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Professor Catheter Hoseman stood outside the Dean’s office, waiting to be called. The message read, “See the Dean immediately, Urgent.” Hoseman ran all the possibilities through his mind, but could not imagine what would be so important to interrupt his research. The secretary opened the door for him, not speaking and left the two men alone.

“Sit down, Dr. Hoseman.” the Dean said tersely. “I have a delicate matter to discuss. Last week, hackers attempted to break into the University’s main computer server. The target was your research files. Our computer geeks started looking to see if any of the files had been compromised and found this.” The Dean held out a full page size photograph.

Hoseman recognized the photo. A nude young woman was face down on an examination table with her knees hanging off the edge. A large white hose trailed from above and disappeared between her buttocks. Hoseman took a few seconds to compose his thoughts and tried to look unconcerned.

“Yes,” he replied. “This is from my lab.” The Dean’s face went white and then color returned brighter red than before.

“What on earth are you doing in that lab?”

Hoseman sighed, as if he were tired of explaining something so mundane.

“It is research into female orgasmic contractions as related to dietary patterns and nutrition.” The Dean paused for a moment and then jabbed his finger at the white hose in the photo.

“What does this have to do with your research?” he demanded. Hoseman had not expected this question.

“It’s a probe to measure temperature changes in the colon.” Hoseman silently congratulated himself. “I don’t know any other way to do it.”

“Has the Research Committee seen your data yet?” the Dean asked.

“Oh, no. That won’t be possible at this time.” Hoseman’s brain was spinning, trying to formulate a response to the next question.

“Dr. Hoseman, you had better have a very good explanation for that.” Hoseman tried not to let a smile curl his lips.

“Certainly, Dean. You can see by this photo, our research methods could easily be misunderstood. We have to be very careful to protect the privacy of our volunteers. I can’t release any data, until all the images have been properly edited to insure no one can be identified. You can imagine the scandal.” Hoseman knew he had out done himself with this answer. Even so, the Dean did not look pleased.

“Alright. You better have you data ready for review before the end of the semester. Don’t think tenure can save your ass, if stuff like this gets out.”

Dr. Hoseman paused in front of the administration building, and looked across the Campus Quadrangle. His meeting with the Dean had bought him a little time. He would hate to leave this University, especially under a cloud of scandal. He would need help, if there was any hope of staying. He pulled his cell phone from his pocket and scrolled though the names until he found the number of his colleague Dr. Wilma Buttkiss. He was glad to hear her husky voice after only one ring.

“Hello, Cath. It’s been a while,” she said.

“Yes, Wilma. Much too long. Look, I’ve got some trouble and you’re the only person who can help me.

“Trouble? What can I do for you?

“I need a research project. Something involving orgasms, enemas and women strapped to exam tables.”

“This sounds more like recreation than research.”

“Just meet me in my lab this afternoon. I’ll explain it all then.”

Doctors Hoseman and Buttkiss watched a large monitor, which displayed Rhonda and Joellyn as they sat naked across from each other in the interview room of the lab. Rhonda was a tanned brunette with full breasts and large brown nipples. She sat with her knees together, but still revealed a thick patch of curly black hair between her thighs. Joellyn was very different. She had long blonde hair, which fell down over her pale shoulders and almost covered her small breasts and pink nipples.

“Beautiful girls,” Hoseman remarked. “How did you choose them?” Buttkiss smirked before replying.

“I saw their Furslit Sexual Index test scores and flagged these two. They had almost identical scores. Strongly heterosexual, with lesbian tendencies, highly anal erotic, and best of all, completely submissive to authority figures.” Hoseman groaned quietly and slipped his hand down the front of his scrubs to rearrange himself.

“Excellent,” he replied.

The two young women tried not to make eye contact, but could not resist staring at the other’s body. Rhonda was not usually so self-conscious, but the ease with which Joellyn sat down and smiled at her, was a little unnerving. The thin blonde seemed perfectly comfortable. She raised her right knee and put her heel on the edge of the chair to examine her toenail polish, revealing a coral pink slit between her smooth lips. Rhonda blinked and her mouth fell open, her eyes fixed on the other girl’s crotch. Joellyn tilted her head and grinned back.

“How often do you shave?” Rhonda asked. Joellyn put her foot back on ulus escort the floor and spread her knees.

“Hardly ever. I only get a wispy patch right here,” she said and touched a spot just below her pubic mound. She extended both index fingers and pulled them through the crease of her thighs. “Nothing ever grows here.”

“You are so lucky,” Rhonda replied, still staring at Joellyn’s pussy. “I would have to shave everyday, to look that smooth.”

“Don’t do that. I wish mine was like yours. When I was little, I couldn’t wait till I grew pubes, and then, nothing happened.” Rhonda spread her knees and looked down, trying to see something attractive, but it still looked like an unruly mass of hair to her.

“It’s just a bother and a mess. I would keep it smooth if wasn’t so much trouble.” Joellyn slid out of her chair and knelt between Rhonda’s knees. Rhonda leaned back in her chair, startled by this move, but was even more startled when Joellyn lightly caressed her pubic hair.

“It’s so soft and pretty. Don’t shave it off.” Joellyn tilted her head to get a better view. “Oh my!” she exclaimed and pinched Rhonda’s labia between her fingers and thumb. “So big and full.” Joellyn released her and stood up with her knees wide in a bow legged stance. She pushed her own labia together with both hands. “See, you look like a real woman, but I look like I’m twelve.”

Rhonda stood up to face her.

“No, you’re beautiful. Look at your nipples. They’re perfect.” Rhonda pressed her finger into to the small pink nub and felt it rise under her touch. She circled it slowly, watching it swell. Joellyn moaned softly and closed her eyes as Rhonda caught her other nipple between her fingers and pulled, filling it like its twin. She opened her eyes to see Rhonda looking down at her own breasts. “Mine are so big and dark. They show through my clothes and I can’t wear any of the hot bathing suits.” Joellyn cupped Rhonda’s breasts in her hands and lifted them.

“I wish I had these. I’d have the lowest cut tops and walk around waiting for them to pop out.”

Dr. Buttkiss put both hands on the table to steady herself. Her breasts rose and fell with every breath. Hoseman stood behind her, watching her excitement grow. She always wore her long brown hair in a tight bun, when working and this gave him a clear view of her neck, as it turned pink around the hairline and redder, under her ears.

“I can’t go in there like this. I need a minute to calm down,” she gasped. Hoseman moved behind her and she could feel his hard cock press against her ass. He slid one arm under her breasts and pulled her back to him while the other hand slipped under her top and rubbed her bare belly.

“I need you steady and sure handed in there. This will take the edge off of you,” he said is a soft low tone. She tried to twist out of his grip, but couldn’t find the strength.

“No,” she moaned, turning her ear to his mouth, feeling his breath on her cheek.

“Yes,” Hoseman whispered as his hand slipped inside the waist band of her scrubs. “It will only take a moment, and you’ll feel much better.” He felt her pubic hair. It was matted and slick with cream. His fingers pushed inside her with ease and pulled up against her clitoris.

“No,” she repeated, “Please, no,” she pleaded. Hoseman’s fingers were pulling every conscious thought from her mind. She looked back at the monitor to see Joellyn pull Rhonda’s nipples between her fingers.

“Yes. Don’t fight me. You know you need it. You know, someday, I’m going to bend you over this table and fuck you.”

“No, no cock. I don’t do cock,” she moaned. Her knees were getting weak and she wanted to grab the table, but all she could do was press her hands against her breasts, trying to imitate Joellyn.

“Yes, you will. You’ll do cock. You’ll do my cock. Right here on this table.” The heat in her belly moved down, closer to his fingers. He stepped up the speed, in time to her gasping whimpers. “I’ll bend you over and fuck you the way you need it. I’ll fuck your cunt and your ass. That’s right. I’ll take that little cherry asshole of yours. Now do it, Wilma. Do it now.”

A hard spasm racked her hips and pulled her forward. She opened her mouth and made one sharp cry as her hands caught the table, holding herself up, feeling the tremors fade away. Hoseman gave her a moment to catch her breath, but when she did not move fast enough for him, he smacked her ass sharply.

“Get your lab coat on and let’s get this thing started,” he commanded. “We haven’t got all night.”

Dr. Buttkiss looked in the mirror to straighten her lab coat and check her hair. Damn, you Cath, she thought to her self. He had done something like this to her so many times, always picking her weakest moment, when she had no resistance. She would have to think of some exquisite revenge, but that would have to wait. The man knew what he was doing and results were just as he expected.

Rhonda suddenly felt very warm. Joellyn’s yenimahalle escort hands circled her breasts, lightly grazing her nipples, making them swell into puffy tan cones.

“See?” Rhonda moaned, half in pleasure and half in discontent. My nipples look funny when they get hard.”

“I wish we could swap tits and pussies, like clothes,” Joellyn giggled.

Dr. Buttkiss appeared in the doorway, holding two small green plastic bottles and a tube of lubricating gel.

“Come with me, ladies,” she ordered. “It’s time to prepare for the project.” Buttkiss led then to a room across the hall. Rhonda and Joellyn stared in disbelief. Dorm life had not prepared them for the sight of a bathroom, equipped with nothing but four toilets in a row. There were no mirrors no sinks, or partitions, just white tile walls, a white tile floor, and four toilets along the wall. Rhonda and Joellyn exchanged nervous glances.

“Rhonda,” Buttkiss said firmly. “Turn around, bend over and spread your buttocks.” Rhonda’s mouth dropped open. Joellyn looked from Rhonda to Dr. Buttkiss. “Now,” she said, even more firmly. Rhonda dutifully turned with a reluctant compliance and reached back to pull her cheeks apart. The Doctor’s breath stopped for a moment and the shaky feelings which overcame her a few minutes before, threatened to return. Rhonda’s anus was a small brown crinkle, surrounded by an oval patch of cocoa colored skin, stretching almost to her tail bone above and to her vulva below.

Buttkiss was tempted to finish the preparations herself, but took a deep breath to clear her mind, and remembered Hoseman would be watching this room on the monitor, as well. She pulled the cap of one of the green bottles to reveal a long tapered nozzle and handed it to Joellyn. The girl looked at it, unsure what it was, until she turned it over and read the label, ‘saline ready to use enema’.

“Do I just stick it in her?” Joellyn asked.

“What?” Rhonda exclaimed, but didn’t break her position.

“Don’t be silly, girl. That is not how it’s done. Hold your hand out to me.” Joellyn complied and Buttkiss squirted a large dollop of gel on her middle finger. “Put this on her first.” Joellyn tentatively dabbed gel onto Rhonda’s puckered hole.

“Not like that,” Buttkiss barked. “Put your finger in all the way.” She pressed and felt a little resistance, but the muscle quickly opened and her finger slid inside up to the knuckle. Rhonda made a sharp gasp, but held steady as Joellyn rotated her hand, coating the brown wrinkles well. Joellyn pulled her finger out and looked to Buttkiss for more instruction. “Press the nozzle all the way in, and squeeze gently. You only need about half the bottle.”

Rhonda whimpered quietly when she felt the cool liquid flow inside her rectum. Joellyn withdrew the flattened bottle timidly, half expecting to be sprayed, but Rhonda’s anus closed without leaking a drop. “Very good, now it’s your turn.”

Rhonda stood up with a distressed look on her face.

“How long will this take before I?” she said and paused.

“Don’t be silly,” Dr. Buttkiss chided her. “You aren’t going to explode.”

The procedure was repeated with Joellyn bent over, spreading herself for Rhonda’s lubed finger. Joellyn’s pale pink anus was barely visible against her white skin. It was not nearly as interesting as Rhonda’s chocolate orchid, but it was plain that Joellyn enjoyed this more than Rhonda. She arched her back and moaned as Rhonda pushed her finger in and out, sighing loudly when she felt the nozzle. Rhonda was squirming and clenching her cheeks tight by the time Joellyn’s bottle was empty.

Buttkiss left the two young women, sitting on adjoining toilets. Rhonda tried desperately to relax and not make any noise as the saline solution escaped. Joellyn did not seem concerned and leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees. She looked over at Rhonda and said,

“Haven’t you ever done this before?” Rhonda clenched her eyes and squeezed one hand inside the other.

“Oh God, I hate using the toilet when someone else is there. If I have to poop, I’ll wait till midnight, just so no one else is in the bathroom.”

“I meant the enema,” Joellyn said, trying not to smile and seem as if she was enjoying Rhonda’s distress.

“No,” Rhonda replied. “Have you?”

“I do it a lot. My last boyfriend at home really liked ass fucking. I always wanted to be clean, but after a while, I figured out it didn’t really matter. I kept doing it when he wasn’t there, because it felt so good. Those little bottles are neat. I could use them anywhere.”

“My boyfriend doesn’t like it. He only did it once, and I had to ask him.”

“Wow,” Joellyn mused. “I never met a guy who didn’t like ass fucking. My favorite part is afterward, laying there beside him, with my asshole numb, and all wet and sticky.” Rhonda savored the image in her mind for a moment, before pulling a few squares of rough intuitional grade paper from tunalı escort the roll. The stiff paper made her wince.

“Would you do something for me?” she asked.

“Sure,” Joellyn answered. “What do you need?”

“Check and see if I’m clean. I would just die if I went out there and Dr. Buttkiss saw poop on my butthole.”

“I would be happy to do that for you.”

Rhonda and Joellyn stood nervously shifting from one foot to the other, listening to Dr. Hoseman explain the two strange benches standing in the center of the lab.

“They were built in Germany, to my design. The German understood my needs, perfectly.”

Each bench had four arms which held adjustable cushions and pads. Velcro backed straps and electric cables dangled from each pad. There was a control panel between the benches, filled with various gauges, knobs and switches and a large flat screen monitor. Overhead, a swing arm held an ominous white hose. The tip of the hose looked like a small spear point, with a round bulb just a bit behind it. Rhonda’s eyes opened wide when she saw the hose. She wasn’t exactly certain of its function, but could see, some part of that hose would soon be inside her. She looked to Joellyn, who still seemed as unconcerned as ever.

“I prefer the kneeling exam bench, over the supine table, because it holds the subject immobile and there is less chance of disturbing the measurements,” Dr. Hoseman said in his most authoritative tone. He put his right foot on a control pedal and smiled with pleasure as each bench tilted to full forward, a position which would have the test subject hanging upside down. Dr. Buttkiss wrinkled her forehead, wondering how useful that angle would be. With a shift of his toe, both benches rotated to an upright position.

Now the thing looked more familiar to Rhonda. It was very similar to the small prayer bench in her bedroom at home, where she spent many tearful hours, begging God’s forgiveness and contemplating her penance. Dr. Hoseman’s voice droned on as he described the sensors and monitors, but none of it registered.

She was back in her old bedroom, making her true confession, the confession she could not bring herself to speak aloud in the confessional. The kind priest had heard her standard juvenile sins for several years, and dispensed the standard penance of prayer and reflection. One day a stern Nun addressed her class and warned of the dangers of impure thoughts and lust, along with a graphic definition of lust. From that moment forward, Rhonda had very few pure thoughts.

Her limited experience was supplemented by the tales other girls whispered in the restroom, stories of penises which could swell to ten times their original size and overflow with semen.

Every man and boy she encountered became her newest fantasy. She was naked, but he remained clothed as she quickly unzipped his pants to give his cock room to grow, held it in both hands and rubbed the dripping head over her face and lips, down across her nipples and to her clitoris.

Penetration was a vague concept, so her fantasy penis never entered her. She held it firmly against her clitoris, occasionally pressing it to her anus when the sensations were too intense. Rhonda knew these thoughts were terribly sinful and should be confessed, but when sitting the confessional, all she could admit to was impertinence and disrespect. How could she tell the man on the other side of the screen about her penis fantasy, without also confessing that he, the priest who would have to absolve her, was the latest subject.

It was always the same. She would say her Our Father ten times, followed each time by her Hail Mary, and then leave the church feeling more impure, lustful and guilty, than ever before. There was relief if she could wait until dark, when she could slip from under her blanket and check for any noises in the house. Once her bedroom door was closed and locked, something she was not supposed to do, her night gown was across a chair and she knelt on the prayer bench, naked before God, Jesus and all the Saints.

Rhonda clasped her hands in prayer, closed her eyes and recounted every impure thought of the day. Starting with her best friend’s older brother and going through the list, a man waiting to cross the street, the track coach, an unknown face on a magazine cover and a variety of television actors, as well as popular rock stars. She tried to include every detail, which were always few, because she had never seen a real erect penis, much less touch one. In her ignorance, she thought the semen was a continuous flow, and was painted in it, from chin to thighs. One hand held the fantasy cock, while the other smeared her body with this mysterious fluid.

All pretence of prayerful posture was abandoned. One hand rubbed furiously between her legs, while the other pinched her nipples and stroked her belly. The free hand quickly slipped over her hip and between her cheeks. A single finger, slick with cream, pressed and probed her asshole until it yielded. This always pushed her to a higher spiritual level, as her confessions became so intense, she could no longer express them and could only demonstrate, as absolution came closer with each breath. The blessing came quickly and Rhonda found herself crawling back under the blanket with her gown in her hand. It was too hot to put it on right away.

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