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Artemis was walking home when he saw a bar he didn’t recognize. Not wanting to pass up the opportunity to try something new, he walked inside. Sitting at the bar stool, he ordered a drink just like at any other bar. Turning around with his drink however, he noticed that there were only guys in this bar. Not uncommon, he thought to himself until he saw the small dance floor. He tilted his head sideways. Was he seeing this correctly? All the couples on the floor were guys and a couple of them were getting obscene in their dancing.

Suddenly, the bartender handed him a drink, motioning down the counter at a pinkette who was leaning against the bar smiling at him. Seems this guy had bought him a drink.

Artemis looked over to where the bartender was motioning towards. Thinking for a moment, he took the drink and motioned the pinkette over, wondering why he had bought a drink. Further thought had him thinking about the possibility of experimentation. Having always chased after girls he never thought about trying to be with his own sex. He had a few guys hit on him a few times in his life time but he never thought about it. He figured what the hell, could be fun. He had apparently walked into a gay bar by accident anyway.

The pinkette smiled and walked over with his own drink. He took a seat next to Artemis and held out a hand.

“I’ve never seen you here before. My name is Rosen. What’s your name, sweetie?”

Taking Rosen’s hand, he shook it saying with slight hesitation, “M-my name is Artemis and this is my first time here. I hadn’t noticed this bar before and thought I’d try it out.”

“Well, I’m certainly glad you did, sweet thing~” Rosen said with a wink. “You up for anything tonight? Talk, dancing, more..?”

Artemis wasn’t sure what he wanted. Thinking for a moment he ended up just saying, “Well, I’m not sure really, I’ve never done this… erm… before.”

“Oh? Did you only just recently come out of the closet?” Rosen asked, seeming surprised. He looked thoughtful for a moment. “I suppose we can just dance for a bit then. I don’t wish to push you into anything.”

Rosen held out his hand and led Artemis to the dancefloor. He danced a little with Artemis, trying to get him used to dancing with everyone surrounding them. Artemis just let him take him to the dance floor. Still slightly hesitant he wasn’t sure what he really wanted out of this experience. Sure he was willing to experiment but he wasn’t sure what to do about it. He’d never done this before. The dancing felt new and awkward to him, though it wasn’t much different than dancing with the girls he had before. Still the same lewd dance moves, same amount of “accidental” sexual touching that was a promise of more later.

Rosen danced with him for most of the night. He slowly got more used to dancing and was actually having fun. Then the beat turned more aggressive and the people nearby howled and wolf-called. Suddenly other couples were grinding and the dances were getting much more sexual. One couple had even taken their shirts off.

“Oh.” Rosen smiled and chuckled a little at Artemis’s awkward expression. “I’m sorry. I forget that they let us get heated and let the horny people have at it for a bit. We can get off the dancefloor if you want…”

Artemis felt strange being on the stage with all the dirty dancing. He didn’t really want to be on the stage anymore he simply nodded and allowed himself to be lead off the stage, back to where he was sitting when he arrived. Taking a nervous sip from his drink to help calm his nerves, he sat back. He was still very hesitant and maybe even slightly confused, but definitely a little turned on surprisingly.

Rosen ordered another set of drinks for the both of them. “Sorry about that. I figured a new kid wouldn’t be ready for the heavy stuff.” He smiled and lifted his drink to his lips. “Plenty of time for that later anyway. Hope to see ya around kid.” He looked at him and raised his glass for a toast in farewell.

“W-w-wait” Artemis unintentionally cried out. He didn’t know what he was thinking, but he was turned on by what was happening around him. He didn’t know why or how, but he was. He actually got up and grabbed Rosen’s arm to stop him from leaving.

“I…erm..” Turning red, he just sat back down. He didn’t know how to word his desires. He wasn’t even sure what he wanted really.

Rosen raised an eyebrow at the flustered male. He smiled a little as the smaller male flushed a cute pink that was barely visible in the lighting of the club. He took the stretched silence to really reexamine the boy. He was cute, had a round face and long feathery eyelashes. His hair had been bleached so much it was almost white. Or maybe it was natural? No way to tell unless he could get him naked later. His eyes were a stunning amethyst, a rare trait in humans.

He himself was one of the regular patrons around and known for being the easiest to get undressed. He fell easily into any role, loving sex in general enough to play along with Emirgan Escort almost any fetish. He had cherry-blond hair, blonde hair that was mixed with his father’s ginger color to create an almost pink color. He was in regular clubbing clothes and was even wearing his rainbow foxtail on his right hip, which every regular at the club knew meant he was up for a fling if anyone wanted a fuck tonight. His eyes were a dull blue and his face gave almost a feminine look to him.

Then he noticed that Artemis was shifting uncomfortably in his seat and trying to look anywhere but at Rosen and the dancefloor. Smiling, he’s pretty sure he knows what’s up.

“You okay, sweetie?” He asks, putting a hand on Artemis’s thigh.

Artemis looked up at Rosen still flustered. He was unsure what to do really. He was never the one to start any action. Anyone he had been with had always made the first move on him. He sort of just flimsily nodded noticing the hand on his thigh. It’s position only helped him grow slightly more turned on. He wasn’t sure why, but he was willing to do anything with this guy. He just wasn’t sure what to do about it. He was too shy to instigate.

“Guess maybe you are ready for some more heavy stuff.” Rosen giggled. “Follow me if you’re up for some fun.” He said then turned around and walked off.

He headed out the door of the club. He was tired of clubbing for the night anyway. He began to flag down a taxi while he waited to see if the little sugar muffin he’d been playing with all night was going to follow. He guessed whether or not he got any tonight was up to the kid.

Artemis slowly got up, looking around one last time before he grabbed his jacket and slowly followed Rosen out the door. He halted, standing next to him still very nervous. Having never done this before, he wasn’t sure what he was getting himself into. On the other hand, he noticed that the mystery of it all was a slight turn on for him. He shook his head, unnoticed by Rosen and tried focusing on waiting for the Taxi.

Rosen flung an arm around Artemis’s shoulders. “Don’t worry. I’ll be gentle.” He smiled reassuringly at him. A taxi finally pulled over and let them in, though he warned them not to start “being homo” on his backseat in a teasing manner. Rosen, clearly knowing this driver, only winked at him in the rearview mirror as they took off.

They were quiet on the ride there. Rosen wanted to let the kid think and get himself comfortable with the prospect of what they were about to do. When they got to his apartment complex, he walked in and flashed his ID at the door. The door opened up with a happy, prerecorded welcome and Rosen led the boy in. They took the elevator up to his penthouse and got to the door before Rosen turned around.

“This is your last chance to back out. If you follow me through this door, you won’t leave until morning.” He whispered and took the boy’s hands gently. “But I promise to make it worth your while to stay.”

Artemis simply nodded trying not to shake. He wanted to try something new. His only security blanket was the fact that he was given a choice to back out and the fact that he said he was going to be gentle with him. He followed Rosen inside his apartment.

As soon as Rosen got him inside, he locked the apartment door. Then he took Artemis’s hands and slowly slid them up his arms to his face. Rosen leaned in and kissed the boy, like he’d been dying to on the dancefloor, and pushed his body flush against the other. He only kissed his lips, not parting them yet to make sure the younger was ready for that exploration before initiating it.

Artemis melted into Rosen but he wasn’t sure what to do. He ended up kissing him back yet feeling strange for doing it.

Rosen quickly dove in once the silent permission was given. His hands went up into the white locks and his tongue flicked out, tracing Artemis’s lower lip to ask for another little give.

Artemis knew this tactic from the women he had been with. He was hesitant at first but finally let Rosen inside his mouth.

Rosen smiled into the kiss and slipped his tongue into Artemis’s mouth. A hand left his hair and trailed down his back to the hem of his shirt. He tugged on it lightly before lifting it up. Rosen broke the intense kiss when he figured Artemis needed air and lifted his shirt up more, seeing if he couldn’t get the boy to start undressing.

Artemis felt slight shock mixed with mild panic as his shirt was being pulled off of him. He looked up at Rosen tilting his head slightly. Well. He thought to himself. He had gotten this far and he wanted to explore. Artemis helped Rosen remove his own shirt.

Rosen smiled again and the moment the shirt was over Artemis’s head, he dove back in for a kiss. While he explored Artemis’s mouth with his tongue, his hands explored his chest and back. Coming up for air only to plunge back into the boy’s wet cavern moments later, he could feel himself starting to get hot under his belt.

Artemis Escort Emirgan started feeling rather strange as his body was being explored. Each time he was explored, he felt warmer towards Rosen. In his confused state, he couldn’t stop himself from tugging on Rosen’s shirt.

Rosen pulled back, shocked the boy was trying to get him undressed as well. He pulled away far enough to drag his tight black shirt over his head and throw it off to where ever Artemis’s shirt had landed before pushing himself up on Artemis once again. This time, however, he slipped a leg between Artemis’s as he trapped him against the wall of his entryway.

Artemis was slightly shocked about the forwardness . Letting himself be pinned to the wall, he submitted to Rosen. He liked being played with which only procured him being more aroused. He did try to get himself off the wall though rather forcibly.

Rosen smiled when Artemis gasped after moving. The boy seemed to have forgotten already where he’d placed his leg, so into the kiss he’d been. When the boy moved, he’d unintentionally grinded himself on Rosen’s leg.

Gasping a bit, Artemis looked down and noticed that he had just ground against Rosen’s strategically placed leg. Looking up a bit red in the face, he staggered a bit back against the wall. Looking around he was looking for an escape not to leave but to resist playfully.

Rosen smirked as the boy took stock of what had happened and almost laughed when he turned even more red than he’d already been. Rosen moved his leg to grind against Artemis again teasingly.

Artemis felt shocked as he was being teased. Becoming more aroused, he could only turn deeper shades of red, still looking for a way to escape. Yet he no longer felt like he had to, he was rather enjoying it.

Rosen grabbed Artemis’s hands and brought them up to his own chest. “You’re allowed to touch me as well.” He cooed when they next came up for air. His hands slid down Artemis’s and then down his sides to hook into his belt loops. “I won’t stop you.” He added as he pulled the boy’s hips flush to his.

Artemis felt as his hands brush over Rosen’s chest. He could feel his slightly muscular body as his hands brushed down to the belt loops and he grew rather red. He felt hot in his ears and he was really hesitant to do anything. Shakily he removed his hands from the loops and using his right hand, he cusped the middle of Rosen’s jeans.

Rosen let out a gasp that dissolved into a soft moan at the sudden pressure. It took will power not to push his hips down into the tentative grasp. Finding purchase in his hands gripping the boy’s hips, he pulled the boy forward into him a bit, trapping his hand between their clothed crotches.

Artemis just let it happen now. He seemed to be getting a little more comfortable but he was still slightly unsure. Noticing that he got a small response out of Rosen, he smiled a little to himself. He began to slightly and very slowly just rub his hand up and down.

Rosen moaned a little in Artemis’s ear and snaked his hands around to gasp his ass. He gave a small squeeze and chuckled a little when the boy jumped and froze. He lifted his hands a little then slipped them beneath the boy’s jeans.

“Let’s take this to my room now, hmm?” He whispered into Artemis’s ear before pulling away.

Watching Rosen pull away Artemis froze again. He thought for a moment slightly afraid. No, he was lying to himself. He was scared out of his mind. He just sat there looking around uncomfortably, hoping Rosen would lead him. He felt less intimidated when he was led around. Gathering enough of his wits for just a few words he slowly stuttered.

“Y-your r-r-room?”

“Yeah.” Rosen put his forehead on the smaller boy’s. “Is that okay?” He asked gently, taking Artemis’s hand.

Artemis nodded feeling better about himself, slightly less scared than he was. Looking into Rosen’s eyes attempting to hide his fear, at the same time letting him know he was afraid.

Rosen turned and led Artemis into the apartment. His rainbow tail bounced and swayed a little against their joined hands as they walked and Artemis found himself staring down at Rosen’s hips because of it. They turned down a hallway and halted in front of a simple door.

Rosen wasted no time opening it and revealing his room. It was a slate grey color on the walls and monotone color furniture with small bits of red and pink trickled throughout the room. The plain colors only seemed to make Rosen stand out with his bright hair and eyes and rainbow tail. He smiled at Artemis and led him over to the bed. He pulled the other into his chest and let his hands drop to his waist again, tugging the waistband of his pants.

“Let’s get these off now, hmm?”

Artemis showed a slight bit of shock at his question. Slowly complying, he unbuckled his belt, unzipping his pants and slowly taking them off still rather shaking.

Rosen smiled reassuringly and undid his own belt and zipper. Once Emirgan Escort Bayan both boys were in their boxers, he pushed Artemis down onto the edge of the bed gently.

“Lay back.” He whispered into a kiss and waited for the boy to do so. Once Artemis had climbed up onto the bed and laid down, he settled over him. He lightly kissed the other’s cheek. “I promise I’ll be gentle. Tell me if anything scares you too much, okay?” He asked before letting his hands roam the boy’s side and chest again.

Artemis nodded slowly reassured by his soothing voice. He just let himself be explored by Rosen for the moment enjoying the light touches.

Rosen smiled and left for a moment. He dug around in his dresser drawer for a moment before coming back to settle over Artemis again. He set something down on the bed, just outside Artemis’s vision. He ran a hand up Artemis’s leg and paused on his upper thigh, just below where his boxers ended.

“I need you to spread your legs a little.” He said placing a small kiss on Artemis’s stomach.

Attempting to see what the object was but failing to do so, he complied spreading out his legs wondering what his plan was. Artemis just watched Rosen slowly.

Rosen slowly slipped his hand into Artemis’s boxers. He glanced up at the other with a gentle smile before starting to tug them down a little. He let the elastic waistband drag up the other’s erect cock, drawing a moan from the one underneath him. Finally it sprang free of the band and Rosen slipped them off completely before Artemis could realize what had happened.

Artemis gasped as he was finally free. Turning a deep shade of red, he attempted to hide himself with whatever he could find.

Rosen smiled. He already knew the boy would try to hide so he grasped Artemis’s wrists before they could cover anything and looked him in the eye.

“Don’t hide. I want to see you.” He said gently.

Artemis let out a quiet gasp as his arms where taken before he could hide himself, only turning even more red listening to the gentle voice from Rosen. He slightly squirmed.

Rosen smiled again and let his gaze drop. He stared softly at the other’s cock, thinking about how cute a red it was flushed before glancing back up at a now speechless Artemis. He let go of his hands and moved his now free hands to grasp the erection left uncovered in front of him.

Artemis let out a gasp as a faint pleasure grabbed him, causing him to slightly squirm in his position. Relaxing his arms, he watched Rosen, wondering what his next move was

Rosen worked up Artemis’s dick a little. He jerked the other off a bit, light strokes going down and hard thrusts coming up, while he let his thumb play with the slit. Artemis completely lost himself to the feeling of someone else’s hands on him, somehow more kinky knowing it wasn’t a girl touching him.

While Artemis suffocated in pleasure, Rosen reached for the item he’d set down earlier. Taking the small bottle of scented oil in his hand, he popped the cap with his teeth and gently squeezed some onto his free hand, moving his fingers and rubbing them together to warm the oil up a little.

All Artemis could do was squirm. It felt good, almost better than any girl he had been with. Noticing the oil, Artemis watched Rosen pour some sort of liquid in his hands. He struggled to pay attention the pleasure was causing him to lose the ability to concentrate on anything but what was happening to him.

Suddenly Rosen let him go. He moved his hand to Artemis’s left knee and lifted it up. He sat himself down between Artemis’s legs and set his leg down on his shoulder. Then he returned his hand to Artemis’s now dripping cock. He gently ran a finger up it, catching the beading liquid and then grasped the head and stroking fully back down.

Atremis couldn’t help himself but arch his back up from the pleasure he was receiving. Rosen definitely knew what to do to get him going. No girl could get him to feel like this as Rosen could. Failing an attempt to hold back a few moans, Artemis knew he had no control anymore.

Rosen took advantage of the fact that Artemis was distracted. He let his slicked up hand slide down and he placed a finger at Artemis’s entrance. He drew gentle circles to both slick him up and calm down the shock, and possible fear, he knew was coming.

Artemis jolted from the new feeling. He grew slightly worried but felt a little relaxed with the slight massaging around his entrance. He had a slight fear but kept silent. Inside he wanted Rosen to do it. He had never experimented with anything of his own before nor with any of the girls he had been with.

When no response came, Rosen gently pressed on Artemis’s entrance. After a little resistance, he managed to slip the tip of his finger in, up to his first knuckle. Instantly, Artemis reacted and tensed around the intrusion. Rosen, knowing that tensing would only make it hurt, rubbed soothing circles into Artemis’s thigh.

“I need you to relax.” He said gently.

Artemis grew suddenly confused. He felt strange, almost like he had to go to the bathroom. He tried relaxing but it only made it harder to resist pushing out Rosen’s finger. He squirmed feeling slightly uncomfortable but yet there was a very faint pleasure coming from where Rosen’s finger was.

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