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“Do you fancy a drink?” asked Ann, as they drove along the empty road. Ann and Paul had been travelling for miles along the dead straight road, and Ann knew that Paul would lose concentration unless she kept him alert.

“OK” said Paul, and reached out for the bottle.

“Uh Oh!” he said before he could take the drink from Ann’s outstretched hand “Here’s trouble!”

“What is it?” asked Ann, inquisitively.

“Trouble?” replied Paul mischievously, “it’s a set of circumstances which are threatening or otherwise undesirable, but that’s not important right now!”

Ann poked him in the ribs, and in truth she loved his sense of fun, but the smile was wiped from her lips when she heard the low wail of an approaching siren in the distance, and looked in the rear view mirror and saw the blue flashing light.

“Shit!” she said “What does he want?”

“God knows” said Paul “let’s just be cool, and we’ll be on our way in no time”

Ann and Paul were driving across country on holiday and were about half way on their journey. They were both a little fatigued, and wanted to get to their next stop, a motel about fifty miles ahead. As it was they were in the middle of nowhere, with no cars to be seen, and nothing either side of the highway other than open bush and scrub. They had not been speeding, and so they had no idea why the lone policemotorcyclist had pulled them over. But they pulled over to the side of the road, and wound down the window as the office parked his bike, and walked towards their utility vehicle.

“Howdy folks!” said the policeman, with mock joviality “Can I see some ID?” They looked at each other and Ann passed some documents through the window of the vehicle.

“You folks been to Spring Vale?” he asked.

“No” said Paul, truthfully. “We are on vacation and are passing through on our way to Edmont”

“Had a report that a vehicle like this was stolen this morning from Spring Vale” said the officer, who was peering into the vehicle and looking round.

“I have the documents somewhere” said Ann, and she began searching in her handbag. But in truth she knew that she didn’t have them, they were in a drawer in the kitchen at home.

“I hope so Ma’am” said the policeman looking at her through his mirrored sunglasses.

“As you two kind of match the description of the thieves”

Ann began to panic a little as she looked through the cluttered handbag. What could they do? What had seemed so innocent now seemed much more serious. Just then, the policeman’s radio crackled into life. He turned away from the window of the 4×4 and spoke into the handset. The radio crackled back and Paul and Ann exchanged anxious glances. Paul took her hand in his and squeezed it reassuringly.

She smiled, weakly, but inside her stomach was churning. She hated the idea that she couldn’t prove the vehicle was theirs, and she was apprehensive that this would spoil their travel plans and Paul would blame her.

The policeman came back to the window and appeared agitated.

“Look, I’m sorry about this but I need to ask you some more questions, and now I’ve got to get to Smith City to attend an incident. Will you follow me there?

“Yes!” said Ann

“No!” said Paul. “We have done nothing wrong. Smith City is half an hour away.”

“OK, Mister!”, said the policeman, “you can stay here until I get back. Get in the back”

“What?” asked Ann, incredulously, “in the back?”

“Sorry about this but I have reason to believe this vehicle has been stolen, and until you prove it to the contrary, I will detain you on suspicion of having stolen this vehicle in Spring Vale this morning.”

The policeoffice gestured for the couple to step out of the front of the 4×4 and walk round to the back. The back had been tidied out before they set off and now contained some luggage and some picnic stuff. Get in there, he said, removing the key from the ignition and locking the front doors.

“No way!” replied Ann, annoyed at the presumption of guilt. With that, the policeman grasped her hands, swung them behind her back and applied his handcuffs to her wrists. He carefully locked her manacled wrists to a hook on the floor of the back of the 4×4. The hook was for a cargo net which could be used to secure loads in the back of the vehicle, but now it was securing human cargo. Before she could say anything, Ann was chained to the front of the cargo space and Paul was similarly chained to the rear of the interior space.

“I’ve left the engine running so the air con will keep you nice and cool and I’ll be back just as soon as I can”

Ann detected the faint suggestion of a smile playing over the policeman’s lips as he turned towards the motorbike and headed off leaving a dusty cloud as he rushed towards Smith City.

“Bastard!” she said.

“Who me?” asked Paul with a smile, holding up his wrists, only one of which still bore the handcuffs around them.

“Paul! How did you do that?” asked Ann with a smile.

“He was in such a rush, he only locked one wrist, and the cargo Beylikdüzü Escort hook was loose, so I just pulled it out.” replied Paul, holding up the offending hook for Ann to see.

“Shall we split?” asked Ann, conspiratorially.

“No. He’ll come back. Besides, you are still locked up.”

“What shall we do?” asked Ann

“Well….” said Paul, walking on all fours towards her, “we could use the time……”

With that Paul began to kiss Ann’s legs, softly and gently. She was wearing denim shorts, and the feel of his soft lips against her skin made her tremble.

“Stop it!” she barked “Someone will see us!”

But of course there was no one on the empty road, except the flies buzzing in the noonday heat. Paul gently kissed each shin in turn, while unlacing her trainers and removing each one as if it were Cinderella’s golden slipper. Now his kiss turned to her knees, and Ann protested feebly as she felt the thrill of his kiss moving up her legs. The handcuffs were tight and slightly uncomfortable, and instinctively she wanted to reach out and touch Paul’s head as his mop of dark hair moved up her body. But she was powerless to stop him!

“Please stop!” she murmured, but her breathless tone spoke otherwise. She was tied up and being worshipped by Paul, who was even now kissing the backs of her knees, and gently running his tongue up the insides of her thighs. Ann stiffened as his hot tongue ran up her leg, and she closed her eyes and surrendered to the thought of what was about to happen. Paul’s tongue had kissed every inch of her legs and was now tracing the line of her shorts, flicking underneath the denim and leaving a wet trail in her thigh.

Ann wanted to reach out and grab his head, but she could hardly move her wrists at all. His fingers were now undoing the button to the fly of her shorts, and one by one, they popped open, until all were undone. Paul moved up to a position where he could kiss her navel, and gently traced his tongue around her navel, before jabbing it into the navel, hot and wet and rough.

Ann sighed a deep sigh, and Paul motioned for her to lift her hips up, which she did, and he casually slipped her jean shorts down over her hips, exposing her pink panties. She watched as he began to lower his head, kissing her skin with dozens of soft kisses, moving lower to the top of her panties. Now he darted his tongue under the elastic at the top of her panties, and then the edge at the top of each leg in turn. Ann was tensing with each flick of his tongue, as the slow excitement welled up inside her. Slowly he dragged one side of her panties down an inch or two, and repeated his tonguing, his kissing on the bare flesh. Then he switched to the other side and repeated the torture, dragging down the pink knickers a little, and covering the exposed flesh with soft gentle wet kisses.

Now he dragged the line of her panties down to expose her pussy, which he ignored for the time being. Instead, he buried his tongue in the skin where the inside of her thigh met her groin, and licked the skin, slowly and deliberately. Ann wanted to feel the hot tongue on her clit, but he wouldn’t give her that pleasure, instead he moved on to her pubic hair, neatly trimmed as always, and kissed the mound above her pussy reverentially, as if worshipping her body, before moving his tongue to the very top of the other thigh.

Ann flinched with excitement at the erotic act being performed and the sense of powerlessness that she felt, chained up and being molested with no way of stopping the man. Not that she wanted to, as finally his attention turned to her pussy. He began by kissing her outer lips as gently as he ever kissed anything or anybody, so that she could just feel his touch. Then he blew on her pussy lips. His breath felt cold and he teased her for a moment before he planted his lips on either side of the hood around her clitoris, and kissed her more firmly now. Finally, at long last, he inserted his hot tongue inside her and flicked her clitoris with his tongue in a slow rasping rhythm.

Ann gasped with pleasure, and felt herself becoming wet with anticipation, as the kissing and tonguing moved a little lower, and he traced his tongue along the length of her pussy, slowly and lovingly. She arched her back at this, so he could see her better, and her dragged her panties and shorts down her legs, over her knees and off her feet, so that he could have full access to her body. He rolled them up and positioned them under her bottom, so she was more comfortable, and returned to work on her body.

He began by running his finger along her lips and gathering the wetness and tracing his finger up to her clitoris, which he circled gently with his wet finger. Then he knelt closer and kissed her clitoris softly, before sucking on it, taking it between his lips. Ann murmured and let out a “Mmm!” of pleasure encouraging him to taste her, and lick her. At this she felt a finger gently slide down her lips Beyoğlu Escort and glide inside her, while a tongue licked rhythmically at her clit. Her nipples longed to be caressed, but Paul was preoccupied with licking her, tasting her, and was even now exposing her clit with one hand, while a finger from the other hand slid effortlessly in and out of her, and his tongue rasped across her clit teasing it , licking it, sucking it, and pleasuring it.

Ann arched her back as the pleasure continued for minute after minute, until she wanted release so badly. “Fuck me” she said, “fuck me now Paul!”

Paul knelt up a little, and looked around the back of the 4×4. There in an open bag were the toiletries Ann had packed. Invitingly on top was a handbag sized fragrance aerosol. Paul took it and looked at its shape. It was cylindrical, about eight inches long, and just the right diameter. She looked on as he returned to her, took the aerosol in his mouth to clean and lubricate it, before gently parting her vaginal lips with his fingers and sliding the makeshift dildo between her moist and pliant lips.

She moaned with pleasure.

She wanted him to focus on her clitoris as she strained against the manacles trying to reach out and maintain the stimulation on her own clit. But he needed no prompting. Paul carried on rhythmically pumping the dildo into her, with long slow strokes, while his tongue returned to the intense stimulation of her clitoris. He flicked his tongue, kissed her, sucked her, took her whole clit between his lips and teased and probed her for what seemed an eternity.

Her breaths got shorter and shorter now, as the effect of the situation welled up inside her. Paul’s long slow rhythmic fucking had given way to shorter fast strokes.

“Deeper!” she urged him “Fuck me harder, Paul”

He responded by thrusting the eight inches as far into her as he dared, feeling her pubic bone as he rammed it in and out of her as fast he could. In truth it was wet and slippery and he was having trouble keeping a grip on the dildo and licking and sucking her. So he decided to try for one last time, tonguing her whole pussy, tasting her, pumping her faster and faster, until , at last, she began to moan that she was close.

He buried his face as deeply in her pussy as he had ever done and felt her thighs clench around his face as wave after wave of intense pleasure finally pulsed through Ann’s body and he felt her flinch as his tongue flicked her clit one last time. Paul knelt up, while Ann dissolved in the pleasure radiating through her body, eyes tightly closed.

When she re-opened her eyes, he had put her socks back on her and was handing her the panties and shorts. She went as if to take them, but of course she was still manacled!. He smiled and dressed her as gently as he had loved her.

“Thank you , Paul” Ann said. Paul smiled at her, and caressed her cheek with his fingers. “Our friend will be back in a minute” he said, and sure enough, right on cue, they heard the sound of an approaching motorbike.

Paul quickly repositioned the net hook and pretended to be still chained to the vehicle. The policeofficer tapped on the rear window, before opening the rear hatchback door.

“Good news” said the policeman. “The incident was the recapture of the vehicle thieves. We surrounded them in Smith and “persuaded” them to give up. You folks are free to go.”

With that he unlocked Paul’s chains, not noticing that one wrist had been free, and then went to unlock Ann’s handcuffs. Paul saw to his horror that the aerosol can had rolled to come to rest beside the handcuffs! The policeOfficer casually picked it up, before noticing that it was wet and sticky. He held it up and looked at it quizzically, before placing it back in the toiletries bag whence it had come from. He unlocked Ann’s cufflinks and smiled as she grasped her wrists and felt the cool air where the cold metal had held her in its grip.

He saw her cheeks flushed, and looked at Paul, who looked like the picture of innocence that he always did. He looked back at Ann, who looked down and broke off eye contact.

“I’ll let you get on with your journey” said the policeman, before saluting meekly, and walking back to his motorbike. Ann flashed Paul the most deliciously mischievous smile he had ever seen, and they both got out of the back of the 4×4.

“The keys!” exclaimed Paul, before running back to the policeMan who had fired up his bike, but had not yet left. Ann watched the scene in the rear view mirror of the utility, and saw Paul exchange a few words with the motorbike cop, the two men smiled, and shook hands, before the cop waved and rode off leaving a cloud of dust behind him.

Paul got back into the front of the car and sat beside Ann.

“Well?” she asked.

“Well what?” asked Paul

“What did he say?”

“He asked me what we’d done while he was away”

“What did you say?”

“I said we played hide and seek!”

They Büyükçekmece escort drove off with Ann smiling. She felt that she had experienced one of the most erotic moments of her life, and now she wanted to repay Paul for his kindness. They had about an hour until they stopped at the next motel on their journey. She began to plan how she would return the favor…

The miles soon passed, and Ann was so horny she was squirming with anticipation as they pulled up outside their unit at the motel. They unloaded the vehicle in double quick time and Ann unfolded her plan.

“Let’s wash off the road dirt” she said, and gestured towards the shower. She pulled her tee–shirt over her own head, and helped Paul to strip off his clothes. They both stepped naked into the shower, and Ann turned it on. It was cold, of course, and they both flinched as the strong jet of water ran over them. She adjusted the controls until the water was warm, and gently soaped the firm body of her partner. She started with his back, soaping his shoulders, before reaching from behind his back to caress his cock. She gently soaped his cock which was soft but hardening, before kneeling in front of him, and gently caressing his balls. The shower head was removable, so she reached up and disconnected the head, allowing the jet of water to play on his face his chest, his stomach and his groin. She adjusted the shower head so that the gentle drops were focused into a powerful jet of water, and, holding his cock in one hand and the showerhead in the other, she slowly focused the powerful stream of water on the head of his penis.

Paul flinched at the intense pleasure of the kiss of the water jets on his hardening cock, and Ann felt it harden in her hand, growing like a flower under her grip. She slowly pulled back the foreskin a little more, allowing the full force of the jets to play on the head of his cock. He gasped at the mixture of pain and pleasure, and she felt his cock grow harder still under the force of the water. She retracted his foreskin completely, until the intense sensation was too much for Paul, who withdrew from the powerful kiss of the water jets.

Ann repositioned the showerhead on its catch, and knelt in front of Paul and lifted his cock up and planted a soft kiss on his balls, gently biting them, while holding his penis firmly between her fingers. She released her grip and the cock bobbed a little while pointing upwards at 45 degrees. She planted a soft kiss on the tip, before encircling the head of his cock in her mouth and, looking upwards to catch Paul’s eye, slid her wet lips down his erect cock until it seemed to fill her mouth.

Paul’s body tensed at the hot wetness around his cock, and she gently cupped his balls and squeezed them playfully, and then a little tighter, to give him that thrill of pleasure of pain she knew that he loved. She started to such his cock in long slow rhythmic waves, tasting every last drop of him, savoring it.

He started to rock gently, forcing himself into her mouth, until she thought she might gag, so she stood up and turned off the water that had been caressing them both with its warm touch, and led him by the hand to the bed. She climbed onto the bed onto all fours, presenting him with her ass, and motioned him to enter her. He dropped to his knees and began to lick her, but she impatient now, and she instructed him sharply:

“Fuck me”

He stood up, and she felt him softly insert his erect cock into her moist and receptive pussy. At first he teased her, entering her and withdrawing immediately a few times, giving her such a thrill at the feeling of penetration, of surrendering completely to this man. Then he slid deeper inside her, shafting her with his cock, probing deep insider her. She buried her head in the sheets, gripping the bedclothes against the feelings of intense pleasure as she was taken from behind.

Paul struck a nice rhythm, seemingly probing deeper on every third of fourth thrust, she tried to count, but she couldn’t concentrate. She could feel his balls banging against her, feel his hands clutching her hips and drawing her back onto his advancing cock with each thrust, feel his penis probing inside her wet pussy, faster now, rhythmically shafting her again and again, until she just wanted him to come, to see him explode with pleasure.

He pounded away at her.

Erect cock.

Soft pussy.

Shorter breaths.

Faster strokes.

Tighter grip.

Harder thrust.

Deeper penetration.

Louder gasps.

She could feel herself being moved across the bed with each thrust, so the gripped the bedding tightly against the excitement welling up inside her, but she didn’t care about her own orgasm, she just wanted Paul to come, and his body was telling her that was close now. He was calling out her name unconsciously,

“Ann! Ann! Ann! Oh God, Ann!”

She pulled away and lay on her back underneath the twitching cock.

“Finish it on me” she said

Paul took his throbbing cock in hand, and after a couple of strokes, it exploded, shooting spurts of cum onto her breasts. Paul jerked backwards as the last cum shot out onto her stomach, his cock bobbing up and down uncontrollably. Ann smiled, and put her plan into action. She gathered up the pools of cum that had formed on her body, maybe four or five separate pools of viscous cum, and wound them round her fingers until they were coated with white sinews of cum.

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