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Big Dicks

Hi, I’m Elisa. I’m 32, I’m bi, and I’ve had a complicated relationship with my sexuality my whole life. I’ve not always understood it, or acknowledged it, or acted on it. But it has been the source of incredible pleasures and the lowest shame. I think that I’m more at peace with it at this stage in my life but it continues to confuse me to this day.

I’ve done such depraved and immoral things in my life (despite being cripplingly shy) and I do feel shame about them, but I also love the fact that I did them. No matter how bad something makes me feel after I do it, it always seems worth it. I just love being naughty.

I have so many stories to share with you all and I’m kind of surprised I’m going to do it. Being in Covid lockdown has been really hard on me, though. I have a wonderful boyfriend who I live with, and we’re in a serious relationship, but he is very different from me. I probably fell for him because he has his shit together and is calm, stable, and set in life. But he doesn’t have a shred of a kinky side. I can’t talk to him about it or act on any desires because he has made it clear on many occasions that he will not budge on his stance. Just as a side thing, it totally sucks when you fall for someone hard and they’re not sexually compatible with you. Anyway, I need to vent. I have been stuck at home for most of a year because of Covid with only my memories, desires, and thoughts to keep me company. My boyfriend is still able to work right now so there are huge chunks of the day where I’m alone with not much to do but think. As I can’t indulge myself much, I’ve decided to write down the things that I’ve done in separate stories. Not only do I think it’ll be fun to tell a load of strangers but it’s also a good opportunity for me to masturbate while I write. So, dildo at the ready.

I won’t go into my past much now but I will say that I was raised in a tiny English town with strictly religious parents. It wasn’t the religion that was that strict I guess, just my parents’ conservative attitudes. I led a really, really sheltered life until I was 18 and I moved away. Basically, my dad became physically abusive, and as innocent as I was, I wasn’t going to sit around and get beaten. After I moved away I became extremely sexually active and that hasn’t really changed to this day. I’ll go into my past when I tell other stories but I wanted to start with a much more recent event that has been happening. Mainly because it turns me on the most. Everything I have written is true, to the best of my memory. Ive had to fill in gaps here and there but only little things. Anyway, enjoy. Or not.


So, in 2019, I must have been with my current boyfriend for about three years. We were serious and in love. It was coming up to June and my birthday. My boyfriend, who I’ll call James, was speaking to his uncle on the phone one day and he brought up that we were celebrating my birthday at a super swanky restaurant. His uncle, who I’ll call Mike, didn’t usually come out to many family events and offered us to go round to his the week before to celebrate. James was slightly hesitant as his uncle loves to smoke weed, which James does not, and he knows I used to enjoy it a lot before I met him. He ended up caving, mostly because he was on the phone and couldn’t come up with an excuse quick enough.

It’s about a week before my birthday and we go round to his uncle’s house. Quite a nice place; decent private garden, detached, good neighbourhood. I’d met Mike several times before but I never knew where he lived. From what James had told me about him, I was quite surprised he had a nice house. We go in, exchange pleasantries, and sit down in the kitchen with some drinks. His uncle was much zanier than he had been when I’d met him previously, I think in his own home he just felt more comfortable to be himself. So we’re just chatting away when his uncle mentions that he has some great weed and offers it to us both. James turned it down and so did I, but only because I knew James would be mad with me later. His uncle lights up a joint and puffs away on it as we all talk. I remember being so wrapped up in the smell of it, which brought back loads of good memories. A couple of hours of mildly interesting conversation had passed and we decided to leave. His uncle was much funnier than I had known him to be before but they were both talking about work, which was quite boring for me. On the journey home, James brought up the weed with me. He said that he knew I only turned it down because of him, which he was thankful for. I ended up confessing that I would really have enjoyed a smoke after not having any for so long and, being my birthday soon, James felt bad and said we could go back another day. I happily agreed. James spoke to his uncle that night and we arranged to go back over two days before my birthday.

The day rolls around and I’m really excited to get high. We get to Mike’s house and within about half an hour I’m melting into the sofa. I don’t know if the weed was strong or if my tolerance was just very low but I got very high. Anyway, this is where things changed for good. They both started talking about the American civil war and I just shut off. I had zero interest in it. So, I just went on my phone and passed the time. Occasionally, I would look up at Mike or James and feign interest in what they were saying. By chance, as I glanced up at Mike one time, I noticed a large bulge in his baggy tracksuits. I immediately looked away and fixed my eyes on my phone. I just stared at the screen, mulling over what I’d just seen. He wasn’t hard, which meant that he must have a fairly decent cock when he was erect. I really struggled to get it out of my mind. I played with my phone for maybe half an hour, just thinking about Mike’s bulge. I had to see again. I snuck another quick glance when I thought it was safe and then looked straight back at my phone. After seeing it again, something changed. I was just curious and sort of shocked before but now the thought of it was making my pussy tingle. Before James, I had a crazy sexual past. I still did some naughty things while I was dating him but it had mostly all stopped. Now I was starting to feel it all again; that old, deep urge to be naughty. I probably snuck a few more looks before we eventually left. On the way home in the car, I was dead silent. James asked a couple of times if I was okay and I just played it off as being high. But I was just thinking about Mike’s cock. I imagined how big it would be, how it would feel to hold, to suck, how it would feel pounding away at me. God, I was horny that night. I felt guilty the next day for thinking it all but it still turned me on.

A few months passed and the event had completely gone from my mind. James came home from work one evening and started telling me about his meeting at work that day and how they were really impressed with him and wanted him to present his work at the regional meeting. He was really excited about it, mainly because it could potentially lead to a promotion. The next day he came home and told me that it would be in a city quite far from our house. We looked it up on Google and it was relatively near to his uncle Mike’s house. He decided to speak to his uncle and see if he could stay overnight and leave early in the morning for the meeting. His uncle agreed and that was that. I told James I would come along and I could drive him from Mike’s house straight to the meeting and he wouldn’t need to worry about parking. My only bad intention was to hopefully smoke some more weed.

The day before the meeting arrives and we are at Mike’s house talking about history, somehow, again. I didn’t get to smoke anything either because James was pretty tired and wanted to get to bed early. I was super disappointed. James was upstairs brushing his teeth and I had gone down to get a glass of water to bring up to bed with me. His uncle was watching something on TV as I passed to go up the stairs. I told him goodnight and started walking up. I was halfway up when I heard him whisper-shout my name.


I stopped and headed back downstairs. Mike ushered me closer and quietly said that I could come back over, the next day, after I had dropped James off. He said we could share a joint as he could tell I wanted to join in with the smoke that night. I said that might be cool and he gave me his number and told me to call or text him when I was about 10 minutes away. I was psyched as I didn’t know how long it would be before I could smoke again.

The next day I took James to his meeting and headed straight to a coffee shop. I grabbed some extra strong coffees and drove towards Mike’s house. I won’t lie, I had thought about his large bulge a few times that morning, but I was more interested in a smoke with him and then maybe shopping afterward, before I picked up James. I called Mike and he said he was just getting up and he would put the kettle on. I told him not to bother as I had a coffee for us both. Once I got there, we sat on the sofa and start chatting about James’s meeting. After we finish our coffee he rolls up a joint for us both and we light up. It felt so nice to be stoned again. We were talking away when he mentioned that his laptop had been playing up and asked if I could help at all. I said I’d give it a try and logged on. He was such a technophobe and was clearly awful with technology but he just came from another generation so I understood. It was just running a bit slow so I did all the usual things to help speed it up. He got up and went to fix us some more coffees as I worked away. Finally, I went to delete his browser cache, cookies, and browsing history. Oh, my, God. You have never seen so much depraved porn in your life. Pissing porn, anal squirting, gang-bangs…and everything in between. I quickly deleted it but the sight of all that filthy porn was burned into my mind. I was in shock. Mike wasn’t really a good-looking man, despite being in great shape, but I was seriously interested in him now. All I could think about was his filthy choice in porn. He came and sat back down next to me with my coffee and I could barely look him in the eye. I was nervous and speechless. He asked how it was going and I told him that I had done everything with the laptop that I could. We chatted a while longer, had one more joint, and I told him I was going to go shopping. I managed to sneak a couple of glances towards his crotch before I left but I could never get a good view. I got into the car and my mind was racing. I drove to the nearest public toilet, got in a cubicle, and played with my pussy until I came. I killed some time for a couple of hours afterward and went to pick up James. The whole ride back home he was talking and the whole ride home I barely listened. I was unbelievably horny. When we got home I basically jumped on James and we had great sex. I was just imagining being with his uncle and being treated like one of the girls in his porn videos.

A few days later, when James was getting ready to leave for work, I got a message from his uncle while I was still in bed. He thanked me again for helping with the computer and joked that it was probably all the porn that was slowing it down. I hid my phone under the pillow and waited for James to leave the room. When he finally did I whipped it out and read the message again. I replied saying that it was my pleasure and that he shouldn’t worry because I’d seen it all before. I was desperately thinking of a way to flirt with him without it being risky but I just couldn’t think of a way. I waited, impatiently, for him to reply. My phone buzzed and I opened the message. He joked that the porn was because he’d been single for about 13 years. It drove me crazy thinking about all his pent-up sexual energy and how I wanted to be on the receiving end of it. He replied pretty quickly saying that being single for that long does strange things to your mind. I immediately replied asking what he meant. He messaged me back saying that he could have sworn he saw me taking a peek at his crotch a couple of times when I was over. I was mortified. It was all fun and fantasy until he said that. I felt so guilty and ashamed and worried that he would tell James and that I had fucked everything up. In hindsight, that was probably my way in. But instead, I replied saying that it wasn’t intentional if it did happen and that I was sorry. I waited nervously for the response. My phone buzzed again and I picked it up. He said something along the lines of ‘I told you being single for this long does strange things to your mind.’ God, I was so relieved. I hadn’t fucked up my relationship. We wrapped up the texting pretty quick and I soon forgot about it. I played with myself occasionally thinking about Mike but I always felt so guilty afterward, so I eventually stopped.

A month or so passes and I get a knock at the door one day. I sign for a package and leave it on the kitchen table, assuming it was something for James. Just by chance, I glanced at the package while walking past it, later that day. It was for me. I curiously opened it up and started removing packing peanuts. I laughed when I realised what it was, a big dildo. It was fleshy, almost life-like, and maybe about 10 inches; I didn’t bother measuring it. I assumed it was from one of my silly girlfriends, so I put it back in the box and put it in a cabinet upstairs. I messaged my girlfriends on our group chat and told them to fess up. None of them admitted to sending it to me. I was convinced they were just screwing with me. I carried on with my day and told James about it when he got home, half hoping he had ordered it. He thought it was pretty funny, though, and denied sending it to me. I just assumed it was one of my girlfriends and I’d wait for whoever did it to own up to the joke. About a week later, Mike messaged me. I was just about to go out and do our weekly shop when I read the message. He said ‘did you like your late birthday present?’ I was in a rush and the message confused me. I assumed that he had sent a gift at some point and I hadn’t received it yet or something. I was most of the way to the shops when I suddenly remembered the dildo from the week before. I genuinely couldn’t believe that it could be from Mike but I had to know. I pulled over as soon as I could and took out my phone. I messaged him and asked what present he was talking about. I waited in my car for 10 long minutes before he replied. He said ‘you couldn’t have missed it.’ I sat there with my mouth hanging open. That cheeky fucker, he HAD sent me a dildo. I couldn’t quite compute everything that was going on, I remember feeling like it just wasn’t real. I messaged him saying that I wondered who had sent it and asked why he had sent it to me. That was the thing, I think, I just didn’t understand why he would have done it. He replied saying that he knew I really was trying to look at his cock that time, so he thought he would give me it instead. I remember being so confused by the word ‘it’. I messaged him, jokingly saying thanks, and asked him what he meant by ‘giving me it.’ He responded saying that he had ordered one of those penis casts and that the dildo was a replica of his cock. I can’t fully explain the disbelief and the emotions that ran through my body and mind at that moment. It genuinely didn’t feel like it was happening to me. He hadn’t been flirty at all when I’d seen him before, so I think the shock of it hit me more than anything else. But seconds after I read the message, I suddenly realised, I had a life-size replica of his cock sitting in my cabinet. My dirty mind turned on. I was insanely curious before about what it looked like hard and now I was going to find out. I literally could not go to the shops. I pulled the car around and sped back to the house; I couldn’t get home quick enough. I haphazardly parked the car in the driveway, rushed inside, ran upstairs, and pulled it out of the cabinet. I felt like a little girl on Christmas. I upended the box and packing peanuts went flying everywhere. I could feel how much it weighed as it hit the floor with a heavy thud. I just glared at it, sitting there among all these foam peanuts; it looked like an absolute monster. I picked it up and gripped it tightly, looking over all the veins and bumps. It had a huge head, was very thick, and was a long God damn dick. I wasn’t going to wait around so I ran into the bedroom and flung myself onto the bed. I wriggled off my clothes and found my old lube at the back of my night-stand. I almost emptied the whole thing onto the dildo and enthusiastically massaged it all over. I’ve never been especially tight but it was a struggle to push it in. I slowly eased it more and more into me until it found its place and slid in deep. My eyes were rolling into the back of my head. I slowly pulled it all the way out and repeated the process again, and again, and again. Now that I had got into my rhythm and pretty much got used to the feeling of being stretched, I started thinking about Mike. I was thinking all sorts of filthy things: James’s unattractive uncle just pounding me hard and calling me a slut and a pig, how naughty it would feel cheating on James, what it would be like having this huge cock unload all over my face. You name it, I thought it. I came several times, harder than I had in ages. After my session was over I went into panic mode. The box and peanuts were all over the hallway, I had to hide the dildo, I had to secretly bin the lube, I hadn’t done the shopping. And I started to feel insanely guilty and shameful. I couldn’t believe what I had been thinking. I loved James so much and I didn’t want to hurt him…but at the same time, that desire was still burning into the back of my mind.

I ended up cleaning everything up and going out to the shops in the end. I bought a really nice dinner and cooked for James and me that evening. I was massively overcompensating. At the end of the evening, when James was taking a shower, I returned to my phone which I had placed out of his sight. There were five or six messages from Mike. It suddenly dawned on me that I had never replied to him. The first message was something like ‘hope you don’t mind’, the second said ‘hope you enjoy it’, the third said ‘thought you would enjoy having a bit of something you can’t have’, the fourth was like ‘probably best to keep it between us’, and then maybe a couple more messages saying ‘sorry if it was inappropriate’ blah blah blah. I looked towards the bedroom door to double-check James wasn’t there and started replying. I basically said something along the lines of ‘it was a bit inappropriate but I thought it was really funny.’ I still felt deeply guilty about it all and was worried James would find out. We messaged back and forth a few times and settled the matter as something that was more joke-like than sexual. I was so relieved. I had this horrible gut-feeling that he would threaten to tell James about it, which would have wrecked our relationship, but thankfully he wasn’t like that. It kind of angered me a bit, actually, not sure why. Anyway, that was that.

I carried on with normal life and I’d buried the shame and desire so I could carry on maintaining some sort of happiness. My naughty moments usually happen intensely and quickly and then I’ll bury the memories of it so I don’t die of shame and guilt. I’ve sort of learned to live with it. I know I’m fucked up. About a month had passed and James ended up getting his promotion, which I would become extremely grateful for. It was difficult, though, because he had a really long commute to work, so we wouldn’t see each other that much. One day he comes home and says that he wants to move house, which led to a bit of an argument actually. He was making much better money now but it would mean that I would have to commute for much longer. He suggested I find a closer job once we had moved and that really pissed me off. He just expected me to leave my job and do what he wanted. So, we argued, but I eventually came round to the idea. It took quite a while to find a new place but two months on and we had just moved into our new home. We spent weeks making the place our own but it all came together really nicely. It was a little bigger than our old house and was much newer. James’s commute now only took about 30 minutes, so we were seeing more of each other and spending quality time in our new home. It was hard for me, though, because I had no job. It is so boring sitting in a house with not much to do. (If only I had known Covid was on the way!) I spent quite a bit of time looking for work but nothing really appealed as much as my old job. Eventually, I got really bored with looking for work and stopped searching, so I ended up with a bunch of time on my hands. I would do silly things like drink wine during the day or go out shopping, with James’s money, for hours on end. There’s only so much of that you can do, though. I started taking yoga classes, spinning classes, I even took up piano. Life is just not as fulfilling without work, though.

Christmas eventually came and we had arranged to go to James’s parents’ house with his uncle, his sister, and her little ones. It was a nice Christmas, low-key and merry. Obviously, his uncle had come into my mind a bit more leading up to Christmas. I hadn’t played with myself about it but the desires were there, stirring. I had considered getting the toy out of storage but I didn’t want James to find out I kept it, so I forgot the idea. On Christmas day, after the meal when everyone was tired and watching movies in the lounge, I went to make myself a drink in the kitchen. I was pouring out some prosecco when Mike walked in. We started chatting about the day and the meal and the presents, so I lingered in the kitchen. After we were talking about presents he suddenly said to me ‘bet you were relieved that I just got you clothes this time.’ I laughed a little bit, severely aware that James and his family were in the next room. I was so paranoid about being caught talking with Mike about it. He then said that he had another little something for me in the car. I started shaking slightly, the nerves were taking me over. He said that we should go and get it now, while no one was around. I was very curious to see what he had got me. I wanted it and at the same time, I didn’t want it. I find it hard to say ‘no’ to people, however, so we went to his car. He opened the door, grabbed something from under the seat, looked around, and placed it into my hand. I looked down and saw a small vacuum-packed pouch of weed. I was relieved and kind of disappointed at the same time. He said that it was really good stuff and I could let my hair down sometime when James was at work. I instantly rejected it and offered it back to him. I told him that I couldn’t take it home in the car as James would smell it. He said it would be fine but I could smell it without even opening it. It was just too much of a risk and I didn’t want an argument with James later. He kindly understood and we walked back towards the house. Before we got inside he asked me ‘did you try it, then?’. I played dumb and asked what he meant. He looked at me with a smirk on his face and I said something like ‘Oh, right, no, I didn’t.’ He kind of laughed it off and we went back inside. For the rest of the evening I was distracted but it was Christmas and I didn’t want to be a total slut so I tried keeping my mind on movies and conversation (I still managed to sneak in a few peeks, though!). James and I eventually went home and, again, I pushed Mike out of my mind.

The next day was fucking horrific. James got up in a sour mood and we barely talked for half the day. He snapped at me about something over dinner, so I laid into him a little bit, asking what the hell was the matter. He battled me about it for a bit but finally he admitted that he had a nightmare (more like a great dream!) that I had fucked Mike 12 times. At the time, I thought it was really strange that it was 12 times but I guess that’s just dreams for you. I calmly told him it was just a dream and then played it off like it was nothing. But, boy, it was not nothing. I was as paranoid as the first time I ever smoked weed. Had Mike told him something? Was the dream just a front and he actually knew something? Had I been too careless? God, I was a mess inside for the rest of the evening. It isn’t massively relevant to the story, I just thought it was so fucking freaky! Luckily, James forgot about it and never really brought it up again. After this, though, I just stopped thinking about Mike altogether.

January came around and I was still out of work and not really putting in any effort to find anything. I was still doing my hobbies and classes and day drinking but it just doesn’t fill the hole properly; I was super-bored most days (little did I know, in about 3 months, I would be in lockdown). I was starting to really not enjoy life. It’s so easy to fall off of a path in life and just slip into the everyday mundane. Anyway, one day, probably in the middle of January, I got another text from Mike. My heart literally jumped with excitement and fear when I saw his name flick up on my phone. He was a much-needed distraction from my boring life. He had said that his laptop had completely died and asked if I was able to help. I don’t actually know a whole lot about computers. I replied saying I could definitely help. It was honestly harmless; I just wanted to chat with him, maybe have a smoke, and as a bonus, I could get my kicks off in the back of my mind. I ended up going round the next day. I told James I was going to pop round and see if I could fix his laptop. He did kind of give me a look but I acted like I didn’t see. The next morning I left for Mike’s before James had even left for work. I said I wanted to ‘get it out of the way’. I got to his at about 8 am and we went to the kitchen to make some coffee. I had a nice little excited buzz, I was really hoping we could smoke soon, too. We caught up a little bit and he took me to the lounge to look at his laptop. I pushed the power button and it wouldn’t turn on. That was the extent of my know-how. I picked it up and looked it over with a serious face, pretending to be looking for some sort of tell-tale sign of a problem. I put it back on the table and basically told him it was broken. He thought it was pretty funny, maybe he knew I was bullshitting, I don’t know. He said thanks for trying and suggested we have a smoke. Yes! I waited greedily as he rolled up a joint for us both. We lit up and began passing it back and forth, while we talked about random crap. It was interesting to learn a bit more about him, though. I knew he was in construction but I never knew exactly what he did. He told me he did contract jobs for months-long stretches, where he acts as a sort of manager, or something. He had done a few contracts in some amazing countries too. Like me, though, he esenler escort wasn’t working at the moment. He was due to take a contract in May, so was just passing time until then. I’m not sure how we got onto it, probably the weed, but we started to talk about his love life. I think I asked if he had ever been married and he said he never had the urge to. He asked if I was going to marry James and I told him I would if he asked me. He told me that he would like a relationship but because of his work, it had made it difficult. I suggested a few ways he could meet someone and he kind of half-heartedly agreed he would look into it. I told him that he could try online dating and he just told me he wasn’t great with computers. I said it was easier than ever to meet people now, which I think got his attention, as he asked how he could do it. I was kind of excited to help him out; I don’t know why but it turned me on. I told him that once he had a new laptop I would come back over and give him a hand. He seemed genuinely thankful, which made me happy. I didn’t stay for another joint and left not long after. James didn’t even ask about it when he got home from work that day, so I guess he was over his ‘nightmare’.

The next morning after James left for work I was lying in bed, scrolling on my phone, when a message pops up from Mike. Again, despite it being harmless to me, I was excited to hear from him. He said that he had bought a laptop and asked if I could come over that day. I could tell he was pretty keen to find a woman; it couldn’t have even been 9am and he had gone out and got a laptop already. I replied saying I would be right over. It was so nice to be excited to do something again. When I got to his we had our mid-morning coffees and he already had some joints rolled for us. We started smoking and we booted up his laptop. We had to wait half an hour or so before it finished setting itself up for the first time, then we got to work. I googled a few sites, showed him what they had to offer, and how he would use it. He asked loads of ‘old people’ questions, which I thought was kind of cute, but then again he was 60 I think. We joined a free site and we were going through his profile to set it up. We got to the question where it asks you what you’re looking for. He acted a bit weird and indecisive and I asked him what he wanted. He said he would like a relationship but what is the point if he is leaving in a few months. I said something about there being nothing to lose but he was still a bit hesitant. Finally, he said that, actually, maybe he was just looking for casual relationships for now, while he’s still working contracts. He had a sort of grin on his face and I laughed, I knew what he meant. He said sorry for wasting my time but I suggested other sites I knew, where people could just pretty much just meet for casual sex. He was much more into that idea. I was totally going with the flow and really enjoying trying to help him out. Like I said before, in a way I don’t quite understand, it turned me on. We set up his profile, uploaded a profile picture from his phone, and that was it. I showed him how to search for people and how to use the site. He laughed and said that I knew the site pretty well. I felt my cheeks getting hot and flushed and I said that I maybe had used it before I met James. He didn’t really dig any further, which I was kind of thankful about. We smoked another joint and ended up talking about James for a little while, which brought my mind back down to Earth. I left shortly after and got home feeling pretty hazy. I made myself a drink and lay down on my sofa. That’s when I had a really, really bad idea.

I took out my phone, went onto the dating site I had signed Mike up to, and made a profile. I longed to be naughty but I didn’t want to cross a line with Mike, so this was my way to get what I wanted. I made a profile and unknowingly tailored it to what I thought he would want. I uploaded a picture of my ass as my profile picture so that no one could recognise me. I was set. I found his profile almost instantly and clicked on it. There were a few sections about ‘interests’ that I had told him to fill in once I had gone. He had filled them in. Oh, God. My hand slipped straight into my knickers and I started rubbing my clit. He had listed BDSM, anal, watersports, dogging, pictures, videos…all sorts of naughty things. My mind was going wild but I wanted more. Once again in life, I found myself just utterly unable to resist my urges. I decided to message him on the profile. I wrote something casual and tried to not sound like me. I waited, and waited, and waited. No reply. I was so frustrated. I decided to browse through other men and just see what was out there. I carried on playing with myself as I looked at all these different men and women. Finally, he messaged back. I eagerly clicked on the message and he asked how I was and complimented my ass. I was giddy. I replied asking what he was looking for and thanked him for his compliment. I didn’t need to wait long for him to respond. He said he was looking for a younger woman to have rough sex with. I whipped off my leggings, spread my legs wide, and delved two fingers into my pussy. I finger fucked myself relentlessly thinking about what he had just said. After I calmed down a little, I went to reply with one hand. I told him I would love to meet an older guy who could fuck my brains out. There was literally no going back. I knew I wanted to fuck him. I felt bad about James but, in the moment, it just turned me on even more that I could eventually be riding his old uncle’s huge dick. We messaged back and forth a bit, telling each other what sort of things we liked. I told him what I wanted to do to him and he loved it. I also told him that sometimes I can squirt and he really loved that idea. Eventually, he said he had to go and that we would talk later. I was so wound up. I had edged myself the whole conversation and just wanted to explode. I don’t know how but I eventually calmed down and then James got home a couple of hours later. I went to bed early that night as I couldn’t really deal with the guilt while being around James. I wanted to be alone and think about Mike. I was lying in bed racking my brains, trying to figure out a way I could have sex with him, risk-free. I didn’t want to admit who I was on the sex dating site as I didn’t want him to think I was that twisted. At the same time, I am too nervous and shy a person to make the first move with a guy. I lay there thinking and then it came to me. I got out my phone and texted Mike. I didn’t say much, just ‘I was lying when I said I didn’t use the toy btw’. I had crossed some sort of line, there was no going back, for real now. I nervously waited for a reply. My heart was beating so fast. Suddenly my phone buzzed and I opened the message in a flash. He said he was surprised it could fit and he hoped I enjoyed it. God, that was just the kind of message I wanted. I had a strong urge to perform for him, I’ve no idea where it came from. I was going to be daringly bad. I got out of bed and crept towards our storage room. I quietly opened the door and closed it behind me; James was watching TV downstairs. I rummaged around until I found the well hidden box containing the dildo. I pulled it out and completely forgot how big it was. I made my way to our bathroom and quietly locked myself inside. I stripped off and looked around for something to use as lube. The only thing I could find was shampoo, so it had to do. I poured half the bottle onto this huge dildo and rubbed it all in. I usually get quite funny about germs and cleanliness and the bathroom floor makes me feel a bit sick, but I didn’t care. I just lay down on the floor, next to the toilet of all places, and started pushing this mega dildo into my pussy. It was hard to fit it in again but I was forceful and pushed hard. It suddenly slipped in and my force pushed it in deep. I gasped and grabbed my mouth, realising I may have been too loud. I regained my composure and pushed it in farther. When it was as far in as it could go there was less than an inch sticking out; I pulled out my phone and took a picture. God, it looked good. I slowly slid the dildo out of me, which felt great, and cleaned it up with a towel. I put my clothes back on, snuck out the bathroom, and hid the toy back in storage. I got back into bed and gleefully sent the picture to Mike. I was getting carried away with being a naughty slut and I was loving every second. He didn’t reply for a little while, I hoped because he was jacking off, but when he did I had already fallen asleep. The adrenaline had just run through me and I was exhausted.

The next day I woke up and James had already left for work. It’s weird because I always wake up when I hear him moving around in the morning. Either way, as soon as I came to I grabbed for my phone. I found his message waiting for me from the night before. He said that was seriously impressive and that I was a talented girl. I beamed a huge smile, so happy that I had impressed him. I replied saying ‘thank you’ and made a joke that I’d been training all my life for it. I sat in bed thinking about James for a minute. The guilt had come on once I started to wake up more. The more I thought about it, though, the more turned on I got. I wanted to be a dirty, cheating slut and to fuck his uncle. It was getting me wet. Mike replied, snapping me out of my trance, saying that he had found someone online who seems interested so hopefully his dick would get more action than his fake replica. I sunk into the bed, I was jealous that he had found someone else and wouldn’t be giving me attention. Then I realised, he was talking about my fake profile that I set up. I just wasn’t quite sure how to make any of this happen. It seems simple in hindsight, but in the moment it’s so difficult to think of what to say. As I was at a loss for words, I just replied with a sad face. Thank God for emojis, because apparently that was all it took. He asked if I’d like to come over.

My head was in overdrive. It was going to happen. It was finally going to happen. I replied saying i’d come over soon and I dashed out of bed towards the bathroom. I showered and shaved my legs and my pussy, I put on a slightly more revealing than usual top and a skirt, and I quickly did my make up and hair. I got to the car and started to drive to Mike’s. I was shaking with nerves. I didn’t know what to do or what to say but I was so excited about the whole situation that I didn’t care. I pulled up on the driveway and knocked on his door. I felt like such a dirty slut. He opened it and welcomed me in. We were walking to the kitchen when I suddenly started to feel really stupid, all dressed up, when he was just in some baggy tracksuits and a hoody. He put the kettle on and we just started chatting about stuff. It kind of felt weird, I had expected to get there and we just start fucking but it was just normal nice conversation. I was quite in my own head and clearly quieter than usual. He asked if I’d like a joint and I said ‘definitely’, maybe a little too eagerly. We sat down in the lounge and he started rolling. As he did, he said once again how impressed he was that I could take the whole toy. I shyly responded with ‘yeah’ because I had no clue what to say. I felt so immature compared to him and it just turned me quiet. He broke the awkward silence by saying that he may even be a bit bigger than the toy, as he was having an off day when he cast it. We both sort of laughed. It definitely felt awkward and I could tell that I was making it worse. He eventually lit the joint and we started toking on it. It did make me feel a little more at ease as I started to get high but I still felt incredibly shy. It was annoying me so much, I just wanted to jump on him. He complimented me on how I looked and asked if I was going anywhere nice afterward. I just shortly said ‘no’. He laughed.

“So, you dressed up for me then?”

I sort of smiled and shrugged.

“Well, if you’ve dressed up for me, let’s have a look then.” He said.

We were sitting next to each other on the sofa and he gently but firmly pushed his hand into my back to make me stand up. He took me by the hips and guided me so I was standing right in front of him, between his legs.

“Do a little twirl for me then.” He said.

I did as he said and I turned around slowly until I was facing him again. He told me I looked amazing.

He looked me straight in the eyes and just said, “Kneel.”

I was shaking with excitement, I could tell what was coming. I knelt on the floor in front of his open legs and looked at him. He didn’t say anything back, he just looked me in the eyes for the longest time. I started to think that maybe I was misjudging the situation because I was high. Without breaking eye contact with me he slid his tracksuit bottoms down a little and took hold of his semi-erect cock. I broke eye contact and looked at it. It was gorgeous! It definitely looked thicker than the toy and I was watching it get harder in front of my eyes. It got to about as hard as possible and I just marvelled at how magnificent it was. Thicker than my arm, definitely bigger than the dildo, veiny, hairy. I leant a little closer to get a better look.

“What would James think about this?” He asked, then he slapped me on each cheek with his big cock.

I could feel the weight of it hit my face, I loved it. And I wasn’t going to wait any longer. I ignored what Mike said, gripped his heavy dick, and guided it into my mouth. Oh, the feel of an oversize cock in your mouth is incredible! I slid my tongue all around the head in circles while I softly wanked him. I slid my tongue all the way down the side of his dick, from his tip to his balls. I started trying to throat him but it was impossible. I took in as much as my mouth could fit while stroking him faster. While I was desperately bobbing up and down on his cock, he pulled out his phone and started videoing me. I was not happy about it, I didn’t want any evidence of our affair, but I let him do it anyway. A part of me enjoyed doing things I didn’t want to do. It made me feel so degraded, which just made me soaking wet. He grabbed my hair and forcefully pushed me further down onto his cock, which made me start to gag. I tried to pull up but he wouldn’t let me. I just kept gagging. Just before I thought I was going to puke, he let me free. I pulled his cock out of my throat and gasped for air while I vigorously stroked him. I’ll never forget the first time sucking on that dick, it was fantastic. I felt like such a whore, on my knees on the floor blowing my boyfriend’s uncle. I spat at his cock and greedily consumed it with my mouth again. I rubbed his balls, stroked him, and sucked him for maybe half an hour. My jaw was in agony but I didn’t want to stop. I could tell I was getting him close, though. He stood up over me and I carried on slurping away and rubbing the length of his shaft. I felt him start to cum and soon he shot warm loads into the back of my throat. It felt so incredible to swallow pump after pump. He pulled out of my mouth and started shooting it all over me. It covered my face, my cleavage, hair, top, and a bit of my skirt. It was a huge fucking load. I started wiping cum off my face and sucking it off my fingers. He just stood there, watching me, as I lapped up all the cum I could find. Still looking a complete mess, he took my hand, stood me up, and guided me to the front door. He opened it and ushered me to leave.

“Come back tomorrow.” And that was it.

He shut the door behind me and I just stood there in disbelief. I walked to my car, the ultimate slut, and drove back home. I walked into my house, half covered in cum, and walked up to the bathroom. I started cleaning myself up when I began to cry. I’m not sure exactly where it came from but I cried loads. I felt crazy guilty about James, degraded by his uncle who just threw me out, and ashamed at how I had acted. James got home later on that day and I could barely look at him. We ate, watched some TV, and I went to bed early again. I half cried myself to sleep. The next morning I woke up to James getting ready for work. I stayed under the covers feeling awful. He kissed me goodbye and left. I lay there feeling like the worst person alive. I eventually got up and started with my day, leaving my phone in the bedroom. I was just sort of walking around like a zombie, full of regret. That’s the way it is with me, though. I’ll do something incredibly naughty and then punish myself about it with guilt. It got to about midday and I’d finished doing some cleaning to take my mind off things. I went into the bedroom and thought I’d check my phone. I knew Mike had wanted me to go round that day and I had always come over early before. So I was nervous about what he may have said. Well, he didn’t say anything. He had sent me the video he recorded. I just stared at the thumbnail of the video: an image of me with his dick in my mouth. I felt horrified. What had I done? I angrily threw my phone into my pillows and stormed off to make some lunch. I sat at our breakfast table, staring into the distance, occasionally taking bites of my sandwich. I was half done when I came out of my guilt-ridden trance. I put my sandwich down and took out my phone. I deleted the account I made on the sex dating site, deleted Mike’s number, and was about to delete our conversation history. But I was still, despite all my shame, curious how the video looked. I clicked on it. I watched as I furiously sucked on Mike’s cock. I looked good, his dick looked good, and his dick in my mouth looked good. It was a shame the video ended before he came all over me, I remember thinking. I was also so confused and conflicted. I played the video again. It looked damned good and I was starting to get wet. I remember trying to make deals with myself, like, maybe I can fuck him just once to get it out of my system. But then I’d think that I would end up wanting to fuck him more than once. Then I’d remember James. It was a vicious little circle my mind was in. As I still had Mike’s number from our previous conversations, I decided to reply to him. I told him I felt really guilty and wrong for what happened, and that nothing else should happen. I wasn’t fully sure about the decision but I thought it would be the best thing to do. He ended up replying saying the same sort of thing. He said he felt really bad about what happened and he got caught up with things. We both sort of apologised to each other and we left it at that. For the rest of the day I definitely felt a bit better about myself. I also decided that I wanted to get rid of the dildo and just leave everything in the past. I didn’t want to risk throwing it in our bins so I messaged Mike again and asked if I could give it to him, rather than tossing it out. He said he had no need for it but that it was fine and he could just throw it away for me. I had decided I was going to be mature, do the right thing, and just focus on my relationship with James. I was a bit nervous about dropping the toy off at Mike’s but I decided I would just give it to him on the doorstep and leave. I still had plenty of time before James got home so I bagged up the dildo and drove to Mike’s. I pulled up, got out, and knocked on the door. He opened and sort of half-smiled at me. He invited me in but I said I had to get back. He told me not to worry and just come in for a quick coffee. I wasn’t confident enough to say ‘no’, so I went in. We walked to the kitchen and he put the kettle on. I put the bag down on the counter and awkwardly stood there saying nothing. Halfway through making the coffee he turned to me and apologised again. I said that it was okay and that I was sorry too. I started waffling a bit and began to break down in tears. I was sobbing into my hand in complete silence in the kitchen, it was so horrible. Eventually Mike came up to me to give me a hug. I didn’t hug him back, I just cried into his chest. I blurted out that I loved James so much and that opened the flood gates, I started crying hard. He kept hugging me and I just stood there, head on his chest, crying into my hand. He took my hand away from my eyes and brought it to my side, continuing to hold it. I cried a little bit longer but started to cry a little less hard. I didn’t really figure out what was happening until it happened, and it happened so fast, but Mike gently guided my hand towards him and then slipped it into his tracksuit bottoms and into his boxers. I was still crying as my hand gripped his semi-erect cock. I didn’t know what I was doing, I was a mess. I just continued crying into his chest as I began to stroke him. He shimmied off his tracksuits and boxers so I had better access to him. He was basically hard by now and I was easily stroking the whole length of his shaft. The crying cooled off a bit but I was still making muffled cry noises occasionally. I felt Mike’s hand push my head downwards and I fell to my knees. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head towards his crotch. He took hold of his now rock-hard cock and rubbed it all over my eyes and cheeks, wiping off the tears. Then he forced it into my mouth. He held the back of my head and pushed down hard until I was gagging once again. He eased up and let me go to work. I stroked him with both hands while I sucked away. He stood there moaning.

“Do you love James?” I suddenly head him say.

Oh, God! It was so kinky. I pulled his dick out of my mouth, continued stroking him faster, and looked up at him.

“Yes, I love James.”

I stuck his thick cock back into my mouth and carried on sucking. He started thrusting into my throat.

“How much do you love James?” he asked me.

Again, I carried on wanking him as I pulled his dick out of my throat.

“I love him so fucking much.” I said, then continued to blow him.

I was loving being a dirty little cock whore again. The cheating felt so intensely good as Mike was making it so naughty. After some time, he beckoned for me to stand up and I complied. He told me to take my clothes off, so I did. Wow, it felt amazing being butt naked in his house. He picked me up, walked us into the lounge, and threw me onto the sofa. I gained my composure and got onto my back, spreading my legs wide for him. He quickly mounted me and guided his cock into my pussy. He pushed in slow, thankfully, because he was big as fuck. I let out a loud ecstatic scream and wrapped my arms and legs around him, pulling him deeper into me. I continued to scream until I felt his balls against my ass. My eyes rolled into the back of my head and I clawed my nails into his back. He slowly pulled all the way out, then pushed slowly all the way back in. I must have had a look of pure shock on my face the whole time. I couldn’t believe how big he was, I could feel him stretching me to the limit. This was unlike any dick I had felt before. He started picking up the tempo, thrusting into me harder each time. He built up so much speed and strength in his thrusts that I thought I was going to slide in between the cushions. Eventually, the sofa started tilting when he fucked into me. God, I can’t explain how amazing it felt. I could not take it any more. I screamed for him to pull out and I gushed all over his dick, chest, and sofa. He went straight back to fucking me hard. God, I was being truly fucking pounded. He grabbed my throat and squeezed as he fucked me, using his grip on my neck to force me onto his cock harder. The neighbours definitely heard. I was screaming, but at different intensities, the whole time. I’ve never had that before. I was loving being his fuck toy and I just wanted to please him. I can’t remember how long he drilled away at me for, just that eventually he sat down and pulled me on top of him. I lowered onto his dick and slowly pushed it deep into me. Every time it was inside me I just couldn’t get used to how big he felt. I carried on sliding down it until I couldn’t go any farther. Then I started to ride him. I bucked up and down feverishly and continued moaning like a loud whore. He was sucking my boobs and his huge hands had hold of my thick ass, slamming me into each thrust. In no time at all I lifted off his dick and squirted all over him, it was ridiculous how much. I slipped his cock back into me and carried on riding him. We fucked for so long! To this day, I could not even tell you how long, my mind disconnected from time. We changed positions a few times and I remember ending up on the floor being slammed from behind. Despite the length of our session, I was amazed at how big he still felt inside of me. There is nothing like being stretched out by a thick dick. After who knows how long, I heard him start to moan louder and knew he was going to cum. I shouted for him to get his phone. He told me when he was ready and I slid off him, turning around on my knees. He stood up, phone pointing down at me, and stroked his dick fast. Seconds later he was shooting big, hot loads all over my face. His aim was everywhere but I did my best to get as much as I could in my mouth. As his loads became less, I grabbed hold of his shaft and started sucking, swallowing the rest of what his balls had to offer. He moaned so loudly as he finished emptying into me. It was hot. He pulled his dick out my mouth and collapsed onto the sofa. He didn’t say anything, he just sat there breathing heavily, recovering. I wasn’t really sure what to do, so I stood up and skipped upstairs to the bathroom. I started cleaning up my face in the sink and rinsing out my hair. Once I’d got mostly clean I walked back downstairs and sat next to him on the sofa. He was still a little worn out but I didn’t blame him. I rested into the sofa, staring up at the ceiling. My body felt so sore in so many places. All I could do was think about the fucking I just received.

I didn’t mean for it to happen but I suddenly said “That was the best sex I’ve ever had.”

He turned to me, looked at my naked body, and reciprocated the sentiment. We sat, mostly in silence, slowly recovering for a little while. A small while later he leans forward and starts to roll a joint. He lights it up and we start to pass it to each other. We still weren’t really talking but towards the end of the joint he brought it up. He said what we had done was totally wrong. He didn’t apologise but just told me that we were both total assholes for what we were doing. I casually agreed with him, as if we were just talking about the news over coffee or something. I did start to think about James. It’s such a hard process to go through; loving someone so much but loving to cheat on them too. I mulled it over for a little while and then turned to Mike.

“Can you send me the video?” I asked him.

He chuckled, picked up his phone, and sent me our dirty video.

“I’m glad I got a video of your facial, I stopped recording before I could last time.” He said.

“I was thinking the same thing.” I replied, matter-of-factly.

After şişli escort some more silence he looked at me again.

“We both betrayed James so much, Elisa. It was a horrible thing to do. I feel terrible and I know you feel guilty about it too.” He paused for a few seconds. ‘But I don’t want to stop. I haven’t had sex in so many years, and you’re so young and sexy, and I enjoy being bad with you.”

I didn’t know how to reply. Even though he had taken every inch of me, I was still quite shy and quiet around him. I always feel awkward and never know how to properly handle things.

“It was incredible, Mike, but I do feel awful and I don’t want to get caught. It would ruin everything I have with James.” I paused for ages, thinking. “But it was really hot cheating on him with his uncle, do you know what I mean? I feel terrible for saying that but, yeah, I’d like to carry on, if you’d like?”

After the session I just had, I decided I could deal with the shame and the guilt. It felt good to be a slut for Mike and I was loving the thrill of cheating. He enthusiastically agreed that he wanted to continue as well. Eventually, we both got dressed and I told him I had to get back. He said he would see me very soon and waved at me from the front door as I drove away. I remember thinking that it was nice that he didn’t kick me out this time, when I looked at the clock in my car. Fuck! I had completed lost track of time and James would already have been home for about an hour. I never just leave the house and not tell him I won’t be home when he gets back. I was panicking. I struggled to think of a cover story. The problem was that I looked like shit; I had wet hair from washing out the cum and my mascara had smudged all over the place. I drove a bit slower and came up with a story that I had gone out to do some shopping and some guy in a car drove through a puddle and soaked my face. I was very close to home and my racing mind could only come up with that. I walked to the front door and adopted my fake mood before going inside. The first thing I heard was James.

“Hey, baby. Where have you been?” Shortly after following with, “Oh my God, you look awful, what happened?”

I could barely look at him. I kept myself busy by drying my hair off with a towel as I told him a load of lies. I felt like every word out of my mouth was an obvious lie and that he would figure it out. Somehow, though, he bought my story. He came up to me and gave me a cuddle to comfort me. He was being so sweet; I just closed my eyes in hateful shame and hugged into him. He pulled away slightly.

“You smell of weed.”

Fuck! I hadn’t even thought about the fact that I would be stinking of weed. I was clearly quiet for a second too long as he followed up.

“Have you been at Mike’s?”

I froze for a microsecond but it felt like an eternity. Somehow, a load of words just fell out my brain through my mouth.

“No, baby. I…I did have a smoke, though. Mike gave me some weed at Christmas and I didn’t tell you. I’m so sorry. I just know you don’t like it and I didn’t want to upset you. I had a joint today after the whole being splashed thing.”

He sceptically replied saying that he was annoyed that I didn’t tell him and he was pretty pissed I was still smoking weed. But he said because I’d had a lousy afternoon he understood. He kissed me on the forehead and went into the kitchen to start making some dinner. I cautiously walked upstairs, holding my breath, so glad that I had just managed to wing it. I was so fucking lucky, it could have all ended right there. I went into the bathroom and had a steaming hot shower. I could feel aches all over my body. I remember smiling to myself about how naughty it felt to cheat and get away with it. At the end of the evening, once James was asleep, I rolled over and played the video of me taking Mike’s huge cumshots. I bit my lip and thought about that day over and over, until I fell asleep.

The next day I felt like a giddy schoolgirl. James was home that day but I snuck off whenever I could to text Mike. We didn’t text about much; we reminisced a bit about the day before and then just chatted about crap. My body was doing some serious recovering that day. I had some bruises, my legs were killing me, and my throat was sore from screaming so much. It was nice to just relax all day, hang out with James, and have my secret conversation with Mike. I went through ebbs and flows of guilt but I kept reminding myself how fun this all was. Finally I had some proper excitement in my life again. The next day James was home all day again. We had a relaxing Sunday. Mike messaged me at some point that day asking if I would like to come round on Monday morning, after James had left for work. I happily agreed and waited for my Sunday to end. The morning came and no sooner than James had left I was in the car driving to Mike’s. We ended up in the kitchen again and had our routine morning coffee over a talk. With our drinks finished, Mike suggested we have a couple of joints in bed. I told him that sounded great but I had to shower after as James smelt weed on me before. I caught him up about it as we walked upstairs to his bedroom. As we were talking he just started casually undressing, so I followed suit. Once we were naked we crawled into his bed and he started rolling up some joints. He told me that we needed to be more careful otherwise James would find out and I agreed. We smoked both joints over about an hour and carried talking for ages afterward. It wasn’t anything sexual, just normal talk. I was kind of getting impatient as I had been dreaming about his cock for two days. Finally, he made a move by stroking my leg as we talked, which eventually turned into him rubbing my pussy softly. He had such large, manly hands and it felt so nice to have them against my clit. He was definitely being more tender with me today. As I sat there, watching him play with me, he slid in between my legs and aligned his face with my pussy. His tough stubble grinded against me as his tongue lapped away. He was slow and intentional. I lay there, softly moaning, for maybe an hour. He was purposely edging me the whole time and I was starting to crack under the pressure. As he was about to make me cum, he pulled away from between my legs and lay down next to me. He had a big cheeky grin on his face. I play-punched his arm and called him a fucker. I wanted to tease him now. I positioned myself in between his legs and took his half hard dick into my hands. I gently squeezed as I began stroking him up and down. I looked up at him with innocent eyes as I slid my tongue from the base of his shaft to the top. I licked all over his cock but didn’t put it in my mouth. I could see his frustration and I loved it. Before long he admitted defeat and begged me to suck him. I smiled and playfully bit his dick, then lunged it into my mouth. I slurped up and down on it, trying to swallow as much of him as I could. I loved that I could barely fit him inside my mouth. I carried on for a while longer until he signalled for me to lay next to him. I moved up the bed and he turned me onto my side, facing away from him. He took my leg and lifted it up into the air as he positioned himself into my pussy. My eyes began rolling again as he began to fill me up, inch by inch, and my mouth hung open. He slowly slid out a bit and then slowly slid back in. I was moaning softly as he gently fucked me. It was a much more intimate feeling than before. I turned my head over my shoulder towards him.

“James’s dick always falls out in this position.” I said in between moans.

He moved in close and kissed me. It was the first time. He passionately explored my mouth with his tongue as he continued his slow thrusts into me. It was a whole different experience. It was as if he was my boyfriend. We carried on in that position for a long while, kissing most of the time. Suddenly, I shook out of my gentle ecstasy. My phone was buzzing. Mike noticed me jerk my head towards it. He stopped fucking me, leaving his thick cock inside of me, as he reached over me and grabbed it from the side table. We both looked at it. It was James. I looked back at Mike and he mouthed ‘fuck’. I felt so naughty already. I told him to ‘shh’ and I answered the call.

Just as James said, “Babe, where are you?” Mike continued fucking me slowly.

I spun my head around, bit my lip, and gave Mike a naughty little smile.

“Umm…oh….umm, I’m just at home.” I replied to James.

Every time I paused between words, Mike’s big dick was hitting a deep spot.

“What?” he asked, abruptly.

The thick, long dick sliding in and out of me was so distracting, I took a second to respond.

“Err…yeah…just having a coffee babe.”

He was silent for a few seconds but I barely noticed.

“Well I’m at home and you’re not here.” he said sternly.

My heart almost stopped. How could I have been so stupid? I should have said I was out. I motioned for Mike to stop but he just carried on his steady pace.

“Umm…yeah…sorry….I’m…err, I’m actually out.” was the best worst answer I could muster.

“Elisa, what is going on?” he said with concern.

I could tell he was worried about what I was doing. I didn’t know what to say, I had nothing. Mike could clearly hear our conversation, as he softly whispered ‘job interview’ as he carried on sliding all the way into me. My eyes started rolling into my head.

“I…I was at an interview.”

He responded saying something like, ‘why didn’t I just say that.’ My pussy was on fire with pleasure so every answer took a second longer to come out of my mouth.

“I was…umm…I was just nervous I wouldn’t…that I wouldnt get it. Didn’t want to get my…my hopes up by telling you.”

I tightly covered my mouth and swung my head back, as I could barely keep the moans in. He responded saying something about telling him about it later and asked when I was coming home. I told him ‘soon’, told him I loved him (which felt so naughty as Mike was currently deep within me), and hung up the phone after he said he loved me too.

“That was really hot.” Mike said.

I agreed with him that it was as I gently pushed my curvy ass into each of his thrusts.

“Do you want to do it again?” he asked.

“What, like now?” I replied.

He didn’t reply but I was definitely down for doing it. I picked up my phone again and started to dial James. Mike pulled out of me, lay me onto my back and spread my legs. The sight of him lining up his massive dick into my pussy was incredible, it still had me shook that I was taking so much. He buried his cock all the way into me and started his gentle rhythm again. I continued to dial James and started calling. I had no clue what I was going to say. I wrapped my legs around Mike and helped him push into me with each stroke, as I waited for James to answer. He answered and asked what was up. I held the phone to my chest while I was moaning as quietly as I could but still pretty uncontrollably. I started to gain my senses back.

“Hi……babe. You okay?” I asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Why you calling? What’s up?” He replied.

“Oh…I…umm, I wanted to know if…if you wanted anything…from the shop?”

He swiftly replied that he didn’t need anything and that he would see me when I got home. I could tell he was going to hang up but I didn’t want the naughtiness to end.

“Wait.” I said, then paused for a few seconds as I covered my mouth to muffle a louder moan.

“What is it?” he asked.

“I just…wanted to say that I love you…so much baby.” I blurted out.

“I love you too, ‘lisa, you sure everything is okay?” he responded.

“Yeah…of course.” I muffled another moan. “Just wanted to…to tell you how much you…you mean to me.”

He said something that I completely ignored the lasts words I could make out were ‘see you when you’re home’. He hung up and I threw the phone to the floor.

“You really do love him, don’t you? You slut.” Mike said.

I ignored him. “Fuck me harder!” I begged.

Mike picked up his pace and started throwing his body weight into each thrust. It felt so amazing every time he hit as deep into me as he could. He leant down and started to kiss me and I flung my arms around him. He pounded away at me and I could feel he was getting close. I have no idea where it came from but I broke off our kiss and leaned into his ear.

“Fill me up, uncle.” I whispered.

It really drove him over the edge. He moaned loudly and before long I could feel my pussy being filled up with warm cum. I was getting addicted to his cum. He did a few powerful final strokes as he shot the last of his load into me. He collapsed on top of me, dick still stretching me out, and I pulled him in tight with my legs, which were still wrapped around him. We stayed there until he started to go soft and he pulled out and rolled over. I waited a few minutes to catch my wind, then got up and went into the bathroom, holding the cum inside me with my hand. I sat on the toilet and peed, feeling all of his cum slide out of me. God, that was a naughty fuck, I remember thinking. I stood up, flushed, and Mike walked in. I asked him if I could use the shower and he told me to make myself at home. I stepped into his open shower and ran the water. I turned around and he started to piss into the toilet. I glared at his semi-soft cock and the sight of him pissing sent a shiver up my neck. As I started to wash myself clean, I remembered that his profile said he was into watersports and that I had found pissing porn on his computer that one time. It really started to turn me on. I looked up at the shower head and closed my eyes, imagining that Mike was spraying his hot piss all over me. It was definitely a dirty thought, and I’m a bit of a germophobe, but that somehow made it better. Mike left and I finished up in the shower and returned to his room. I put my clothes back on and said that I should get back to James. We ended up at the front door and he said goodbye to me, and that he hoped he would see me again soon. He leant down and kissed me and I said he would. On the drive back home I once again went over a cover story. I felt so guilty thinking up a lie but by now it was just fuel for my fantasies. As it turned out, it was easy lying to James. I confidently told him about some made up job and he bought my lie. He had never come home early before, so I was a bit suspicious (and angry) that he was checking up on me but his reason for coming home early seemed plausible.

The next few days we didn’t meet. Mike told me he had some work to do on his house. It sucked that I couldn’t go over every day but the waiting just got me more excited to see him. All I could think about was pleasing him, however he wanted, and being filled up with his dick again. I was at home, maybe four days since I had seen Mike, waiting for James to get back from work any minute. I heard the key turning in the door so I went to greet him. As the door opened I see Mike standing there. My mind skips over the fact he had a key.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” I loudly whispered with a look of sheer panic on my face.

He didn’t answer but seconds later James walks in behind him. I was full of anxiety as I felt like I was somehow about to be outed. Before I could say anything, James told me that Mike would be staying for two nights as he has had a leak from the ceiling into his bedroom. I composed myself and greeted Mike, awkwardly. Having them both in the same room was messing with my head. I felt like I was going to get caught. They came in, settled, and we all had a beer in the kitchen. James and Mike were chatting about the damage to his house while I sort of third-wheeled it. After James finished his beer he said he was going upstairs to shower and change and we would order take out when he was done. He walked upstairs and I rushed over to Mike.

“Why are you here?” I demanded. “Is there really water damage at your house?”

“Elisa, relax. Yeah, I made a mistake with the plumbing and I had water leaking everywhere. Ive got some guys coming in to fix it while I stay here.”

He stepped closer towards me and leaned in to kiss me. I pulled away from him and looked towards the stairs.

“Mike, no.” I whispered. “It’s too risky.”

A few seconds later we both heard the shower turn on.

“It’s fine, see, he’s in the shower. We have some time.” he said.

He leaned in again and I hesitantly kissed him. It did feel sort of good but I was so conscious that James was in the house, so it kind of ruined it. I quickly pulled away and grabbed some take away menus from on top of our microwave. I started leafing through, ignoring what Mike had said. He walked over to me and softly asked what the problem was. I told him that I felt really uncomfortable doing stuff with James in the house, that it felt like it was crossing a line. I told him we couldn’t do anything while he was staying. Mike didn’t put up an argument, he nodded at me and picked up one of the take away menus. James eventually came downstairs and we ordered some food. I was on edge the whole time we were eating. At times, I felt like I was looking at Mike too much. Then I would feel like I wasn’t looking at him enough. Everything I did felt as if I was just oozing guilt. We had a few more beers and everyone decided to turn in for the night. I was lying in bed, thinking all sorts of things. I obviously wanted to have sex with him but it was just way too risky. I couldn’t do it. I ended up falling asleep.

I woke up with no idea what time it was but I could tell it was very late. There was a soft glow coming from my phone on the bedside table. Adrenaline woke me up quickly; I turned over slowly, expecting to see James looking at me. He was still asleep. I turned back, moving as slow as I could. The light from the phone faded away and the room went black. I lay there thinking that it must have been Mike that messaged me, no one else would this late. I wasn’t even going to look at his message, though, as I was too afraid of waking James up. I stared into the blackness for a little while, just listening to the silence. My phone lit up the room again. It was only a soft glow but it was enough light to cause me acute paranoia. I waited until the light faded once again and the room fell to blackness. I was curious to see what he wanted but I knew what he would be saying. I decided to close my eyes and just try to get back to sleep. Seconds later I could tell the room had lit up again. I opened my eyes and angrily looked at my phone. I was annoyed that he was being so reckless. I waited for the light to fade, then slowly reached out and picked up my phone. I unlocked it and immediately turned the screen brightness all the way down. I swiped down and saw that I had maybe 15 notifications from Facebook. One of my friends had posted a status or something and a bunch of people were replying to it. Nothing from Mike. I locked my phone and put it back on the side table. I was kind of gutted. Even though I was planning to say no to Mike, I clearly wanted him to ask me. I decided it was probably for the best that he hadn’t messaged me and I ended up drifting back to sleep.

The next day was Friday, James had work and me and Mike would be alone together all day. I was firm on not doing anything with him, though, as James had come home early not long ago. I felt like, if I was ever going to get caught, it would be if I did something stupid in our house. So I was ready for Mike’s advances. Don’t get me wrong, I was aching for it, but the risk was too great. Once James had left, I waited for Mike to get up before me. I heard him making a drink downstairs and I decided to get up and shower. I finished up, dried off, and got dressed. I came downstairs to find him watching the news and drinking a coffee. We both said good morning as I fixed myself a drink. I came and sat next to him and we started talking about what was on TV. It was about Covid. We had both heard bits and pieces about it on the news before but we weren’t at the point where it became apparent it was a big problem. We basically both dismissed it as just another news story about another virus. We sat, mostly in silence, watching the rest of the mornings news stories. Mike eventually asked what I was going to do today. I told him I was probably just going to do some chores around the house. I think he was fishing but he seemed to get the point and said he was going to go out and buy some paint and things for when he could go back to his house. I was relieved. I didn’t have to worry about having confrontation with him and I wouldn’t have him around as temptation. It wasn’t long before Mike had left and I began doing washing, cleaning, and other random chores. He was in the back of my mind the whole time, though. A few hours after he had left, Mike got back. We had a bit of a late lunch and talked about the decorating he would have to do. It was all very casual and nice, until Mike joked that we probably just broke the house during our session. I immediately tensed up and he noticed. He apologised and said that he wouldn’t bring it up again while we were in my house. I apologised to him and reiterated that it was just because I was too scared of being caught. We swiftly changed topic and decided to start preparing dinner for tonight. We talked some more and had quite a nice laugh, actually. James got home at his usual time and we all ate together. I was much more at ease after spending hours with Mike doing normal, every day things. We all watched some TV together for a while until James said he was going to go and shower and head to bed. Mike agreed that he would turn in, too. It wasn’t that late so I decided to stay up and watch some of my shows. I started to think about how respectful Mike had been that day. It had sort of been bugging me. I was happy that he had kept his distance but I wanted him to want to break the rules for me. I held on to a small hope that he still may message me and order me to come up to his room. It got to about 12 pm and I still hadn’t received a message from him. Every time my phone lit up from some email or notification, I would excitedly grab it, only to be disappointed each time. My hope started to fade away as I realised he was going to respect my wishes. I was pissed and frustrated. I slipped my hand into my panties and started to relieve myself. The more turned on I got, the more I realised that my fingers just weren’t enough. I don’t know about you but I get to the point of horniness where anything seems like it is worth the risk. I wanted him. And every time I told myself it was too risky, my mind would think that the risk would make it even more exciting. I went round in this circle until I just thought, to hell with the consequences. I slipped off my leggings and panties and spread my legs. I got my phone, took a picture of me playing with my clit, and sent it to Mike. I heard his phone vibrate from upstairs. I eagerly awaited the sound of him leaving his room but it never came. I remember thinking that maybe he was still being polite and wouldn’t indulge me. But as he hadn’t replied saying anything, I realised he must be asleep. I was pissed again. How could he have fallen asleep when he could have been fucking me? I moodily pulled on my leggings and sulked into the sofa, calling him an asshole under my breath. He was leaving the next day and James was off work, so I had missed my chance to have extra naughty sex. I told myself off for turning Mike down when he first came over, I could have been fucking him for two days. I ended up falling asleep on the sofa and woke up a couple of hours later. I was half asleep and decided to head up to bed, as leather sofas are horrible to sleep on. As I slowly dragged myself up the stairs I looked at my phone. No messages. I looked away in a tired grump and walked down the hallway. I got to the door of my bedroom and took hold of the handle. I stopped still and looked over to the door opposite, Mike’s room. In my half asleep state, I remember thinking, why don’t I just go into his room? Being so tired, my mind had no objections whatsoever. I quietly moved away from me and James’ bedroom door and approached Mike’s. I started to get a little nervous but it was exciting. I listened for any sign of movement…nothing. As I turned the handle slowly I remember thinking, what are you doing?! James is right next door! The door creaked the tiniest bit and I froze, looking back at my bedroom door. It hadn’t seemed to have stirred James so I slowly opened the door to Mike’s room, crept in, and quietly closed the door behind me. It closed a little harder than I had intended and the noise echoed throughout the house. I stood completely still, listening for anything. I waited for maybe a couple of minutes but I didn’t hear anything. I turned to face where the bed was but it was pitch black. I hesitated, not wanting to startle Mike by getting into bed clumsily in the dark. I decided I may as well just go for it as it was pointless standing still in the dark. My heart was beating so fast. I felt increasingly naughtier knowing that James was sleeping just across the hall, maybe 20 feet away. I slowly and quietly slid my clothes onto the floor and moved onto the bed. I found the duvet cover and pulled it over my whole body. I slowly moved towards the middle of the bed until I felt Mike’s leg. He hadn’t woken up or at least was pretending to be asleep. I reached out with my hand, trying to find his cock. I found it and gently ran my hand over it. I took hold of it and squeezed it a little. Even soft, that man was so thick in my hand. It was already bigger than James’s fully erect dick. I slowly stroked it and began to feel him moving. I didn’t want any objections to what I was doing so I aimed it at my mouth and took him into me. Wow. I had forgotten how big he felt in my mouth. It was like sucking some giant animals dick. I stroked and sucked as quietly as I dared until Mike woke up.

“Elisa?” he half asked.

I didn’t respond and carried on slobbering on his cock and stroking his shaft. My silence was good enough an answer for him and he placed a hand on the top of my head, pushing his dick deeper into my throat. He was fully hard now and it drove me wild. I could only manage another few minutes of blowing him, I wanted him inside me. I crawled on top of him and straddled his dick. I felt him reach down, aim into me, and push. His head slid into my soaking pussy and I almost let out a moan. After catching myself, I slowly pushed down onto him. I carried going until I could feel that I was completely full with his dick. Nothing else mattered. It was such an intense pleasure that everything just left my mind. I started slowly riding him, pausing every time I heard the bed creak. I leaned into him and he roughly grabbed my boobs. squashed them together, and began sucking and softly bakırköy escort biting on my nipples. I was in pure ecstasy. It didn’t take long before I felt an intense pressure inside me, so I quickly pulled off of his dick and gushed all over it. The squirting was so loud in the surrounding silence but I didn’t care. I sat back onto him and continued to ride. I went so slowly and his thrusts were slow too, but powerful. We were trying our hardest not to get carried away but the tempo just naturally picked up. It wasn’t crazy but my ass was slapping loudly against him every time I bounced down, and the bed was creaking occasionally. When you’re in the heat of he moment it doesn’t feel like you’re being loud, but we probably were. I was managing to keep my moans to a soft whimper at best, but there were times when I couldn’t help but moan out in delight. No screaming, though. Which kind of sucked, I love to scream loudly. I wanted to scream my lungs out but I knew it would mean the relationship would be over instantly. Although, the thought of James walking in, turning on the lights, and seeing me riding his uncle’s enormous cock really got me going. I came over the thought of it and probably made a bit more noise than I should have done, nothing mental, though. Exhausted, I slid off him and lay on my back. Mike got to his knees, took hold of my ankles, and spread my legs wide. I took hold of his cock and guided it into me. He slid all the way in and kissed me. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and kissed him back passionately. He began pumping into me with as much ferocity as he could, without holding back, and without breaking our kiss He just stopped giving a fuck. He slammed his dick into me so hard and fast that the bed was making crazy loud noises. If someone was standing outside the room, it would have sounded like two fully grown adults were jumping on the bed like a trampoline. It was such a turn on. We were being so wild and carefree. I started to moan a little too loud so Mike broke off our kiss and held his large hand over my mouth. He leant all his weight into his hand and used it as leverage to fuck me harder. It kind of hurt, with the amount of force he was applying to my head, but I loved it. I remember I kept making myself think about how James would definitely have been able to hear us if he was awake. It made the thrill so intense. It wasn’t long before Mike slowed down and came to his senses that we were being too careless. He pulled out of me, flipped me over, and pulled me onto my knees. He spread my ass cheeks with his big hands and slid into my pussy. He was still managing to stretch me and he hit so deep in doggy-style. He began a slow rhythm of pulling his dick all the way out of me and then pushing all the way back in. I’ve no idea how long it went on for but I eventually reached my hand around and guided his hand towards my ass. He got the message, stuck his thumb in his mouth, then slipped it into my ass. God, the feeling of his hard cock thrusting into me, his balls slapping against my clit, and his thumb toying my ass was the best feeling ever. I came in seconds and moaned loudly into the pillows, muffling my pleasure. I was so weak and went slightly limp, barely able to maintain being on my knees. He kept slowly fucking me for ages. I was in so much heaven.

I didn’t want it to end but I stupidly moaned softly, “Fill me up, uncle Mike”.

Just like before, it pushed him over the edge. He moaned and started shooting all of his cum deep into me. I writhed on him as I felt shot after shot. Eventually we both collapsed on the bed and lay there, heavily panting. I had such an afterglow. I felt like I was in Nirvana. James had only ever made me cum by using his tongue and it was an average orgasm usually. But the orgasms Mike gave me, just by fucking me, were out of this world. As we lay there, the silence started to kick in. It was deafening. All I could hear was how fucking quiet it was. I kept thinking back to the loud noises we had just been making and realised that it must have been way too loud. I felt like James would definitely be sitting in bed awake right at that moment, waiting to dump my ass as soon as I walked into the bedroom. I was freaked about it so I decided I wasn’t going to go back into my bedroom, if there were consequences to face I would deal with them the next day. I eventually put my panties, top, and leggings back on and left Mike breathing hard on the bed without a word. I slowly opened the door, walked through, and closed it behind me. As I walked down the hallway to the stairs I cringed at how quiet it was and how loud it must have sounded from here. I got downstairs and lay back down on the sofa, my show still playing on repeat. I left the TV on and pulled a blanket over me and, once my head stopped racing from the great sex I just had, I managed to fall asleep.

I jerked awake in the morning as James gently shook my shoulder. It took a couple of seconds for me to make sense of the world, then I saw him holding a cup of coffee out for me. I slowly reached out and took it, thanking him. He said that I must have fallen asleep on the sofa while watching my show as it was still playing when he came downstairs. All at once I remembered how loud I had been. It hit me like a brick to the face.

I don’t know where it came from but I just blurted out, “Yeah, I didn’t sleep well down here. How, umm, how did you sleep?”

My heart felt like it was waiting for his answer before it would beat again. He said that he slept great.

“Yeah?” I asked, taking a sip of my coffee.

“Yeah.” He said. “I was exhausted after work yesterday. So, what do you fancy doing today?”

He hadn’t heard. I was in the clear. God, I felt so elated in that moment. I over eagerly told him I didn’t mind what we did and he could decide. He began talking about what he wanted to do but I basically couldn’t hear him, I was just so relieved that I had gotten away with it. Something about it was so empowering. Not long passed and I could hear Mike getting up. He came downstairs, with the bedsheets I had soaked the night before, and popped them in the washing machine. James actually thanked him for it! We all had a chat in the kitchen. It was so normal, so casual, like me and Mike hadn’t just been fucking each other like animals upstairs the night before. It felt strange, a little scary, but incredibly sexy and bad. Mike ended up staying until about midday and then left once the builders had finished the work on his house. And that was the end of Mike’s stay. It was probably the best sex I’ve had in my whole life.

So, weeks and weeks go by and some things change and some things don’t. Me and Mike still met up, sometimes once a week, sometimes five days a week. I got regular fantastic sex. That whole time we didn’t even try anything new, sexually. What we were doing was definitely good enough as it was. But then everything went to absolute shit. Covid lockdown came into effect and James had to stop going to work. It became basically impossible to see Mike. I had no job, nowhere I could pretend to be, and no way of sneaking a meet with him. I was stuck at home with James for weeks. I love James and we do have fun together but I was missing mind blowing sex. I think if I’m being honest with myself, at that point it was more of an addiction. I’ve had it with a few things in my life: alcohol for a while, drugs, partying, but never sex. It was literally all I could think about; everything else in my life took a back seat. Most of my days were spent texting Mike or at least waiting until it was safe to text him. I know its terrible. I know cheating is terrible. I’ve already expressed my guilt and mixed emotions about it. But I was hooked on the thrill of cheating, hooked on Mike’s big dick, and hooked on exploring my sexuality. It was freeing, in a way. But day after day I endured the mundane madness of my life, itching to break free every second.

I feel awful about this next part but it’s sort of true. James gave me the idea for how to see Mike again. It was another uneventful day at home, watching TV with James, when he suddenly asked me about the interview I had gone for. I hesitated for a few seconds, forgetting about my previous lie, and then blurted out that they had short listed me and said they would get in contact to let me know about the next stage of interviews. It wasn’t the smoothest lie ever but I’m pretty sure he believed me. He told me I should follow up with them and I casually agreed that I would. I continued staring at the TV, nervous about the lie I just fed James, when it hit me. I hovered on my newfound idea for a couple of minutes, realising that it would be tough to get away with, but I could do it. Later that day I messaged Mike when I was in the bathroom, asking him if he thought my plan was ridiculous. He told me I would have to be extra vigilant but he wanted it to work. He said he would do everything he could to help me. I was so excited, there was a chance I could see Mike again.

A few days later I was heading out the front door, saying goodbye to James. I drove to a small forest half an hours drive away and parked up in the car park. I put the radio on and just played around on my phone for a while. After enough time had passed I started the car and made my way back. I got home and James greeted me enthusiastically, asking me how it went. I told him I thought I aced it. We chatted about it for a while, then I went to change upstairs. I was so impatient, I just wanted to finish my plan right then. But I waited. Two days was as long as I could last. I got up early that morning to mentally prepare myself. I was showered, dressed, and drinking my morning coffee by the time James woke up and came downstairs. I excitedly hugged him and told him that I got the job. We celebrated for a couple of minutes and then he started asking all the obvious questions, which I was ready for. He asked about the pay, the hours, how cautious the company was with Covid, the possibilities for promotion…he went on and on. I gave him all my prepared answers and he didn’t doubt a word. It had worked. Once the realisation kicked in, my heart started pounding and my head flooded with the reality of my new situation. I had crafted a huge lie in order to satisfy my baser urges and I was going to have to be super careful.

I’m sure you’ve realised by now but I had just faked getting a job. I hadn’t done anything so stupid since I was young. The job was similar to my previous position, so believable, though. I wont tell you my field of work, in case someone somehow recognises details about my story or me, but I work in an office type environment. As far as James was aware, I worked with one other woman who was my supervisor. A woman meant no potential jealousy from James and no unwanted attention. I told him I would be working from 9 am to 6 pm, which gave me plenty of time to enjoy my days. I’d also found the address of a company about half an hour away and told him that was where I worked. I was certain I had covered all my bases and I was ready to go to work.

I had to wait a whole weekend before my ‘start date’, which was Monday, but I was in such a good mood that it didn’t bother me being stuck inside the house. Monday came and I woke up exhausted. I had barely slept the night before due to excitement. I got in the shower, shaved my pussy and my legs, and got dressed. I wore a tight, black pencil skirt, a white button up blouse, and a black cardigan. I dressed as sexy as was feasibly possible for a woman just starting a new job. James came downstairs once he woke up and put the kettle on. He asked if I wanted a coffee but I told him I would just have one once I got there. I had maybe half an hour before I had planned to leave but I didn’t want to wait any longer. It had been long enough already. I kissed James on the cheek and said goodbye to him. He wished me good luck and told me he knew I would do well. A twinge of guilt entered my mind but it was kind of hot too. He was being so sweet and I was about to go and get my brains fucked out. I told him I loved him and left. I got to Mike’s and quickly found myself in his kitchen drinking a fresh coffee. We told each other how good it was to see one another and he relished at how naughty and daring we were being. He also complimented me on how good I looked. There’s something different about getting a compliment from a much older man, I loved it. As we were catching up, my phone started to buzz. I pulled it out and told Mike that James was calling and to be quiet. I answered and James greeted me. He knew I had gone early and guessed I was sitting in my car, waiting to go in to my new job. He was just calling to wish me luck again. Being much bolder with Mike nowadays, I held my phone between my shoulder and my ear and pulled my tight black dress up above my curvy hips. I had neglected to wear any panties that day. I placed one leg up on Mike’s kitchen table and took the phone back into my hand. Mike wasted no time, as I half chatted to James, and slid his fingers between my legs. God, it felt good to have those big hands touch me again. He massaged one of my breasts through my blouse with one hand while he furiously rubbed my clit and fingered me with the other. It was incredible. I felt like such a slut. I didn’t even really hear what James was saying to me. Mike pulled my boobs out of my blouse and began sucking and teasing my nipples. I just hung my head back and enjoyed how greedy he was being with me. I eventually heard James say ‘I love you’, so I said I loved him too and hung straight up. I didn’t even know if he was still talking but I didn’t care either. I put the phone down and took my leg off the table. Mike was still trying to have his way with me but I wanted to get nice and high first. I had only let him play with my pussy as James was calling and I wanted that cheating vibe back. Besides we had the whole day, and potentially unlimited months together, so there wasn’t really any rush. I calmed him down and told him I fancied a smoke. We went and sat on the sofa and Mike started rolling some joints. He reminded me that my clothes would smell and suggested I take them off and put a dressing gown or one of his t-shirts on. I agreed it was a good idea so I popped upstairs to his room and slipped off my clothes. I looked around for his dressing gown for a second but then realised that I didn’t need clothes. Ive never been 100% confident about my body but I know I have a nice hourglass shape, a nice round ass, and quite big boobs. Plus I knew that he desired me, so I felt quite at ease with doing it. Also, I wanted my potentially unlimited fuck sessions to be fun. I was in the mood for doing all manner of dirty things with Mike. I walked downstairs and sat my naked ass down on the sofa. He commented that I made a good choice. He lit up a joint and we started to share it.

“So, what do you want to do today?” Mike asked me.

I looked at him, smiled, and said, “I think you know.”

“I’ll rephrase the question then.” He said. “Is there anything you’d like to try today?”

I took a deep toke on the joint and inhaled. I thought it over for a minute but my nervous nature makes me terrible with thinking on the spot.

“I’m not sure, really. What do you want to try?” I innocently asked him.

“I’ll be honest, I’d love to try anal sex with you.”

I kind of thought he would say that.

“I do usually enjoy doing that but I honestly don’t think you’ll fit, Mike.” I replied.

He said that he understood and we could try something else instead. We went back and forth for a little while, talking about our options. Eventually, we settled on him tying me up, which I was more than happy with. After a couple more joints we headed upstairs to the bedroom. I patiently lay down while he rummaged around in his wardrobe. He pulled out a load of stuff and dumped it on the end of the bed. I was a bit intimidated with all the things he had but I was going to go with it. He got to work on tying me up. He tied my feet to either ends of this long metal bar thing so that my legs were permanently spread. He then tied each of my hands to his bed posts. He then clipped on a rope to the middle of the metal bar that separated my feet and then tied it to the middle of his bed frame, so that my legs were spread and held high, without him having to hold me in place. I was already feeling like a naughty girl. Finally he stuffed a big ball gag into my mouth and wrapped it round my head, keeping it in place. I remember thinking that I would still probably end up being crazy loud.

“Is my little slut ready for a pounding?” he asked me, as he slipped off his clothes.

I muffled a ‘yes’ and nodded my head. He stood up onto the end of the bed and looked down at me. He took his soft dick and held it out towards me. I was wondering what was happening when suddenly he started to piss on me. I moaned as I felt warm piss wash all over me. He literally covered me head to toe. It was so fucking naughty and dirty, I loved it. With the bed thoroughly soaked, Mike got onto his knees and slapped my pussy hard with his dick. He stroked it a little until he was at his hardest and then started pushing into me. I moaned through the gag as his thick cock slowly filled me up. Then for the next hour or so he fucked me like a pig. He called me filthy names, he slapped me around, and he occasionally smacked my clit really hard. Not long after I had cum for the second time he pulled out of me. He reached for my phone and started doing something on it. I got a little nervous. He then put the phone down next to me and reached into his bedside table drawer. As he did, I shifted my head enough so that I could see my phone. It was calling James. I looked back at Mike and tried telling him ‘no’ through the gag and shaking my head frantically. He had pulled out a bottle of what looked like lube and was squirting loads of it onto his dick. I kept trying to tell him no as he massaged the lube in. This was too risky. James would pick up and hear me getting fucked and our relationship would be over. I struggled to break free somehow but the restraints weren’t budging. Suddenly I realised what he was doing. He was going to fuck me in the ass. I shook my head from side to side rapidly and tried shouting no over and over. I looked back to the phone and it was still calling. I was panicking so much. I loved the risk of cheating on James but I didn’t actually want to get caught. Before I knew what was happening, Mike was massaging my tight asshole with the head of his cock. He pushed several times, trying to force his dick into me, but he couldn’t fit. I was wriggling around trying to stop him from entering me while saying no over and over, but it came out like muffled noise each time. After a couple more attempts, his thick head suddenly slipped into my ass. I let out a really fucking loud moan. It was so…fucking…good. I’ve always loved anal sex but I’ve never had a guy bigger than average fuck my ass. And now the head of Mike’s stupidly thick dick was stretching out my asshole. Don’t get me wrong, it fucking hurt, but that’s half the reason I love anal sex. I was in such a mess; terrified about his dick in my ass, wanting his dick in my ass, and petrified that James would pick up any moment. Mike starts slowly pushing deeper into me but I’m too tense and it’s starting to hurt more. I start making painful noises and he eases up a little. I look over to my phone and just as I’m about to look away, James picks up. I could faintly hear him say ‘hello?’. As this is happening, Mike is slowly pushing back into me again. I don’t know how, as I was so stressed, but my anal sex muscle memory kicked in and I relaxed my ass. Mike glided into me, still slowly, but with so much less resistance. I steadily moaned louder and louder until I could feel his balls touch my ass cheeks. His size was so difficult to take but it felt great and made me feel like he owned me. He gradually pulled back, squeezed more lube onto his exposed cock, and rubbed it in. Then he pushed back into me with a little more pressure than before. I was moaning like a fucking bitch in heat. That’s it, I thought to myself, The relationship is over. I knew that James would be listening to my loud moans and that he would put two and two together and realise I was getting fucked. I was devastated. But it was barely registering on my radar, as Mike eased in and out of my ass. The gag did nothing to hide my moans of pleasure and pain. In those moments I decided that the relationship was definitely over, so I might as well enjoy what was happening as much as possible. I started pushing my hips into his dick each time he pushed into me. Every few seconds I was squealing in pain, followed by moans of pleasure. I cant quite explain how difficult it was to take it. I felt Mike’s wet thumb on my clit and he started massaging it. I went into absolute overload almost immediately. I felt a huge surge within me, then my pussy exploded and I gushed all over his chest, his dick, and all over myself. I screamed through the gag as I kept cumming. I felt like such a wicked slut. It was getting me off so much that James was helplessly listening as I squirted all over Mike, but I wanted more. I begged Mike to take off the gag and he must have half understood the noises I was making as he reached behind my head and undid the gag. He started picking up the pace. I spat the gag out of my mouth and moaned loudly.

“Yes, baby!” I screamed like a savage animal. “You fuck that fucking ass how you want!”

Mike loved it and put some anger into his thrusts.

“Oh, yes, uncle Mike!” I cried. “You fill that tight ass up!”

I moaned enthusiastically for a few seconds, then said, “You hear that James, baby? Your uncle is fucking my curvy ass that you love so much.”

I paused to do some dirty, pornstar moaning.

“He has a fucking massive man’s dick, it’s so much bigger than your pathetic little cock.”

I paused the filthy talk for a moment as Mike’s dick was rearranging me and it was getting intense. He had begun mercilessly fucking my ass. I restarted the dirty talk but I could barely spit out any words.

“He just made me squirt all over him, bet you didn’t know I could do that. I#m gonna make him cum in my ass soon, you sit there and listen.”

I focused my attention back onto Mike.

“Yes, uncle Mike, fuck that little ass harder.” I screamed.

Mike happily accepted. He started playing with my clit again and I just couldn’t take it.

“Oh, yes! Yes, Mike, yes! Oh you’re going to make me cum again. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, fuck. I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming!”

I let out one long, loud ‘yes’ as my pussy erupted again and I soaked the both of us. My vocal enthusiasm pushed Mike over the limit.

“I’m gonna cum.” He moaned loudly.

“Yes, uncle, cum for me. Fill this fucking ass with cum.”

It pushed him over the edge and I felt him squirting hot loads of his cum into me. It felt amazing.

“You hear that, James? He’s cumming inside my ass right now. I can feel his hot cum spurting load after load. Oh, God! It feels so good, James!”

Mike made a few more moans as he shot the final few squirts into me.

“My ass belongs to you, Mike.”

He smiled at me and slowly pulled out his heavy dick. My insides felt like they were collapsing but I was in pure physical and mental ecstasy. He picked up my phone and locked it and tossed it to the floor. He lay next to me in a heap, breathing heavily.

‘That was amazing” He said, as I lay there tied up helplessly.

I dwelled on the truth of what he said, then slipped out of my ecstasy.

“My relationship is fucked, though.” I coldly said.

I closed my eyes in sheer regret.

“Oh, God. His whole family is going to find out. I’m gonna have to move. I…”

Mike interrupted me. “I doubt it.” He said calmly, still breathing heavy.

“What do you mean?” I asked him impatiently.

“Well, I dialled him with 141 so he couldn’t see who the caller was. He probably just thought it was a crank call or something.”

I struggled to process what he had just said.

“What the fuck? Well, it…it wouldn’t even matter as he heard me saying all of that dirty fucking shit!”

“No, he didn’t.” Mike said. “I hung up while you were squirting the first time.” Wow. What a headfuck, I remember thinking. It slowly came to settle in my mind that my relationship actually might be fine. I was angry at Mike and massively thankful. It was the hottest thing I’ve ever done in my life, when I thought I was talking to James as Mike fucked me. I scolded him about it a bit, he brushed it off, and then untied me. We went downstairs to have another smoke and chatted about what just happened for a while. He ended up fucking me twice more that day, but just in my pussy, thank god. I eventually left, got home, lied to James a bunch about my first day at work, listened to him tell me about some ridiculous call he got from a private number earlier in the day, then I went and showered. As I showered off the day’s sweat, I remember relishing how terrible, scary, and exhilarating this all was. I was having the best time ever.

We carried on having sex, pretty much consistently, for about three or four weeks. Eventually, though, lockdown ended (at least for a little while) and it became too difficult to get away with it. James was able to go back to work and I would have no way of explaining why I wasn’t getting paid any money from my job. I decided to pretend to James that I had been laid off as the company had decided I ‘wasn’t a right match.’ It was a bit of a tough sell but he bought it. Not long after, me and Mike called it quits. It was getting mentally difficult to keep sneaking around and a lot of the initial rush had worn off. Plus my guilt was always eating away at me. On top of this, Mike was due to start his work contract abroad soon, so for a few different reasons it kind of just fizzled out. To the current day (In February, 2021) he is still abroad on contract. He was due to come home earlier but Covid restrictions made it impossible, so he got his contract extended and stayed out to do more work. I think about him and our affair a lot. I masturbate thinking about it all the time but things have calmed down a lot now. I’ve thrown myself back into my relationship (he never found out a thing) and I’m loving life with James again. I definitely found a renewed sense of vigour for life but it was such a messy and complicated situation with Mike and I was kind of glad it came to an end. I still have a terrible sex life with James but I feel like I’ve had my fill of incredible sex. At least for now. Mike will eventually come back, which is something I admit I have fantasised about, but I’ve told myself I will be sensible. If anything does change, though, I will update you all eventually.

I’m so sorry that this has been the longest story ever! My days are long and uneventful, though, so I’ve thoroughly enjoyed recalling all my filthy sessions with Mike and typing it out in detail. I hope you liked reading it as much as I enjoyed doing it all.

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