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Big Tits

Author’s note: this story is partially inspired by another story written by author @OliviaFantasy, however only the spirit is similar. Monumental props to Literotica for developing the most resilient post processor I’ve ever used. This work would have been lost countless times if not for its masterful backup capabilities. P.S. For those wondering, I’m still working on finishing the Favela series, it is not forgotten, just taking a break. Thanks for reading.


The first time they touched, something happened, something inexplicable.

Catherine stiffened, her smile wavering, hitching, her full sensual mouth quirking unexpectedly, time slowed down and then finally stopped. The room and everything else around them, including their two husbands seemed to blur and fade, a hush fell over the world, and yet.

Christine shifted her weight, bringing her left leg forward, her sensible heel clipping on the tile floor, the sound as loud as a gunshot. Her white calf-length dress, emblazoned with red cherries flared and then settled, the sound of the rustling material like a waterfall in Catherine’s small round shell-colored ears.

“Nice to finally meet you… Mom.” Her son’s wife said, her thin red lips smiling mischievously as she gently moved their clasped hands up and down. These simple innocuous words along with the younger woman’s vivid green eyes captivated all of Catherine’s attention.

She simply couldn’t look away, couldn’t let go, the sound of Christine’s voice slipped past all her natural defenses, winding and coiling around her heart, which had started beating faster and faster from the first moment the two women had made physical contact.

A moment of distraction, Christine seemed to hear something and turned her head slightly, her expression shifting from overt delight to mild annoyance. One of her hard black shoes pivoted on the floor, its toe tapping lightly against the side of Catharine’s foot. It sent a slight tremor all the way up the older woman’s leg, leaving behind a tingling longing warmth low in her belly.

There was a subtle tapping sound as shoe touched shoe, and like a bubble popping, the room reeled around them, reality resuming in one sudden burst of light and sound. “Dear, why don’t we let my mom get back to her cooking, I’ll show you around the rest of the house.”

That was her son’s voice, he leaned in and gave her a quick peck on the cheek, she felt nothing, like she’d been kissed by a ghost. What she did feel though was Christine’s soft warm hand, still holding hers, it slipped away painfully, leaving her feeling cold, lost and confused. The younger woman whirled away, being pulled along by her son, out of the kitchen. Her head turned just long enough to fix Catherine with a guilty apologetic grin, then she was gone.

Catherine’s husband, who had also been present said something to the effect of ‘She seems nice.’ took a crystal tumbler out of a cabinet and headed towards the living room. Soon the sound of the TV was droning dully through the archway that separated the kitchen from the rest of the house.

Catherine took a deep breath and went back to work preparing dinner, only pausing briefly to glance quickly and nervously down at her lap, reflexively checking to make sure she hadn’t spilled anything on her apron. Her cheeks flushed red then as she realized that her apron was perfectly dry, but something underneath it was distinctly not.

Grunting disgustedly she shuffled over to the oven to check on the pot roast. Bending over she smiled with satisfaction, it was coming along nicely and smelled amazing. She shut the oven and started to straighten back up when she felt a gentle touch on her right shoulder.

“Ah, right behind you.” Christine chirped. “Sorry, I was just looking over your shoulder.” She continued, her hand lingered, still exerting its gentle pressure. Catherine felt an unexpected urge to tilt her head and lean in to the other woman’s touch. Christine’s hand rested half way between the apron strap and her neck, it seemed to squeeze and stroke and rub all at the same time.

Instead, the older women turned slowly away from the oven, coming to face her daughter-in-law, who was still standing surprisingly close. Christine’s hand glided away tactfully as she stepped back one pace, placing her heels side by side. “Gregory is watching TV with his dad, so I thought I should come help out in the kitchen.” Her green eyes sparkled. “That is if you’ll have me.” She concluded, fixing Catherine with a curious stare.

“Y-yes, yes of course.” Catherine said, a little flustered, her hands going down to her apron and somewhat aimlessly ruffling and then smoothing out the material. “Gregory told me that you know your way around a kitchen.” She finally let the apron go, it seemed relieved. “So I’ll just point you in the direction of the potatoes and leave the rest up to you. If there are any specific tools or ingredients you need just let me know.”

Catherine Çorum Escort handed her daughter-in-law a large mesh bag of brown potatoes and pointed towards the small central island she used for prep. Christine smiled warmly and glided over to the sink, twisting her slender body just enough to talk as she released the potatoes into a tub for scrubbing.

“I appreciate the offer but I’m a very hands-on kind of gal, so I hope you won’t mind if I just poke around in your drawers a little, until I find what I’m looking for?” She grinned, her right hand darting out, yet pausing on the nearest drawer pull until Catherine gave a subtle nod.

Christine nodded back, her smile widening as she slid open the drawer and reached inside. “Lucky guess.” Her mother-in-law snorted as the young woman withdrew a culinary scrubber and a potato peeler with one hand. She smirked softly and turned back to the sink.

“No, not luck.” She chided. “Your kitchen is very well laid out and everything is exactly where one would expect it to be. Clearly a reflection of your intelligence and homemaking prowess.” Catherine blushed and tried to tear her eyes away from the young woman’s shapely back, but found herself unable to do so.

“W-why thank you.” She murmured demurely, cheeks still rosy as she headed over to the fridge to start working on the salad. After she’d placed all the ingredients on the counter she turned to glance over at Christine. “How do you like your room?” She asked nervously.

Her daughter-in-law turned her head and smiled brightly. “Oh! It’s absolutely lovely! It was my first time seeing a classic four poster canopy bed, I can hardly wait to try it out tonight.” Catherine raised her eyebrows a little at this, but her daughter-in-law just chuckled and went back to peeling potatoes.

“Ha! No, I can see what you’re thinking, but that’s not what I meant.” She scrunched up her nose and leaned forward conspiratorially lowering her voice to a whisper. “I already told your son that while we’re here, nothing like that is going to happen.” She winked, then resumed her peeling.

Catherine thought this over in silence for several seconds and finally decided that she hadn’t misunderstood. It seemed as though her daughter-in-law was trying to communicate that she wouldn’t be having sex with her son during their visit. She blushed as she tried to rationalize the younger woman’s decision and willingness to tell her, but before she could finish…

Christine interrupted her train of thought. “Gregory has told me all about your religious upbringing, and I want you to know how much I deeply respect your faith Catherine.” The older woman couldn’t seem to stop blushing. Silently she cursed out her precocious son, chuckling rueful as she wondered exactly what he’d told his young wife.

It was true that she had been raised in a religious household, but it hadn’t been overly strict, and while her lifestyle could be loosely described as conservative by most people, she didn’t think of herself as a prude. Catherine had just about worked up the nerve to say something in protest when her daughter-in-law was suddenly by her side.

She raised her elegant hand and placed a finger softly to Catherine’s lips, the older woman couldn’t do anything for a moment but startle and stiffen in response. “Now, not another word about this. I’ve made up my mind, and I promise that you won’t be hearing a peep out of us tonight.” She paused, grinning, then continued in a more conversational tone. “Also please try out this sauce that I whipped up for the potatoes.”

Catherine’s eyes went wide as she noticed for the first time that Christine’s finger tip had been moist. When had she even…? The older woman tentatively stuck out the tip of her tongue and, as unobtrusively as possible, licked the coating of white sauce off of her daughter-in-law’s index finger. The young woman made an appreciative encouraging sound, gently and coyly slipping the tip of her finger into Catherine’s mouth.

Instinctually the older woman sucked on Christine’s finger, it was only a momentary lapse, but the sensations it unleashed raced through her body like wildfire. An unintentional moan escaped her lips as the finger was pulled away. Catherine wasn’t sure if it had been the feelings or the flavor of the sauce that had caused such a commotion in her body.

Her upper lip was still tingling, she licked it automatically, tasting more of the delicious sauce. “A-amazing.” She breathed, the sides of her mouth finally curling up into a guilty grin. Vainly she tried to avoid eye contact with her daughter-in-law, who was still hovering unnecessarily close.

“I’m glad you liked it.” She said softly. “It’s my own recipe.” Then she was suddenly swishing away again, back to the kitchen sink. Catherine turned and noticed an array if items neatly laid out on the counter. At some point Christine had gotten them all out, unnoticed, and now she was loading the fully prepared Çorum Escort Bayan potatoes into the microwave.

“You, you’re amazing!” she blurted out. The young woman just chuckled and continued to dance about as she started putting all the ingredients back into various cupboards and drawers. Catherine tried to follow all her movements, but she was so graceful and lithe that she could only gaze on in admiration.

Then, conspicuously Christine was bending down, almost double, reaching into one of the bottom drawers struggling to extract a large casserole dish. Catherine initially stepped forward to help but stopped short and silently stared.

Her eyes had settled on the young woman’s sublimely shaped bottom, but that was not really what had captured her attention so completely. Staring and blushing she wondered fecklessly how she hadn’t noticed before. But now that Christine’s white dress was pulled perilously tight, as she continued to strain and fight with the dish, which had somehow gotten wedged sideways in the drawer.

Catherine’s eyes widened as they focused intently on the graphic and shockingly erotic outline of elaborate intricate shapes that could only be Christine’s lingerie. The outline was smoky and faint, but just as unmistakable. Black lace assuredly. As her body wobbled from side to side, more details emerged. The bounds and extent if her panties, the hem, the cut.

Catherine’s heart thumped wildly in her chest, her hands trembled. Time once again seemed to grind to a halt. An image started to form in her mind, a vision of Christine’s backside but without the dress. Catherine could see the black lace lingerie clear as day, excepting only the tantalizing place where it seemed to be swallowed up by Christine’s backside and where it faded into obscurity thanks to the drape of the dress.

Catherine licked her lips and tried to avert her eyes. “There!” Christine exclaimed dramatically as the dish clunked free. “Finally got it!” She chuckled happily, straightening back up and stretching her shoulders as she placed it carefully on the counter top. “It’s more satisfying when you have to work for it, don’t you agree?”

She glanced thoughtfully at Catherine, their eyes met, and the older woman felt like something unspoken passed between them, but she also felt a twinge of guilt due to her unexplained voyeuristic behavior. She nodded meekly, blushed and looked away.

A loud rush of sound rose and then subsided from the living room, Christine rolled her eyes, Catherine laughed. “Men.” She remarked derisively.

“Men.” The younger woman responded sympathetically, her tone sounding bored and disinterested in the whole concept. They both had a good laugh over this then got back to work. The roast was basically done, the scalloped potatoes only needed to be dressed and the salad was ready to toss.

The two of them converged smoothly in front of the salad bowl, their hips bumped together lightly, Christine reached into the pocket of her dress and pulled out her phone. “I want to remember this moment.” She held it up, capturing them both in the frame, her left arm slipped around Catherine’s waist.

“You don’t mind do you? I know this is more a, my generation kind of thing, than yours.” Catherine snorted and shook a few strands of her short blonde hair out of her eyes.

“Girl, please. We grew up with Polaroids. I was taking selfies when you were still in diapers.” Christine laughed loudly, her goofy yet sincere smile filling her entire face. It was radiant.

“Good, I’m glad to hear you’re not afraid of a little exposure.” She chuckled as she pulled their bodies even closer together. “I want to get your beautiful salad in the shot too.” Christine murmured as she continued to raise her phone even higher.

Catherine stared pensively at the screen, noting how well the scene was beginning to look, their two smiling faces and the large crystal salad bowl sat nestled neatly between them. She also couldn’t help but notice that due to the high angle she had a spectacular view down the top of Christine’s dress.

The neckline wasn’t particularly low but the angle made it impossible to miss the top of her black lace bra and a fair amount of cleavage to boot. She was about to say something when she noticed Christine’s hand start to move slowly down her waist and reposition itself snugly over her left hip.

The phone made a camera shutter sound, Christine brought their heads together and took another. Her face quirked. “I like it, but I feel like it just needs a little something more, you know?” They locked eyes, and then Catherine could feel her daughter-in-law’s fingers splaying ever so slightly, spreading out over her hip, inching down. “Let’s try one cheek to cheek.”

The younger woman pivoted neatly, their thighs bumped together, their breasts touched, Christine’s hand slipped casually down into the small of her mother-in-law’s back, fingers still spread so that her smallest Escort Çorum was touching the very top of Catherine’s ass. The sensation was so light, but it filled the older woman’s entire body with excitement. She grunted as Christine brought their cheeks firmly together.

“Smile!” She warbled. Catherine’s heart thudded dully in her chest, she felt faint and unbearably elated. The phone clicked, and then they were easing apart, Christine’s hand dragged absently over Catherine’s bottom, causing her to inhale sharply. The younger woman however was already bringing up her phone between them and flicking back through the photos.

“I love that look on your face in the first one.” She murmured. Catherine made a shy noncommittal sound, her embarrassment at the thrill she’d felt as Christine’s hand had brushed across her butt, causing her to blurt out the first thing that popped into her head.

“But aren’t you worried about your bra showing?” She blushed immediately. Christine just focused on the detail in question, pinching the screen to zoom in on her ample cleavage.

“Oh, yeah, I see what you mean!” She smirked. “But, there’s nothing really to worry about is there, since the picture is just for us, right?” Catherine let out a nervous little laugh and nodded uncertainly. Christine smiled sweetly and put her phone impishly back in her pocket. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to post them anywhere. I’ll text them to you later.”

Catherine chuckled and started to take off her apron. Christine stepped closer and gently took the apron from the older woman’s hands, she started folding it meticulously as she whispered across the island. “So now that you’ve seen it, I have to ask; what did you think of my new bra? I got it for Gregory, it’s part of a set. I think it’s really sexy, but he hasn’t even seen it yet and I’m a little nervous that he’s not going to like it.”

Catherine grinned bemusedly, not entirely sure how to respond, and met with a very confusing mixture of emotions swirling inside her body while she fidgeted with a pot holder. Her daughter-in-law’s surprising display of vulnerability fused with her own incredulous desire to see the lingerie herself.

“Oh. I’m not sure you’re asking the right person… I mean, I’ve never really gone out of my way to put on a show for Henry.” She paused, took a deep breath, and tried to stop her growing excitement from showing up on her face. “But, I don’t suppose it would hurt to take a quick peek and give you my opinion.” She smiled softly, suppressing the wild grin she could feel simmering just below the surface.

Christine nodded, her expression sweet but serious. “I’m so glad!” She nearly squealed and bounced on her heels. “Okay, first the top.” She quickly turned around, looking behind herself, towards the living room, only the dull roar of the TV could be heard in the background. Reaching up with both hands she slipped them under the broad straps of her dress and eased them down over her shoulders one by one.

From the back Catherine watched raptly as the dress slumped and crumpled up around Christine’s narrow waist. The older woman inhaled deeply her eyes flaring as her daughter-in-law slowly shuffled around to face her. The black lace bra was stunning, the cups were low and intricate, the tops of her areolas hinted just above their edge.

Not that it mattered, she could see right through the delicate material, Christine’s nipples were hard and succulent looking. Catherine licked her lips then swallowed, her mouth had gone dry. The extra straps and other ornamental accents only enhanced the overall effect.

“Oh my god.” Catherine breathed through the fingers of one hand, jerking it away when she realized that she was covering her mouth. Christine twirled gracefully around, first right then left, finally she hooked her hands underneath her dress straps and hoisted it back into position.

“That was fun!” She grinned, taking a step closer, shaking her hips to even out the bottom of her dress. Catherine was only able to nod dumbly, her knees felt weak and wobbly, she stepped back and leaned against the kitchen counter. Christine’s eyes sparkled and she quickly rounded the island to lessen the distance between them.

“Now, I hope you’re ready for the main attraction.” She smirked, glancing one more time over her shoulder before bending down to grab the bottom hem of her dress. Bunching two fistfuls and closing her eyes, she smoothly hoisted the front up over her knees. She gave it a playful little shake, then continued drawing it up, her thighs came into view then…

Catherine curled her toes in her shoes and clenched the edge of the counter, her fingers creaking. A tiny upside down satiny black triangle commanded her full attention, she stared unabashedly. little by little the triangle grew in front of her unblinkingly eyes. Waves of excitement rippled through her trembling arms and legs, she felt both tingly and weightless.

“Tah-dah.” Christine mouthed, giving her dress one final tug and pulling her gathered up skirts over her hips. Catherine gazed longingly at what seemed in that moment to be the most sensual and erotic panties she had ever seen, displayed on the body of a woman every inch a vision of feminine perfection.

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