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Chapter 1 – Life in the Philippines

Born and raised in countryside of Philippines, I didn’t know much about being feminine. I used to always wear jeans with t-shirt and sneakers. Instead of focusing on hairs and nails, I focused on keeping myself fit and healthy.

In contrast, my aunt, Melanie was completely the opposite. She used to work for an airline as a flight attendant. She dressed very feminine and looked professional. Even the way she spoke was so elegant and intelligent.

Whenever my aunt visited us, she used to bring a lot of gifts such as make-ups, hair products, perfumes and beautiful looking dresses and skirts. But the gifts were not so well received by the others. I used to think that they were unhappy only because they were jealous of my aunt Melanie and her wonderful life.

It was shortly after I began my first year at an university in Philippines. Melanie invited us to join her for more contemporary life style and better education. I was so excited but my family was not interested. In the end, only I moved to Australia and continued my university education here.

During my university, I stayed with Melanie and her husband, Gary who was a very nice Australian gentleman. Gary was almost 30 years older than Melanie but he didn’t look his age and was also very energetic. He always invited Melanie and myself to join him for fitness classes and events. Most of all, what I really loved about Gary was that he really treated Melanie well like a queen. It like a fairy tale. I used to wonder when I would find a man just like Gary.

Chapter 2 – Becoming the new Maria

Melanie taught me how to become a beautiful and sexy yet, graceful and smart woman. Every weekend, she invited me to attend her regular tea party with her flight attendant friends and after that we went shopping. I particularly enjoyed the shopping because it gave me the chance to experience expensive and famous brands which I wouldn’t have been able to because of their high price tags. I got to try on many cool things like fashion dresses, piece suits, jewelries, make-ups, shoes and even lingerie. Sometimes, browsing lingerie with her was a bit embarrassing because she used to talk about lingerie styles and combinations that excited men, for example Gary. I used to blush in bright red.

It only took about 3 months before I started to present myself as a beautiful, elegant and intelligent Maria. Soon, the old jeans, t-shirts, cotton underwear, hoodies and sneakers moved out of my wardrobes. The emptied space was quickly filled with true lady’s belongings like hand bags, perfumes, make-ups, jewelries, blouses, dresses, skirts, designer underwear like lingerie, hosiery and stiletto high heels shoes and boots. Melanie used to also book appointments for me to get more training from stylists. I felt like I was a movie star.

Chapter 3 – Maria the math tutor

One morning during breakfast, Gary and Melanie asked me if I would be interested in being a private math tutor for a group of first year uni-students who were family friends. Both said that it would suit me better than the part-time work at the café near my university. Since I was studying a double degree which had the mathematics component, I thought that it would be more relevant.

As I was leaving home to get to the first tutorial session, Melanie stopped me and asked me to wear something more suited for the role of university level math tutor. She also reminded me about then dress coordination lessons and tips I received previously.

I returned to my room and started to look through the wardrobe. I decided to wear something semi-formal. I undressed myself except the the nude lace bra and g-string pair I was wearing. I started by putting on a pair of Wolford Neon 40 black seamless and shiny pantyhose. Then I added a white blouse, a dark grey with pink stripe checked pleated skirts which was about two inches above knee, light pink sweater, 5 inch Louboutin patent black stiletto pumps and finished it with my natural long black hair down. I quickly grabbed my hand-bag and headed down stairs. I asked Melanie if I passed her expectation and she nodded with a smile. Gary also gave me his approval with a wink.

The 2 hours tutorial passed like 30 minutes. I was very impressed with the students and pleased that they all enjoyed the session. One of the students, Rachel even asked me for dressing tips because she thought I looked so cool.

Chapter 4 – My neighbour Frank

As I was parking my car in the apartment car park, I saw my neighbour, Frank struggling to park his car into his car space because of the car next to him was parked poorly. This wasn’t the first time. Frank was in his early 70s just like Gary except he was single and was not as tall. At about 160cm tall, he always struggled to get a clear view around his car. Because he was driving a Toyota sports car with lower sport seats, it make it more difficult.

On the other hand, at 175cm tall I had a much better chance at parking his car. Even then, I still struggled to do so because of the lower seat. Getting Çeliktepe Escort out his car was also difficult, especially in my stilettos and considerably short skirt.

As I turned to get out of his car, my skirt was pulled up high enough that that it exposed my entire legs, including upper thigh. I noticed Frank was watching me so I got very embarrassed and apologised. As soon as I got up, I quick fixed my skirt

As we were walking to towards the car park elevator, Frank said, “You look very beautiful and sharp today. What’s the occasion darling?”

I said, “Thanks Frank. Nothing special. I just had my first tutorial class with first year uni-students. So I had to dress to impress!”

“If I may say so, you have a very beautiful looking pair of legs, especially in that shiny black stockings and sexy looking stilettos dear,” Frank further complimented me.

“Oh, thanks Frank, you are being very kind,” I said with a awkward smile.

We reached the elevator and it was indicating to be on the ground level. I pressed the call button but it didn’t respond. Frank and I assumed the building management still had not fixed the issue. So we decided to walk up the emergency stairs to get to the ground floor.

“Lady first!” Frank excitedly said.

I smiled and started walking up. He followed me immediately. We were walking and talking as we were walking up 4 floors to get to the ground level. After only passing 1 basement floor, Frank started to slow down so I walked slowly to allow Frank to catch up. When we reached the ground floor, we tried the elevator again then it worked. Finally, we reached our floor. With a big hug with Frank, we returned to our own units. But the weird thing was when we hugged, I felt strange stiffness pressing against my upper thigh. At the time, I thought it was his belt buckle.

Was I so wrong about the whole thing! Now I know what he did the whole time, what an old pervert. What I found out later was that he was walking deliberately slow to look up my skirts and legs. And when we hugged me, the stiffness was his erected penis, not his belt buckle. How did I find this out? Well, you will know soon enough.

Chapter 5 – Getting to know Frank

Frank and I bumped into each other more frequently after that day.

One winter night, it was storming quite badly. It was accompanied with strong wind and heavy rain. I commuted using public transport that day because Gary and Melanie were away on a anniversary getaway and the only car I was allowed to drive was getting serviced. Despite all the loving and caring I got from them, neither allowed me to drive their own vehicles.

Catching bus wasn’t too bad. But the ugly part was the walk from the bus stop to home. The storm flooded the footpath and roads. Consequently, my feet and stilettos were soaked in rain water. When I reached the apartment entrance, I felt so relieved. When I got on the elevator from ground floor, there was Frank already in the elevator, coming up from the car park. We greeted.

“You are drenched my dear! You poor thing,” Frank said.

“Yeah, the stupid storm, it’s flooded everywhere,” I said.

We arrived on our floor. I gave him a hug to say good night and parted. And unsurprisingly, I felt the bulge again. But as I was too tired, I didn’t pay much attention to it.

I inserted the keys into the door but it didn’t work. I took the wrong set of keys. I started to get really mad and curse. Noticing my distress, Frank came and asked if everything was ok.

“Yeah I’m ok, I stupidly took the wrong keys this afternoon,” I replied.

“Oh dear. Why don’t you come to my place and warm yourself with a cup of tea while I call the lock smith for you?” Frank offered.

I was wet and cold. I accepted his kind offer. Frank got me to sit next to a heater and brought me a dry towel. Then he made me a warm black milk tea. Then he called the lock smith for me.

“Sweetheart, the lock smith couldn’t give me an ETA but he assured me he would be here soon,” Frank said.

The tea helped me to relax. I took off my stilettos which was terribly soaked and dripped water all over the carpet. I quickly dried the carpet then my stilettos followed by my feet. The wet soggy feeling on my wet pantyhose was not too pleasant.

About 45 minutes had passed but there was still no sign of the lock smith.

“Maria sweetheart, since the lock smith is still not here, why don’t you take a warm shower and get into something dry so you don’t catch cold?” Frank suggested.

“Thank you, Frank but it’s ok, I can wait until I get home. Plus I’m sure he will be here any minute now,” I said.

Another 30 minutes had passed and still no sign of the lock smith. But I didn’t mind much because I was enjoying the warmth from the heater and tea. Slowly, I felt my eye lids were getting heavier by the minute. Without realising I soon fell asleep on his couch.

Chapter 6 – Upset Frank

I woke up with the sudden realisation that I felt a sleep at Frank’s place whilst Escort Çeliktepe waiting for the lock smith. When I opened up my eyes, I firstly check the time on my watch. It was just after 10pm.

When I looked up, I found Frank sitting on the other end of the couch, brushing my pantyhose covered feet whilst he was watching the TV. I jumped which made Frank jump as well.

“What the hell do you think you are doing!” I yelled at Frank.

“It’s Ok sweetheart, please don’t panic. Everything is Ok. I didn’t want to wake you so when the lock smith arrived, I took care of that for you,” Frank said.

“Oh Ok, thank you for doing that. But then why were you rubbing my feet?” I asked.

“I’m sorry my dear, I didn’t mean to alarm you. I just thought you could relax better from a foot massage. You look lovely in those high heels but I always worry about your pretty feet being in pain so I wanted to help you, that’s all sweetheart.” Frank said.

Then suddenly, he started to cry.

“Because I’m old and live alone, you think I’m an old pervert, don’t you? Would you have said those things to me now, if my wife was still here with me?” Frank protested.

“I only meant to help you because I care about you sweetheart but you repay that kindness with this accusation and make me feel like a sexual predator?” Frank said in very upset voice.

I apologised and tried to explain myself to him but it didn’t work. I soon found myself in absolute panic. I wanted him to stop crying. I continued to apologise repeatedly.

“Can I ask you something personal? You don’t have to answer it, if you don’t feel comfortable sweetheart,” Frank asked.

“Ok,” I replied.

“How old are you sweetie?” he asked.

“22,” I said.

“Ok. Have you ever had any close physical contact with any male before?” Franked asked again.

“No Frank,” I said.

“What about the hug you give me time to time, isn’t that close physical contact sweetie?” Frank asked again.

“Oh yeah, you are right. But you are my friend and between friends, I don’t think I can see you as a male like you described. I like hugging you, Frank. It’s very nice feeling,” I said with a smile. I also wanted to make him feel good again because of the guilt I felt from making him cry.

“Have you every kissed or been kissed by anyone?” Frank asked.

“No”, I answered.

“This time, I want to ask you a really personal question Maria. And again, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, Ok?” Frank asked.

“Ok go ahead,” I said.

“Are you a virgin?” Frank asked.

I hesitated to answer but again out of the guilt, I felt like I was obligated to answer whatever the question he wanted.

“Um, yes, I’m still a virgin, Frank. But why do you ask?” I asked.

“I guess that explains why you were so jumpy before Maria. Because you are inexperienced, you cannot tell the difference between intimate touch and friendly touch,” Frank said.

“Oh ok,” I said.

Then suddenly, Frank started to cry again and said, “Oh Maria, I miss my wife so much. All this talk brought back the memories of her, oh my… I miss her so much.”

I didn’t know what was going on but the guilty feeling returned again. If I didn’t react in the way I did before, all this wouldn’t have happened. I felt responsible. Also watching Frank cry made me sad and I started to tear up, too.

Chapter 7 – Healing Frank at my own expense

Without thinking, instinctively I sat next to Frank and hugged him and pulled his head into my breasts. Then he looked up and suddenly reached up to my lips and kissed me deeply. I didn’t know what to do but somehow gave into his kisses and returned my kisses. I didn’t know what I was doing from the inexperience so I just followed what he did to me in return.

Frank pushed me down on the couch with his body weight and continued to kissed me and slowly started to brush my body with his hands. I did the same.

“Shall we move to the bed room?” Frank whispered into my ear.

“Ok,” I whispered back.

It was like a hypnosis. I didn’t know why or what I was doing. All I knew was that I wanted to make this poor sad old man happy again. I wanted to give him the love and affection he was dying to have from someone. And knowing that I could do something about it that night, it really motivated me to be his lover at least for that night to make him happy.

When we walked over to his bed room, he gave me a quick bed room tour. His bed furniture was very impressive, like one that the king and queen would use.

“Maria, would you do me a favour, would you put your stilettos back on and show present yourself to me?” Frank asked.

“Ok Frank” I answered.

“And each time I give you a hand signal, I would like you to remove your clothes one by one, Ok?” Frank said.

I nodded.

There, I stood in front of him, dressed in black silk blouse, red pleated short skirt, black shiny Wolford Neon 40 seamless pantyhose, Louboutin patent black stiletto pumps with Çeliktepe Escort Bayan my hair tied in ponytail.

“Spin around for me, Maria. Faster! Faster!” Frank said.

I complied. I could feel my pleated skirt rising up the faster I spun. Soon I could feel butt and legs exposing to Frank’s view. Not to mention, I was feeling bit dizzy from all the spinning.

“Sorry Frank, I think I better stop, I’m starting to feel dizzy.” I said.

Frank nodded.

With a hand wave, Franked said, “Please take off your blouse.”

I did what he asked of me. My breasts covered in black lace bra was exposed.

“Your breasts are looking lovely in that bra. What’s the measure of your breasts?” Frank asked.

“They are 10C (for non-Australians, it’s about 32C).” I answered.

“They are quite large for an Asian lady,” Frank said.

“Oh really? How do you know that?” I asked.

“Before I was married, I used to date a couple of Asian ladies. But their breasts weren’t as big as yours, sweetheart,” Frank said.

I felt quite proud hearing Frank’s remark.

“Now, I want you to lose your skirt, please,” Frank said.

I slowly unzipped my skirt from the back. The skirt slid it pass my hips and felt to the floor.

“Please kick the skirt to the side,” Frank instructed and I complied.

I was standing there in nothing but my lace black bra, matching lace black g-string, black Neon 40 shiny seamless pantyhose and 5 inch Louboutin patent black stilettos. I still remember the weird sensation. I was shy but also felt very erotic and felt the heat rising from my body.

Frank was impressed with what he saw and asked, “what size is your body, Maria?”

“I’m about 175cm tall and between size 4 and 6, depending on the cloth brand but mostly size 6 (that’s similar to 24 waist and 36 hips for those who are not used to Australian sizes again),” I said.

“Your figure is like a super model like and you are very unique unlike other Asian women,” Frank complimented.

I feel so sexy when I heard the compliments and rapidly developed the confidence of a model.

“Please climb on to the bed and bend over on yours fours, Maria,” Frank said.

I complied.

“I’m going to take some photos of you darling but don’t worry, I promise you the photos for myself only and I won’t give them to anyone else,” Frank said.

By then, I wasn’t thinking rationally. I believed what Frank said and I told him, ‘Yes’.

Frank didn’t waste any time. He soon got me to pose in a few different figures while he was recording it all on his smart phone.

“Lay down on your back with your legs folded and spread a part,” Frank instructed.

I obeyed like a trained bitch. Frank sat between my legs and said, “I have a secret to share with you darling. I have a big fetish for women in hosiery, lingerie and stilettos heels.”

I wasn’t sure what he meant at the time but now I know so much about it.

“Are you still enjoying yourself there sweetheart?” Frank asked.

“Yes, Frank,” I answered.

“Are you ready for the biggest question of the night, Maria?” Frank asked again.

“Yes, Frank,” I answered.

“Would you make love with me? Would you give yourself to me my darling?” Frank asked.

“You mean sex, Frank?” I asked.

“No dear! No sex. Love, love,” Frank answered.

“What’s the difference?” I asked.

“Sex is between people who didn’t care for each other and only focused on physical pleasure whereas love making was the opposite and it was a spiritual bonding,” Frank answered.

I loved his answer very deep and meaningful. It really turned me on.

“Ok, Frank. I am ready for you now. Please teach me, show me. I want to make love with you,” I said hysterically.

“Oh thank you sweetie. Yes, I will teach you and show you. Just trust me and follow my guidance,” Frank said.

Frank started to kiss and lick my pantyhose covered feet and soon made his way up along my thigh and the crotch. He pressed his lips hard against my crotch and soon I could feel the rising of heat in my vagina. Frank was rubbing and licking my vagina over the g-string and pantyhose gusset and soon they were soaked with his saliva.

Frank paused and told me to take off the g-string and only wear the pantyhose. I complied. Frank used a small scissors to cut out the gusset of the pantyhose. It felt strange but surprisingly I felt very sexy about the pantyhose with the gusset being cut out. It felt extremely naughty.

Finally, his tongue touched my vagina. The feeling was amazing and I just moaned without realising. Frank said to me he was glad to see that he could pleasure me and my vagina tasted very sweet. I wanted more and didn’t want it to stop. Frank went for it again, he was eating my vagina like a hungry man munching on a meat pie. I automatically, wrapped around my legs around his head and pulled him into my vagina. Frank reached his hand up and started to massage my breasts over the bra. Soon, he pulled my breasts out of the bra and started to play with my sensitive nipples. I was so turned on and my nipples were erected so tall and hard. I tried to suppress the overwhelming pleasure out of embarrassment but I couldn’t continue like that. Frank also noticed this struggle and told me to just let it happen and let myself go, give into him. I did exactly that.

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