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I opened my eyes and saw Anne lying on her side looking at me lovingly with a sweet smile on her face. “How long have you been awake?”

“Long enough to get over feeling that yesterday was only a dream and convince myself that I’m the luckiest person in the world. I love you Carl. I love you so much that I feel like a little girl again; that everything is new and exciting and happening for the first time. I wish I could wake up like this for many years so I could find out just how much more I could love you each time I did it.”

“We’ll do it for as many days as we can Anne. It’s not how long you love somebody but how deeply you love them. We’ll go as deep as it is possible to go no matter how long that turns out to be. Now, before we get this day started, come closer and show me how much you love me.”

She moved toward me and I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her. Love seemed to drip from her lips like honey. She felt warm and relaxed and sensual as her body molded to mine. There is no other feeling in the world like holding somebody who loves you, especially when they love you this much. How do people who start out loving each other end up hating each other? When do they lose this feeling? I was very thankful we would never have to experience it. We would be this much in love for the little time we had left, one small consolation in this tragedy.

She gently nudged me over on my back and slid on top of me rubbing her breasts against my chest. Her legs spread out so that mine were between them. “I’m going to lie here and kiss you and hold you until I feel that lovely cock of yours standing straight up between my legs and if it doesn’t happen soon I’m going to move down and have a serious conversation with it.”

“I don’t think you’ll need to resort to verbal or even oral intimidation although it does sound rather appealing. Getting a hard-on in the morning is not a difficult thing for me so you may commence the kissing and holding immediately.”

She kissed me with so much emotion and passion that it made me feel like the times when I was very young and making out was limited to mostly kissing and a little touching. I felt her body get warmer and her nipples begin to harden. My cock kept them company and stiffened. “Where did you learn to kiss like this?”

“I was precocious when I was young. I liked sex but once I started working I sort of lost interest in it. I guess it was sort of a ‘been there, done that’ kind of thing so I put all my energy into making money. You know the song; ‘It’s all coming back to me now’? Well that’s what you’re doing to me. ‘If I touch you like this and if you kiss me like that; it was so long ago but it’s all coming back to me.’ Oh Carl what a fool I was to think I didn’t need this. ‘If you’ll forgive me all this, if I forgive you all that. We’ll forgive and forget and it’s all coming back to me now.'”

She rose up when she felt my cock brush against her legs and reached between us to grasp it. She squeezed it and rubbed the head along her slit. I felt her wet desire as she placed the tip against her opening then pushed her hips down to engulf me to where her fingers were then removed her hand and finished impaling herself on me. She lay back down on me and began to slowly rock up and down on me as she slid my cock in and out of her wet vagina. She put her hands on my face and kissed me even more passionately than she had before as she completely immersed herself in making love to me. I extended my arms to put my hands on her ass cheeks and felt their amazing softness as they gently slid beneath my palms.

I closed my eyes and abandoned myself to the sensations of her wet cunt fucking my cock, my hands caressing her ass and the incredible intensity of her kisses. We were both caught up in this ancient dance, completely oblivious to anything but the joy of loving each other. We built up so slowly to our sexual peaks that I was barely aware of it when my cock began to spurt forth the liquid proof of our pleasure. She silently responded with tender pulsing squeezes as her climax washed over her like a wave. We came down just as slowly until her head slid down beside mine and rested on my shoulder.

“Carl can we wake up like this every day? I’ve never felt anything so soft and intimate and loving in my life. I had no idea love could be so wonderful, that it could whisper its great message into our souls and cover us like a beautiful white cloud. You’re right; we are going deep aren’t we? And it’s only been one day.”

“We can do whatever we want to every day. I’m already feeling the effects of not having to get up and go to work. This is as good as Viagra. You might have a little something to do with it too. I feel free for the first time since I was a child. I’m going to channel all my energy into loving you so we can go deeper and deeper into love. You and Sandy have provided me with this opportunity and I won’t waste it. I will be totally devoted to you Beylikdüzü Escort and to making you happy so when it’s over I can take what we discover and share it with Sandy and our baby. Anne I promise you our child will grow up with love and she will know that it comes from you.”

“Carl when I first asked you to do this all I really expected from it was sex and companionship. I thought you could keep me distracted enough not to go crazy with loneliness and fear but you’ve given me the real thing. Now I realize just how much I was asking for and I love you all the more for doing it. You’ve given me something to look forward to each day instead of dreading that I have one less day to live each time I wake up. I have no words to express how grateful I am to you.”

“We have things to take care of so let’s go take a bath and get started so we can get back to making love.”

We decided to skip the bathing pool and bathed each other in the shower sprays mixing the washing with kissing and playing then got out and dried each other.

“What would you like for breakfast?”

“Can Anthony make us something?”

“He makes marvelous eggs Benedict.”


Anne called down for Anthony and asked him to have breakfast ready in 30 minutes and to send up a carafe of coffee as soon as possible. By the time we finished in the spa the coffee was waiting for us on the table in the bedroom. Melissa had brought it up so we could have it while we got dressed. I fixed us a cup and took it to her in her large closet. I placed it on her dressing table and kissed the back of her neck then headed off to the other closet to get dressed. When we arrived in the dining room the table was set with two places. Anthony was waiting for us and greeted us then excused himself to go get our breakfasts. Like the dinner the other night Anthony’s breakfast was delicious and impeccably served. The hollandaise sauce was the best I had ever tasted.

When we had finished eating we went to Anne’s office and she called her doctor and asked when we could come to discuss the progression of her illness. He said he could meet with us but he suggested we first contact someone named Julia Conway who worked for a hospice. She had a lot of experience with what people go through as they get towards the end but most people wait far too long to consult with her and urged us to call her and arrange a meeting now. Anne asked him to recommend a doctor for the IVF procedure and he told her he would get in touch with somebody and have them call as soon as possible.

Anne then called the number for Julia Conway and asked her how soon we could meet with her and she said she could do it Wednesday evening. She preferred a meeting at the home of the client so Anne suggested she come for dinner and asked her if she had any food preferences. She advised her that she was a vegetarian and that she appreciated the invitation and would be here at six-thirty.

Anne went to the Neiman Marcus web site and ordered two bottles of the body lotion I liked to be sent to Sandy then made a few more calls to deal with some of her business activities and interrupted one to take an incoming call from a Dr. Stephanie Martin. She turned out to be the In Vitro doctor and told Anne she could come to her office at one o’clock today and to be ready to begin the process because she had been briefed on the situation and was elevating Anne to emergency status and if she was prepared to do everything just as directed it would only take between 10 days and two weeks to harvest her eggs.

It was a little after ten and we had an appointment at eleven with Anne’s personal attorney to sign the agreement for setting up the investment in the hedge fund for Sandy and me. After that we would stop at the bank and wire transfer the 100k to our checking account.

At ten-thirty Melissa had the car waiting for us and we left for the attorney’s office. When we arrived, Anne told Melissa she could go back home, as all the other things we needed to do were close enough for us to walk. We would call her and tell her where to come get us when we had completed all our errands.

We walked in the door of the attorney’s office a couple of minutes before eleven and were told to go straight in. He apparently knew very well how much Anne detested waiting. Anne introduced me to Walter Cooper, the lead partner in a very prestigious law firm, and we got down to business. Everything was arranged exactly as Anne had said. The agreement would be executed immediately upon receipt of an original death certificate. Anne and I signed the papers and made it all official.

Walter then said that he had also prepared a living will for Anne at her request detailing which medical procedures she did not want when her illness became incapacitating. It also stipulated that I would be the decision maker for her in regards to methods to prolong her life when she became Beylikdüzü Escort Bayan unable to make those decisions for herself. There was also a power of attorney that would go into effect at that time giving me abilities to take care of her business transactions and last arrangements. I signed those documents as well and was told to keep copies of them until needed.

“Carl would you please wait out in the reception room for a few minutes? I have some other things I need to discuss with Walter before we leave.”

I got up and shook hands and thanked him then left the room. In about twenty minutes Anne came out and said everything had been taken care of. We then headed for the bank where an officer transacted the wire transfer and told me the money would be available in less than an hour. I sent Sandy a text message to tell her to go online and check our bank account later this afternoon and appended a smiley face to the message and told her I loved her and to ‘Laissez les bon temps rouler’.

We had about an hour and a half before the appointment with Dr. Martin. Her office was only a ten-minute walk so we took a longer route to do some window-shopping. One of the stores we passed was an adult video store. I asked Anne if she had ever been in one before. She shook her head no.

“Well there’s no time like the present.” I took her hand and we went inside. There were racks of videos and a large assortment of toys, costumes, whips and other sexual paraphernalia hanging from the walls and arrayed in display cases. I pointed to one of the whips and said, “I’m not going to need one of those am I?”

“Your voice is the only instrument you will ever require to command my unquestioning obedience to anything you want me to do.”

I had to savor that remark. Considering how many times in the past she had issued orders to me and expected them to be carried out without hesitation or further explanation, I never thought I would live long enough to hear those words come out of her mouth, let alone know that she truly meant them. “My love, I would never think of commanding you to do anything. In fact I will be very careful about even requesting something from you other than your presence. Your only duty is what the song from Phantom of the Opera says: ‘Love me, that’s all I ask of you.'”

“Oh my darling that isn’t a duty. It’s a rare and precious privilege, an honor that I will constantly strive to be deserving of. For the little time I have left my heart will be full of love and gratitude for the gift you are to me. By the way, did we come in here for anything in particular?”

“Actually we did. I suspect that this egg harvesting procedure is going to place your splendid pussy off limits for a little while before it’s finished and since you did tell me you wanted to feel my cock in that beautiful ass of yours, I need to find something to help get you ready for anal sex.”

I walked along the display cases until I saw what I was looking for. There were several glass objects in one of the cases meant for insertion into body cavities. I spotted one that seemed to be just what I was looking for. It was unusual in the level of craftsmanship for such an object. It was about a foot long and had a very ornate handle. The business end of the object was a tapered cone 8 inches long that began with a smooth rounded tip the size of a finger and gradually increased in diameter until it was as thick as a large cock where it was joined to the handle by a stem the same size as the tip so once inserted into your rectum your sphincter could close around it.

I asked the clerk to let me inspect it and found it to be exactly what I wanted. “We’ll take this. Do you also sell lubricant?” He walked over to another shelf and returned with a bottle of clear semi-viscous liquid, which he said was the best he had for anal penetration. I told him to include it with the glass dildo and that would be all.

“Will that be cash or credit?”

“Do you take American Express?”

“Visa or MasterCard.”

Anne handed him a black Visa card and he swiped it and gave it back to her.

“Now I’ve got to sit through this consultation thinking about having that lovely glass rod up my ass.” Anne said as we continued walking toward the doctor’s office.

“You didn’t want me to get one of those cheap plastic butt plugs did you? Or would you have preferred one that vibrated?”

“Just the thought of you using it on me makes me vibrate. I can’t wait until I feel your hot hard cock slide all the way in me. I’m getting wet thinking about this. Can we do it tonight?”

“It would be my pleasure to begin your anal training this evening Ms. Cordet.”

“I’m sure the pleasure will be all mine. Just like the pleasure I’m getting from walking with you now. I’ve walked through the city many times but this is the first time I’ve ever walked in the city and enjoyed doing it for no reason.”

We Escort Beylikdüzü stopped at a coffee shop and got an iced latte since it was a warm day then strolled on to the building where the doctor’s office was. We took the elevator to the third floor and found the office. The receptionist took Anne’s name and we sat down to wait. In a few minutes an assistant came through a door and called Anne’s name. We followed her to an area where the assistant did some preliminary tests like temperature, blood pressure, weight and drew a blood sample. She then showed us to an examining room. In a few minutes Dr. Martin came in and introduced herself.

It took about twenty minutes to explain how the whole process would work. She then asked if we wanted to get started. Anne said yes and Dr. Martin said the next step would be a pelvic examination and suggested I wait in the reception area.

“Can’t he stay here during the examination?” Anne asked.

“Well it’s not usual but if you don’t mind then he’s welcome to stay.”

“He’s going to be the daddy so I want him to be part of everything involved in the entire procedure.”

“Most women wouldn’t let their husbands within a hundred yards of getting examined like this.”

“Carl’s not my husband. He’s on loan from his wife so we can be together until I die. You’d be surprised what knowing you’re going to die in a few months does to your modesty.”

“Your primary doctor told me about your condition. I’m very sorry and sympathetic to your situation. I believe we’ve already located the ideal surrogate for you. Her name is Delores and she’s already had one perfect baby with absolutely no complications. She’s coming in tomorrow for tests and to sign the papers. This is very fortunate because it increases the chances of a successful impregnation if we don’t have to freeze the eggs.”

If nothing else resulted from this adventure at least I finally got to see what a woman goes through when she goes to her gynecologist for an exam. Dr. Martin was very nice to explain everything we were looking at and why we needed to look at it. It was a very educational experience.

She explained the harvesting procedure and showed me where she would insert a long needle through the vaginal wall near the cervix to extract the eggs from the ovaries. Before that happened, there would need to be a series of injections to stimulate egg production. I asked if there would be any time when intercourse should be avoided and she said only for 48 hours following egg extraction so the puncture wound would have sufficient time to heal.

She finished up and told Anne she could get dressed and the nurse would be in to give her the first injection. She would need to come back every day so they could monitor her progress. Dr. Martin was very optimistic for a healthy delivery within a year.

When we walked out of the elevator in the building lobby Anne grabbed my arm and pulled me over close to a wall. She looked at me and a tear streamed down her cheek. “This is really going to happen isn’t it? Oh Carl, we’re going to have a baby. I’m going to be a mother. This is so unbelievable. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know how to thank you for this. I’m about to explode with joy for what you’re doing for me. It’s all happened so fast, in 24 hours we’ve fallen in love and now we’re going to have a child. Please hold me Carl, I think I might faint.”

I held her close to me and told her, “Don’t you dare faint on me. This is a momentous occasion and you don’t want to miss a single minute of it. Let’s get out of here and go home and pop the cork on a bottle of Champagne and celebrate by making love for the rest of the day. I suppose I should call Sandy and let her know she’s going to have a baby too.”

“Oh yes Carl you must. I hope she doesn’t think we’ve both lost our minds. I’m worried about dumping this on her without talking to her first. You’re sure she’s going to be OK with this?”

“You can tell her yourself and see what she says. I don’t have the slightest doubt she’ll be as happy about this as you are.” I took out my phone and pushed Sandy’s speed dial button. “Sandy it’s me sweetie. Anne and I just left the doctor’s office and she has something she wants to tell you. Can you talk to her for a minute?” I handed the phone to Anne.

“Sandy, I just got the best news I could possibly have imagined.”

“Please tell me your brain tumor is gone and you’re not going to die.”

“I wish I could but this may be even better than that. Carl and I are going to have a baby.”

“What! How? When?”

“I’m going to have my eggs harvested and Carl is going to inseminate one of them and a healthy young woman is going to carry it until she’s born. He said you would be happy to have another child but I wanted to talk to you first and be sure you were OK with it.”

“Anne I couldn’t be any more surprised if I had found out I was pregnant. Of course I’m happy about it. I think it’s wonderful. You don’t have to tell me whose idea this was; I know Carl thought this up and he knows how much I love children. With all the money you’re giving us we’ll both have time to spoil her and love her as much as you would. You tell him he’s going to have to do some of the diaper changes and night feedings.”

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