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Big Dicks

Most people outside of the immediate area think that New Jersey is all commuter homes, refineries and insurance companies. They forget that there is a lot of rural area too once you move away from the metropolitan areas. Many areas are covered with farming and dairy production. The state motto is ‘the garden state’.

Anyway, I live in the northwest part of the state near where NJ meets New York and Pennsylvania. There is very little industry up here and any jobs are rare. Good jobs are unheard of. But the homes are much more reasonable and taxes are significantly cheaper. Also houses come with enough property that you can’t reach out of your window and tap on your next door neighbor’s glass. When there are leaves on the trees I can only see my neighbor across the street. When the leaves are down I then have a 360 degree view of the area. It’s nice and quiet. I was here 18 months before I heard my first police siren.

One of the bad things about rural life is that nothing is close by for me. I have a 15 minute drive into town to go to the grocery store (unless I want to spend $7 for a gallon of milk at the local deli). Going anywhere in the county takes time since it is a mountainous area and no road is allowed to be straight for more than 50 feet at a time. Hence, there are a lot of long, barren roads with no street lights and only the occasional mail box every quarter mile or so. It was on one of these roads that I found Karen.

Coming back from an electrical supply store I saw a pickup truck stopped on the side of the road with a woman leaning against the truck and three kids running around on the street. The hood was up and the flashers were on. The woman interrupted her cigarette long enough to turn towards me as a slowed down. Not one word was said to the kids to get out of the road that I could see.

After stopping in front of the woman I asked, “Is everything OK?”

“Does it look like everything’s OK?” She snapped back at me.

“Can I help you in some way?” I said.

“Only if you have an extra tranny with you.” She spat out.

All right. She’s a bitch and a half but I am not comfortable with three kids running wild on a road that most locals fly at 60 mph not expecting to see anything but the occasional deer. They might not notice these people until it was too late. I pulled forward and off the road putting on my flashers too.

I walked back to the woman and said, “So your transmission is toast. Can I call a tow truck or taxi for you?” trying to maintain my cool.

“I ain’t got the money for a transmission or a tow. Hell, I can’t even afford a taxi.” She said.

“So what are your plans? Setting up home here? Can your husband come and get you?”

“No, divorced. I’m trying to figure the rest out. I got a girlfriend that can come pick me up when she gets off of work after five. My brother can come and tow the piece of shit to his house later on.”

“It’s just after eleven now. You are going to stay out here in the sun for six more hours with the kids?” I asked.

“Ain’t got much else of a choice now do I?” as the venom in her voice returned.

“Where do you live?” I asked.

She seemed honestly shocked when I asked and responded quickly, “I AIN’T TELL’IN YOU THAT!”

“Look, I am just offering to give you and the kids a ride. I’ll drop you off at the corner and leave so I will not know where your house is. I just don’t like the thought of the kids being out here in the hot sun for six hours. If not, I can call the police to come by and help you.”

“ARE YOU THREATENING ME!!!” she screamed.

“No, I am offering to help. I can’t stand by and do nothing with children being stuck in the middle of nowhere. I can give you all a lift or I will leave and call the cops to come and check up on you.”

This seemed to really rattle her. She had a wild look in her eye. After stomping out one cigarette she pulled out another and lit it up. She gave me a long look and seemed to calm down.

“Look, I’m sorry if I am being rude just that I don’t want no more trouble with the cops. I ain’t comfortable gett’in in a car with a stranger.” She said softening a bit.

“How about if I call you a cab and pay for it?” I said.

This seemed to catch her completely off guard. “Really? You’d do that?”

“Yes, with certain stipulations. I’m going to wait here and make sure you get in the cab and I’ll pay the fare directly. Remember, you’re a stranger to me too. How do I know that you are not parked out here playing damsel in distress a few times a week taking in a few bucks from every sucker that stops?” I explained.

That made her think a bit.

“You are right. I could be out here playing a game ripping people off. I never thought of it. So if you want to trust me, I need to trust you too. I get it. Keep your money. You can give me a ride to my place.” She said cautiously.

“The kids too?” I asked since she seemed to forget that they existed.

“No, you can keep them.”

I was stunned.

“I’m kidding. Yes the little rug rats too. They are pains in the asses Antep Escort but they are my pains in the asses.”

I had to laugh. “OK, I suggest locking up the truck and putting a sign in the window saying that you are gone to get a tow and be back soon.”

“That’s a good idea.” She said.

She closed up the truck and wrote the note. Then I was informed she had a shit ton of shopping from Walmart in the back that needed to come home with us. There were over 20 bags mostly filled with all types of junk food, cereal, full sugar soda (including Mountain Dew — YECH!) and a few household items. The healthiest things I saw was a dozen eggs and two gallons of milk.

The food was loaded in my trunk (with no help from the kids), the terrors were placed in my back seat and buckled in (despite their objections that they never wear seatbelts) and Karen and I got into the front seats. Almost immediately Karen bolted from the car and ran to the passenger side door, opened it, seemed to retrieve something from the glove box, shoved it into the back pocket and locked up the truck again. Once back in the car we took a moment to introduce ourselves and were off.

Following Karen’s instructions I took several back roads into areas of the county I never knew existed. We arrived at the entrance to the Shady Days Trailer Park (Inc.). There was a long abandoned gate house and the mechanics of what once was a power gate that looks like it was torn out by a vehicle leaving the park with the gate still closed and no one bothered to replace it.

More twists and turns and we arrived at a lot containing a double wide trailer up on blocks. It wasn’t well maintained (to be fair I only saw two or three units I would consider to be in decent or better shape). Siding was loose or missing in a few places. Two cracked or broken windows. The side closest to the street had a screened in porch accessed from glass doors and the screens had several holes and tears.

On the side was a few steps leading to the front door which accessed the kitchen near the middle of the trailer. As soon as we stopped the kids were out of the car and running amuck happy to be on their own turf. Karen and I unloaded the car and I brought the bags up the steps onto a small porch and leaving them by the door. Karen was unlocking the door and I went back for another load. After four trips I had all the bags up on the porch and I was set to leave thinking that I’d have to use the GPS to get back home.

Karen came outside and before I had a chance to say goodbye she said, “Help me with these bags and come on in.”

Taking a few bags I stepped into the kitchen disaster area. It was full of clutter. Garbage can was over flowing. Empty soda bottles everywhere. I noticed a lot of flies buzzing around inside. There was a waist high wall dividing the kitchen area with the living in the forward part of the trailer and that was just as messy but with a different style of junk. Toys, dvd cases and video games were thrown everywhere. Looking for a table or counter top to put the bags on I came up empty. Karen asked me to put them on the floor near the sink which I did. I finished bringing in the rest of the bags as Karen opened windows and turned on box fans everywhere.

I was about to take my leave (again) when Karen cleaned off part of the table and a chair for me to sit. She opened the fridge and took out two cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer (they still make this swill?) and put one on the table in front of me after opening it basically forcing me to have one.

She went about putting things away and chatting about nothing. She said she was making the kids lunch and asked if I wanted anything to which I said no. As she put away her shopping items Karen put on a pot of water and made two boxes of Mac and Cheese while slapping together three cream cheese and jelly sandwiches. She seemed to be in a rush to get everything done quickly.

The only thing that was done in the kitchen was the plates were washed and dried in the drain board. She spooned good sized helpings of Mac and Cheese on to each plate followed by a sandwich and garnished with a fork. She then filled three glasses half full with Coke, added two ice cubes each and then filled the glass with cold water.

“They never know that I water it down to make it last longer. If I didn’t they’d each drink a two liter a day.” Karen explained.

Karen carried the three plates and drinks in one trip (the sure sign of a waitressing background) to the porch leaving them outside and calling to the kids that lunch was ready. She came back in and closed the door. In a few seconds I heard three sets of feet climb the stairs, argue over who was who’s and leave the porch quickly.

“There. That’s the kids for the afternoon.” Karen said.

I wasn’t going to argue over parenting skills so we went back to innocuous small talk again. As she moved around the kitchen drinking her beer I noticed her back pocket.

“Karen, you are going to lose something out of your back pocket.”

She reached behind and grabbed Antep Escort Bayan a small bag of weed that was half out of her pocket followed by three more.

“Oh thanks. I didn’t want to lose these. I almost forgot them in my truck. I can guarantee that if my brother found them I’d never see them again. Do you want to smoke some with me?” she asked.

“No thanks, I haven’t smoked in years.”

“OK, but I am going to have some. After that I’m going to give you the best blow job you ever had so finish up that beer.” Karen smiled.

She opened the cabinet above the stove and took out a dirty glass bong. Quick as a bunny she sat down at the table, loaded the bowl and took a long drag. I was still processing the blow job comment.

“Karen, there is no need to thank me like that. I was glad to help. I’m old school enough that I wouldn’t leave a woman and children stranded.” I responded.

After a second long bong hit and a longer exhale Karen said, “Don’t worry about it, I like older guys a lot. My first husband was 34 when I was 19. You were very nice to me and my kids today and I was a real cunt to you at first because I was angry about the situation but you were my knight in shining armor and came to my rescue. I can’t give you any money as a thank you but I give a great blow job.”

I might have been getting a contact high but I started thinking about it. Giving Karen the once over (for the first time) I guessed that she was 35 to 40 but definitely had city miles on her. Definitely a big time party girl with the drinking and drugs (probably a lot more serious drug use than just some weed). She’s about 5’7″, her weight was difficult to tell because she had unusual proportions. She had nice legs (except for a serious road rash burn probably from a motorcycle fall) leading up to a curvy Latina butt and then into a smaller waist from what I could see from her tiny Daisy Duke’s denim shorts. Continuing upwards, this is where things get interesting. Next we have a classic muffin top. All the way around except for the small of her back was a healthy roll of belly hanging over the waist band. Next I could see a massive set of tits. The neck of her skull and cross bones tee shirt had been cut with a razor to show off cleavage and I could see that the bra she was wearing was too small and boob meat was poking out of the top. When Karen moved the weight of her bosom moved to one side and then to the other shaking a few times until coming to rest. Her face was at best cute but nothing great with some party puffiness to it and topped off by shoulder length dark hair. While I do prefer larger (heavier) women the uniqueness of her body shape appealed to me.

“Look, I want to do this. I’m repaying your kindness. Come on, we go to my room, close the door, drop your pants and I’ll suck you off. After you can leave and that’s the end of it.” Karen smiled.

“I really do appreciate the offer but it’s not necessary.” I said.

“I know. Consider it a gift. It would be rude to turn me down, right?” Karen continued to push.

What the hell. Maybe she does have some skills. I couldn’t think of a valid reason to not do this.

I grinned, “Since you insist I guess I’ll go along with you.”

“Jesus Ef’ing Christ, I never had such a hard time convincing a guy to let me suck his dick before. One thing though, bad smells really gross me out. I’m going to have another smoke. While I’m doing that you go into the bathroom and give your junk a good washing. I know some chicks like to smell sweaty balls and shit but I’m not one of them. Comprende?” Karen smiled.

“Si, comprende. Where is the bathroom?” I asked.

“First door on the right just passed the refrigerator.” Karen said lighting another cigarette.

The bathroom was no better than the kitchen or living room. Nothing had been cleaned in months. I was afraid that anything I touched would make me dirtier than when I started. Turning on the sink (with a piece of toilet paper) I dropped my pants and rinsed off the area with (hopefully) clean water. I wasn’t about to touch any of the towels so I rubbed the area and air dried. When I exited the bathroom Karen was exhaling one bong hit before lighting up another. Standing as she released the smoke she grabbed another beer and led me to her bedroom.

The bedroom was simple. A queen size bed, two night tables, a dresser, a closet and clothes all over the floor. After closing the door and placing the beer on the dresser she maneuvered me to stand at the foot of the bed. After kneeling down in front of me she quickly opened my pants and pulled them down which were followed by my underwear. Suddenly she stopped moving and just stared at me for several seconds.

At the end of her pause she just said, “Ah huh.”

Next she took off her tee shirt and bra tossing them to the side. Before I had a chance to take a look Karen slurped up my cock into her mouth still flaccid. Her lips sealed around the base and the tongue began massaging the bottom and sides of my dick. She pressed the shaft against the Escort Antep roof of her mouth so that the top was stimulated as well. Her head didn’t move, only her tongue and jaw but did so very well. I was soon hard inside her mouth.

“I love doing that! I love making a man hard in my mouth. It’s so exciting to me to feel it get longer and hard in my mouth and down my throat.” Karen exclaimed after releasing my prick.

“I enjoyed that too. You’re very good. Karen, what was the ‘ah huh’ when you were looking at me?” I asked.

“Don’t worry about it.” She replied.

Immediately she went to work giving more head. This was more traditional dick sucking except without any hands. Karen sucked me from the head down to the base with no hint of gagging. She kept her hands on my thighs as she worked me very well. Over time I sensed her pulling me towards her with minor face fucking motions. After a time she took a breather.

“You can grab my head and face fuck me as hard as you want. I can take whatever you can give me. And I obviously swallow. Just pump it down my throat, into my mouth, all over my face or tits. Whatever turns you on, it’s all good with me.” Karen said gleefully.

My prick was reinserted into Karen’s mouth and she went back to work. This time she took my hands one at a time and placed them on the back of her head and encouraged me to face fuck her. I have to say that she handled it like a champ. Starting easy I strengthened my thrusts with no complaint. I went as hard as I dared but she kept pushing me to go even harder. It was so overwhelming that I was getting light headed and was losing my balance. Grabbing her hair I held her head back and withdrew from her before sitting on the end of the bed.

“I’m sorry but I didn’t want to fall over on you. That was so good. I don’t think I ever face fucked a woman that hard before.” I said.

Karen wasn’t going to let me rest. Moving up on her knees she bent into my crotch and mouthed my dick again. This time her technique was different. It was more sensual. She kept up solid sucking action the whole time while rocking her head from side to side. Her arms were wrapped around my waist making sure that I wasn’t going anywhere (yeah, right). What sent me over the top was her humming. It started soft but quickly increased in intensity causing me to explode. Karen timed it perfectly lowering her head to the base and holding it there as I pumped long ropes of semen down her throat. When I was finished she gently massaged me with her lips as she lifted her head off of me. Once she had released me she stood up and started laughing. Coming to the side of the bed she gently laid me down on my back.

“Now you just relax for a minute and enjoy those wonderful sensations you are feeling.” I was told.

“What were you laughing at?”

“The expression on your face was priceless. You looked like a little boy that had just finished his twelfth ice cream cone to win a bet. You looked just so happy.” Karen explained as she opened her beer.

“I have had a few blow jobs in my days but this was one that I will always remember. You, my good woman, have some serious skills.” I said.

“Thank you. Several other people have said the same thing. I take a lot of pride in my head game.” She replied downing a good portion of her beer.

Laying there comfortably, completely satisfied with my dick shrinking I thanked the lucky stars that put Karen in my path today. Looking over at her leaning against the dresser I was dumbstruck.

“Holy shit Karen, your tits are fantastic!” I exclaimed.

“It’s about time you noticed them. Yeah, I was blessed with a great rack and I take good care of my girls. I’d really like it if you’d play with them some. When you’re ready that is.”

I sat right up to get a better view. Karen walked closer and I examined them. They were Playboy magazine worthy. Seriously, not even a freckle to ruin their magnificence. If Karen had a prettier face and a better body she would have caught a few photographers eye. The breast were big and thick. They had to be triple D’s at least. Her pale skin showed several different levels of tan lines, from a one piece bathing suit with a deep cleavage in it to a polo shirt collar and several lines in-between. I would think that she would be in a bikini but she might be shy about her body in public. However, she seemed proud to display her tits.

Her pale skin was offset by medium brown areolas each about the size of an orange. Her nipples were small but perfectly placed pointing forward and not down. Somehow her breasts have avoided gravity. There was some sag from the weight but I would have expected them to be near her waist after three kids and at her age.

“Can I touch them?” I asked with a shaky voice.

I felt like I was seeing and touching real breasts for the first time ever.

“Of course, but be gentle. Not too rough, I bruise easily.”

I raised my hands to cup and lift the boobs. The weight was heavier than I expected. I gave them a squeeze to see if there might be implants in them but I found no evidence. Gently I ran my fingers around the outside. Knowing that most breasts are slightly different from each other I tried to find any flaw but came up empty. As I explored Karen gave a little satisfied groan as my fingers moved around her areolas.

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