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This ended up being a rather lengthy chapter. Chapter 9 is coming, and it will probably be the last in this series, at least under its current name, but we haven’t seen the last of Jason and his friends.

Thanks to Ontheroadforever for the editing assist.

All characters in this story are eighteen or older of course.


I woke on Friday morning disoriented, until I realized I was still in Melanie’s bed at her parents’ house. We were lying spooned on our left sides, and I slowly realized that I had one of her plump breasts in my hand. I yawned and my body stretched, and the morning hardness of my cock slid up and down between Melanie’s butt cheeks.

“Mmmm,” she moaned. “Good morning.”

“Hey there,” I said.

“When do you have to get to work?”

I looked at the alarm clock beside her bed. “Soon,” I said. “I don’t have any work clothes here, plus the van is home in my driveway.”

“That’s okay,” she said. “If you stay here, we’re going to fuck all day, and I’m actually a little sore from last night.”

I kissed her on the cheek near her ear. “Last night was amazing.”

“Yes it was,” she said.

“What are you up to tonight?”

“Work,” she said. “Lame.”

“Yeah that’s a bummer,” I said. “How late?”

“Ten thirty.”

“Well call my work cell phone when you get done,” I said. “Maybe we can hang out.”

“Okay, we’ll see,” she said and I think she sensed my disappointment at her noncommittal tone. “I’m just usually really tired after work. But either way, I’ll see you tomorrow night at the party.”

“Oh right,” I said. “The party. I was supposed to ask your Dad if he wanted to help out with Tina’s birthday present.”

“I already talked to him about it actually,” she said. She rolled over to face me, and giggled when I cupped both of her perfect tits in my hands. “Maybe we should have him invite Trevor too.”

“I’m sure Tina would enjoy that,” I said. “What are all the girls going to be up to when us guys are saying happy birthday to Tina?”

“Oh I’m sure we’ll think of something,” she said, and she kissed me.

* * *

Somehow I made it to work with five minutes to spare. I found Joe in his office, and he motioned for me to close the door behind me when I knocked.

“I left you Veronica’s envelope,” I said.

“Yes, I got it, thanks,” he said. “How did it go over there yesterday?”

I grinned. “It was pretty awesome.”

Joe smiled. “Yeah, Veronica is extremely energetic.”

“She had her sister with her,” I said.

Joe’s eyes grew wide. “Seriously? I’ve been going over there every Thursday for weeks and your first time you get to do a threesome?”

“I’m a lucky fuck I guess.”

“Yeah you are,” he said.

“They asked me to check with you to see if both of us could go back next Thursday.”

“Two on two?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I said. “But there’s something else.”

“Oh no, what?” he grinned. “Did they fuck you with a strap-on?”

I laughed. “No, I think I would remember something like that. Actually, it’s Veronica’s daughter Emma. She was watching us from inside the bathroom window pretty much the entire time. She said she’s been sneaking home early to watch you and Veronica fuck for weeks.”

“Oh yeah,” Joe waved a hand. “I’ve seen her. I’m not sure if Veronica knows or not actually. She always acts like I need to get out of there before Emma gets home, but sometimes I wonder.”

“You think Veronica gets off on Emma watching?”

“I don’t know,” Joe said. “But I’ve been in this business long enough to know people get up to some pretty interesting things.”

“What’s that? The cable business?” I grinned.

“Yes, smart-ass, the cable business.”

“I guess Veronica and Cynthia are going away for the weekend. Some lake up north. And Emma asked me to go back this afternoon,” I said.

“She wants to try what Mommy got to have yesterday, huh?”

I actually felt myself blush. “I guess so.”

“Knock yourself out, kid,” Joe said. “There’s hardly any work this afternoon anyway. I’ll hand your work orders off to someone else and tell them you have to go home at noon.”

“That’s awesome, thanks,” I said.

“Don’t thank me too soon,” he said. “I’ve got another special appointment for you this morning. You, me and another guy, actually.”

“Like the Mrs. Harrison thing?”

“Not exactly,” he smiled. “Book club.”

* * *

I didn’t see a single book. Not unless you counted the thirty-five year old Encyclopedia Britannica sitting long-neglected on the bottom shelves of the bookcases flanking the fire place. No, it became clear very quickly that this club had nothing to do with books, beyond a possible cover story.

The host was a woman named Lisa. She lived just a few streets over from where I’d spent yesterday afternoon with Veronica and Cynthia. She appeared to be in her mid-thirties; tall, blond, long-limbed and slender. Her guests ranged in age from what I çekmeköy escort guessed to be twenty-five, right up to somewhere on either side of fifty; bored housewives all. Lisa answered the door and greeted us and led us into the room where I was introduced to all of them one at a time. Most of them seemed to already know Joe and Marty.

Oh yeah. Marty. I couldn’t fucking believe it when we pulled up to the house, me riding shotgun in Joe’s supervisor truck, and out of the van waiting there for us stepped Marty. I was the youngest of the techs in the office back in those days, still a few weeks shy of my twenty-first birthday. Marty was the oldest. I would have been surprised to find out he was younger than sixty. He wasn’t a bad tech, quite the opposite actually. Although his aversion to technology made the computer work a little tough for him at times, he had no problem at all with the physical demands of the job. He worked hard, got to the office earlier than anyone else, and was out the door on his way to get his work done while the rest of us were still joking around over coffee and paperwork. Just his being here today made me see him in an entirely new light. Maybe his eagerness to hit the road every morning had less to do with his old-school work ethic and more to do with the places Joe was sending him. One thing was clear. While I was new to Joe’s little side business, Marty was not.

Lisa and her four guests were all very happy to see both Marty and Joe, but they seemed excited to be meeting me as well. I met them one at a time. Lisa, the host, gave me a hug instead of a handshake. She was wearing white shorts that hugged tightly to the curve of her splendid ass, and a pink halter top with no bra underneath it. Her big tits pressed into my chest and I couldn’t stop myself from looking down into her tantalizing cleavage when we parted. There was Maureen, the oldest by my estimation. Her curly brown hair was pulled up, and looked like it would cascade wonderfully around her shoulders if released. Her shoulders were bare and tanned, and she wore a pink corset top that held her large breasts up on her chest and produced a fine chasm of cleavage. Beth appeared to be about Lisa’s age; she was tall, easily as tall as Joe, and only an inch or two shorter than me. She had a gorgeous big round bottom stuffed into tight jeans that also accentuated her never-ending legs. She wore a flannel shirt with a few buttons left undone up top and the bottom tied up to show off the skin of her stomach. Laura and Molly were both in their mid-twenties, but their similarities ended there. Laura was short and curvy, with short dark brown hair and easily the biggest tits in the room. Molly was a tall slender redhead, with proud, perfect breasts to go along with a perky ass. She was clad in a pair of tight white shorts and a peach top. There was something familiar about Molly that I couldn’t place when I shook her hand, and I thought I noted a brief flash of curiosity in her eyes before she turned away to greet Marty and then Joe.

“This is so exciting!” Lisa announced once the introductions had been made. “We have Jason joining us for the first time, and Joe has assured me that he is more than up to the task.”

This was followed by cheering from the other women, and I found myself dragged down onto a sofa to sit between Maureen and Beth, both of whom turned their bodies toward mine. Maureen put a hand on my left shoulder, and Beth rested her left hand on my right thigh.

“But we also have Molly joining us for the first time!” Lisa continued, motioning to the slender redhead sitting across from me next to Laura. There was applause again, and Joe sat down in between Molly and Laura on that sofa. Then I remembered where I had seen Molly before. It came back to me in a sudden rush of memories and I almost leapt out of my seat. She’d been one of my sister’s high school friends! Not one of her two “besties” as my older sister Elizabeth had always referred to them, but she was definitely one of the rotating cast of softball teammates, or drama club buddies, or something, although I wouldn’t have been able to say for sure which one of my sister’s circles she had been involved in. Elizabeth was four years older than me, graduated from college and living a little over an hour away in the city, and when she’d been in high school, I couldn’t have cared less about who she had over the house. But I was positive that Molly had been one of her friends.

She caught me staring, and in that moment of eye contact, we both knew two things. First, I was Elizabeth’s little brother, that annoying little shit from who knows how many sleepovers and post-game pizza parties. And second, we were both here to fuck.

Lisa continued. “So since Molly is the newest member of the club, she gets first pick.”

Molly looked first at Joe next to her, studying his face and then his posture and build. Then she turned her face toward Marty, who was cevizli escort standing just behind Lisa. I noticed for the first time his hand slowly caressing Lisa’s ass and the prominent bulge in his jeans. It appeared Marty was packing some serious pipe.

“I think I’ll pick,” Molly drew out her decision while she looked over all three of us again. “Jason,” she said.

There was a cheer from the other four women, and Maureen and Beth pushed me back up to my feet and into the center of the room, where I was joined by Molly, who smiled up at me sweetly and winked. She pressed a hand against the growing bulge in my pants. I stood still as she squeezed my expanding cock with her left hand, her diamond engagement ring and wedding band still adorning her ring finger. Molly rose up on her tip toes and whispered in my ear. “Let’s see if Lizzy’s little brother is as good at eating pussy as she is.”

I couldn’t stop my eyes from flying wide open. Molly looked up at me and grinned and nodded, wordlessly confirming what I couldn’t quite believe. This woman had at some point in the past had sex with my big sister. I suddenly realized how painfully hard my cock was in her grip. It was straining to escape the prison of my pants.

“Take your clothes off,” Molly said.

I looked around the room to find all eyes on me and Molly. Joe and Marty were both sporting large bulges in the front of their pants, but nobody had moved beyond gentle touching and caressing besides Molly, who finally let go of my cock and stepped back, arms crossed beneath her breasts, waiting for me to carry out my orders.

So I was going to strip in front of a room full of fully clothed people. I thought back to two weeks ago, when Tina had dropped her towel and shown me all of her glorious nakedness for the first time. I skipped forward through my memory, to the first impromptu fuck-party at my house, when I’d walked out into the living room to find it already in progress, Sarah completely naked and Melanie and Stacy not far behind. I skipped forward again to yesterday, walking out onto Veronica’s patio to find her and her sister lying naked in the sun, then later in the day when Melanie and Mia had greeted me in nothing but their panties. The common theme was that for one reason or another, I was rarely the first person to end up naked. The closest thing I could think of was when I took my clothes off before striding into Paul and Mindy’s living room that first time, but Paul and Sarah had both already taken off all of their clothes by that point. But today was going to be different, and I was surprised how excited I was to show off for a crowd of mostly strangers.

Molly cleared her throat, bringing me back from my musings. “We’re waiting, Jason,” she said.

“Yeah, sorry,” I said. “You want me to take everything off?”

“Everything,” she said.

I pulled off my company-logo polo first. Given the recent heat, I had not bothered with an undershirt, so when I tossed the polo away, it left me standing there in jeans with a belt, the waistband of my boxer briefs rising up just past the waist line of the jeans. Molly stared openly at my bare chest and stomach, and her gaze further hardened the growing bulge in my pants, which now snaked out to my right and down my thigh, clearly defined. Next I kicked off my shoes and socks, and carried them past Molly to set them down near the front door, before returning to my assigned place in the middle of the group.

“Now we’re getting somewhere,” Maureen said. “Take it off, new guy.”

I unbuckled my belt, then unbuttoned my jeans and unzipped them. Hooking my thumbs inside the waistband of my underwear, I decided to just go for it. I quickly pushed both jeans and boxers down to the middle of my thighs, and my cock sprang up hard, free from the constraining fabric, and stood up tall and proud in front of me. I stood there still for a moment while around the room, every pair of eyes locked onto my cock.

“Wow, that is a really nice cock,” Lisa said. I turned a little more in her direction to let her get a good look. I noticed Maureen’s gaze following my movements as well, and Beth and Laura both looked on with greedy expressions.

Molly came up beside me and wrapped her fingers around my cock and began lightly stroking it. She rose up on her toes and whispered in my ear: “I can’t wait for you to fuck me with this thing.”

“Take your clothes off then,” I said before turning my face to hers and kissing her mouth. She opened her lips and snaked her tongue into my mouth and I took her into my arms, pulling her clothed body against my naked one and trapping my stiff prick against her stomach. She was wearing a tight-fitting t-shirt, and I could feel the shape of her bra beneath it, supporting plump, medium-sized breasts. I pulled up on the hem of the t-shirt and Molly quickly backed away from me and pealed it up over her head, giving me the opportunity to take in the erenköy escort sight of her lacy green bra pushing her tits together and up. She had a tight flat stomach, well defined and tanned. Her shorts rode low on her hips, and I could see the green strings of what must have been a ridiculously small pair of underwear hugging her hips. She pulled her shorts down and kicked them off and I pulled her back into my arms wearing just her thong and bra. We started making out again with fierce energy, when it dawned on me that the tongue she was pushing insistently into my mouth had possible been inside my big sister’s pussy.

I ran my hands up Molly’s back and quickly unsnapped her bra. We stopped kissing so I could pull it down off of her shoulders, leaving her firm round tits bare on her chest. Before I could get my hands on them, Molly dropped to her knees and grabbed my cock at the base before sucking the head into her mouth.

“Oh yes,” I moaned. “That feels incredible.”

Molly moaned in reply without taking my swollen purple cock head out of her mouth. She started to suck me a little deeper, slowly taking more of my length into her mouth.

Around the room, things had begun to heat up for the others. Laura had Joe’s hard cock out of his pants, and she sucked him deep for a few seconds before sitting back up so she could take off her shirt and bra. Lisa was pulling Marty’s pants down, and I couldn’t stop my eyes from popping open wide when his huge cock sprang up and slapped hard against his stomach, his engorged head stood clear past his navel, and the long thick shaft looked as hard as iron, rippled with thick veins. I didn’t think I would ever see a cock as big as my friend Matt’s but it appeared I was mistaken.

I was finally able to tear my gaze away from Marty’s monster cock when Maureen stood up from her seat and stripped out of her clothes. Her tits were big and unmistakably enhanced, standing high on her chest without the support of a bra. She moved over to me and Molly and joined the young redhead on the floor in front of me and they started to share my cock. Molly sucked about half of it into her mouth before pulling it out with a pop and passing it to Maureen.

“Look at this big fucking cock,” Maureen said to Molly, wrapping her hand around my shaft and pointing me at her open mouth. I groaned aloud when her lips closed around my cock head and she began to suck.

Molly got back to her feet and slipped out of her panties. “It’s a lot bigger than I expected,” she said with a wink for me.

I slipped my right arm around Molly’s waist and pulled her against me so I could kiss her again. Our tongues explored each other’s mouth, and I lifted and gently squeezed each of her tits, feeling her nipples harden against my palm. I moaned into her mouth at the pleasure shooting up my body from Maureen sucking my cock deeper and deeper. I let the hand I had around Molly’s waist slip down over her firm ass cheeks, giving both of them a squeeze and a light slap before I reached down between her legs from behind and found her pussy with my finger tips. She moaned back into me when my middle finger found its way into her wet opening. I pushed inside her up to the second knuckle, and Molly pushed back against me, forcing my finger just a little deeper into her hot dripping pussy.

She suddenly pulled back from me, breaking off our kiss and dislodging my probing finger. “I want to suck your cock again,” she said. She dropped back to her knees and I watched Maureen back her face away, but linger around my cock head, giving it a hard suck before she took me out of her mouth to let Molly take another turn. I held the base of my cock with my thumb and two fingers and pointed the throbbing purple head at Molly, who licked up and down the underside of my shaft before twirling her tongue around the tightly stretched skin of my glans.

“Oh yes, Molly,” I moaned. “Lick my fucking cock.”

Maureen stood up and drew my attention with her. She stood close, but not touching me, cupping her big tits in her hands and pinching both of her nipples with her thumbs and forefingers.

“Do you like these tits, Jason?” Maureen cooed.

“They look fantastic, Maureen,” I said.

“Touch them,” she said. “Suck on them.”

I happily obliged, quickly reaching up to grab both of her heavy tits in my hands and leaning over to lick and suck both of her thick hard nipples. Molly had moved on from licking to sucking my cock, doing her best to stuff as much of me as she could into her mouth. I could feel my cock head beginning to push into her throat while I sucked on Maureen’s tits.

The grunts and moans and words of pleasure were becoming more frequent around us, but with my face buried in Maureen’s chest, I couldn’t yet see what everyone else was doing. I didn’t want to stop sucking on her incredible tits, but she made me stop at the exact time I felt Molly’s mouth pop off the end of my cock.

“I think Molly needs you to eat her pussy,” Maureen said.

Indeed, Molly had rolled back onto the floor from where she had been kneeling. Completely naked, she lay with her knees bent and legs spread apart, leaning back on her elbows and smiling up at me. She had a light tuft of red hair above her open pink pussy, and her wonderful pert tits rose and fell on her chest with each of her breaths.

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