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Uncle John maintained his delicate grip on Danielle’s hand, wanting to appear cordial. He knew that if he jerked his hand away, Jeremy would sense that something was awry. Danielle glanced over at the cabin door, hoping that Marci would be able to lend some sort of support or distraction, but the doorframe was now vacated.

“Why don’t you come inside and meet everyone?” Jeremy asked.

“Uh, no, that’s OK. I didn’t come to invade spring break. I just wanted to check on you and see if you needed anything,” John replied.

“Uncle, come on. They’re staying at your place rent-free. At least let them thank you for it!”

“No, that’s not necessary, really. I’ll come back. A bunch of college kids alone in a cabin…I’m almost nervous about what I might see.”

Jeremy chuckled. “You don’t know how right you are. OK, well, I love you, unc. Hope I see you again before we head out.”

“Love you, too, nephew. I’ll see you soon.”

John jumped back into his sedan and headed down the gravel path to the main road.

“That’s weird,” Jeremy said. “He’s normally quite sociable.”

Danielle was relieved beyond words that he hadn’t opted to stay. “He looked a bit pale, maybe? Perhaps he wasn’t feeling well?”

“Yeah, I noticed that, too. I’ll shoot him a text later, make sure he’s OK.”

Inside the house, Marci, Andrea, Kevin and Brandon were lounging on the couches, but Marci looked noticeably concerned. She and Danielle made eye contact, and with an understanding nod they departed for Danielle’s room.

“What the fuck was that?” Marci asked. Danielle identified a whisper of worry in her tone, which was completely out of character. “Was that the shop owner from this morning? What the fuck was he doing here?”

“What? No,” Danielle answered, still wrapping her head around the situation. “Brace yourself, OK?”

Marci nodded anxiously.

“He’s…uh…Marci, he’s Brandon’s uncle. He’s the guy who owns this cabin.” She stated it flatly as if reciting the phonebook.

For a moment, there was total silence as Marci digested the information. Then, a chuckle. Merely a cough at first, but it slowly amplified. From a closed-mouth giggle to an open-mouthed cackle. It soon became a roar.

Marci’s laugh cajoled a brief smile from Danielle, but she still didn’t think it was funny.

“Marci, it’s not funny!” she scolded. “I mean, what the fuck!?”

“Babe, I mean, you have to admit it’s a little funny.”

“If it happens in a movie, it’s funny. If it happens to me in real life, not so much.”

“OK, come here,” Marci said, pulling Danielle to the bed and embracing her in a comforting hug. They laid back against the pillows as Marci continued.

“What’s the big deal, really? It’s not incest or anything…it certainly wasn’t intentional…you didn’t do anything wrong. Even if you’d had known he was Jeremy’s uncle, it wouldn’t have been anything more than taboo…what’s the big deal?”

“It’s not that, Marci. I mean, it was embarrassing when the three of us were out there, only Jeremy being left out of the loop. But that’s not why I’m upset.”

“What is it then, babe,” Marci said, stroking Danielle’s hair like a mother calming her child.

“It’s…I don’t know, it sounds ridiculous…but…and it’s probably just because of my ridiculous fantasies…but…I don’t know, I guess I thought Jeremy and I really made a connection up there on the mountain. It felt special, like I’d always imagined. I thought maybe that was the first night of what could be a lasting relationship.”

Marci sighed. “Oh, babe…listen. You don’t want to settle down with someone like Jeremy. He’s an amazing guy, really. I love him in at least one sense of the word. But he’s not relationship material. You use him for his fucking skills and settle down after college with one of your bookwork types.”

“That’s not fair, Marci. You don’t know the way he was talking to me up there…the things he said.”

Marci paused, debating the best path forward. She didn’t want to ruin Danielle’s week, nor did she want to get her hopes up.

“Let me guess,” she said. “Did he say something about how all the other guys think he’s a big softie?”

Danielle flinched, quickly identifying that she might not be the first girl he’d used that line on.


“Did he say something about how the best part of sex is the anticipation?”

Danielle’s heart sank. “Yes.”

“Listen, D, you’re not the first girl he’s used that line on. But I don’t want you to think less of him because of it. I believe that he truly believes those things he says. He does think his friends think he’s a softie. And his favorite part of sex is the emotional part. But he’s also amazing at the physical, which is why he’s so much fun to be with. It’s also why he’s been with so many girls.”

Danielle remained silent while she processed, so Marci continued.

“That’s why you don’t want to end up with someone like Jeremy. He’s been with so many girls, experienced so much already, you’ll spend the rest of your life wondering taksim escort if you measure up to his memories. You have your fun in college, and then you find yourself a smart, respectful man who worships the ground you walk upon. Someone who’s grateful just to hold your hand. Someone smart who makes a ton of money and lavishes you with gifts.”

Danielle cracked a smile, and Marci could tell she was getting through.

“And when he goes off to work, leaving you in the mansion all by yourself, you hire a pool boy like Jeremy to fuck on the side.”

Danielle chuckled and shook her head as she punched Marci in the boob playfully.

“There she is,” Marci encouraged. “Speaking of nerdy guys, did your busboy text you back?”

“I don’t know, I left my phone here tonight,” Danielle said, reaching to the side table to retrieve it.

Opening her text messages, she saw several from Tim.

*hey, been thinking about you all day. Want to meet up later?*

Then, half an hour later: *are you waiting for me to send you a pic?*

An hour after that: *sorry if I did something to offend*

“Oh, he’s such a sweetheart…he’s like a foster puppy,” Marci said. “You could probably tell him to crawl up the driveway to kiss your feet and he’d do it. This is the kind of guy you marry someday, babe.”

“OK, noted,” Danielle rolled her eyes. “But how am I supposed to reply to this?”

“How do you want to reply to it?”

“Well,” Danielle said, unsure herself. “I don’t want him to feel bad. He seems like a nice guy.”

“So tell him that…and then let’s reward him with another pic.”

Danielle bit her lip as she considered what to say. She started typing, with Marci looking over her shoulder.

*Hey, sorry I didn’t reply earlier.*

“No!” Marci said. “Don’t apologize. You were off having mind-blowing sex. Don’t be sorry about that.”

Danielle laughed and started over.

*Hey, I just stepped away from my phone for a bit. Don’t think I can meet up later tonight. Maybe a raincheck?*

Within a few seconds, they saw the three dots indicating that he was replying.

*that sounds good. Let me know what works for you.*

“OK, now let’s send him a pic,” Marci said. She pulled Danielle off the bed. “Step out of your dress,” she said.

Danielle let the dress slip from her shoulders and pool at her feet.

“Stand at the mirror and turn around,” Marci directed. “Perfect. Now, turn your face towards the mirror, but block it with your phone.”

Danielle stood, naked as the day she was born, as Marci positioned her. Her right leg was bent at the knee, that foot up on tippytoe. Her head was turned halfway towards the mirror, looking into her camera phone. It was beautifully composed, super sexy, and sufficiently hid her identity. She snapped the pic.

*a little something to get you through the night* she texted with the picture attached.

*holy shit! Thank you so much!* came the reply.

“One more,” Marci insisted.

She kept Danielle in the same position, but knelt in front of her so that her face was level with Danielle’s pussy. Then, reaching behind, she slightly pulled Danielle’s ass apart, exposing her anus to the mirror.

“Take that same one again,” she said.

Danielle found it harder to maintain balance with Marci pulling her apart, but she managed.

“Tell him ‘this is where I want you to put it when I see you again,'” she said.

Danielle dutifully transcribed Marci’s message.

“Fuck,” Danielle said, admiring the picture. “I do look kind of hot, don’t I?”

Marci, standing beside her once again, pinched her butt. “I’m glad you’re finally starting to see it!”


At breakfast the following morning, the six friends discussed their plans for the day.

“We haven’t all been down to the lake together since day one,” said Brandon. “Doesn’t make sense to come to a cabin on a lake if we’re not going to enjoy the lake.”

The group generally agreed.

“That sounds perfect,” said Marci. “Just yesterday, Danielle found the perfect new bikini to wear.”

“I am not wearing that bikini,” Danielle protested. “Lest you want to get me arrested for public indecency.”

“I, for one, have no idea what bikini you’re talking about,” said Kevin. “But all in favor of Danielle wearing the publicly indecent bikini, raise your hand!”

It was the fastest any group of voters had ever achieved consensus. Danielle continued to protest.

“It’s not even a bikini!” she complained. “It would be easier to tie a pair of sneakers with them then to cover myself.”

Jeremy jumped in. “It sounds like you’re trying to convince us to change our mind, Danielle. But you’re only making us want to see it more.”

Marci, sensing Danielle’s palpable trepidation, offered a compromise. “How about this, D. You wear the bikini, but put your dress over top. You can wear that down to the lake. Then, real quick, you remove the dress and jump into the water. The guys will have to be quick if they want to see you in it, mecidiyeköy escort and any peeping neighbors will miss it entirely.”

Danielle felt like it was as good a deal as she was going to get, so she accepted.

“Fine,” she said. “But if that bitch of a neighbor raises hell, I’ll never forgive you.”

Even as she tried to put up a strong demeanor, she cracked a smile. The idea of being so exposed in front of everyone had become a very real turn on. She went to her room to get changed, and Marci dropped off the shopping bag before heading off to her own room.

Removing the bikini, Danielle was surprised to find it even more scant than she remembered. She scooped it up and let it hang from her fingers. It dropped like wet spaghetti, looking more like a tangled ball of yarn than anything meant to be worn. Just holding it, she felt like she was playing Cat’s Cradle.

As she untangled it, she shook her head at the notion that it came with a price tag of $100. “Fuck that guy,” she said to herself at the audacity of the store own to charge so much for $2 worth of string. She worked it into place, manipulating the three tiny triangles to cover her pussy and nipples. Then, almost in shame at wearing it, she slipped her dress over her head before checking the mirror.

As she made her way down the hill to the lake, she felt incredibly self-conscious. The microscopic bikini made her ass feel bigger. She could feel every inch of each inner cheek rubbing against the other as she strode. Her tits were completely uncontained, swaying wildly with each haphazard step on the bumpy dirt trail. She was grateful for the dress, but knew that it would be a long visit to the lake.

The guys had carried more than the traditional beach gear to the lake. Beyond the beach chairs, towels and an umbrella, they also had some sort of blow-up contraption that Danielle couldn’t identify in it’s under-inflated mass. Kevin had a couple bottles of tequila, and Brandon was able to hoist a cooler full of beer all the way to the shoreline.

After setting up the chairs and laying out some towels, the group headed towards the water for their first dip. As with the first day, the guys were in board shorts while Andrea and Marci had wore skimpy bikinis. Not as skimpy as what Danielle had on, though. With the other five already in the water, Danielle waded in up to her knees, wanting to be as covered as possible before removing her dress.

“Come on, Danielle, let’s see what all the fuss is about,” Jeremy said. This prompted all eyes to turn towards her.

“Lose the dress. Lose the dress. Lose the dress,” the guys chanted as if it had been rehearsed.

Danielle took a deep breath, and even in that relatively modest gesture she felt the miniscule patches covering her nipples slip. She grabbed the hem of her skirt and began pulling it upwards, but stopped before she revealed the bikini. Taking one last look around, she assured herself that there were no strangers watching. With a final breath, she pulled the dress all the way over her head and threw it onto the sand.

“Holy shit,” she heard one of the guys say before she could turn back to them.

“You weren’t kidding, Marci. It’s perfect!”

Danielle wanted to jump into the water to cover herself, but she was worried she’d lose the entire bikini if she did. So she trudged through the water until she was waist high and then knelt, covering her up to the neck.

“Oh, don’t be shy!” Jeremy said as he wrapped an arm around her. “Yesterday we fucked in more than you’re wearing now.”

“Cute,” she replied. “But if you want a better view, you’re going to need to dive for it.”

She’d assumed that would be the end of it, but it had only encouraged him. With a grin, he immediately sank underwater.

“Wait! I…” was all she could get out before she felt his hands on her hips. She placed her hands on top of his, hoping to prevent him from trying to remove her bottoms. She felt exposed, with everyone watching her reaction for hints of what Jeremy was doing out of sight. She was frozen still, knowing that he was staring at her basically nude form, though she couldn’t know for sure exactly how good of a look he was getting. The water was pretty clear, but one’s vision is always slightly blurred underwater.

A few seconds later, he arose.

“Damn, there’s like nothing there at all!” he exclaimed. “Of course, we’ve all already see you buck-ass naked, so there’s no need for you to be shy about it.”

“Oh, really?” she asked. “Do you want to try it on?”

“Are you saying I’ll wear that and you will wear my shorts and nothing else? I’d consider that, actually,” he joked.

“Yeah, I bet you would.”

The group idled in the lake for a while, chatting and generally enjoying the outdoors. When the conversation started to run dry, Jeremy went back to their basecamp and started inflating the thing Danielle hadn’t been able to identify. Even after he blew it up, she wasn’t entirely sure what it was. It appeared to be triangle-shaped, avcılar escort about the size of a billiard rack. Jeremy tucked it under his arm, grabbed a bottle of tequila and six Solo cups, and rejoined his friends in the lake.

Once he started setting it up, Danielle quickly understood. It was beer pong, but in a lake. With tequila. While basically nude. And why wouldn’t they do tequila shots at 11am? They were young and virile, having never known a hangover from which they couldn’t recover. It was the Friday of spring break. They were alone in the middle of nowhere, enjoying each other and a well-deserved break from their studies and athletics routine. They’d earned this, Danielle rationalized.

“Basically the same rules as beer pong, except there’s only group of cups to aim for. We’ll put it in the middle of us, and if we make a shot, the next person has to take a shot.”

“Fun!” exclaimed Marci.

Jeremy set the floating target and the six friends positioned themselves around it, with Danielle between Kevin and Brandon, and Jeremy flanked by Andrea and Marci. Danielle, who’d spent most of the time treading water, now realized that she was too tired to keep herself afloat and throw a ping pong ball with any accuracy. So she intentionally placed herself at a depth of about four feet so she could brace herself. Standing there, she realized that her chest was at water level and her barely-clad nipples were in-and-out of view depending on the lapping current.

Jeremy handed the ball to Andrea, who shot first and missed. Jeremy made his, meaning that Marci had to take a shot, which she accomplished as if it were the purest drinking water. But her drinking ability was not matched by her aim. Her shot missed the floating triangle entirely.

Brandon retrieved the ball and sunk his shot with ease. As he retrieved it, he handed the glass to Danielle, who quickly downed her tequila. By now, Danielle had consumed enough tequila to be used to the burn, and the notion that she could freely drink this early in the day was actually quite liberating.

Because of her solid footing, Danielle took a more composed shot than either Andrea or Marci, and became the first girl to make a guy do a shot. She handed the cup to Kevin, who, like Marci, gulped it down with shockingly little effort. Jeremy refilled the three empty cups so there were six targets once again.

It was too easy for Kevin, who hit the front cup, resulting in Andrea downing her first shot of the morning. The group continued working their way around the circle, the girls taking more shots than the boys, but everyone achieving at least a modest level of tipsiness within fifteen minutes. Danielle noticed that as they routinely made their way to the triangle to retrieve the ball, the circle started to get a little tighter. There was no discussion about it. It happened organically, wordlessly, and Danielle soon felt both Kevin and Brandon grazing against her from time to time.

The more she consumed, the more erratic her attempts became. After missing wildly, Kevin offered to help her the following round.

“Here,” he said. “Stabilize yourself against me.” As he said it, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her up onto his bent knee. She could feel her pussy resting on his leg, stimulated by the thin strand of bikini that had nestled there. Against her thigh, she could feel his erection straining against his board shorts. She hiccupped, unintentionally announcing how inebriated she had become. Reflexively, she draped her left arm around his broad shoulder and steadied herself. Closing her left eye, she aimed intently with her right, lining up her shot. She hiccupped again.

“Be gentle with it,” Kevin said. “High arc.”

With as much effort as she could muster, Danielle let fly, and the ball landed smack dab in the middle cup in the back row.

“Nice!” Kevin exclaimed. “I was getting thirsty after all your misses.”

“Hahaha,” she laughed sarcastically, hiccupping yet again.

“We might have to cut Danielle off soon,” said Jeremy jokingly.

“OK, dad,” she replied. “Line ’em up again.” She was starting to slur her words a bit.

The next time around, Brandon offered his assistance. He pulled Danielle tight against him, with her back against his chest. Wrapping his left arm around her waist, he pulled her into a standing position so that most of her torso was out of the water. In her hazy mental state, Danielle forgot how exposed she was, and concentrated her efforts on making this shot.

It wasn’t easy. Not only was Brandon incredibly fun to lean against, but she could feel his shaft nestling snuggly against her ass. She gave her hips a wiggle, reveling in the sensation of his hardness against her soft flesh. Brandon could tell she was into it, but continued to feign as if he were only trying to help her. He pulled her right hand into the air, helping her identify the perfect launch angle for her shot.

She was an absolute vision. Her heaving chest was slick with water and glistening in the sunlight. Brandon’s arm beneath her breasts ensured that everyone got a great view. Her arm, elevated above her head, helped accentuate her curves and added an element of grace to her figure. She looked pristine, except for the eyes, which betrayed a sense of fogginess.

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