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Philip Johnson

Chapter One

Dennis was finally done with school but now he had to find a job and that wasn’t going to be easy with the economy in a downturn. Even people with college degrees were working in sales or whatever they could find to do. In the meantime it was his plan to enjoy the summer as much as he could even though he was living with his father. Here he was twenty five years old and still living at home, it was embarrassing to him so he rarely admitted that to anybody he met.

One of the good things was the weather had been very cooperative. It rained often enough to keep things green but the rains had been appearing late in the day or overnight and the temperatures had been in the low eighties so he was getting one of the best tans he’d ever had. He could also have his weights and bench outside and did his routines in the shade of their maple tree. Except for being broke and not having a girlfriend or even somebody to date at the moment his life was a good one.

It was about three o’clock so he put on his old Speedo from his high school swimming days and went out to his weight bench and started his routine. For the next half hour he did sit ups, presses, push ups and a whole list of moves to work on the areas that he needed the most help with, his triceps and deltoids. After his thirty minute routine he wiped the sweat off with a towel and went to his lounge chair and worked on his tan as he read the latest James Patterson book from the used book store. He was engrossed in his reading so he wasn’t even aware that his neighbor was home until she called out to him, “Hey Dennis.”

“Oh hi Janet.”

“Congrats on graduating.”

“Thanks. Had I stuck with it in the beginning I’d have been done a long time ago.”

“Doesn’t matter now though does it?”

“I guess not.” Their conversation was shared by shouting across about sixty feet of lawn so he dropped his book and walked toward her as she tried not to stare at his tanned well conditioned body. “Leo make it home?”

“Last night about ten. It looks like he may have to go back to New York again though.”

“Bummer to say the least. He’s missing one of the best summers I can remember.”

“I know. Looks like you’re taking advantage of it though.”

“I’m working on it but I’d rather have a job.”

“I’m sure you would and I have no doubt that something will turn up for you

sooner or later, just keep the faith. How is Mark doing?”

“Dad’s fine. Busy at work because they cut back on their staffing to save money but at least he has a job.”

“That’s right. Well tell him I said hi.”

I’ll do that.” As she turned to go in the house he called after her, “Janet, you’re looking pretty hot.”

She smiled and said, “Thank you Dennis.” He watched her butt as she turned and went inside and then went back to his reading while Janet dropped her purse on the counter and then peeked out of her kitchen window toward Dennis. It seemed like last year that he celebrated his eighteenth birthday and now he was a man of twenty five and looking fantastic. Dennis cooked in the sun for another half an hour and then went in and showered.

Dennis and his dad had quickly developed a routine of having a beer together after he got home from work and it was their chance to talk and Mark could relax before dinner. As they sat in the living room Dennis said, “Janet said to tell you hi.”

“How’s she doing?”

“Judging from how she looked I’d say she’s doing fantastic.”

Mark laughed and said, “You’re just juiced up and in need of female companionship.”

“That I am but even though she’s what, forty or more maybe, she still looks pretty fine.”

“Yes she does I’m just surprised that you’d think so. What’s the latest with Leo?”

“He’s home but probably going back to New York again pretty soon.”

“I’m glad my job doesn’t require a lot of that. I’m going to St. Louis for a few days of training but I don’t mind that because I can just drive it. I’ll also get to do some partying on the company tab while I’m there.”

“Well find some sweet thing and get laid while you’re there.”

“I plan to try.”

So any word from your interviews or whatever?”

“No but they said it would be the middle of next week at least because they had several more to interview.”

“It’s a tough market out there right now so don’t get discouraged.”

“I won’t give up.”

Friday started off sunny but rain took over by mid morning so Dennis had to cover his exercise equipment and stay inside. By late in the day the rain had stopped but the clouds persisted so he was able to do his routine but had to give up on catching any rays.

Chapter Two

The following Monday afternoon, Janet called Dennis as soon as she got home from work and said, “I need to ask a favor.”

“Sure, what do you need?”

“Leo is back in New York and his car is at the airport in short term parking. He had to catch an earlier flight than he had expected and in his haste he parked in the wrong lot. Anyway Kastamonu Escort that’s my problem and I hope you can help me.”

“Of course when did you want to go?”

“I’ll make you a deal. If we can go in the next hour I’ll buy you dinner at Maxwell’s before we get the car.”

“I’d love it, I haven’t had a real date in months.”

“Oh Dennis stop it. Okay come over in an hour and we’ll go to dinner.”

“How will he get home then taxi?”

“No, one of his coworkers that went to New York with him will bring him home. Oh and tell Mark he’s welcome to join us.”

“He’s in St. Louis for the week.”

“What’s he doing there?”

“Officially he’s there for training but he plans on doing some heavy partying too.”

“Good for him he needs to get out.”

“Yes he does. Okay my sweet I’ll grab a shower and see you in an hour.”

“Thanks Dennis.”

“My pleasure.”

One hour later on the dot he poked his head in her backdoor and called out, “Honey I’m home.”

She appeared smiling and said, “You’re just too funny. Oh don’t you look nice.”

“Well I thought so but now that I see you I might as well be made of clear glass because everybody will be looking at you anyway.”

She smiled and said, “Do you think I’m overdressed?”

He smiled and said, “Janet that’s a dangerous question to ask a guy my age because I’ll say that if you have anything on at all you’re over dressed.”

She flushed and said, “Oh my God what am I getting myself into.”

“I think this is the start of a fun evening for both of us.”

Janet drove and Dennis was turned slightly toward her so as they talked his eyes surveyed this good looking older woman. “So tell me Janet, how long has it been since you were just out and about for dinner or drinks or whatever?”

“Quite awhile I’m afraid. Too long in fact.”

“I’ve decided that the heavens have been aligned just for us tonight.”

“Now why would you say that?”

“Consider this. Leo is back in New York for a week. Dad is in St. Louis for about the same length of time. Now in addition to all of that I’m still not working so I’m still living at home and available and eager to help you. It gets even better. Leo parks in the wrong lot at an airport that he has used many times which makes it necessary for us to be together right now. I’d say all of that adds up to a minor miracle of timing and opportunity.”


“Yes to have dinner and drinks together and have a nice long drive to talk and enjoy each other’s company. You have to admit that is a lot of details that had to come together at the same time and at the right time.”

She smiled and said, “Maybe you’re right. Maybe all of this was predestined.”

“Exactly, so if we don’t take our time and have a great evening we’ll be defying the gods and potentially thwart our destiny.”

“We can’t let that happen.”

“Absolutely not.” She smiled at him and didn’t say anything more as they pulled into the restaurant parking lot. He took her hand in his and they walked inside and were led to a table where the waiter was waiting for them. He introduced himself and they ordered their drinks. Dennis toned down his flattery and flirting and they enjoyed dinner and then ordered Mexican coffees for dessert. She tasted her coffee and ended up with whipped cream on her upper lip so he reached across and gently removed it as he smiled at her. Then he set his cup down and took her hand in both of his and looked at her until she asked, “Why are you holding my hand?”

“Well don’t look now but there are two gentlemen to your right that have been all but staring at you. I just want to remind them that I’m with you tonight and they just have to eat their hearts out. I’m just basking in your glow.”

“Dennis that’s not true.”

“It is absolutely true.”

“Then you’re really exaggerating.”

He continued to hold her hand as he looked at her and said, “You are a very good looking and wonderful woman and I’m very proud to be with you.”

She made no effort to remove her hand but said, “Dennis we’ve known each other for almost eight years.”

“And for all of those eight years I’ve noticed how good looking you are and what a great person you are. I’m a little embarrassed that I’ve never told you that before.”

She studied him for several seconds but a hint of a smile appeared as she told him, “I don’t know if I should believe you or not.”

“Please believe me.” He kissed her hand then and slowly released it as he looked into her eyes. For the next several minutes she tried to glance toward the table next to them but couldn’t get a look at the men that according to Dennis had been looking at her.

They headed to the airport and found Leo’s car but before they left he said, “Let’s stop and have a drink on the way home. The night is still young and I’d hate to see us waste it.” Dennis led the way and about halfway home pulled into the After Hours Lounge. As soon as Dennis took her hand she asked him, Kayseri Escort “Have you been here before?”

“A couple of times why?”

“It can get pretty loud.”

“Yeah I know.”

They found a table off to one side but they had a good view of the other patrons and he ordered two Long Island iced teas. “Dennis are you trying to get me drunk?”

“No of course not, I want you to get home safely but I’ll bet we’d have fun if we both got just a little soused.”

“Well if I drink that I’m sure I will.”

“Then we’ll leave just before you drink it all.”

The music was loud and there were three or four couples dancing about twenty feet from them. The more those couples drank and danced the more rowdy and daring they became. When one of the women moved close to her partner she rocked her pelvis in thrusting motions and he moved up against her. “Dennis if it wasn’t for their clothes they’d be making love on the dance floor.”

“That’s for sure but you have to admit both of them can really move.”

“Yes they can and so can the couple next to them. I wonder how sexy they’ll get before somebody tells them to tone it down.”

“Well the last time I was here things got pretty carried away. Of course it was later in the evening than this. Well more like after midnight actually.”

“Just how far did things go?”

“Well one of the women had her top up showing her breasts to her partner.”

“Oh my God.”

“They didn’t stay that way of course.”

“I’ll bet not.”

“You used to like to dance I’ll bet.”

She smiled as she tapped her finger in time with the music and said, “Yes I really did but I never showed my breasts though.”

“I can easily see you out there having a great time and teasing your partner with suggestive moves and looks though.” She just smiled at him and watched them dance.

When they finally left he put his arm around her waist and said, “You didn’t deny it when I talked about you dancing and teasing your date.”

She smiled and said, “That’s because I couldn’t deny it.”

“I wish I could have watched you.” Again she smiled but didn’t add anything to their conversation. He followed her home watching to make sure she could drive without weaving and she did fairly well but he felt better when they pulled into her garage. He went around to her and walked inside with her and then stopped her. He smiled down at her and said, “I think you’ve had just a little to much to drink.”

“I have. I’m not drunk exactly but I’m getting so sleepy all of a sudden.” Without a word spoken he scooped her up in his arms and carried her toward the bedrooms. Her arm was behind him and the side of her face was against his chest as they went and when he chose the bedroom to the left she told him it was the other one. He gently laid her on the bed and took her shoes off before moving back up to her. “You going to be okay?”

“I’ll be okay.”

“Want me to help you get ready for bed?”

It took a second for that to register with her but even then she didn’t react as he had expected her to. She just smiled and said, “No I can manage.”

He bent down and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek and said, “I’ve had a fantastic evening with you. Thank you everything.”

“I’ve had a wonderful time too Dennis, thank you for going with me.”

He straightened up and said, “I wouldn’t have missed it for anything. Good night gorgeous.”

“Night handsome.”

Chapter Three

Janet was on Dennis’ mind a lot all day Tuesday. The evening they had shared had been fantastic. Janet was all woman and he could never tire of looking at her. She was fun to be with and he loved to flatter and tease her. They were calling for possible showers later so he made sure he did his routines with his weights and got a little sun before the clouds rolled in. The anticipated rain never arrived and late in the afternoon the sun reappeared so he went out to work on his tan just a little more.

He saw Janet in shorts and a halter top and she was doing something with flowers. He headed toward her and called out, “What are you up to neighbor?”

“Just mixing some soil to pot these flowers.”

“Let me help you, you’ll get your clothes dirty.”

She smiled and said, “I’ve been dirty before.”

“I’m sure you have but I have nothing going on so why not help you.” He grabbed her shovel and as she watched him he turned the little pile of soil as she added some water. Then he stopped and picking up a dab of the dark wet dirt he smiled at her and smeared it on her cheek.

She jumped back slightly and said, “Dennis you shit, you had that planned all along.”

“I couldn’t resist. Let me get that dirt off of you now.” He peeled his tee shirt off and standing close to her he put his right hand around her and then slowly wiped the dirt from her cheek. “Now hold still and I’ll get the last little bit,” and as he pulled her closer to him her hands went to his hips but instead landed on his bare skin just above his waist. “Now Kıbrıs Escort tip your head back slightly and close your eyes.”

She did as he asked and he looked down into her top and studied her breasts and hesitated for only an instant before kissing her.

She quickly opened her eyes just as he pulled back slightly and smiled at her. “Dennis you just kissed me.”

“I was pretty sure that I had.”


“Now why would a guy not want to kiss you?”

“But I mean…why now?”

“I would ask why not now. I’m standing very close to a very attractive and alluring woman, my arm is around her warm and soft waist and her lips are presented to me. I was powerless to resist.”

She had straightened up but her hands stayed on him as his arm stayed around her. “Dennis do you feel okay?”

He laughed and said, “I feel great and you know what else? I feel like I want to kiss you again.” “But…” and he pulled her close and kissed her again but this time his tongue touched and caressed her lips. She wasn’t even aware that she had parted her lips just enough to allow his tongue to invade her mouth. Part of her knew she should turn and run into the house but the stronger part of her held onto him and let the kiss continue. Dennis was a tall handsome man with a lean body and she had noticed how his muscles moved under his well tanned skin as he talked to her and teased her. Her heart was racing as her mind continued to wage her own battle about running away from her young and handsome neighbor.

“Now pretty Janet let me really help you pot these flowers.”

She looked at him and said, “Just like that, you kiss me and now you want to pot flowers?”

“No and now I want to kiss you again and again but I’m trying very hard not to at least for the moment.”

“I still don’t know what to think. All the times we’ve talked and seen each other and now out of the clear blue you kiss me, not once but twice.”

“You’re right there is something wrong with that,” and he kissed her again. She pushed him back but only very slightly and said, “Dennis that wasn’t what I meant.”

“I know but I lost my will to resist you.”

“You have me so rattled that I don’t know what to think or say.”

“Maybe I can help. You like kissing me, at least enough to allow me to kiss you again. You’re startled and maybe even a little afraid but you’re also curious and tempted.”

“That sounds a little arrogant.”

“I don’t mean it that way at all. Janet now admit it, you’ve caught me looking at you many times and I don’t mean innocent glances. I’ve studied your curves and your movements.”

“Well yes and that was always very flattering but I never would have guessed…”

“That I’d kiss you? I’ve thought about it many times in fact.”

She looked around and said, “The neighbors are going to see us and I could get into a lot of trouble with your father.”

He pulled her back until they were behind the large ragged forsythia bush that was on the line between their two properties and said, “That should solve that problem.” Before she could say anything he kissed her again and this time she opened her mouth and met his tongue with hers and she allowed herself to press into him. Her breathing was coming faster as she tried to figure out just how far to let this go. She liked being in his arms and she loved how he kissed. But she had never been unfaithful to Leo her husband and in fact Dennis was the first man she had really kissed other than her husband for many years. She knew that Leo had been unfaithful to her two different times but the second of those two events had been a couple of years ago.

Now here she was holding and kissing Dennis and allowing her mind to go places that she had only thought about a couple of times in the recent past. She was sure that there were times when he looked down her blouse and though she hadn’t caught him she knew that he had watched her butt when she was walking away from him. In fact she added just the slightest extra sway to her walk just to tease him a little. Could she even consider a one time fling with her young neighbor? Just the thought of doing that made her heart race even faster.

Dennis looked into her eyes as his hand explored her back and landed at one of the two bows that held her halter top in place. She studied him wondering if he would untie it and tried to tell herself to stop him. But she didn’t. She could feel the fabric move as he pulled the bow apart and let the two strips of cloth drop to her sides. Her breasts were rising and falling as she tried to control her breathing and his hand moved to the bow behind her neck. Her hold on his waist tightened and her eyes bore into him as she felt her small top slowly slip down and fall to the ground between them. She was comfortable with being naked and often went around the house that way, but this time she felt more naked than at any time in her life and she still had her shorts on. All of this had happened in less than a minute but it seemed to be going on forever. She wanted him to see her breasts now. Granted gravity and time had caused them to become more pendulous but for the moment at least he made her feel very desirable . She took one small step back without releasing her hold on his waist and let his eyes explore her as she studied him.

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