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Hello All,

I am Maximillian_Excaliber and before the story I would like to tell you the importance of leaving feedback.

As a writer, it is important to know how well or not well received a work is by received the target audience. Unlike movie and TV studios, we can not rely on focus groups to tell us how our work is being accepted.

On this site, the mechanisms some of us writers rely upon, especially the new ones like myself, are feedback and ratings.

A given work may have been read by 8000 people in three days, but if only 10 or 20 people take the time to rate it and only 2 to leave feedback it is impossible for us and you to tell how popular the story actually is and it is difficult for us, as writers, to know what may need improvement.

While feedback is important to improvement, ratings are the best gauge of how popular a story is but they are only reliable if enough people do so.

For those of you who don’t know, a “Hot” story is one that has an average of 4.5 after 10 or more votes. They will have a little red “H” beside their names in the lists displays but some of the best stories have poor ratings because only a few people have taken the time to rate them while literally thousands have actually read them. And so, unless you stumble across them by accident, you may never know about them.

Feedback can always be left anonymously and ratings are always anonymous so please, even if you do not wish to leave feedback, take the time to rate the story.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and Happy Reading,


And now for the story…



Patrick opened his brown eyes and found himself lying naked on his back in his girlfriend, Noel’s, bed. Noel, was straddling him with own fully nude body while rubbing her very wet pussy along the full length of his erection. To his amazement, Patrick could not remember how he had gotten there in the first place.

Chapter One

“I don’t understand it.” Noel said to Patricia, Patrick’s twin sister. “I practically ripped his clothes off and still he wont make love to me.” She was nearly on the verge of tears and Patricia could hear the desperation in Noel’s voice as she asked, “Is it me? Have I been wrong all these months? I thought he really loved me; I had hoped he would ask me to marry him!”

They were both sitting at the kitchen table in Noel’s apartment drinking coffee and discussing Noel’s relationship dilemma. Patricia had stopped by Noel’s apartment after getting off work from the hospital where she was a nurse. In desperation, Noel had asked Patricia over. She hoped Patricia might shed some light as to why Patrick had resisted every attempt she had made to become intimate with her. She wanted so much to give herself to him and show him how much she truly loved him.

“No Honey! It’s not you at all. He really does love you. He’s told me so.” Patricia told her reassuringly.

“Then what is it? God, he doesn’t think I’m a slut for throwing myself at him, does he?” Noel asked, her mind a mess of confusion.

Patricia thought for a second and then said hesitantly, “Listen Noel, you can never tell him I told you this. Never! It would brake his heart if he found out that anyone else knew about it. Do you understand?”

Noel said pleadingly, “Please tell me. If it is coming between us, I’ve got to know!”

“Has he ever told you about his ex-wife Cindy?” Patricia asked.

Noel replied, “No. In fact, he avoids the subject like the plague. I figured it must be really painful for him so I don’t push him on it.”

“That’s an understatement!” Patricia began, “Let me tell you what the bitch did. About two months after they were married she started having an affair with some guy she met at work. She didn’t have the guts to tell him, so she figured she would just drive him away. For almost six months, every time they would get in bed she would tell him how small he was, how he wasn’t satisfying her, how he didn’t measure up. She would bring home porn movies, point to whatever long dicked male mutant happened to be on the screen at the time, and say to him ‘There’s a real man!’. No Emek Escort matter what he tried, and he tried a lot of things to please her, she gave him the same line. Finally, when he started to believe her, he told her he did not want her to be unhappy and asked he if she wanted a divorce.”

“You don’t mean he’s that small?” Noel asked.

Without hesitation, Patrician replied, “No, of course not. He’s about average, five and half to six inches.” Noel could tell that Patricia was embarrassed discussing her brother’s intimate affairs with her.

Patricia continued, “She was just playing with his mind to get him to let her go.”

“But how do you know all this?” Noel asked, shocked that Patricia would have such intimate knowledge of her both her brother’s affairs and body.

Patricia picked up her cup of coffee and took another drink before she continued, “Because after they broke up I was blindsided. I didn’t even see it coming. I asked him about it but he wouldn’t tell me anything so I looked her up and asked her. She actually told me the whole sordid truth. I think she felt guilty about it and was glad to have someone to tell it to.”

“Fuck! No wonder he is afraid to get intimate with me.” Noel exclaimed. “How am I ever going to get him over this?”

“Hell, I don’t know. I can’t even keep a man of my own! But I’ll bet between the two of us we can come up with something!” Patricia stated earnestly, then added, “You’re a good woman and he deserves you, especially after what he’s been through.”

And so, that night they came up with a plan which they would put into action the next day.

Chapter Two

As the fog of sleep began to evaporate, Patrick opened his eyes and found himself lying naked on his back. As he lay on the bed in Noel’s apartment, with her legs straddling him and her arms about his neck, she rubbed her very wet pussy along the full length of his erection. Patrick could not remember how he had gotten there in the first place. The last thing he remembered was sitting at the dinning room table in Noel’s apartment. He had just finished a wonderful candlelight dinner which she had prepared. Everything had been perfect from the honey glazed roast chicken to the wild rice with pineapple she had served. He had just finished his glass of wine and could only remember becoming suddenly very tired. After that, well, there was nothing after that, until now.

What he did not know was that this was all part of the plan Noel and his sister had cooked up. The “wine” he drank was actually just plane grape juice, but with one little extra ingredient, a sedative from a prescription that Patricia had gotten from a doctor friend of she knew!

Noel walked over to the table, picked up the bottle of “wine” and carried it into the kitchen where she emptied it down the sink. Then, she went to the refrigerator, removed the glass picture that held the original contents of the bottle and poured half of it back into the bottle. After that, she emptied the glass picture into the sink and give it a quick rinse. She then went back into the dinning room and placed the wine bottle back onto the table from which she had removed it.

He had gone out like a light and when he did, Noel called Patricia to come over and help her with the next phase of the plan. Between the two of them, they had gotten him into the bedroom and Patricia helped Noel get her brother undressed down to his undershorts. At that point, Patricia said to Noel, “He will be a little bit groggy for a few minutes but that will pass quickly. He should be out for about another half an hour. I’d love to see his face when he wakes up but he’s still my brother so you’ll have to take it from here. Good luck!” And then Patricia left Noel there with her almost totally nude brother.

Knowing she had plenty of time, she removed her clothing slowly and regretted that he was not awake to enjoy it, but then, there would be plenty of opportunities in the future for him to do so.

Noel was a tall woman with a height of about six feet and was what people tend to call now-a-days full figured. She was a natural redhead with long wavy hair six inches Eryaman Escort past her shoulders and she had a full but neatly trimmed mat of pubic hair. Her body was covered with an ample, but not gross, amount of freckles that accompany most true redheads and Noel’s skin, while somewhat whiter than normal, was not pale mostly because of the freckles. She had wide ,”child bearing”, hips that many men find attractive and full firm large breast that did not in anyway sag. Noel’s ass was firm but had just enough excess to give it the most pleasant wiggle when she walked and it alone had turned the heads of both men and women alike. The aureoles on her breast were darker and slightly larger than normal and her nipples were proportioned to their size. She had found herself forced to wear a bra out of modesty because, while her nipples were not huge, they were quite prominent when she was aroused or they were agitated by the cold.

As long as she had known him, Patrick had always been self conscious about his body, Noel had never seen so much of him before. And so, having undressed herself, she knelt beside him on the bed taking in his body with her eyes before removing his last garment.

He was a somewhat hairy man about his legs and arms but not so much on his chest and back. His frame was that of a large man with naturally large chest and hips. His skin was not pale but certainly not tanned. While not obese, he carried an extra twenty pounds which only manifested itself around his waist as small “love handles”. He had told her once that he had been slightly overweight all his life. And so, he possessed the muscular legs of a man who had carried just a touch of extra weight. His brown hair was short and parted to the right. She knew he liked to keep it that way, not out of upbringing but simply for the convenience of it and on him it looked good. He was in every physical way save one mostly an average man. There were two things she found most attractive in him. The first was not physical being his personality. But the second was his long beautiful lashes. She found them so rare in men that it was actually the first thing she’d noticed about him when they had met.

Noel slowly bend down over him and pulled his underpants off revealing his pubic area. His sister had been right, he had the average six inch long circumcised penis of an American male.

As Noel looked at Patrick she found she was becoming very wet in anticipation of what joy they would share together. Fascinated by the hair on his muscular legs, she gently reached out and let the palm of her hand glide softly over the top of his leg closest to her and began ever so slowly stroking the soft fur covering it. She noticed as she did that he was beginning to form an erection and his breathing began to quicken slightly. She immersed herself in the sensual pleasure the feeling of her hand on his leg was giving her. After a few moments more of her attentions he became fully erect and she knew it would not be long before he awakened.

Slowly, she moved to kneel on all fours parallel to him. Her heart began to race in anticipation as she carefully placed her right leg over him and moved her body atop his, her pelvis directly over his. With her hips now straddling him, the feeling was glorious as the head of his penis caressed the furrow of her pussy with each breath he took. Her juices began to flow from her pussy onto the head of his penis.

When his eyes opened she kissed him passionately on the mouth and said to him, “That was the most incredible feeling I have ever had Darling. I must have cum three times. If I had known you had that much passion for me, I would have ravaged YOU long ago. And look at you, still ready for more!”

“I am?” he said. His mind was a mass of confusion. As his thoughts became clearer, he realized that his penis was fully erect.

She looked him in the eyes and said, “Oh darling YES. The wine must still be affecting you a little; you drank quite a bit you know.”

“I did?” he said as the last cobwebs left his mind. Then he added, “We made love and you enjoyed it?”

“What does this tell you?” she said to him Esat Escort and began running her soaking wet pussy up and down the outside of his shaft lubricating it with her juices.

While his mind struggled to grasp everything she had said, he looked down at her full bosom and he realized from her hard nipples and the juices coating his dick that she was very aroused.

“Is it possible that he could have this effect on a woman?” he asked himself in his mind but before he could formulate and answer she kissed him more passionately on the lips, opening her mouth to probe his with her tongue.

“It must be true.” he thought to himself and in that instant, he realized he had had nothing to fear from becoming intimate with this woman who he loved and so obviously loved him.

He opened his mouth and their tongues intertwined to dance erotically with each other.

Feeling his willingness, she taunted the head of his penis playfully with the mouth of her pussy.

Finally, with the fires of passion burning in him, he suddenly placed one arm round her back and as the hand of the other arm pulled her ass down to him he trust deeply into her warm wet pussy.

“OHHH!” she moaned into his mouth in surprise and ecstasy at the sudden unexpected show of passion. When the base of his cock rubbed her sensitive clit as their bodies joined, it sent a tiny jolt of pleasure through her whole body.

He held himself buried deeply into her while his hands roamed sensually all over her body. The feeling of his hands on her sent a little wave of pleasure through her with every movement they made.

“UMMM!” He said as began slowly rocking up and down on his manhood leaving just the head into her each time her body rose from his.

When she was half way up he would raise his hips and bury himself into her again. Then, when he was withdrawn halfway and she had started to lower herself to take in his cock he would plunge deeply into her on coming pussy. Each time their bodies were fully joined her clit would grind hard upon the base of his cock.

“FUCKKK!” she said raising her mouth from his and tossing her head backward in lust.

He pulled all but the crown of his prick from her pussy once again only to begin teasingly moving just and inch of his shaft in and out of her.

“OHHH GODDD!” Noel said as he buried more of his cock into her with each successive stroke hastening the raising tide of an orgasm that was fast approaching her.

“SOOO CLOSE!” She said as she rode him in rapture as each wave she rode rose higher than the wave before.

Feeling his own orgasm almost upon him, Patrick began to quicken his pace until he was making full strokes once again into her now flowing pussy. At the same time, he reached up and took hold of her breasts in his hands and his thumbs gently rolled around each nipple sending her over the edge.

“CUMMMING!” she said wildly, her hips falling hard upon him as her body writhed atop him uncontrollably in the rapture of orgasm.

Her quivering pussy undulating around his cock sent him over the edge and he erupted into her filling her with the fruit of their passion.

As the waves of their orgasms diminished, their tongues again danced sensually and he pulled her to him and once more kissed her.

They lay there holding each other until, in unison, they broke their kiss and said, “I love you!”

Then she said to him, “Will you still love me if I confess to you a little white lie?”

He had begun kissing her about the neck as his hands once more began exploring the sensual feeling of her body when he said, “Nothing you could ever say will change that now!”

Raising to look him straight into the eyes, Noel said to him, “We’ve never done this before just now.”

Patrick looked at her stunned for a second and when his mind realized what she had done he laughed and said to her, “Then I supposed I will just have to give you a severe tongue lashing to teach you a lesson!” With that, he pulled her to him and took her left breast into his mouth and as he ran his tongue around her nipple he muttered to Noel over and over again, “Bad Girl. Naughty, Naughty Girl.”


When they were both awake the next morning, Noel told Patrick the whole story of how his sister had helped her. They decided that they must do something to repay his sister. After they lay there for a while, Noel told Patrick her plan to set up Patricia with a friend she knew. But then, that’s another story…

The End

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