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Casey woke to the warm Florida breeze drifting through one of his condo’s open windows. Rubbing his weary eyes, he rolled onto his side and reached for his phone on the nightstand. Groaning that the time was only quarter to six in the morning, he rested his head back on the pillow and stared up at the ceiling. His mind drifted about, playing back the events of the past couple months in his head. Casey’s life in that short time period had been quite up and down, to say the least. The lowest of the lowlights was the breakup between him and his girlfriend of nearly two years. Losing her was a crushing blow to his self-esteem, that is, until he was offered the internship of a lifetime the spring semester of his senior year of college.Casey had scored a paid internship with the Minnesota Twins baseball team. Getting into the University of Minnesota was something he thought he’d never accomplish, but now being able to work for his favorite baseball team was icing on the cake. The organization had him working as a technology assistant for their game broadcasts, both television and radio. As a mass communications major, this was right up Casey’s alley. It got even better: since the spring semester started in January and ended in May, a majority of his time was spent down in Fort Myers for spring training. A college boy’s dream, being able to work for a professional sports team, and on days off, hitting the sun-baked beaches full of gorgeous women in the skimpiest of swimwear.Working for the Twins was hard work. Casey would spend extremely long hours at Hammond Stadium and sometimes wouldn’t get back to where he was staying until late in the evening. The upside to working longer days was that he didn’t have to travel with the team when they were on the road. He quickly took advantage of those days off, crossing the bridge to Fort Myers Beach and giving the gals the best that this freshly single male specimen had to offer. Attempting might be a better word because he was in quite a dry spell since his breakup. Sure, he would chat up some of the hotties on the sand, but it never really seemed to go anywhere and his confidence was beginning to fade fast.Taking another glance at his phone, he cursed and slid out of bed. He worked till nearly eleven the previous night and only being able to sleep a little over six hours was frustrating to him. Walking to the open window, he peered out. The condo the team gave him to use wasn’t near the beach, but rather close to the ballpark and its offices. Casey scanned the fading darkness of the city and decided to take a drive.If I can’t sleep I might as well see the sunrise, he thought as he threw on a t-shirt and some athletic shorts. Stepping out of the condo, he headed down the stairs to his rental car. Turning out of the condo complex, he made his way onto Summerlin Road in the general direction of the beach.“A run on the beach might do me some good,” he said to himself, as he made a left onto state road 865.Several quiet minutes went by as he drove through the early morning, the sun slowly rising to welcome the world. Crossing over the bridge to the beach side, Casey hooked onto Estero Boulevard and drove southeast along the many rows of hotels, condos, and bungalows that made up this sought-after vacation destination. Driving along, he realized that he had never driven this far down the island and his curiosity started to get the better of him.Continuing along, he reached another bridge that crossed over a large channel. Looking down into the clear, blue water, he thought that a swim might be in order after his jog. As his car made its way to the far shore, Casey noticed a sandy parking lot just past the bridge. Pulling in, he went ahead and parked as close as he could to the beach. It was still relatively early, so his car was the only one in the lot. Several large walking trails meandered off into the wooded areas, but he was more interested in the long stretch of beach Anadolu Yakası Escort in front. He took out his phone and Googled his location, wondering just exactly where he had ended up.Finding his location, Casey came to the conclusion that he was on the very northern edge of a small island that made up the Lovers Key State Park. The body of water he had crossed over was known as the Big Carlos Pass. Scrolling down the map, he went along the beach with his finger, looking to see where it led. Down a little way from where he was, there seemed to be a small point that jutted out into Big Carlos Pass. The beach wrapped around the point and ran southward towards the state park.To the point and back, he thought as he exited his car and began stretching his legs.Putting his earbuds in, Casey took off at a relaxed pace down the sand, the soft relaxing guitar riffs of James Taylor gliding him along. With the sun continuing its slow rise and the humidity increasing, he was quickly covered in a layer of sweat. Several heart-pumping minutes later, Casey found himself nearing the point he had previously mapped out. As he moved along the beach, he thought he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. Wiping the sweat from his forehead and away from his eyes, he noticed it again. Turning his head to look towards the water, Casey squinted and looked about. There it was: someone was swimming just offshore a few hundred yards in front of him.“Damn, they can move,” he huffed as he ran along, watching the figure glide between the waves.The figure didn’t swim like any normal person, rather, moved as if it was marine-like. Casey slowed his pace and watched with wonder at how someone could swim so fast. As he drew near, the figure had made it close to the shore into shallow enough water where one could stand. As the person stood up, Casey’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. It was a woman standing in the water. She had shoulder length, blonde hair that was pulled back and tied in several places, giving her hair a braided look. What sent his brain reeling along with the blood rushing to his crotch, was the fact that she was completely naked!This woman had an amazing body. A large set of ample breasts bounced and jiggled about as she trotted from the ocean. Her skin was kissed by the sun with a perfect tan. The lines from a skimpy bikini contrasted nicely from creamy white to freshly tanned skin. She had a very taut stomach and strong, sexy legs that pushed her up out of the water and onto the sand. Casey watched her, still moving at his decreasing pace, as she jogged up to a blanket and pile of clothes near a long stretch of sand fence.Turn around, turn around! his mind screamed at the thought of the awkwardness of the situation as he approached.His body kept pushing him onward, much to his brain’s dismay. When he got within twenty yards from her, it looked like she might not even make eye contact with him. She was breathing heavily as she lay flat on her stomach on a beach towel, her head resting on her arms.Put your head down and run by, he kept telling himself as he drew near.Simply running by wasn’t in the plans today. Nearly to her, Casey suddenly found himself falling face first into the sand. His slow speed caused him to moronically trip right over his own feet. His earbuds flew out as he hit the sand with a soft thud. Quickly, he scrambled to his feet to wipe the sand from his body.“Are you alright?” he heard her ask.Brushing the last of the sand from his arms, he looked up and gave a glance her way. She was sitting upright now; her body was covered with sand from the tops of her supple breasts to her toes. Casey stared, speechless at what was before him.“I uh, I’m alright,” he squeaked rather quietly.She smiled brightly, gazing over his entire body. He stared back at her for what seemed like forever. His mind fogged up when she spoke again, snapping him back to reality. “Want to Anadolu Yakası Escort Bayan sit and rest a while? You look exhausted.”On wobbly legs, Casey pressed towards her and plopped down hard just a few feet away. He closed his eyes and slowly caught his breath, not wanting to stare. They sat there in silence for several long moments, the sounds of the waves crashing and the occasional bird chirping filling the air as he tried to calm his body down.“Is this your first time on this beach?” she asked, breaking the awkward silence.Opening his eyes, Casey turned to meet her gaze. Using every fiber in his body, he tried not to sneak any peeks below her chin.”Yes it is, I couldn’t sleep this morning so I went for a drive and just happened upon it,” he explained, not daring to break eye contact.“I just love it out here, especially in the early mornings. It gives me a chance to welcome the day and its just me and nature. I don’t usually get visitors out this far,” she said with a laugh.Casey gave a nervous laugh and looked around cautiously. “So, do you always, uh, swim this way?” he stuttered out.She glanced down at her naked body and then back towards him with a grin.“Yep, I just think it’s so freeing being able to not have to worry about clothes for a little while. That’s actually how I discovered this stretch of beach. I like to enjoy my body in its natural state, but most people on the big beaches don’t find that appropriate.”For the first time while conversing with her, his eyes gave their first subtle glance along her figure. To say the stiffness in his shorts had surged was an understatement. Quickly, he broke his stare and made eye contact with her again. Her eyes sparkled as she gave him a coy little smile.“You can look, I don’t mind at all,” she said softly.With her consent, Casey’s eyes didn’t hold back. They roamed about, taking in her beauty. Her firm breasts down to her taut stomach, covered with fine pebbles of sand. She had very toned thighs, the kind that one would love to spread apart in search of her intimate temple. Moving back up her body, he noticed how perfect her smile was surrounded by such kissable lips. She was perfect, symmetrical in every way, her face beaming brightly.“Well, what do you think?” she asked curiously.Casey’s mouth hung open slightly as he tried to put words together. “I, well, you’re beautiful,” he rambled out.She giggled at his tongue being tied, her mouthwatering breasts jiggling as she laughed. “I’m Stephanie, by the way, I’m not the type to let strangers see me naked,” she said extending her hand to him.“Casey,” he answered taking her soft hand in his.They shook hands but it lingered a lot longer than normal, both of them staring hard at one another.“The pleasure is all mine, Casey,” she answered, finally slipping her hand apart from his.Reaching for her beach towel, she slowly began the chore of wiping her body clean of the sand that was still stuck on. Neither one spoke the whole time. Casey sat and watched with delight as she slowly worked, staring without shame. When she freed herself of a majority of the sand, she looked up, giving him a little smirk.“It’s so refreshing having a cute young man eye me up. I’m surprised you didn’t run away when you first saw my old naked self,” she lightly chuckled.“Are you kidding me, you’re not old at all. I think you’re hot as hell,” he protested, wishing he would have taken the last part back.Stephanie wrapped her towel around herself, concealing his tasty eye candy. Casey knew he had said something wrong and was about to kick himself for saying it when she looked at him with a crooked smile.“I’m glad you think so, I turned forty this past winter but I feel like I haven’t even reached my prime yet.”Forty, did she just say she was forty? There’s no way she is that old with that body, he thought as he watched her stand up.She bent down and picked up her other belongings. Casey Escort Anadolu Yakası stood up quickly so he could at least walk with her if she was leaving. What he didn’t realize when he got to his feet was that his blood was still flowing into his crotch. He was stiff as a board and didn’t notice until he saw the grin on her face when she looked towards him.“Seems you do enjoy my aging body, don’t you?” she giggled giving him a wink.Casey laughed a little nervously as he tried to conceal his raging erection. “Yeah, sorry, I can’t control it sometimes. But, like I said, you are hot as hell,” he blushed.Thinking that the high point of his day had already past, he soon found himself in quite a shock. Without saying a word, she closed the distance between them. Casey’s eyes went wide and his vision slightly blurred when she reached out and ran a soft hand along the length of his covered shaft.“Mmmm, you have a nice cock,” she softly moaned. “Does he want to come out and play?”She slowly started to caress up and down, sending tingles along his spine. Pressing her body to his, they locked eyes as she leaned in and planted a soft, wet kiss on his trembling lips. Stepping around him, Stephanie moved a few feet inland and pointed towards a small grove of trees.“Follow,” she urged as she glanced over her tan shoulder.Completely baffled by how this day was going, Casey turned himself around and like a lost puppy, plodded after her. Her hips and rear swayed seductively underneath her beach towel. His hungry eyes ate up every single movement she made, all the way to the shade of the trees. Upon reaching the small grove, they found themselves shaded from the sun’s increasingly powerful rays. Glancing about, Casey noticed a small hiking trail about thirty yards away that stretched off into the woods. The grove offered some privacy, but a small break in the trees offered a peek in if someone were to look at the right time and place while hiking the secluded trail.Stepping into the middle of the small clearing, Stephanie spun around to face Casey, who was nervously scanning the area. She gave a devilish grin, just imagining the events that would unfold in the not-so-distant future.Clearing her throat got Casey’s attention back on her. Releasing her grip on the towel, the item quickly slipped down her body, pooling at her feet.“Much better, don’t you think?” she questioned with a giggle.Casey stared at her body as he stepped in close. His breathing now ragged, he thought his heart would beat out of his chest as she knelt in front of him and tugged at his shorts. With a swift pull, Stephanie sent his shorts to the ground. His manhood bulged out of his compression shorts, throbbing for release. Taking hold of his hips, she leaned in and kissed the head of his covered manhood, eliciting a soft gasp from the shaky-legged young man.”You have such a nice cock,” she moaned as she planted more kisses along his sheathed sword.Needing more than just a tease, Stephanie wrapped her fingers in the spandex-type material of his shorts and slowly maneuvered them lower and lower. Working them past his hips, she eyed up his cleanly shaven pubic area as she gave one final tug. Casey’s throbbing pole sprang free in front of her face, sticking out in all its glory.Stephanie gave a throaty growl in approval as she reached up and took hold of his shaft with her hand. Looking up into his gleaming eyes, she smiled wickedly and dove in. Casey cried out as her broad tongue dove along his bulbous head and trickled down to his root. She lapped the entire length of him, planting kisses up and down as she slowly stroked with her hand. Opening wide, she breathed a hot sigh onto his head as she slid it into her wet mouth. Casey moaned in delight at the hot feeling of her mouth as she continued to work her way down him. In and out she went, her pace painstakingly slow at first, but soon finding a quicker rhythm. She stroked and sucked away, reveling in the feeling of having his meat in her mouth and down her throat.Casey’s body started to tingle as he felt the hasty arrival of an orgasm. “I’m g-gonna cum!” he gasped alarmedly.Stephanie released his manhood from her clutches and leaned back to look him in the eye. “No you’re not, not until I’ve had mine,” she playfully scolded.

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