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Female Ejaculation

Finally, it was still under the covers, Britta just sighing. He sniffed and then sniffed again at the strong scent of aroused pussy – pussies – in the closed space. His cock shrank in Britta’s hand. She fondled his balls in his soft sack. He nodded on Maren’s thigh and sniffed again and remarked:

“Smells like a lot of wet pussy.”

“Hmm! Um-hmm! Aroused, very wet pussies!” Maren agreed.

Britta nodded with a snort, massaging his balls, and then adding:

“And tasted like a very aroused cock.”

“Very, thank you.”

They all chuckled. Britta, who was facing the window, drew back the covers and looked out. She snorted and remarked:

“Oooh! It really did smell of pussies under the covers. … Uhmm! It’s still raining.”

“Then we can just stay here,” Maren suggested.

“But not like this,” he remarked, and found and squeezed Maren’s breast.

“Oh, if you insist,” she murmured.

She started to crawl around, and they all got back together, finding the pillows and lying on their backs again, straightening out the covers over them, this time with Maren instead of Britta next to the wall. He snorted and said:

“Nice. Nothing better to do.”

“Um-hmm,” the girls agreed.

“What else should we be doing here?” he asked.

“Here? In bed?” Maren asked.

“Hmm! You would have said that,” her sister replied.

“Just wanted to be sure what you meant.”

“‘Here’, at the cabin; … I don’t think we need any suggestions about what we can do in bed.”

“Hm-hmm! No! … Unless someone can think of something we haven’t done,” Maren replied with a chuckle.

The others chuckled, shaking their heads. Then Britta suggested in a less jocular tone:

“Oh, you mean that we can tell about. You could chop some more wood.”

“Um-hmm, good idea. And …?”

“I guess we took more hikes, longer ones.”

“Um-hmm. Meet anyone?”

“No one we know.”

“Hm-umm! But a family with two sons our age,” Maren suggested.

“Hm-hmm! And they saw you trying to get your bikini tops on.”

“Not as fast as you would have wanted us to.”

He snorted and replied:

“For sure, if you said that.”

“Or maybe you were chopping wood, and we took a walk and met them? Just two friends out hiking.”

“Hm-hmm! And I wondered why you were away so long.”

“Um-hmm! Of course!”

“But we told you that we met trolls,” Britta remarked, joining the bantering.

“Most unlikely, … but now I know that the stories about trolls could have been just dairymaids’ excuse for having met young men working in the forest.”

“Of course. They went looking for them, when they heard them felling trees.”

“Hm-hmm! We found them! Didn’t we?”

“Mmmm! Yes! Two strong young men with sweaty bodies – no shirts …

“And before they saw us, we had ours off, too, … just to make sure that they understood what we wanted.”

“Hm-hm-hmm! Maybe it was a good thing that Johan was with you last year.”

“Definitely; kept us out of trouble.”

“We might have broken a leg or something, running around looking for her sweaty young men.”

They all laughed. He snorted and asked:

“And on rainy days, like today?”

“Games, sketching,” Britta suggested.

“Need more sketches,” he remarked.

“Oh, when it started to rain, someone came by, and we offered that they could spend the night here,” Maren suggested.

“Hmm! Probably those two friends you wanted to meet.”

“If you think so. Would they share the big bed in our cabin, or would we, and let them sleep in ours?”

“Hmm! You probably have a better suggestion, but I won’t ask. Let them be a young couple, or an older one.”

“That’s no fun,” Britta remarked, then adding to her sister:

“If you could blush, we could tell that it was two nice young men. Can you blush?”

“Hm-hmm! I might, if we told such a lie.”

“And I was sleeping here, innocently thinking it was all right for the four of you to share the cabin?”

“Hm-hmm! You did, when Johan was sleeping with us.”

“Hmm! We sure did! … Maybe just as well.”

“Um-hmm!” both girls agreed with chuckles. He also chuckled, then suggesting:

“Let them be an older couple, quite older, and we had a pleasant evening together, and they thought that it was nice how you cooked …”

“And didn’t wonder about you being here with your two “dairymaid” daughters.”

“Of course not, hearing why we’re here alone, … and that you had been sketching. She had been a schoolteacher and liked your sketches.”

“Hm-hmm! Not the ones I like.”

“He might have, however.”

“Hmm! He had to just enjoy looking at you – with clothes on.”

“Of course, but if he was nice, I would have shook them a little …”

“And bent down and let him look a little,” Britta suggested.

“If he were like Gramps, probably. That happened once, inadvertently, and he did, even smiling in appreciation.”

“My father?”

“Um-hmm. I wasn’t wearing a bra. Maybe it wasn’t so inadvertent; I felt my nipples before I saw him looking.”

“Hmm! Like father, like son! Hope he saw them.”

“Where Aşağıdudullu Escort was I?” Britta asked.

“Being a good elder sister – bra – talking with Grandma.”

“Hmm! While my wicked little sister was enjoying trying to show her breasts.”

“Don’t fight! I like to see them both, all four of them. My mother’s weren’t so attractive by then.”

“Hm-hmm! Did you ever see them?”

“Before I cared, when I was little, younger than you two were we stopped swimming nude.”

They all laughed. After a few moments silence, Britta asked:

“Are we going to lie here all day?”

“Unless you have a better suggestion.”

“Not really, … just, well, …”

“You’ve got to go?”

“Um-hmm. Don’t you both?”

“Hmm, unfair to mention it, but since you have, yes.”

“Hm-hmm! Me too. Let’s go out in the rain and do it and wash each other, and then we’ll really enjoy that it’s warm in the other room.”

“I don’t like cold showers.”

“I don’t either.”

“I don’t either, but they are supposed to be good for you.”

“Hmm! Then you’re going to have to dry us off with warm towels.”

He nodded with a grin, and they flung back the covers and quickly went to the warmer room. He quickly tossed their towels over the horizontal part of the oven pipe, as one remarked:

“Now I really have to go,” twitching her knees.

The others nodded. Reluctantly they went out in the rain and did. Their washing each other was a brief fondling of pussies and cock – both girls fondling it. They hurried back to the cabin and tried to dry each other at the same time. While the girls rubbed his front, he rubbed their backs and then turned one into his arms and dried her breasts and stomach and then her pussy. Her sister scowled with a snort, drying his back, waiting for him to dry her the same way. He did, trying to give equal attention to her breasts and pussy. With smiles and nods, they dried their own legs and hair. He re-stoked the stove, while the girls continued to dry their hair, smiling up at them, as he watched their breasts move. They smiled back, obviously enjoying that he was looking at them. He murmured:

“Zorn couldn’t have enjoyed himself as much as I am.”

“And we are.”

Her sister nodded, smiling again as she put her arm around her sister, her drawing their hips together, accentuating their slim waists. He nodded with another smile, looking at their pubic hair and murmuring:

“Red and light brown.”

The girls nodded, returning his smile as they each fluffed up their pubic hair.

“Um-hmm,” he agreed, glancing up at their breasts and adding:

“Pale pink and more rosy pink.”

The girls nodded again with smiles and touched their nipples. He grinned and said:

“He couldn’t have enjoyed himself as much as I am, … maybe just a little. I would hope so.”

“We doubt it,” the other sister replied.

She held her sister closer and circled her own breast with her finger, arousing it. Her sister nodded with smile, reaching over to arouse her other nipple. He nodded at sight of their hands’ arousing both nipples of one of them, and remarked softly:

“Certainly better than anything he painted, … even if he maybe saw his models like that.”

Maren snorted with a grin and replied:

“Might have made him drop his brush and want to hold something else.”

“Hm-hmm! Probably, … but I won’t. Hm-hmm! If they did, he must have told them to stop it, so that he could finish his painting.”

“Hmm! You want us to?”

She held Britta closer and tweaked her nipple.

“Yes! I want lunch, … a warm lunch in this weather.”

They all chuckled, and the girls went back to drying their hair, grinning at him as they made a special effort to move their breasts. He snorted with an appreciative nod and stood up, jostling his balls in response, and turned to begin starting lunch.

The girls soon joined him, both rubbing his ass, as they asked what they could do. He rubbed theirs in return, and they agreed to have a big omelette with everything that they could think of. That was onions and chopped sausage and cheese and salt pickles. The resulted was saltier than intended, but they enjoyed it, smirking when one mentioned the saying that a lover over-salts the soup.

After they cleaned up, it was still raining. Maren said that she wasn’t going to sketch, Britta chuckle and said that she could do a couple of poor ones for her. He snorted and said that he wasn’t going to do any. They glanced at each other with slight smiles, nodding at the implication that they were going back to bed, and nodding again, when one of them nodded towards the outside door.

They went out under the eaves and went, smiling wryly as they did, then returning to the cabin. Maren snorted and remarked:

“I guess no one would come by in this weather.”

“I hope not,” Britta agreed. Their father added:

“And find us all in bed together.”

His daughters nodded with smiles, and they went back in the bedroom. He immediately extend his arms, suggesting that they put their heads on his Aşağıdudullu Escort Bayan shoulders, and the girls immediately drew their thighs up over his. He hummed pleasantly in response, but said:

“I can sleep like this, … even if I couldn’t a few days ago.”

“Um-hmm, we can too, ‘even if we couldn’t have a few days ago’.”

“Or just a few hours ago,” her sister agreed.

He nodded, adding as his hands drew them closer and found their breasts:

“I hope so.”

The girls nodded, and their arms overlapped, their hands on his breasts. They were silent for a minute or so, and then one girl rubbed his chest a little and murmured:

“I don’t want to do anything, just can’t sleep.”

“I wasn’t either,” he murmured.

“Nor I, … sleep or do anything; … just nice like this.”

“Um-hmm,” he agreed and unconsciously squeezed their breasts.

The girls both nodded with a soft snort, and one murmured:

“But don’t do that.”

“Just happened; didn’t want to start anything.”

“Still nice, … being able to lie with you like this.”

“Um-hmm, very,” and her sister’s rubbed his side.

“And with both of you. I have to do it again.”

He squeezed their breasts, and they nodded with soft hums, rubbing him with their fingers, and then they were silent. After a while, he yawned, infecting the girls, whose hands slid down to his sides and held him a little closer for moment. Then they all relaxed, his thighs spreading a little under the weight of the girls’, theirs slipping between his again.

He yawned again, resisting the urge to squeeze their breasts, but didn’t doze off, wondering if there could really be anything wrong with their situation: it was just so good being able to lie with his daughters that way – and, of course, everything else they did, everything the girls wanted to do, and more than anything he had imagined wanting to do. What were they going to do next? By all odds, probably something before dinner, but maybe not, and if not, would he be sleeping again alone with Britta? Kind of unfair, since he and Maren had only licked and sucked – just as good, but not really … fucking. He used the word reluctantly. When had they last? Saturday night, Sunday morning, two nights ago. That had never happened before.

Was she thinking it was unfair? Would she, if they continued taking turns sleeping with him, and he did with Britta? But maybe they wouldn’t. That would be fine, too – if they could sleep after spending most of the day in bed. And if they couldn’t, they all knew what they could do instead of sleeping, and then he would with her. If she didn’t think of it – unlikely! – Britta generously would, recalling that they had slept together and that Maren had gone off to find trolls and let them continue what they had started, while she was sketching. Definitely unfair to Maren.

He snorted and squeezed her breast. She responded immediately:

“You weren’t suppose to do that. What did you snort about?”

“You weren’t asleep?”

“No. What were you thinking about?”

“Hmm? Lots of things: that this is all too good to be wrong and …”

She nodded, and then Britta did, as he continued:

” … and then, … well, recalling that we two really hadn’t since Saturday night, Sunday morning.”

“Hmm! True. Thanks for reminding me. But you two have.”

“Um-hmm,” he agreed.

Britta nodded with a soft snort and added:

“Real good, kind of unfair.”

“What I was also thinking … especially if you continue to take turns sleeping on the sofa, … but you don’t have to, of course.”

“But it’s nice – not sleeping on the sofa,” Britta murmured.

Maren nodded on his other shoulder. After a moment, she replied:

“Even if we didn’t, you can tonight.”

Britta slid her hand up his side and pushed his hand aside and rubbed Maren’s breast with the back of her fingers, murmuring:

“But if you want to now, I’ll help.”

He squeezed her breast – before Maren’s hand dislodged it and returned Britta’s gesture. He snorted and murmured:

“Good thing that I’m your father and not some guy you didn’t want to share.”

The girls nodded with chuckles and hugged him, and he squeezed their breasts again, and Maren slid her hand back and tickled his nipple. He tickled hers. When it popped out, he rolled her nipple between his fingers. She hummed and then chuckled, after a moment asking:

“Does that mean anything?”

“If you want it to.”

He also aroused Britta’s nipple, eliciting a hum and nod, who then murmured:

“Anything you want to, … if I can help.”

“Um-hmm,” he agreed, gently squeezing and pulling their nipples, feeling his cock stir.

The girls chuckled softly in their throats. After a moment, Maren chuckled again and asked:

“Anything I want? … Hm-hmmm! Like we did Saturday morning?”

“That was good, real good, watching you both in the mirror; kind of strange to see myself with Britta sucking my cock, also able to see you licking her pussy, and see yours.”

The girls snorted, nodding on his shoulders, and Escort Aşağıdudullu Britta’s hand slid down and found his cock. She snorted and remarked:

“I think it wants to.”

“Um-hmm,” he agreed cheerfully, pulling on their nipples.

The girls hummed again. Britta fondled his growing cock, as Maren hummed softly and murmured:

“I want to do that.”

“And then I can lick you both for a while, … until it wants to be in your pussy.”

“Hm-hmm! But don’t start to suck it; I don’t trust that you would let it.”

“Hm-hmm! Maybe not! I’ll try not to.”

They all chuckled. Britta asked:

“Like at home, across the bed?”

“Um-hmm,” he and Maren agreed.

Without releasing his cock, Britta slipped from under the covers and dropped to her knees beside the bed. Maren let him move around and lie with his hips on the edge of the bed. As she moved to straddle him sitting on his hips, he snorted and remarked:

“Should have a mirror on the ceiling.”

The girls glanced up and snickered, then looked down at his now almost fully aroused cock in Britta’s hand. She licked the back of its head and then pressed his cock against Maren’s pussy, his knob rubbing in her pubic hair. She snorted and said:

“Lie back on him.”

Maren nodded with a grin and did. As he grasped her breasts, Britta grasped her hips and pulled them closer, chuckling and murmuring:

“Just right to lick you both.”

Her tongue lapped up his cock, pressing it between Maren’s pussy lips, and sliding up to lick her clitoris. She hummed and clasped her hands over his. Britta’s tongue lapped down again on his cock and then back up to her clitoris, continuing up and down, as her fingers found and caressed his balls in his loose sack. Then she snorted and licked all the way down the back of his stiff cock and sucked one of his balls in her mouth, gently closing it around it, as her tongue caressed it. He reached down and rubbed a finger back and forth over the hood of Maren’s clitoris. “Um-hmmm!” she responded, reaching down and rubbing the back of his knob with her fingers.

They both chuckled, continuing to arouse each other, while Britta sucked his other ball into her mouth and caressed it. She released it and snorted, remarking:

“Leave something for me to do.”

Her tongue lapped up his cock, and Maren’s fingers let it find the sensitive place on the back of his knob, all of them snorting as his cock twitched. She made it twitch again, and then licked up. His fingers held Maren’s pussy lips open to let Britta’s tongue arouse her clitoris, eliciting an aroused, pleased hum. Britta’s tongue aroused them both a couple of times more like that, and then Maren rocked her hips up and demanded softly:

“Put it in! Fuck!”

Britta’s tongue pressed the head of his cock into her already slippery opening. Their hips rocked together, and they both moaned as his cock slipped deeper in her pussy. He quickly grasped her ass and moved it, to let his cock stay firmly in her tight pussy.

“Lick!” Maren demanded, unnecessarily.

Britta’s tongue was already on her clitoris again. He grasped Maren’s breasts again, squeezing her nipples, and Britta’s tongue was doing everything it could to arouse her sister’s pussy, as her fingers massaged his balls, both girls moaning together.

He moaned with them, feeling Maren’s pussy squeeze his cock, not just once, again and again, making his cock twitch. For a very brief moment, he thought: anyone who didn’t know how good it was to fuck – be fucked by – his daughters didn’t know what he was missing. He knew! And they did, too! Maren at the moment, but Britta knew, too, and was doing everything she could to make it good for them, making her sister’s clutching pussy so aroused! So aroused with his cock in it, making it want to come!

He was surprised when Maren’s hand grasped her sister’s head and held her face tight to her pussy. Whatever Britta’s mouth was doing, it was making Maren more aroused, making her gasp and whimper, and her pussy was trying to milk his cock. He had to gasp, too, his hips twitching, as his cock surged and twitched in her pussy. He clutched her breasts, held her to him, as his hips jerked, and his cock spurted. She gave a stronger groan, and her body convulsed, and her pussy was flooding his cock, her warm juice running down on his balls, as she gasped and whimpered, while his cock spurted a few more times.

She pressed her sister’s head back, gasping, as her body twitch again, and her pussy contracted on his cock. She moaned and gasped again, and then with both hands held Britta’s head to her pussy.

“God! Yes!” she exclaimed, her pussy immediately responding to what Britta was doing, clutching his cock. With more gasps and groans, her hips twitched and wet his cock again. She gasped and pressed Britta’s head back, her pussy clutching his cock a couple of times, and then she jerked Britta’s face back against her pussy, as she demanded softly:

“Fuck me!”

His hips rocked up as hard as they could under the weight of her ass, and Britta sucked and nibbled on Maren’s clitoris, grasping her rocking hips to keep her mouth on her, moaning, as he grunted, and Maren whimpered uncontrollably. His cock was twitching again in her clutching pussy. And then he came again, his cock throbbing as he spurted, and Maren’s pussy flooded again, her whimpers shifting to loud, uncontrolled laughter for a few moments, as her body convulsed and her pussy clamped around his cock.

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