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I was studying in Melbourne, Australia. Little did I know that at the age of 21 I was living my best years.

I was in the final year of my degree and I would be returning to India soon. I had made so many good friends over the last three years. My closest friend by far was Sonia Aziz. We had been flatmates for the last 2 years and we had a shared bond.

I was always at the top of my class in India but in Australia I began to enjoy life more. I still kept up with my studies as I knew it was important to my parents. I was free and I was able to enjoy myself and be myself more.

I had finished my studies and it was the week before I was leaving to return to India. My boyfriend, Steve, wanted to have me all to himself before I had to go back. We had only been dating for 3 months. We both talked about a long distance relationship but we both knew it was not going to work deep down.

We went to the cinema and it was a normal date. All of a sudden I felt his hand slide up my skirt and I tried to stop him but he was being forceful. It made me feel uncomfortable as there were a lot of people around us. He was insistent and I resorted to covering his hand with my skirt as I was unable to stop him.

He had forced my thighs apart and he was rubbing the inside of my thighs. I moaned stop but I was not strong with my protests.

He continued to work his way up my thighs and I moaned in response each time. My arousal was peaking and he kissed me. It was a hot breathy kiss caused by my arousal. He then used his free hand to open his belt and despite my arousal a panic set in. I was a virgin and I could never risk losing my virginity before marriage and this was not where I wanted to lose it.

He could see the panic in my eyes and he said, “Relax. I want you to enjoy it too. I won’t do anything you don’t want to.”

He kept his jeans on. He then continued his ministrations between my legs and I began to relax and enjoy it by kissing him.

His hands then began to pull my panties down and I instinctively held his arm to stop him. I said, “No. I am not ready for that.”

I knew he might think I was a cocktease but I had to have limits. I opened my eyes to look down and he had his cock out. I pulled back but he aggressively grabbed my arms and said, “Chill the fuck out. Stop being a little cocktease.”

He then tried to pull my panties down again. I pushed him back aggressively but he was too strong. I screamed in a panic, “Help.”

He tried to cover my mouth with his hand but it was too late. The other people had heard me and attention was on us. He let go and dressed himself. I quickly headed for the exits and waited by the ticket counter. I called Sonia in a panic. She was my closest friend and the only one I could turn to. I only told her I needed to leave. She said she would send her brother right away.

I saw Sahil pull up outside and I called him to come in. I was shaken up and I was unable to move my feet. My brain was just panicking. I was close to Sahil as he was Sonia’s brother and he was at our apartment a lot. He could see my state and I was not myself. He sat me down and brought me some water. He asked me what was wrong and I just broke down crying into his shoulder.

I felt safe and secure with him there. He just asked if it was Steve and I nodded my head as I cried. He stroked my hair and I began to calm down. I was feeling secure in his strong arms. He was an amateur boxer while studying and I noticed his physique. He then said, “I will be back in a minute.” I looked up and the movie must have ended as I saw Steve leaving.

I could hear Sahil ask as he approached him, “What did you do to Sandhya?”

I liked that he always called me by my real name when I called myself Sandy trying to make myself fit in with Australians.

I heard Steve reply, “You and that frigid bitch can fuck off. Curry fucking munchers.” Sahil now probably knew why I was so upset.

Within a flash Steve was out cold on the floor. Sahil walked away calmly towards me. He helped me up as a commotion gathered around Steve.

We walked towards his car and we left without a word being spoken but we shared more without words than we could ever say in that moment. He was my protector when I needed him.

As he parked up outside my apartment he asked, “You don’t have to tell me what happened. But I want you to know that I will always protect you.”

I just looked at him and I was lost in that moment. I ran my fingers across his face following the shape of his jaw line to his chin. I was lost in his eyes and I leaned in closer to him.

I leaned in further and kissed him. His lips, his skin felt so good. He then began to kiss me back. He put an arm around my waist. It was the most beautiful moment I had ever experienced. I felt secure and safe and a level of intimacy I had never experienced before.

I tried to climb on top him but he lifted me with ease. He was so strong. Our kissing became stronger and his hands rested just above my ass. I could feel his hardness underneath me and I grinded against him gently but as my arousal built up I grinded harder and then I felt his hands on my ass and as he squeezed it I came so hard that I hit demetevler escort my head against the inside of the car.

We both giggled at this and he tried to make sure I was ok. He lifted me back into my seat. I was still emotional and angry but in my aroused and emotional state I began to think I wanted something special with Sahil. I slid down my panties and I reached over to unbuckle his belt.

He held my hand in a gentle but strong way and he said, “Sandhya, I have always loved you ever since I first saw you. The more time I have spent with you the stronger my feelings are. But I know you and this is not you. If we make love I want to do it in the right way.”

In that moment I wanted him more than anything, “I have never felt this way before.”

He said, “I will always put you first. Let me take you inside.”

He came around to my door and opened it for me. I leaned against him with my head resting on his shoulder as he walked me in. I felt drained of energy after the evening’s events and I was grateful to be in his strong arms.

As we approached our door we separated slightly so that Sonia would not know what has happened between us.

As we entered she was waiting for us and she hugged me as I came in. It just felt nice to be with her again and everything seemed to be back to normal.

Sahil was about to leave and she said, “Wait. Can you take me to the store? We need some ice cream for our girl’s night in.”

It was at that moment I realised I had left my panties in Sahil’s car. I quickly interjected and offered to go but she refused to let me go.



As I went to the car I noticed Sandhya’s panties on the passenger seat floor and I quickly pocketed them before Sonia entered.

I went to the store and dropped Sonia back to her apartment.

After I got back to my apartment I was taking out my wallet when Sandhya’s panties fell out. I brought them to my nose and sniffed her scent. I was in love with her and I wanted to sniff her for real.



I was nervous and not sure how I explain what happened with Sahil to Sonia. She was my best friend but if she knew I had romantic feelings for her brother it would cause tension between us.

I had changed into my pj’s when Sonia arrived back.

Sonia arrived back with ice cream and she could not stop laughing. I asked, “What is so funny?”

She asked, “Did you not see it? How could you not see it?”

I asked, “What do you mean?”

She said, “The panties. Sahil is such a horny dog. He probably had some slut in the car before he went to pick you up. He tried to hide them but nothing gets past me.”

I faked a laugh but cringed inside and only if she knew I was the slut that came in his car and left my panties. Sahil was different, we had a deeper connection and the way he protected me meant so much to me.

I wanted to forget the earlier events and we settled in to enjoy a chick flick over a tub of ice cream. Sahil text me, “I can’t stop thinking about you.” It made me smile and I could see Sonia be intrigued. I brushed it off and said it was a message from my mother.

The next day Sonia wanted to gather the girls for a pyjama party before I leave. I did not want a big to do and we only invited 3 other girls Heather, Sushma and Jaya.

I was enjoying myself and we were just talking about the typical girl things but when the topic went to boys I went quiet. We were getting drunk and the inhibitions were becoming removed.

Sahil text me during the party, “I need to see you.”

I wanted to see him too. I had really missed him. The girls saw me smile as I was reading the text and they began the customary “Oooh” and “Is that your boyfriend?”

They did not know about my breakup. I messaged him back, “We have some friends over. You can come.”

I said to the girls, “It is no boy. Just Sahil. He wanted a CD from me. He had been pestering me for some time and I said I would give it to him before I leave.”

Sonia gave me a raised eyebrow but the other girls thought nothing of it as they had met Sahil numerous times and he was never seen as more than Sonia’s brother.

Sahil turned up shortly after and I went to get the door. But Sonia was quicker and motioned that she would get the door. She opened the door looking bemused and announced “Sandhya, Sahil is here for his CD.”

I went to him and directed him to my room. We both looked at each other sheepishly as we could hear the girls say things like, “What do you think is going on there?” “Is he getting more than a CD?” I blushed red as I heard the comments but Sonia soon interjected throwing a pillow on Heather as she said it and said “He is my brother. He is harmless.”

As soon as I closed the door Sahil pushed me against the door and locked me into a deep kiss. In between kisses he said in a breathy voice, “I have been wanting to do this all day.”

I was too hungry to speak and devoured his tongue as he came in for a deeper kiss. Our tongues intertwining. He pushed my pyjamas down and his hand was in my underwear playing with my clit. He was moving so fast and I had never been this far with a boy before.

There was an çankaya escort bayan animal attraction I felt towards Sahil. The sexual energy between us was electric.

I moaned, “Please, inside me.”

I was so hot for him and I knew I was dripping already. I swallowed his tongue as he began to finger fuck me intensely. My arms were around his head as he began to increase the intensity. I was getting so hot. The need to cum building inside me.

I could hear the girls ask what was taking so long. He slipped a second finger inside me and his other hand went under my top tweaking my nipple. I unzipped his jeans and was stroking his cock.

It was so intense and hot. I came in a shuddering orgasm. Kicking the door as I lost control. He held me up but I could hear someone come towards the door.

We quickly separated and we dressed. I went to a stack of CD’s as Sonia came through the door. She asked, “Is everything ok? You guys were taking so long and I heard a bang.” I looked over at Sahil who was casually sat on the bed looking at his phone. I was still a little flustered as I was coming down from my climax.

I said, “I dropped some CD’s. I am trying to find the Imagine Dragon’s CD for Sahil.”

I could see Sahil in the background smelling his fingers and winking at me. Was he really doing this behind his sister? I went red as I saw his actions.

Sonia seemed annoyed and said “I don’t know why he can’t just find it on Spotify. Just be quick. The girls are waiting.”

Once she left the room. I quickly moved to Sahil and kissed him. I passed him the CD and said, “You are so bad. You have to go now or your sister will get angry.”

As he was leaving Heather ran up to him and they went to speak outside. I immediately became jealous and wondered what they needed to discuss in private. I felt possessive over Sahil already. Sonia groaned as Heather left the room, “It is almost as if my brother is trying to ruin this evening.”

When Heather came back she said that she just wanted some workout techniques from him. It annoyed me because Heather was a slim blonde and she was already in great shape.

I messaged Sahil to ask, “What did Heather want to speak to you about?”

He replied back, “She wanted to train with me to get in shape. I said I will let her know when my diary clears up.”

Sahil was a part time personal trainer so it made sense. He then sent me another message, “I can still smell you. I want to be with you.”

I went a deep red at seeing the message. I quickly locked the phone as I saw Sonia reach over and snatch it from my hands. She was annoyed at not having my full attention. She said, “No more boys. Not even my brother tonight. It is a girl’s only night.”

The rest of the night we began a Keanu Reeves night and watched Speed and Point Break.

I missed Sahil and my body was still on fire from our earlier interaction.

Sonia and I offered our bedrooms to the other girls. We slept on the couch. Once the girls had turned in Sonia asked, “What was that with you and Sahil? The whole CD thing.”

I thought she had bought the excuse but she was clearly not convinced. I said, “He just wanted to borrow the CD.”

She was not buying it. She threw a pillow at me and said, “Don’t do that to me. What happened with your date and with Sahil? Something has been off ever since.”

She was not backing down and I told her about the date and what Steve pulled at the cinema. She began stroking my hair and said, “Men are pigs.”

I then told her about how Sahil protected me. I said, “I think he was angry because Steve said something racist.”

Sonia knowingly said, “I think it was about you being hurt. You might not have noticed but I know him and the way he treats is different to anyone else.”

I then tried to explain, “I realise that now and last night when he came to drop me off. Well I never would have wanted something to happen but my emotions were all over the place and when he dropped me off we kissed in the car.”

She held her hand to her mouth in shock and said “Oh my god. I knew something had happened. You two have been so strange since last night. I am so angry with him. How could he take advantage of you like that? I am going to give him a piece of my mind.”

I stopped her, “No. You have got it wrong. I kissed him. He was a gentleman all night and I was happy he was there for me. I think I am falling for him. I mean really falling for him.”

She said, “You should have told me first. But I know a lot happened. I know he will never hurt you. You have my blessing, if you are asking for it.”

She hugged and I said, “I did not know how to tell you. I did not want to lose you.”

She said, “We will always have our friendship. What happened tonight? Tell me the truth. I don’t want to hear that CD nonsense.”

I explained, “I really missed him and asked him to come over. We went to my room and he immediately had me pinned against the door and we were kissing.”

She asked, “What was that banging sound?”

I blushed thinking of what to say next, “Well we didn’t just kiss. He fingered me and I stroked him until I came. I kicked the door as I came.”

She threw the pillow at me and giggle, “You dirty little bitch. So gross.”

We both giggled as the secrets and tension were released. I hit her back with the pillow and said, “Well you wanted to know. I didn’t know how much detail was needed.”

She hit me with the pillow and said, “Well I don’t want to hear about his cock. So gross. But to tell you the truth I will be happy if you two work out. Are you sure you are thinking clearly or is he a rebound? I don’t want either of you getting hurt. Also what happens when you go back to India?”

I defended myself, “I acted on intense emotion at first but after what happened. I had a moment of clarity. I had Sahil always in the background. He is intelligent and really good looking. He always makes me smile and we are able to laugh together. I am just getting lucky. I haven’t thought about India. I just can’t stop thinking about him.”

Sonia had a big smile on her face and she hugged me, “I am so happy for you two. I really am. My best friend and my brother. Does he know you’re still a virgin?”

I said, “Yes. Well he defended my honour with Steve so he knows it is important to me. I feel safe with him and he will always respect me.”

She looked stern and said, “He will always respect you. I guarantee you that.”

As we were talking my phone pinged. Sonia looked at me with excitement, “I wonder who that could be.”

We both giggled like schoolgirls. I checked my phone and it was Sahil, “Are you free tomorrow? I want to cook for you (love heart emoji).”

Sonia asked to see the message and luckily it was suitable for viewing. She raised her eyebrow, “So?”

I said, “I am definitely saying yes but will I seem desperate if I reply straight away.”

She laughed, “Just reply to him.”

I text back to confirm I will be coming over. Sonia then asked to my shame, “So was it your panties in his car?”

I was embarrassed and barely whispered, “Yes.”

She shrieked, “Oh my god.”

I had to cover her mouth to stop her waking the others. She then said, “But you said you only kissed? How did he get your panties off?”

I went a deep shade of red. She was impossible, she complained I was grossing her out but then wanted the details. I whispered, “It was intense. I mean I have never felt that passion before. We kissed and I climbed on top of him. I came from just kissing. But my emotions were everywhere. I didn’t want it to stop. I wanted more. I wanted to lose it to him. I slid off my panties. I sound like such a slut. Well I offered myself to him but he refused and said he would only do it when I was ready and my head was clear.”

Sonia said, “I am so proud of Sahil for not taking advantage of your emotional state. More men would have in that situation. You are lucky you did not do something you regret. I told you my first time was at my prom at 18? It was nowhere near as romantic as it sounds. I went with Adam to the prom. He was Prom King and I felt lucky. He had a limousine that came to pick me up. We were drinking a lot during the night. On the way back Adam told the driver to go to our usual make out spot. It was behind a park and was abandoned.”

Sonia looked emotional and continued, “Once we were there we began kissing in the back seat of the limousine. I was drunk and I was hornier than usual. I was wearing white stockings under my blue dress. My dress went to knee length but Adam had it hitched up as he was stroking my leg. I never had plans to wait for marriage to lose my virginity but I did romanticise about it. In the back of the limousine was not where I imagined losing it. The making out was making my panties wet. “

Sonia was squeezing a pillow between her legs and I also did the same as she continued, “He continued to stroke my legs to the top of my stockings. He began to run his fingers over the top of my stockings and it was driving me crazy and then something caught my eye. The visor between the driver and the back was down. I could see the driver’s eyes in the mirror and he was looking directly at me. Adam did not notice the driver at all.”

We were both slowly grinding against the pillow as she continued, “The driver was a middle aged white man. Adam began to rub my pussy through my panties as we kissed. I was getting so wet and knowing an extra pair of eyes were on me was really turning me on. I ran down his zipper and pulled out his cock. I began to stroke it. He pushed me down to the floor of the limousine and climbed on top of me. He hitched up my dress and began to rub his cock against my pussy. I always found my virginity to be a burden and I was eager to lose and be granted my freedom. But a momentary panic gripped me as he was about to enter and I tried to stop. He pushed in hard the first time and it hurt but he did not enter the whole way. I turned to the side unable to look and my eyes were locked on the driver who was staring intensely at me. I then noticed he was stroking his cock. It almost repulsed me. I felt him thrust hard into me again and he broke my hymen. The pain was unbearable and I was biting my arm to stop myself from screaming. I then felt him thrust into two more times before all of a sudden he stopped. I looked back at him and he was wiping his blood stained cock with a handkerchief. The pain had not fully subsided and I still felt uncomfortable as I was driven home. He was such a lame fuck and I regretted my first time.”

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