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“Tempting,” Jordan whispered to himself, caressing the picture on the screen, “so very tempting.”Two weeks had passed since he first met her eyes looking out of his laptop. Somehow she had slipped past his ad blocker while he explored the darker recesses of his favourite porn streaming site, but something about her pure, unblemished face had made him forget everything else. Curious, he had clicked, and, just like that, she had him hooked.Oh, there were other girls on the website it took him to, every girl imaginable—quite literally, though he didn’t know why anyone would imagine a look-a-like of Princess Fiona from Shrek—but she was the one. Deep down, he knew why.Jennifer.Though he would never admit it, he had never truly recovered from her departure three years prior, and this girl had her eyes. He didn’t know how, but she had Jennifer’s emerald eyes exactly. Each night, despite telling himself that it was pathetic for a thirty-one-year-old man to be looking at her and that he deserved better, he kept coming back and noticed something new each time. Whatever doubts he had as he lay in bed, stroking his cock, she would answer the following evening.First, it was her face. What at first he could only remember as a vague blur, crystallised over the course of the first week into a likeness so close he was no longer sure if his memory was of the original Jennifer or his new obsession. Then, as he gave her more serious consideration, other details appeared on her listing. Of course, they must have always been there, but that was how it seemed to him.“It’s almost like you are trying to seduce me this time, Jennifer.”In what had become his nightly ritual, he opened the website of the Boutique de Lilith and read the specs for the twentieth time. Soft silicone, skin-like treatment, hand-tinted to order. Gel-filled breasts and buttocks. Advanced steel-jointed skeleton for strength and flexible posing. All three holes usable and easy to clean. Even an internal heating system. All measurements and special requests catered for. Option of real human hair—at both ends, if desired, though he snorted at that—“No thanks!”Always willing, forever silent. The ultimate girlfriend. Now tonight, the offer had popped up the moment the website loaded. Forty per cent off. And to think I almost paid full price last night, he thought. His smile faded when he glanced longingly at the seat of the couch beside him, empty for three years, and sighed. The ultimate girlfriend was what he had thought he’d had before, but as always, had been let down. He turned back to the screen. Maybe not this time. This top of the range deluxe sex doll couldn’t let him down.He drummed his fingers on the side of the laptop screen and chewed his lip, mouse hovering over Add to cart. An icy draft rattled the locked door to the basement across the hall, blew into the lounge and ran down his back, making him shiver. That small movement made his finger jerk down on the button.“Huh. Fate, I guess.”Figuring he had just been delaying the inevitable, he fished a worn notebook from his pocket and transcribed the measurements he had not had to use for the past few years into the relevant fields. Choosing which photos to send was simple – he already had them collected in a single folder. With only a slight tremor in his fingers, he entered his credit card details, finalised the payment, then shut the laptop and fell back on the couch.Yes. This was a good decision, he thought.(•_•)Six weeks later, Jordan circled the box on the dining room floor where the courier had left it that morning, savouring the moment. Whoever had been in charge of packing it had gone overboard in sealing it, so he went to get some scissors from the kitchen. Out of habit, his fingers went to the knife block first, selecting his favourite Zwilling knife. He stopped with it halfway withdrawn.Bit of a waste to use this to open a box, he thought, then shrugged. It’s a special occasion.Back in the lounge, the knife slid through the packing tape like Ümraniye Escort butter. He placed it carefully on the table before tentatively opening the lid and looking at the sea of polystyrene pellets. Plunging his arms in, he gripped the plastic and pulled slowly to minimise the amount of spillage until the black bag lay on the floor. The resemblance to a body bag was a little disconcerting but appealed to his rather morbid tastes as he unzipped it the whole way, resisting the temptation to pull the flap back early. Once the zip was all the way around the track, he took a deep breath and threw it open, exhaling in relief.“Perfect,” he said as he picked up the head from between the legs of the life-size doll before him and brushed the auburn locks from her face. “You are perfect. I shouldn’t have hesitated so long. I shall call you ‘Jennifer’, after the woman you resemble. She won’t mind. She can’t mind.”Setting the head aside, he lifted the body and set it on its feet—weighted, at extra cost, to allow it to stand unaided—and then attached the head, finding that for once the claim of being “intuitive” was justified. Complete, she stood, mute and at his mercy, giving his fingers free rein to roam greedily over the sensual contours of her body. More than once he had to wipe drool from his chin as the things he planned to do to her flashed through his mind. Those would have to wait, however.Taped to the inside of the box was a small tin with the pills he had included in the order. He didn’t usually have any difficulty getting it up, but for this inaugural night, he wanted to last until morning. A smile pulled at the corners of his mouth when he saw what colour they were. Yes, I’ll take a red pill, he chuckled as he dropped one down his throat, then set the tin aside.“Let me dress you first.”From the bedroom, he retrieved the clothes the real Jennifer had left that he had selected earlier. The bra had not been hers—naturally, given the opportunity, he had opted for bigger boobs—but he had succeeded in finding one that matched the black lace panties of the set he had bought her for her birthday. A short red cocktail dress she had refused to wear since that incident at his work Christmas party was the next to go on, and the stiletto heels she had always whined made her feet hurt completed the outfit. Dressed, he sat her down at the dining table and took the chair opposite to read the included booklet, snorting at the name of the model on the front.“No, you’re Jennifer, not this other name they’ve given you,” he told the doll. He started skimming the instructions.“Don’t use caustic cleaners—well, no shit, Sherlock,” he said, rolling his eyes. “It is recommended to use a condom? Really? What, are they worried I’m going to get you pregnant? Blah, blah, blah—clean between users? Hear that? They think you’re a slut. Maybe they knew the old Jennifer. But that’s not you, is it? You wouldn’t cheat on me.”Despite his disparaging remarks, he grudgingly absorbed the key points about hygiene. Gritting his teeth at the reminder that she was just a toy, he nevertheless followed the instructions for filling her three lube reservoirs and found the lead for her heating system, plugging her into the power. Not seeing the use in reading the fine print, he discarded the booklet, surveyed the room, and then looked at his new acquisition.“Yeah, you’re right, I should tidy it. You have an excuse to not do it yourself. At least you don’t nag me like she did. Wait here, it won’t take long. Then, while you finish warming up and the pill works its magic, I’ll fix us a romantic dinner. I know you won’t eat, but at least it won’t end like our last one.”Once the floor was clear, he returned the knife to its rightful place and poured himself a glass of wine. He almost poured one for Jennifer, but stopped himself.This is just a game, he reminded himself. Don’t start thinking she’s real.The vegetables were already done, so he only had his steak to cook and dish up. Ümraniye Escort Bayan When he brought it to the table, she was sat perfectly still, exactly as he had left her. He sighed. Well, it will be better than sitting alone, I suppose…After putting on some music and lighting a couple of candles, he sat in his spot and tucked into his filet mignon.“This is really good. You know, I don’t get it.” His knife flashed as he jabbed with each word. “I’m a good cook. I work out. I’ve got money. I’m nice.” That last word he spat with resentment. “Yet no woman has dated me since Jenny. Stuck up sluts.”He gulped down some wine and looked at his companion in the low light. The candle flames danced in her green glass eyes, calm and unperturbed by his rant. His scowl softened.“Sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin the mood.” The rest of the meal passed in silence, then he pushed his plate away and sipped his wine.“I think you’re more beautiful than the first Jennifer,” he said, finally, reaching across to brush a stray lock from her immobile face and tuck it behind her ear. “No little hairs where they shouldn’t be. No spots. No scar from that experience you, I mean, she went on and on about. Just unblemished perfection.”With a scrape of wood on tiles, he pushed his chair back and walked around the table to sit beside the object of his affection. After unplugging the cable from her side, he dragged his finger across the lifelike cheek and around the lips, supple like real lips, and now warmed to body temperature, then down her neck.“Old Jennifer always complained this tickled,” he murmured, “and she never let me do this.” Pinching the shape of the nipple poking through the fabric, he gave the breast a squeeze, impressed by the realism of its weight. “At least, not often enough. It was always ‘not now, Jordan!’ or ‘Can you at least ask first?’ as if I hadn’t done exactly the same in bed the night before. Frigid bitch.”He touched her thigh, silkier than skin.“Better,” he whispered. “You are so much better than other women.” She’s just silicone, he repeated to himself, but his cock disagreed as his fingers walked up under her skirt.“You’re not going to slap me away?” he mocked. “Hmm?”With his other hand, he turned her head to face him and looked into the exquisitely painted eyes, vacant of life but otherwise near-perfect replicas of those of his ex. Something broke in him, and he leant in, planting a soft kiss on her lips, tasting a hint of the strawberry flavoured lube. He pulled back, searching her blank face for any evidence of reproach, and then pulled her to him, pushing his tongue inside and finding the limp replica equivalent within.Filled with unrequited lust, he pawed at her fake tits and then broke away, conflicted with the shame of making out with a doll and his conviction of what real women owed yet denied him. He stood and hurriedly freed his straining member, then pulled her head down onto it by two fistfuls of her hair.When the tip hit the back of the oral cavity, it released a flood of lubricant to ease his passage down the tunnel of her throat. Balls resting against her chin and her nose squashed into his shirt, he held her there, incapable of struggling to break free, then slowly pulled her head back, watching his shaft emerge, glistening.Grimacing in satisfaction, he began fucking her face, pretence at romance abandoned. Though she couldn’t moan, the way the oral cavity had been constructed meant the air being forced out with every thrust caused those obscene quacking sounds he loved in porn videos. After so many weeks of anticipation, he soon felt the familiar surge and pulled out.“You’re mine, aren’t you?” he growled, squeezing her supple cheeks. “Yes? Then take this!”Spunk splattered across her unresponsive face as he emptied his balls, dripping from her chin and pooling in the open mouth, then dribbling down to soak into the dress.“Ha!” he said triumphantly. “None of this ‘if you only asked first, I might’ bullshit Escort Ümraniye with you, is there?”Wiping his sticky dick on the skirt of the dress, he pushed her to the side so that she flopped limply, arms dangling at her side and semen dripping onto the tiles from her lips, while he drank his wine and tucked himself away.Enjoy that?Glancing at the doll, Jordan shook his head. He hadn’t realised Jennifer’s voice had stuck with him so vividly he could mimic it in his head like that.Enough for now, he told himself. I don’t want to be one of those crazed loners who believes he has a real relationship with his sex doll.As he surveyed the table, his eyes alighted on the carving knife, and he frowned. I thought I left that in the kitchen. Shaking his head at his forgetfulness, he picked it up along with his plate and went to do the washing up.Ten minutes later, he returned with his refilled wine glass, and stood looking at his new girlfriend. She was still slumped against the wall, droplets of spunk congealing on her chin. It was only when he set the wine glass down to wipe her clean with a napkin that he noticed her hands resting in her lap. He could not recall putting them there. In fact, he had a clear recollection of leaving them loose at her sides.You always did drink too much. Jennifer’s voice again. Irritatingly, she must be right if his mind was deciding to imagine her pissing him off.He looked down at the still, lifeless body. She’s not alive. It’s not her fault. Nevertheless, he put far more anger into twisting her head off than was necessary.Feel better? The detached head seemed to mock him with its emotionless stare. On more familiar ground?“Shut up,” he mumbled, and took the head to the kitchen to flush the mouth properly, having no desire to taste his own cum when he next kissed her. “You’re just a toy.”I bet that’s what you tell all the ladies. Or do you just think it?The force with which he threw the head at the floor surprised even him. Just. A. Toy. That cost good money. Calm down.Picking up the head and drying it as thoroughly as he could, he returned to the dining room and the decapitated body. For a moment, he considered calling it a night, attaching the hook to her neck and hanging her artificial corpse in his closet, but the pill was working its magic, making his dick eager for attention again. Since she was keeping quiet, he felt conciliatory, straightening the body and reattaching the head.Sorry, sweetheart, he imagined her saying. I was only teasing. I just want you to enjoy me tonight. “That’s better,” he said, getting back into the roleplaying zone. Standing up, he drained his glass for the last time. “You want me to enjoy you? Then let’s go, bitch!”He grabbed the doll by her copper tresses and dragged her out of the room. Her weight was more lifelike than he remembered when unboxing, so this was easier said than done. When he came level with the basement door in the hallway, she slipped from his grasp, so he shifted his grip to her arms—he hadn’t gone to the extra expense of having real human hair just to use once and destroy it in the first rough yank to the bed. Once in the bedroom, he heaved the toy into the middle of the sheets on her front.Go on, fuck me like the fucktoy that I am.“I will,” he grinned, pleased with the sudden personality change his mind had come up with as he stripped off. “Let me get you out of those clothes.” He jumped onto her back and ripped the dress open—or tried to.Use the knife. “That’s in the kitch—” he began, then saw it on the bedside table. “The fuck?”You brought it in for this purpose, remember?“Oh.” Did I? “Yeah, I must have.”Picking it up, he sliced away the dress, then placed the knife over on the dresser before ripping the bra and panties off by force alone. The shoes he left to feed his kink for women in nothing but heels.“There, was it really so much to ask to wear them, Jennifer? Your replacement loves it. Now I’m going to fuck her right in your spot.”Yeah, fuck me in all my fuckholes where you used to make love to your ex, you big manly man. Even in his imagination he couldn’t quite tell when she was being sarcastic, but he had momentum now, so didn’t care.“That’s what I bought you for. Let’s start with your mouth again so I can look you in the eye as I ram my dick down your throat.”

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