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Tom turned his car onto the dirt road. It had been a long lonely drive from his home in Ohio, but now he was nearly at the West Virginia campsite. In his teens and through college he had gone camping with his best friend Jim every summer, but those trips stopped after graduation. They got busy with jobs and moved to different parts of the country. Jim now lived in New York City, they’d still text back and forth but it had been years since he’d seen him.

Tom was getting married in a month, but he didn’t want a crazy bachelor party. He just wanted a weekend of camping with his best man like they used to all those years ago.

Jim was the first one to arrive at the campsite. He pulled out his phone to check on Jim’s progress, but his phone had no service. He walked around the campsite looking for a spot with reception. There wasn’t much to the campsite, a large dirt circle just off the small access road. There were 30 other campsites, but most of them were empty. There wasn’t a long distance between campsites, but the thick vegetation made them hard to spot once you were off the road.

Tom sighed when he gave up the search for signal. The campsite was simple, just a fire pit and a picnic table. He set up the tent away from both. The tent was labeled as having an 8-person capacity, but it felt a little cramp the summer 6 of them went camping. It was always random who Tom and Jim could convince to go camping with them. The usual was for 1 or 2 other guys to join them, but this time Tom didn’t invite anyone other than Jim. He just wanted a weekend away with his oldest friend.

The tent was fairly easy to set up, nothing like the one his dad loaned him that first summer. This tent had a string to hold the pieces in order even when apart and pins for the ends to snap into. Although the string was not as tight as it used to be. Once he connected all the pieces there was a wad of extra rope that he balled up and shoved into the end.

Once the tent was standing, Tom unrolled his sleeping bag at one end and then sat down on it for a moment. He looked at Jim’s empty half of the tent. This may not be their last time camping together, but it certainly felt like it. There were a lot of good memories together in this tent, but life had moved them on to other pursuits.

Tom pulled a book out of his backpack and took it to the picnic table. He wanted to be out and ready the second Jim arrived. Throughout the first chapter he’d eagerly glance up at every sound, but by the second chapter he had gotten into the book and looked up less. Chapters later Tom placed the book down as his stomach growled.

Jim was in charge of brining the bulk of the food. All Tom had were some free range eggs a coworker gifted to him and some snacks for tomorrow’s hike. Tom grabbed a protein bar to hold him over until Jim’s arrival.

They both had so far to travel. Tom should have foreseen that they could arrive at wildly different times. Jim now lived in a such a large city for so long, the long haul highway drives were probably foreign to him now, he likely needed frequent stops.

He tried his phone again to see if he could get a text out, but it would not deliver. He decided to gather wood so they could start the fire once Jim arrived. He tried to stay close to the campsite, so he wouldn’t miss a moment when Jim arrived.

After the wood was gathered it was time to stack it in the fire pit. Rummaging through his car he found many receipts that he strategically placed in the timber pile to help the fire get started once it was time to lite it. With everything ready, it was time to return to his book.

It was hours later when Jim’s car finally arrived. Tom’s ass and back ached slightly from sitting on the hard picnic table for so long, but he wasn’t going to let that stop him. He stumbled as he rose to his feet. Stretching out his arms and arching his back Jim tried to quickly awaken all of his muscles.

Tom’s smile beamed as Jim got out of the car, but it dropped ever so slightly as a woman climbed out of the passenger seat. She looked just out of college, long straight black hair, a round face with a button nose. She wore brown shorts that just barely contained a juicy ass. Her legs were short, but creamy and flawless.

“Hi, I’m Iza,” she said. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

“Hi,” Tom stumbled out.

Jim grabbed Tom’s hand and took his gaze off this new girl. “It’s good to see you. How was your drive?”

“Not bad. Yours?”

“It was long. Glad to have arrived. Not a bad place I picked out. I liked looking at all the mountains as we drove in.”

“Yea man, thanks for booking it for us. Um, I’m sorry, Iza it’s nice to meet you. Are you… um…”

“Jim you didn’t tell him I was coming?”

“We always try to bring a group, but she was the only one I could talk into it this year.”

“I’m Jim’s girlfriend. He’s been talking about this trip all month. He’s made it sound like so much fun that I couldn’t resist coming.”

“Plus she helped me stay awake on the drive.”

“Um, Ankara Rus Escort how long have you two been together?”

She grabbed his arm with both hands and rested her head on his shoulder. “We met on Valentine’s Day.”

Tom did the math in his head. February, March, April, May, June, so they’ve been together four months. Tom shook his head to stop himself from saying something he’d regret. “Well I don’t know about you, but I’m famished. I got the wood stacked ready to lite.”

Jim frowned. “Yea but it’ll still take awhile for the fire to get big enough to cook off of.”

“We passed through a cute little town on the way in,” said Iza with a smile.

Tom sighed. It was already starting to get dark. “You’re right, it’s late.”

“Do you mind driving?” Jim asked. “I just got out from behind the wheel and need to take a break before I fall asleep.”

“Yea, no problem. I’ve been here awhile and had some time to rest.” Tom climbed into the driver’s seat of his car, while the other two climbed into the back seat. Tom raised his eyebrow as he looked at them in the rear view mirror, but he did not say anything.

In town they selected a small pizza place that was objectively quite good. There was a sign advertising a local band was playing tomorrow night. Iza suggested that would be fun and Jim agreed. Tom hoped that was just conversational and not a serious suggestion. They were already losing one night away from the woods.

It was dark by the time they returned to the campsite. Jim pulled a tent out of his car and asked Tom for help setting it up. Tom silently helped. Their tent was a small rectangle held up by only two poles. It was especially easy working together on the small job after assembling his larger L-shaped tent on his own.

“Tom, your tent is so much larger than ours,” Iza commented when they finished.

“Yea, it was a Christmas gift from my dad after we told him stories of struggling so much that first year.”

Jim laughed. “That tent we used the first time was so terrible. We couldn’t get any of the poles to stay together, plus there was a hole in that tent.”

Tom laughed too. “We never got it fully standing. Ended up stacking our backpacks inside of it to keep the plastic roof off our faces.”

The laughter died down into an awkward silence.

“Well I’m beat,” said Jim. “See you in the morning?”

“Got the firewood stacked; I’ll cook the eggs.”

“Sounds yummy,” Iza said with a big smile.

Tom had trouble sleeping that night. At first he heard the muffled sounds of Jim and Iza talking. Then it was the moans of their fucking. They tried to keep it quiet but they infrequently let out a louder noise. Eventually they fell quiet and Tom was left alone with his thoughts.

His sleeping bag was still pushed over to one side despite being its only resident. He always slept in the right wing of the L with Jim meant to take the other side. Their fucking would be a lot more uncomfortable if they were in the same test. Tom guessed that’s one good thing about having two tents. Was fucking Iza the only thing Jim thought about this week?

Tom sat up when he heard a zipper. There was a light moving outside his tent, a flashlight. Eager to talk to Jim, Tom climbed out of his tent as well. “Can’t sleep?” he called out.

It was Iza’s voice that replied. “No, I’m um fine.”

“Sorry I thought you were Jim.”

“No he’s passed out and now um I may need some privacy to do something that I’m very uncomfortable doing right now to be honest.”

Tom chuckled. “There’s an outhouse not far from here. It’s not great, but probably better than a bush. I can lead you there.”

“That would be great.”

“Is this your first time camping?”

“My family stayed in a log cabin once if that counts.”

Tom shook his head. “No, that’s not real camping.”

“Well then that makes this my first time.”

“Don’t worry we’ll be gentle.” He regretted saying it the instant she didn’t laugh. “Sorry, bad joke.”

“No, it’s quite alright. Jim has told me stories about you two nearly killing yourselves on these trips.”

“Bad decisions have been made.”

“That’s why I’m here. Keep you alive to walk down the aisle.”

“I’d like to believe we’d survive my bachelor party without supervision.”

“Oh my gosh, this is the bachelor party?”

“Yea, didn’t Jim tell you that?”

“Nah he just said it was a camping trip. I assumed the bachelor party would happen closer to the wedding and you know, be at a bar or something.”

“This could be or something.”

“I thought the point was to oogle single girls one last time.”

“Spend time with the boys one last time.”

“Please tell me you’re not one of those guys who says marriage is death.”

“No, but there’s unlikely to be another camping trip in the near future.”

“Yea I guess that’s true. I hope I’m not ruining it then.”

“Nah, our camping trips in the past were always the more the merrier, we just Yenimahalle Escort never found anyone who wanted to come with us more than once. Ooh, I hope this trip doesn’t doom your relationship then.”

“Maybe it just means Jim and I are a couple that won’t go camping together again.”

“That’s a good way to look at it.”

They arrived at the outhouse. Tom waited outside while Iza went. It was awkward listening to the stream hit the pool of liquid beneath her. They said nothing while she was inside, but she thanked him for waiting once she came back out. Tom led her back to the campsite.

“I would be so lost if I tried to walk over here alone. How do you know which way to go?”

Jim shrugged. “I don’t know, I just remember.”

“You must have a real good sense of direction.”

“Having a good sense of direction is really just always paying attention. The second you lose track of your internal map it’s all gone.”

“Well thank you for guiding me then.”

“Not a problem.”

“Your fiancé is going to be so proud of you.”

“How so?”

“You spent the night alone with a strange new woman at your bachelor party and were a perfect gentleman.”

Tom chuckled. “It hadn’t occurred to me that there was a more fun option on the table.”

“I promise not to say anything if you find yourself a floozy at the concert tomorrow night.”

“Well I do appreciate you honoring the bro code.”

“I mean if I’m a part of your stag party then I need to be a bro or the entertainment right?”

“Well I find you very entertaining.”

“Thanks that’s sweet.”

“I’m glad you interpreted that as sweet cause the other interpretation would get me punched by Jim in the morning.”

“I’ll cut you a break since it is your stag party.”


“Well this is my place,” she said pointing her flashlight at her tent.

“I had fun talking with you. Good night.”

Back in his tent Jim felt his heart racing. He heard the zipper again, but this time it was just his imagination. A fantasy played in his head of Iza climbing into his tent. She wore an oversized Tee-shirt with nothing underneath. He thrusted his hips upward as he imagined her climbing on top of him.

He pictured staring into her round face with her cute button nose, hazel eyes, and perfectly manicured eyebrows. Soon his hand was on his cock in reality and soon after that he was cumming all over the place.

He stripped off all his closes and used them to wipe up the cum wherever he saw it. After stuffing those in a plastic bag that may get thrown out tomorrow he climbed back into his sleeping bag. Moments later he was sleeping like a baby.

He woke up toasty warm inside his thick sleeping bag, but the cold air was rough on his naked skin when he went to fold back the flap of his sleeping bag. He quickly shoved his nude body back inside.

He reached over and rummaged through his bag for new clothes. He pulled them inside the sleeping back and changed into them while staying inside his cocoon. It wasn’t particularly helpful as the corners of his sleeping bag away from his body were cold as outside, as where the new clothes he slipped on.

Outside his small stack of firewood waited for him in the pit, but the paper he left inside was wet with due. He pulled them out and went on the hunt for a replacement. He found an old piece of junk mail underneath the seat of his car which he ripped up into strips before adding it to the stack.

“Looks good,” Iza said once he had the fire running.

“Perfect timing, I’m just about to start cooking the eggs. From free-range birds.”

“`You keep chickens in your backyard out in the country?”

“OK, Ohio isn’t as dense as New York City, but I wouldn’t call it the country.”

“Well where’d the eggs come from?”

“A coworker that lives just outside of town.”

“Just outside of NYC is still pretty densely populated.”

“Yea I guess. Is Jim up yet? You should probably go wake him.”

“He’s up and gone.”


“Out for his morning run. I wish I could tell you how long he’s been gone but he left before I woke.”

“His track days were a decade ago. He still runs everyday?”

“Like 7 miles each day.”

“So that’s how he stays so skinny.”

“I mean it’s not like your fat.”

“Thanks… I think.”

“I didn’t mean it like that. You look good.”

“OK I’ll take it.”

“What no compliment return?”

“You’re so beautiful you could have been the entertainment instead of one of the bros.”

She laughed. “OK I’ll take that.”

Jim returned after the eggs were cooked and they had already started to eat. Tom quickly shoveled in the last of his eggs and then got up to get the pan for Jim. Iza stayed at the table while Jim ate, but Tom headed over to the car to prepare his bag for the hike.

He had a special backpack for long hike trips. It had a huge reservoir of water with a straw so that he didn’t have to keep pulling out and pushing back in a water bottle. It was designed for someone on a bike, but it was still awfully convenient for a hike.

Jim was most of the way through his eggs when Tom reached the table, but it seemed he was talking more than he was eating. Tom waited patiently until he was done, but once that fork hit the plate Tom eagerly asked, “Ready for our hike?”

“Absolutely,” Jim replied. “Let me just change out of my running shoes.”

Iza was wearing shorts shorter than Tom would have recommended. It was hot out, but with the shade of the trees it wasn’t uncomfortably hot. All that exposed skin just increased the likelihood of bites from bugs and scratches from thorns.

“You have the trail picked?” Jim asked as he emerged from the tent.

“Yea, it starts down there by the lake,” Tom replied.

“A lake?” Iza asked. “Can we go swimming in it later?”

“Sounds like fun,” Jim replied. The lake was big, and there was a sandy shore near them that looked like a good place to jump in.

Tom bit his tongue. His plan was to dead tired by the time they returned, but no sense discouraging her at the start.

After Iza took some pictures of the lake with her phone they were finally on the trail. They for the most part walked in silence, taking in the awe of nature.

Thirty minutes in Tom dropped his bag at the base of where several large rocks were stacked. “You want to climb to the top.”

Jim placed his hand on Iza’s shoulder and rubbed it gently. “You go on ahead, we’ll wait here.”

Tom frowned, but said nothing. Climbing to the top was a fun challenge, but it didn’t feel the same doing it alone while they watched. Well, why they waited. They sat on the ground with their backs to him. Jim’s arm was wrapped around Iza’s back. Tom noticed for the first time that neither of them had a backpack on.

The view from the top was nice, but they had much further to go to reach the top of the mountain. They’d never reach that peak though. Jim suggested they head back once Tom climbed back down to join them because “Iza was getting tired.”

On the walk out Tom had taken the lead, but he dragged his feet and fell back on the return trip. Walk out, turn around, head back. They didn’t even need his map for that short of a trip. An hour of hiking? Tom wished he could blame it on Jim being fat and out of shape but the bastard runs 7 miles everyday? At least Iza’s legs were nice to look at on the way back. They were creamy and flawless. She was a bit too large to have a thigh gap, but by no way would Tom consider her fat, just enough meat to give her a nice juicy ass.

He got to see more of that ass when they stopped at the lake on the way back. Iza’s insisted that they go swimming in the lakes. She removed her shirt before either the boys fully processed the request. Underneath she wore a dark pink demi-cup bra with light pink frills along the top and straps. She had more cleavage than Tom expected.

She bent over as she slid down her short. Her ass covered by a pair of dark pink cotton underwear which formed a perfect heart as she bent over. She turned around and said something that Tom did not catch because he was distracted by the bright white lines that marked the seams of her pink underwear. A moment later her underwear was obscured by the water.

Jim took off his shirt while Tom dropped his backpack on the ground. Jim continued to strip down to his boxers to go join Iza, but Tom just rested on the sand. Tom rummaged through his bag to pull out some food. He ate it while watching Tom and Iza swim in the water.

They were clearly having more fun than Tom, but he wasn’t sure it’d be any different if he joined them. He’d still be off swimming by himself while they shared a couple moment. He’d prefer to lay on the sand if that was the case.

He wasn’t sure how long he waited; he wasn’t even sure if he stayed awake for the entire wait. As boring as it was, watching Iza emerge from the water when they were done was enjoyable. She had a meaty legs, hips that swayed, and water dripping off her bosom. Her underwear clung to her body in all the right places.

“Why didn’t you join us?” she asked.

“Ah I needed the rest.”

“Really?” Iza asked.

“Well you two weren’t as tired as me after not joining me on the rock.”

The short walk back to the campsite was only a little awkward. To break the silence Iza asked, “Who else is ready for lunch?”

“Yea,” said Jim

“Great,” I said enthusiastically despite not being that hungry. “I’ll start the fire. Jim, can you get the hot dogs?”

“Sure, where did you pack them?”

“What? You were supposed to bring the food for the fire!”

“Dude, calm down. You don’t need to be an ass about it.”

“Oh, I’m being the ass? You show up late, without food, don’t want to hike, do you even want to go camping?”

“We went hiking. What do you want from me?”

Tom, rolled his eyes, but Iza cut him off before he could respond. “Alright let’s lower the temperature. Tom, I’m sorry we forgot the food. It was just really hectic getting out of the city, we were nearly in a car wreck, and we forgot.”

Tom took a deep breath and took a step away from them.

“Jim, honey, can you please go back into to town, get some hot dogs, stuff for smores, and anything else that looks good.”

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