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All characters are of legal age, and if things like futa sex, breeding kinks or medieval fantasy settings aren’t your cup of tea then this isn’t the story for you.

Please note in this world futas are typical, and it’s common knowledge that the queen is one, so it’s not surprising to any characters involved.


Queen Arie of Evengard trembled, her fingers digging into the hips of the experienced woman moaning beneath her. The queen’s cock twitched, balls tightening as she neared climax, and with a cry she erupted deep inside her lover’s slick cunt. She filled her lady-in-waiting to the brim, Catherine mewling in pleasure as the realm’s sovereign gave her an incredible farewell fuck.

When they pulled apart Arie watched, entranced, as a thick, pearlescent glob of cum dripped from Catherine’s well-used hole. It was the first time the queen had ever cum inside a woman, her ecstasy reaching new heights at the wonderful sensation, and she had only dared do so because Catherine was already carrying her husband’s child. For years Arie had limited herself to cumming inside of her lady-in-waiting’s ass or mouth, careful to never give her a bastard, and for a moment the queen regretted that her long-time lover would never give her a child.

Catherine’s husband had proven himself instrumental in winning the two-year war the kingdom had been involved with, and as such Arie had granted him his own territory and keep. Catherine was to set off at daybreak for her new home, and would not return to court for the foreseeable future. As such the queen’s mind was turning to the matter of filling Catherine’s position, a task she was extremely unenthusiastic about.

“Your Majesty?”

Catherine’s soft voice cut through Arie’s thoughts, the queen startled from her musings.


Her lady-in-waiting was extracting herself from her queen’s bed, her gaze soft as she smiled at Arie.

“Do not overthink it. I know how much you enjoy our trysts, how bedding me has given you a safe place, one where you can feel normal instead of weighed down by the crown upon your brow, and I promise you will have that again.”

She leaned forward, placing a gentle, quick kiss on Arie’s cheek. They had never kissed on the lips, Catherine deeming the act too intimate, and Arie gave a dismissive chuckle.


Catherine tutted, her deft fingers lacing the front of her dress up.

“Whether it will be a noble lady, a milk maid or a farmer’s daughter there will be someone who catches your attention, and any woman would be a fool to refuse a position as the queen’s mistress. She will bring you happiness, and I imagine you will find her when you least expect it. I promise.”


Catherine was right, though her prediction wouldn’t come true for nearly a year.

The war had finally ceased completely, life returning to some semblance of normalcy. Evengard stood victorious, the country now able to recover financially from the strain, and for the first time in almost five years Arie hosted a banquet honoring the brave soldiers who fought so hard for their freedom. The entire kingdom was given the day off in celebration, every cup and pitcher raised as nobles and commoners alike praised their wise, just queen who had fought with them on the front lines to push back the invading barbarian tribes from the west.

It was well after midnight, most of the guests having stumbled drunkenly away to find a place to sleep off their alcohol, when Arie felt like she could finally slip away. The queen hated how long she always had to remain at parties, the ass-kissing and drunken revelry not really to her taste, and she sighed in relief when she was able to step out into the star-lit night.

She traversed the palace grounds, easily slipping past the few guards she encountered. As queen Arie could go where she wanted and do as she liked, but a part of her loved the thrill of seeing how well she could evade her guardsmen. They would have made a fuss if they had caught her outside, especially her Guard Commander Sir Kendrick, who wasn’t afraid to chastise his queen for being reckless and roaming about without proper accompaniment.

When Arie got to the small side gate in the northern wall she pulled out a key, opening the lock and sliding through the gate before anyone could see her. She had a black, hooded cloak on, the garment easily hiding her face and helping to conceal her identity. The queen made her way down the road, not stopping until she had reached a small cow path that led to an old, unused grazing field. There was a log there that she liked to sit on, a place only she knew of, and Arie would often escape there to contemplate life without a bevy of guards, nobles and servants at her heels.

The moon was bright enough that she had no need for a torch, and later on she would be grateful that she hadn’t been carrying one. As she traversed Menderes Escort the path she heard a sound up ahead, something that made her halt long enough to confirm what she was hearing.

A woman was screaming for help.

Arie broke into a quick jog, her hand instinctively going to the sword that was always on her hip. She kept her footfalls silent, her feet knowing the path well enough that she could avoid any holes or roots that would give her problems. As she got closer to the source of the screams she crouched, using her cloak as camouflage to keep her less detectable. She could hear thrashing, and as she peered through a bush a sharp, reverberating hiss broke the air.

“Damn you, damn you to eternity….you bastard!”

Ahead of Arie a petite girl was pinned to the ground, her bloodied hands barely pushing back the snapping beak of an adolescent griffin. The monster had her pinned beneath one clawed foreleg, its wings flapping as it tried again and again to bite her throat. She was losing the fight, however, her kicking and screaming having little effect on the beast, and Arie could see that the girl wouldn’t last long. For a fleeting moment the queen was impressed; some of her men hadn’t even fought as hard as this girl was, and she could sense a warrior spirit within her.

In five silent, rapid steps Arie was on the monster, her sword piercing it through the shoulder. The creature roared in pain, turning from its prey to face the unexpected threat. As it spun its body about the lion-like tail caught Arie in the face, whipping her hard enough to cause a deep slash. It wouldn’t be the only scar Arie carried, her time in war leaving her more marked than the average royal, and she would wear this one with as much pride.

Arie pivoted, side-stepping a slash from the griffin’s claws. She parried, ducking another swipe before stabbing her sword into the beast’s side, and the creature decided that facing prey who could fight well wasn’t worth it. It was still young, not fully grown, and survival outweighed a tasty meal. The monster took off, screeching its displeasure as it soared above the treetops. The queen’s attention, once she was sure the griffin was gone, turned to the girl, who had gotten herself to her knees. In the moonlight Arie saw a puddle of blood glinting where she had been pinned down, the amount exceeding what the monarch had initially assessed. She ran to the girl, who was trying to stand, and Arie caught her just as she buckled back down to her knees.

“Whoa, easy now. Just rest for a moment, okay? Let me look at your wounds.”

The girl, who Arie could now see was just barely of legal age, gave a simple nod. She didn’t speak, nor did she protest as Arie began examining her. The girl had several long, thick gashes down her side and back, and while she would live she would need at least a week to recover from her injuries. It was obvious the girl needed a healer, so without hesitation Arie gently slung the girl belly-down over her shoulder and began walking back to the castle.

“Wh-where are yo-ou taking me!? P-put me down-n now, you b-bliterin-ng oaf!”

Her weak demand fell on deaf ears, Arie figuring that in less than a minute the girl would be passed out due to extensive blood loss. She was correct: the girl’s head slumped as she went unconscious, her body going completely limp. The queen kept up a calculated pace, not fast enough to jarr the girl and further open her wounds, but fast enough that she wouldn’t bleed to death either.

When she got back to the main gate Arie shouted for her guards, who quickly got the girl to the healer’s room. It would be three days before Arie would see the girl again, but she had left instructions to have her fed, tended to and given new clothes. The evening the girl was deemed well enough to get out of bed for short periods of time Arie summoned her, a servant leading her to the queen’s private chambers. Upon arrival Arie dismissed her entourage, wanting to be alone with the mysterious girl.

The moment she realized who Arie was, the girl recognizing her savior by the familiar, still-healing gash on her cheek, she immediately dropped to her knees.

“Oh, Your Majesty! Please, forgive my outburst in the woods…I, I was not myself, and I meant no offense to your royal personage by calling you an oaf. I could not recognize you in the dark…”

With a wave of her hand Arie dismissed the frightened girl’s fears, walking over to her and extending a hand. The trembling girl accepted, her beautiful, blue eyes wide with fear as the queen helped her stand.

“Do not worry, I understand. You were fighting for your very life, and your language is forgivable under the circumstances. You were very brave, and I admire that you fought such a beast instead of cowering in terror. Now, tell me your name and where you herald from.”

The girl blushed prettily, ducking behind the curtain of her raven locks to hide her embarrassment. Menderes Escort Bayan Something within Arie lit up, a small spark of attraction that she hadn’t felt since she had first courted Catherine almost a decade before. She quickly stamped it down, keeping her thoughts on the present conversation.

“Thank you, Your Majesty! That is very kind of you to say, and my name is Namia. I am one of your palace kitchen maids, and I am so grateful that you saved me.”

Her smile was dazzling, Namia’s eyes lighting up as she smiled up at her queen and heroine. Arie cleared her throat, a faint blush coloring her cheeks.

“You are most welcome, and I am glad I arrived when I did. Now, though, why were you out there alone at night?”

Namia’s smile faltered, the girl grimacing uncomfortably. She wasn’t going to lie, not to the queen herself, but she wasn’t excited to tell the truth exactly.

“I, well, I admit I lost my temper a bit. At the feast one of the guests tried to touch me, but I did not want his affections. He kept pursuing me, telling me that a servant must serve, and I slapped him. I then ran away, fearing punishment, and that was when that horrid creature attacked me. It carried me into the woods, only partially able to fly when weighed down with me, and you know the rest of my story.”

Arie immediately deduced that the ‘guest’ in question had been a noble, someone that a young, common-born girl would have been afraid to refuse, and she immediately made a note to find and punish anyone who dared treat others in such a manner. Her gaze locked on Namia, the queen’s pretty lips drawn in a thin line. The girl winced, expecting to be punished for assaulting someone of nobility, but her mouth opened in shock at Arie’s words.

“Who was it? They will be severely punished for harassment, and they will never set foot in this palace again. I want my people safe, especially from those within our own borders, and any issues like this will be swiftly dealt with.”

Namia’s expression beamed, but Arie wasn’t done yet. Before she could think it through the queen opened her mouth, her lips moving with a mind of their own.

“Furthermore, I am in need of a lady-in-waiting, and if you are interested the job comes with a wage increase and the room adjacent to mine.”

For a moment Namia wanted to turn it down, the girl unsure of how to do any such duties, but the thought of more money to help care for her two little brothers swayed her.

“I accept! Thank you, Your Majesty! Your kindness knows no bounds.”


That had been five months ago, and Arie’s kindness was now at war with her libido. She was immediately attracted to Namia, the girl’s beauty and bravery an intoxicating combination, and it was torture for the queen to keep her hands off of her new lady-in-waiting. Her cock strained whenever Namia was around, the girl completely unaware of the effect she had on the monarch. It was six weeks into her service when things came to a head, and once more Arie would drastically change Namia’s life.

Namia stood on tiptoes, the girl trying to reach a book on the uppermost shelf in her bedroom, when she felt a weight against her back. Arie was behind her, the monarch’s greater height allowing her to reach the book with ease, but that wasn’t her goal. Arie’s crotch was snug against Namia’s ass, the girl blushing at such close contact, and she let out a gasp when the queen gripped her waist and lifted her up to the shelf.

“Oh, Your Majesty!”

Namia’s soft cry of surprise was adorable, and she quickly grabbed the book she wanted. Arie sat her back on her feet, but in exactly the same position. The queen leaned down, her lips brushing Namia’s ear as her powerful body pressed against the petite girl.

“There, little kitten. Did you get what you wanted?”

Namia bit back a whimper, the girl subconsciously pressing her ass against Arie’s crotch. This kind of teasing had been going on for months, the monarch and her lady-in-waiting becoming more and more entangled in a sensual, heated dance that Namia didn’t know the steps to. Never had she been attracted to anyone until now, the girl a naive virgin, but she knew that she wanted the queen. It was Arie’s fierce, beautiful face she imagined when she touched herself at night, and knowing the object of her desire was sleeping just on the other side of her door was maddening.

Arie felt the same.

“I did…”

Namia’s reply was breathy, Arie biting back a groan when the girl had moved her ass. The little vixen was growing more and more bold, whether she knew it or not, and the queen had to keep herself from outright offering to fuck the girl silly. Her hand went to Namia’s hip, her fingers running teasingly against the silk gown.

“Are you warm? You look very flushed. Maybe I should help you change into something cooler for our trip?”

Arie slid her fingers to the front Escort Menderes of Namia’s dress, boldy giving the lacing a playful tug. She expected the girl to let out a squeal of protest, or to try and keep the laces together, but instead she let the front of her gown part. Her cleavage came into view, Arie watching in breathless disbelief as the swell of Namia’s breasts gave way to just a tiny, tantalizing glimpse of cute, pink little nipples.


Arie’s voice was a husky moan, the girl’s name honey-sweet on her lips. The queen’s desire was almost tangible, her cock straining against the confines of her riding pants. Neither spoke, both afraid of breaking the spell, and Namia was clutching her book so tightly that she feared she may crack its spine. As if in a dream Arie reached out, one large hand tenderly cupping one of Namia’s breasts. Her eyes fluttered, gaze locked on their point of connection, and when Arie gave a gentle squeeze the girl let out a cute little moan.

This only encouraged Arie, her empty hand reaching around Namia’s other side until she was cradling both of the girl’s large breasts in her hands. Namia let herself be groped, the sensation intense for her inexperienced young body, but she was thoroughly enjoying herself. She unconsciously tossed her head back, the movement pressing her tits right into the queen’s palms, and she couldn’t stop the gasp that escaped her when Arie’s deft fingers found her nipples.

In tandem they were grabbed, the two tender little buds soon being rolled about between the queen’s long fingers. Namia cried out, her virgin cunt growing damp at the delightful sensation of having her tits played with. It only lasted another moment, however: a heavy knock resounded at her chamber door, the footman announcing that the royal carriage was ready. With a frustrated sigh Arie stepped back, the queen glaring bayfully at the door before shouting that they would be down in a moment. Then she turned back to Namia, who was now facing her, and she locked her gaze on her disheveled-looking lady-in-waiting.

“You do not have to, but if you want we can continue this when I join you in the carriage halfway through our journey today.”

All Namia could do was nod, the girl too breathless to speak. She wanted this, whatever ‘this’ was, and if Arie was willing to touch her again then that was good enough. Without another word the monarch stode off, leaving the girl alone and aroused in her chamber.

It was going to be a long ride.


The first leg of the trip to Arie’s summer palace passed swiftly, the queen eternally thankful that she had already planned to ride on horseback for the first half before switching to the carriage. It gave her some space from Namia, a little distance to get her head on straight and to let her cock soften before it became a problem. She could hardly believe that the girl had reciprocated her advances, had wanted Arie to touch her, and that they would be continuing shortly.

Finally it was the halfway point, the queen’s heart thumping in a mixture of nervousness and excitement whenever she’d look over to the carriage. They would have about an hour alone, though they would have to be careful not to be overheard by the coachman. When she could postpone it no longer Arie marched up to the carriage, offering a polite knock to announce her intent to enter. Within seconds she was seated, both she and Namia gripping the bench when the carriage initially lurched forward. The two women sat there, eyes locked intensely, and it was Arie who made the first move.

The queen crossed the small space, closing the gap between them. Namia was excited by the fire in Arie’s eyes, the monarch’s gaze burning as it raked across the girl’s body.

“We have an hour to pass, and the only thing I have thought about since we left is touching you. May I?”

All Namia could do was nod her consent, not trusting her voice. She didn’t know what was going to happen, but she wanted to feel Arie’s hands on her body again. The queen picked her up, bunching the girl’s dress up just enough to allow Namia to straddle her lap. The position was wholy indecent, and if anyone were to catch them they would be thoroughly scandalized, but to Namia it was thrilling. Her legs were spread on either side of Arie, her little pussy also spreading by default, and she could feel her wetness as the silk of her dress brushed back against her uncovered labia. She hadn’t taken the time to put on her strenuous bevy of undergarments, and now the feeling of exposure was making her blush.

Once the girl was securely settled Arie eagerly undid her dress laces, but this time the queen fully parted the annoying cloth. The young beauty’s breasts bounced as they were released, the twin globes wonderfully pert and smooth.

“Oh, how I have longed to see these…”

Arie’s voice was a reverent whisper, her hands rising prayerfully to cup the girl’s breasts. For several minutes she was content to merely explore them, the queen keenly observing what actions caused what reactions from Namia, and she refrained from more intense contact until she felt Namia’s hips buck slightly. The girl didn’t know what she had done, but her body’s signal was clear:

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