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Subject: ‘OFfiCe JOckS FoR DOmiNaTiOn’ o2 % This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature. If a character from this story happens you have the same first name, use it to your advantage and put yourself in his place. The author is not responsible for leakage. % Countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing `adult material’. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain `adult material’, intended for an `adult audience.’ Bypass this warning at your own risk! % If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex & related stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story. % Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don’t mean going out and hiring a security guard…unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt! % Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace’ or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any fty/donate.html % Give till it hurts…and if that’s not enough, get with some s&m! ‘OFfiCe JOckS FoR DOmiNaTiOn’ o2 WriTten by T. Chase McPhee % Where Steve and Jared headed off to was of no concern to Rick. As of this moment he could not have been in a more lucrative position in the shower, facing a college guy, chest plastered against the sophomore’s back, and as he himself has placed Callum’s hands up on the tiled wall, warm water streams down over both. “Feels really good, Ricky.” “Yeah, I know what you mean, Cal.” Particular, “it’s Callum.” “Sorry,” Rick says, smiling. Rick allowed it to pass. This was a public gym, not his office back at base headquarters. As personnel manager, he had some raw recruits and that meant taking an attitude-wise young man, stripping him down and reshaping him into a responsible man, to maintain company standards. Much of that came from the manual Rick helped to re-write when he was hired, which was accepted company wide, both here and in two satellite offices. It also helped he was the boss’ son, who would be operating the company very soon on his own, being his dad was stepping down. Feelings prevail and with not only hands feeling Callum up and down water-lubricated sides, Rick’s soft shaft, melded like a perfectly fitted puzzle piece to the college man’s ass crevice, it made him want to stay there and linger forever, or until the situation resolved itself! Drawing off the knowledge of mansex, the only kind Callum has ever known, from porn vids, of what happens after both shoot their loads and being the gym was hardly the space to graze from the shower to a bed, “after this, are we going to your place, Ricky?” Another moment which makes Rick smile, the assumption, that the pair would be headed back to his place and not a college dorm room, he surprises himself, instead of the surefire, ‘no’, “if you like?” Call it ignorant, or wishful thinking, Callum says, “um, I’d like that. Thanks for offering.” He didn’t. Rethinking the past few minutes, Rick didn’t say a thing about his place, but ‘what the heck’, he goes on first impression. Like a business transaction, where he’s sure the client is going to pick up on a sweet deal, ‘you only live once!’ In the long run, flashing through his mind, of how guys on a one night stand wound up back at his place and then how hard it is to get rid of them, not hoping for anything more than a romp in the sheets, thoughts cloud Rick’s mind. Yet, Callum was being so cute, innocent, his brain-fog becomes more cloudy, “yeah, sure. No problem.” Yet, it still lingered in his brain, not inviting this college sophomore back to his place. However, as one situation supercedes another, the feeling of rubbing his shaft up and down Callum’s ass, he was ready to promise anything! Up front, Rick has always stated it as it is, warning the guy he took home that it was only for the night and in the morning, made sure he didn’t stick around past 10:00 am. With Callum, he smiles at his blunder, thinking, ‘don’t do today, what you can put off for tomorrow’. Stepping back, he turns the shower handle to cold, “we better get going.” “Oh shit, Ricky!” Rick laughs, seeing Callum hop out of the shower, jump up and down at the cold wakeup call. He also smiles, seeing Callum’s cock and balls jump up and down with the motion! In Callum leaping backwards and in an unplanned maneouver, his bod slams Rick, “whoops!” It also leaves him tipsy, Rick stepping in to catch the college sophomore under the pits, “don’t worry, I gotcha!” Callum looks down to see a pair of hands clutching his meaty pecs, “you sure do!” Realizing it, Rick slips hands form the pecs and pits, “yeah, well,” he stutters, “I guess I’d be saving the gym a ton of money if happened to take a fall and shattered something?” That ‘something’ on Rick’s mind had been Callum, when he does an about face and views the massive shaft, partially erect in front of him! Callum noticed Rick’s gaze, asking, “am I okay?” Playing stoopid, Rick says, “okay in what way?” “You know,” he smiles, pointing to the obvious, “down there?” It made Rick coverup, a hand shading his shaft from view. Instead of something to lead away from how he was feeling about the college sophomore, he says, “I’d say more than okay.” Then he couldn’t leave it at that, “more than me!” Callum met with Rick smiling at him, “really? Mind if I take a look?” ‘Oh my God!’ Rick knows his jaw is dropping, with Callum peeling his hand away. Yet, the moment already too late to cancel, he goes with it, placing both hands on his hips, “what do you think?” Thinking Rick was cool with all this, Callum doesn’t both to ask, just takes both cocks in two hands and measures them up, “I think about even.” However, Rick could just feel his cock growing, side by side in Callum’s hands. Immediately he steals his back, “uh, yeah, well, I think we better be going. Business calls.” It first shocked Callum, that Rick ended the experiment, but then his mind drifted back to a porn vid he had seen, where men in suits were working in an office. Regardless, business practices at that office included men sucking, men fucking, the boss surrendering to the mail boy, so many subjects of man sex which would seem like this was business as usual. Reporting to the lockers, both had towels around their waists, Callum’s soggy shorts hanging by a finger. “Um, like,” Callum gulps down spit, “you wouldn’t happen to have an extra pair of shorts, Ricky?” Out of the ‘clean bag’, Rick pulls a rolled up piece of material, tossing it to Callum’s chest, “here, try this on for size,” he jokes, “you hairy monster!” He didn’t know whether to feel embarrased, or proud, of his hairy chest and the stripe running down to his bellyhole, nor bushy, wet pubes, Callum keeping it mediocre, “thanks.” But it does stir up his curiosity, “are hairy men you’re thing, Ricky?” Mostly smooth, by choice, but anything could prevail, given the guy had a long, thick meaty dick and big balls, Rick looks up at Callum, thinking, even though the subject already crossed his mind, “could be a deal breaker,” he says as he pulls on his undershorts. Standing there motionless, hands still to his chest after catching the tossed shorts, it pricks Callum’s interest, “deal breaker? How would that go?” For the past hour or so there’s a lot of things which passed between Rick’s lips, unintended, but nevertheless part of his inner, deep thinking, “um,” looking for a way out of his apparent truthful thinking, “why don’t we talk about that later?” Rick dried off quick, having noticed the time. For the life of him though, he couldn’t imagine how Callum made it through nineteen, twenty or the past twenty-one years of life, not discovering that a person, in order to dry off, should wrap the towel around the back and not try to dab over the shoulder. In only his briefs, pants, Erzincan Escort fly still hung open, Rick goes to the college stud, “here, allow me.” If he had a care in the world, Callum would’ve thought Ricky was taking his sweet time, not only drying his back, but allowing the towel to slip down to his ass and after wrapping it around his waist, attempt to dry his pubes. Not only was he getting a drying off, but Ricky’s short-cropped beard was scraping his neck, adding to the dilemma of feeling, “that’s like, so awesome, Ricky.” What a tease he thought, Rick breaking off the sweet affection, licking Callum’s cheek, breaking off the slurp and saying, “yeah, real awesome Cal.” “Callum.” “Right, Callum,”he pat’s Callum’s cheeks like a slight spank, “we’ve got to be at the office in 30.” First to hit him, because Callum already was under the impression Ricky was taking him home, they were leaving the gym, has a different take, “office? I thought.” “Work first, play later,” Rick zips up his fly and lifts a suit jacket from his locker. “Oh. Right. That’s what I thought, business calls,” Callum replies, even though his mind was still clouded by that frankfurter sandwiched in between his buns. Making it up as he went along, that hot shower allowing ideas to spin around in his head, Rick says, “oh, by the way,” he looks up, from tying shoe laces, “you better hurry, or we’ll both be late.” “Not my fault you took so long in the shower, Ricky,” Callum pulls on the shorts given him. If Rick could see himself, sitting there on the maple bench, holding two laces and looking up to the side, jaw dropped open, thinking of men like that, who submitted applications, were hired and never made it through his company’s strict basic training, if indeed Callum had made it that far, he would have gotten the ax. But here he was, already smitten by the college sophomore, who didn’t seem to care what he said, maybe not even realizing the implications, and how dreamy he looked, pulling that tee shirt down over those hairy pecs, smoothing it out and then tucking it in. Stuffing clothing in his bag, including the wet shorts, Callum slams the locker door close and turns to Rick, “what?” Rick didn’t realize he still held the two laces and frozen in place, ties the knot, “nothing.” Standing there, gym bag in hand, Callum says, “well, it must’ve been something, since it’s going to probably make us late?” Rick was ready to rip up the application Callum had never filled out. It wouldn’t be the first time he hired a guy, simply on good looks, a big dick, hefty balls or, the other thing, a guy who talked a good show, but with Callum there was the dividing line between defiance and just being cute, “yeah,” Rick goes back to tying his shoe, “we better. Get moving.” Standing, he slams his locker shut and picks up his bag, only Callum is there, reaching for it, “I’ve got it.” “You don’t have to do that.” “I know,” Callum says, “but I ‘want’ to do it.” Handing his bag over to the lad, Rick thinks, ‘now, there’s a man who knows what he wants’. Then, adamantly, ‘Steve never offered to take my bag!’ Rick did roll his eyes, Callum walking in front of him, able to carry two bags, but the gymbag with Callum’s shorts, leaked driplets of water. A cute guy entering the locker room, well how could Rick ‘not’ hold the door for him. The ‘thank you’ was downright cute! Next thing he knows, Callum, a few feet away is getting a talking to by the gym desk jockey, for leaving a trail of drips. Rick is about to tell ‘George’ to let it go, when Callum speaks up for himself, “what’s the big deal? Aren’t you paid to clean up?” George, in his Jamaican accent, says, “listen here, little boy. I don’t do shit like that, so I give you paper towel and you wipe it up yourself!” At six feet, four inches tall, George could tower over most men, but behind the elevated floor behind the counter, it offset his height by a couple more inches tacked on. All in all, it didn’t daunt Callum. After being bullied in high school, he didn’t come out of the situation without experience. Maybe stuff like that seemed like an endless solution to the problem, but in college it was a whole different scenario, which has him barking back at George, “no, you listen here, ‘big boy’, I don’t care if you don’t do shit like that around here, but I’m a paying customer and should be treated respectfully, like any other member. You get my drift?” Watching from afar, he hesitated to approach the confrontation, but when George stood there, tapping his long, heavy fingers on the desk, Rick steps up to the counter and cheerfully says, “what’s the matter, George? You’re boyfriend didn’t want to give you a blow job last night?” George knew who Rick was, how his millions could probably buy out the gym in an instant, “oh, Mr. Oakly, I um…I didn’t know he was with you?” Rick had already thought about explaining to the crew back at work, about Callum, and having entered through ‘the backdoor’, without formal application, “I think you owe my nephew an apology?” ‘Nephew?’ Callum wonders what’s with that, but goes with it for now. Being Rick had a personal trainer for almost every day of the week and drops a bonus to each every Christmas, plus a bottle of bourbon, “well, George, do I need to notify management of this incident?” Callum couldn’t believe, how George seemed to suddenly melt like butter, transforming from this meany, into a whimpering mouse. He was rather enjoying it, watching Rick put the tall, dark-skinned man in his place. Callum smiles, silently thinking, ‘was that his cock twitching’, watching the whole scenario unfold. “No, no, no, sir. Of course not.” Then, stepping out from the counter, dropping his height by two inches, “I hope you will accept my apologies and,” he reaches for a card, writing something on it, “this gift for three months of free training.” From there, it was batted back into Callum’s ballpark, who says, “only three? How about a year?” At this point Rick was enjoying it, seeing the shocked look on George’s face, but also the diplomacy Callum was using. “I can give you six months, okay?” he crosses out the 3 and writes 6. Rick almost bursts out laughing, had to hold it in with a hand, when Callum answers, “you’re shitting me, right?” He pushes his glasses back up onto the bridge of his nose, knowing George was thinking about it, because of his silence. “Okay. I make big exception and give you twelve months,” George tears up the card and produces another one, writing the agreement. “And,” Callum says, “I want you to be my trainer.” Rick knew that didn’t go over big, George freezing in place. “That is impossible,” George says, handing the card to Callum, “I only work the desk and in the juice bar.” “Oh,” Callum says. But all that was about to change, the gym manager stepping into the scene, first addressing Rick with a knuckle-bump, “Mr. Oakly, how’s the workout going?” “Finished for the day and we were about to leave, but my nephew, Callum, seems to be having a problem here at the desk.” In secret George knew there was something he didn’t like about ‘Mr. Oakly’. On the contrary, Rick has stolen glances in the locker room, watching George change out of his uniform into something more skimpy! Mike spots Callum, but directs his line of fire at the desk jockey, “we got a problem here, Geo?” Mike, unlike with Rick, takes the nephew’s hand, “I hope you’ve found everything to your satisfaction, Callum?” Yeah, he had a gripe, but rather than point the finger at George, “pretty much so,” he snaps the card, “after George handed me a twelve month membership, for nothing. But he informs me he’s not available as a personal trainer. Who would you recommend?” Mike was in a dilemma. Here he was with one of the heavy benefactors of his business, sending more people than he could count on his fingers and toes, to the gym. Again, Rick marvels at Callum’s way of ironing out a situation. However, rather than leave things up to the gym owner, “Mike, I’m sure you’ll never miss George at the desk for a few hours a week?” It was on the tip of his tongue, Mike about to recommend Nick, but being Erzincan Escort Bayan Rick pressed the issue, “of course not.” Then, turning to Callum, “if you prefer Geo to train with, it’s a done deal.” He turns to George, “you’re okay with that, right Geo?” Having been at the gym for several years, how could George complain, the moderate salary, tips, bonuses, plus boys he’s picked up for sex in the locker room, “no problem,” he swallows, “Mike.” “Great,” Mike says, “then I’ll leave it to you and Geo to work out the details,” he shakes Callum’s hand and knuckle-bumps Rick.” On their way out to Rick’s car, he comments, “that’s great.” “What is?” Callum grabs his bike from the rack. “You get a handshake and I get a lousy knuckle-bump. Not once, but twice?” Callum thinks he’s being funny, “what’d you expect, a blow job?” Popping the back of his SUV, the tailgate lifts on its own, “just toss that in the back.” Callum bends the front wheel of his bike to fit it in, “oh, so we are going to your place?” “Not right now. I mean,” Rick feels flustered in his first reaction of thinking, “I’ve got to do a little work?” “Right, business first,” Callum says. However, Rick is uneasy about his decision and while Callum has to go to the trouble of putting the back seat down to fit his bike in, it gives him time to text. Not something which hasn’t been texted to his secretary, Bill, out of the ordinary, Rick switches the board meeting to his favorite, local watering hole. With Callum slipping in the front seat, he says, “your car made a scratch on my bike.” He knew it was probably the way he struggled to get it in, but wanted to see what Rick’s take on it would be. “I could hand it over to my insurance man, but instead I suggest getting a little can of black paint and a brush?” Callum had thoughts of his own, “I bet you thought I wanted a new bike?” As Rick presses a button, starting the vehicle, “do you want a new bike?” “Yeah, but I’ll be able to afford a new one, right after I get that job you promised me. How much did you say it pays?” “I never said.” “Oh.” Thinking things are moving kind of fast. Here he’s taking a guy into his company who’s at least ten years younger, which has him instead of settling for less, wants more. He could have any single guy in his office, yet he’s picked up this college sophomore. He justifies it, recalling the shower scene, how good it felt having his hard shaft up against Callum’s wet ass. Jumping in, Callum startles Rick back to reality, “I suppose we can work out salary later. Let’s go!” ‘Dah,’ Rick thought, why Callum even brought it up. He chocks it up to inexperience. The gym scene fresh in his mind, Rick says, “I think we should keep up the disguise of you being my nephew.” “Oh?” “An application and interview issue. Hiring family members, I’ve cut corners before.” “Oh? Who in your family works at your business?” Rick was digging himself deeper into the abyss, “well, not exactly family, but men, like you, who I feel will fit perfect into the business.” “Really? Oh, so what will my job entail?” Right now Rick would like to offer a blow job, “I have a mentorship opening in my department at work.” “Is the pay good? Not only could I use a new bike, but I sure could use help with tuition?” ‘Tuition’, Rick remembered that all too well, how the family business hadn’t gotten off the ground quite as lucratively as his father had hoped and as a result, had to take out bank loans. Fortunately that changed and he was able to pay them off. “Yeah, the pay is real good. Tuition? You wouldn’t have to worry about that.” “Meaning?” As they drove, Rick tried to think where this was going. He had traffic to contend with, “we’ll talk about that later.” “Okay. So, tell me about this mentorship.” Rick had a habit of saying things, with no concrete background to back him up, which has him putting it off, “why don’t we talk about it over lunch.” “Oh, after the board meeting?” Now, there was a tricky question. Rather than say something he’s regretted, which could result in scaring Callum off, “we usually eat during the board meeting.” “Oh. Cool!” Having not discussed ‘the office’, Callum asks, “so, your job is to hire and fire people?” Figuring he’s put on the charade long enough, Rick confesses, “I run the company.” “Run the company? I hadn’t an idea that that’s what personnel was about!” It made Rick smile, “well, it encompasses many things, among them, making important decisions, which could make or break the company.” “Oh. What does the company own?” “Hardware. We’re a distributor. Mostly, over the years we’ve upgraded to high end plumbing and housing.” “Oh.” “And I’ve had this mentor position open for a while now, with not the right person to fill it.” ‘Awhile’, what Rick didn’t mention, was it meant, the position has been available for all of the past half hour! “Really, Ricky? And you think me, being a college sophomore, knows enough to fill a position such as that?” Rick wasn’t sure, but he did like Callum’s upbeat attitude, alpha in some respects, straightforwardness, “of course. When you get to know me, you’ll find that I’m a good judge of character.” Instead of questioning Ricky’s credentials and what led him to believe he was suitable for the job, Callum takes what’s been said and turns it back around to fuel his own ego, “you really think I’ll be an asset?” They turn into the parking lot of an bar and grille. Something had slipped Rick’s mind and before they entered into a public domain, “and oh, by the way, going back to working out in the gym, you mentioned you’ve been checking me out on the soccer field?” “Yeah, well,” Callum starts out sheepishly, that boyhood manner showing, “I thought you were a young college guy, my age and not a grown man?” Pressing on the steering wheel, Rick turns a bit to his right side, “well, I don’t think I’m old enough to be your father?” Keen on what has already passed between the two, “uncle will work. Besides, it sickens me to think that I would ever have sex with my father and oh, before I forget, I hope you don’t mind me saying, your cock rubbing up and down my ass crack did feel good. Only, I’m glad you didn’t think of sticking it in without asking. Because, the answer would have been ‘no’.” “Well, tell you the truth,” Rick speaks his mind, “as it usually goes, being the good judge of person I am, I don’t feel I have to ask!” Just what Callum thought, watching all those man-stud porn vids, but had a take on how it affected himself, “I figured so, but if it were you and me, I’d ask you first before I fucked you.” Unusualy conversation, Rick’s nads were rather enjoying it, playing along, “well I would certainly hope so, Callum.” “Oh. I didn’t think that’s how it went with you.” Rick knew his pants were tenting. He just hoping he wouldn’t get chafing, the tip rubbing on the steering wheel, “how what goes?” “I thought you would just slam yourself in, which I thought maybe that’s what you do to the other guys?” If this conversation lasted any longer, Rick thought he might be stepping out of his car with spit showing at the base of his zipper, “um, I think this might be a good topic for bedtime?” “Oh, am I sleeping over tonight?” Rick was hoping, but at this point not sure it was the right thing, putting Callum off, “why don’t we think about it after lunch?” “Okay.” Ricky then thought he should’ve kept on topic, the one they were discussing, Callum next bringing up, “I know this might sound strange to you, but do you think if two guys are playing around and one of them has an idea of making up stories and acting them out, are okay?” A number of times, over the past years of his life, Rick has come across this, “you’re talking about role-playing?” Like the idea rolled around in his brain, Callum is sure it’s what he means, “yeah, that’s what I mean, but never heard it called that.” “What have you heard it called?” Callum responds, “a made up story.” “One in the same,” Rick says. After another moment of thought, “okay, so you think if two guys are roleplaying and one wants to force the other to have sex, it’s Escort Erzincan okay?” “If you agree to it ahead of time.” Knowing so much has Callum wondering, “have you done role-playing, Ricky?” “I think even men who have strived to have a loving relationship, venture outside of that and have moments of exploring their dark side.” “Dark side?” Callum questions. Just when Rick’s dick has decided to subside, talk of ‘the dark side’ begin causing a rise, “I think we should again, put off the subject to later.” Realistically, Callum says frankly, “yeah, probably since I’m kinda hard right now and don’t want to spring a leak.” Rick jokes, “yeah, since I don’t have another pair of dry shorts!” Remembering Rick’s kindness, lending him his own shorts, Callum places a warm hand on the thirty-one year old’s shoulder, “thanks for that.” Even thought the seat belt crippled his crotch, the sophomore uses the car console to perch himself up out of the seat, as far as possible could go, giving the driver a peck on the cheek. Surprised, yes, but it’s been awhile since Rick has gotten a ‘thank you’ like that. Smiling to himself, eyes still glued to the road, he says, “you’re welcome!” Turning back in his seat, relaxing his crotch, Callum says, “I guess you were expecting more?” “Oh? How does that go?” “All that you did for me this morning at the gym? You should be more deserving than a kiss.” Like Rick thought, ‘this guy is tricky’, replying, “don’t underestimate your talent. I witnessed how resourceful you can be, the way you manipulated Mike into having George as your personal trainer. And oh, nice that you were kind in your words, not lying the entire blame on George.” With deeper thought, “we all have a past and I think, whatever Geo’s past,” Rick cuts in, “oh, so it’s Geo now?” “Hush a minute?” “Sorr-reee!” “Something happens to all of us to make us what we are, good or bad, that’s what I think.” From a twenty-year old college student, Rick was getting the impression he’s finally met one with his head screwed on straight, “hm, interesting.” With a theory of his own, “so, that’s why you insisted on Geo being your personal trainer, so you can straighten him out?” “That. And, I think he can be fun to fuck with.” Rick was shocked, glad he was parked, but still tensed the brake out of sheer reaction. “But not everything I’m thinking,” Callum says, smiling on the inside, knowing the steering wheel of Rick’s mind was turning. Which direction, he wasn’t sure! “Oh. Right,” Rick steps off the brake and places his foot flat on the floor, furthering, “sounds like you’re sure of yourself?” They tossed back and forth ideas, which finally brought them to the next topic, the school years Callum had hoped to forget once he moved on to college, but it resurfacing, he faces his fears, “I hope you’re okay with this, but I’ve been seeing a wellness counselor.” “A shrink?” Callum enlightens, “I prefer the latter. It doesn’t make people think I’m insane.” “Truth is, me too. There was a time in my teen years my parents thought I was spinning out of control and hooked me up with a shrink.” Callum deviates, “was he cute?” Thinking his new ‘junior associate’ quite wise for his age, didn’t lie, “very. Late 20’s, beautiful bod, and a cock you could die for.” Expecting Callum to try to measure up to that with his wellness counselor’s description, Rick is shocked, “that’s what my counselor used to say about my cock.” Rick is shocked, “what?” “Yeah,” Callum smiles, recalling, “I was almost eighteen and my shithead stepfather convinced my mom I was screwed up and needed a shrink, but he probably didn’t know the doctor was gay. Fuck him!” He laughs. “Was he homophobic?” “You guess. When he was still dating my mom he convinced her a boy shouldn’t have a My Little Pony spread on his bed!” They both laughed, Rick saying, “I get the picture.” He continues, “but yeah, my wellness counselor, Pete, was a bit of a nerd, but really nice looking and after just two sessions we had our shirts off.” “Really?” Having sat in the parking slot for several minutes, Rick was about to get out, but Callum resurfaced with some more tempting wellness tales! “Even though the first session he seemed like the macho type, I found him more to be introverted and,” Callum smiles, “I have to admit, it was ‘I’ that made the first move. Purposely I had worn a buttoned down shirt, instead of the usual teenaged tee shirt. Complaining it was hot in there, even though the A/C was on, I popped a couple of buttons, down to almost my navel.” Rick jokes, “do I have time to whip out my cock for a jerk off?” Still bent on seeing the inside of Rick’s bedroom, Callum says, “sure, long as you’re going to have enough later?” Seriously, Rick had half-unzipped his pants, zipping up, “I better hold off.” Truthfully, Rick had only jerked off once while in lot of a public park and it happened a cop was making the rounds. He could have faced a fine, jail time and disgracing his family, but the cop thought his manjuice tasted delicious and convinced him to show up everyday at that time. Shame, Rick felt so good with the cop’s sweet lips wrapped around his meat, but figured he got transferred or something or other, after about ten blow jobs. He was kind of excited boasting about his story to Callum, which had the collegiate saying, “you must’ve gotten a lot of experience fucking?” Another alpha move on Callum’s part, had Rick playing the game, “probably less than you’re shrink?” Not saying anything about how they got there, he and his wellness counselor, stripped down and the doc bent over his desk, Callum barters, “when you’re ready to share, Ricky, I’ll do the same!” Not wanting to budge, Rick says, “well, I guess we’ll save that little stalemate for later.” “You play chess?” Conversation led back to getting minds on track, both agreeing that talking things out with an unbiased opinion of a mother, father, friend or teacher, and thinking they’ve struck up a comparison to high school life and how cruel it can be, Callum says, “you’ve been there?” “Not personally, but I’ve known guys who have and some of them, men in their thirties, fifties, older, have never forgotten how bullying can be, how they can’t seem to forget.” Placing a hand on Callum’s shoulder, “but it does get better?” “Thanks,” Callum says, “I hope you don’t mind I’ve said something.” “And, if you’re up for it, you can attend a meeting one of my workers started, a support group for men who have experienced being bullied in high school, or a former job.” “I’m kind of not sure if I want to talk about myself.” “You just did,” Rick says. With shyness Callum says, “I guess so, but I mean, to anyone else.” “No one is asking you to. Sit there. Listen and in your own time, share your story. It helps to have other men who have gone through what you have experienced,” Rick gives Callum an extra squeeze on the shoulder to fortify his feelings. “Thanks.” Like heck did Callum want to reach over, embrace Rick, give him a huge man-hug, but the console and confines of the vehicle kept him from reacting. Jacking the door, Rick made the first move, saying, “it is okay that we get out?” The first time, about 30 minutes prior, had their butts elevated, ready to evacuate. “Fine,” Callum states. Rick waits at the hood for Callum to make his exit, greeting him with, “I think you’re going to like this place.” First on Callum’s mind, “it looks expensive.” Proceeding to the front door, Rick says, “you’re in luck. I’m feeling generous today. My treat.” “Okay, but I’m going to pay you back.” Thinking of later on, Rick says, “I certainly hope so!” However, holding the door for Callum to enter, Rick had a lull in his stomach, that they would never be making it back to his place, that he’d be spending a lonely evening watching Tv and tossing popcorn up in the air, holding his mouth open on the rebound. Though, it didn’t feel half bad, all that butter and salt caught up in his wiry pubes. Last time he remembers it happening, balls bathed in butter, there was a guy there to help clean up! % % Copyright 2022 T. Chase McPhee Developing segments of ‘OFfiCe JOckS FoR DOmiNaTiOn’ may not be amended, distributed, sold, used, quoted, paraphrased, chopped, sliced, diced, nor made part of any collection, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the author. Drones are prohibited from overhead viewing. _ Check here that you are not a robot.

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