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Chapter Twelve


Yavara was in good spirits, having gotten the message this morning that both Brock and Elena were alive and well. From what little Zander had risked putting on the parchment, I gathered that he’d set plans in motion for finding a Froktora. I liked Brock, truly I did, and the Terdini were renowned for their strength and size, but they were just too small a clan. The Protaki were the largest tribe in The Pines, but even they paled in numbers compared to the hordes of The Tundra. The ten tribes of The Tundra (aptly named ‘The Ten’ since orcs are so fucking creative) would be outraged if anyone other than one of their own was named Froktora. Even then, their hatred for each other ran so deeply that simply naming one of them a candidate might spark a war. Still, that was better than outright rejection, which is what I feared Yavara would get if she presented Brock to the Ten. A war could be ended swiftly with a few key deaths, but political embarrassment lasted a lifetime. Yavara had shown some political acumen when she’d spun the rescue mission, but she still had a lot to learn. Her fierce loyalty to her friends was her greatest weakness, and would be used against her. So, I categorized her friends as ‘assets’ and ‘liabilities,’ weighing the benefits and risks each brought. Zander was certainly an asset, and I believed myself to be one as well. Brock wasn’t yet a liability, but he was bordering on it, and Elena…. Elena Straltaira was a ticking time bomb. If there was any benefit to the wayward ranger, it was to keep Yavara centered. For I’d seen a shadow of what Yavara could be without her moral anchor, and it was terrifying.

I shook myself from my contemplation, and focused on the task at hand. None of this would matter if we couldn’t secure a loan from King Dreus, and to do that, Yavara would once again have to rely on her raw political acumen. As the high sun baked the stench of dead fish into the air, I coached her to the best of my ability.

“We need to be careful with our words, Yavara. He will want to be treated as above you. You cannot allow that to happen, but you cannot disrespect him, or he will be compelled to save face.” I explained to Yavara as we walked along the docks. The hood of my white robe covered my face, the symbol of the Holy Mother stitched across it. Yavara wore a similar priestess outfit, the hood covering the top half of her own face. Even savage gangs respected the work of the church, and attacking priestesses would be a violation of street law. We traveled incognito for two reasons: one, because even though we were in the docks, where there was no shortage of Alkandran loyalists, Yavara’s safety was still not guaranteed; and two, because of optics. Now that the world knew who Yavara was, her reputation had to be nurtured like an ailing infant. If everyone knew that Yavara had gone to Drake Titus to ask for aid, it would make her look weak, and though Yavara’s subjects could overlook many undesirable traits in their Dark Queen, weakness was not one of them.

“So, I should show him respect, but use subtle language that tells him I’m better than he is, without disrespecting him completely?” Yavara asked, “I’m confused; this man is the leader of the most notorious gang in the city, and I’m supposed to talk down to him in his own court?”

“Don’t talk down.” I explained, “Just use prefixes of an equal, but make sure he calls you ‘queen.’”

“I suppose it won’t be as easy as sucking his cock and promising him money.” Yavara grumbled.

I snorted. “No, this situation calls for more tact than that. Just think your questions to me if you have any, I’ll guide you through it.”

“Do you know Titus?”

“I was close with his blood-mother, Gloria Titus, for a time.” I said as we rounded the corner, “She went across the sea to Hektinar to chase heathen idols, as she was one to do. That’s the place there.” We came to a large loading door, with a smaller pedestrian door embedded into it. I knocked three times. The window opened, and two black eyes stared down at us.

“What business do you have here, sisters?” The orc asked.

“We are here to speak with Drake Titus.” I responded.

“What business do two sisters of the church have with Mister Titus?” He growled.

“His business, and not yours.” I replied. The window slammed shut in our faces.

“Nice one.” Yavara hissed at me.

“Just wait. Titus runs a smuggling operation beneath the city temple. He’ll be curious as to why we are here.”

The window opened again, and the orc spoke. “Titus will see you now.”

I smirked at Yavara.

You smug little bitch. She telepathically replied.

We stepped through the door, and our ears were immediately assaulted by loud thumping music. Flash pots blasted the dark room with a strobe light, making it seem like the dancing crowd was shifting rapidly. Cages hung from the ceiling where naked dancers of different races gyrated to the music, their sweat dripping from their bodies, flinging from their tossed hair. People were fucking in the middle of the dance floor with wild abandon, their movements synchronized with the beat, their faces that of animals. The orc guided us along the perimeter, parting the crowd as he did.

This place is fucking amazing! Yavara’s shrill voice echoed in my head.

It makes our little spectacle at the bar look like child’s play. I mused.

The orc guided us to a door on the side of the room with “V.I.P.” crudely painted over it. “Open your robes and put your hands in the air.” He commanded.

Yavara and I complied, and endured his thorough and dispassionate search of us. Our hoods stayed over our faces, and thankfully the orc didn’t deign to blasphemy by making us remove them.

“You may speak with Titus, sisters.” The orc opened the door and beckoned us through before slamming it behind us. My eyes were greeted with yet another scene of depravity. Masses of pale flesh writhed together like some pulsating beast of sex, it’s many moans and screams forming a discordant drone. The room was poorly lit by torches burning red flame, giving the orgy a hellish glow. Every member of the orgy had skin as white as snow, hair as black as jet, crimson irises baring feline pupils, and blood-red lips parting to expose white fangs. If there was a benefit to vampirism, it was eternal youth and beauty, for all the women were statuesque and voluptuous, and all the men were tall, lean and strong. Their gothic features were sensually predatory, and focused on the smell of fresh blood.

“Sisters!” A man called jovially from the center of it all. I didn’t have to guess that it was Drake Titus; the extravagant chair, the adornment of jewels, and the two women worshipfully licking his cock were all the evidence I needed. Gloria would be proud of her blood baby. Taking a steeling breath, I stepped through the debauchery, watching errant limbs retreat before my path. I wasn’t an extremely adept telekinetic, but I could blow the roof off a building, and expose everyone to the high noon sun. I’d picked the time of our arrival purposefully. I stopped ten paces from Titus, wary of the hungry eyes and sharp fangs that lurked at my periphery.

“Remove your hoods, sisters.” Titus commanded, “I need to see the eyes of the people I’m dealing with.”

Yavara glanced at me, and I nodded. Together, we drew back our hoods. There were no gasps to accompany the reveal of the Dark Queen, for vampires were not prone to such human exclamations. There was only a sudden muting of the revelry, making the room quiet enough to hear a pin drop. For her part, Yavara didn’t seem the least bit out of sorts. She held her head high and proud, unflinching before Drake Titus.

“The Dark Queen herself comes to my home!” Titus exclaimed, “I wished you had warned me in advance, Your Highness; I would have made myself presentable.”

“You’re fine as you are.” Yavara said wryly, her eyes navigating the length of his cock. Titus smiled back at Yavara, though I could see he was simply looking at her neck.

“And what brings royalty into my humble chambers?” Titus asked.

“We have a proposition for you, Titus.” I said to him, not liking the gleam in his red eyes. They turned to me, but the wanting glint did not diminish.

“Prestira Rasloraca. My mother always had some choice words for you.” He cocked his head, his smile sliding to a crooked smirk, “What kind of a proposition does the infamous miser of Ardeni have in mind?”

“It’s my proposition, Titus,” Yavara said, “I ask that you join me in Alkandra.”

“Why would I do that?” Titus laughed, “I have riches beyond my imagination, I have fresh blood every night, and I have new daughters every week.” Titus slapped the asses of the two women servicing him. “Ivanka and Tiffany, say ‘hi’ to Queen Yavara Alkandi and Prestira Rasloraca.”

“Hi Yavara, hi Prestira.” They said seductively, staring unabashedly at our throats. While I was nearly consumed with the compulsion to duck my chin, Yavara dared to tilt hers slightly upward. She thought this was fun.

“Queen Yavara.” Yavara corrected, smiling back at the women.

“I’m sorry, Your Highness,” Titus laughed as he brought his daughter’s heads back down, “They were lowborn girls once, and were never taught proper etiquette. Biting privileged sons and daughter lends unwanted complications, you understand. Now, your proposition sounds like a demand of fealty, and in case you haven’t noticed,” Titus gestured around himself, “I quite like being the boss. What would I have to gain from bowing to you?”

“Wealth, land and titles in Alkandra.” Yavara replied.

“I have wealth, I have land, and I have no use for titles.” Titus’s grin broadened, fangs shining sharply in the red light, “Do you know what I want, Queen Yavara?”

“What?” she asked.


“That is out of the question!” I yelled, clenching my fist, feeling the air around me, the wooden beams of the ceiling rafters, the joints that held wall to roof. A nearly imperceptible creak sounded from above, but Titus heard it. He inclined his head upward, then looked back at me, undaunted.

“That’s my condition.” He said, shrugging his shoulders, “I will only throw my wealth and arms behind your banners if I know that my people will be well represented. Otherwise I’m risking a lot for the unknown, and I don’t put money behind bad investments. If Queen Yavara shares my blood, I will know that her interests and mine are aligned.”

“That is not a condition we can accept. I’m sorry for wasting your time.” I said, turning to leave. Yavara put a hand on my shoulder.

“What’s it like, Titus?” She asked, “Vampirism, what does it feel like? Speak honestly.”

“It’s not terrible. If you have a reliable blood supply, you hardly notice the cravings. You don’t need to sleep, you have limitless energy, and your senses are heightened. Not to mention eternal youth and beauty, though, I see you’re both doing fine in that department.” Titus said with considerable charm. If we were maidens, we might’ve blushed.

Yavara, don’t even think about it. I said into her mind.

We need him, Prestira. There’s no other way.

You would sacrifice everything if you did this. You will never get to walk in daylight again, and the pleasures of life will fade in the ever-present need to feed. Eventually, your entire being will be consumed by it. Death is preferable.

“I thank you for the offer, but it is not one I can accept.” Yavara said.

“I can make concessions.” Titus smiled congenially.

“Like?” asked Yavara.

“I’ll take Prestira instead.”

“Me?!” I nearly sputtered.

“You have the ear of the queen, and you’re one of the most powerful beings on earth. I would concede you as a viable alternative.”

You’re right, let’s get out of here. Yavara said, “I’m sorry, Titus, but you ask too much.”

“I can make one last concession!” Titus yelled as we turned.

“You seem to be in quite the generous mood today.” I smirked over my shoulder, “What is your last concession?”

“Day-walkers. I make both of you day-walkers, but it has to be both of you.”

“I am unaware of what a ‘day-walker’ is, Titus, please explain.” Yavara requested.

“A day-walker,” Titus answered, twisting his lips, “is a half-measure. You retain none of the benefits of vampirism, but as long as you stay in your natural form you also avoid the… side effects as well. The name is somewhat of a derogatory term, but I’m sure you’ll add some prestige to it.” Titus turned to his left and yelled, “Brutus, come over here!” From across the room, a homely man of middle years lumbered out from behind the bar, setting down a glass he’d been polishing. “Brutus is a day-walker,” Titus explained, “we needed someone who could go on booze-runs during the daytime.”

The balding little man stepped clumsily through the orgy, occasionally tripping over limbs that had been cruelly set in his path. He kept his eyes downcast, as well he should, for the beautiful beasts around him stared with unmasked contempt. I had a feeling that Brutus had once been given the same choice Yavara had, and he’d chosen poorly in the vampires’ eyes. He stopped before us, not daring to raise his head, his shoulders sloped in decades of defeat.

“This is a day-walker?” Yavara asked, ducking to connect eyes with Brutus. He looked away, and I felt a pang of pity for him.

“Pathetic, isn’t it?” Titus sighed.

Yavara took Brutus’s head into her hands, and gently forced his gaze to hers. “Brutus,” she said with unfettered kindness, “can you show me what it means to be a day-walker?”

Brutus glanced fearfully at his master.

Titus rolled his eyes. “Brutus, Queen Yavara is going to take over your mind now. Try not to shit yourself.”

Yavara focused on Brutus’ mind and immediately shot into it. He stumbled forward, caught himself, then straightened. By the proud angle of his back, and the lack of fear in his eyes, I knew Yavara had control.

“How do you feel?” I asked Yavara in Brutus’ body.

“Like a fat guy with a drinking problem and a lot of regrets.” Yavara frowned. She pulled Brutus’s waistband outward, and glanced at the contents of his pants. She raised her brows. “But I guess he’s got that going for him.”

“So, where does the vampire element come into play here?” I asked Titus.

“Yavara, you should feel a part of Brutus’ mind that is dormant. It should feel like a muscle you aren’t using, like if your arm were to fall asleep and you lost function of your fingers. Do you get what I’m saying?” asked Titus.

“Yeah, I feel it. Should I just… flex it?” Yavara asked through Brutus’ voice.

“Go ahead.” Titus answered.

Brutus’ body changed dramatically. His skin turned pale, his hair turned black, he grew nearly a foot in stature, and became lean and hard where he’d been soft and fat. Yavara blinked from red eyes, the slit pupils dilating.

“Wow.” She gasped.

“Pretty cool, right?” Titus smirked.

“Yavara, how is it?” I asked her.

“I feel so… alive! The power… oh, the power! I feel like I could tear a man in half! And my sex drive is just… wow.”

“And the craving?” I asked.

“No one under my care suffers the craving, not even Brutus.” Titus said resolutely. I suspected that had more to do with Ardeni Dreus being a vampire’s all-you-can-eat buffet than any benevolence on Titus’s part, but a good leader always takes credit for good things, even if they’re not his doing.

Yavara reduced Brutus to his lesser form, then returned completely to her body. Brutus blinked stupidly for a second, his eyes vacant, his entire being void of any of the glory it had just expressed. He walked back to the bar, and resumed cleaning glasses.

“I accept these terms.” Yavara said.

“And you Prestira?”

I glanced nervously at Yavara, her orange eyes alight with excitement. ‘Let’s have some fun!’ they seemed to say. I relented a smile to her. “I accept.”

“Great!” Exclaimed Titus as he patted the seats next to him, “Come sit over here and we’ll put some fangs on you.”

Titus’ daughters moved out of the way as Yavara and I sat next to him. “Who’s going first?”

“I will, Titus. If anything goes wrong, it should be on me.” I responded, my voice shaking slightly.

“Oh, there’s a noble side to you after all, Prestira. Rest assured, nothing will go wrong. Just sit back and relax.” Titus whispered in my ear.

Titus’ strong hands gently pulled the robe off my shoulders, letting it drape from the slopes of my breasts. I felt his breath on my neck, so cold, like a winter chill caressing my throat. There was an intimacy to his touch that bordered between sexual and predatory, and I nearly wilted under it. His bite was painless. I felt a pleasurable weakness permeate from the source, like a tickle within the flesh. Then it diminished, Çankaya Escort and I felt… fear.

My heart beat faster. A whimper escaped my lips. My heart beat faster. Coldness dripped down my neck. My heart beat faster. It spread outward, like ice moving gelatinously through my veins, like I was infected with it. My heart beat faster. It dripped into my chest. My heart beat faster. It pooled into my heart. My heart beat slower. My tense muscles relaxed. My heart beat slower. I was so weak. My heart beat slower. My head was so heavy. My heart beat slower. Everything was so cold. My heart beat slower. I fell against Titus. My heartbeat stopped.

My heart beat. My heart beat faster. Faster, faster, faster. I am strong! I can feel the blood rushing through me, surging like a torrent within! Blood. Blood. I need blood! There’s a woman; she has blood! I rush over and take the woman, bending her neck to present the pulsing vein. I can see it through her skin; I can smell it! I sink my fangs into her and suck through the capillaries. She whimpers. I don’t care. Keep feeding. Keep drinking blood. So good. Blood-blood-blood. I feel the life rush through me, electrifying every muscle, every nerve and neuron. I am powerful, I am life at its very edge, burning, burning from inside! The woman collapses in my arms, and I bear down on her like a lover, like a killer. There are strong arms on me, pulling me away. I gnash and snarl at unfamiliar faces as they part me from my prey. Who are they to take what is mine? That man is talking to me. He doesn’t have any blood for me. I recognize him. Titus. His name is Drake Titus. What is he saying? “How?” “How do you feel?” He’s smiling. I look down at the woman. She is cradled in Tiffany’s arms, and she is still alive. “Prestira?” Titus says. Is that my name? Prestira? Yes, that’s my name. My name is Prestira. My name is Prestira Rasloraca, and I am a witch, and I am in love with Zander Fredeon. And I am Yavara’s friend. Yavara. The woman in Tiffany’s arms is not Yavara. Yavara is sitting next to Titus. She’s afraid of me. My memories flood back to me. I regain control. I come back from the eternal now, and live once again in the universe of past and future.

“Prestira, how do you feel?” Titus asked.

“…Alive.” I said back to him after some consideration, still dazed. I looked down at myself. My skin was only slightly paler than it had been before, and my hair was still black. That was where the similarities ended, for the body beneath me was unrecognizable. My petite breasts had swelled to pressing domes, my modest backside bulged into alluring globes, and the gap between my thighs had narrowed to nothing. Lithe muscle rolled beneath my silken flesh, shadows belying striations and cords when I moved my hand. My clothes were tatters on the floor, but I felt no shame in my nudity. Why would an apex predator of such terrible grace and beauty worry about something as benign as modesty?

“I can see that.” Titus chuckled, “It’s quite the rush, isn’t it?”

I glanced at my prey, and felt a wave of horror. “You said the craving wouldn’t be there!”

“I said it wouldn’t be there as long as you were in your natural state. The longer you go without blood, the worse it will be when you transform. So, make sure you feed if you plan on changing, otherwise you’ll bite the closest thing to you.”

“Will she be OK?” I asked, examining the pallid girl. Tiffany seemed loath to let me see her. She held the woman close to her breast, encasing her in protective arms.

“Julia is Tiffany’s daughter to be, and must bear the trials of initiation. Don’t worry, she’s been through far worse than you.” Titus waved a dismissive hand, then yelled, “Pratok, bring in Angela!”

The orc brought in another scantily-clad woman. Ivanka immediately rushed to Angela and embraced her tightly. After whispering some words of encouragement, and exchanging smiling kisses, she presented her blood-daughter-to-be to the Dark Queen. Angela’s jaw dropped when she saw whose dinner she was about to be. She attempted a curtsey with what little skirt she had, and Ivanka chided her adoringly for doing so.

“Are you ready, my queen?” Titus asked, pulling Yavara’s robe to her shoulder to expose the brilliant length of her bronze neck. Yavara looked at me, regarding my body with awe. God, you look so fucking hot right now.

And you look absolutely delicious. I replied sardonically, licking one fang. Through Yavara’s robe, through her very flesh, I saw her heart quicken, pulsing life to the vessels readying between her legs. I smirked. Looks like someone has a vampire fetish. Ah, to be thirteen again…

Don’t judge me, you whore. Yavara pouted her lip, And I think it’s more of a vore fetish than anything. The idea of you eating me alive, sucking me until I’m a shriveled husk on the floor… Yavara rolled her eyes and shivered visibly.

You are so twisted. I replied, unable to keep my eyes off the vein pulsing in her throat. Oh, it looked so good.

Prestira? Yavara gave me a quizzical look, then her mouth quirked deviously. She angled her neck into a bow, and drew her fingers teasingly down its length. I was practically drooling. You know… She chided in my mind, if you became my blood-mother, it would add a whole new dimension to our incest-play.

It would, wouldn’t it? I grinned, and saw Yavara flush at the sight of my fangs. It was like watching a peach moisten with dew, and it took all my will not to jump on the Dark Queen and suck her dry.

“Titus?” Yavara asked, her eyes half-lidded with want, “Can Prestira do it?”

“If that’s what you want.” Titus looked somewhat disappointed, “You’ll still be in my lineage, and that’s what matters to me. Prestira, you only want to inject her from one fang to make her a day-walker. Practice on yourself.”

I bit into my forearm, noting that there was no pain from it, and I injected the venom from both fangs until I figured out how to control them individually. I pulled from my arm and watched as the wound healed instantly. Then I looked at Yavara. She smiled a small smile, cocked her head and pulled her hair to the side, giving me a perfect angle to her vein. I stepped before her, running a covetous finger along the blue length of it, watching it fill with blood at my touch. My breath caressed her neck, and she shivered in anticipation and from the chill of my lungs. I kissed the spot I would puncture, blood red lips moist with my salivation. She gasped, then held the breath. I sunk my fangs into her neck and sucked deeply, tasting the deific blood of the Dark Queen, the concoction of elf, succubus, and orc all swimming through her veins. Oh, what a mixture it was. I could feel my pupils dilate as her narcotic plasma shot through me, then I injected my venom, pouring the contents of my vampiric glands deep into her heart. She whimpered, willowing as I had done in the numbing euphoria of death’s chill. Then, she was gone.

Yavara’s eyes flashed open, crimson irises burning behind dilating slit pupils. She sucked in a desperate breath from bloodred lips, vivid against her porcelain flesh. Like a molting snake, she writhed upon the floor, shedding clothing to reveal the body beneath. She lurched upward, eyes focusing on the human girl before us. With swiftness that belied the naked eye, Yavara rushed her prey, turned the girl’s head to the side, and buried her fangs. Angela whimpered, grew pale, then collapsed in Yavara’s arms. Gently, Yavara lowered her to floor, sating her rapacious hunger, her throat swallowing. She gave up Angela with much more grace than I had with Julia, laying the unconscious girl into the arms of her future blood-mother. Then she rose, her chest heaving, her eyes wild, her beautiful body bathed in the red torch light. The entire room was fixated, watching her every move.

Titus clapped his hands together, “Brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, I present to you, our queen!”

They all knelt then, hundreds of them getting to their knees without making a sound. Yavara regarded her new subjects with megalomaniacal eyes, that look that scared me as much it aroused me. Then she turned to me, and from her gothic vampiric face, I saw the Yavara I knew break through with a wild grin.

“I don’t know why you all stopped the orgy. Let’s fuck!” She said, and jumped into the crowd. Yavara was immediately taken by two men, their strong arms lifting her between them before they penetrated both holes. She let out an animalistic roar, then sunk her new fangs into the neck of the man taking her front, bloodlust mingling with its carnal counterpart. Tiffany and Ivanka crawled over to me, they’re tongues licking their blood-red lips as their full asses swayed behind them.

“You’re are sister now, Prestira.” Tiffany cooed as she crawled up my body.

“Our blood-sister forever.” Ivanka smiled as her hand slipped between my legs.

Both sisters sunk their fangs into my breasts as they sucked from my nipple. The venom seeped into me, a pleasurable tingling permeating from the injection point. I descended to the floor, my hands filling with their hair, pulling their faces deeper. Ivanka’s fingers parted my slit and pushed inward, searching me curiously, finding my weak spots. My head fell backward into the chair and a purr leaked from my lips. Tiffany’s fingers joined her sister’s inside of me, their thumbs wrestling with each other over my clit, compelling my legs to open wide.

“It’s good to see my daughters are getting along with their new sister.” Titus as he walked between them. Welcome to the family, Prestira.

And now you communicate with me telepathically? I asked.

We’re connected by blood now, and blood doesn’t need a mouth to speak. Titus held my legs apart.

But you need a mouth a taste, Daddy. I smirked, taking his head in my hands, and guiding him downward. He pierced by petals with his fangs, injecting directly into my erogeneity before drawing his tongue through my slit. I gasped to the ceiling, licking my lips, awash in the splendor of tongue and fang that assaulted me so tenderly. Tiffany and Ivanka lathered my nipples, their lips drawing them to reddened points, their fangs imbedded beneath the flesh, a penetration of predation, but a sensual invasion. Titus’s tongue replaced his daughters’ fingers, and they moved their digits lower, caressing my nerve-swathed bridge, then penetrating my anus. I cried out, delighting in the new elasticity of my filthy hole as my blood-sisters rotated their index fingers about each other, stirring me, stretching me. Deeper and deeper they explored me, a contrast to their father’s sensual exploration, whose tongue drew such delightful patterns against my ceiling. My heels pressed into the ground, my pelvis elevated, and my brows knitted above my drooping eyes, clouding in my haze of carnal delight. The comingled feelings churned my depths, the intensity causing the cords in my neck to stand as I gritted my teeth, muscles flexing, insides clenching, battling the ecstasy that raged, raged, raged within me! My entire back rose from the nape of my neck, arching to the air, bringing the suckling faces of Tiffany and Ivanka up with me. Their expressions were ravenous, their consuming mouths unrelenting, their burrowing fingers curling against my walls to stretch me open, singing sweet pain deep into my bowels. Titus rose too, looking at me from the splayed folds that wrapped his nose, my engorged pearl pressing to its tip. I came with a shudder, delighting in the heightened sensations of my new body, feeling the pleasure coursing unrelenting through me. When the feeling dissipated, I looked down at my new relatives with eyes as ravenous as their own. I was insatiable.

Titus pulled his mouth from me and filled his hands with my ass. He held my legs apart, lined up his shot, and drove himself to the hilt. I growled in approval, my teeth bared in a predatory grimace, my cunt rolling muscles all the way down his length. I tore Tiffany from my breast, and pressed her into a heated kiss, our tongues writhing in combat, our fangs biting our sucking mouths. She screamed into my mouth when she was taken from behind, her molester burying himself into her anus. I placated her vacant slit with probing fingers, finding the secrets of her depths, unlocking her. She quivered and gyrated atop me, sliding to the rhythm of the man behind her, her belly slick with exertion, her pale cheeks rosy. Ivanka continued her exploration of my anus until she was torn violently away, her cry of delight sounding from the mass of bodies, then suddenly muted as all three holes were filed simultaneously.

Tiffany and I parted from our kiss, staring heatedly into each other’s eyes, breathing each other’s breath. Her expression was one of alarmed arousal, her red lips agape in twisted pleasure, and her eyes wide. My eyes fell upon the pulsing length of her pulmonary artery, and she bowed her neck to present it. Hunger and sex, gluttony and lust; in this world, such baser instincts were one. My thumb traced her red lips before I tilted her head upward, and sunk my fangs. I felt Tiffany convulse around my fingers, brought to new heights by the poison I shot into her heart. Her pupils dilated, her gaze became unfocused, and she pressed to me with an intoxicated languor, squishing the domes of our breasts, our nipples stabbing pleasantly together. I let her drift away into her euphoria, and withdrew my hand from her as she did the same with me. Sucking my fingers clean, I focused my attention on my new daddy.

Titus pulled me off the floor and brought my body up to his, carrying me airborne. Our faces met, our tongues entwined, and we completed the vampiric kiss with a mutual bite. I formed against him belly to belly, breast to chest, compelled closer by the relentless drive of his hips, his cock a piston inside me, abusing the tender pink flesh within perfectly. I broke from the kiss when I felt a wet tongue circling my spokes. I looked behind me to see a female vampire rimming me as she prepared another man with her hand. Grinning a mischievous, open-mouthed smile, she lathered my puckered sphincter with exaggerated rotations of her tongue before she gently spread my cheeks, and burrowed inside. I moaned, caught between the abuse of my cunt and the celebration of my anus, a duality of pleasures that tore at my mind. Her full red lips kissed my rim and sucked, then the fangs sunk in, and the venom she injected turned my rectum into a relaxed sheath, aching for the sword. She gave me a knowing wink, and when she was satisfied with her work, she brought her male friend over, parted from my swollen rim with a smack, and guiding the head of his cock to my ass. She raised an inquisitive eyebrow, and I nodded.

I curved by back as the man’s cock drove to the hilt, pressing along Titus inside me, rubbing the division of my holes. They lowered me between them with my legs hooked in their elbows, forcing me into an airborne squat. It allowed me to take them to a depth I hadn’t known, and trapped between their pressing bodies of hard muscle and masculine heat, I was ravaged without mercy. Their cocks traveled through me simultaneously, pressing together, squeezing the thin membrane that separated my two holes as though they were trying to tear me open. My eyes were wide open and twitching, my mouth agape but silent. When I finally found my voice, it was a hoarse gasp, pleading for reprieve and continuation all at once. The man sodomizing me pulled my hair back and sank his fangs into my neck, and I closed my eyes and surrendered, surrendered to the helplessness of my situation, surrendered to the onslaught within, the pain and pleasure, a violation so intimate and so complete that I could do naught but scream. Up and down, up and down; I was hoisted with their retreat, and sent plunging with their advance, pierced with the full force of their lust, driven to mania and beyond. When I came, I did so with a whimper, sobbing against Titus’s chest, thanking him with every breath.

But they didn’t stop. Oh god, they didn’t stop! I panted like a bitch as I stared into my blood-father’s red eyes, my own rapturous and wide, his imperious and controlling. Arrogance usually begotten my ire and sexual competitiveness, but Titus was so deserving of his pride that I could only plead for more. And like a good daddy, he acquiesced his spoiled brat. Titus surged into me, pushing against my cervix with every thrust, blasting aching pleasure deep into my womb. The man in my ass held me by the cheeks and spread me wide, forcing me to impale myself with the merciless inevitably of gravity, over and over and over! So deep, so deep they were! Never had I felt men with such potency move with such graceful violence. I was destroyed between their pressing bodies, turned into a mindless piece of fuck that jiggled from breast and ass, clenched from belly and pelvis, and opened wide for the men who ravaged Cebeci Escort me, offering my sanctity for plunder and my filth for conquest, and thanking them for their violation.

Saliva began to flow from the corners of my mouth, primal screams sounding, all pretense long abandoned. My back arched from the man behind me, my belly pressing into Titus’s abdomen, my breasts presented for him to squeeze until it hurt. My eyes rolled into my head, my voice choked breathless sobs, and at the pinnacle of my heinous rapture, they sunk their fangs into opposite sides of my neck, and erupted into my loins. With one last spasm, I twisted ferociously, sending all three of us sprawling into a heap. We breathed heavily for a moment, recovering our minds and bodies.

“Well…” I said with lingering astonishment, my pulse beating in my ears, “…that was the best sex I’ve ever had.”

“I’m telling Zander you said that.” Titus panted next to me.

“Oh, please do. I love it when he gets jealous.” I smiled back.

“Fresh blood!” Pratok’s voice announced from the door. I turned around to see the orc push in five human women. The room became noticeably quieter as heads turned and nostrils flared. The blood lust began to rise within me, and my vision focused inexorably on their blue veins. So beautiful…

“Ladies!” Titus exclaimed companionably, withdrawing himself from me, “What brings such lovely treats into my humble home?”

“Is it true that Queen Yavara is here?” One girl asked excitedly.

“Why, yes it!” Titus put his arm around the woman, “Would you like to meet the queen?”

“Oh my god, can I?” She squealed, oblivious to the danger she was in.

“My queen, you have guests!”

Yavara was in the center of the orgy, more than living up to the reputation of the Dark Queen. She’d made herself a throne of men, and had adorned herself with a crown of women. She eased a vampire’s crotch from her face, licked the glaze from her lips, and regarded her guests with a different kind of hunger. “Hello.” She smiled broadly, displaying her fangs.

“Queen Yavara?! You’re a-a-a-a-”

“Yes.” Yavara stood up, her living garments falling gracefully from her, her holes evacuated and left yawning and red. She walked over to the women, her hips swaying seductively back and forth, her perfect breasts bobbing gently. She took the quivering spokeswoman by the hips, and pressed their pelvises together. After a life of having to crane her neck, I daresay Yavara enjoyed looking down at someone for a change.

“And what can I do for you?” Yavara asked, touching noses with the woman.

“We just… we just wanted to see you.” The woman managed from a very small voice.

“And here I am.” Yavara said with a magnanimous gesture, keeping the woman held tightly to her. “If you frequent this club, you knew what was behind that door. You walked into the den of vampires, just to see me? I’m flattered girl, what’s your name?”

“Patricia.” Patricia whimpered.

Oh, this is too perfect. Yavara’s telepathic voice laughed into my head.

Be gentle with her, Yavara. I gave her a stern look. She’s innocent. Foolish, but innocent.

Foolish innocence can be so much fun, and I’ve always liked to play with my food. Yavara winked.

You’re very funny.

What made you think I was joking? Yavara turned her gaze back to Patricia. Read the room, Prestira.

The vampires had moved like smoke through the dark corners of the room, encircling the women. Now they pressed in with the lethargy of a cat before a trapped mouse. The girls huddled together, their nervousness turning to terror. One girl broke from the pack, and with contained panic, marched straight for the door. Titus blocked her way.

“Where are you going, Delicious?” He asked with a sardonic smile.

“Let me go!” The woman demanded of his chest, her voice trembling, “The law says you have to let me go!”

“Does it?” Titus’s grinned broadened. He rested his hands on her shoulders, and she withered under his touch, “Let me tell you a secret about the law, Delicious. Like everything in Ardeni, it only works for those who pay for it, and I’ve paid handsomely. And you? Unfitting shoes, secondhand clothes, and cheap perfume; have you paid the law its due?”

“You let Julia and Angela go.” The woman was crying, “They said you would do the same for us!”

Titus tilted her face to his. “They lied to you, Delicious. Julia and Angela have a quota to fill, and -truly I am sorry about this-, but you were just numbers to them. They were never your friends.”

The woman’s voice cracked. “I can help you! Let me join you and I’ll give you everyone I know!”

“I never take offers born from fear, Delicious. My descendants must be willing family. And if I’m being terribly honest, I quite like Julia and Angela’s bone structure; I’m not one to waste beauty.” Titus sighed, “But you, Delicious, underneath your makeup and youth, are quite plain, and I have no desire to perpetuate mediocrity. The prize sow is put to breeding, but the rest of the cattle…” Titus’s thumb gently massaged the woman’s neck.

Yavara, you can stop this!

This is a test. Yavara examined Patricia’s throat, How can I lead these people if I denounce their very nature? If I am to reign over a land of beasts, then I must make myself one in more than just flesh.

Beasts know mercy.

Mercy can be a strength, and it can be a weakness. What good will mercy do if it cripples me? Yavara’s fingers traced the line of Patricia’s collar, You saw how they treat Brutus. If I don’t want them to think of me as a half-measure, then I must show my commitment two-fold.

Only a tyrant makes themselves the worst of their people to retain power.

You let me condemn innocent men, but this is where you draw the line?

Those men tried to kill me. This woman only wanted to see you. She came in here thinking you would keep her safe.

She came here to be eaten. She would’ve been sent regardless of our presence. Yavara’s red eyes glinted, And frankly, Prestira, I don’t have to listen to you.

What will Elena think? I asked.

Yavara gave me a look that made my blood run cold, then she relented a smile. Did you actually think I would kill her? Yavara turned back to Patricia. “You’re a pretty little thing, Patricia,” Yavara said, “If you’re such a fan, you’ll be delighted to know we have room in my kingdom for pretty little things. Would you like to join me?”

The vampires’ attention quickly diverted from their prey to the queen and her prospective daughter.

“Join you?” Patricia gasped, bending into Yavara’s embrace despite her fear.

“Yes Patricia. But you see, Alkandra is a realm of beasts, and you’re just a human. Not that there’s anything wrong with being a human, humans will certainly be welcome to visit and trade, but to be a citizen of Alkandra, you must be a beast. Now, I can think of only one way you can become a citizen of Alkandra.”

“You want to make me a vampire?” Patricia asked softly. It was hard to discern if she was terrified or curious. Or hopeful.

“Do you want to be my blood-daughter, Princess Patricia?” Yavara touched her brow with the girl’s.

“I don’t… I’m not…”

“Shh.” Yavara put a finger to Patricia’s lips, “The moment you walked through that door, you were destined to become one of two things: food, or family. I’m offering you the latter.”


“Is death preferable to love?” Yavara asked gently, stroking Patricia’s hair, “For I offer you a mother’s love with a full heart. Do you doubt me?”

“No.” Patricia gulped, “But my mother, and my father; what about my family?!”

“Look around you, Patricia,” Titus said from the door, “this is your family now.” He gave Yavara a look, and she returned it with an imperceptible nod. No half-measures. Patricia would not be given the same option we were. Yavara returned her gaze to Patricia, and I saw in it the same adoration Tiffany had shown to Julia, and Ivanka had shown to Angela.

“I have gone through drastic changes in my life.” Yavara brushed Patricia’s bangs from her face, “In the last week alone, I’ve become two different species, lost my virtue, my country and my family. But my losses are dwarfed by my gains, and the greatest gift has been that of myself. The hardest part of change is the fear. You don’t have to be afraid with me. I understand.”

Patricia stared rapturously in Yavara’s blood-red gaze, lost in the depths, soothed by the words and the way they were spoken. Yavara held the woman’s head in her hands. “Will you be mine, Patricia?”

“Yes.” Patricia said with a gasp, “Take me… Mother.”

Yavara grinned delightedly, her fangs shining red in the torchlight. With a single swipe of her fingernail, she sliced Patricia’s dress down the back. The fabric billowed off the girl, exposing her slender nubile nudity. She crossed her arms over her bare breasts, and shuddered. Yavara moved like silk behind Patricia, her sensual fingers outlining the girl’s body, coercing her to lower her guard, and wilt with slackened limbs into the tender shell of her mother’s embrace. Her eyes were possessed of desire, rolling upward into her head. With a sigh, she tilted her neck, and licked her lips. Yavara kissed the vein, then bit. Patricia whimpered, and folded in on herself. Even from across the room, I could hear her heart slow, then stop.

Patricia’s red eyes flashed open. Her teenage form transformed into a vision of statuesque beauty, her features gothic and vivid. She shot from Yavara’s arms, grabbed Delicious, and buried her fangs deep. I watched solemnly as Delicious grew pale, her terrified cry sputtering into a whimper, then a groan. Her heart drummed softly, then out of rhythm, then barely at all. I looked at Yavara, but she wouldn’t meet my gaze. I didn’t blame her for letting it happen, but I was disappointed. Then, as Delicious’s last heartbeats sounded, Yavara strode to her daughter, and pulled her off her meal. The room went silent, only the sound of Delicious’s rasping breaths sounding. I could feel the stares of the vampires like a weight, their eyes speaking with more gravity than their mouths ever could. Interloper. Imposter. Liar. Yavara didn’t even flinch, but held her head in defiance of their glares. One of the captured women burst into tears, and soon, all three were groveling at her feet, thanking her with every breath.

“Thank me?” Yavara asked, looking down at the prostrators, “If you think two days’ grace to make peace with your god is worth my thanks, then I accept.”

“W-w-w-w-what?” One of them stuttered.

“My people will be preparing for a long voyage, and they will need sustenance along the way.” Yavara rolled the unconscious Delicious over with her foot, “It would be gluttonous for my daughter to take for herself what should be shared with everyone.”


“It’s very hard to find vampire food in the ocean.” Yavara grinned down, “Stupid girls don’t just flop onto the deck like spawning salmon. You have to bring them with you.” And if their shackles were to be improperly nailed to the boards, and they were to make a daring escape during the noon hours, well, that would just be poor luck wouldn’t it?

These things happen on expeditions. One must always factor lost goods into the accounting. I smiled inwardly, Thank you, Yavara.

They’re innocent.

“P-p-p-please!” The woman cried again.

“Someone gag this stuttering hog.” Yavara said with a contemptuous curl of her lips, “I’m sick of hearing her squeal.”

The women were grabbed and hauled away kicking and screaming, then gagged with red balls, and forced into stockades near the far wall. I guessed Yavara wasn’t the only one who liked to play with her food. After the stockade arms clanged, and the shackles clicked, there was another expectant silence. Only this one wasn’t the silence of judgement, but the awaiting of a proclamation, of some signal for action. If the vampires had any doubts about their queen before, they had none now.

Yavara rolled her eyes, and with the annoyed inflection only a rich teenage daughter could muster, she sighed, “Does the world need to stop every time I sneeze? Well? What are you all staring at me for? Go back to fucking each other.” And with a rumble of laughter and a few shouts, they did. The room was once again filled with the moans and screams of perversion, the smells of sex and the sight of writhing flesh, and for Yavara, it seemed like her natural habitat. She took her new daughter from behind, and brought her into a sensual embrace.

“Vampirism suits you Patricia, you’re quite the beauty.” Yavara said as her hands wandered along Patricia’s waist.

“Thank you, Mother.” Patricia hissed as she leaned her head back to accept Yavara’s kiss. Yavara smiled as she withdrew from the kiss.

“Are you a virgin, Patricia?” Yavara asked.


“This is going to be an interesting night for you.” Yavara guided her new daughter over to me, “This is Prestira, your blood-grandmother.”

“Prestira Rasloraca?” Patricia smiled down at me, “I hardly recognized you.”

“Vampirism does interesting things to us all.” I smiled up at her, taking her by the delicate points of her hips.

“No,” Patricia smirked, running her fingers through my hair as she pressed her bald slit into my face, “it’s just that the last time I saw you, you looked like a glazed doughnut bursting with vanilla filling.”

“Well, aren’t you a little tart?” I sniffed her, and my mouth watered with her virgin aroma.

“With cherry and chocolate filling.” Yavara chuckled, kneeling behind Patricia and spreading her full cheeks. I could tell by the sudden widening of Patricia’s eyes that Yavara had decided to taste her daughter’s chocolate center, and I could tell by the flush of Patricia’s cheeks that Yavara had already licked her clean. Patricia’s petals opened and oozed the nectar of her pleasure, and I lowered my lips to taste it. Her hands gripped our heads, her back arched and her chest jutted forth, and she moaned the loss of her innocence to the ceiling as her mother and grandmother explored her depths with invading tongues, tenderly and wetly corrupting her with every lick. I sucked her delicate folds into my mouth, snaked my tongue along her ceiling, and found her spot. She clamped down on me when I did so, and I heard Yavara moan her muffled approval as her daughter’s anus sucked her tongue deeper. Patricia could only cry out, her legs turning to jelly by the prowess of our mouths, our sucking lips turning her outward, our invading tongues pushing deeper. She balanced precariously atop her perch, rocking this way and that to the whims of sensation, almost like she was trying to escape the pleasure we bore into her. It was no use. Yavara and I pressed deeper, enveloping our face with jiggling thigh and supple glutes, smelling the tang of lust, tasting the sweet filth of her ascension. We watched her with wild merciless eyes, watched her face contort into profound awe, her brows furrowing with realization as she looked into my eyes. Her grip on our hair tightened, her insides spasmed and convulsed, and with a shudder and a whimper, she came. She flooded my mouth, and I let it drip down my chin, down my neck, roll along the slopes of my breasts, and dribble from the points my nipples. Yavara held my hand between her daughter’s trembling thighs, and we shared the moment of Patricia’s awakening. Then, she dismounted and disappeared into the crowd on shaking legs.

“A ‘goodbye’ would’ve been nice.” I frowned at Yavara as I licked my lips.

“She was left speechless.” Yavara sniggered, wiping glaze from her lips to suck from her finger, “She told me telepathically, and I quote, ‘I love you mom, but you don’t have a penis, so I’m leaving.’”

“A girl after your own heart.” I chuckled, noticing with wandering eyes that a group had formed around us, all six of them men. By Yavara’s account, I was sure it was a favorable mix of genders.

“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” Yavara grinned back, and with a motion she beckoned our audience to participate. A second later, I was indulging in the sin of gluttony, filling every hole with man. They drove into me like they wanted to meet in the middle, and I adored them for their enthusiasm. My back was wrenched into an arch, my chest was forced forward, and my head forced back so that I could take the full brunt of a man’s passion down my stretched gullet. I clamped my legs desperately around the man bucking beneath me, and reached back to spread my cheeks wide for the man excavating my anus. I heard Yavara scream unmuted from her mouth, and looked down to see she was no longer filling her throat. No, Yavara had taken a second man into her ass, as she was one to do, and she bucked and heaved against both, testing the elasticity Çukurambar Escort of her vampiric rectum. By the pleasured sounds of their groans, I could tell she was a tight fit. The man beneath her set a frenetic pace, and the two men in her ass dared to match it. I tried to find a connection with her through the haze of my own violent pleasure, but in her mind, there was only one rational thought: Eat ass. She grabbed the man I was sucking, pried his glutes open, and drove her tongue all the way in. A second later, she found his prostate; I could tell by the way he tried to borrow a hole into the back of my head. I took him generously into my throat, spit leaking from slurping lips, eyes staring with a begging glint. More. Give me more. He gave me everything. When Yavara’s tongue milked his organ to bursting, my lips and throat extracted the milk from its spout. Then he hobbled away on shaky legs to collapse at the perimeter, one more notch on Yavara’s bedpost, one more casualty of her brand of sex.

“Feed me, Mommy.” Yavara whispered, her expression possessed with ecstasy. Our fangs bit into each other’s cheeks as out lips and tongues entwined in a lecherous embrace. We passed the man’s cum between our mouths, mingling it with the delicious filth Yavara bore on her palate. Then we began to ascend from within, and our kiss bespoke our climax, losing all precision, becoming hedonistic, sloppy, desperate. My body was compelled upward with the feeling, pressing to Yavara’s, and she rose with me until our breasts were pressed against each other, our bodies curving up to a mutual peak. Our lovers found the same rhythms, and Yavara and I lurched together on the waves of our penetration, feeling together the depths of our depravity, the limitless lows we would stoop to for each other. For with her, I had no limits, and I’d never known greater pleasures than the perversions Yavara could orchestrate. I screamed into her mouth, and she screamed into mine, our breath rich with cum, pussy, and ass; our tones that of mindless joy. The men roared with cathartic release, and filled us to capacity, their nectar burning into our ruined depths deliciously. They extracted themselves with all the care and reverence they hadn’t showed during the act, and we were left to be tended by the women.

“Well, hello you.” I smiled tiredly as I felt a familiar tongue circling my rim. It was the woman from earlier, and it seemed she’d developed a taste for a very specific part of me. She didn’t answer my greeting, but only grinned as she tenderly cleaned my raw and abused anus. I moaned, and made a pillow of Yavara’s breasts.

“I love you, you know.” Yavara said.

“I love you too.” I mumbled, offering an affectionate kiss to one nipple, then nuzzling tiredly into her bosom.

“Do you really?”

I looked up at her, and smiled. “Of course. I’m old enough to know the difference between infatuation and the real thing. But just because I love you, doesn’t mean I’m in love with you.” She looked confused, and I could only laugh. “I forget how young you are sometimes.”

“Don’t be a bitch.” Yavara flicked my nose, “I’m having a minor crisis here.”

“It’s easy to tell the difference. Do you feel the same way about me, as you do Elena?” I asked.

Yavara inclined her head, then nodded. I raised my eyebrows, feeling a little color rise in my cheeks. “You do?” I said, unable to keep the surprise out of my voice.

“Just to a lesser a degree.” Yavara’s face fell, “And I kind of feel that way about Brock. And…” Yavara looked uneasily at me, “…and Zander.” She pouted her lips. “I’m sorry.”

How could I be angry at that face? I crinkled my nose against the giggle in my mouth, and touched foreheads with Yavara. “You’re the Dark Queen. Your love knows no bounds,” I licked her nose, “nor no depths. I will always be your lover, Yavara, as will Zander, but our hearts are made differently than yours. Only one can have mine,” I smiled ruefully, “and I’m afraid it’s been taken.”

Yavara nodded, understanding. What she shared with Elena, she would share with many others, even if it wasn’t reciprocated. I hoped for both their sakes that Elena’s transformation had made her more open.

“I’m hungry, Mommy.” Yavara said, licking her fangs.

“I’ve got what my baby needs.” I moaned indulgently, opening my legs so that Yavara could join the vampire already there. God, she was good with that tongue of hers.

“I mean I’m hungry.” Yavara said, and drew her eyes across the room. The four women in the stockades were the subject of much amusement. Vampires didn’t have the natural aphrodisiac the other prominent man-eaters, the succubi, had, but they were a potent group of lovers. Couple that with blood-loss and the after effects of trauma, and you get four very receptive victims. It was rape, there was no doubt about it, but the horror would be delayed, saved for nights of lying awake, staring at the ceiling and wondering. For now, there was only the carnal delights of the body, and a mind surrendered to death. I shuddered to think of who I’d become in a similar situation. An animal just like them. ‘Fuck me! Fuck me until I fucking die!’ One of them screamed in terrible euphoria.

“Come to think of it, I’m rather famished myself.” I muttered. I took Yavara by the hand and walked with her to the feeding stockades. The four unfortunate sows were bent over, their manacled hands and heads poking from the boards, their bellies distended as if pregnant. Enemas, it seemed. Four vampire women were having a contest to see who could make their human pop first. Morbidly curious (and taking notes for further self-discovery), I walked behind the sows to see that each of their pussies was occupied with a vampire’s fist. The human girls mewled and moaned, their legs shaking, their clenched anuses dilating with pressure. Poor Delicious was crying out with wanton abandon, rubbing encouraging thighs about the wrist of her molester, simultaneously begging her to stop and to keep going. The vampire giggled, her forearm rolling with muscle, belying the deep massage she was giving her captive. ‘Come on, Delicious. Pop like a cherry for me.’ She crooned. With a scream of abject ecstasy, Delicious did. Her legs gave out, her back arched, and her anus opened to release a torrent of fluid. The crowd cheered her on as she wailed, and the vampire who’d caused the expulsion withdrew her glazed fist, and raised it in victory. Delicious’s orgasm seemed to be greatly elevated by the sudden release, for she didn’t relent her ecstatic sobs until her stomach was flat again. The others popped one after the other, each met with cheers and jeers alike. They were so out of their minds that they took the adulation with big stupid smiles, quite pleased with themselves. I pondered the ethics of the situation for a moment before my eyes fell upon the gaping moist insides of Delicious’s rectum, and my mouth watered at the ruby color. The next thing I knew, my lips were wrapped around her rim, my tongue was fluttering in her smooth bore, and my fangs were imbedded into the soft tissue, sucking the blood from her vilest hole. Delicious was aptly named. She moaned from my anal kiss, and after I’d had enough of her, I placed an encouraging peck on her flank, and walked away without her ever knowing that Prestira Rasloraca had literally eaten her ass. Then the second round of contestants took their positions behind the four girls, and the tubes were inserted, and the bags raised high.

“Wha’cha thinking about?” Patricia asked, stepping beside me.

“Where I can buy an enema bag.” I mumbled. A violent snorting sound woke me from my contemplation, and I glanced to the side to see that Patricia had just done bump off her finger.

“Drugs?!” I exclaimed in my most reprimanding voice. “You’re doing drugs?!” I broke into a wide smile, “I love drugs! What is it?”

“Powdered pixy plasma.” Patricia said nasally, “It’s the best hit a vampire can get. A man said he’d give it to me if I let him fuck my ass.”

“Let him fuck your… weren’t you just a virgin? Now you’re literally a whore?” Yavara’s succubus D.N.A. strikes again.

“Don’t judge a bitch’s hustle, grandma.” Patricia smirked. Then her smile suddenly fell. “Holy shit,” she gasped, her pupils dilating to fill her red irises, “this shit kicks like a fucking mule.”

“Gimme-gimme-gimme-gimme!” I snatched the bag from Patricia’s hand, and expertly drew a line across her left breast.

“Prestira!” Yavara’s appalled voice sounded. I glance up with one finger closing my right nostril to see Yavara marching toward me. She took one look at Patricia’s powdered nose and dilated pupils, and groaned. “I’m not even an hour into motherhood, and I’ve already failed completely!”

“So… you thought eating my ass was good parenting?” Patricia giggled a little manically, “I didn’t know the Tiadoa family swung like that.”

“The Tiadoa family doesn’t, but the Alkandi family believes in familial love without restriction.” Yavara snatched the bag from my hand, blowing the line off Patricia’s breast, “Incest is harmless fun, but drugs cripple empires!”

“Are you going to make them teach that in school?” I sneered, snatching the bag back from her.

“Maybe I will!” Yavara huffed, and tried to snatch the bag.

I lifted it above her head, and wagged it teasingly out her reach. “It’s too bad that vampires grow proportionately, isn’t it?”

“I can still punch your twat, you old bitch.”

“What is this about?” I asked curiously, “I’ve seen you drink cum straight out of a woman’s ass -my ass, to be specific-, but party drugs are where you draw the line?”

Yavara narrowed her eyes, her lips twisting. “Drugs are just bad, OK? Only losers do drugs.”

“Oh my god.” I chuckled at the flustered elven vampire, “You know, I almost couldn’t believe you were ever a Highland princess. I mean, I’d heard you were the more adventurous sister of the two, but by most standards an adventurous high-elf is akin to a liberal nun, and you were the craziest slut I’d ever met.” I smiled fondly as her face reddened, “But here you are: Princess Tiadoa. Drugs are bad, because only losers do drugs. Murder? Fine. Sex? The more deviant, the better. Alcohol? Drink until you paint the walls with puke.” I booped her cute little nose with each subsequent syllable, “But not drugs. Drugs. Are. Bad.”

Yavara’s nose crinkled with her snarl. “If you boop me one more fucking time, I will take control of your mind, and I will make you stick your fist so far up your ass that you’ll be talking with that finger.”

I hovered my finger over the tip of her nose, wondering if I should test her. Her angry red face was just so goddamn boopable. I bit my lip to suppress my shit-eating grin, and I slowly lowered my finger to…

“Boop.” Patricia giggled, poking Yavara’s nose, “Boop, drugs are bad, boop!” Patricia squinted her eyes, extended her right arm like it was holding a bow, then drew back the left like she was notching an arrow. She pointed one finger of her drawing hand, then loosed. In slow motion, her pointed finger traveled in a dramatic arc, and rested on Yavara’s nose. Patricia leaned, and with the utmost gravity, she whispered, “Boop. Hey Mom, guess what? Drugs are bad.”

Yavara’s face was set in rage. She glared at her new daughter, and without so much as looking at me, she took control of my mind, and made me drop the bag into her awaiting palm. She gently clasped Patricia’s extended finger, drew a line a across its length, and snorted.

“There,” Yavara glowered at the both of us, releasing me from my imprisonment, “I did the drugs. I fucking party. Yay for me.”

“That… that was a lot, Mom.” Patricia laughed nervously.

“Well of course it was.” Yavara replied haughtily, “You didn’t the Dark Queen could handle her drugs? What was that shit anyway? Cocaine? It wasn’t shit. I could snort a mountain of that… of that… of…”

“Yavara?” I grinned, tapping her head.

“Mom?” Patricia battled a fit of hysterics.

“Oh.” Yavara managed. She began to touch me, staring rapturously at her hands as they gently traced the veins of my throat, then clasped behind my neck. She swayed against me, stuck between leaning and standing, her knees shaking. When she looked up at me, her eyes were all pupil. “You are made of velvet,” she whispered, “and I want to live under your skin until you turn to silk. Pupate with me, and we’ll become satin butterflies cocooned in each other’s flesh.”

“Well,” I grinned at Patricia, “she’s broken.”

“Oh, Prestira.” Yavara sniffled, a single euphoric tear running down her cheek, “Drugs are bad. They are so… so… bad…” She smiled hopefully up at me, “Will you do drugs with me?”

“Well, this is a nice change of pace.” I grinned down, “Now I’m the one corrupting you.”

“You can corrupt me all night long. Just let me live under your skin.” Yavara pressed gently against me, like she only wanted to brush me without actually touching. I glanced at Patricia, and saw that she’d produced a metal straw from behind her ear, and was packing it with powder. I extended my hand to take it from her, but she shook her head with a mischievous grin. I raised an eyebrow, reached behind myself, and spread. She ducked behind me, and I felt cold metal slide gently into my anus. Then she blew. I didn’t remember much after that. Just flashes of red lips opened to reveal shining fangs, crimson eyes and with slit pupils dilated to fill the iris, and alabaster flesh pressing all around me, inside me. The last thing I remember, was Yavara’s face, glazed over and smiling mindlessly at me.

“I’m putting my lair right next to your chambers, Prestira.” Titus smiled as he guided to the door. All around us, the vampires lounged in piles of pale flesh.

“Oh,” I smirked, “and what makes you think I want you anywhere near me?”

“It’s not up to you, young lady,” Titus said with a firm slap on my ass, “Your daddy needs to keep an eye on you.”

“Until next time, Titus.” I said with a promising smile.

Yavara and I put on our robes and transformed to our original bodies before exiting the V.I.P. section. I was immediately hit with a wave exhaustion, my legs almost buckling as I returned to my weaker form.

Our mortal bodies are so fucking sad. Yavara thought to me as we stumbled out of the club and into the daylight.

At least we can stand in the sun.

God, how long have we been in there? Yavara thought as she noticed the sun’s angle.

We walked in there yesterday afternoon, it’s already mid-morning.

Time flies when you’re having fun.

A young boy ran down the street and stopped just in front of us.

“Are you Prestira Rasloraca?” The boy asked.

“No child, I am a servant of god, you must be mistaking me for someone else.” I responded.

“King Dreus sent me to find you and Queen Yavara. He said you would be dressed as priestesses. He has an important message for Queen Yavara.”

“Give me the message, Dear.” Yavara said as she extended a hand. The boy handed her a scroll and then disappeared down the street. Yavara opened the scroll, then read it. She dropped it a second later.

“What?” I asked urgently.

“My mother has confessed to treason, and has been executed.” Yavara stared dumbly at the parchment, “My father has abdicated the throne to Leveria.”

“Oh my god. Yavara, I’m so sorry!”

“Leveria wants to meet with me through a mirror.” Yavara said, still staring.

“To negotiate?”

Yavara looked at me then, and there were tears standing in her eyes. “No, Prestira. She wants to meet with me so that she knows I’m still in Ardeni. She has assassins.”

“She wouldn’t dare be so bold. Imagine the damage it would do to her relationship with King Dreus.”

“Prestira, Leveria just had my mother executed and forced my father to hand her the crown almost twenty years before her coronation. Will Dreus go to war for my sake? No, and if it’s so obvious that I know it, then she already has killers in the city.” Yavara looked down the road. “We must leave Ardeni at once.”

“We need to get our money from King Dreus first, or all of this will be for nothing.”

“She will already have men watching every corner of the palace. I trust King Dreus, but I do not trust his men. She will have a price on my head high enough to turn a peasant to a lord, and so will you, and Zander, and Brock, maybe even Elena, if they know she’s turned. She no doubt dispatched a force to deal with the Terdini tribe… Prestira, we must get back to Brock and warn him!”

“Listen to me, Yavara!” I said as I grasped her shoulders, “You are a queen, which means you must trust those in your charge! Brock is a great warrior, and he may be able to escape an elven raid. But you, Yavara, you will never get what you want if you do not get that money.”

“We can’t go to the palace Prestira, I just told you-”

“We aren’t going to the palace. Titus, his clan, and two new vampires are going to the palace to negotiate a new contract with the king. I heard Dreus has a vested interest in Alkandran silver.”

Yavara bit her lip, and nodded. “Tonight?”


End of Part Four.

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