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This is the eleventh part of the second story following the exploits of Maggie, her friends, and the enigmatic and vicious Count Pyre. This story is mainly set in Romania. I only used this country because of the joking Count Dracula similarities. All of the people and places are purely imaginary, and if they bear any resemblance to real people that is unfortunate and unintended. If the story line upsets anyone from that great country I apologise unreservedly.

There are some old characters who make a reappearance, plus plenty of new ones that will hopefully keep you interested. The story contains elements of extreme BDSM that may upset some people. If that is the case with you, then please move on. Apart from that, there is something for everyone. Straight sex, lesbian, toys, lingerie, anal and group sex. I hope you enjoy it. Constructive criticism is always appreciated. If you hate it just leave a bad rating and move on. I am not a professional writer and just do this for a bit of fun. For me the main enjoyment I derive from writing these stories is in creating the characters. If you have strong feelings about any of the persons in the story and would like to read more, or less, about them please leave your remarks in the comments and I will try to accommodate your wishes when Maggie her hands tied together, and the man in uniform was leading her with a rope attached to her bonds.

When all were on the stage the Count addressed the crowd as the man in uniform secured the girl to the wooden, latticed, rack the Count had used for Fahima`s tardiness and crudity at dinner a few nights ago. The girl seemed consigned to her fate and her struggles were weak and lacked conviction.

The Count stopped talking and one of the young men climbed the stairs. The Count handed him the cane that Maggie had given her Master for Christmas. The young man walked forward and landed a stinging blow to the tethered girls buttocks. Her scream was full of anguish and rolled around the tall walls surrounding the courtyard. The man walked back to the Count and handed him the cane, then descended the stairs. As he reached the bottom step the next young man began to ascend and the whole thing was repeated.

Maggie watched in horror as all the young men present striped the poor young girls bum. The last three to ascend the stairs were the three new recruits that had joined the household with the girl now being punished. For a moment Maggie wondered why they all hit with such force, but then she remembered Franky flogging her a few months back. Afterwards, when she had asked Franky why she did it so hard, her Mistress had told her that if she hadn`t the Count would have made her take Maggie`s place. Maggie guessed the same principle applied here.

The girl was now hanging from her wrist restraints. She had passed out at some point. Maggie had counted twenty-one strokes. The crowd began to disperse, and Maggie hastily returned to the large hall. She was sitting sipping coffee when the staff returned and went about their chores.

Maggie recognised one of the girls as Francesca. A pretty blonde who Maggie knew spoke a little Italian. Maggie knew this because she had caught her laughing when Maggie and Gabrielle were making fun of Lucinda one day, and they had been doing it in Gabrielle`s native tongue.

Calling her over, she asked in Italian, “What was that in the courtyard this morning?”

Francesca glanced around furtively, and only when she was sure no one could hear she whispered, “Stupid girl. Stupid girl try to run. Impossible to run. Stupid girl!” and then she was gone.

Maggie was still thinking about what she had seen, plus what Francesca had told her, as the rest of the guests arrived nosily into the hall. Charlotte, David and Maria were still together and sharing private jokes with each other as they filled their plates.

Stella seemed in a much brighter mood, so must have enjoyed her night with Peter, who in turn had a smile as wide as the Grand Canyon.

Ilya still looked disgruntled at having to sleep alone.

Gabrielle stumbled in still half asleep, so the Count must have been at his virile best.

Ken and Fahima were still like a young couple in love, giggling their way through breakfast.

Franky entered, grabbed fındıkzade escort her normal mug, sitting peacefully at the table watching the others, as did Maggie. After a few minutes Franky stood up and spoke loudly, “Attention everybody!” All eyes in the room turned to the older woman as she said, „Tonight is the Grand New Years Eve Ball, therefore there will not be the normal dinner at eight. Instead, lunch will be a larger meal and served from three until four. There will be a buffet at the ball, and the ball starts at nine o`clock, so please be punctual as the Count will be paying special attention to late comers.” With that, Franky refilled her mug and left the room.

Maggie checked her watch. Nearly eleven. Enough time for a quick nap and to tidy up her room before lunch. Leaving the others in the dining hall she made her way back up to her room. Looking around she saw that it was still relatively tidy. A quick cigarette, with great care taken to blow the smoke out of the window and Maggie began to pick up the few discarded items from the floor.

The first item she picked up was the tiger striped lingerie set from last evening. After Peter`s comical reaction she dumped all three pieces directly in the trash can.

The Blazer, skirt and vest were still on the sofa where she had left them. Maggie hung up the blazer and deposited the skirt and vest in her dirty washing suitcase. The bedroom was now clear of discarded clothing. A quick check of the bathroom told her that the cleaning staff had already visited as it was spotless.

Pulling off her jumper and jeans, Maggie set the alarm on her mobile phone for two, and slid under the duvet. After her interrupted sleep last night and her early rising she soon drifted off to sleep snuggled under the thick cover.

The buzzing of her mobile dragged her awake and she lay a few minutes in the bed enjoying the peace and warmth. Gradually she pulled herself from the bed and dressed in the same jumper and jeans and headed downstairs. In the dining room she found only Gabrielle and Charlotte sitting eating large plates of prawn salad.

From her two friends she learnt that Stella, David and Maria had gone back to town. Fahima and Ken had eaten a large breakfast so were skipping lunch. Franky was nowhere to be seen and Ilya and Peter walked in as Maggie was served a large prawn salad by Francesca. The two men sat together, slightly apart from the three women.

Maggie, Gabrielle and Charlotte discussed their wardrobe for the upcoming ball. All three agreed that long dresses were probably the order of the day. Charlotte told them that she had heard from David and Maria that the ball was a very formal affair with high-ranking guests from all over Romania, so not the Count`s usual style of party. They were expecting over seventy guests this evening, and some had already begun to arrive.

Gabrielle told them she had gone for a walk around the chateau after breakfast and seen servants running everywhere with fresh bedding and they had opened up the two other wings of the chateau in order to accommodate all the guests. She had already heard the helicopter arrive and leave at least twice, bringing guests from the capital.

They finished their lunch and the three friends wandered back up to their rooms. The corridors were loud with the preparations for the New Years ball. The new guests were all to be quartered in other wings than where their rooms were located so they didn`t see anyone, but the noise of the arrivals carried along the long corridors and up the stairs.

Both Charlotte and Gabrielle decided to have a quick siesta before the evening celebration, and they left for their rooms after agreeing that they would all meet at Maggie`s room at eight thirty and go down together. Maggie wasn`t tired after her nap earlier so went to her room grabbed her cigarettes and sat on the windowsill blowing the smoke out of the open window. It was already turning dusk and she could hear many cars arriving, the noise carrying on the frigid air. She also saw the helicopter swoop past her window on its way into land.

Closing the window, she threw a couple of logs onto the fire and sat watching the flames lick around them until they eventually caught. With a loud crack taksim escort they burst into flames. Maggie was almost hypnotized by the dancing fire, and she nearly had a heart attack when she felt a hand land on her shoulder. Spinning around quickly she saw that the hand belonged to the Count, who was smiling at her ashen face. Once she regained her composure Maggie saw that he wasn`t alone.

Standing behind him was a man that could have easily been his twin. The same dark hair and eyes. The build and muscular frame was apparen,t even under the jeans and open necked dress shirt he was wearing. The Count introduced the newcomer, “Maggie. I am sorry if I startled you. I would like to introduce my brother Mikel. He has just flown in from Bucharest, but unfortunately his room is not ready yet. I have to take care of the preparations for this evening, so please could you entertain him for an hour or so. He likes to smoke, so knowing that you are a smoker I thought it would be OK if he came here to you.”

Maggie was now standing facing the two handsome men, “Of course Master. It would be my pleasure. Welcome Mikel, please sit down here on the sofa.”

The Count then spoke briefly in their native tongue before leaving without saying another word to Maggie. When he was gone Mikel spoke in the same accented English of his brother, “Thank you Maggie. It is a pleasure to meet you. I have heard so much about you, Charlotte and Gabrielle from my brother it is as if I have known you all my life. If he was capable of the emotion I would say he loves you all.”

Maggie thought that remark was strange but answered politely, “We love him too Mikel.”

As Mikel sat on the sofa and crossed one long, denim clad leg over the other she asked, “What do you do in Bucharest?”

“I am the head of Romanian operations for Pyre Enterprises. That is our family firm. This usually involves kissing up to bureaucrats and politicians, but I am quite good at it.” He laughed to himself before adding, “But most of the time it involves having long lunches and sleeping with the right women to get the permissions we need to operate.”

Maggie was intrigued, “Sleeping with the right women must be so tiring,” she said with a grin

“You would be surprised how many important posts in the government are held by women here Maggie. Some are not, how should I say……the prettiest. However, one has to do his bit for the company, so I shut my eyes and think of the money!” He laughed loudly and it echoed around the room.

Pulling out a pack of Dunhill cigarettes and a gold lighter he lit one without asking permission or offering one to Maggie. Maggie guessed that she had the green light to also indulge without incurring the Counts wrath, so lit up herself and stood studying Mikel as he sat silently smoking on the sofa, occasionally flicking the ash into the fire. Once he had finished, the but was flicked expertly into the hearth and he looked up at her as she stood watching him.

“I don`t suppose I could impose on you and use your shower? I left early this morning, and last night was a late meeting, so I had no time this morning and I must really stink.”

Maggie laughed and said, “No you don`t, but feel free. There is shower gel and shampoo in the shower, but if you need anything else just give me a shout.”

“Thank you Maggie, and I will call if I need you.”

With that he walked into the bathroom and closed the door. After a few seconds Maggie heard the shower running. She sat on the sofa and lit another cigarette. She was going to make the most of her free pass from the Count and sit and smoke comfortably rather than perched on the icy window sill.

Mikel apparently liked to shower as it was nearly twenty minutes before Maggie heard him turn off the water. Moments later the door opened to the bathroom, and he walked out in a cloud of steam. He was stark naked, and Maggie inhaled sharply as she drew comparisons to the Counts body that she knew so well. The physical structure was nearly identical, but Mikel`s body was completely devoid of hair. Even his pubic mound was clean shaven, and this explained the length of time he had taken in the shower. He wasn`t self-conscious about his nudity as he pulled a cigarette from his pack on the başakşehir escort sofa and lit it. He stood in front of the fire smoking as he turned to face her as she sat on the sofa.

Now Maggie saw the first noticeable difference from Mikel and his brother. His cock was at her eye level as she was sitting, and he was standing. Now the Count had an impressive dick, but this semi hard penis a few feet from her face was huge, not just in length, but also in girth. When hard it must be over nine inches she guessed, and so thick she would just about be able to encircle it with her hand, with just her fingertips touching.

Wrenching her eyes away from this massive member she glanced up at his face to see it covered in a broad grin, “You like what you see Maggie?” he said playfully, his eyes glinting with mirth. He took two steps towards her, his cock was literally a foot from her face as he said, “You can touch it if you want.”

Maggie reached out a hand tentatively and wrapped it around the thick shaft, that immediately started to grow in her hand. Stroking slowly she watched his face as he continued to smoke as his penis filled to its full size. Once he was fully hard Maggie dipped her head and ran her tongue around the huge bulbous head. As she opened her lips as wide as possible and took the head in her mouth he let out a small groan and threw his cigarette into the fire.

Maggie sucked on the head as one hand scratched the shaft lightly with her nails as the other hand cupped balls the size of a small bull`s. He seemed quite content to stand there as she sucked him, and Maggie was more than happy to oblige. With great care she fed more and more of this huge dick into her mouth. She had only taken less than half when she felt the tip rest at the beginning of her throat. The massive girth made deep throating him impossible, so Maggie gleefully bobbed up and down, whilst stimulating his balls, and the rest of the veiny pole she couldn`t get in her mouth, with her hands.

After two or three minutes his breathing became raggedy and then he grunted loudly, his hands wrapped in her hair as a gush of his semen filled her mouth, causing her to choke. Thin trails of his come escaped from both corners of her mouth, dripping onto her jumper.

Neither of them had spoken since he had offered her the chance to touch him, but now he said gently, “That was very nice Maggie, but now please lose the clothes as I desperately want to fuck you!”

Maggie stood slowly and pulled her jumper over her head. It must have been a genetic thing in the Counts family, because by the time the woollen garment had been thrown on the sofa and her hand reached the button fly of her jeans Mikel was already stiffening for round two.

Maggie sat on the sofa to remove her jeans and panties and watched Mikel grow to full hardness before her eyes.

Once her jeans and panties were off he moved quickly, picking her up and spinning her around so she was knelt on the sofa with her forearms resting on the back. Maggie felt two fingers intrude into her vagina, testing her arousal, then that huge head was at her entrance and pushing slowly between her labia. Maggie gasped as he entered her gently, with tenderness. The next seconds she felt herself being gloriously stretched and filled until he was completely interred. Like every caring lover he waited for her to relax as she accepted him within her, before starting to slowly slide in and out, a few inches at a time.

Maggie was gripping the back of the sofa now as he steadily increased the tempo and length of stroke. By the time he was using nearly his full length on every penetration Maggie had already climaxed once and was well on her way to the second. The pace had also increased as he slid easily in and out of her well lubricated tunnel. Just as she screamed her second orgasm to the empty room Mikel let out that same grunt that had preceded his first ejaculation, and Maggie felt his warm seed splatter against the walls of her vagina.

Maggie was slumped over the back of the sofa taking deep breaths as Mikel detached himself and Maggie heard the click of the lighter as he lit another cigarette. She could hardly breathe, let alone smoke as she hurried to the bathroom and used the bidet to wash away his sizeable deposit.

Walking back into the bedroom she saw he had lit a second cigarette and his cock was already beginning to swell once more. She grinned at him and said jokingly, “Easy Tiger. I need a break for a few minutes, now give me one of those.”

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