do you think? Get yourselves some some underneath the desk.” Carson and Dom looked at each other and laughed that sounded more like giggles. “C’mon, it’s a great idea,” Clark said in jest. Although Dom and Carson were running a very peculiar show, he knew that some boundaries had to be kept arms length to keep the imagination and anticipation going. “What do you think?” he said patting Rick on his back who looked up grinning to the man towering him by a good four or five inches. “If you need help, you know my number,” Rick told Dom and Carson who couldn’t stop giggling probably pondering about the idea. When Dom finally got his wind back, he asked the two who were preparing to leave, “What you guys up to now?” “Head home, I guess,” Rick said. “Same,” Clark said who just finished tucking in his shirt. “Got any plans for the rest of the afternoon?” he asked Rick. “Nah, just go home and have a long jerk off,” Rick replied. “Do you have to be back at a certain time?” Clark pursued the young man. “Why? Do you have anything in mind?” Rick asked sensing what the other man was suggesting. “Just thinking you might appreciate some help. I think we are going the same way anyway. You can stretch your legs for bit at my place. It’s a longer drive for you.” “Sounds good,” the young man agreed after Dom and Carson, still smiling at each other not because of what they just heard from the two but because of Clark’s early suggestion, looked at the two men as they disappeared from view up the concrete stairwell. “Nah, it will be too much. They might start expecting more from us,” Dom told his friend. “True,” Carson agreed. “What do you think will happen when we post this show?” The next week, Dom and Carson were elated when their stunt netted a few new subscribers. Carson was ecstatic that his hobby turned into something more productive. On the other hand in Dom’s head another story was forming. The show that he and Carson started as an experiment might just be the answer to the financial hole he put himself in. At first, he never really thought that it would take off. He hope that one day, he would no longer be looking hard for the cheapest to live or even buy his own house. But only, if they keep getting new subscribers. That week they gained a few listeners, but it would be proven to be a few too many. Carson, who was getting ready to go out for the night and just out of the shower and still had his towel wrapped around his waist, opened the door to let Dom in. The other man walked in still looking intently at the letter in his hand. “What you got?” Carson asked. “Some letter. I’m not sure what to make of it,” Dom answered. “Where did you get it?” “From our P.O. Box.” Carson became curious on what it’s about. Two years quickly passed when they started with their little experiment. They had setup the P.O. Box for any mails related to their show, a convenient way to manage their growing mail deliveries be it business mails or fan mails now and then, mostly nothing unusual. Their show somewhat took off. Their niche market turned out to be quite fruitful. During the days when the Internet still was not saturated by adult content. And many offering were expensive. The sought after video content came in a very small format and sometimes blurry and slow feeds. Just by word of mouth, they attracted a following. But with the small success they accumulated, other eyes and ears followed. “So what’s it about?” Carson pressed his friend for an answer. “I think someone is trying to shut us down,” Dom replied. Carson took the letter and read it. “This is bullshit. Who the hell is this guy?” “I checked. He’s a city councilor.” “They cannot do that, can they?” Carson asked. “I don’t know. We can ask Mike. Maybe it’s nothing.” “This is bullshit,” Carson kept saying. “I know. Let’s wait and see what Mike says about it. He might not look like it but that guy is sharp,” Dom said. Mike, the rock star wannabe and their hired editor, had been their unofficial partner. “He will be at the bar tonight. I’ll talk to him,” Dom continued. “What time?” Carson was anxious. “He’s been dropping by regularly around nine when his band fell apart. He said he is on temporary retirement.” “Did he quit his band or something?” “Yeah, they disbanded. He’s very upset about losing another band that he just formed.” “That sucks. It didn’t even last a month.” Going back to the problem they had in hand Dom said, “He might have some knowledge about city ordinance. I bet he had to deal with the city in his line of work.” “I sure hope so. This is just bullshit. This is a boner killer,” Carson said. “I’m not in the mood either,” Dom agreed.

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