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The Slithering: The Cloak and the DaggerThe Slithering: The Cloak and the DaggerThe young boy quickly wiped the large amount of sweat from his brow,finding it very difficult to withstand the unbearable heat of the dingyworkshop as he placed the fiery, malleable blade against the flatsurface of the blacksmith’s anvil. The thick, black smoke choked hislungs and he gagged a bit while trying to maintain his composure.Grabbing his small hammer with his left hand, the boy raised it upwardsand then forcefully brought it down against the blade with a loudstrike, as bits of heated metal spewed forth. This was a considerablytrickier job than what the boy had been used to, as the blade wasconsiderably wider and shorter, as the boy was crafting a hunting swordfor himself. He was knowledgeable in crafting and molding metal intodifferent types of sharp weapons, including foils, rapiers, and sabres. It was a trade that the boy had learned well and had dedicatedapproximately six years of his currently existing twenty years towardsrefining and polishing his technique.The boy turned the blade around and raised his hammer again, strikingthe surface with a loud *CLANG*, so that he could shape the metal intothe proper orientation he desired. His forge was starting to die down,so the boy immediately grabbed the bellows and used it to push air intothe large set of coals, to keep the large bright yellow and orangeflames going. The creation of this air also happened to blow a bit ofblack smoke, making the boy cough some more. Stopping his action for abrief moment he took a damp cloth to wipe his soot-covered hands beforerubbing his nose with his right index finger, while he looked down athimself. Even amidst all the smoke and soot, the boy was of a averageyet well-built frame, as the dirt and grime could not completely hidethe repulsive prison of his dark-skinned flesh. He had a rather tragicc***dhood; born unto a life of slavery, he had been forcefully separatedfrom both of his parents when he was only ten years of age, as they bothhad been immediately transferred from their current employment to workfor the plantation/estate of the then newly-arrived Comte d’Beaufort.Surprisingly enough, the boy did not shed a single tear during thisentire traumatizing event, choosing to keep his anger and sadnesshidden.The boy was subsequently taken under the wing of a local blacksmith,Oliver Walters, but their relationship was anything but cordial. Oliverwas formerly a very skilled craftsman himself, but the years ofindulging in so many bottles of rum and partaking in the pleasurablecompany of women had degraded his abilities, and had saddled him with areputation for being boorish, shady and negligent with his craft. Heoversaw the boy’s tutelage of the basic techniques, to which the boypossessed an incredible mastery of them in such a short time.Consequently, Oliver wasted no time coercing the boy into constructingand forging more tools and weapons, while he relegated himself to hisdecadent lifestyle, and he had been rewarded handsomely for the boy’sefforts.However, over the last few years the constant abuse of his paunchy,overweight body by selfish self-indulgence had taken his toll, and withit, corrupted and converted his mind into one of jealousy, distrust, andloathing. And Oliver’s target of derision was none other than his youngapprentice. He secretly despised how effortless it had been for the boyto pick up his craft, and perform at an even better level andunderstanding than himself. His hatred continued to be compounded byprejudice, as the boy was nothing more than a common slave, of littlereputation or regard. He drowned his frustrations via frequent visitsto the many drinking establishments in Beaufort Royale, choosing to usethat time to forget it all. It was not unusual then for the boy to findhis master returning during the daytime to their smithy pummeled withthe mixture of perspiration and liqueur on his foul-smelling breath.Oliver’s level of resentment escalated to irrational outbursts, as hewould often punish the boy by grabbing a wooden paddle andslamming/slapping it hard against the boy’s body. Seizing the boy byhis shoulders, Oliver would drunkenly berate the boy, then haphazardlyfling the boy to the ground while he’d continue to beat him some morewith the paddle. Each strike of the paddle would leave large, redwhelps all over the boy’s chest and arms, which soon turned intosignificant purplish-discolored bruises and bumps. After his little”session” with the boy, Oliver would retire to the adjacent room nearthe smithy, where he would summarily fall fast asleep. The souvenirsOliver left on the boy’s battered skin were a painful, persistentreminder which the boy silenced by delving into his work.The boy had completely finished molding and bending the hunting swordinto its proper shape when he noted his master entering the blacksmith’sarea, stumbling unsteadily towards him, unkempt and with a liqueurbottle in his left hand. The boy barely flinched upon seeing hismaster, until he noticed that Oliver had his arm slung around animmaculately dressed soldier wearing a red and white silk frock coat,decorated with various commendations and matching white breeches, with aneatly trimmed Caesar-styled haircut, also accompanied by a long metalscabbard painted in red, holding the soldier’s military sword. Hisattire was in stark contrast with the grimy appearance of his drunkenmaster. Thomas also saw that the soldier’s face was chiseled and stern,certainly one attractive enough to receive attention from many of thefemale residents living in Beaufort Royale.”You there!” called the soldier, as he caught a glimpse of the boyalmost hidden in the dusty confines of the blacksmith shop. “Boy!”After a minute of silence the boy replied, hesitant. “M-Me, sir?””Yes, you. Is this gentleman I am holding up right now your master?”asked the soldier.The boy was nervous and began to cough. He didn’t have a cold, but itwas just a nervous habit that he maintained whenever he was uncertain onhow to respond to a situation. His master didn’t help either, as he wastoo inebriated to elicit a response.”I asked you, slave,” said the soldier in a more commanding manner,almost angry, “Do you know this man, or not?”The boy was fearful now, worried the soldier would retaliate, and wasabout to reply, when he was interrupted by a soft, silky enticing voice,”That’s quite enough Lieutenant Ducard.”The officer immediately placed Oliver onto an empty chair and lookedtowards the direction of the heavenly voice that just spoke. Quietlyand gracefully walking into the blacksmith shop, was a vision of womanlyloveliness. The boy was stunned – she looked to be perhaps in her midto late thirties, a raven-haired, sensual being adorned in a lavish,intricate ivory white gown with light gold engeantes situated around hersvelte arms. The gown was pleasingly exposed in front with a low-plunging neckline, accompanied by a bodice delicately laced withmatching gold ruffles that seemed to fully accentuate the noblewoman’screamy white cleavage. The noblewoman seemed to almost glide into theshop, mostly in part due to the large occupancy of her gown as itbrushed along the floor. Her black hair was perfectly attired, balancedhigh atop her angelic-looking face. Her right hand was holding anintricate, golden silk handkerchief, which was being used to mask herfull-bodied, alluring lips as well as protect her from the dustyenvironment she was in. She soon sauntered into the shop to address thesituation.”There is no need for that tone of voice in my presence,” said the womansternly. “It is very obvious that this boy is indeed the apprentice ofMonsieur Oliver, my ahem…companion who accosted me earlier today,” sheremarked with a slight smile.The soldier nodded. “As you wish.” He faced the woman directly beforeasking, “Will there be anything else you need from me then?”The woman responded in her pleasant singsong manner, “No Lieutenant,thank you very much. You have been most helpful. I shall take thingsfrom here.” She waved her left hand, which was gloved in fashionablewhite silk, indicating to the officer that he was dismissed.”Very well then, I must return to my duties. Good day to you all,” saidthe soldier, clicking his heels and politely bowing to her beforeexiting the blacksmith shop.The young boy felt slightly more at ease as the officer left, but wasstill a bit confused by the sudden presence of this angelic creature.He accidentally and clumsily dropped his small hammer on the ground,completely distracted by her elegance. “O-Oh!” he stammered. “I-I ams-sorry…””My my, are you always this perturbed?” laughed the woman, sounding softand flirtatious. She moved a little closer to him, as the boy heard thesonorous sounds of Oliver sitting u*********s on the wooden chair.”What is your name, lad?””T-Thomas, Madame…” the boy uttered, looking down, still standing.The woman softly placed her smooth hand along the grimy surface of theboy’s cheek; to him, the texture of her hand was like a piece of finelypolished ivory, and it both surprised and comforted the boy, who wasused to the heavy hand of Oliver’s abusive drunken outbursts. “Thomas,”she smiled again. “What a lovely name.”Her head slowly looked forwards at the display of finished weaponrystrewn and arranged in their individual scabbards and sheathes, as shemoved closer to Thomas and leaned her torso forward, her bosominvitingly thrust in plain view for him to admire. Thomas made a littlegasp, startled by the extreme vicinity of the noblewoman’s body. Hetilted his head, noting the delicate, supple shape of her milky whiteglobes. He oddly saw something that was in rather stark contrast on thewoman’s chest: a small, 4-cm black tattoo etched onto her upper leftbreast in the shape of what appeared to be a snake, its body upright inthe shape of an S.The woman looked down at Thomas, and lifted his chin upwards to faceher. “Admiring my body are you now, Monsieur Thomas? Especially mybosom?”Thomas silently shook his head, even though his wandering eye betrayedhis true intention. He felt both intimidated and intrigued by theconfidence and charisma of this elegant noblewoman. The woman smiled,flattered at the modesty of this young man, as she pursed her lips.”So… your master made all of these…weapons? Did you have a hand in anyof them?” she asked, pointing again to the incapacitated Oliver slumpedin his chair.Thomas frowned a little. Even this gorgeous, angelic creature was stillblind to his efforts, like so many other people. “Y-Yes ma’am, mymaster makes most of the weapons, while I serve to assist him.””Mmmm…I see,” said the woman, leaning her body back. The woman glancedover at Oliver before returning her gaze back to Thomas. “MonsieurThomas, would you be so kind as to do a favor for me?”Thomas felt comforted by the gentle lilt of the woman’s soothing voice. “Y-Yes Madame?”The woman reached behind her back with both of her delicate hands. Shesuddenly retrieved a small, heavy crimson and gold box/container. Asshe opened the box, Thomas soon beheld a ornately designed, bronze hilt,its shape resembling two entwined snakes, their tails interlocking toform the pommel while their serpentine heads acted as cross-guards. Theserpents’ eyes were inlaid with small yet dark ruddy-colored ruby gems. Thomas couldn’t help but be transfixed by this hilt, which was neatlyset into the indentation. The only thing that appeared to be missingwas a proper blade for the dagger/knife.”Beautiful isn’t it?” said the woman, as she held the hilt gingerly withboth of her delicate hands. Thomas silently acknowledged with a nod.”It’s been in my…family possession for more than 100 years, itoriginally was part of a ceremonial dagger that was used during the 17thcentury.”The woman suddenly passed on the box to Thomas, who u*********slyaccepted it with both hands. “I am in need of your master’s expertise,Monsieur Thomas. You see, the blade of this dagger is missing, and isin need of a replacement. I would like your master to forge the sameblade that would fit in this box. Oh, and you’re more than welcome tohelp him.”Thomas nodded. “Y-Yes Madame. He certainly can do that for you. H-Howsoon would you need this complete?”The woman smiled at him, covering her delicate face with the golden silkhandkerchief before replying, “By the stroke of ten this gloriousevening.”Thomas was a bit taken back by the unusual deadline. “S-stroke of ten?”The woman smiled. “Yes my boy, I need it by then. I am going to bestowit as part of a…gift…to someone. It is just now becoming mid-day, sowill this be a problem?””No Madame, not at all,” quickly replied Thomas with a sincere glint inhis dark brown eyes. “I can have it ready by then.””Very good,” said the woman, leaning over to kiss Thomas’s grimy cheek. “I knew that I found the right…person for this delicate task.” Thomasblushed as he felt her warm lips plant their mark.The woman quietly adjusted her gown, flashing another pleasant smile atThomas. “Well, I must be going now Monsieur Thomas. Please deliver thedagger personally to me by this evening. My home is located not too farfrom here – it is the large white plantation located south of the townsquare – Belle de Lune. My servants will be aware of your arrival, sothere should not be any confusion.””Yes Madame, I will be punctual with your request, no worries,” repliedThomas.The woman turned around and began slowly gliding her way towards theentrance. “Wait Madame,” said Thomas, almost running to catch up withher. “I-I never learned of your name?”The raven-haired beauty turned her head back and winked, whispering toThomas, “My name is Angelique…Angelique d’ Beaufort.”Thomas was stunned. “Oh my…Comtesse d’ Beaufort?””Oui, dear lad,” said the comtesse with a sly grin. “Do not keep mewaiting now with that dagger. Au revoir Monsieur.” And with that, thewoman exited the blacksmith shop, leaving Thomas a bit dumbfounded.Thomas quickly opened the box again, noting the dimensions of theindentation/carving that would make up the blade of the ceremonialdagger. He had never seen a hilt like that before in all of his limitedyears working as a blacksmith’s apprentice. Closing the box up, hebegan to rub his chin thoughtfully. He was a bit saddened by the factthat the beautiful woman had asked his master to create the dagger, butbeing keenly aware of the prejudice and judgment that had befallen him,he was not completely shocked. Nevertheless, he knew Oliver would notmake the deadline, especially in his current disheveled state. He hadto please this woman, and to take matters into his own hands.***********Angelique d’ Beaufort quietly looked back at the blacksmith shop, beingable to glimpse Thomas’s rather pensive behavior. She then brieflylooked around both sides of the street, as the coachman opened the smalldoors to her intricate carriage. Gracefully climbing in, she dabbed hercheeks with her golden handkerchief, before removing her white silkglove in her left hand. As she slowly removed the glove, a moderatehumming sound could be heard, which was coming from an exquisite, simplydecorated blackened metal ring shaped and looped like a menacing snake. Shiny diamonds were set into the eyes of the snake’s head, and they wereglowing an unusually bright yellow/golden color. The beautiful comtessesmiled, with a calculating look on her pretty face that was in starkcontrast to her sincere and gentle demeanor back in the blacksmith shop.”Good for you my dear Monsieur Thomas,” she whispered to herself, “goodfor you.” She nodded quietly to her coachman, who closed the door asthe carriage soon took off to her estate. Her hand delicately andrepeatedly teased her blackened silver snake ring, as its eyes continuedto emit that same ominous bright yellow light…About a few hours later, Thomas had completed the comtesse’s request,having forged a perfect, flawless steel blade affixed to the ornateceremonial hilt. It was perhaps the quickest he had ever spent forginga blade, thankfully it was one that would be small and handheld. Theblade’s shape, length, and width matched the red velvet indentation inthe interior of the carrying case/box. Oliver had instructed Thomas inthe past on honing and shaping raw steel, and that was one of Thomas’sstrengths as a fledgling blacksmith. The blade measured exactly 6inches in length and was 1 ½ inches wide. Thomas had beveled and moldedthe blade, before tempering it in the forge, making sure it was sharpand resilient to any outside force. He held the elaborate piece ofweaponry with both hands, rather proud at his successful merging ofblade and hilt. He only hoped the comtesse would approve when hedelivered the dagger personally to her later that evening.Thomas looked at the clock hanging on the dusty wall of the shop; it wasonly five o’clock. Placing it carefully into the box, Thomas had thedagger set gently within the box’s interior, before he closed the boxand retired to the back room to rest for an hour or so. He had been soimmersed in creating the dagger that his body was exhausted.***********Oliver scratched his scruffy, unkempt beard as he clutched the ornatebox containing Thomas’s completed dagger. He was quickly walking asfast as his slightly oversized breeches could carry him, adjusting hisdark brown overcoat, as he weaved through the crowd of people hurryingthemselves in the town square. When he had awoken from his drunkenstupor, the first thing he saw was his talented apprentice’s handiwork. Oliver grinned to himself – he remembered the lovely comtesse hadmentioned about the dagger and her need for a proper blade to fit thehilt, and had seemed intrigued when Oliver boasted that he could createa fine blade befitting such a hilt. Of course, years of wasting away athis craft, due to his partaking of fine wine and women, had degeneratedhis skills to a point where he no longer could even temper a simplepiece of steel.Thank God for that pathetic slave-boy, thought Oliver. He was alreadyplanning on forcing his apprentice to complete work on the daggerimmediately, so he could surprise the lovely comtesse and make good onhis word. But as soon as Oliver noticed the dagger, a sly smileappeared on his grizzled face, realizing that Thomas had alreadycompleted the task without him even mentioning it. Oliver had not seenany sign of Thomas, settling on the fact that he must be napping in theother room. Without any hesitation, he had grabbed the box, found hishat and overcoat, and quickly exited the blacksmith shop…Oliver continued to make his way past the outskirts of the city, headingupwards to the large stately white Beaufort plantation. He fumbled withhis hands as he placed them inside his overcoat, before finally pullingout his copper-plated pocket watch. It was almost nine o’clock. Thecomtesse would have finished her supper and would perhaps welcome hisunexpected appearance more, especially since he now had her beloveddagger in his possession. Oliver maintained his smug grin, as he soonreached the large steel gates of the plantation, which werecoincidentally enough, half-open, allowing Oliver to slip inside.***********Oliver’s mouth was agape as he approached the impressive structure thatmade up the Beaufort estate known as Belle de Lune. The plantation wasmassive, its architecture made up of solid white columns, whichsupported two stories of rooms and windows, all of which were lit thisevening. There was a full moon tonight, its luminescence shining on theplantation, which gave it an oddly calm and eerie hue. Stopping at themassive, ornate front door, Oliver located the pulley which was attachedto the moderately-sized doorbell, and tugged on it. The doorbell made asimple clanging sound, signifying to the occupants that someone was atthe door. A few minutes later, Oliver saw the front door open, as ayoung comely French servant girl appeared from the darkenedhallway/foyer of the estate. “Bonsoir Monsieur,” the woman saidpleasantly. “How can I help you?””Ah hello, my sweet!” Oliver greeted, flashing his best smile. Theservant girl was rather repulsed by Oliver’s foul stench, as she coveredher mouth with a delicate white handkerchief. “I need to speak toComtesse d’Beaufort on an urgent matter. Would she happen to be presentthis evening?” Oliver eyed the young woman, who was rather perturbed atthe audacity of Oliver’s words; he was taken back by her beauty: adelicate golden blonde flower with soft green eyes, wearing a light-bluecotton gown with a delicate white petticoat underneath. She couldn’thave been but a year or two apart from the equally youthful-lookingcomtesse herself, and also possessed quite a lovely, appealing figureunderneath her well-tailored gown. Due to the darkness of the room, shewas carrying a golden candelabra, its bright light providing both warmthand direction.”O-Oui Monsieur, the comtesse is in.” the servant girl nodded, but thenshook her head. “However, she is preparing for a guest that will bearriving shortly and asked not to be disturbed…”Oliver did not back down. “Awww…well I really have to speak with her, Ihave something to give to her. Couldn’t I just chat her for just asmidge, sweetheart?””I’m sorry Monsieur but…””It’s alright Colette,” chimed a melodious, breathy voice coming frominside. “I know this gentlemen. He may enter – bring him to thedrawing room and I will see him.”Colette turned her head and nodded, then looked to Oliver. “Oui Madame,understood. If you would follow me please Monsieur…”Oliver smiled as he enthusiastically entered the mansion, walkingclosely behind the servant girl…***********Thomas yawned as he rubbed his eyes. He hadn’t slept for that longperiod of time in well, ever. He slowly stretched and pushed his bodyout of bed, although this was a reluctant decision, as Thomas had justspent the last few hours enjoying the most pleasant dream involvinghimself and the lovely Comtesse d’Beaufort . He had envisioned the twoof them having a lovely picnic, relaxing in a quiet meadow, just shortlyafter they both had taken a beautiful afternoon stroll within the lush,peaceful trees. He was acting as the perfect gentleman, and she wasthoroughly impressed with his sense of propriety, even if he was onlyrelegated to the low socioeconomic status of a blacksmith’s coloredapprentice.Thomas suddenly heard the loud chiming of the clock on the wall:*CLANG!* *CLANG!* *CLANG!*…looking over, he gasped: it was ten o’clockin the evening, and he had overslept! Thomas quickly got out of bed,and ran over to the blacksmith shop to gather his coat and mostimportantly pick up the box containing his finished dagger. He shookhis head in disbelief when he saw an empty space on the table where heplaced the box/case. Thomas frantically began to search for it, lookingeverywhere, including the nearby bedroom, other tables, underneath theforge, etc. He began to be significantly perturbed, until he came to arealization: his master must have picked it up! Thomas was incensed -he did NOT want Oliver to take credit for his hard work. Grabbing hiscoat, Thomas raced out of the blacksmith shop, heading for the Beaufortplantation. He only hoped that he wasn’t too late…***********Oliver looked around the dimly lit drawing room he was currentlystanding in, holding the box/case containing the ceremonial snake daggerunderneath his right arm. He continued to scratch his beard as helooked around. The drawing room was large and spacious, with a darkblack themed design that was both attractive and mysterious. He saw anornate, green velvet-patterned couch to which he helped himself to bysitting down, enjoying the soft feel of the fabric against his skin.Two matching black velvet chairs were situated around an ornate woodentable carved in an elongated oval shape. Oliver also identified a largedecorated marble fireplace, which currently had been lit and wasresponsible for the dimly lit appearance of the room. The walls wereadorned with various paintings inlaid into exquisite brass frames.Oliver could identify a smaller painting of the Comtesse, painted only afew years ago. Wearing a silk black and green gown, Angelique was posedsitting down, with a rather stern look on her face. On the oppositeside of the wall, there stood a much larger painting, serving possiblyas the main attraction – it was a painting of a richly dressed,sophisticated gentlemen, one of nobility, dressed in a dark navy blueovercoat. Underneath he had a dark red vest and his shoulders had darkred tassels on both sides. Complementing his look, the officer wore apair of white breeches, and had on tall, leather, dark black boots whichwere measured up to the level of his knees. He had a slight smile onhis face as he appeared to be posing proudly, with his left hand at hisside in a relaxing manner, while the other had grasped his overcoat,tugging it in the middle.Oliver stood up from the couch, walking over to view the paintings moreclosely. As he continued to stare at them, he heard a pleasant soundingangelic voice behind him, “I see you are staring at that painting of mylate husband, Monsieur.”Oliver, startled by the voice behind him, turned around and came face toface with the Comtesse herself. Oliver could not believe his eyes -Angelique was lavishly attired in a beautiful silk crimson red nightgownwith black lace ruffles around the neckline. The front of her nightgownwas quite pleasing to the eye, as her bountiful chest swayed lightlyunderneath the sheer fabric of her black silk chemise. Inside the dimlylit room, Oliver could see a hint of Angelique’s matching crimson redpanties, with the same black ruffles as seen on her nightgown top. Herraven-black hair was stylishly let down in a graceful set of side-sweptcurls and contrasted very well with her smooth creamy lovely face; eachstrand collected gracefully against her svelte shoulders. Oliver’sheart melted as he saw Angelique’s dark, almost blood-red coated lipspurse into a polite smile. Angelique was holding a small circular tintray containing two double-knopped wine glasses and a bottle of redwine; the glasses had already been previously poured and contained abouthalf of the ruddy-colored liquid.Oliver smiled and bowed to the Comtesse as she slowly walked over andplaced the circular tin tray on the coffee table. “Good eveningMadame…my goodness, don’t you look beautiful this fine evenin’…”Angelique smiled back alluringly, flattered by Oliver’s words. “Mercibeaucoup, Monsieur.” She curiously eyed her scruffy-looking, unexpectedguest as she sat down in a nearby chair, intentionally crossing herlong, smooth legs for him, as Oliver managed to sneak a tiny peek at herred and black panties as the fabric of her nightgown was naughtilylifted a half an inch upwards on her body. Letting her arm d**** itselfon the chair’s armrest, her beautiful onyx-shaded eyes were focused onOliver as she continued speaking, “Hmmm…my apologies. I was expectingsomeone else this evening…”Oliver was charmed by the Comtesse’s gentle voice and countered with hisown Southern-style firting. “Oh please Madame, I reckon such a lovelygal as yourself can’t waste too much time on an ol’ hound dog like me.”Angelique nodded, and then suddenly noticed the box Oliver was carrying.”I see you have my box…where did you get it?”Oliver grinned as he presented the box in front of Angelique, slowlyopening it to reveal the ornately designed ceremonial dagger, nowadorned with a proper steel blade. “I wanted to surprise you, my dear. I kept my word, and completed the dagger, as I promised during ourmeeting earlier today.”Angelique accepted the box, learning her torso forward, her creamycleavage lustily exposed in front of Oliver’s eyes. Oliver did notice astrange-appearing snake-shaped tattoo over her left upper chest, butpaid no significant attention, his thoughts mostly guided by hislibidinous nature. Angelique smiled as she lifted the dagger from thebox: it was a work of art, lovingly crafted. She even noticed thepolished metal of the hilt. “Ah oui…the dagger! It looks exquisiteMonsieur. Surely you have outdone yourself, Monsieur Oliver. Bravo,mon ami!” Angelique gingerly placed the dagger back into the box andsecurely closed it.Oliver immediately picked up one of the filled wine glasses andchuckled. “I suppose this calls for a celebration of sorts, Madame?”Angelique again flashed a gentle smile, tilting her head, and liftingthe Narlıdere Escort other glass of wine. “Indeed Monsieur, you have certainly earnedit, and that is why I prepared this little toast. She giggled as sheraised her glass of wine. “To Monsieur Walter Oliver – one of the mostwonderful blacksmiths in Beaufort Royale!”Oliver smirked and raised his glass to clink it against Angelique’s.”Here here!” Oliver immediately lifted his head up and simultaneouslylet the warm red liquid flow into his mouth. As he tasted the wine,Oliver could identify its sweetened flavor but also a rather harsh,strong taste accompanying it. He also could taste an odd-texturedliquid that was a bit thick. “Where did you get this wine?” askedOliver.”Oh it is in my late husband’s family Monsieur,” replied Angelique, asshe sipped her wine glass. “One of the finest Pinot noirs in France andit was made in 1834, which was a very good year. Do you happen to likeit Monsieur?” She continued to look at Oliver, with a bit of mischief inher eyes…Oliver smiled as he nodded and continued to tip his full glass, downingthe rest of the oddly tasting wine. “There’s just something about agood wine that…t-that…..hmmm…sorry I’m starting to feel…a little….Ican’t keep my eyes…”Angelique continued to maintain her smile as she sipped her glass again.”Monsieur Oliver? Are you feeling alright?” she said, feigning concern.”I-I’m…getting..sleepy….W-What…what did you…do…ohhhhhhh…” Oliversuddenly dropped his wine glass and collapsed onto the couch, completelyu*********s.A Cheshire cat-like grin appeared on Angelique’s lovely face, similar toa cat that just ate the canary. She leaned her body back against thechair, as she slowly spread her legs apart. Lightly tugging on the softfabric of her nightgown, she pulled back the sheer, lacy hem of thelengthened undergarment, exposing her dark red panties, which appearedrather damp and moist. Slipping her fingers underneath, she slowlytugged them downwards, as she let her red-polished fingers move closer;they slowly entered her wet pussy, which made Angelique shiver inecstasy. Pulling her two fingers out, she raised both of them, nowcoated with her own sticky white pussy nectar; the smell of her innerjuices was always intoxicating to Angelique. It was the same milkywhite juice that she had laced and mixed into Oliver’s wine glass beforehe took his sip, and the reason he immediately passed out. She thendipped her two fingers into her own wine glass, eyeing the sticky whiteliquid collecting in a light swirl inside her glass. Quickly stirringthe glass until the white liquid was near invisible, Angelique gulpeddown her drink, no longer being polite and elegant, and finished it withone big swallow, licking her blood-red coated lips in a wanton manner.Licking her fingers to savor the last remnants of her wine, Angeliquedisplayed a rather perverted grin on her lovely face. It was almost tooeasy to trick that idiotic, lowlife blacksmith into coming here, andeven easier to get him to drink her “wine.” She knew that Oliver wouldnot pass up the opportunity to steal Thomas’s dagger and bring it overhere, presenting it as his own work. What a complete fool; well, nomatter, Angelique thought, I must get this boor ready for when Thomasarrives. Angelique suddenly grabbed a small handheld bell and lightlyshook it, making it ring.Within a few minutes, the lovely servant girl Colette had quietlyentered and stood by her Comtesse’s side. She looked down at Angelique,and then suddenly said in a deep, cultured, baritone-sounding voiceincongruous with her petite body, “Yes Mistress Angelique?””The job is done, Henri. Monsieur Oliver will be passed out for only anhour, so I need you to take him to the kitchen and keep him there tillhe wakes up. When he does he will be my puppet, so lead him back theninto the drawing room. I must now get ready for Monsieur Thomas’sarrival, so if you need me I will be in my boudoir getting ready.”replied Angelique, now speaking with a very deep, very menacing gruffbaritone that was much more frightening than the masculine voice comingfrom Colette’s lips.”As you wish Mistress,” replied the manly-sounding Colette. Sheimmediately tugged on the arms of the u*********s Oliver and slung hisheavy body over her backside, causing her to hunch forward a little asOliver’s arms were laying across.”Oh and Henri, Monsieur Thomas will probably arrive before I amcompletely ready. Please change out of your servant clothes and wearsomething a bit more…enticing for the ceremony, if you know what Imean…” said Angelique, letting out a menacing, seductive deep chuckle.”Is she still quite hidden?””Oui my beloved Mistress,” replied Henri/Colette, lowering her headpolitely. “Monsieur Thomas will not be able to see her until after theceremony, when we bring her to him.””Very good,” smiled Angelique with a fiendish glint in her onyx-coloredeyes. “Inform me when Monsieur Thomas has arrived and guide him againto the drawing room. I shall be in my boudoir,” the wicked comtessestated, lightly teasing her luxuriously long curly raven-coloredtresses.”Oui my Comtesse,” replied Colette, now playfully switching to herinnocent girlish French accent, trying to stifle a feminine-soundinggiggle while her eyes quickly and idly wandered to look at Angelique’sscantily clad nightgown. Still managing to maintain an impressiveamount of brute strength, the false servant girl carried Oliver’sportly, u*********s body to the kitchen while Angelique quickly cleanedup the tin tray of red wine and readjusted her undergarments, makingsure she didn’t make too early a mess before Thomas’s arrival. She waslooking forward to having some ‘playtime’ with the pathetic MonsieurOliver, and she couldn’t wait to see Thomas’s face, as she had big plansfor him. Angelique let a boisterously evil chuckle escape her luscious,blood-red lips, as she too sauntered upstairs, swaying her shapely hips,preparing for the next phase in her plan…***********Thomas had scurried as fast as he could, knowing that he was alreadyvery late to his appointment with the Comtesse. Yet it still took him awhile to reach the Beaufort plantation/estate. He quickly pushed hisway through the estate’s iron gates, quickly striding all the way up tothe front door. Thomas’s breathing was labored after basicallysprinting his way to Belle de Lune. He silently cursed himself: howcould he have been so careless to leave the ceremonial dagger exposedand in plain sight! Even someone less crafty than his master could havepilfered the dagger.Thomas located the pulley and tugged on it fully, as the doorbell made avery loud, abrupt, aggressive sound. As he waited for someone toanswer, Thomas continued to muddle through his hurried thoughts. Nowthat Oliver had the dagger, Thomas almost certain that he had alreadypresented it as a gift to Angelique, and would steal all of the credit. He could only hope that the Comtesse would be willing to forgive hiscarelessness…The front door soon opened, as a lovely young woman appeared to greetThomas, almost emerging from the darkened foyer. “Bonsoir Monsieur,” shesaid in a very pleasant, friendly tone; she was holding a litcandelabra.”U-Um, hi…” said Thomas, a bit surprised. He was stunned at theravishingly beautiful woman with golden blonde hair, dressed in a sheer,silk and lace sleeveless pink chemise with a hemline that was also of anintricate pink laced pattern, reaching up to the woman’s upper thighs.The front of her chemise was partially see-through, as Thomas could seea gathering of whitish-pink dots making up the pattern which barelyconcealed her smooth, flat stomach. She placed a delicate hand on hershapely hips, as Thomas noted a gentle rise in her cleavage – a fullysupported, pert bosom was contained inside the blonde woman’s chemise.She had soft green eyes and full, pouty lips which curled into a lovelysmile, and her demeanor was oddly welcoming to Thomas. Her hair wasarranged in an attractive, relaxed manner, with soft honey-blondeshoulder-length curls. She certainly seemed to exude more confidenceand mystique compared to her earlier ruse as a servant girl.”Bonsoir,” repeated the blonde woman. “You must be Monsieur Thomas,n’est -ce pas?””Y-Yeah, that’s me,” replied Thomas, trying to stifle a cough, quitenervous.The blonde woman offered her delicate hand in front of Thomas. “I haveheard so much about you from the Comtesse. My name is Colette; I amher…companion, shall we say?” she giggled, blushing a little.Thomas reluctantly accepted the woman’s hand and bent his head down tokiss it, before the woman slowly retracted her hand, blushing. “My my,aren’t you a polite gentleman!” smiled Colette. “I am certainly quiteimpressed.””Forgive me, Mademoiselle Colette, but..I-I need to s-speak with theComtesse. Is she…””Yes yes…she already notified me of your arrival,” Colette interrupted,twirling her curly blonde locks idly. “Come on inside and I will takeyou to her.”Thomas nodded and quietly followed Colette, entering the statelyplantation…***********The foyer of the mansion was dimly lit, much like the drawing room andall other rooms of the plantation. Thomas was uncertain if the Comtessepreferred to keep her wonderfully lavish home minimally lit at night.Colette smiled at him again as she motioned him to sit down at a nearbysmall wooden table situated at the foyer entrance.”If you’ll wait here, Monsieur Thomas, the Comtesse will be downshortly. She is just…freshening up. I need to take care of some thingsin our drawing room,” said Colette.”Ah I see,” replied Thomas, nodding. “Very well, I will wait…thank youC-Colette for your hospitality.”Colette soon opened the large doors which led to the black drawing room,as Thomas watched her glide gracefully disappear into the darkness.Thomas could not see Colette using her candelabra to light the othercandles within the drawing room, only. About fifteen minutes had soonpassed, and Thomas was getting impatient. He was still nervous aboutwhat Angelique would say when he admitted that he had stupidly misplacedthe dagger. His grimy palms had become sweaty, and he shook his rightknee, fearing the worst. Finally, he decided he could not stay seated,and got up, heading towards the lit drawing room, hoping he could keepColette company.The entire drawing room was a bit more illuminated as Thomas could makeout the main points of interest in the room, namely the ornate paintingsof Angelique and her husband, the large, spacious black couch andmatching chairs, and a fireplace and mantle that did not appear to be inuse at the time. He looked around closely but Colette was nowhere to befound. She must have left earlier to speak to the Comtesse, thoughtThomas, still shaking a bit. Thomas continued to stare at all of theluxurious surroundings, taking particular notice to a closet door thatwas somewhat open. He wondered if Colette had forgotten to close it inher haste to tidy things up in the drawing room.Colette had a lewd-appearing grin on her face as she walked up thewinding set of stairs inside the dark narrow corridor leading toAngelique’s boudoir, using her candelabra as a guiding light. Asinstructed by Angelique, before exiting the drawing room through thesecret passage, she intentionally left the closet door open so as toprovide a perfect “hiding spot” for Thomas. Finally reaching the secretdoor, Carefully pushing them forward to open them completely, sheentered the equally darkened master bedroom, lit too only by multiplecandlelights. Angelique was standing in front of a large vanity, havingapplied a second coat of blood-red lipstick. She also had just wrappedherself in a large, flowing velvet black cloak with a unique yellowserpentine-like trim on the edges. She quickly lifted the top of thecloak, covering her head with a black hood which concealed her blackenedeyes.”Monsieur Thomas is here, my Mistress,” said Colette gruffly in the samecultured baritone voice as heard earlier.Angelique grinned wickedly, very pleased with her companion.”Excellent. You have done well. I shall bring Monsieur Oliver back tothe drawing room through the secret entrance from the kitchen. If I amcorrect Monsieur Thomas will most likely wander his way to the drawingroom. Eventually he will be seeking that hiding spot I instructed youto ‘accidentally’ reveal to him,” Angelique chuckled in her deep,rumbling baritone timbre.”Indeed my Mistress,” nodded Colette in complete agreement. She tiltedher head thoughtfully and asked, “What of Lieutenant Ducard?”Angelique lifted her head slowly while quietly buttoning her cloak,concealing her luscious body save for a peek of her magnificent creamywhite cleavage, the lovely sight causing her to lightly lick her lips.”I already paid a little visit to his military base right after I hadfinished meeting with Monsieur Thomas,” replied Angelique calmly in herdeep baritone voice. “His military discipline was neither a challengenor a match for me…he has been given his instructions and he will showup at the exact time I requested.”Angelique soon took the decorative box containing the dagger carefullywith both hands, handing it to Colette. “Do NOT lose this box or I willbe most displeased with you Henri,” she growled sternly, her voicebooming threateningly. “I shall ring for you when I am with MonsieurOliver and ready, understood?””O-Oui, my Mistress,” replied Colette, penitently lowering her head,unable to look Angelique in the eye, her oddly masculine voice tremblinga bit as she did not dare disobey Angelique. She accepted the box andclutched its surface tightly with both hands.Angelique’s cold glare turned to a smile as she gently stroked Colette’scheek in a calm and reassuring manner with the back of her soft hand.”Do not forget to change into your cloak as well before you enter thedrawing room. And now, I must tend to Monsieur Oliver in my own,’unique’ way…”Angelique grabbed one of the candelabras in her boudoir and thensauntered over to the entrance to the secret passage, sliding the falsewall forward so that she may gain access, as she disappeared into thedarkened corridor. Colette lightly opened the box, and saw themagnificent ceremonial snake-themed dagger resting gently in the box’svelvet red interior. Closing the box securely, she quickly exited theboudoir, heading to her own well-furnished bedroom to further change forthe ceremony…***********Thomas was staring at the exquisite paintings in the drawing room,paying particular attention to the portrait of the Comte himself dressedin the dashing military uniform. Thomas was both impressed andintimidated by the stature of that man. He remembered that thisnobleman was responsible for separating his family, as his parents wereboth sent to work for his plantation. He never knew what happened tothem afterwards; rumors had spread before that they were unhappy and haddecided to escape, essentially abandoning Thomas to live under theabusive hand of his new master. Another rumor was that the Comte caughtthem and had his overseer tie them to a post and deliver one-hundredlashes each, which eventually ended up being the cause of their deaths. Thomas tried to block out the horrible memories of his separation fromhis parents as he continued to study the Comte’s portrait.Thomas was completely focused when he suddenly heard a loud rumblecoming from the opposite wall of the drawing room. He was uncertainwhat was going on, so he decided to investigate further. As heapproached the wall, it suddenly began to slowly slide open, and thesound of footsteps heading in his direction. Thomas jumped a few feet,gasping – he knew he wasn’t supposed to be in this room, but he alsoneeded to find a place to hide. Thomas never knew that there weresecret doors and walls in this plantation, and he didn’t want to bepresent to find out who or what could be coming from this particularwall. Immediately spotting the partially open closet door, he quietlysprinted over to the closet entrance and closed the door, but leaving asmall gap so he could at least see what was going on.An elegant cloaked figure soon emerged from the wall, holding hands withwhat appeared to be Thomas’s master, Oliver Walters. Judging by theheight and vague appearance, Thomas surmised that it was most likely afemale underneath the cloak. She appeared to be holding a candelabrumand was leading Oliver over to the large green drawing room couch on theother side of the wall. Oliver had a very strange, blank look in hisface, and Thomas noticed his master appearing very glassy-eyed, devoidof much emotion. Oliver sat down quietly on one side of the couch asthe cloaked figure sat on the opposite side while setting the candelabradown. Thomas could glimpse a hint of the cloaked figure’s smooth upperleg peeking from underneath the large black velvet cloak, but was stilluncertain as to her identity.The cloaked figure soon raised her arm and wrapped it around Oliver’sneck, pulling him closer as she whispered in a purring, seductive tone,”Mmmmm…Monsieur Oliver, are you entranced by my sensual body and frame?”Oliver uttered a monotone response that was drone-like and unsettling,”Yesssss…Yessss Madame…”Thomas’s eyes widened as he heard the figure’s voice. He recognized itas none other than the Comtesse herself! But what was she doing withOliver, and why was she wearing that strange looking cloak?”Very good Monsieur Oliver,” continued Angelique, still completelycloaked. She soon slowly reached over to unfasten each button of herdark velvet black ceremonial cloak. Thomas bit his tongue as eachbutton came undone, exposing Angelique’s creamy white flesh little bylittle. Still obscured by the heaviness of the cloak, Thomas was stilllucky enough to glimpse at Angelique’s smooth torso and well-tonedstomach, along with the underlying lower curvature of her magnificentchest. Angelique soon leaned herself back as she guided Oliver’s bodyto climb on top of her own, both bodies occupying the full length of thecouch.”Kiss me Monsieur Oliver,” commanded Angelique. Nodding, Oliver wastedno time and began kissing her full, blood-red lips, slipping his tonguewhile Angelique’s elegant arms wrapped around Oliver’s backside. Thomascould hear Oliver’s gruff, lascivious moans mixed with Angelique’s ownbreathy reactions. He could not believe the spectacle he waswitnessing, and felt a bit betrayed. He was almost tempted to exit fromhis hiding spot, but something in the back of his mind compelled him tostay where he was and continue watching.”Mmmm….my word Monsieur Oliver,” said Angelique, breathing a bit heavy. “Pleasure my body right now.”” Yesss…Madame,” replied Oliver in a monotone voice, as he beganplanting his tongue all over her smooth neck, his hands wandering overto slip underneath Angelique’s cloak, fumbling till they found her taut,sensitive pink nipples. He began to rub his large, grimy fingers alongher areolae, pinching and squeezing her nipples back and forth, whichmade Angelique cry out and bite her lower lip softly. She immediatelylowered her hood, fully revealing her beautiful face. Thomas could makeout Angelique’s creamy, pale white visage as well as her hauntinglybeautiful onyx-colored eyes. She immediately closed them, leaning herhead back, continuing to react and moan to Oliver’s touch. Thomas beganto feel a slow rise in his crotch but this stopped abruptly whenAngelique’s eyes opened. Thomas was shocked to see that her irises hadturned a bright yellow, and her pupils had become distorted into twovery sharp, black slits. Thomas could hear a loud hissing sound,sounding very much like a snake, as Angelique quickly blinked, her eyesreturning to their normal shape and color.”Sacrebleu! Monsieur Oliver you actually impress me a little tonight,”Angelique cried, as she slowly began to peel her body off of the cloak. Within minutes Angelique’s appealing and completely naked body was onfull display. Thomas shook his head in disbelief: Angelique truly wasan “angel”. Her smooth, creamy pale white skin perfectly suited herluscious 5’8″ frame, but the smoothness of said skin completely wasincongruous with Angelique’s reported age of 38 years; there were nosigns of wrinkles, crow’s feet, laugh lines, or extraneous “meat” in herthighs and shapely ass. Her curves were in fact quite enticing, as herbody resembled that of a young girl. Thomas had already been stimulatedby Angelique’s lovely chest during her earlier visit, he was completelyflabbergasted at the large set of 38DD breasts she now possessed, whichexhibited no sag, completely buoyant, her nipples puffy and excited atall the sensations she was receiving from Oliver’s moist tongue. Thomasnoted her svelte waist, undoubtedly a curvaceous shape with widenedhips, which must have been molded and shaped by the many tight-fittingcorsets Angelique had to wear in public while on her outings to the townsquare. Angelique quietly crossed her luxuriously long and supple legs,her bare feet painted with a matching blood-red nail polish. Sheshifted her entire body, leaning back in a forty-five degree angle, herstrands of soft, wavy, raven-colored hair collecting in a gentlearrangement against her left shoulder, as she continued to savor thekiss.Thomas’s glimpse of Angelique’s completely nude body brought back therise in his crotch again, as it began to slowly move upwards, causing abit of discomfort. Angelique turned to Oliver, tilting her head andnibbling on his ear as she whispered, “You would do anything for me,right Monsieur?”With no hesitation Oliver mechanically replied, “Yessss Madame. I amyours to command.””Good…then I want you to lick my pretty pink pussy,” commandedAngelique. Nodding, Oliver began to spread Angelique’s legs, pullingthem gently apart, revealing her neatly trimmed dark pubic region aswell, as well as the wet and pink womanly flesh Angelique possessed, her”crowning glory.” Oliver hungrily complied, leaving Angelique’s body,giving her generous, ample breasts more room to heave and swayinvitingly, as he kneeled on both knees and began to lightly teaseAngelique’s outer labia with an expert tongue. Angelique let her lefthand delicately trace a gentle outline around her left nipple, as herbody tensed up. She closed her eyes, letting out a breathy cry of joy,”OOHHHHHH…Oui, that’s it Monsieur, just like that…don’t forget my tightclit needs some attention too…”Without missing a beat Oliver’s two fingers and thumb locatedAngelique’s round, tender clit, and began to tickle and wiggle it backand forth, sending significant shivers down Angelique’s spineerotically. Oliver added the tip of his tongue as it too wiggled andbrushed against Angelique’s sensitive clit. Still within the confinesof the closet, Thomas’s erection was beginning to build even more,watching Oliver’s fingers and tongue rhythmically stimulate Angelique’swomanhood…rubbing faster…and faster…with Angelique moaning louder andlouder.Suddenly, the drawing room doors swung wide open, and another figureentered, walking in front of Oliver and Angelique. Although it stillwas difficult to distinguish, the clicking heel of his boots as well ashis height made Thomas realize that it was Lieutenant Ducard, theofficer who had brought Oliver back to the blacksmith shop earliertoday. But what was he doing here?”My goodness Madame!” exclaimed Lieutenant Ducard, his face showing aconcerned, righteous, expression. “W-What is g-going on h-here? H-Haveyou gone m-mad?”Angelique was visibly startled by the sudden appearance of thelieutenant. However, that same fear turned to a smug, twistedcountenance as she replied, “Right on time Lieutenant. Come join us.”She offered her hand to him as her other hand lifted a hefty, supplebreast upwards, exposing it to the dashing young lieutenant.Thomas watched the officer’s stern look fade away, changing to aperverse smirk unbefitting a military person, as Lieutenant Ducardquickly undid his officer’s coat, and removed his hat. He unfastenedthe belt containing his equipment and sword, and then kneeled over toAngelique’s side. Angelique smiled, as her left hand placed itself onthe back of Ducard’s head, guiding it closer to her exposed, titillatingleft breast. Cupping it with both of his hands, Ducard’s tongueproceeded to lick and suck on Angelique’s left erect nipple, almost asif he was being nursed by it. Angelique closed her eyes again andleaned back, completely enjoying the pleasure provided by her hypnotizedmale drones.Thomas felt a mixture of weird emotions, something he had never feltbefore. He could start to feel his bulge worsen into a prominent tent,which pushed its way against his crotch. Nevertheless, despite thediscomfort he was experiencing he continued to maintain his composure.However, nothing could have prepared him for what happened next…The double stimulation Angelique was experiencing from Oliver andLieutenant Ducard was too much to bear. She closed her eyes, liftingher head back, as her fingers gripped the surface of the couch tightly. She cried out loudly, “Fucccckkkkk…I’m gonna cum really soon!” All ofher cultured French accent she had assumed in public could not bedetected. Her high-pitched cries synchronized with each tease of herpussy and her breast, but Thomas was dumbfounded as those cries quicklybecame lower and lower in pitch, dropping several octaves to a weirdlydeep, gruff baritone voice. Angelique’s new voice was frightening toThomas, sounding monstrous and inhuman, and it was complemented by areturn of her menacingly evil slit eyes.”SSSSSHHHHHHHHIIIIIITTTTT….” Angelique growled loudly in her boomingbaritone, which ended with a terrifying hiss coming from her lips.”GOOOO SUCCKK MY COOOOCCCCKKKK” she commanded to Oliver and LieutenantDucard. Ducard stopped his suckling and obeyed, as he moved his bodynext to Oliver’s, both men waiting for something to happen. Thomas wastoo, with baited breadth…Suddenly, Thomas was horrified to see a large, thick protrusion wiggleand push its way out of the opening to Angelique’s moist vagina, forcingit to expand and widen in size to accommodate its forceful emergence.Thomas could also hear the grotesquely tight, squishy sounds it madeduring this process; it appeared mishapen and indefinite at first, butsoon it elongated and sprouted into what Thomas recognized as a massive8-inch dark-skinned cock, which was followed by a large pair of matchingtesticles. Her nutsack was in stark contrast to her luscious, feminineloveliness, and they were particularly moist from having been coatedwith Angelique’s pussy juices while hidden. Angelique chuckled deeply,relieved that she was able to reveal her thick, juicy, pulsating memberafter having been forced to keep it hidden in public. Oliver andLieutenant Ducard both licked their lips in anticipation.”DAMNNNNNITT…..YESSSSSSS….I LOVE IT WHEN I CAN SHOW OFF MY BIGGCOOOCCCKKK” roared Angelique, smiling widely, and showing her perfectlywhite teeth. She looked at the two men, a fiendish glint in her slit-sized eyes. “WELLL…I’M WAITTTTINGGG…DON’T DISAPPPOINNTTT YOURRMISSTRESSSSSSS…”Both Oliver and Lieutenant Ducard began to flick their tongues againstAngelique’s thick shaft, as her fingers continued to fondle her large,supple breasts. Oliver was also gripping and squeezing Angelique’stesticles firmly, kneading and massaging them back and forth, causinganother ugly, menacing growl to emanate from Angelique’s sweet red lips,as she shifted her hips back and forth, now completely leaning herentire body against the couch. Thomas could see the tip of herterrifyingly large, throbbing cock as the visible spiderweb-like veinsaround it pulsated wildly. It appeared to be almost movingindependently with the rest of Angelique’s body, as it wriggled andmoved and grew slightly larger in size with each throbbing motion. Thetwo male drones continued to provide their undivided attention,attempting to satiate and abate its hunger. Ducard soon brought hislips closer to Angelique’s shaft, wrapping them fully around and lightlysucking the head, sending a flood of warm, twisted sensations all theway down the full length of Angelique’s manmeat, spreading out down intoher scrotum. He continued to lower his head, letting the entire shaftdisappear into his mouth, surprisingly without a hint of gagging. Hethen bobbed his head back and forth, while stroking the base ofAngelique’s Ödemiş Escort cock. With all of these complex and pleasurable actions,Angelique roared loudly, closing her eyes tightly, trying to resist thelewd sensations she was experiencing at the moment.Almost as if it wasn’t a coincidence, Thomas was now having a REALLYhard time maintaining his own composure, transfixed by the viciouslylustful scene taking place. He found himself breathing just about asheavily as Angelique’s own labored breaths; slipping his fingersunderneath his white breeches, Thomas began to u*********sly squeeze hisown testicles, his fingers deftly teasing the base of his own stiffshaft. Meanwhile, Oliver’s grubby, grimy hands had wrapped themselvesaround the base of Angelique’s own stiff meat, performing a slow,methodical movement up and down, which further elicited a pleasurablebaritone sounding moan from the twisted noblewoman.Angelique arched her back, trying to shift her full body weight, as herdrones continued to relentlessly suck and engulf almost the entirelength of her now 10-inch throbbing cock. Tears were beginning to formand come out of her eyes, her evil slit-shaped pupils shrinking andnarrowing. Beads of sweat were forming and dribbling down her smoothcheeks. Her body was beginning to betray her previously calm, seductiveappearance, as her breathing quickened. Thomas heard her growls and hersnarling voice, which sounded strangely erotic but also very demonic.He continued to rub his own cock furiously as it gained more girth andelevation…”YESSSSSSSSS…..OH MY….YESSSSS….” Angelique loudly moaned, as shechuckled in her satisfyingly evil timbre. Her delicate left hand movedto accompany the tongues of her drones, whose slurping and suckingsounds were mixed with their own monotone, hypnotic sounding moans ofpure unadulterated lust.Finally, Angelique could no longer contain herself, as her sexuallystimulated body gave in to an intense, satisfyingly wicked orgasm.Within seconds, Oliver and Lieutenant Ducard felt Angelique’s cockcolliding roughly against their lips as she let out a bloodcurdling deeproar. “AHHHHHHHHHH………..FUCKKKKKKKK……TAKE IT…DRINK ALL OF MYSEED!!!!!” Immediately before Angelique’s monstrous climax, a largeglob of sticky, white liquid spurted forth from her erect shaft withsuch intense force through the narrow opening of Angelique’s cock head,gushing out like a milky white fountain. The texture and smell was sopungent that even Thomas could sense it from inside the closet. Largesticky load after load of Angelique’s cock juice seemed to rapidly andcontinuously shoot out, as Angelique’s cock haphazardly spattered andcoated Oliver’s and Lieutenant Ducard’s faces. The two drones lapped upevery last drop dutifully, perverse grins appearing on their faces.Angelique’s beautiful body was still shaking from her full orgasm, herbountiful breasts bobbing up and down and getting intermittentlyspattered by her own warm, sticky cum.Thomas’s own breaking point had been reached, as he could not withstandthe onslaught of sexual deviancy any further. He immediately cried out,”AHHHH…” almost simultaneously with Angelique’s own decadent roaring,feeling his own warm, white sticky fluid spurt and gush out into hishand, which continued rubbing, creating a sticky layer all over hisshaft. His crotch was completely soaked, and his knees began to buckle,weakened by the intensely erotic self-orgasm he had just executed.Angelique’s ears perked as she could hear an audible moan coming fromthe closet, and immediately lowered the volume of her monstrous voice toa low grunt. Still sweating from the intense experience, she lifted herbody back on the couch, as it had been almost slowly sliding off, had itnot been supported by Oliver and Lieutenant Ducard’s hands bracing herhips. She fingered a bit of her milky liquid, still slowly spurting andoozing from her thick cock, which had slowed down its throbbing, theliquid collecting in a white pool on the floor. Scooping a bit with twofingers, Angelique slowly licked and savored its sweet and salty taste,while she smirked and uttered, “Mmmmm…looks like we have an intruder,gentlemen…and it sounds like he enjoyed our little session almost asmuch as we did,” she chuckled. “Alright Monsieur Thomas, you can comeout now.”Thomas froze, completely stunned. He gulped and opened the closet door,stepping out. Unable to look up due to sheer embarrassment, Thomas’shand was still buried inside his breeches, and there was a large,visible wet stain around his crotch.Angelique sat back up, shifting her voluptuous body, her cock beginningto lower as she raised one of her eyebrows amusingly and grinned.”Bonsoir Monsieur,” she purred, in a much more calm yet oddly gruffsounding baritone compared to the monstrous roar she used earlier. “Didyou enjoy our little..performance? Your..currently soaked crotchcertainly, ahem, confirms it…”Thomas didn’t know what to say at first. After a few minutes he finallymanaged to utter, “W-Who are you? A-Are y-you a-a demon? W-What haveyou done with the Comtesse?”Angelique crossed her long, smooth legs demurely, still completelynaked, as she brushed back her long curly raven-haired locks. “WhyMonsieur,” she chimed, speaking in a soft, gentle lilt identical to thelovely angelic voice Thomas heard earlier today, “I AM the Comtesse.”She flirtatiously giggled at Thomas while her finger idly and gracefullytraced a circle around her supple breasts, as her soft laugh soondenigrated into a manly, deep chuckle which made Thomas’s cock rise alittle. “Just with more ‘accoutrements’, shall we say, HAHA!” shefinished in that same gruff tone.Thomas was unnerved by the Comtesse’s malevolent behavior – he knew hehad to do something. He began to walk towards the exit the drawingroom, intending to notify the governor. He had reached the double doorswhen Angelique said in her warm-sounding, charming masculine timbre,”Heading to see the governor are we Monsieur?” Thomas stopped midway,unable to move. “Go right ahead…interrupt him at this late hour. Thenbring him over here. When he arrives all he would see would be thelovely young Comtesse entertaining some guests this evening, includingyour master, and Lieutenant Ducard. Who would he believe then: me orsome common, useless…’slave boy’? Then you would be flogged andpossibly drawn and quartered within a week,” said Angelique.Thomas pondered his decision for a bit after hearing Angelique’s words,uncertain if it was the truth. Angelique’s face soon shifted to one ofconcern, as she stood up and sauntered over to Thomas, placing her handsoftly against his back, while the rest of her nubile form playfullymade contact. He could feel her supple body pressing at him, her soft,inviting breasts pressing against his upper back, with her nippleslightly poking against him. Surprisingly, he was expecting to be jabbedin his lower back by the shape of her monstrous cock, but all he feltwas a smooth, bare surface below. The intoxicating mixture of herexquisite perfume and the remnants of her sexual juices made Thomasclose his eyes and shudder, her mellifluous, silky smooth words were sosoothing, like pure honey in his ears.”Monsieur…do not worry,” Angeliquesaid, shifting back to her gentle feminine tone. “I am not going toharm you. In fact I want to help you.”Thomas turned around in disbelief to face Angelique. “H-Help me?””Oui,” smiled Angelique, looking into his eyes, her face appearingsincerely concerned. She placed her hand softly against his chest. “Ican sense you are a troubled soul. No direction, unwanted and unloved. Your master, Monsieur Oliver; he treats you like a pathetic little dog. Society shuns you because of your skin color and your existence. I feela great sorrow and pity on you Monsieur – no one should EVER deservethis, especially one with such talent and potential as you MonsieurThomas.”Thomas’s body shuddered as he heard Angelique’s reassuring voice. Hethen began to think about all of the circumstances which made up histragic and unfortunate life. Separated from his parents at a young age,Thomas had been forced into a life of indentured servitude, and althoughhe underwent long, grueling hours of hard work learning his craft, hereaped little benefit or praise. His boorish master preferred tomistreat and abuse Thomas, so that Oliver could be wrongfully creditedfor all of his ‘talents.’Thomas tried to fight back the tears welling up in his eyes. It wastrue: he had been dealt a very unfair hand, and it was very comfortingto see at least one person showing some sympathy. Thomas felt as if hehad found a wonderful oasis in the arid desert, and Angelique wasoffering him the first sip of cool, nurturing water. He looked at heragain, “T-Talent and potential?”Angelique nodded. “You really think that I thought your talentless boorof a master was responsible for perfecting that dagger? I always knewit was you who had the skill. You have the… ‘ability to accept’ whatI am about to offer to you.”Thomas raised his eyebrow, still uncertain. “W-What sort of offer?”Angelique leaned closer and whispered, “An offer to leave your patheticexistence behind…” She nibbled on Thomas’s ear, while laying her handsreassuringly on both of his shoulders, as her voice shifted back to herimpossibly deep sounding baritone: “and to embrace unimaginable power,influence and desire.” Angelique winked at Thomas, before pulling bothher arms back, as she casually crossed them underneath her completelyexposed, naked bosom.Thomas closed his eyes, still listening intently to Angelique. “Justthink of it Monsieur; you would never be bullied or battered, peoplewould look up to you, worship you, listen to your command, and be atyour beck and call. You control them, you do whatever you want to them.You can do everything and anything, and I mean ‘ANYTHING’ to them andthey can’t do anything to you, or can’t get back at you…. To do that,you need to embrace what I call…the Slithering.””S-Slithering?” Thomas remarked, confused. “W-Whatever do you mean,Madame?”Angelique chuckled, walking to retrieve a small bell on the nearbytable. Thomas observed her voluptuous, heart-shaped bottom swayingenticingly with each graceful movement. Despite being thirty-eight yearsold, the Comtesse’s body was impossibly youthful, looking like a younggirl in her mid-twenties, with flawless, cream-colored skin. Her bodywas practically perfect. Thomas found it incredulous that thisbeautiful goddess had earlier had an incongruous, ugly-looking appendageand grotesque testicles that had emerged from her slit. Lifting herleft hand, she lightly shook the bell, as a soft ring emanated from it;Thomas immediately noted the intricately designed snake-like ringadorned on Angelique’s finger.Immediately as if on cue, another cloaked figure, this time cloaked in acrimson red color, entered from the kitchen door, carrying the sameornate box/case that Thomas thought he had misplaced. Lowering herhood, she revealed herself to be the Comtesse’s companion, Colette, whosmiled mischievously at Thomas. Her hands were adorned with gloves thatalso matched the same color as her cloak. Gingerly setting the box ontothe table, she handed a set of gloves to Angelique, who proceeded toslip her hands into those same gloves, as she turned to walk back to thecouch.”Thank you Henri,” nodded Angelique. “Please do not leave till theceremony is complete.””Oui Mistress,” replied Colette in her deep, resonant baritone, smilingto Thomas again. Thomas blinked, his finger pointing at themysteriously cloaked Colette. “H-Henri? But I thought…y-you mean, sheis also like you?”Angelique nodded while quietly opening the box. Taking the dagger outwith both of her gloved hands, she tilted her head, her eyes sparklingwith excitement. She smiled in delight, still very much dazzled by itsexquisite design. “Just look at this craftsmanship Monsieur,” shestated. “Such technique, such careful attention to detail. Yourdedication into making this dagger a purposeful and meaningful displayof your personal hopes and dreams is VERY evident. I commend you,Monsieur.”Thomas did not know what to say to such sincere, heartfelt compliments,which was the first he had ever experienced before. Angelique held thedagger in her left hand as she beckoned Thomas to approach her. Thomasdutifully stepped away from the drawing room doors, facing Angelique,who was now seated back on the couch, with her drones accompanying herand kneeling beside her quietly, still u*********sly licking herdelectable juices off of their hungry mouths.”How long has it been since you have had anyone care for you, my dearThomas,” continued Angelique. Her hands were resting on both of herdrones’ heads, stroking them lighty like obedient pets. She looked downat them for a little while before her onyx-colored eyes darted up tofocus on Thomas, almost piercing into his soul. She continued to speakdirectly to Thomas; her tone of voice seemed are gentle and sincere, andrather soothing. “I swear to you Monsieur, I will never let ANYTHINGhappen to you. All the power, all the wealth, all the attention will beyours to forever enjoy. You only need to just accept my offer and joinme. Become one of us: embrace the Slithering…” Her convincing wordswere slowly sinking into Thomas’s head, needling and egging him…Angelique replaced the dagger back into the box as she crossed hershapely legs, with a hint of her glistening inner thighs being brieflyexposed. Thomas was speechless: on the one hand he was extremelyterrified at the twisted, inhuman spectacle he had just witnessed,especially from a lovely woman as the Comtesse. She was essentially ademon disguised as an angel, and a very manipulative, charismatic one atthat! A part of him was disgusted by her actions. And yet…another partwas very intrigued. Thomas remained quiet, and Angelique did notexhibit any impatience, still petting her drones and understanding thatthe young boy was now deeply and seriously pondering her offer.***********After a few minutes of deep thought, Thomas looked Angelique directlyinto her onyx-colored eyes and solemnly replied, “A-Alright…I acceptyour offer.”Angelique flashed a sincere smile. “You made the right choiceMonsieur.” She took off the glove from her left hand, as her right handremained covered, picking up and holding the dagger. “Give me your lefthand.”Thomas was hesitant at Angelique’s request, but then complied, stickingout his bare left hand. Without any warning, Angelique raised thedagger and made a large cut into Thomas’s palm, sending a searing amountof pain. “AAAAHHHH!!!” yelled Thomas, clutching his hand, as he sawblood beginning to ooze from the laceration site. Angelique ignored hisreaction, lifting up her ungloved left hand. Without even flinching,she created the same large laceration into her own left hand. Thomascould see a dark red blood oozing out, considerably blacker than his ownblood. He also noticed that the laceration had exposed somethingominous: underneath Angelique’s creamy white lusty flesh, was whatappeared to be black scales, resembling that of a serpent. Thomas wasstill wincing from the pain.”I know it stings Monsieur,” said Angelique in her reassuringly deepbaritone. Angelique then brought the back of her left hand nearThomas’s own, specifically positioning her ornate snake-like ring nearThomas’s bloody laceration. She allowed a few drops of Thomas’s bloodto drip on top of the ring, which suddenly caused the jewels in thesnake’s eyes to glow a bright, luminescent green color. She thenextended her long ring finger downward, lightly stretching it to allow adrop of her own blackened blood to make contact with the ring. Asbefore, the snake’s eyes flashed a bright shade of glowing green.Satisfied with the outcome, Angelique raised her bloody left hand,saying, “Now…clasp your hand against mine.” Thomas followed suit, andthe two of them immediately clasped their similarly lacerated handstogether. Thomas suddenly felt a grip from Angelique’s hand, a gripthat was extremely firm and powerful, trapping his hand almost like avice, as she closed her eyes and began to repeatedly recite a weirdmethodical chant in her deep masculine-sounding voice, almost an octavelower than her current tone. Thomas was getting nervous, uncertain asto what was happening now… the night sky immediately began to cloudover, as a loud, booming thunderous sound suddenly was heard, causingthe walls of the mansion to vibrate and echo. Thomas noted a flash oflightning briefly illuminating the the dimly lit drawing room. Helooked at Angelique, completely terrified, but she still had her eyesclosed, chanting in an otherworldly, demonic tone…All of a sudden, a bright flash of green light emanated from Angelique’sring, almost blinding Thomas. Thomas heard a loud hissing sound, as hetried to blink his eyes to restore his sight. Looking at the ring,Thomas was stunned as it the silvery black metal began to contort andtransmogrify, till it appeared to be a living metal serpent with greeneyes. Suddenly, Thomas noticed the serpent’s mouth slowly open widely;what followed next was almost indescribable, as another smaller serpentemerged from the serpent’s oral recess. This new serpent began toslither back and forth off of Angelique’s ring finger, moving intoposition to rest instead on Thomas’s ring finger. As soon as thesmaller metal snake resumed its shape and orientation onto Thomas, itreared its tiny metal fangs and sunk them into the flesh of Thomas’sfinger. Thomas yelled in terror, “AAAAHHHHHH….w-what the…w-what’shappening…” Thomas could hear the loud, almost deafening sounds of therain pounding the ceiling of the mansion, as he heard another roaringthunderclap, with the wind howling and blowing back the curtains of thedrawing room!His gaze turned to Angelique, but her eyes were still closed, and shewas still fully immersed in her chanting ritual. Within seconds of thebite, the metal began to glow brightly in a green hue, causing anintense burning sensation against Thomas’s finger. Thomas tried to pullaway, but Angelique’s grip remained strong and he was forced to endureanother few minutes of torture. Thomas looked down, breathing heavily,as the pain in his finger subsided. Shortly thereafter, Thomas suddenlyfelt another severe bout of almost unbearable pain in his upper leftchest. He cried, as the intensity of the pain made his eyes tear up:”AHHHHHHHHHHHHH….AHHHHHH MY CHEST!!!” As Angelique released his hand,Thomas instincitively began to rip his shift off, looking downwards tosee the source of his torture. He soon noticed a blackened, snake-shaped tattoo adorning the upper part of his chest, which was identicalto the one he had seen on Angelique’s chest earlier today at theblacksmith shop. He thought he had imagined the tattoo, but this wasclear evidence that it was no illusion; he indeed was now marked.Thomas was trying to hold back his tears, still stinging from the twointensely painful actions he just experienced. He looked over at hisfinger, and comparatively also looked at Angelique’s hand. Thomas wasastonished to see that Angelique’s laceration had completelydisappeared. It was as if Angelique had never sustained a wound fromthat dagger. As Thomas took a closer look – he saw that he had theexact same snake-like ring wrapped carefully and snugly around his ringfinger. Looking over his left shoulder and chest, Thomas immediatelynoticedthe slightly raised area of skin painted in black ink in theexact same snake-like tattoo, over his left upper chest.Angelique concluded her chanting, and lifted her head up, her slit-likeyellow eyes blinking again and returning to a round, onyx-shaded form.She wickedly grinned, “Very good Thomas! The ceremony was successful -welcome to the Order of the Slitheryn,” she replied in her warm,calculated strangely comforting baritone timbre, placing the dagger backinto the box gingerly and then hugging Thomas’s body warmly with both ofher arms. Thomas returned the sincere hug, feeling wanted for the firsttime in his miserable life. He immediately unbuttoned his shirt,peeling it off of his dark-skinned body, looking again over his leftshoulder to see an identical S-shaped snake tattoo adorned onto his leftupper chest.”The initial ceremony is ALWAYS painful, Thomas.” remarked Angelique.”As you learn to get used to the blood sacrifices, your body willautomatically learn to heal itself faster, like it did mine. As you arenew to our Order, that laceration will be bleeding for no more thantwenty-four hours before it too completely heals. Till then, I need foryou to squeeze more of your blood onto the eyes of your Slitheryn ring. Henri, go ahead and bring her here right now.”Thomas did as he was instructed, squeezing a few drops of blood from hisstill freshly lacerated hand onto his ring. Suddenly, the jeweled eyesof the snake began to glow a deep, dark red hue, making a soft hummingand hissing sound. Angelique smiled and nodded, “Good. Now your ringis now primed for the sacrifice.””S-Sacrifice? What sacrifice?” inquired Thomas, quite curious.Thomas’s question was immediately answered as the kitchen doors swungopen with a loud force. Colette/Henri had suddenly brought out acurvaceous young, blonde woman whose wrists had been securely tied bywhat appeared to be a long green silk scarf/towel, while her mouth wasgagged and tied up with a similar garment. Thomas could see that thescarf wound the woman’s wrists tightly together, and that the gaggedwoman had a panicked look on her lovely face. Colette immediatelyguided her, forcing her to lay down onto the drawing room couch, beforeremoving the woman’s gag. Thomas examined the woman much more closely:the woman was the spitting image of Colette herself, with a similarlyvoluptuous body, except her hair was a honey blonde color compared toColette’s golden blonde locks, which had cascaded down to the woman’slithe shoulders in a gentle pattern.Once the gag was off, the woman immediately cried out, “PleaseMonsieur…help me….I’ve been trapped in this plantation for weeks now…theComtesse and my own twin sister are NOT who they appear to be…pleasesir, help me…”Colette immediately went over and slapped the woman hard on the cheekwith her ungloved left hand. “Silence!” she growled in a commandingvoice that boomed and startled the captive woman, causing her to comply.The angle of her strike was such that Colette’s own snake-shaped ringhad indirectly struck the woman’s face too, which created a small cutdue to the ring’s jagged surface, drawing a little bit of blood.Colette then turned around, bowing respectfully to Angelique, signifyingthat the sacrifice was ready.Angelique winked over to Thomas. “I’d like for you to meet Colette’sbeloved virgin twin sister – Josette.” she said with a malicious smirk. “Heavenly isn’t she? Are you anticipating the opportunity to ogle andm***** her body?”Colette smiled, replying in her sing-song voice, “Yes, MonsieurThomas….would you like to FUCK my beloved twin sister? She then leeredevilly at her ‘twin sister’, who gasped with a small whimper.Thomas nodded, his hesitancy beginning to weaken, as strange, selfisherotic events began to formulate in his mind . He witnessed a varietyof sinful, lewd, enticingly erotic vision appear like temptinghallucinations. He could hear seductive voices, both male and female,goading and urging him to do something quite despicable and dastardlywith this young girl, and it was becoming harder to resist thetemptation with every minute, all of which he had never encounteredbefore. “Very good my boy,” said a smug Angelique. She gesture her handat Josette. “Now go ahead and get your reward…go ahead and finish yourinitiation by fucking this helpless creature.”Thomas’s face lowered as he closed his eyes. Within a few minutes, hispreviously stunned visage had changed, and he now had a face thatappeared, stern, cold, calculating, and full of lust. With a sly grin,Thomas replied, “Oui Madame.”Angelique immediately corrected him. “No dear Thomas, you can continueto call me Comtesse or Mistress. Do NOT use Madame…..remember, there isno need for formality or decorum. You are part of my family now.”Thomas nodded. “My apologies my Mistress, I am still getting used tothis knowledge and power that I completely forgot myself.” He thenturned to the frightened young woman, who was laying there helpless onthe drawing room couch. Approaching her with a lustful look in his eye,Thomas grinned and unfastened his belt and then slowly pulled down hiscum-stained breeches, as his 7-inch thick, dark sooty-colored cocksprung forward, already beginning to bob up and down as it stiffened atthe full sight of the victim’s delicate, shapely body. Josette’s eyeswidened as she attempted to protest again, “No Monsieur..please….I begyou…mmpphhhh!” Her pleas were immediately and intentionally muffled asColette/Henri replaced the gag in her mouth.Thomas was feeling a flood of dark, twisted emotions, something that hehad never experienced before. It heightened his senses, as if anomnipotent force was beckoning him…to listen…and to act. He sawJosette’s helpless body and marveled at her gentle beauty; she was aninnocent young girl but that behavior belied a very well-developed,well-endowed woman. Thomas leaned forward, and slowly grabbed Josette’sknees, spreading them apart. As Thomas leaned even closer, his dusty,dirty visage was just inches away from Josette’s angelic cheeks. Shecould smell the disgusting mix of grime and perspiration, and hearThomas’s heavy, labored, wanton breathing. Josette tried to turn herhead away as Thomas lasciviously began to lick Josette’s cheek,targetting her recently cut wound and grunting deeply, flashing a hintof a menacing grin.A bolt of lightning quickly revealed the entirety of the drawing room,exposing Josette to Thomas’s malicious looking, wanton expression on hisface, as she whimpered in abject fear…Angelique clasped her hands, beaming in delight. “Yessss….explore everyinch of her womanly curve my dear Thomas…” She motioned Colette to sitnext to her silently. Colette complied, while also undoing the buttonsof her crimson red cloak, revealing her own nude and buxom frameunderneath. Colette began to nestle her entire body against Angelique. The wicked Comtesse then allowed Colette’s delicate hand to slowly enterher wet pink pussy, Colette’s crimson red fingernails slowly andmethodically rubbing Angelique’s wet slit. Angelique bellowed out adeep, terrifying grunt, as her monstrous inhumanly sized dark-skinnedcock and large balls once again emerged from the confines of her wetpussy, creating an eerily loud and sticky sound. Collette then used herpetite hand to slowly rub Angelique’s monstrous dark-colored cock, whichthen began to enlarge and stiffen a little. She turned to her devotedcompanion, and helped slip off Colette’s cloak, tugging firmly on itssleeves…as the cloak collected around Colette’s waists, exposing herfull, smooth, creamy, full-\bodied figure. “Mmmmm….” moaned Angelique,as she lowered her face, and began suckling on Colette’s pert andsensitive pink nipples, while groping her full, firm breasts. “ContinueMonsieur,” instructed Angelique in between her groping and suckling.”Don’t dawdle; satisfy your hunger…your desire. Please your Mistress…”Thomas smiled at Angelique, understanding. Josette’s struggles soonquieted down as an eerie calm came over her, uncertain as to what wouldhappen next…She didn’t have to wait long. Thomas lifted his body up, beforepositioning his throbbing cock against the now vulnerable and sensitiveopening of Josette’s virgin pussy. Lowering his torso yet again, Thomasrested the tip of his cock against her delicate, widened labial folds,as his throbbing member gently collided against the surface, making aslapping sound. Josette began to struggle and flail again, trying toundo her silk restraints. Gripping her thighs firmly, Thomas stoppedhis teasing and went for the kill, slowly inserting the head of hiscock, pushing and spreading Josette’s orifice wider…a sloshing,squishy sound could be heard, coupled with Josette’s extremely high-pitched wincing, muffled by the gag. Josette was visibly exhibitingfull discomfort and despair, as her virgin hymen was being torn andravaged by Thomas’s fully erect, soot-covered cock. Seferihisar Escort The intensity wassuch that a tiny bit of dark blood was seeping out of Josette’s ruinflower, Colette grinned upon seeing Thomas’s cock plunge head firstinto her twin sister’s virginity, chuckling, “Look my Mistress, itfits…my beloved ‘sister’ has FINALLY found her man. I am overjoyedbeyond belief for her, hehe…”Angelique softly smiled as her smooth, delicate hand began to wanderdown to Colette’s own womanhood, spreading apart her moist, pink pussylips. Still with a small remnant of her own cock’s sweet and saltygoodness smeared on her lips, Angelique confis**ted that remnant andbegan to smear it over Colette’s labia, causing her companion to moandeeply and pleasurably. It was enough of a stimulation that alwaysexcited Colette/Henri whenever her Mistress gave her an extra bit of”special attention.” Colette thrust her torso forward, growling as asquishy, thick sound signified the emergence of Colette’s own tan-colored, impressive, stiff 6-inch manmeat accompanied by her large,thick testicles, all of which was sopping wet after emerging from herpussy. Angelique shifted her fondling of Colette’s pussy lips, havingbeen parted to make room for Colette’s cock, as she now moved tolubricating and rubbing her companion’s shaft back and forth gently,eyeing Colette’s twisted emotions surfacing…Thomas was surprised himself at how his cock could completely penetratethe terrified young woman’s pussy, but shook off his doubts as hishorny, lascivious mind had taken over. Josette’s pussy felt likeheaven, a soft, warm environment being completely violated and invadedby his hard, throbbing cock. He began thrusting his whole body back andforth, the sound of Josette’s thighs slapping against his waist, whilehis crotch pounded loudly against Josette’s virginity. Thomasintensified his motions, really digging and pushing the entire weight ofhis member into Josette. The wet slapping sounds of their flesh couldbe heard in the dimly lit drawing room. With each forceful thrust,Josette could feel an extremely tight, excruciatingly painful pressure,to which she could only react through her shrieking, muffled cries:”MMMPHHHHHH!!!!!! MPHHHH!!!!” Tears had begun to well up from herinnocent blue eyes, contrasted with the slit-like pupils her twin sisterColette now exhibited as Angelique continued rubbing her hands up anddown against the firm surface of Colette’s cock.Thomas grunted deeply, his voice dropping slightly lower than usual, ashe tried to imitate Angelique’s own monstrous echos earlier. Beads ofsweat were pouring down Thomas’s cheeks as he dutifully pounded awayinto Josette…Josette herself continued to resist, though her resolve wasstarting to wane, which was demonstrated by her nipples suddenlybecoming very erect and her pussy becoming VERY wet. She had NEVERreacted this way before, but this was all she could think of at themoment in her current twisted predicament. Not only that but Josettebegan to feel the temptation of wanting to grope and fondle her body,whether it was due to Thomas’s relentless fuckfest or the dire situationshe was in. She was slowly surrendering to her base desires, her tensebody beginning to slowly relax and give in: both Angelique and Coletterecognized this…Angelique quickened her own motions, now leaning forward, her raven-black hair slung behind her back. She wrapped her blood red lips aroundthe head of Colette’s fuckstick, slowly moistening and licking the top,while tugging on her prepuce with her perfectly white teeth. Colettegroaned in response, completely surprised, as she welcomed the forwardaction from her Mistress. She braced herself as Angelique began bobbingher head up and down, sucking, licking and inhaling all the thick, stiffgoodness that characterized Colette’s shaft. Angelique completelyrevelled in inhaling and taking in the pungent, sweet smell of herservant/apprentice’s large, thick girlmeat.Thomas spread open Josette’s legs more, now really pushing his waistback and forth rapidly, hearing the loud slapping of his thighs againstJosette’s. Josette’s muffled screams were compelling Thomas to keepgoing. He could feel his cock really start to throb and pulsate.Josette’s pussy was a warm, conducive environment and Thomas knew thathe was going to explode soon.Angelique ceased her cock-sucking, looking up to see the twisted scenebefore her, smiling as she instructed to Thomas: “Now…my dearThomas…for the final part of the ceremony, I want you to make animportant sacrifice. Make her kiss your ring, and make her yours, inbody and soul!”Thomas complied, still thrusting and pounding deeply into Josette,yanking her cloth/gag off, which gave Josette the opportunity to donothing but scream hysterically with all her limited might. It wasaccompanied by the rumbling, menacing sound of thunder heard fromoutside.Angelique ceased her suckling and quietly leaned towards Josette’s face,lifting it gingerly, and chuckled deeply in a guttural, gruff growl,”Scream all you want my dear…..the estate is quite far from the city andthe nearest house is many miles away All of my servants cannot help youbecause they are loyal only to me, ha ha ha!” She looked back at her twomale drones, Oliver and Lieutenant Ducard, still kneeling, staringblankly and obediently. She smiled, lifting herself up and raised aneyebrow mischievously, before giving Thomas his final command, “NowThomas – make her ‘kiss’ your ring!”Without any hesitation, Thomas immediately grabbed Josette’s mouth, andbrought her lips to the surface of his ring. Opening her jaw, Thomasforced open her mouth, and placed the ring inside. Suddenly the ringtransmogrified into a vicious snake-like creature, which hissed, beforerearing its head back and thrusting it forward, while spitting a dark,reddish, warm, putrid liquid into Josette’s mouth – a sample of hisnewly demonic blood now entering Josette’s body. She coughed andgagged, tears rolling down her eyes, as she was repulsed by the taste ofsuch vile liquid.Angelique returned to her suckling of Colette’s cock, tilting her headagainst its lubricated surface of Colette’s shaft, to advise Thomas.”I know you want to release all your essence her. Don’t hesitate dearThomas…imbue her with your dark, sticky seed!” she growled, nodding andencouraging him.Thomas suddenly let out a large yell, “OHHHH FUCCCCKKKKK…I’M C-CUMMINGOUT…OHHHHHHH….” He arched his back and gave his hips a large, dynamicthrust, as he suddenly ejaculated his newly demonic seed…the hot stickyjuice leaving his testicular reservoir, flooding firing load after loaddirectly into Josette’s pussy interior and drenching her sensitive clit.She winced, squinching her eyes, sharply arching her back:”AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” Thomas could feel his cock submerged in his ownsticky and satisfying liquid pool of cum, contained inside the cavity ofhis victim…Thomas relaxed his strained muscles, exhaling, as he suddenly witnessedthe eyes from his snake ring glow a blood red hue. Feeling asignificant amount of pain in his body, he arched back, and wassurprised to see the recently placed black snake tattoo come alive,slithering down his left chest, towards his arm, heading to his ring,where it suddenly merged and morphed into the ring. The ring then tookon another transformation, changing into a metal snake, hissing andslithering from his finger as it wiggled and transferred itself toJosette’s nubile, delicate body. Thomas’s ring began to glow evenbrigher, as the metal snake soon moved over to Josette’s finger, rearingits atrocious head back before biting her finger with its metal fangs.Josette screamed in pain, “AAIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!” She tried to wrestherself of her captor, but she was unable to move as the metal snakeconstricted her finger in such a way that her entire body was rigid andhelpless…soon thereafter, the metal snake began to pull away, as itopened its mouth and regurgitated another smaller metal, snake-likeoffspring. It began to quickly slither in between the valley ofJosette’s bountiful breasts, and then the snake-like rested upon herupper left chest, just above her lovely bosom. Satisfied with its newhome, it raised its fangs and then bit Josette again, causing a searing,burning pain making her wince and plead for mercy, “NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!”The tiny metal snake soon dissolved, changing into an exact replica ofThomas’s evil black snake tattoo.The ritual was complete and both sexual parties were exhausted beyondbelief. Thomas could barely keep his eyes open – his body was all butexpended, and he soon collapsed on top of Josette’s stomach, passingout…collapse on her body. Josette still moaning u*********sly underThomas’s limp body.Angelique and Colette both chuckled as they observed Josette’s moanmorph and drop in pitch every few minutes. They both look and grinningat the sight before them, at Josette’s violently shaken body underThomas’s limp body, her voice suddenly making final metamorphosis fromits high-pitched shrieks to a deep, gruff, booming baritone with theexact same inflection and pattern as Thomas’s own voice. She raise herhead upward and open her eyes. Her beautiful eyes had now changed, herpupils darkened and changed into narrow yellow slits for a short periodof time. Josette blinked, as her eyes then returned to their naturalocean blue color. She soon collapsed, passing out from the intense,erotic ordeal.***********************”Thomas…..Thomas….”A soothing, rich resonant deep sounding voice awoke the young man fromhis slumber. Thomas blinked his eyes, which were very sensitive to thesudden glow of bright light completely illuminating the drawing room ofthe plantation. Waiting for his eyes to adjust to the light, Thomassuddenly noticed that the drawing room was no longer shrouded indarkness – it was completely lit. More importantly, Angelique andColette were completely dressed, both looking demure and lovely as ever:Angelique was wearing an elegant red and black nightgown with blackruffles, her hair expertedly arranged in a tight bun. Colette had on amodest but equally attractive lavender chemise, her own shapely curvesin full display. They both smiled warmly to Thomas.Angelique moved closer leaning close to Thomas’s face “Bonjour MonsieurThomas, or should I say, Mademoiselle Josette…” winked Angeliqueknowingly.Thomas looked down at his body and immediately noticed that it waslighter, softer, and more supple overall. Strands of curly honey-blondehair could be felt against his cheeks. He felt a heavy set of fleshy,pillowy globes that minimally swayed and bobbed, as they were encasedand supported by a light green bra, which could be barely seen as it wascovered by the sheer light green fabric of what appeared to be asensuous looking nightgown. Thomas lifted up his hand, which now wascharacterizied by soft, smoothy, and creamy skin, a young, elegantgirl’s hand, not the rough, sooty hand of a pathetic, pitiful, reviledblacksmith. Thomas slowly sat up, and immediately he felt theunfamiliar weight of two supple, exquisitely enticing fleshy globes onhis chest which swaysed and jiggled like soft moving jelly. He glancedat a nearby mirror: seated on the drawing room couch was that of thelovely Josette, her body clothed in a shapely light green nightgown,wearing the exact same expression of surprise Thomas had right now.”Oui my sweet Josette,” said Angelique, leaning her face close tohis/her face as they both look at the mirror “Your eyes do not deceiveyou. That is indeed you. The ceremony is now complete and you haveachieved your first successful Slithering, into the lovely body of thisyoung mademoiselle.”The new Josette attempted to stand up to examine his new female body,but found herself to be very wobbly, unused to her new center ofgravity. Colette quickly anticipated this and caught her twin sister,lifting her up gingerly. “Careful my dear sister,” Colette chuckleddeeply. “The first Slithering is always the most difficult to get usedto…just take it easy…”Josette smiled at her helpful ‘sister.’ Righting herself up, shemanaged to find her words, and spoke in Thomas’s exact gruff, deepbaritone, “Everything feels…different.””But of course my dear Josette, you are now a gorgeous young woman,”said Angelique with a deep, hearty, twisted laugh.”Why am I dressed in this…outfit?” asked Josette, cupping her soft bosomwith both of her delicate hands, looking confused. “And what happenedto my…male body?””I dressed your body while you were u*********s per instructions fromour Mistress,” replied Colette. “This is one of the real Josette’sfavorite pieces of lingerie, at least based on the memories I couldglean from the real Colette’s mind…” Colette said smirk.”And in regards to your male body,” added Angelique, “it is tucked insafely in one of the guest bedrooms of this plantation. “The door islocked and only I and Colette have access to the room, as will yourselflater on.””Enough with the small talk though,” said Colette, also fondling herbreasts lewdly encased in her sensuous lavender chemise. She licked herlips then say “What do we do about…him?” she asked, pointing her fingerat the u*********s Oliver sitting and leaning against one end of thedrawing room couch.”Hmmmm….” remarked Angelique, raising her delicate left hand and placingit on her cheek, pensive in thought. She then got an ingeniouslymischievous idea. “How about letting Josette come up with a plan forMonsieur Oliver, since she knows him so very much more than we do…”Josette was finding it easier to maintain her balance, as she adjustedto her new center of gravity. She looked at her left hand andidentified the same snake ring, which appeared to have transferred fromher old male body to this one. Lowering her head, she also couldidentify the dark tribal snake tattoo adorned on her upper left chest.”Yes Josette,” said Angelique. “The tattoo and ring are both bound toyour soul, and will travel with you wherever you go or whatever body youpossess. They are inextricably tied with your abilities as a newSlitheryn.”Angelique smiled as Josette continued to explore her new body. “Youwill have plenty of time later for that, my dear Josette. Now…pleasetell us how do wish to handle your former caretaker?” she remarked, onceagain gesturing to the sleeping Monsieur Oliver.Josette glared at her former master as she quietly approached hissleeping form. She reminded herself of all of the dismissive, abusivedrunken beatings she had to endure as Thomas; how often Oliver had takenadvantage of his hard works and labors, and unfairly took all thecredit. Despite the initial teaching and training Thomas had received,Thomas knew that Oliver was resentful of his ability, but that didn’tmatter now that he had the power to possess, influence, and control.Josette’s hand clenched itself into a small fist, as she remembered allof the painful periods of her previous life. Now having been seducedand entranced by the corrupt nature of his new Mistress, Thomas’sformerly honest and true character was cast away in favor of a vicious,ruthless and selfish monster. Josette/Thomas did not want to sufferanymore, but she was now beginning to relish the thought of manipulatingand making others suffer, starting with her horrid former master.Josette then saw that the dagger was still enclosed inside theornamental box/case, and that there was a set of black velvet gloveslaying on top of the case. An absolutely wicked and vengeful ideasuddenly popped in her mind. Turning to Angelique, she smiled and said,”Mistress, how long till he regains control of his senses?””I can ‘wake’ him up whenever I want,” replied Angelique, grinning.”Why do you ask, sweet Josette? What fiendish little plot do you havein mind for Monsieur Oliver?””Bring him upstairs and I will tell you two what I have in mind…”Josette said with a lusty but wicked grin.***********Oliver was feeling completely disoriented and blinded by the brightlights as he blinked open his eyes. The last thing he remembered washaving a sip of the Comtesse’s vintage family wine, which made him feelnauseous and sick to his stomach. He found himself in a large, ornatebedroom, and the candles were all lit. Oliver could hear some muffled,high-pitched crying and screaming right in front of him, but he couldn’tfigure at first who was in pain or in trouble.Within a few minutes, his vision and hearing both gained clarity and hefinally witnessed and understood, to his horror, the commotion:Laying against a large, opulent mahogany bed, with a terrified, panickedlook on her face, was Colette – the same servant girl who welcomed andguided Oliver to this room earlier this evening. She had her armswrapped around another young woman that looked exactly like her, excepther hair was more of a honey-blonde color. Both young women weredressed in sheer, flimsy nightwear. Their clothing appeared to havebeen torn and ripped, their hair dissheveled and Oliver could see someminor bruises and small slash marks on Colette’s thigh and on the youngwoman’s arm. Both lacerations were still quite fresh, and blood wasoozing out of them…”NO!!! Please Monsieur…don’t hurt us…” cried the young woman, tearswelling in her pretty blue eyes. She was shaking in fear. “We beg ofyou…stay away!””Monsieur Oliver…w-why are you d-doing this?” Colette screamed. “W-We’ve done nothing wrong…we don’t want what you have to offer. So justl-leave us be!”Oliver was confused and horrified. It was as if he had just awoken froma terrible nightmare. He looked down, and his face grew livid.Oliver’s right hand was clutching the ornamental snake dagger he hadbrought to the Comtesse earlier this evening. It was stained in theexact same blood he saw on the young girls’ lacerations. What was evenworse, was that Oliver found himself pantless, and his long, thick sixand a half-inch cock was throbbing slowly in front of him. He couldalso see globs of his semen hanging from the tip of his cock, and uponfurther inspection, noted that the same milky white liquid was spatteredover the two women’s bodies.Oliver backed away, completely hysterical. “N-No…it can’t be…”Suddenly, Oliver heard a knock at the door and the Comtesse’s sweetvoice call out: “Colette? Josette? Mes chères? Are you both decent?”Oliver had no time to hide as the door immediately opened and Angeliqueand Lieutenant Ducard entered. “Why are you two still…oh monDieu!!!!”Lieutenant Ducard, now fully uniformed, was equally stunned anddisgusted at this perverse display of wanton lust. “Why…you horrendousmiscreant!” he exclaimed, drawing his sword. “Drop the dagger, nowsir!”Oliver complied, releasing his grip as the dagger fell to the floor,still coated with blood. Angelique raced over to the bed and coveredthe two girls with the bedspread. She was wearing the same black andred gown that she wore earlier during her meeting with Oliver. “Whathappened???” Angelique asked the two young women, her eyes full ofconcern.”Oh Tatie! It was horrible!” cried Colette. “He was completely drunkand climbed into our room, threatening us to give up our virginity!When Josette refused, he took out that dagger and tried to tear off ourclothes!”The other woman just shuddered, silent and traumatized.”That’s not true!” Oliver protested. “I-I didn’t do this!” He thenpointed to Colette, “She let me into your home as I was supposed to meetwith the Comtesse, and then I shared a glass of the Comtesse’s wine,remember? It was so strong that I passed out, and when I woke up, Ifound myself in this situation! It’s the truth, I swear…”Angelique shook her head. “Monsieur, I do not even remember arranging ameeting with you tonight. I did have a meeting tonight though, but itwas with Lieutenant Ducard. The last time you and I spoke was earlierthis morning.””I swear to you Madame, she let me in!” said Oliver, pointing to thefrightened Colette again. “She’s your servant girl.”Angelique snapped. “How dare you, Monsieur! Colette is my niece, as isJosette. They are staying with me for the weekend, and they are NOTservant girls.””But…””Enough!” Angelique interrupted. “I have heard enough. I will nottolerate a liar such as you, Monsieur. Lieutenant, please arrest thisrepulsive rat and take him out of my sight!””With pleasure, Comtesse!” acknowledged Lieutenant Ducard. He sheathedhis sword and grabbed Oliver’s arm firmly. “Let’s go, sir.” He ordered.Oliver was still stunned as Ducard took out his handcuffs and securedthem around Oliver’s wrists, and then forcefully led Oliver away and outof the bedroom. As Oliver walked behind Ducard, he did not look back atthe three ladies, but could hear their conversation:Angelique: “Oh mes nièces! Are you two alright? Did he hurt both ofyou?Josette: “Oh Tatie, it was horrible…he came at us with the dagger,and…and…”Angelique: “Shhhh….it is ok, Tatie is here. Nothing bad is going tohappen anymore. That awful miscreant will hang for his crimes, and hewon’t harm you two ever again…”Colette: “Promise?”Angelique: “Yes…promise.”If Oliver had looked back however, he would have seen twisted,malevolent feminine faces silently trying to hold back their calculatedlaughter as they convincingly continued their charade…***********A few weeks later…The gates of the dark, damp pit that was Beaufort Royale’s Old PrisonHouse made a loud creaking sound as the prison officer accompanied ayoung nun carrying a small Bible past the long row of cells. Stoppingin the middle, the officer banged his stick against the prison barsloudly, in order to alert the occupant inside.From the darkness, a scruffy, unkempt, withered gentleman emerged.Oliver eyed the curious nun behind his prison bars, looking very demureand pious, clutching her Bible tightly in her hand. The prison officerunlocked Oliver’s prison cell and sternly told the nun, “You havefifteen minutes.” He then looked at Oliver coldly, “And you bettertreat her with respect.” He closed the prison cell and securely lockedit before walking back to his post.The nun watched the prison officer leave and in a polite singsong voicecalled out: “Bless you my c***d.” She opened her Bible and began toquietly read a passage. Oliver was dumbfounded, completely puzzled asto why she was here. “Are you here to read my last rites or something?”he asked with grim curiosity.The young nun stopped reading, and closed her Bible. Still keeping herhead down, her white wimple and black veil both obscuring her face, shequietly responded, “Only an ordained priest may read your last rites.And with your execution set for tomorrow, I would not act so glib.”Oliver looked down penitently. “My apologies, sister…”The nun did not acknowledge Oliver, adjusting her habit. “I see youhave been dealt quite an unfair hand.”Oliver slowly nodded. The circumstances which led to him beingimprisoned was still hazy but the outcome nevertheless was one he wouldnever forget. He remembered the trial that was held against him…how hestood alone as he was prosecuted for something he knew he did NOT do.He recalled the Comtesse and Lieutenant Ducard serving as witnessesagainst him, as well as the testimonies of other women he had courtedduring his glib, irresponsible days of drink and merriment. All theevidence was presented in full – the fingerprints on the dagger, theblood stain, the description of his uncompromising appearance. Hisreputation had already been blemished because of his laziness anddecadent nature, but by an “attempted m*****ation” of the Comtesse’snieces, Oliver now he had a permanent black spot that would beimpossible to erase. The gallows was sadly his only option.The nun continued to look down, almost in pity, and said. “Do you haveanything to say, or perhaps…to admit to me now?”Oliver tilted his head, confused. “I’m not sure what you mean, sister…”The nun lifted her head, as her white wimple and black veil revealed toOliver a familiar face – the face of the very same woman whom Oliver”attacked” that night morning.”YOU!” growled Oliver, furious. He tried to reach and grab her but hiswrists were still chained.The nun saved him the trouble, as she suddenly grabbed him by histattered shirt collar with almost inhuman strength, her lovely faceclose to him and looked him straight in the eye. She whisper to him “Iwouldn’t do that Monsieur Oliver.” She cleared her throat, and thenfinished her sentence in the deep, gruff voice of a long-forgottenacquaintance. “Or should I say…’Master’.” She winked and then releasedhim from her grasp.Oliver immediately pulled back, his face becoming a pale white. “O-Ohmy God…T-Thomas? H-How? This c-can’t be…””My name is Josette now,” replied the nun in Thomas’s deep baritone,giving Oliver a menacing, vengeful grin. “And let’s just say that ourfates have been twisted in such a way that I am finally getting myrevenge on you for treating me like a wretched, pathetic little worm.”She said, gritting her teeth, her lovely face twisted in anger.”Revenge? W-Why Thomas? W-What did I ever do to you?””So very much, ‘Master,’ replied Josette. “But I have to thankyou…because of you, I was introduced to my beloved Mistress, and now Ihave never been more satisfied with who I’ve become.” She now smile /wink / grin mocking him.”Y-You’re a demon!” cried Oliver, terrified. “That’s what you are…ademon!”Josette/Thomas began to form a calculating smile, as she incongruouslyswitched back to her sweet, innocent voice, her eyes suddenly changinginto evil yellow slit-looking pupils. She tilted her head, as Oliverheard an audible SNAP coming from her neck, while she looked at himdirectly in his frightened eyes. “Why Monsieur,” she continued.”However can you say such a thing to me?” She then proceeded to bringher hands down to the hem of her black dress, lifting it up…as Oliversaw that Josette was not wearing anything but her lovely, creamy,smooth naked body underneath. Oliver could identify Josette’s plump,supple breasts with pink nipples, her smooth wasp-like waistline, hershapely hips and long smooth legs, and finally her female snatch, with apatch of trimmed blonde hair, above very moist pussy lips as she inchedcloser to him. The nun leaned one of her legs forward, making her hipssway out suggestively, while still mocking Oliver. Just the perversesight and her sweet, intoxicating smell caused Oliver to be strangelyaroused in this grim moment.”Monsieur Oliver,” Josette said, blinking her eyes back to her oceanblue, as she pleaded in a playful, whimpering voice, taunting her formermaster. “Forgive me for I have sinned…” Josette’s crotch suddenlybegan making a loud, squishy sound as Oliver witnessed a large dark-colored 7-inch cock spring forth from Josette’s vaginal walls, completewith a matching set of testicles. It pulsated and throbbed and wiggledback and forth, as Josette/Thomas continued to torture Oliver, nowswitching back to his deep, malevolent baritone: “Don’t you want totouch it Master? It’s so very nice and big…you sucked on one exactlylike it that night out of my Mistress’s pussy…c’mon Master…just have ataste…it would take the place of your ‘last meal’…” she chuckled,mocking and taunting him.As Josette’s monstrous wet member brushed against Oliver’s body, Shegrinned, shaking her hips from side to side, teasinly brushing him.Oliver finally couldn’t take it anymore. “Guard!” he screamed.”GUARD!”A few minutes later, the prison officer raced over to Oliver’s cell.”What’s going on?” he yelled. As he unlocked the door, the officer sawnothing but the young nun quietly reading her Bible, but Oliver waswhite as a sheet, completely petrified, drool coming out of his mouthand shuddering.”I was just reading quietly to him some encouraging passages and hestarted to shake uncontrollably,” replied the nun, with a worried lookon her face.”Your time is up now sister Josette,” said the prison officer, sighing.”Just as well, I must be returning back to the church anyways. Thankyou for letting me spend time with him. The young nun smiled demurelyat the guard. All I wanted was to bring some hope during his darkesthour, but I suppose it is not possible with certain lost souls.” She bowher head and sighed.The officer silently nodded, as the nun exited the cell. From thedarkness that seemed to protect him, Oliver was still in shock, yet hemanaged to see the young nun walking behind the officer out of thecorner of his eye. While the officer was not looking, Oliver noted herdelicate hand sifting through the confines of her large nun robe, as amoderately sized protrusion began to push itself out of the robe itself.She giggled, her hand still appearing to rub repeatedly underneath therobe, while her other hand blew him an insincere, wicked little kissbefore exiting the prison gate.

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