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This is a work of fiction. All characters engaging in sexual acts are 18 or older. In my fictional world, there are no STDs. My characters may act in fictional and irrational ways. Please rate and comment. Thanks for reading. Be kind to others.

I’m Going To Hell

I’m going to hell, I thought as cradled Brittney in my arms and felt her sweet little snatch milk the last drops of cum from my cock. She tilted her head to the side and I leaned in to kiss her.

“I’m sorry I was such an asshole, Britti.” If I was going to hell, at least I could be nice to my sister.

“You can never be an asshole to me. You’re my Marty.” She kissed me back and bit my lip.

Britti and Marty. That’s the way it had always been since she was old enough to crawl after me. Mom claimed her first word was Marty. I hugged her to me thinking I’d never thought I’d be here.


Christmas 2013. That holiday was forever etched in my soul. I had driven four hours through a snowstorm. I’d nearly died four times as the cars whipped down the highway like it was a bright spring day. But now I was home. I lugged my backpack and dirty laundry into the house. I dropped the laundry by the washer knowing Mom would have it done by tomorrow. I climbed the stairs to my room and collapsed on my bed. Finals were over and I had three and a half weeks to do absolutely nothing.

A half-hour later my stomach told me to go find some food. I went down the stairs noticing that the house was dark and quiet. Mom wasn’t in the kitchen so I checked the garage. Yep, her car was gone. As I walked back into the house I heard the TV from the den. Brittney must be home. I padded down the stairs and saw the dark room was lit with the glow from the screen.

I’d taken four steps into the room when I heard my Dad’s voice and saw two heads in his chair. I smiled. Our TV-watching tradition from when Brittney and I were little was, Mom and I on the couch, Brittney on Dad’s lap. She was eighteen now but over the years she’d stubbornly refused to give up her spot.

I took another step when I heard Dad say, “Oh, right there baby. Gawd you’re tight. You feel so good.”

What the fuck? I heard Brittney giggle. The screen went bright and I could see her tits and Dad’s hand on one of them. I stopped breathing. I back tracked to the stairs and went back to my room.

Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit! Dad was fucking my little sister. I was going to have to tell Mom that Dad was cheating on her. And, he was cheating with Brittney. My mouth was dry. If it wasn’t snowing like a bitch I think I would have driven back to school. I considered that for several minutes until I remembered that the dorms were locked up tight for the holiday. I crawled into bed and pulled the covers over my head.

Sometime later, I heard my door open and watched Mom look in. I pretended to be asleep. I couldn’t face her tonight. I’d have to think of some way to break the news tomorrow. It was going to crush her. Mom ran the house, but everything she did was to make life easy for Dad. She doted on him and he’d stabbed her in the back. With her own daughter.

The stress of the discovery and the drive had exhausted me. I fell into a deep sleep. I had a dream that Brittney had crawled into bed with me and kissed me. The light streaming through the window woke me in the morning. I climbed out of bed and crossed the hall to take a piss. I heard Mom’s voice from her room. After I was drained and I’d washed my hands, I looked in the mirror. No time like the present, I told myself. I opened the door and walked down the hall.

As I approached the open door I heard my Mom’s voice. “Oh, yeah baby, right there. Please don’t stop. Ugggh.” I couldn’t believe that my parents were fucking with their door open. I was pissed that Dad was fucking Mom the morning after he’d fucked Brittney. Fuck it, I’d just confront him now. I looked in the room.

Mom was naked on her back with her legs spread wide. Brittney was face down in her crotch, her long brown hair spread out behind her. Her head popped up.

“How was that Mommy?”

“It was beautiful baby, you’re so good at that. My legs are still shaking.” She stroked Brittney’s hair.

I stepped back before they saw me. I ran back to my room. What is going on here? Mom and Dad are both having sex with Brittney? My sweet, perfect little sister? I thought I was going to hurl. My head was pounding and my heart was beating two thousand times a minute. I crawled back into bed and hid my head under my pillow. Make it go away I pleaded.

Ten minutes later, my door opened and Brittney pulled the pillow off my head. She put her head down face to face with me and rubbed her nose on mine. She gave me a quick kiss on the lips. Nothing unusual with that, except she tasted and smelled like pussy. Mom’s pussy. I pushed her off the bed.

“Wake up grumpy. Mom and I are going to the mall. Want to go with us?”

“No,” I growled. “Too early,” I added, hoping she didn’t know I’d already been up.

“Well when you do get up, I made you snickerdoodles. They’re in the kitchen.” She Diyarbakır Escort bounced out of my room.

After a while, the call of the snickerdoodles was too loud to ignore. I made my way down to the kitchen. I ate them all, washing them down with milk. I knew Dad was at work. I had the house to myself. I decided to explore.

In my parent’s room, I found no big surprises. I did find Mom’s vibrator and a big dildo with a suction cup bottom. I also found that Mom had some very sexy underwear.

In Brittney’s room, nothing seemed different. She had her soccer and debate trophies. I found the plaque for making all-state in soccer the previous year and the pictures of her as the homecoming queen. I saw a newspaper clip that said she had been selected with the highest percentage of the vote ever for Olson High. Brittney was going to have good memories of high school.

I found her vibrator as well. I noticed it was the same model as Mom. There were no sexy undies or hidden stash of porn. Everything seemed normal.

The rest of the house looked just like I had left it last summer. I was deeply confused.

I went back to my room and spent some time texting with my college buddies, feeling them out about maybe coming for a visit over the holidays. Not getting any good responses I resigned myself to tough it out in this house of deviants. I decided to keep my eyes open and see if I could figure out what had caused this big change.

I took a shower and pulled on some sweats. I was in the den, not sitting in Dad’s chair, watching TV when Mom and Brittney got home. Brittney skipped down the stairs and flopped down next to me.

“You ate all the cookies,” she said without pouting. “I’ll make you some more this afternoon.” She gave me a double-dimple smile.

My little sister is a ‘girl next door’ dream. Light brown hair that fell halfway down her back, hazel eyes, a killer smile with those too-cute dimples. She had a few freckles across her little button nose and, sitting next to her now, I noticed that her breasts had continued to grow while I was at school. No wonder she had won homecoming queen. She probably had every guy at school drooling after her.

“What are you watching?”

“Die Hard.”

“Okay.” She snuggled up to me just like she always had. She laid her head on my arm and gripped it below her head. “I’m happy you’re home. I missed my Marty.”

If I could have wiped the images from last night and this morning from my mind, all would have seemed right with the world. Instead, I felt like I was standing at the bottom of the globe about to fall off. We watched the movie to the end and then she left me to go make more cookies. I watched another Christmas movie and then went back to my room.

As expected, my clothes were clean and folded for me on my bed. I went down to face Mom. I walked into the kitchen just in time to see Mom squeeze Brittney’s bottom. It wasn’t a motherly squeeze.

“Hi, Mom.” She didn’t jump or react other than to turn and smile at me.

“Marty, you must have had a terrible drive last night.” She walked up to me and kissed me on the forehead. “I got your laundry done.”

“I saw. Thanks. So, how are you?”

“Never better, Marty, now that both my children are home. I don’t know if you looked outside, but it’s beautiful today. I love a white Christmas.”

“I made a double batch of snickerdoodles for you,” Brittney declared.

“Awesome, what’s for dinner?” I asked Mom.

“Well, it’s just the three of us tonight. Your sister has a date. I thought we might have your favorite, chicken Pad Thai.”

“Who are you dating now Britti?”

“I’m going out with Logan Neal tonight.”

“Been seeing him for a while?”

“No, I go out with him now and then. Nothing serious.”

“Your sister has sworn off serious dating. She knows she’ll be heading off to college soon.”

“So where is Britti thinking of going?”

“I’ve got full-ride offers from Clark, State, and,” She shot me a look, “Wilsom.” She watched me waiting for my reaction.

“You’d give up a chance to play D1 and come to Wilsom?”

“I’m good but I don’t know about playing for State. I’d have to spend all my time on practice just to make the team. The classes are more advanced at Wilsom.”

“Well, I know that’s true. Do you think you want to go to the same school as me?”

“It would be just like high school. I’d have my Marty back.” Her eyes were shining.

Dad got home at six and Brittney’s date showed up a half hour later. I wasn’t impressed. He was big and fumbling and awkward. He didn’t fit the mold of someone my sister would date. When I questioned her choice later Mom just said he was a nice guy.

Mom and Dad were completely normal all night.

I was in bed when Brittney opened my door and crawled on top of me. “You asleep?”

“Not anymore.”

She giggled. “Can I sleep with you?” I froze until I remembered that it was the same question she’d asked me every week since she was four.

“No, you wiggle too much,” I answered the same as I always did.

She giggled and Diyarbakır Escort Bayan kissed me. The kiss was maybe a little longer than I remembered. Then she was gone.

This pattern repeated every night for the next three days. Every date was a different guy. There was a jock, a stoner, and another member of the debate club. She looked happy to be going out with each one. Every night she asked if she could sleep with me. I gave the same answer every night.

Then it was Christmas Eve. We settled in the den after dinner and Mom brought down popcorn. I was in sweats and Brittney was in her nightshirt. Mom was letting us have some wine and Brittney was on her third glass by the time I’d finished my first. I thought I could see Dad stroking her leg.

At about eleven Mom announced that the kids had to go to bed. Brittney pouted but crawled out of Dad’s lap. When I stood up I saw that Dad had a boner.

I almost had to carry Brittney up the stairs. I pushed her toward her room. I stripped down to my shorts and got in bed. Brittney opened my door and walked in a minute later.

“Can I sleep with you, Marty?” She hiccuped and swayed as she stood.

I decided to surprise her. “Sure Britti, climb in.” I held the sheet open.

She broke into a big smile and pulled her nightshirt over her head. She climbed in and pressed her naked body up against mine.

“Uh, Britti, you’re naked.”

“Is no big deal, Marty. Hold me, the room is spinning,” she slurred.

Great, Now, I had my nude sister pressed on me and I had to worry about her spewing all over my bed.

“Britti, this isn’t right. You should go sleep in your bed.”

All I got in return was a snore. She was out cold. I got up and carried her to her bed. I had to make a second trip to get her nightshirt. I was glad she only weighed about a hundred pounds. Yeah, I looked.

The next morning she bounced into my room and jumped on top of me. My morning wood poked her in the stomach through the blanket.

“Mom! Marty’s got a boner,” she cried.

I pushed her off of me. “Scram pest.”

She laughed and went off to use the bathroom.

Downstairs, we followed our Christmas routine. Donuts and juice or coffee and then to the den by the Christmas tree. We all sat on the carpet. The only thing out of the ordinary was that Brittney wore a long T-shirt that was so thin it was almost transparent. Her hard nipples were clearly on display. Last year, Mom would have made her go change. This year, they all acted like they didn’t notice.

Per the routine, Dad opened his presents first. Then, Mom opened hers. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Dad cup one of Brittney’s tits and pinch her nipple. I opened my presents and then it was Brittney’s turn. She always got the most gifts as she was the baby. She rolled away from Dad to make room for all her gifts. When she did, I got a view of her pussy up her shirt. I know Mom saw it too. Brittney took her time opening her presents and then got up, and walking to each of us, she kissed us. She stuck her tongue in my mouth when she kissed me and then pulled back giggling.

I had to go to my room. At about one o’clock, I went down to the kitchen. Mom was working to get dinner ready. I helped her set the table and place the side dishes. She asked me to pull the turkey from the oven and had me carve it for the serving platter. She wiped her hands and told me to go get Dad and Brittney so we could eat.

I walked down the stairs and found them. Dad had his back to me. Brittney was bent over the arm of the couch and he was fucking her from behind. Her pussy was making squishing sounds as he stroked in and out. I just stood and watched.

“Daddy hurry up. You’ve already come twice. Mommy is going to need me to help with dinner.” I noticed she had cum running down her legs.

I went halfway back up the stairs and yelled. “Dinners ready.” I went back and helped Mom get everyone’s drink to the table.

Mom and I were already seated by the time Brittney and Dad came upstairs. They both had red faces and Brittney had that ‘just been fucked’ glow. Her nipples continued to poke through her shirt. I could smell her even with all the food on the table. Mom was looking at Dad with tight lips. I kept my head in my plate and ate the dinner. It tasted like sawdust.

The day after Christmas the snow melted. Brittney and I decided to walk to Ray’s snack shop to see who was hanging around. Walking the six blocks I was struck by how many people knew Brittney and stopped to say hi to her. Everyone of all ages was happy to see her. Their faces lit up as she spoke to them.

When we got to Ray’s she asked me to get a table and order her a large plate of fries. I looked around and didn’t see anyone I knew. Then I saw Connie, Brittney’s best friend. I got the fries and a couple of cokes and sat down next to Connie. I nodded to Brittney as we watched her work the room.

“When did my sister become such a social butterfly?”

Connie gave me a little smirk. “Your sister has become quite popular since you’re been gone. Quite popular.”

I Escort Diyarbakır watched as Brittney joked and laughed with a table of guys. One of them put his hand high up on her leg. I started to get up but Connie put her hand on my arm. “Watch.”

A couple of tables over, a big jock got up and walked to Brittney. He took the kid’s hand off of her leg and got right in his face talking to him. I saw the kid gulp and nod quickly. Brittney smiled and put her hand on the jock’s chest. He went back to his table and Brittney came to join us.

She bent over and gave Connie a hot kiss and then sat down. “How was your Christmas Connie?”

“Good. I got a new phone. How about you?”

“Oh, Daddy gave me a big gift.” She looked at Connie with a knowing smile. They both started giggling.

My mouth dropped open. Connie knew that Dad was fucking Brittney. Then behind me, I heard whispers.

Look at her. “She’ll fuck anything that moves and she’s still the most popular girl around.”

“Have you tried her?”

“Shelly! I thought you were a Christian.”

“I’m just saying, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.”

Oh, gawd. TMI. I needed to get out of here and back to school where everything makes sense. I left Brittney with Connie and walked home. I checked the school website and discovered that the dorms opened a full week before classes started. I told Mom that I had a big project coming up and I’d be leaving early.

Two days later, when they thought I was downstairs watching TV I watched Mom and Brittney playing with each other with their vibrators. They smiled at each other and kissed.

The day before I left, I heard grunts coming from Brittney’s room. The door was half open. She and Connie were taking turns squatting on Mom’s big dildo. Connie had pierced nipples. They were laughing and urging each other to go deeper. I watched Brittney lick Connie’s clit as she slid up and down the big shaft.

My car was packed first thing in the morning.

I worked hard to find a Summer internship so I wouldn’t have to go home again


As I expected, Brittney decided to come to Wilsom. I met her and our parents in front of her dorm on a hot day in August. Wilsom’s dorms had volunteer welcome ambassadors with carts, so we didn’t have to carry a thing. Britti was moved in less than half an hour later. We stood in the parking lot saying our goodbyes.

Brittney kissed and hugged Dad and then Mom. Mom kissed me and Dad handed me a wad of cash for ‘things we might need’.

“Take care of your sister, Marty. I expect to see you at Thanksgiving if not before.” Mom had tears running down her face.

I steeled myself. I’d been rehearsing what I said next for a week. “I’m not coming home at Thanksgiving Mom. I’m not coming home again as long as you and Dad are having sex with Brittney.”

Mom’s hand flew to cover her mouth. Dad turned pale. At least they had the decency to act ashamed, I thought. Brittney on the other hand just looked at me with her thousand-watt smile.

“It’s no big deal, Marty. Sex is just a natural human function. We all eat and breathe. We drink and piss and we have sex. Everybody enjoys it, so why should sex be any different than breathing? It’s not a big deal.”

She wasn’t ashamed in the least. After Mom and Dad left we got Brittney unpacked. I showed her around campus. I was just off campus and I made sure she knew where my apartment was.

“Do you want to get some dinner?”

“No, one of those welcome guys asked me out. I’m meeting him at my dorm.” She gave me a smoldering kiss with lots of tongue.

I pulled back. “Why did you do that?”

“Cause you’re my Marty. I love you.” She beamed at me. She walked away. After she was fifty feet away, she turned and waved.

I didn’t see her again for three days. She was at the coffee shop on the first day of classes. “Hi, Marty.” She waved to me as I entered. I got my iced coffee and sat down at her table.

“So how are you fitting in?”

“Everyone here is so nice.” She filled me in on her week. “I had to change a class, buy my books and a Wilsom T-shirt and hoodie. I had sex with six of those welcome guys and a couple of the girls. Oh, and my roommate.” She rattled off that information like she was telling me what she’d bought at the grocery store. I stared at her.

“First of all Britti, what the hell? You’ve been here for three days and you’ve had sex with nine people? Second, I don’t want to know about your sex life. And third, what the hell?”

She just looked at me and showed me her dimples. “I’m not telling you about my sex life, Marty. If I was I’d tell you that one of the guys had a big cock.” She spread her hands about a foot apart. “And none of the girls had ever been with a woman before. One of them was a virgin.”

“Do you have sex all the time now?”

Brittney proceeded to tell me her ‘dating’ rules. She only had sex with nice people. She’d have sex with anyone that asked as long as she didn’t have something she needed to do, like schoolwork or soccer. She wasn’t into groups or even threesomes. She wasn’t into kinky stuff. No pain or bondage. She liked ‘plain old everyday sex’. She didn’t do exclusive relationships. No one owned her or told her what to do. She didn’t allow jealousy and if anyone tried to fight over her or lay a claim to her she cut them off. She didn’t like public displays of affection.

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