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Big Dicks


If you didn’t read all of the last book, A Step Apart: Strained Relationship, here is a recap! Matt has spent the majority of the month experimenting and practicing new sexual skills on his stepsister, Stephanie, while her mother is away. Dealing with a fast arriving decision on which college to attend, Matt joins Stephanie at a house party with her roommates at her university. There, Matt’s popularity with the ladies causes Matt and Stephanie to confront their desires for another. The following weekend Matt and his Stepsister are in various stages of undress when they look up to see Amy, Matt’s Stepmother, staring in shock at them.


There are times in people’s lives when pure dread sinks their teeth into one’s back like a predator. When they know their life as they know it was coming to an end. As Matt scrambled to pull his jeans up and push his erection back down into his boxers, he had one of these moments. Luckily for him, at this very moment, his stepmother was more intent on chasing down Stephanie who ran into the hallway with her clothes. It was pure pandemonium coming from Stephanie’s bedroom. Someone was crying while the other was cussing and throwing things. Matt tried to zip his pants up and nearly synched his shaft in the metal.

“Ah ah, fuck! Fuck it.” Matt whispered to himself and tried to make a break for the door while it was still clear. His erection still throbbing, pointed out his unzipped pants but he couldn’t deal with that right now. He cleared the hallway and was half way through the kitchen when the tumbling of clothes, bags, and people came rumbling down the hallway. The tornado that was their argument pushed past him and he saw Stephanie shove outside with her hands full with two bags and some of her clothes. Amy chased Stephanie outside but stopped at the edge of the steps shouting.

“We are going to talk about this!” Amy screamed. “You aren’t welcome back here until we talk about this, young lady!” Stephanie threw her car in reverse and drove away, allowing silence to overtake the house again. The sound of Stephanie’s car engine puttering to life then driving away left a strange silence which meant he was alone with his step mother and she could turn her anger towards him at any moment. He wondered if he could maneuver around her in the doorway somehow and make a run for it. He was faster than her for sure, but he couldn’t count on his speed with this damn erection that refused to leave.

Before Matt could make a decisive decision, Amy stepped back inside to see the pathetic sight of Matt defeated with his chin low and hands cupped over his crotch. She stared shaking her head silently for a moment then just when Matt was going to announce him leaving, Amy pointed back to the living room. “Go,” was all she said.

Matt had the briefest hesitation but the sternness of his step mother’s expression made him retreat further into the house. Sitting in the same seat where he was before, Matt stretched his t shirt out and pulled it below his crotch. Amy entered the room and sat on edge at the adjacent lazy boy. Her mascara was darkened and ran on the edges of her eyes. She dabbed at the corner of her eyes with a corner of her shirt.

“Did she talk you into this?” Amy finally asked. Her voice was low and calm. Matt weighed his options. As much as he’d spent the past months beating his chest about being a man, right now he felt like a child who just was caught breaking his mother’s vase. His natural instinct was to lie. To put the blame elsewhere. It didn’t matter where as long as it lessened the punishment on himself. But another part of him, his mature self, he supposed, spoke louder inside of him. It said to be honest and to do what he could to protect Stephanie. After all, he truly was the one who started all of this.

“No,” Matt admitted. “I did. I started it all. It was all me.” This seemed to catch her by surprise. She shook her head half laughing to herself. It was about the same time as she pulled an open bottle of wine from her purse, Matt realized she was slurring her words and her eyes had an inebriated droop to them when she blinked.

“Jesus Christ- this family…” Amy laughed as she drank from the bottle. There was a loud buzzing from his pocket and instinctively Matt pulled his phone out. “Is that her?!” Amy yelled standing up. There was a brief shoving that occurred as she tried to take the phone from him, and he attempted to guard it. But when the commotion caused his shirt to raise and expose his erection, he relented and let Amy get ahold of his phone so he could re-cover his shaft.

Amy stood in daze, slightly stepping backwards as she stared at his crotch. Taking another drink, she sat back down and went back to shaking her head. She looked at his phone and laughed to herself before tossing it on her purse beside her. “How long have you two been-”

“Not long,” he answered.


Matt only nodded in response.

“Has she- have you came inside mersin seks hikayeleri her?” Amy asked.

The vulgarity and directness of the question took Matt by surprise. He stuttered not knowing what to say.

“Don’t lie to me, Matt,” she warned. Matt finally nodded a defeated nod.

“Jesus Christ…” she said again. Then seemed to realize Matt was her step son and back tracked some. “Look this was just a lot to process and it- a lots happened tonight. It’s not you- I like you a lot. You’re a good kid, but your dad…” Amy struggled for a long moment on the proper words to use. “I don’t want your dad any more involved in my family than he already is. He was a fucking nightmare of a mistake.”

“I get it,” Matt admitted. “He’s a prick.”

“Yes, he is,” Amy sighed with a bolt of laughter that caught Matt by surprise. He felt the head of his cock twitch as it refused to back down beneath his shirt. Amy took another large gulp of wine from the bottle she had in hand. “It feels so good to hear someone else say it. It’s like, confirmation that I’m not crazy.”

“No, no, he’s a bastard. I’m definitely on your side,” Matt correctly guessed that this was something she wanted to hear. He was in fact ‘on her side’ but most importantly of all she wanted to keep her happy at this moment so he wouldn’t get in any more trouble.

Amy sighed rubbing her temples, Matt could almost hear her internal monologue of conflict arguments. “You’re nothing like your father…” she finally said, then perked up to clarify, “and that’s a good thing.” His step mother gave him another I look of approval. This one lingered inordinately long. The alcohol behind her eyes obvious as her rosy pink cheeks turned to him slightly. “You never had any date after coming here, did you? You were all dressed up for my daughter.”

The way she asked this question was not accusatory. Her voice was soft and interested with the slightest of smirks in the corner of her lips. Like maybe she thought it was cute or attractive. “Yeah…” Matt said softly.

“I didn’t have a date either,” Amy admitted proudly as she leaned back in the chair. She slouched so much in the chair that her long V of her blouse bunched and pulled to the side nearly almost allowing one of her breasts to be exposed. Matt tried not to stare but he could tell the only thing keeping her shirt in place was just the nub of her hard nipple that was just barely covered. “I know, I know, I felt bad lying to Stephanie, but it looks like she was lying about more than I was.” Amy shrugged playfully.

“If you weren’t going out on dates where were you going every Saturday night? You were gone all night, usually,” Matt asked.

His step mom answered with a seductive and mischievous smile that she pressed into her shoulder as she shrugged. “I go out to the club with some girlfriends.”

“All night?”

“No, not all night… there’s always a guy out there that at least looks worth my time,” Amy half laughed. “What? Didn’t know your step mom was a slut?” Amy asked taking another large drink. “I’m single… attractive…”

“Yeah,” Matt agreed more eager than he intended. Amy smiled at him and stood up. Taking one last swig she handed the bottle to Matt as she sat in the love seat beside him. Right where Stephanie once sat. Matt gave her a look as if asking permission to drink and she gave the bottle a nod and sat back smiling. Matt took a long gulp. So big in fact a small dribble came out the corner of his mouth.

Amy giggled wiping the drip of wine from his cheek with her thumb and then hummed a moaning sound as she sucked it clean from her fingertip. The same sound her daughter made when she sucked my finger.

She eyed his hand that remained on his shirt, keeping it stretched over his crotch. “Look, I’m not pissed that you two were fucking- err sorry,” Amy covered her pink lips that slurred almost every word and giggled. “Having sex. Well, I’m a little mad. But it’s not like you two grew up together. You’re just two teenagers left alone for too long, I guess… anyways, I- what I don’t like or want err what I’m upset about is you cumming inside her.”

Matt didn’t mean to roll his eyes when he did. He knew it would come off as a teenager ignoring the words of their parent. In reality he rolled his eyes because of how uncomfortable it was to hear his stepmom say ‘cum’ to him when he still sat there with his erection sticking out. He thought to try and push it back in his pants, but if nothing else it had grown since sitting down and he didn’t want to draw any extra attention to it.

“I know I know,” Amy waived her hand at him. Her finger tips brushing and lingering on his arm. “You probably have had tons of adults preach to you about safe sex. And it might not seem like a big deal now but… Stephanie is 19, she’s in college, she’s got a lot going for her. I don’t want her getting pregnant and I especially don’t want her getting permanently stuck to your father. I know it sounds bad but-”

“I get it…” Matt said, his pouting eyes low in his lap. Matt will constantly be judged based on his father. Caught in the middle of the few good qualities and all of the bad. Not successful in business and not someone to consort with because he’s an asshole.

“No, don’t be like that,” Amy consoled him by caressing his shoulder, her butt scooting closer to him. “I like you a lot. I mean if you were… and it’s not just me. Can you imagine if your dad found out about this? How pissed he’d be?”

Matt was nodding to himself. He hadn’t put much thought into his father finding out. He was never home long enough to even know where Matt was, let along what he was doing. Perhaps, Matt hadn’t thought this through as much as he should have.

He didn’t want to be rude and pull away from Amy, but the tender way her hand cupped to his triceps and slid up and down didn’t help his throbbing erection. At least not in a way to make it go away. After a protracted silence, Matt heard a snicker leave Amy’s lips. Like she had just had a light bulb of a thought ignite in her head. When her eyes did finally return to him, they had a devious twist to them. Her hand cupped to his arm and pressed harder as it slid around his neck like she was massaging his upper back.

Matt remained frozen. His eyes wide on his lap as his drunk stepmother slid her other hand across his chest, he instinctively tensed, flexing his chest as her hands met on the other side of his neck. Carefully, like a precise strike she lined her lips up and kissed Matt’s neck just below his ear. This kiss was wet and soft, and her breath was warm enough to send tingles down his spine. Amy’s lips worked wonders on his neck. Licking and sucking, her teeth nibbling on his ear lobe until she snaked her head in front of his. “Wha-what are you doing?” Matt blurted out.

Amy pushed her lips together and gave him a knowing smile, “you know what I’m doing… relax…” she cooed as she carefully leaned across him. Her warm cheek brushing softly against his as she kissed and bit his neck under his other ear. Matt could feel her large breasts press into his chest as she leaned across him. Allowing his back to relax back into the cushion, he couldn’t manage to take the tension out of his arms. This was a scenario was not what he expected from this conversation.

When his stepmother pulled away from his neck, she lingered hovering over his face. “What? You don’t find me attractive?” She asked with a curve of a smile in the corner of her lips. Matt could smell the fruity wine coating her breath. It complimented the rosy conditioner that permeated from her hair. It was an odd question for Matt. Not just because she was his step mom but because he had honestly never considered her in that regard until that moment. Any time he thought of her he immediately associated her with his father which made attractive an unlikely describer for her. But of course, Amy was sexy. Her slender hips and ample breasts with her long legs and scattered tattoos painted across her arms and back. It was as if Matt had realized how attracted to her he was at the exact moment she asked.

Amy raised an eyebrow when she saw his eyes flicker to her wide-open cleavage as he struggled to find the right words. Her smile grew wider as she leaned back enough to let the straps of her dress fall to the sides off of her shoulders. With her head cocked to the side and her sexy hair brushed over to one side, Matt’s step mom stared at him as her dress fell to her naval exposing her plump perky breasts.

Amy gave a small laugh at how adorable Matt probably appeared staring in wonder at her perfect body. He could see her well sculpted abdominal muscles as she did. “You like what you see?” She asked.

“Yes,” was all Matt managed to say.

“Do you want to taste them?” Amy asked lowering her breasts to his lips. Her fingers combing through his hair, he parted his lips to as he took her right nipple in his mouth. Amy went silent for a moment as she leaned her head back and sighed. “Mmmm… that’s it… you like my tits? Huh? Ahhh… yes, rub that tongue on my nipple, mmm just like that.”

His step mother’s hand cupped his cheek and brushed his chest. After a few moments she lowered to his side forcing his lips off her. She pressed her lips into the crook of his neck where they had begun. This time her right hand rubbed and danced down his chest to lap where she peeled back his shirt from his grip. “Mmmm what do we have here?” Amy asked, her breath hot on Matt’s cheek as she whispered in his ear.

Matt felt his step mother’s hand wrap around the base of his shaft and begin to slowly stroke to the tip and then back down. “Mmmmmmm,” Amy purred in his ear. Her other arm wrapped around his shoulders as her lips and forehead rolled against this of his head. Like she wanted to be on top of him. “Y-you’re a big boy aren’t you, Matt? Mmmmm you’re my big boy…” Amy moaned as her grip tightened on his shaft and turned from petting it to pumping.

“Gah…” Matt groaned and turned into Amy. Their lips met and instantly she was moaning in the kiss. Her tongue pushed inside his mouth and intertwined with his as she pushed tighter to his body. He could feel her pumps happening with a stronger and faster purpose to them. She sprinted jacking him and he started to pant. Her lips- her hand it felt so good…

“Mmmm! You like that baby? Huh? Getting jacked off by your step mom?” Amy asked between kisses. She started panting, too, as her focus switched to his cock. She pulled away from the kiss and raised just enough so his mouth went to her nipple. He instantly put his mouth there and began sucking on it. “Oh, good boy, suck that nipple. Mmmm look at that fucking Pre-cum you’re leaking, mmm.”

Matt didn’t know how she did it but every twist and pump on his shaft felt better than the one before it. He was fighting to not cum from just a hand job from her and she knew it too. Her hand slowed after a moment and changed to slow methodical, massaging pumps as she spread his pre-cum down his thick shaft.

“Mmm now, Matt,” his step mom started. Her breath labored as she pumped him. “I know you want to cum, baby. I can feel you throbbing my hand. But I need you to understand something first- ahh…” Matt bit down on her nipple as she spoke causing her eyes to roll and her body to briefly melt into Matt’s side. “You’re not allowed to see my daughter anymore. Not here or at her school. Not at all.”

Matt pulled away from her breast as he registered what she was saying. Amy took this opportunity to slide her way down into his lap. Her pussy lips just inches away from his throbbing shaft. “Now I know you’re a strapping, young, hormonal, adult teenager. And I know it will be difficult for you to restrain yourself when you’re so backed up down here…”

Her words lingered just as her hand did dragging up and down his shaft. Her lips pausing just far enough away to kiss the bulb of his cock. Matt watched her toying grin as she bit her lip after every kiss. As if she had to force herself not to shove the whole thing in her mouth. “So, this is the deal, I won’t tell your dad about what I caught you doing with your step sister and you won’t go near her anymore. And anytime you’re horny and just can’t seem to get this hard-on to go away, I give you permission to call me to take care of it.”

Amy stuck her tongue out half way and let the tip lick from his balls, up the base of his shaft, and circle his urethra. He watched as a long glob of pre-cum stretched from her tongue to his cock. “Deal?” She asked.

Matt would’ve agreed to just about anything in that moment. “Deal.” Amy stuck her hand out to shake his, but as soon as their hands touched the head of his cock disappeared inside of her lips and she pulled his hand down to the back her head as she sucked on him. He couldn’t help but groan as his step mother slid her lips up and down his shaft several times.

He felt the bulb of his cock drag on her tongue and knew he was about to cum. His hand on the back of her head, Amy looked up to see Matt’s eyes rolling backwards as she pumped his shaft hard and fast. Her lips refusing to leave the tip of his cock. Her eyes staring at him as she felt his shaft flex in her palm and the explosion of hot cum covered the roof of her mouth.

The feeling was overwhelming for Matt. As he continued to cum inside his step mom’s mouth she refused to pull her lips from his cock. Her tongue flicking long laps across the tip it caused Matt to pull away and shrink back. The feeling was so intense, it felt like it would never stop and part of him wished it wouldn’t. Finally, after what seemed like a life time, Amy lifted her lips from his cock with a growl of a moan having swallowed all of her step son’s cum.

“Mmmm yummy,” Amy hummed wiping her lips of the saliva that remained. “Now, let’s put that tongue of yours to use.” Amy slid the rest of her dress down her smooth thighs revealing her naked body.

Amy shimmied her hips free of the dress and let it fall to the floor as she stepped out of it. There were many things that have happened in Matt’s life that he never thought would happen and never considered possible. His sexy and intoxicated stepmother standing naked in front of him was one of them.

As she crawled up his body, she leaned over allowing her swaying breasts to dangle before his eyes. Her hand reached between his thighs stroking his limp shaft slowly as she stepped up onto the couch. Matt remained still like a passenger in a ride. Not in control and not knowing how to act. When Amy had stood on the couch with both feet- one foot on each side of Matt’s hips, Matt saw Amy teeter to her side and back. Instinctually, Matt flung his hands up to her hips and grabbed her, steadying her.

Amy giggled and leaned forward so her hands balanced on the living room wall. “Nice grab,” she smiled down below as she flung her long hair over her shoulder. Matt looked up at her and realized his hands both gripped her butt cheeks with his thumbs hooked around her boney hips.

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