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Spinning my fork in three circles, I gathered some of the fresh pasta into a manageable bite and savored the richness of basil and olive oil as they hit my tongue with silky, savory flavor. It turned out that the dinner Khloe had made – the same dinner we had postponed early for another round of mutual masturbation and pushed boundaries – was delectable and a filling welcome for us both. We had each worked up quite a hunger it seemed.Earlier, after sharing another pair of body quaking, masturbatory orgasms, Khloe and I enjoyed each other’s nakedness for a time as we let ourselves recover from the shared exertions. But empty stomachs eventually prevailed, so we cleaned up, put on a few clothes, and made our way back to the table where dinner awaited us. This is where we now found ourselves, delighting in the delicious food, basking in a friendly afterglow, and enjoying a shared moment of quiet, light conversation between bites. It was exactly what we both needed.Khloe and her husband Derek had been friends of ours for quite a few years. But, as circumstances often do, everything seemed to happen at once this fateful weekend: Khloe was alone in her house as Derek had taken their kids to see their grandparents, my wife had taken our boys over to the beach, but I stayed back for work, and the AC compressor at our house had gone out. All of this left me borrowing their spare bedroom and spending the weekend catching up with a good friend. It also seemed the perfect set of circumstances for Khloe and I to learn that we both shared a rather intimate habit. And, to discover that we both thoroughly enjoyed sharing that intimate habit with a friend.After a long moment of silence, Khloe put her fork down and stretched her arms above her head in a satisfied kind of way. I couldn’t help but notice the impression her braless breasts made on her thin t-shirt when she did this: her curves and nipples were delightfully visible. Then with relaxation in her voice, she shared her thoughts. “You know, I’m really glad we’re friends and that we found this part of our friendship. I mean,” she giggled lightly, “two days ago I couldn’t imagine wanting to share my…um… habits with anyone, and now…” She trailed off with a knowing look on her face and a light blush on her cheeks.”And now, you can’t stop thinking about the next time we shed our clothes and pleasure ourselves, can you?” I asked conspiratorially.”Exactly,” she grinned. “…let’s just say I’m so very glad I dropped that comment about having to take care of myself…and even more that you picked up on it. I had no idea that I was such a voyeur AND an exhibitionist. I wouldn’t have dreamed of wanting someone to watch me do that before yesterday. I mean, knowing you’re watching me and seeing every inch of my body, seeing every touch and twitch and…drip,” she grinned a bit bashfully, “just makes….makes my body quiver in so many good ways.” She shivered, giving a nice punctuation to her statement.I smiled encouragingly but didn’t want to interrupt her train of thought.”And, um…” she hesitated a little, “watching your pleasure as you take yourself in your hand and stroke in such an intimate way…oh my God…it makes me so freaking wet.” She hesitated, but continued excitedly, “I guess I should say thank you for letting me watch you, too,” she smiled with a gentle kindness.”All I can say, Khloe, is that it’s the same for me,” I agreed. “Masturbating has always felt good, but it was something that seemed like it should be just for me or done in secret, never shared or talked about. Hell, not even in my wilder days of college did I share that with anyone.” She nodded understandingly. “But, good grief, I’m so glad we both decided to share our… secret habits with each other.” I punctuated my final words with raised eyebrows.We both chuckled lightly.Feeling a little uncertain about sharing my next thought, I took a slow breath and continued, “Like you, I couldn’t have imagined liking it, but being watched and watching you is utterly amazing. Seeing you spread and touch and taste yourself…god, it puts me over the edge. I don’t know if I’ve ever been that hard before. Hell, the orgasm I had earlier was without doubt one of the strongest I’ve ever experienced. I mean, my entire body clenched and quaked…and that release…holy shit…”A sly smile spread on Khloe’s face, “Oh trust me, I know…I felt it and could taste it.” She winked at me and ran her tongue over her lips.At that we both blushed but couldn’t help laughing like two giddy friends sharing a conspiratorial secret.Then, after a slow breath and some contemplation, she continued, “You know, I’ve never been one to really enjoy oral before, but I loved taking you in my mouth just at the last moment and letting you cum all over my tongue. I even…” She blushed as if surprised she was saying this, “I even liked tasting it and…and swallowing it.” She hid her face as if shocked at her own boldness, putting her hands up and peeking her eyes over her fingers, not sure if she was ashamed or excited. But the hard nipples proudly poking through her thin top betrayed the truth.Smiling, I replied softly, “Well, all I can say is that it was unexpected and…utterly incredible. And, that it took what would have been a huge orgasm already and made it into something…meteoric.”Khloe laughed. “Oh I could tell. You hit the back of my throat. Several times!””Oh gosh! I’m so sorry…” My words betrayed a worry as I hoped I hadn’t hurt her or caused any discomfort.”No, no, you silly…it didn’t hurt. In fact, that was part of what I liked about it. Feeling you cum, I mean. It felt like I was part of your release, like you were letting me be part of your orgasm…giving it to me.””Okay,” I conceded with a warm expression, “I just wanted to make sure. I will say, it felt like that for me, too. When someone takes you in their mouth like that and wants your cum…god, it’s so erotic and…well, It feels so…accepting.”Khloe gave a warm smile in response while I surreptitiously arranged myself in my shorts. Khloe wasn’t the only one enjoying the conversation.”But, what about you?” I asked. “Have you ever cum on someone’s tongue before?”An odd look overtook Khloe’s eyes while she considered a reply. I couldn’t tell if it was hurt, disappointment, shame…”If that’s too much, you don’t need to answer,” I offered quietly, still a little unsure of our boundaries.”It’s okay. Derrick’s only ever tried a few times in the years we’ve been together, but it always felt like it was more out of obligation than desire. So, I hate to say this, but I didn’t really enjoy it. Definitely no orgasm. I guess that’s part of my never really liking oral stuff. I don’t think he liked doing it, no one else has ever tried, and it all just made the whole thing feel, well, undesirable.”We just sat in a shared quiet for a time before Khloe continued. “I mean, do you like to…um…lick, I mean, do that?” she asked in a very cautious tone.The question somewhat caught me off guard, but I grinned. “Well, in the right circumstances and with the right person, yes. Very much, actually.””You don’t mind getting the, um, wetness all over you?””Well,” I answered playfully, “did you mind getting my cum all over you?” I finished with a wink.Khloe just blushed, thinking about her revelation of a few minutes before.I continued, “No, not at all. In fact, getting it all over me is part of what makes it so enjoyable. It tells me that she’s enjoying it and I’m doing it right.” Then, I added with a sly grin, “Turns me on like crazy, too. I enjoy the taste.””Yeah?!” Khloe responded a bit more excitedly than she intended, but bouncing in her chair again she continued with a blush, “You really like doing it, don’t you?” Then after a long and thoughtful pause, “God, I wonder what it would be like to have someone lick me AND have their fingers in me like you did earlier…” She let the thought trail off, lost in her thinking.I doubted she realized it, but as her imagination took over her left hand had started to casually caress her right breast, slowly teasing her nipple into a firm point. It seemed like playing with her own nipples was almost a sexual reflex. Moreover, I couldn’t help but chuckle at her inventiveness. Apparently, all our shared masturbation — and the extras we did — was having quite the effect on her. “Well, maybe you need to win a prize, too, at some point,” I chided.With that, we both devolved into another round of laughter and long sips of wine.Dinner continued in this way with more laughter and with the conversation flitting between the casual and the more sexual. Our talk was honest, open, and friendly. Once we had both finished eating and had started cleaning up, I got up the nerve to pose the question I’d been wanting to ask all evening.”So, since this friendship of ours seems to have gotten us both to open up about our secret sexual delights…” Khloe smirked at my phrasing but let me continue as she put some dishes away, “um…are there any other secret desires you’d like to explore?”The air in the room seemed to grow very still. I had apparently touched something with my question.After a very long pause that made me start to wonder if she was even going to reply, she answered in a slow, hesitant voice. “Well, I um…obviously love being watched as we’ve discovered, but I… I think it could be really erotic to be…directed.”I looked at her with curiosity.”You know…” she continued almost flustered now, “like, being told what to do. Aw, forget it…it sounds stupid when I say it.” She quickly busied herself again with the cleaning up.As Khloe reached down to pick up another clean plate from the counter, I gently placed my hand on her’s. She froze. I felt a tremble run through her body and into my arm. “Khloe,” I nearly whispered, “it’s not stupid at all.”I felt her take a deep breath. Then another. But she hadn’t pulled her hand away from mine yet. She just stood there staring at my touch and lightly shivering.Then, with more confidence than I actually possessed, I stated, “now, I will finish cleaning up. You are to go into your room and do the following. And, you should follow these directions explicitly. First, go to your room and take off your clothes. All of them. Then, freshen up. Get nice and clean, shower if you want, but pamper yourself a little. Second, dry yourself but do not dress.”I took a deep slow breath to find my courage. This was totally improvised and I had no idea where it was coming from. I had never spoken to someone so directly before, but Khloe’s eyes stared directly into mine with an intensity I had not seen in her before. “Third, lie down on your bed, and with a slow, delicate touch, you are to caress every naked inch of your skin. From your toes to your fingertips, love yourself in your touch. Explore. Entice. Enjoy. But, you are not to touch your pussy. No matter how wet or how aroused you become, you do not touch there. Not yet. Now go.”But neither of us moved.Another shiver moved through us both, transferring from her body to mine through the touch of our hands.I looked at Khloe directly in the eyes and saw a mixture of insecurity and palpable excitement. But her slight grin betrayed that this was exactly what she wanted.”Now go,” I whispered as softly as a breath.An accepting and affectionate glimmer passed over her face, and with that, Khloe turned and walked in the direction of her room. I couldn’t help but watch her as she left, enjoying the soft movement of her ass beneath her thin shorts and the feminine sway of her hips. Without realizing it, I found my hand moving toward my growing arousal and squeezing it twice through my shorts. Our little interlude of unexpected direction-giving had really excited me as well, apparently.When Khloe rounded the corner into her room, the spell broke, so I quickly worked on finishing up the cleaning. There wasn’t much remaining, so it only took a few more minutes to load the final dishes in the dishwasher and wipe down the table. During my cleanup, I heard the water running several different times. This made me smile at the thought of Khloe doing as directed. Then, mustering up every ounce of willpower, I sat myself on the couch and resisted the growing desire to check on her and my directions. That would come soon enough.The house was quiet other than the occasional sound floating its way out of Khloe’s bedroom. So, I enjoyed a few minutes of stillness and ruminated on what had happened the past two days. Somehow masturbating with my friend had simultaneously changed everything and nothing. On one hand, I felt like a closely guarded and unmentionable part of who I am was now revealed and not just accepted but celebrated by someone who cared about me. It felt liberating, exciting, erotic, and affirming all at once. There was no shame or judgement here. No disgust in knowing that I enjoyed taking my pleasure literally into my own hands. And on the other, I felt like I always had about Khloe. She was a dear friend who I knew I could count on, chat with, and trust. The friendship felt more confirmed and solid than ever. What I had told her before still stood true: while I loved being naked and masturbating — and yes, even “helping” the other one along with hand, fingers, or tongue — I had zero desire to actually have sex with her or to make anything more of this friendship than it already was. But, this new shared masturbatory, voyeuristic, pleasure-giving understanding we had found? Hell yeah, I wanted more of that.It was at that moment a new sound traveled softly out of Khloe’s room, pulling me from my reflective state. Unlike the other sounds which were of her “pampering” herself as instructed, this was a sound from Khloe herself. It drifted to my ears like a sigh given on a warm afternoon when troubles have melted away and life blooms without distraction.Then another sound.It was similar to the first, but this one was definitely more moan than sigh. A cheeky grin crossed my face. Khloe had moved on to step three and was enjoying it. It was time to check on her.I rose from the couch slowly, adjusted myself so my arousal wasn’t too obvious in my thin boxers, and slowly made my way towards the sounds of soft pleasures.As I turned the corner, my eyes fell upon erotic femininity personified. Soft, smooth skin seemed to glow with enjoyment as small hands caressed inner thigh and stomach and breast. Deep breathing echoed the rhythmic building crescendo of pleasure. Moans and sighs betrayed the intensity of enjoyment cached in soft caresses. Khloe’s body wasn’t just naked, it was a metaphor of personal joy and self-celebration. Her hands explored, touched, and felt her softness. With eyes closed, she was lost in the feelings of her own touch and exploration.And, I was entranced. I couldn’t peel my own eyes away if I had wanted to. I just stood at the door voyeuristically watching and enjoying Khloe bathe herself in the intoxication of self-touch. I watched as her hands moved over and massaged the tender plumpness of her breasts, leaving trails of pink, aroused flesh. Watched as she threaded her taut nipples between her fingers and then pulled at them with gentle intent, causing her back to arch and her breath to catch. Watched as her hands glided slowly across her stomach, firmly down to her mound, then around the soft, outer edges of her folds, obviously wanting but not yet daring to touch their center. Watched as she brought her knees up wide, spreading herself and showcasing her beautiful, aroused pussy in its most joyful state. Watched as her inner labia slowly parted by themselves, separating like unfolding wings to reveal her most erotic entrance, wet with its own arousal.Having watched Khloe twice before bring herself to orgasm was nothing short of incredible, but seeing her this time reveling in the pureness of her own body and bliss was nearly spiritual. Her nakedness spread wide before me exuded the same erotic energies of our earlier shared masturbation, but here and now these touches, caresses, moans, and pleasures were like an act of worship.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



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