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Scott couldn’t believe his luck! Not only had he finished welding school. The 21-year-old had left Idaho. To be sure, his parents and older brother berated him for “leaving the family,” even though Scott had been living in his apartment for some time. His younger brother and younger sister, however, understood Scott’s need to move further away.

“Hey!” Felix said.

Scott jerked his baby blues off the bar table.

Felix’s voice returned to its natural hoarseness. “It’s daytime, in case you have forgotten.”

“No time for dozing off,” Ivan said in his mellifluous voice.

As if casting fishhooks, Scott threw Felix and Ivan side-glances—first left, then right. “Bear with me.”

“Heading for north of the border must have taken a lot of guts,” Felix said. “I bet you have a lot on your mind.”

“You could say that,” Scott drawled.

Felix lifted his bottle away from the stripes of sunlight. He tilted back his glass bottle and short neck and swigged some beer. The swarthiness of Felix’s neck and nape accentuated the fog of dimness behind him.

Scott raised his square chin toward the short guy.

Felix slapped his bottle onto the shellacked wood of the table. “Have you hooked up with any babes?”

“Not yet,” Scott muttered.

“And you’ve been here three weeks?” Ivan piped in. “We have to get our bass guitarist some cunt.”

Scott’s dick twitched.

“Actually,” Bert said from in front, “my girlfriend has been taking a liking to Scott.”

The rattling plates and glasses must have distorted Bert’s words from the kitchen, Scott surmised, for no dude would ever talk like this.

“Lily doesn’t like us?” Ivan whined. “What doesn’t she see in her fellow Canadians?”

“Lily’s dating me, isn’t she?” Bert said, “and Lily thinks that you and Felix are cool. But the both of you are in closed relationships. Scott is single … and he is American.”

“So what?” Ivan said.

A grin tiptoed across the stubble of Bert’s face. “Lily’s never done it with an American.”

“I’m feeling like crap,” Ivan said. “I’m getting out of here.” He flashed his teeth in a quasi-smirk and fidgeted to his black sneakers.

Bert bent forward and grabbed Ivan’s forearm. “Not so fast, tiger.” Like a batter at the end of a pitch, Bert kept his head down and forward. Slowly, Bert tugged Ivan’s pale forearm.

Ivan allowed muscle and gravity to pull him back onto his Windsor chair of camel. “This better be good.”

Bert released his grip.

Bert’s hair bordered between lanky and wavy. Like strings of jute, it dangled from the sides of Bert’s head onto the shellacked wood of the table.

What a contrast, Scott thought, between Bert’s sleek hair of bronze, Felix’s medium waves of chestnut-brown, and Ivan’s short, upright hair spikes of coffee bean brown. Scott’s shaggy hair, by contrast, was dishwater blond and short as the fur of a Dachshund.

Bert squinched up his mildly squinty eyes. “You can’t expect Lily to open her heart to guys like you.”

“You mean, guys in ‘closed relationships,'” Ivan said, drawing quotes in the air.

“You chose to enter into such relationships,” Bert said.

“Only because our girlfriends would’ve lost it had we suggested otherwise,” Felix bounced in. He huffed impatiently. “You bis are so lucky. You have your own sections of town across North America and Europe, your bi chicks to pick from, your radio and cable networks, your fraternities and sororities, bi workout clubs, bi sports teams, and the freedom to enjoy the best of both worlds.”

Scott skimmed the wooden tables around him—and breathed easier when he found them still vacant.

“Bi power is the product of decades of organizing,” Bert said.

Scott’s skin itched with droplets of moisture.

“We have gone from 6% of the population to 17%,” Bert went on. “Sociologists predict that number will skyrocket in the 2020s.”

“That’s around the corner!” Scott protested.

Quick as lightning, the three turned their collegiate faces to Scott.

What have I done? Scott thought. Up to then, he had restrained his impetuousness. It was his way of ingratiating himself with this group, as opposed to flying off the handle in the style of back home. Scott drew a deep breath.

The beery air, however, had turned thick enough to drink.

Scott took a swill of his suds.

It didn’t make a difference, for Scott’s throat was drier than beach sand. Scott needed ice water in his mouth—and on his skin. But with the early June heat oozing into the bar-restaurant, Scott wasn’t sure that ice would hold for long in a drinking glass.

Scott rose to his black cowboy boots. “I better go.”

“You’re not getting blue balls, are you?” Felix said.

“Come again?” Scott replied.

“You know, with Bert talking about loaning his babe to you.”

“Nuh,” Scott said. “I just need fresh air … and some bottled water out of that vendin’ machine. I’ll see you tomorrow at band practice.”

“Maybe we can ride together dikmen escort next time, eh?” Bert said.

Not if you keep makin’ me feel this uncomfortable, Scott thought.


A silver silo glinted in front of the western sun. Pebbles crackled under the dusty cowboy boots of the collegians. The smell of wheat, chicory, spearmint, and honeysuckle wafted through the air like butterflies in search of flowers. The macadam road, in turn, continued to inch past everyone.

Lily and Bert came to a halt.

Twenty feet behind, Felix, Ivan, and Scott stopped.

Lily and Bert turned their round chins toward each other. The couple puckered their lips and sucked maple syrup out of each fold.

Felix exhaled. “Lord, have mercy.”

Scott turned his face left and glanced at the skin of wheat bread.

Ivan added, “Lead us not into temptation.”

Scott glimpsed rightward at the skin of English muffins. Never had Scott felt like ham in the middle. Accordingly, part of him wanted to ah at what Lily was doing, while part of him was determined to keep his desires hidden.

Felix uttered, “I hate to say this, Scott. But if I were you, I would decline their offer.”

“If I were you, I would take it,” Ivan chimed in.

Left to right, Scott’s face turned like a surveillance camera sped up sixfold. Scott stopped. Pensively, he turned his face back left. “Why would you decline their offer?”

“Do you have a loose screw upstairs?” Felix said. “No dude lends his chick to another dude.”

“Bi dudes do,” Ivan said eagerly.

“Nothing is free in this world,” Felix stated. “If a guy lends his gal, he wants something in return.”

“Like what?” Scott pressed.

“I don’t know,” Felix moaned. “Fulfilling his girlfriend’s fantasies? Indulging his libido? Recruiting a straight guy to his side of the fence?”

“You’re exaggerating,” Ivan said. “Bi guys share their girls all the time, and there is no ‘recruiting’ involved.”

“But the bi men please each other in ways that would make Scott very nervous.”

Scott fell short of breath.

“Whatever the answer, one thing is for sure,” Felix said. “Bert must really like you to offer his girlfriend’s cooch to you.”

Scott’s heart slugged outward like a fist. Why, Scott raged, did Felix have to rub in the obvious? Wasn’t the sight before them temptation enough? Anger welled up in Scott like a whirl of water boiling to the surface of a sauna.

Scott grumped, “If you’re so terrified of relishin’ Bert’s dessert, why were you so upset yesterday when Bert mentioned Lily’s lack of interest in you?”

“Look at her!” Felix said.

Lily and Bert were still smooching—a robin and a cardinal singing into each other’s mouths. Lily’s short dress of maize was tracing paper shimmering in the sunshine, and the slim curves of her physique rippled under the fabric.

A whiff of yearning escaped Scott.

Lily’s hair was an auburn handkerchief of silk, and it rose toward the small cornrows of her crown bun. No princess had ever worn a crown as beautiful as hers. Lily’s thin strands of hair glowed like the wheat fields around the roaming party. The tip of Lily’s nose, in turn, reflected the low sun as if a golden dime.

Scott’s testicles stuck to the bottom of his sack like boiling shell noodles in need of a stirring. Scott grasped his nuts, and in surprise at his act, he let them go.

Felix looked at Scott askance. Ivan, however, cast Scott an approving side-glance.

Should I go for Bert’s offer? Scott pondered. If he did, Scott knew that he would have to pay big time, for no guy would lend his girl for free.

A gust of wind blew upon Scott’s face from the north—Lily and Bert’s direction. The breeze dried the sweat droplets on Scott’s forehead, and the air’s coolness soothed Scott’s skin like baby oil.

Perhaps, Scott concluded, he could ask Lily and Bert what they wanted from him.


Scott buzzed up the flight of stairs. He knocked on the wooden panel door, paced like a lion in a cage, and took a deep breath. Someone had managed to push up the glass window at the top of the previous landing. This allowed the late spring breeze to cool the humid interior of the building.

The door of hickory thudded back.

Scott turned.

Lily grinned readily—and showed her white incisors of china.

Scott stuttered some Is.

Lily spoke in a reedy voice. “Calm down,” she said. “I won’t go away.”

Scott had not even phoned Lily for fear of Bert’s seeing him on the phone screen. Yet, from Lily’s behavior, Scott felt as if she and himself had engaged in the most intimate of conversations—prior to Scott’s arrival. That emotion made Scott very uneasy.

Scott said, “I wanted to talk to you and Bert.”

“Come in,” Lily lipped.

Scott wavered, then stepped onto the wooden slats of the apartment.

The polished boards of the floor glistened under the sunbeams coming from the left. elvankent escort The low ceiling slanted as though part of a gambrel roof. A scent of wood shavings, in turn, permeated the environs.

Scott rotated toward Lily. “Where’s Bert?”

“He’s not here,” Lily said. Behind her, she shut the door of deep brown.

“I better go.”

“Wait!” Lily implored, seizing Scott’s forearm.

Lily’s palm felt like the sole of a baby’s foot, except that it was larger.

Scott’s heart raced like a rolling drum.

Gentle as the frills on her white blouse, Lily tugged Scott toward the futon of an oakwood loveseat. Suddenly, she threw him onto the skin-of-zebra print.

“What the hell?” Scott said.

Lily straddled Scott’s blue jeans, which were washed in extra-hot water.

My jeans might as well be a saddle! Scott said to himself.

Lily wrapped her arms around Scott.

Scott tried to get up from the skin-of-zebra futon. All of his energy, however, had rushed to his hard-on.

Lily inched her thin lips of honey closer to Scott’s lips.

Scott let his parted mouth drink from Lily’s exhales. At one point, Scott actually felt Lily’s breath descend his windpipe and stoke the pent-up urges at the bottom of his chest.

Scott could barely speak. “Aren’t you happy with Bert?”

Lightly, Lily blew beneath Scott’s heart-shaped hairline. “Of course.”

“Then, why are you chasin’ after me?” Scott said.

Lily straightened her upper body. “You certainly are more urbane than you look.” She dismounted Scott’s legs, sauntered away, and twirled toward Scott. “Bert and I like you, and we would like to include you in our relationship.”

Scott arched his khaki eyebrows. “Come again?”

“Lots of couples are becoming threesomes,” Lily said matter-of-factly.

Scott puffed a laugh.

“I’m serious,” Lily said.

“I thought that bisexuality was a woman thing.”

“That’s what the straight world wants you to think,” Lily said. “But the post-2017 era will be for men what the post-1960 era was for women.”


“More men calling themselves bi,” Lily said. “Haven’t you noticed the rise in bi-identified people, especially since 2017?”

“I’ve heard about it on TV,” Scott mumbled.

“That increase shows that more people are willing to share their partners with cherished others.”

“Why are you tellin’ me this?” Scott said. “I’m straight.”

“So? Many straight people get into polyamorous relationships.”

“Poly what?” Scott said.

“But while you’re at it,” Lily interrupted, “it wouldn’t be such a bad idea if you explored the homosexual side of your bisexuality.”

The b word seemed to melt entrenched attitudes, old arousal patters, and defenses that Scott didn’t even know he had. Scott fought the strange sensations stirring in him, but to his shock, part of him didn’t want to.

“You’ll still be as heteroromantic as 70% of the population,” Lily said. “But in the purely sexual sense, you’ll be as bi as 80% of the population is in potential.”

Where, Scott wondered, did Lily learn all those technical terms?

Lily proceeded, “Males are more bisexual than females because men can easily divorce sex from romance. Less emotional complications for men, so more bi sex for them.”

Something about those words plucked a string inside Scott.

“Guys, of course, love their girls romantically, and their girls want them to,” Lily said. “It’s just that guys can be sexual with each other without being in love. I want you and me, however, to be close and to start dating.”

The hickory door thumped open.

Scott jolted like a startled caribou.

“There’s my confrere,” Bert said, “and here’s my buttercup.” The blond knitted his painter lips and drew nearer to Lily’s ballerina lips.

Lily pressed her thin lips against Bert’s thicker ones and cooed under her breath.

Scott’s cock started to re-harden like a fritter being made in someone’s hand.

Scott rose to his cowboy boots, hoping to nip his woody in the bud. Instead, Scott noticed that Bert was also sporting cowboy boots of light brown. The discovery made Scott feel at one with Bert. This made Scott more jittery, particularly since Lily was not wearing boots to counterbalance his “connection” to Bert.

“Scotty, buddy!”

Scott jerked up his baby blues toward Bert.

“What have you been doing up here?” Bert continued.

Perhaps, Scott thought, Bert hadn’t been serious about lending his girlfriend to him. From Bert’s just-got-up sound of voice, Scott inferred that Bert must have been jesting when he brought up the subject at the bar-restaurant. “I … ,” Scott began, wracking his brain for a way out of this situation. “I came to talk to you both.”

“About what?” Bert guggled.

“Scott came to consider our offer,” Lily said.

Butterflies flew inside Scott’s stomach.

Bert sounded amused. “What’s his answer?”

“He’s emek escort not sure,” Lily replied. “But I think I can get Scott to come around—that is, if we adjust the thermostat to a warm setting.”

“What do you mean?” Bert said.

Lily turned her oval face toward Scott and started to unbutton her white blouse.

“Don’t do this,” Scott said in a low tone.

The white linen gave way to pink flesh, to a trace of muscles, and to moist skin.

Bert woofed.

“I’m not in the best frame of mind for this,” Scott said.

Lily’s pearl-white bra, however, pulled Scott’s eyes forward like a U-magnet a set of pins.

Lily reached behind and unfastened her lace brassier.

Quicker than hail, Bert snatched Lily’s hands. Bert re-fastened the bra strap and brought down Lily’s small hands. “You mentioned adjusting the thermostat to a warm setting,” Bert said. “This is pushing the switch to overheat.”

Lily pouted her peach-red lips at Bert. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I just can’t wait to get romantically and physically intimate with him.”

Scott almost came—and his peter wasn’t even at full mast. “Why are you doin’ this to me?”

“Because somewhere deep down, you want me to,” Lily said.

“I don’t wanna steal the girlfriend of the lead singer of my band!” Scott protested. “You think I wanna alienate myself like that?”

“Bert doesn’t mind sharing me with you,” Lily said.

“And why is that?” Scott spat, flogging his eyes toward Bert.

With the calmness of a cumulus cloud, Bert panned his gray irises from Lily to Scott. “Have a seat, pal.”

“I’m not sittin’,” Scott barked.

“Then, we’ll take a load off our feet,” Bert said. He led Lily by one of her hands of butter.

Scott crossed his strong arms.

The futon with the skin-of-zebra print twanged to the weight of the couple. Then, a whiff of air swept a faint odor of hay into the living room.

“Listen carefully,” Bert said. “I know the world we come from—a world of distrust, competition, scarcity, and unfulfilled desires. Like you, I grew up in that world, indoctrinated to be straight. Everything reinforced that leitmotif—my family, my peers, my teachers, television. Then, I discovered an amazing world, a subculture where guys and girls can be themselves in a fun, healthy, respectful, and responsible manner. A world where the rules are humane and life-affirming.”

“Spare me the public service announcement,” Scott drawled.

“I know what you’re going through,” Bert intoned. “I was as nervous as you when I learned about alternative ways of being.”

Scott started to pace back and forth.

“Even now, part of me is scared about releasing Lily to your arms,” Bert said. “After all, I’ve never shared Lily before.”

Scott stopped abruptly.

“When I was a college sophomore, however, a buddy of mine shared his woman with me,” Bert said. “I must tell you. It was the most transcending experience I have ever had.”

“Monogamy is the norm,” Scott rumbled. “One man. One woman. It’s simple, and one doesn’t run the risk of hurtin’ anyone.”

“That’s why bi men are selective about whom they share their ladies with—and vice-versa for bi women,” Bert said. “Like everything else in life, there is the potential for hurt. But the potential for enjoyment is just as great. Does the average person abandon pleasurable activities because of their potential danger?”

Scott shook an uneasy no.

“Then, why should we make sexual and romantic relationships an exception?”

Stillness fell onto the room like foam after a breaking wave.

Scott broke the quiet like walnuts crashing onto a sidewalk. “You don’t love Lily, do you?”

“It is because I love Lily that I respect her freedom to be with you,” Bert replied.

“What do you get out of this?” Scott said.

“Pleasure from knowing that Lily’s enjoying herself,” Bert answered.

Bert’s casualness rocked Scott’s psyche like an earthquake a pillar of marble. Scott snapped, “Why can’t Lily enjoy herself with you?”

“She does,” Bert said. “But one person can’t be everything to another person—just like a lead singer can’t be everything that a band requires.”

Never had an argument persuaded Scott so much. Still, Scott insisted on putting up a front. “I don’t buy it. You must want somethin’ in order to loan me your girl. I wanna know what the hell it is!”

“Nothing,” Bert said.

The suaveness of Bert’s otherwise rugged voice astonished Scott. “You’re not pushin’ your queer crap on me, if that’s what you’re thinkin’ about.”

“What would make you say that?” Bert said.

Such innocence in Bert’s voice solidified Scott’s suspicions about the blond. Scott swore that steam had bunched in his ears, and the sensation reminded Scott of losing his temper repeatedly back home. That was the very reason he left Idaho—to get away from his old self.

Scott softened his tone. “Felix told me how you bis service each other as payment.”

“We go easy on straight men,” Bert said.

If only Scott weren’t so horny. If only he had hooked up with a chick since his arrival in Alberta. Then, Scott thought, he wouldn’t be in this predicament. His short fuse would have lengthened, and he wouldn’t be risking the making of new enemies.

Scott didn’t want to draw Bert’s wide-apart eyes. Thus, Scott threw Lily’s close-set eyes a mere glint.

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